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        2007 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술․가정 교과서 “기술의 발달과 미래사회” 단원의 내용분석

        조병욱,이상봉 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2011 敎員敎育 Vol.27 No.1

        The goal of this study is to perform a content analysis on the chapter, "the Development of Technologies and Future Society", of middle school technology and home economics subject based on 2007 revised national curriculum. The study method for content analysis is, first, based on the objects and contents of each chapter in 2007 revised national curriculum, to extract common factors of each chapter in 12 different textbooks, set up the category to high, middle and low concepts and then, carry out a frequency analysis of the low concept under each middle concept. Second, for the intensity analysis of low concept under each middle concept , the study used Q-sorting methodology to give weights to each middle concept and then, analyze the intensity of low concept. The results from the study are as follows. First, the study observed followings from the frequency analysis on the chapter "the Development of Technologies and Future Society". The results from the frequency analysis on each chapter of 12 different textbooks appeared to be in order of b)understanding of traditional technologies(40.2%) > a)development of technologies and life(36.4%) > c)future technologies(23.2%). From the results of the frequency analysis on middle concepts of each chapter, 'a)development of technologies and life' appeared to be more frequent in following order of 4. development of technologies(788)> 5. influences of technologies(136) > 1. definition of technology(100) > 3. area of technologies(60) > 2. characteristics of technologies(46). 'b) understanding of traditional technologies' appeared to be more frequent in following order; 1. manufacturing technology(403) > 2. architectural technology(248) > 5. biotechnology(193) > 4. communication technology(190) > 3. transportation technology(170) > 6. experience of traditional technologies while 'c) future technologies' appeared to be in order of 1. promising technologies(488) > 2. changes in society(127) > 3. future direction and plans of development(103). Second, the results from the intensity analysis on the chapter "the Development of Technology and Future Society" are as follows. From the results of the intensity analysis on each chapter of 12 different textbooks, intensity of each chapter appeared to be greater in following order; b) understanding in traditional technologies(43%) > a) development of technologies and life(33%) > c) future technologies(24%). From the results of the intensity test on the middle concepts of each chapter, 'a)development of technologies and life' appeared to be more intense in order of 4. development of technologies(3940) > 1. definition of technology(909) > 5. influences of technologies(136) > 3. area of technologies(120) > 2. characteristics of technologies(92). '1. definition of technology' and '4. development of technologies' exhibited higher intensity than they are required to be while the others exhibited lower intensity. 'b) understanding in traditional technologies' appeared in order of 1. manufacturing technology(2418) > 2. architectural technology(1984) > 3. transportation technology(1190) > 4. communication technology(570) > 5. biotechnology(564) > 6. experience in traditional technologies(116). '2. architectural technology' and '3. transportation technology' appeared to be with higher intensity than are required while '1. manufacturing technology' exhibited suitable intensity for the required degree and the others appeared to be with lower intensity. The intensity of the chapter 'c) future technologies' were observed to be greater in order of 1. promising technologies(1952) > 3. future direction and plans of development(927) > 2. changes in society(899). '3. future direction and plans of development' showed higher intensity than it is required to be while '2. changes in society' could satisfy the required degree of intensity. '1. promising technology' was the only one with lower intensity than required. 본 연구의 목적은 2007개정교육과정에 의하여 중학교 기술․가정 교과 “기술의 발달과 미래사회”단원 내용분석(content analysis)을 하는 것이다. 내용분석을 위한 연구방법은 첫째, 2007개정교육과정의 중단원별 목표와 내용을 기반으로 하여 분석범주를 상위, 중위, 하위 개념으로 설정, 각 중위개념에 해당하는 하위개념의 빈도분석(frequency analysis)을 한다. 둘째, 각 중위개념에 해당하는 하위개념의 강도분석(intensity analysis)을 하기위해 Q분류척도방법을 이용하여 각 중위개념에 가중치를 부여하여 하위개념의 강도분석을 한다. 이와 같은 연구방법을 통한 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 빈도분석 결과이다. 12종 교과서의 중단원별 빈도분석 결과는 나)전통기술의 이해>가)기술의 발달과 생활>다)미래의 기술로 나타났다. 각 중단원별 중위개념의 빈도분석 결과는 ‘가)기술의 발달과 생활’은 4.기술의 발달>5.기술의 영향>1.기술의 정의>3.기술의 분야>2.기술의 특성의 순서로 나타났다.‘나)전통기술의 이해’는 1.제조기술>2.건설기술>5.생명기술>4.통신기술>3.수송기술>6.전통기술의 체험의 순서로 나타났으며, ‘다)미래의 기술’은 1.유망기술>2.사회변화>3.올바른 발전방향 및 대처방안의 순서로 나타났다. 둘째, 강도분석결과이다. 12종 교과서의 중단원별 강도분석결과는 나)전통 기술의 이해>가)기술의 발달과 생활>다)미래의 기술의 순서로 나타났다. 각 중단원별 중위개념의 강도분석 결과는 ‘가)기술의 발달과 생활’은 4.기술의 발달>1.기술의 정의>5.기술의 영향>3.기술의 분야>2.기술의 특성의 순으로 나타났다. '1.기술의 정의'와 '4.기술의 발달'은 요구되는 비율에 비해 높게 강도가 주어졌지만, 나머지 중위개념은 강도가 낮게 나타났다. ‘나)전통기술의 이해’는 1.제조기술>2.건설기술>3.수송기술>4.통신기술>5.생명기술>6.전통기술체험의 순서로 나타났다. '2.건설기술','3.수송기술'은 요구되는 비율에 비해 높게 강도가 주어졌고,'1.제조기술'은 요구되는 비율과 부합된 강도가 주어졌지만, 나머지 중위개념은 강도가 낮게 나타났다. ‘다)미래의 기술’은 1.유망기술>3.올바른 발전방향 및 대처방안>2.사회변화의 순으로 나타났다. ‘3.올바른 발전방향 및 대처방안’은 요구되는 비율에 비해 강도가 높게 나타났으며, ‘2.사회변화’는 요구되는 비율에 비해 부합되게 강도가 나타났지만, ‘1.유망기술’만이 요구되는 비율에 비해 강도가 낮게 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        미래유망기술에 대한 한국과 중국의 인식 비교

