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      • KCI등재

        중증장애학생의 지역사회 통합과 생존을 위한 기능적 어휘 목록 개발

        권회연 ( Kweon Hoe-yeon ),전병운 ( Jeon Byung-un ) 한국특수아동학회 2017 특수아동교육연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop the functional list of survival words and phrases by the 100 special educators and practitioners on rehabilitation institute and parents for children with severe disabilities. The functional list of survival words covers everyday situation such as physical safety, traffic commands directions, electronic conducts directions, consumer words, filling out forms, and more. Method: At first, on the importance from the educational point, the words and phrases over the 3 point were selected among 200 initial list`s words including 50 words and 50 phrases from a survival vocabulary list by C. H. Polloway and E. A. Polloway. Second, 30 children on 1-3 grade at elementary school let the words of the list read by visual at a time and then asked the meaning of the words and phrases. Results: The parents, teachers and practitioners rated the degree of importance of each word and phrase with 5 liquart scale of scores in teaching daily living skills. The importance of each words and phrases was rated from 1(limited value) to 5(essential). The 109 words and phrases were selected when the mean score was over 3 score(valued). And then, 103 words and phrases among the 109 words and phrases were selected by the 30 elementary students. Finally, we selected 50 words and 50 phrases for the functional list of survival words. Conclusion: The result is that functional list of survival words and phrases for children with severe disabilities will be a useful instrument to measure the adaptive skills of the students with severe disabilities in the community environment. And the useful instructions should be invented to teach the functional words for the independent living of the students with severe disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        Prosodic Structure and Phrasing of Function Words in English

        Young-il Oh 한국영어학학회 2012 영어학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        This paper explores the possibilities of prosodifying function words in English. It is well known that function words can be manifested in their strong and weak forms as a function of accent and position in a sentence. It is also known that weak forms of function words, which are not phrase-final, have a clitic status in prosodic structure, while strong forms of function words in phrase-final position have the status of a prosodic word on their own (Inkelas and Zec 1993, Selkirk 1984, 1996). Thus, the prosodic phrasing of function words has been accounted for by the syntactic structural factor itself. However, given the results that strong forms of function words can be subdivided into phrase-final and accented types (Oh 2010), the prosodic phrasing of function words should be reconsidered with a syntactic and semantic approaches. Briefly reviewing various approaches to phrasing in prosodic phonology, this paper investigates an accent effect on the prosodic phrasing of function words and suggests a future experiment which can reveal how function words are prosodified with their adjacent words.

      • ("황제내경소문(黃帝內經素問)" 허사연구(虛詞硏究)

        이재선,황우준,이시형,금경수,Lee, Jae-Sun,Hwang, Woo-June,Lee, Si-Hyung,Keum, Kyeong-Su 대한한의정보학회 2008 大韓韓醫情報學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        The elementary idea of 'function-words' in Classical Chinese originates from Han dynasty. But because of the pictographic nature the methodology for 'content words' had been applied to the study on 'function words', ane the conditions had not changed until modern times. In grammar functions of the function-word syntactical, morphological in unit sentence were studied in this using the method of quantitative analysis for all the function-words appeared in ${\ll}$Hwang je nae gyung-Somun${\gg}$. In the previous studies about function word, many data were collected and analyzed diachronically. But those studies failed to examine function-words closed in connection with synchronic study. Besides, in the explain about relevant function-words also, the case which was made centering around exegetic explain was most. And in the case to explain the function-words have in unit sentence also, the explain only about some function-words is made, but the analysis about concrete function to have in syntactical system is being handled negligently. This study stands not only on the background df the traditional studies but also on the basis of the western grammar and linguistics, especially the descriptive grammar and linguistics, especially the descriptive grammar. ${\ll}$Hwang je nae gyung-Somun${\gg}$ is collect and recorded the mythology and special contents related to Daoism in the side of contents as what was written on the basis of the historical consciousness of individual in contents regardless of compilation system. The purpose of this study is to clarify how the role and function of fuction-words are being made in the composition of unit sentence which appeard in ${\ll}$Hwang je nae gyung-Somun${\gg}$ through synchronic grammar system.

