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        메타프론티어 DEA를 이용한 국내 항만의 효율성 분석: 항만형 자유무역지역을 중심으로

        최정원,김창수,서영준 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 2022 아태경상저널 Vol.14 No.3

        Korea has designated Free Trade Zone in the port area to facilitate the import and export logistics industry and to create value-added activities. This study empirically examines the difference in the efficiency scores of ports with Free Trade Port Zone compared to non-Free Trade Port Zone. By applying the Meta-Frontier DEA methodology, this study evaluates the meta efficiency, group efficiency, and scale efficiency of five ports with a Free Trade Port Zone and six ports with a non-Free Trade Port Zone. By collecting the data from 2019 and 2020, the number of unloading workers, length of quay, container yard area are selected as input variables, while port throughput is chosen as an output variable. As for meta-efficiency, the average efficiency score of ports with Free Trade Port Zone was higher than non-Free Trade Port Zone ports. In addition, there was no technical gap between the meta-frontier and group frontier of Free Trade Port Zone ports. The average efficiency score in the group of ports with non-Free Trade Port Zone was high, but the average meta-efficiency was lower due to the relatively low technical gap. However, in BCC model, the average meta-efficiency score of ports with non-Free Trade Zone was higher than ports with Free Trade Zone. These results might be attributed to the difference in the cause of inefficiency between the two groups. Consequently, there is a need for policy improvement to enhance pure technology efficiency for ports with Free Trade Zone and to improve scale efficiency for ports with non-Free Trade Zone. Furthermore, it was found that the average efficiency score in 2020 was higher than in 2019. 우리나라는 주요 무역항의 배후단지에 항만형 자유무역지역 지정을 통해 항만 및 수출입 물류 산업의 원활화와 부가가치 창출 효과를 기대해왔다. 본 연구는 효율성의 관점에서, 자유무역지역 지정 항만과 그렇지 않은 항만의 효율성 간의 차이가 존재하는지 실증적으로 분석하였다. Meta-Frontier DEA 기법을 적용하여 국내 무역항 중 자유무역지역 무역항 5곳과 일반 무역항 6곳의 메타효율성, 그룹효율성, 기술격차비율을 비교하였다. 해당 항만들의 2019년과 2020년의 자료를 활용하여 항만 하역종사자 수, 안벽 길이, 야적장 넓이를 투입변수로, 항만 처리 물동량을 산출변수로 한 모형을 설정하였다. 분석 결과, CCR 모형에서는 메타효율성의 관점에서 자유무역지역 무역항의 평균 효율성 점수가 일반 무역항에 비해 약간 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 자유무역지역 무역항의 경우 메타프론티어와의 기술 격차가 없는 것으로 나타나며, 일반 무역항의 경우 그룹 내 평균 효율성은 높으나 기술 격차로 인한 평균 메타효율성은 비교적 낮게 도출되었다. 반면, BCC 모형에서는 일반 무역항 그룹의 전반적인 평균 효율성 점수가 높게 나타나 이러한 결과가 두 그룹의 비효율성 원인 차이에 기인하였음을 분석하였다. 자유무역지역의 항만들은 순수기술효율성을, 일반 무역항은 규모효율성을 높일 수 있는 방향으로의 정책적 개선이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 마지막으로 2020년의 평균 효율성 점수가 전반적으로 2019년보다 더 높은 것으로 도출되었다.

      • KCI등재


        구곤 ( Qu Kun ) 한국법정책학회 2014 법과 정책연구 Vol.14 No.3

        On the basis of elaborating the basic establishment situation about the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Its legal nature in narrow sense. This paper points out that Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is different from the previous reform and opening policies which are characterized by preferential treatment. Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone turned to create kinds of policies innovation. The paper will focus on construction and innovation of dispute settlement mechanism in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, feature of dispute settlement mechanism is geared to international standards as much as possible under the current judicial system. The paper analyzes the main factors affecting the dispute of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Its possible types of disputes, proposes that we should establish Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Multiple Dispute Resolution Mechanism, aims at coping with the sharp increase of all kinds of disputes happened in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, and reducing Its trial pressure. According to the situation of disputes since the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, this paper analyzes the requirement of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone about the dispute resolution mechanism. The paper draw a conclusion: Multiple dispute resolution mechanism in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone should be according to Its features towards to provide legal protection and legal services, this protection and services shall be constantly adjust and perfect with the development of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. The concrete frame of multiple dispute resolution mechanism in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone include court and the lawsuit procuratorate agencies procuratorial mechanism, commercial disputes arbitration system, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone commercial joint tribunal and Shanghai culture creative industry mechanism of intellectual property legal services platform mediation center system, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone industry association dispute resolution mechanism and multiple dispute resolution mechanism about supporting mechanism in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

      • A Comparative Study on Trade Facilitation Policies in Free Trade Zone of China and South Korea

        Pan Ying 한국유통과학회 2017 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2017 No.-

