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        OWL DL을 사용한 GPM 핵심 모델의 구현

        최지웅(Ji-Woong Choi),박호병(Ho-Byung Park),김형진(Hyung-Jean Kim),김명호(Myung-Ho Kim) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2010 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.15 No.1

        GPM(Generic Product Model)은 원자력 플랜트의 라이프 사이클 데이터를 통합, 공유하기 위하여 일본의 Hitachi에서 개발한 공통 데이터 모델이다. GPM은 추상 모델 성격의 GPM 핵심 모델과 핵심 모델의 기술을 위한 구현 언어 그리고 구현 언어로 작성된 참조 라이브러리로 구성되어 있다. GPM 핵심 모델은 객체들 사이의 의미가 부여된 관계 정의를 통하여 객체 의미 관계 네트워크 모델을 구성할 수 있는 특성이 있다. 초기의 GPM은 GPM 핵심 모델의 특성을 반영한 신택스의 GPML이라는 구현 언어를 개발하여 제공하였으나 원자력 플랜트 라이프 사이클동안 다양한 목적으로 GPM 데이터 모델에 접근하는 이기종 애플리케이션들과의 상호운용성을 위하여 XML을 기반으로 하는 GPM-XML로 교체되었다. 그러나 현재 GPM-XML을 사용하여 구축한 GPM 데이터 모델이 객체 의미 관계 네트워크 모델로서 활용되기 위한 GPM-XML 기반의 연구가 미비한 상태이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 객체 의미 관계 네트워크와 유사한 성격의 온톨로지를 기술할 수 있으며 이를 지원하는 기술 표준 및 도구들이 이미 활용 가능한 수준에 있는 OWL을 GPM 핵심 모델을 위한 구현 언어로서 제안한다. OWL은 XML 기반의 RDF/XML 형식으로 기술될 수 있으므로 상호운용성 또한 보장받을 수 있다. 본 논문은 OWL의 세 가지 하위 언어 사양 중 추론기능을 완벽히 제공받을 수 있는 가운데 문법적 제약이 가장 덜 엄격한 OWL DL을 사용한다. 본 논문은 OWL DL을 GPM 핵심 모델의 구현 언어로서 사용하기 위하여 GPM과 OWL 두 모델 사이의 차이점을 도출한 후 이를 해소할 수 있는 방법을 제안하며 이 방법을 적용하여 GPML로 작성된 참조 라이브러리를 OWL DL 기반의 온톨로지로 변환하여 구축하는 방법을 기술한다. GPM(Generic Product Model) developed by Hitachi in Japan is a common data model to integrate and share life cycle data of nuclear power plants. GPM consists of GPM core model, an abstract model, implementation language for the model and reference library written in the language. GPM core model has a feature that it can construct a semantic network model consisting of relationships among objects. Initial GPM developed and provided GPML as an implementation language to support the feature of the core model, but afterwards the GPML was replaced by GPM-XML based on XML to achieve data interoperability with heterogeneous applications accessing a GPM data model. However, data models written in GPM-XML are insufficient to be used as a semantic network model for lack of studies which support GPM-XML and enable the models to be used as a semantic network model. This paper proposes OWL as the implementation language for GPM core model because OWL can describe ontologies similar to semantic network models and has an abundant supply of technical standards and supporting tools. Also, OWL which can be expressed in terms of RDF/XML based on XML guarantees data interoperability. This paper uses OWL DL, one of three sublanguages of OWL, because it can guarantee complete reasoning and the maximum expressiveness at the same time. The contents of this paper introduce the way how to overcome the difference between GPM and OWL DL, and, base on this way, describe how to convert the reference library written in GPML into ontologies based on OWL DL written in RDF/XML.