      • KCI등재

        Phonetic Reduction of English Function Words in the Passage Reading by Korean EFL Learners

        Hyebae Yoo 한국영어학학회 2014 영어학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This paper investigates how Korean EFL learners, whose L1 does not reduce function words, reduce vowels in the production of English function words in comparison to native speakers of English. Specifically, the degree of reduction of function words was investigated in terms of their subclasses, that is stressed (strong) and unstressed (weak) function words in comparison to content words. To this end, 54 speakers (20 Korean male, 20 Korean female, 7 American male, and 7 American female) were recorded and measured in terms of acoustic features, F0, duration, and intensity in the reading of a passage with 11 sentences. The results revealed that both American and Korean speakers produce stressed function words that are significantly longer in duration than unstressed function words, supporting the argument for the existence of subclasses of function words. Korean female learners tend to overemphasize stressed function words, which results in an insignificant difference in duration between content words and stressed function words, while the reverse pertains in terms of intensity (i.e., stressed function words are greater in intensity than content words). Secondly, vowels in the unstressed function word class were reduced homogeneously by native speakers, but variably in the readings of Korean learners. Finally, modals were reduced more than finite auxiliaries by all the groups, which contradicts the stressability order between morphemes proposed by Anttila (2013). This study provides evidence for the subclass effect on stress realization by Korean EFL learners, as well as native speakers. The findings also have some teaching implications for EFL students.

      • 텍스트 구성에 대한 러시아어 어순의 제약성에 대한 연구

        김성완(Kim, Sung Wan) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2007 동유럽발칸학 Vol.9 No.2

        언어 연구에 있어서 어순의 문제는 항상 논란의 중심에 있다. 생성문법학자들과 어순의 유형론을 주장하는 학자들 간의 의견 대립도 어순의 문제에 대해서 통일된 이론이 없음을 간접적으로 증명하고 있는 것이다. 언어 기술에 있어서 텍스트를 언어단위로 인정한 텍스트 언어학의 등장으로 인하여 어순문제가 기능적 측면에서 다루어지게 되었는데, 프라그학파는 언어의 기능성을 강조하여 언어를 의사소통 층 위에서 연구하는 데 주도적인 역할을 하였다. 러시아어는 구조적으로 볼 때 형태의존도가 높은 언어로 분류되기에 문장 내에서의 어순이 상대적으로 자유롭다고 할 수 있다. 하지만 기능적 분절적 측면에서 보면 상당히 규칙적인 양상을 보인다. 러시아어 텍스트 구성에 있어서의 어순 결정 요인은 문법적 기능, 억양, 강조, 기능적 분절, 문맥 등이 있는데, 본 논문에서는 문법적 기능을 고려하지 않고 다른 요소들을 중심으로 분석을 시도한다. 어순과 기능적 분절의 문제는 많은 언어에서 문장을 구성하는 데에 있어서 아주 긴밀하게 관계되어져 있으며, 어순과 억양도 상호 간에 아주 밀접하게 연관되어져 있다. 어순은 한 문장을 가지고 파악할 수 있는 대상이 아니고 텍스트 구성의 층위에서 고찰해야 한다. 다시 말해서 문맥을 무시한 연구는 실제 발화상황을 고려하지 않는 결과를 초래함으로써 다양한 양상에서 일어나는 언어행위를 적절하게 연구할 수 없게 되는 것이다. 이러한 점을 고려한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 텍스트 구성에 있어서 러시아어 어순은 기능적 분절적 측면에 서 규칙적이며, 이 규칙을 벗어나는 경우는 다른 어순 결정 요인이 작용하기 때문이고, 이 경우에 문체적, 의미적 변화를 수반한다. 2. 화제는 생략되거나 문장의 앞에 위치하게 된다. 질문에서 이미 그 내용이 포함되어 있는 경우에는 생략이 더 자연스럽다. 3. 정보가 문두에 올 때는 반드시 억양의 이동이 수반된다. 4. 화제와 정보의 내부에서도 위치가 바뀔 수 있는데, 이러한 경우에 어순은 문맥에 직접적으로 의지한다. 러시아어의 어순이 자유롭다고 하나, 어순이 바뀐 문장은 의미의 첨가나 변화를 이미 내포하고 있는 것이다. 아무리 단순한 어순의 변화라고 할지라도 개인적인 발화 습관의 차이, 논리적 중요성의 변화, 발화 시의 상황 등이 고려된 것으로 봐야 하며, 어순의 변화가 내포하는 의미의 변화 정도가 다를 뿐이지 어순이 변화한 문장은 엄밀한 의미에서 보면 이미 다른 문장인 것이다. In linguistic study, the problem concerned to word order has been in the center of dispute. The antagonism between generative grammarians and other scholars insisting type theory of word order proves the fact that there is no consistent theory in the problem of word order. As the text linguistics that admits text as language unit in linguistic technology appears, the problem concerned to word order is dealt in functional aspect. Prague school has played a leading role in the study on language by the layer of communication. When it comes to structure, the word order of Russian language is very liberal in sentence because it is classified into the language depending on type much. However, it shows significantly regular aspect from functional or articulative aspect. Decisive factors in the text structure of Russian language are grammatical function, intonation, stress, functional articulation, context, etc. Among them, the study tries analysis based on other factors without considering its grammatical function. Word order and functional articulation are closely correlated in the structures of sentences of many languages. Moreover, word order and intonation are closely correlated. Word order can't be understood with one sentence. It should be considered on the layer of text structure. In other words, the study that does not consider context can't be applied to linguistic activity occurring in various aspects because it causes the result that does not consider utterance result. The results of the study considering these points are as follows. 1. In the text structure, Russian word order is regular from the aspect of functional articulation. If it escapes from the rule, it always accompanies meaning change. 2. Thema is omitted or located in the head of sentence. If the context is included in the question, the omittance is more natural. 3. If the rhema is located in the head of sentence, it always accompanies the change of intonation. 4. The change of word order depends on context. Although Russian word order is liberal, the sentence, whose word order is changed, already contains meaning addition or change. It should be understood that the change of word order depends on difference of individual utterance habit, difference of logical importance and situation of utterance. Strictly speaking, the sentence, whose word order is changed, is already distinct sentence although the degree of meaning change contained in the change of word order is different.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 '어미'의 품사론, 문장성분론