        박순창 ( Soon Chang Park ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2012 유라시아연구 Vol.9 No.3

        People dream about achieving success in the future and wonder what the future society will be like, but it is not easy to predict the future of societies. One of the major ways to forsee the future society is to examine the images people who live today have in mind about the future. Technology, in particular, would be one of the important factors to impact human history and its development; therefore, collecting images that people have about future emerging technologies can be helpful in grasping what the future society would be like. In order to predict what technology would emerge and become predominant, opinions of the public are important as well as those of experts. It is probably because if technology is not accepted and applied by the public, the technology would not prosper. In order to investigate the awareness of the public about future emerging technologies, this study has been performed in two stages. The first stage is where future emerging technologies are selected and summarized through the data of related organizations and experts from many countries around the world. In the process, 24 technologies in 8 sectors were extracted. In order to identify the awareness of the public, university students in business schools in Korea and China were selected. Through these students, expectations about future emerging technologies were measured and compared in terms of technical feasibility, economic feasibility, and contribution to quality of human life. As a result, technologies that there are significant differences between Korea and China in all 3 aspects are ① Graphene, ② Nano Robot for Surgery, ③ Hydrogen energy. It seems that graphene material shows high expected value due to the fact that graphene material is the material of semiconductor which Korea is the 1st maker in the world. Also, it is believed that the medical sector, which is bent in using nano robot technology, shows high expected value in a sense that Korea has advanced nano technology and medical technology as well as high interest in health due to the fact that Korea is now experiencing economic affluence and becoming an aging society. Lastly, there is high awareness on fuel cell because Korea has preserved excellent technology regarding fuel cell and has become highly interested in environmentally friendly technology via its use of hydrogen fuel cell. Technologies that there are not significant differences between them in any aspects are ① High Temperature Superconductivity, ② Cloning Animals/Organ Transplant, ③ Solar Energy, ④ Nuclear Energy, ⑤ Flying Car. For high-temperature superconductor, over four points in average in both Korea and China are shown from technological and economical aspects. Both countries show that high-temperature superconductor has sufficient technology feasibility and high economic feasibility. They also show relatively high awareness on the quality of human life with slightly less than four points. For animal cloning/organ transplantation technology, both countries show sufficient feasibility in technology and high level of awareness in economic feasibility and quality of human life. It is probably because Korea has advanced in animal cloning technology, although organ plantation to human body has not brought any specific result. For solar energy, both Korea and China have a high level of awareness in all 3 aspects. This shows possibility in technology and economical feasibility and contributes to human life. This can be interpreted that solar energy is expected to be among very important and necessary future technologies. Nuclear energy is recognized highly in only technological feasibility in both countries. Its technology is possible; however, its contribution to human life does not show a high score due to anxiety against leakage of radioactivity and explosion. Korea has now one of the top 5 nuclear power plants in the world and China has numerous new power plant construction plans. This implies that Korea and China consider nuclear energy as major source of energy from a national level. In spite of concerns against potential accident, a nuclear energy plant is necessary to fulfill power capacity demands. For flying cars, great perception in all 3 aspects is shown in both countries. Economic feasibility and human life show relatively high scores, whereas technical feasibility shows only an average level. In reality, despite its high price, a flying car is generally perceived as technically feasible and marketable, providing easy and convenient transportation and shortening traffic time while expanding space. It is foreseen to give benefit to human life. However, students in Korea and China do not have high expectations on flying cars. In particular, average level awareness in their technical feasibility could be a result of weakening motivation in terms of technological development. There are already previous technologies related to flying cars, and even more there exist commercialized products that bring about low level awareness in Korea and China. They may need to incite motivation and realistic awareness about this technology further. This study can contribute to society in a sense that it has selected representative future emerging technologies and compared awareness among the new generation of future leaders internationally. comparison results in Korea and China show students’ perception about future emerging technologies and help to predict the potential of future emerging technologies. Based on these results, adjustment and supplement can be made on the given subject as necessary. The limitation of this study is that only awareness of future emerging technologies is examined and subjects are limited only to the young generation living in Korea and China. Further study is needed to make comparisons at an international level and to extend specific technology with in-depth survey that is beyond simple recognition and awareness on various technologies.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터분석기반의 기술주도형 미래 국방무기체계 및 핵심기술 도출 방법연구