      • KCI등재

        비서 역량모델링

        홍성민(Hong, Sung Min),우세라(Woo, Se Ra),조현정(Cho, Hyun Jung) 한국비서학회 2017 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 기존 연구에서 검증된 ‘일반모델 덧씌우기’ 방법을 수정하여 활용하여 체계화된 비서 역량모델을 개발하는데 있다. 구체적인 연구목표로 첫째, 비서의 공통역량을 도출하고 둘째, 비서의 공통 역량 외에 유형별 전문비서(기업, 공공기관, 법률, 의료, 회계, 교회)로서 갖춰야 하는 역량을 추가로 제시하는데 있다. 본 연구를 수행하기 위해 진행된 절차는 첫째, 기존 문헌 연구를 통해 역량모델의 초안을 작성하였고 둘째, 현직 비서 5명을 대상으로 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통한 전문가 검토를 바탕으로 역량구조와 행동지표를 설계하였고, 마지막으로 해당 분야의 현직비서 13명에게 설문을 실시하여 최종적으로 검증된 역량 모델을 도출하였다. 그 결과 기초직무역량, 직무전문역량 2개의 역량군을 도출하였다. 구체적으로 기초직무역량 18개와, 직무전문역량으로 기업비서 3개, 공공기관 비서 6개, 법률비서 3개, 의료비서 3개, 회계비서 3개, 교회비서 2개의 역량을 제시하였다. 또한 각 역량은 행동기준평정척도법(BARS) 방법을 활용하여 성과를 측정할 수 있는 상, 중, 하 수준에 해당하는 구체적인 행동지표를 제시하였다. 연구 결과, 최종적으로 38개의 역량과 114개의 행동지표가 도출되었다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 기존 연구에서 검증된 방법을 차용하여 좀 더 체계화된 비서 역량모델을 제시하였다는 것에 의의가 있다. 연구결과로 제시된 비서 역량모델은 현재 조직의 비서 인적자원관리나 비서 교육 자료로 활용될 수 있으며, 향후 비서의 창의적인 역량을 개발하는데 사용할 수 있는 기초 자료가 될 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to develop a more systematic competency model to evaluate competency levels of secretaries by using the modified generic model overlay method of Dubois(1993). More specifically, the objectives of this study were: 1) deriving common competency of secretaries; 2) suggesting additional competencies that professional secretaries by type (public institutions, private enterprises, law, medical treatment, accounting, church) should have besides common competency of secretaries. Three procedures were carried out to perform this study. First, based on literature review, we drafted a competency framework and defined each competency cluster. Second, we conducted focus group interviews for five incumbent secretaries to present a more advanced competency framework and behavioral indicators. Finally, we conducted a survey for 13 incumbent secretaries to derive a final and verified competency model. As a result, two competency frameworks of fundamental competency and job specific competency were derived as upper units. In detail, we presented 18 fundamental competencies. As job specific competency, 3 competencies of corporate secretaries, 6 competencies of public agency secretaries, 3 competencies of legal secretaries, 3 competencies of medical secretaries, 2 competencies of church secretaries and 3 competencies of accounting secretaries were additionally presented. In addition, behavioral indicators were identified by three levels based on BARS(behaviorally-anchored rating scale). As a result of the findings, 38 competencies and 114 behavioral indicators were finally derived. This study is of significance in terms of presenting a more systematic secretary competency model by using the ‘generic model overlay’ method verified in previous studies. The specific secretary competency guideline, presented as the result of the study, can be used in companies. It can be used to recruit, deploy and evaluate secretaries in terms of human resource management. It can also be used as educational materials for developing the secretary"s creative competency in the future. Each secretary can use the competency guidelines presented in the study to measure and develop their competencies.