        한정한(Jeong Han Han) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.66 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the notions of word-class, unigram, word and grammatical relations of, so called, Korean sentence ending suffix eomi. The major argument of this paper is that Korean josa and eomi as in agglutinative language have distinctive syntactic properties from inflectional affixes in inflectional languages such as Turkish and Russian. Unlike inflectional affixes, josa, and eomi, the classical agglutinatemes, directly take part in syntactic processes, but inflectional affixes indirectly take part in syntactic processes by means of inflectional paradigms as an interpretation mechanism. Accordingly, to explain Korean grammar more properly, we need to redefine josa and eomi as one of word classes, word, and grammatical relations. To make it clearer, this paper tries to establish the notion of ‘functional word’, which define the concept of word in therms of function, not in terms of minimal free form, meaning, or uigram(i.e., phonological word). According to it, functional word is a class of part-of-speeches which is pre-classified in order to express the function of a certain grammatical relation. Here the word ‘function’ is used for the way a word operates in relation to words in the clause. In addition, I propose with two types of part-of-speeches, one of which is narrow notion of, and the other of which is broad notion of part-of-speeches; the former being the lexical counterpart name of functional word in syntax, the latter being the lexical classes (not word classes) that are classified in terms of their lexical properties such as phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic properties, etc. Finally, based on aforementioned definitions, I have provide with the diagram that show the list of Korean function words and related grammatical relations in (31).