        강현규 ( Kang Hyunkyu ),박용준 ( Park Yongjun ),박재훈 ( Park Jaehun ) 한국품질경영학회 2018 품질경영학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        Purpose: Recent trends have shown that the usage of big data analysis is becoming the core of identifying promising future technologies and emerging technologies. Accordingly, applying these trends by analyzing defense related data in such sources as journals, articles, and news will provide crucial clues in predicting and identifying core future technologies that can be used to develop creative and unprecedented future weapon systems that could change the warfare. Methods: To identify technology fields that are closely related to the 4th industrial revolution and recent technology development trends, environmental analysis, text mining, and military applicability survey have been included in the process. After the identification of core technologies that are militarily applicable, future weapon systems based on these technologies as well as their operation concepts are suggested. Results: Through the study, 73 important trends, from which 11 mega trends are derived, are identified. These mega trends can be expressed by 13 promising technology fields. From these technology fields, 248 promising future technologies are identified. Afterwards, further assessment is performed, which leads to the selection of 63 core technologies from the pool. These are named as future defense technologies which then become the bases for 40 future weapons systems that the military can use. Conclusion: Predicting future technologies using text mining analysis have been attempted by various organizations across the globe, especially in the fields related to the 4th industrial revolution. However, the application of it in the field of defense industry is unprecedented. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that it not only enables the military personnel to see promising future technologies that can be utilized for future weapon system development, but helps one to predict the future defense technologies using the method introduced in the paper.