      • 모델 기반 차량 전장 시스템 개발 프로세스에 관한 연구

        이광열(Kwangyeol Lee),홍성준(Soungjoon Hong),오승호(Sungho Oh),이우택(Wootaik Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Model Based Development Process (MBDP) is popular between automotive electronic industries and automotive company recently. Customer demands have increased and convenience function is more and more complicated in the automotive body system. Model Based Development Process has a merit which can reduce a development period and enhance the reusability of software. This paper describes the DPI Model Based Development Process (DPI-MBDP). It is intended to give a DPI process of developing ECU and system software. Model-based development, in which a simulation model (e.g., Statemate model) is used to finalize software specifications, is used during specification design (prototyping) prior to verification. Rather than immediately verifying the prototype software on actual equipment, an environment (model) is first created in which the actual control of an ECUs can be simulated and verification of the virtual operation performed. In this way, logical mistakes in the specifications, mistakes in micro controller control register configuration and other design errors can be detected in advance, without having to use actual equipment. Moreover, since exception-handling routines can be verified in advance, the burden faced during verification of actual equipment can be reduced and software development performed more efficiently. This process and methodology is applied to a development of a driver memory seat controller as an example.

      • KCI등재

        오차 계산 방식에 따른 사료용 벼 품종의 품종모수 추정치 불확도 비교

        조영상,현신우,김광수 한국농림기상학회 2023 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        작물 모형은 작물의 유전적 특성을 나타내는 품종모수를 요구하며, 품종모수는 작물의 개별 품종별로 추정되어야 한다. 품종모수의 추정에는 고품질의 많은 생육 자료가 요구되지만, 자료의 생산에 상당한 비용이 필요하다. 비교적 낮은 품질의 가용성이 높은 자료를 활용하는 대신, 대량의 랜덤 모수를 생성하고 이를 평가하여 품종모수를 추정할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 SIMPLE 작물 모델의 불확도를 최소화하기 위해 품종모수 추정 방식을 비교하고, 두 앙상블 방식과 대한 비교를 하였다. 모수 추정을 위한 Metropolis-Hastings (MH) 알고리즘에 대한 목적함수로 로그 가능도(log-likelihood: LL)와 generic composite similarity measure (GCSM)를 사용하였다. 또한 품종모수의 평균값을 사용한 예측(Epm)과 개별 모수들로부터 얻어진 추정값의 평균값(Eem)의 일치도를 분석하여 앙상블 방식에 따른 불확도 변화를 파악하였다. 국내에서 재배되는 사료용 벼 품종인 조우 벼와 영우 벼를 대상으로 품종모수를 추정하였다. 2013년, 2014년, 2016년에 대한 수원, 전주, 나주, 익산에 위치한 실험포장에서 얻은 수량 관측 자료를 사용하였다. 또한 2016년부터 2018년까지 수원에서 보고된 별도의 수량 관측 자료를 사용하였다. 목적함수에 따라 추정된 품종모수의 분포에 차이가 있었다. LL을 통해 얻은 품종모수는 GCSM으로 얻은 품종모수보다 좁은 범위에 분포하였다. 두 가지 앙상블 접근법은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않음을 확인하였다. GCSM의 상대적으로 높은 불확도는 수용확률을 조정하여 낮출 수 있다고 사료되고, Epm의 결과는 기존과 다른 앙상블 방식을 통해 적은 연산을 통해 불확도를 낮출 수 있음을 보인다. Crop models have been used to predict yield under diverse environmental and cultivation conditions, which can be used to support decisions on the management of forage crop. Cultivar parameters are one of required inputs to crop models in order to represent genetic properties for a given forage cultivar. The objectives of this study were to compare calibration and ensemble approaches in order to minimize the uncertainty of crop yield estimates using the SIMPLE crop model. Cultivar parameters were calibrated using Log-likelihood (LL) and Generic Composite Similarity Measure (GCSM) as an objective function for Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm. In total, 20 sets of cultivar parameters were generated for each method. Two types of ensemble approach. First type of ensemble approach was the average of model outputs (Eem), using individual parameters. The second ensemble approach was model output (Epm) of cultivar parameter obtained by averaging given 20 sets of parameters. Comparison was done for each cultivar and for each error calculation methods. ‘Jowoo’ and ‘Yeongwoo’, which are forage rice cultivars used in Korea, were subject to the parameter calibration. Yield data were obtained from experiment fields at Suwon, Jeonju, Naju and Iksan. Data for 2013, 2014 and 2016 were used for parameter calibration. For validation, yield data reported from 2016 to 2018 at Suwon was used. Initial calibration indicated that genetic coefficients obtained by LL were distributed in a narrower range than coefficients obtained by GCSM. A two-sample t-test was performed to compare between different methods of ensemble approaches and no significant difference was found between them. Uncertainty of GCSM can be neutralized by adjusting the acceptance probability. The other ensemble method (Epm) indicates that the uncertainty can be reduced with less computation using ensemble approach.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Investigating the feasibility of generic scoring models of e-rater for TOEFL iBT independent writing tasks