      • KCI등재

        기능적 조음장애아동과 일반아동의 어중자음 연쇄조건에서 나타나는 어중종성 오류 특성 비교

        이란(Lee, Ran),이은주(Lee, Eunju) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.2

        This study investigated final consonant error characteristics at word-medial position in children with functional articulation disorder. Data was collected from 11 children with functional articulation and 11 normal children, ages 4 to 5. The speech samples were collected from a naming test. Seventy-five words with every possible bi-consonants matrix at the word-medial position were used. The results of this study were as follows : First, percentage of correct word-medial final consonants of functional articulation disorder was lower than normal children. Second, there were significant differences between two groups in omission, substitution and assimilation error. Children with functional articulation disorder showed a high frequency of omission and regressive assimilation error, especially alveolarization in regressive assimilation error most. However, normal children showed a high frequency of regressive assimilation error, especially bilabialization in regressive assimilation error most. Finally, the results of error analysis according to articulation manner, articulation place and phonation type of consonants of initial consonant at word-medial, both functional articulation disorder and normal children showed a high error rate in stop sound-stop sound condition. The error rate of final consonant at word-medial position was high when initial consonant at word-medial position was alveolar sound and alveopalatal sound. Futhermore, when initial sounds were fortis and aspirated sounds, more errors occurred than linis sound was initial sound. The results of this study provided practical error characteristics of final consonant at word-medial position in children with speech sound disorder.

      • KCI등재

        Shortening of Function Words in Thai

        박경은,장태엽 한국언어과학회 2022 언어과학 Vol.29 No.1

        This study aims to compare the duration of phonologically homophonous words in Thai that are used as a content word in one context, and as a function word in another. It is premature to assume that function words in Thai will be reduced as in other languages, considering that most function words in Thai have been originated from the homophonous content word through grammaticalization. Therefore, this study investigated whether the four most frequent Thai monosyllabic function words are produced with a shortened duration as compared to the corresponding content words. Sentence utterances including target words are produced by eight native Bangkok Thai speakers. Syllable rime duration of each word is measured and compared. Overall results show that the rime of function words is significantly shorter than that of content words. It is also confirmed that words located at the end of an utterance are remarkably lengthened regardless of the word type.

      • KCI등재

        Are Function Words Functioning Well? A Corpus-based Investigation of Function Words in Different Qualities of L2 English Argumentative Essays

        Hyeyoung Cho 한국응용언어학회 2014 응용 언어학 Vol.30 No.4

        Based on extensive studies of the value of function words in language use, this research examined the relationship between native like frequency of function words and L2 writing quality. Through a keyword analysis of Korean students" L2 English writing corpus, this study identified ten function words that showed a distinctive frequency in a learner corpus in comparison to a native speaker corpus. In particular, this study examined the use of function words, which showed native like frequency in advanced L2 writing, hinting at the potential of function words as indicators of overall writing quality. The findings of this study suggested that the use of first person pronouns (I, my), conjunctive adverbs (so, because, but, as), the proverb do, articles (the, a/an), and the preposition of showed native like frequency in more advanced L2 writing. Qualitative examination of the function words revealed that basic level writing showed a stronger degree of writer visibility and a higher dependency on a limited range of lexical devices to deliver causal and contrastive semantics. It is hoped that this study invites more academic and instructional attention to the use of function words in L2 writing pedagogy and provokes further investigation of L2 learners’ use of function words.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 영어 학습자의 기능어 for와 to의 음성실현에 대한 연구

        오영일 한국영어학학회 2013 영어학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper explores how English function words are phonetically realized in the production of Korean learners of English. In particular, it focuses on the principal phonetic characteristic of English function words, i.e., vowel reduction, and examines how Korean learners of English phonetically realize the function words for and to in relation to their position in a sentence (i.e., phrase-medial vs. phrase-final) and their accent status (i.e., accented vs. unaccented). A production experiment was conducted on 15 Korean university students. Each participant produced the two function words for and to depending on the following three conditions: i) unaccented phrase-medial, ii) unaccented phrase-final, and iii) accented phrase-medial. Five acoustic measurements (duration, F1, F2, intensity, and F0) were compared across the three conditions for each function word. Results revealed that there was no 3-way distinction for the function words for and to in the production of Korean learners of English and that no distinction was found in F2 for the function word for, in F0 for the function word to, and in F1 and intensity for both function words. Additionally, where there was a 2-way distinction (such as in duration, F2, and F0), the significant effect of accent was found only in duration for the function word for, but neither effect of position nor accent was observed for the function word to. These findings are discussed with their implications for English education.

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