      • KCI등재

        특허 디자인 융복합을 통한 미래기술시각화

        한소영 한국기초조형학회 2015 기초조형학연구 Vol.16 No.3

        창조경제 시대에 특허와 디자인의 역할이 기술개발의 보조적 역할 또는 완료 단계의 권리화에 머무르던 것에서 R&D혁신의 핵심 요건으로 부상하게 되었다. 산업 간 융합의 중요성이 강조되고 있으나 미래 유망기술과 결합한 디자인의 새로운 개념이 미래를 예측하고 그에 대응하는 비즈니스 모델로 만들어지는 단계에는 이르지 못하고 있다. 최첨단 기술의 융복합이 가속화되면서 기계 중심적 기술에서 인간 중심적 기술로 전환하였고, 무형의 가치를 지식재산권(IP)의 형태로 창출하고 있다. 특허 중심의 IP-R&D는 선진기술을 추격하는 형태로 상표권, 디자인권, BM(비즈니스모델)특허 등을 확보하는 것으로 과거 지향적이라는 한계점을 가진다. 디자인이 과거 기계적 요소의 협조 관계에 있던 미적 가치 추구로 인식되던 것과 달리, 오늘날의 디자인은 지속적인 혁신을 위한 기업 가치를 창출하고 브랜드를 구축하는 핵심적이고 지속적인 혁신의 중심역할을 하고 있다. 현재의 디자인이 미래가치를 예측하여 시장을 선도하는 제품 및 서비스를 개발하는 주도적 역할을 하고 있어 특허 중심이 아닌 디자인 중심의 IP-R&D 프로세스를 필요로 하게 되었다. 기술의 성장속도와 미래가치를 예측하고, 시장의 니즈와 소비자의 라이프스타일을 간파하는 히트상품을 개발하는 디자인 중심의 IP-R&D는 미적 가치 추구를 넘어서 전략적 지재권 포트폴리오 구축을 목표로 한다. 이처럼 기술과 디자인의 한계를 넘어 새로운 가치를 창출하기 위하여, 특허 디자인 융복합과 미래유망기술 기반 미래기술시각화 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 인간의 창조적 지식, 정보, 기술을 지식재산권으로 권리화하고 디자인의 진화된 역할 활동으로 그것을 실현시킬 미래 비즈니스 모델의 형태로 제시하는 것을 기술시각화라고 정의하였다. 이를 통해 시장을 선점하고 미래를 선도함으로써 기업경쟁력은 물론 국가 R&D 고도화를 실현할 수 있다. The role of intellectual property and design until now in the creative economy era was to support development of technology and protecting rights on the finalizing stage and has emerged to be a core element in R&D innovation. Although industries are aware of the importance of convergence, it has not been able to reach the stage of combining it with potential future technologies to produce new designs that can predict future trends, and thus develop business models that can respond to those trends. As high-tech convergence accelerated, the basis of technology became human based instead of machinery, thus intangible value is being created in form of IP. Patent based IP-R&D pursues advanced technology, which limits the process to acquiring rights from those technologies. Unlike the past where design was simply a supplementary process of technology, in present days design plays a key role for continuous innovation and increasing the value of brands. Currently, design predicts future value to pioneer product and service development in the future market, thus instead of a patent-based, a design based IP-R&D process became necessary. Developing a strategic IP portfolio with a design based IP-R&D process that exceeds simple aesthetic value by predicting the growth of technology and value of the future is the aim of this research. In order to surpass the limits of design and technology and create new value, future technological visualization based of future potential technologies was to be proposed. This research refers to technological visualization as taking creative elements of people and utilizing them interactively to create future business models with the protection of IP. Through this process and resulting advantages in the future market, both industrial competitiveness and national value could significantly.

      • KCI등재

        기술집약도에 기초한 연구개발지출의 가치관련성 연구: 미래경제적효익 불확실성을 중심으로

        김형주,강호영 한국회계정보학회 2014 회계정보연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This study measured the uncertainty of future economic benefits of an individual company by time-series method to approach the examination of R&D expenditure value relevance based on technology intensity focusing on individual company characteristics. The measurement of technology intensity is based on OECD (2006). Therefore, the purpose of this study is learning the impact of individual company characteristics on the value relevance of R&D expenditure. Most of existing study literatures analyzed the value relevance and future earning variability of R&D expenditure without considering the characteristics of individual companies such as product, service and technology. It is possible to see that not-considering the individual company characteristics is measuring the average of sample companies. Therefore, this study is different from existing study literatures by analyzing the value relevance of R&D expenditure based on individual company characteristics. The result of this study based on individual company characteristics was that the value relevance of R&D expenditure is insignificant compared to the result of existing study literatures, which depended on cross-section analysis. The detail study results are as following. First, when technology intensity is higher, R&D expenditure has higher value relevance to the uncertainty of future economic benefits than tangible asset expenditure. Second, when both technology intensity and uncertainty of future economic benefits are higher, the uncertainty of future economic benefits of R&D expenditure increases. Third, when technology intensity is high and uncertainty of future economic benefits is low, R&D expenditure is in proportion to the value of the company. Fourth, when technology intensity is high and uncertainty of future economic benefits is low, the increase or decrease of R&D expenditure is in reverse proportion to the value of company. Like this, this study based on the characteristics of individual company such as product, service and technology could explain the value relevance of R&D expenditure more clearly. And the study result based on empirical analysis after measuring the uncertainty of future economic benefits of individual company by time-series analysis will contribute in the relief of vague anxiety on the R&D expenditure of a state and companies. The study result will also provide the decision-makers on R&D investment and in the establishment of R&D policy with practical implication. 기술집약도에 기초한 연구개발지출의 가치관련성 검증을 개별기업 특성 중심으로 접근하기 위해 개별기업의 미래경제적효익 불확실성을 시계열분석 방법으로 측정하고, 기술집약도의 측정은 OECD(2006)에 준거하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 이와 같은 개별기업 특성이 연구개발지출의 가치관련성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 확인하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구개발지출 가치관련성 선행연구에서는 개별기업의 특성(제품·용역·기술)을 고려하지 않았고, 미래이익변동성 연구에서도 개별기업의 특성을 고려하지 않은 채, 연구개발지출과 미래이익변동성을 분석하였다. 이처럼 개별기업의 특성을 고려하지 않은 것은 표본기업의 평균을 측정한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 개별기업의 특성에 기초하여 연구개발지출의 가치관련성을 분석하였으므로 차별화 하였다할 수 있겠다. 연구결과, 개별기업의 특성에 기초한 본 연구의 결과는 횡단면분석에 의존한 선행연구의 결과에 비해 연구개발지출의 가치관련성이 미미하였으며, 세부 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기술집약도가 높으면 연구개발지출이 유형자산지출보다 미래경제적효익 불확실성에 높은 관련성을 가진다. 둘째, 기술집약도가 높고 미래경제적효익 불확실성이 높을수록 연구개발지출의 미래경제적효익 불확실성은 커진다. 셋째, 기술집약도가 높고 미래경제적효익 불확실성이 낮을수록 연구개발지출은 기업가치에 비례한다. 넷째, 기술집약도가 높고 미래경제적효익 불확실성이 낮을수록 연구개발지출의 증감은 기업가치에 반비례하였다. 이처럼 개별기업의 특성(제품·용역·기술)에 기초한 본 연구는 개별기업의 특성을 고려하지 않은 연구에 비해 연구개발지출의 가치관련성을 보다 잘 설명할 수 있었다. 그리고 개별기업의 시계열분석으로 미래경제적효익 불확실성을 측정한 후 실증분석한 연구결과는 국가 및 기업의 연구개발지출에 막연한 불안감을 해소하는데 기여할 것이며, 연구개발정책수립이나, 연구개발투자 의사결정자들에게 실무적인 시사점을 제공할 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        과학지도 작성을 통한 미래기술 발굴 및 정부R&D의 동적 투자방향성 설정 연구