        이용원 팬코리아영어교육학회 2016 영어교육연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The current study reports the findings from Phase 2 of a larger research study undertaken toinvestigate the feasibility of using generic scoring models for e-rater in the context of scoringessays for independent writing tasks for TOEFL CBT and TOEFL iBT. In Phase 1, sixdifferent variants of generic and hybrid scoring models of e-rater were created based ontransformed writing data from three different samples of TOEFL CBT prompts (n1=20, n2=20,n3= 40) with the help of ETS (Educational Testing Service) staff and then evaluated on aseparate sample of seven TOEFL CBT prompts (Lee, 2016). In the present investigation, thesesix generic/hybrid models were used, along with prompt-specific models, to score a total of3,126 essays written for two TOEFL iBT independent writing tasks from a field study and theirperformance was evaluated. Results of the analysis showed that (a) there were relatively smallscore variations among different automated scoring models and (b) similar levels of scoreagreement were achieved between the human-human rater pair and various human-automatedrater pairs, although the prompt-specific model behaved most similarly to the human raters. Interms of criterion-related validity of scores, the human rater scores turned out to be somewhatbetter indicators of test-takers’ overall ESL (English as a Second Language) languageproficiency than the automated scores in general. Nevertheless, the comparative advantage invalidity of human rater scores (over automated scores) seemed to diminish significantly, whenmore direct writing measures, such as scores for TOEFL CBT independent writing tasks, wereused as criterion measures.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Biosphere Assessment Modeling Strategy for Deep Geological Disposal in Generic Site of the Korean Peninsula

        김도현,이원탁,김동기,김종현,박주완 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        As part of the safety case development for generic disposal sites in Korea, it is necessary to develop generic assessment models using various geosphere–biosphere interfaces (GBIs) and potentially exposed groups (PEGs) that reflect the natural environmental characteristics and the lifestyles of people in Korea. In this study, a unique modeling strategy was developed to systematically construct and select Korean generic biosphere assessment models. The strategy includes three process steps (combination, screening, and experts’ scoring) for the biosphere system conditions. First, various conditions, such as climate, topography, GBIs, and PEGs, were combined in the biosphere system. Second, the combined calculation cases were configured into interrelation matrices to screen out some calculation cases that were highly unlikely or less significant in terms of the exposure dose. Finally, the selected calculation cases were prioritized based on expert judgment by scoring the knowledge, probability, and importance. The results of this study can be implemented in the development of biosphere assessment models for Korean generic sites. It is believed that this systematic methodology for selecting the candidate calculation cases can contribute to increasing the confidence of future site-specific biosphere assessment models.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 공간에서 중국 기업들의 비즈니스 모델 차별성 연구: 본원적 사업전략에서 전략적 교환관계 극복을 중심으로

        최병헌 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2011 국제지역연구 Vol.20 No.4

        The number of internet users of China reached 457 million in 2010. China has already become the number one country in terms of the number of internet users in the world. It makes up 23.2% of world internet users. The Chinese online industry is also rapidly growing. Chinese online firms are making great strides. In this context, this study focused on the fact that local Chinese firms won the competition against multinational firms. How were they able to control China’s online space? Which factors contributed to the formation of successful and unique business models? What were characteristics were unique in their business models?These are questions this study tries to answer. This study concentrated on three Chinese online businesses: Baidu, TaoBao, and Tencent QQ. Currently, these three firms occupy the top positions in the areas of web search, C2C and B2C online transaction, and online messenger and portal site. First, this study addresses the management performance trends and the growth engines. Second, their business models are simplified into diagrams for easier analysis. Third, the three business model are compared and contrasted. Finally, it conducts a field survey to analyze the Chinese users’ satisfaction level and brand recognition of each firm. According to the survey results, Baidu, TaoBao, and Tencent QQ have all accomplished not only service differentiation but have also succeeded in reducing operational cost. They successfully overcame the trade-off between cost leadership and product differentiation inherently embedded in a generic business strategy. 중국에서 인터넷 사용자가 빠르게 늘어나고 있다. 중국의 인터넷 사용자는 2010년 4억 5,700만 명에 달했다. 중국은 이미 세계 인터넷 사용자의 23.2%를 점유, 단일 국가로는 가장 많은 인터넷 사용자를 보유한 나라가 되었다. 중국의 온라인 산업도 매우 빠르게 발전하고 있는데, 본 연구는 중국 기업들이 온라인 검색과 쇼핑, 인스턴트 메신저, 포털(portal), SNS 등에서 다국적기업들을 제치고 중국 온라인 산업의 대표 기업으로 성장한 점에 주목하였다. 특히 검색 부문의 바이두, 전자상거래의 타오바오, 메신저와 종합 포털의 텅쉰 QQ 세 기업이 중국 시장을 장악할 수 있었던 이유를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 세 기업의 성장과정과 경영추이를 분석하였고, 각 기업 사업 모델을 도식화하여 주요 특징과 차별화 요인을 도출하였다. 아울러 중국 현지 사용자들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시, 각 기업 서비스에 대한 만족도와 문헌조사를 바탕으로 차별화 요인을 평가하였다. 문헌조사와 설문조사 결과를 종합하면 바이두와 타오바오, 텅쉰은 온라인 공간에서 규모의 경제와 운영의 효율성을 통한 서비스 원가절감 및 현지화된 서비스 제공의 차별화를 동시에 추구하여 좋은 성과를 거두었다고 할 수 있다. 즉 저원가와 품질 차별화의 본원적 사업전략에 내재된 전략적 교환관계를 효과적으로 극복한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Model-based Dissolved Oxygen Control in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process

        유창규,이종민,이인범 한국화학공학회 2004 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.21 No.1

        The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration has been an important process parameter in the biological wastewater treatment process (WWTP). In this paper, we propose a nonlinear control scheme to maintain the dissolved oxygen level of an activated sludge system. Without any linearization or model reduction, it can directly incorporate the nonlinear DO process model with on-line estimation of the respiration rate (R) and the oxygen transfer rate (KLa). Simulation results show that it outperforms a control performance of the PID controller. Since it incorporates the process disturbance and nonlinearity in the controller design, the suggested method can efficiently deal with the operating condition changes that occur frequently in the wastewater treatment process.


        Nonlinear Model-based Dissolved Oxygen Control in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Process

        Yoo, Chang Kyoo,Lee, Jong-Min,Lee, In-Beum 한국화학공학회 2004 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.21 No.1

        The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration has been an important process parameter in the biological wastewater treatment process (WWTP). In this paper, we propose a nonlinear control scheme to maintain the dissolved oxygen level of an activated sludge system. Without any linearization or model reduction, it can directly incorporate the nonlinear DO process model with on-line estimation of the respiration rate (R) and the oxygen transfer rate (K_(L)a). Simulation results show that it outperforms a control performance of the PID controller. Since it incorporates the process disturbance and nonlinearity in the controller design, the suggested method can efficiently deal with the operating condition changes that occur frequently in the wastewater treatment process.

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