        양혜영 ( He Young Yang ),손석호 ( Suk Ho Son ),한민규 ( Min Kyu Han ),한종민 ( Jong Min Han ),임현 ( Hyun Yim ) 기술경영경제학회 2011 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.19 No.3

        정부는 과학기술이 실현할 긍정적 미래사회의 모습을 보여주고 장기적인 과학기술 발전의 가이드라인을 제시하기 위하여 「2040 과학기술 미래비전」을 수립하였다. 과학기술 미래비전은 글로벌 메가트렌드와 한국사회의 변화를 전망하고 이를 바탕으로 과학기술적 비전을 수립하였으며 비전달성을 위한 25대 미래핵심기술분야를 도출하였다. 이에 대한 후속작업으로, 과학기술 미래비전 구현을 위한 연구개발 전략이 수립되었다. 연구개발 전략은, 25대 미래핵심기술분야별로 특히 미래과학기술발전을 주도해나갈 미래주도기술을 선정하고 그에 대한 정부R&D 투자현황 분석과 향후 투자방향성으로 구성된다. 미래사회를 주도할 기술의 선제적 발굴과 그에 대한 정부의 전략적 정책설정은 기술선도국으로 도약하기 위한 필수조건이라고 할 수 있고, 이에 따라 미래기술 발굴 노력이 확대되고 있다. 기존의 미래기술 발굴에는 전문가들의 패널토론이나 전문가평가를 통한 포트폴리오분석 등 정성적 방법론을 활용하였다. 그러나 일부 전문가에게 의존해야 하는 정성적 방법론은 객관성의 부족 등 한계가 존재한다. 따라서 이러한 한계점을 보완하기 위한 정량적 방법론이 시도되고 있는데, 본 연구에서는 논문서지자료를 분석하여 과학지도를 작성하는 방법을 활용한 미래기술 발굴방법을 제안한다. 또한 미래기술에 대한 정부R&D 정책은 일반적으로 기술이 실현될 때까지 정부지원방향을 단일하게 제시하는 경우가 대부분이다. 본 연구에서는 이를 중간시점과 기술실현시점 등 2단계로 구분하여 구간별로 정부R&D에 대한 투자포트포리오를 제시함으로써 전략적 측면을 강화할 수 있는 방안을 제안한다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 정책적 시사점을 확인할 수 있다. 첫째, 미래기술 발굴에 대한 정량적 방법론과 정성적 방법론의 결합 가능성을 통해 기존의 한계점을 보완할 수 있다. 둘째, 정부R&D의 투자방향성을 동적으로 제시하여 전략성을 제고하고 부처간 또는 연구수행 주체간 연계를 강화할 수 있다. 향후 본 연구의 결과가 「2040 과학기술 미래비전」의 구현을 위한 실천적 전략으로서 유용하게 적용되는 한편, 미래기술 발굴 및 정책설정의 방법론으로서 널리 활용되기를 기대한다. Korean government built 「2040 Science and Technology Future Vision」 in order to show positive future scenarios and suggest a long-term guideline for a progress in science and technology. The S&T Future Vision was built based on an analysis of global megatrends and a prospect of domestic social change. After building S&T Future Vision, the 「Government R&E Strategy」 was established as a follow-up action plan. The Government R&D Strategy consists of lists of future emerging technologies for future leadership, government R&D investment status and investment portfolio plans. Exploring future emerging technologies aggressively and making a governmental R&D strategic policy are requirements for national competitiveness, leadership in the world. Therefore search and selection for future emerging technologies is getting more and more important recently. Generally qualitative methodologies have been used such as expert-panel discussion method and portfolio analysis with expert valuation method in order to explore future technologies. These experts-based qualitative methodologies are well defined but lacking in some objectivity because size of expert-panels has limitations. We suggest a quantitative methodology, science mapping method to compensate this shortcoming in this study. There is another limitation related governmental R&D strategy which is that general R&D portfolios are static until a point of technology realization. We also propose a dynamic R&D investment portfolio which present different portfolios at a intermediate point and a point of technology realization. We expect this try with science mapping method and a dynamic R&D portfolio could strengthen strategic aspect of government R&D policy.

      • KCI등재

        창의적 상상력이 선행된 문화기술의 미래예측과 실현사례 연구

        두일철(Doo, IllChul) 한국문화산업학회 2012 문화산업연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Foreign global ICT companies, including Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, RIM, TAT, and NTT Docomo, have already been producing future-vision video and illustration clips for the past 30 years. Those clips possibly are the visualization of those companies" management direction of technological strategies and road maps for future development with the future prediction, as well as the external promotion of technological prowess. The future-vision video and illustration clips from the past almost accurately demonstrates that the technologies seen in the vision mostly correspond to the late or ongoing technical skills. And recent future clips provides ideas of the present-developing technologies being visualized and grafted to human life in the near future. NTT Docomo"s future-vision video clip which predicted the digital life of 2010 in the late 1990s seems astounding since the clip exactly reflects the present condition of these days from the era of the old mobile devices with 2G communication network system and Black-and-white LCD monitors. The feature of the violently-changing life to come has been prefiguratively appearing on the late future-vision video clips of IT companies such as MS(2019), TAT(2014), NTT(2020), and they are suggesting the lifestyle based on "Creativity", "Now", "Here", and "Instantly". The premise of the technology in new-media devices shows and emphasizes the importance of creative thinking and planning ability because of the easiness of physical realization nowadays. It means technologies are ready to go all the time, developing faster than human imagination, then creative planning and thinking will be the key factors in the approaching future without doubt. Such being the case, the clip "NTT Docomo Vision 2020 Culture Symphony" is outstanding illustration of oriental humanism with the convergence of technology and culture, on account of suitability in reflection of traditional oriental culture and companies" cultural point of view. Present papers divided two automatically and they analyzed a future-vision video and illustration clips. The first time paragraph the future forecast study equipping the system, from 19 end of a century which it starts life and culture imagined one technical advance in the center (1882~1981) in the object. This time the home electronics and the automobile, the dining room and the house, the city etc. life change prediction was becoming the object mainly. However, almost no domestic IT companies positively tries to produce and announce future-vision video clip officially. Actually it is highly advisable for these companies which have been dominating the worldwide market of next-generation display and mobile communication devices technologies to promote those companies" own technical strategies and to set up upcoming vision for reasons that future-vision video clips are immensely famous in the most popular website like Youtube, and could be the most proper method to uprear companies" status officially. Foreign global ICT companies, including Microsoft, Intel, Nokia, RIM, TAT, and NTT Docomo, have already been producing future-vision video and illustration clips for the past 30 years. Those clips possibly are the visualization of those companies" management direction of technological strategies and road maps for future development with the future prediction, as well as the external promotion of technological prowess. The future-vision video and illustration clips from the past almost accurately demonstrates that the technologies seen in the vision mostly correspond to the late or ongoing technical skills. And recent future clips provides ideas of the present-developing technologies being visualized and grafted to human life in the near future. NTT Docomo"s future-vision video clip which predicted the digital life of 2010 in the late 1990s seems astounding since the clip exactly reflects the present condition of these days from the era of the old mobile devices with 2G communication network system and Black-and-white LCD monitors. The feature of the violently-changing life to come has been prefiguratively appearing on the late future-vision video clips of IT companies such as MS(2019), TAT(2014), NTT(2020), and they are suggesting the lifestyle based on "Creativity", "Now", "Here", and "Instantly". The premise of the technology in new-media devices shows and emphasizes the importance of creative thinking and planning ability because of the easiness of physical realization nowadays. It means technologies are ready to go all the time, developing faster than human imagination, then creative planning and thinking will be the key factors in the approaching future without doubt. Such being the case, the clip "NTT Docomo Vision 2020 Culture Symphony" is outstanding illustration of oriental humanism with the convergence of technology and culture, on account of suitability in reflection of traditional oriental culture and companies" cultural point of view. Present papers divided two automatically and they analyzed a future-vision video and illustration clips. The first time paragraph the future forecast study equipping the system, from 19 end of a century which it starts life and culture imagined one technical advance in the center (1882~1981) in the object. This time the home electronics and the automobile, the dining room and the house, the city etc. life change prediction was becoming the object mainly. However, almost no domestic IT companies positively tries to produce and announce future-vision video clip officially. Actually it is highly advisable for these companies which have been dominating the worldwide market of next-generation display and mobile communication devices technologies to promote those companies" own technical strategies and to set up upcoming vision for reasons that future-vision video clips are immensely famous in the most popular website like Youtube, and could be the most proper method to uprear companies" status officially.

      • STEAM교육 개념으로 살펴보는 SF영화와 미래 첨단과학기술공학

        최정훈 ( Choi Jung-hoon ) 숙명여자대학교 교양교육연구소 2021 교양교육과 시민 Vol.4 No.-

        SF영화는 미래 첨단과학기술공학에 대한 많은 상상력을 제공하여준다. 그리고 SF영화에 나온 많은 창의적인 기술이 현실화가 되는 경우가 많다. 영화 “쥬라기의 공원”에서의 공룡의 성대를 3D 프린팅하는 기술은, 그 때에 3D 프린터가 대중적으로 알려지지 않았을 때인데 SF영화에서 선보여서 충격을 주었던 기술이다. 최근 제작된 “차이니즈 조디악”이란 영화에서 3D스캔한 것을 무선 전송을 통한 3D 프린팅하는 기술은 가까운 미래의 첨단과학기술의 적용과 활용에 대한 많은 암시를 해주었다. 영화 “플러버”과 “스파이더맨”에서의 점탄성 기술이 적용되었고 이 기술에 대한 지식이 청소년들에게 많이 확산되기도 하였다. 특히 이것을 응용한 미래 4D 프린팅 기술로서의 영화 “아이언맨”에서의 손에 자동으로 조립되는 슈트 기술은, 우리에게 미래 첨단기술에 대한 창의적인 발상과 예측에 엄청난 영향을 주고 있다. 또 “터미네이터 2”에서의 리퀴드메탈이라는 소재로 자기치료기술 기초한 4D 프린팅 기술은 현재 다음 세대의 핵심기술로서 개발 중에 있는 것이다. 특히 SF영화에서의 시나리오나 제작과정에서의 많은 작업이 2011년부터 한국의 차세대 과학교육 시스템인 STEAM교육 개념과 관련된 요소들이 그대로 적용되고 있어서, 이런 SF영화를 통하여 미래 첨단과학기술 사회를 예측하여보고, 이를 통하여 청소년들의 미래진로탐색에 적극 활용될 수 있다. Sci-fi movies provide a lot of imagination for future advanced science and technology engineering. And many of the creative techniques in sci-fi movies are often realized. The technology of 3D printing the vocal cords of dinosaurs in the movie < Jurassic Park > was a technology that shocked the public when it was introduced in science fiction movies when 3D printers were not publicly known. The 3D printing technology through wireless transmission of 3D scans from the recently produced movie < Chinese Zodiac > gave a lot of hints about the application and utilization of advanced science and technology in the near future. The viscoelastic technology in the movies < Flubber > and < Spider-Man > was applied, and the knowledge of this technology was widely spread among young people. In particular, the suit technology that is automatically assembled by hand in the movie < Iron Man > as a future 4D printing technology that applied this technology has a tremendous impact on creative ideas and predictions about future advanced technologies. In addition, the 4D printing technology based on self-healing technology with a material called liquid metal in < Terminator 2 > is currently being developed as the core technology of the next generation. Since 2011, factors related to the concept of STEAM education, Korea’s next-generation science education system, could be to many of the scenarios and production processes in these sci-fi movies, therefore it can be actively used to explore the future career path of youth.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 기반 국방과학기술 미래유망기술 예측 연구

        이종웅 한국산학기술학회 2024 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.25 No.6

        최근 기술의 4차 산업혁명 시대의 기술 수명 주기가 단축되고 있고, 첨단 기술의 융·복합화가 가속화 되면서 민간 뿐만 아니라 국방분야에서도 지속적으로 변화하는 미래 전장환경에 민첩하게 대응하고, 기술적 우위를 확보하기 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 이러한 요구에 부응하기 위해 미래 첨단과학기술의 변화를 전망하여 향후 군 활용이 유망한 미래 신기술을 도출하고, 무기체계와 효과적으로 연계할 수 있는 방법론 개발 및 적용이 필요하나 신기술 개발 추세에 적합한 국방기술 예측 연구는 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 기술주도형(Technology-Push) 기술기획을 위하여 BERT 기법과 같은 빅데이터 분석 방법론을 활용한 미래기술 조사 방법론을 수립하여 군 활용이 유망한 미래 신기술 분야와 향후 첨단무기체계 개발을 위한 기술개발 방향을 제시한다. Recently, the technology life cycle in the fourth industrial revolution has been shortened, and the convergence/combination of advanced technologies has accelerated in the private and defense sectors. Efforts are being made to respond agilely to the ever-changing future battlefield environment and secure a technical advantage. The authors anticipate changes in advanced science and technology to derive future new technology areas promising for military use and develop a methodology that can effectively link with weapons systems. On the other hand, research on defense technology prediction suitable for the trend of new technology development is insufficient and must be addressed. This paper presents a methodology, such as the BERT technique, for future technology research based on big data analysis for technology-push planning. Future new technology fields with promising military use are presented.

      • KCI등재

        기술‧가정 교과 ‘미래기술’ 교육 분야의 기술교사 인식 분석을 통한 수업 준비 방안 모색

        김성일(Kim, SeongIl),김기선(Kim, KiSun) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.19

        본 연구의 목적은 기술‧가정 교과의 ‘미래기술’ 교육 분야의 기술교사들의 인식을 분석하여 교육의 질 향상을 위한 수업 준비 방안을 모색하고자 하는 것이다. 189명의 기술교사로부터 얻은 설문조사 데이터를 통계프로그램(SPSS)을 활용하여 변인 별로 분석하였다. 이를 종합한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미래기술 교육 내용의 ‘수업 필요성’ 항목의 평균은 높은 편(M=4.21)이지만, ‘수업 준비 상태’ 항목은 ‘보통(M=3.05)’수준이다. 중‧고등학교 12종 기술‧가정 교과서의 미래기술 교육 내용을 남녀교사가 같이 활용할 수 있는 적절한 ‘수업 방법’을 개발하고, 수업 준비가 부족한 교사들을 위하여 수업 자료의 공유가 필요하다. 둘째, 교사들은 ‘사물 인터넷’, ‘3D 프린터 및 모델링’은 ‘이론과 제작 실습’을 선호하고, ‘자율 주행차’는 ‘간단한 내용 소개와 동영상 시청’, ‘드론’ 은 ‘이론과 간단한 실습’을 선호한다. 따라서 기술 교육 유관기관에서는 교사들의 요구에 맞춘 교육 프로 그램을 제공해야 하며, 교사들은 ‘수업 방법’에 따라 학생들의 흥미를 높일 수 있는 자료를 개발해야 한다. 셋째, ‘수업 준비를 위한 교사들의 요구도’는 높은 편(M=4.43)이며, 학교 위치에 따라 유의미한 차이가 있다. 또한 교사들은 ‘수업 준비를 위한 어려운 점’으로 ‘실습재료 비용 부족’과 ‘실습 기자재 부족’ 등의 문제 해결을 원하고 있다. 설문조사 분석 결과, 기술교사들은 미래기술 각 분야의 수업 방법에 따른 적절한 교육 프로그램 마련 및 ‘자료 개발’, 실습 재료 , 실습 기자재 , ‘실습실’ 등의 지원방안을 모색하고 수업을 준비해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study are to search of lesson preparation method by recognition analysis of technology teachers in ‘future-technology’ parts education of Technology․ Home Economics. In order to investigate the recognition of the education of ‘future-technology’, we survey 189 technology teachers. The survey responses are analyzed by statistical program(SPSS ver. 20) according to sex, career, age and school location. The main results of this study are as follows: First, the respond average about the necessity of ‘future-technology’ education is high(M=4.21) and it is necessary to develop of male and female teachers can use together proper instructional methods according to the education contents of future-technology of Technology․Home Economics textbooks of middle and high schools and to share teaching contents for teachers lacking preparation. Second, the teachers prefer ‘theory and practice in ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘3D printer and modeling education and prefer ‘brief introduction and video watching in ‘self-driving car education and ‘theory and simple practice in ‘drone education. Therefore, technology education institutions have to develop education programs on teacher’s needs, and teachers have to develop instructional methods for increasing interest of student’s learning. Third, ‘needs of teachers for lesson preparation’ is high(M=4.43) and there is significant differences depending on the location of school. Teachers want to solve ‘lack of practice cost and of practical equipments’ problem in difficulties for the lesson. Therefore, the technology teachers should prepare ‘education programs’ and support methods such as lesson material , practice materials , and practice equipments according to the instructional methods of each ‘future-technology’ parts.

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