        Since 2017, China’s free trade zone has been growing vigorously and 11 free trade zones have been formed. This is also a very important foreign trade strategy in China. And the trade facilitation reform has been carried out in full with the establishment of China’s Free Trade Zone as well. South Korea, the neighboring country of China, established a free trade zone as early as 2000 through legislation, and it has been more than a decade old. From the point of view of law and history, this paper studies the influences of national economic development strategy and industrial development plan to the trade facilitation policy of South Korea’s Free Trade Zone through reviewing the development history of trade facilitation in South Korea’s Free Trade Zone relying on the analysis framework of regional economics. The impact has promoted the transformation and upgrading of South Korea’s industrial structure, as well as promoted South Korea’s economic growth. In addition, the credit system, statistics, and monitoring and evaluation work need to be strengthened. It is also necessary to further enhance the awareness of the whole society on e-commerce, and to further explore the law of economic activities in cyberspace. At the same time, the paper compares and analyses the trade facilitation policies between China and South Korea, thereby exploring beneficial experiences in the construction of China’s free trade zone.

      • KCI등재후보


        ( Gang Chen ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2014 국제법무 Vol.6 No.2

        The reform of China (Shanghai) free trade zone needs to be secured by a relevant legal framework. However, the free trade zone will initially only be a trial for two to three years, as per the “Overall Plan which is the legal base for the construction of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Due to the strict and time-consuming of legislative procedures in China, the establishment of relevant legal framework for the free trade zone would be lagging. Under this circumstance, if the court system waited for all legislations being established, the development of free trade zone would lack any legal protection. As a result, the process of the free trade zone reform might well be blocked. Therefore, the current legal system needs to be adaptive to the new environment; to strive a balance between the resistivity and effectiveness and between the market autonomy and nation control, as well as business freedom and transaction security. In doing so would provide effective legal protection in the free trade zone. The priority for the legal system is to address new legal issues that require legal reform in the free trade zone. Only then could the free trade zone be successfully set up.

      • 上海自贸区司法保障制度之建设

        천강 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2014 국제법무 Vol.6 No.2

        中国(上海)自由贸易试验区改革需要司法的有力保障。但是按照上海自贸区设立的法律依据之《总体方案》的规定,上海自贸区的“先行先试”期间为二至三年。由于中国的立法程序比较严谨和费时,因此有关自贸区的立法必然具有相对的滞后性。于此情形下,如果人民法院坐等制定法的完善,则必然会阻碍改革进程,不能向自贸区建设提供有力的司法保障。因此,人民法院在为自贸区提供司法保障的过程中,应当更新司法理念,处理好法的安定性与妥当性、法律与政策、市场自治与国家管制、营业自由与交易安全的关系,为自贸区改革提供安全的法律环境。人民法院应当解决处理自贸区案件中出现的诉讼程序和机制建设问题,并研判各种即将面临的实体法律问题,明确司法政策,形成有益的自贸区司法经验,从而实现中国政府在上海首先设立自贸区的目的,即通过“先行先试”,为中国的下一轮自贸区设立提供可复制、可推广的有益经验。 The reform of China (Shanghai) free trade zone needs to be secured by a relevant legal framework. However, the free trade zone will initially only be a trial for two to three years, as per the “Overall Plan” which is the legal base for the construction of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Due to the strict and time-consuming of legislative procedures in China, the establishment of relevant legal framework for the free trade zone would be lagging. Under this circumstance, if the court system waited for all legislations being established, the development of free trade zone would lack any legal protection. As a result, the process of the free trade zone reform might well be blocked. Therefore, the current legal system needs to be adaptive to the new environment; to strive a balance between the resistivity and effectiveness and between the market autonomy and nation control, as well as business freedom and transaction security. In doing so would provide effective legal protection in the free trade zone. The priority for the legal system is to address new legal issues that require legal reform in the free trade zone. Only then could the free trade zone be successfully set up.

      • 상해자유무역구 사법보장제도의 구축

        천강 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2014 국제법무 Vol.6 No.2

        중국(상해)자유무역시범구 개혁은 사법의 유력한 보장을 필요로 한다. 하지만 상해무역구 설립의 법적 근거인 ‘총체방안’의 규정에 따르면, 상해자유무역구의 ‘선행실시’ 기간은 2년에서 3년이다. 중국의 입법절차가 비교적 엄격하고 상당한 시간을 요구하기 때문에, 자유무역구 관련 입법은 상대적으로 지체될 수 밖에 없다. 이러한 상황에서 만약 인민법원이 제정법의 개선만을 기다릴 경우, 개혁의 과정을 저해할 것이고, 자유무역구 건립에 필요한 유력한 사법보장을 제공할 수 없을 것이다. 따라서 인민법원이 자유무역구를 위한 사법보장을 제공하는 과정에 있어서, 사법이념을 새롭게 하고, 법적 안정성과 타당성, 법률과 정책, 시장자치와 국가통제, 영업자유와 거래안전의 관계를 적절하게 처리하여 자유무역구 개혁을 위한 안전한 법률환경을 제공해야 한다. 인민법원은 자유무역구 안건과 관련한 소송절차와 기제확립문제를 반드시 해결해야 하고, 앞으로 직면할 실체법률문제를 연구 및 판단하여야 하며, 사법정책을 명확히 하고, 유익한 자유무역구 사법경험을 형성하여야 한다. 이를 통하여 중국정부가 상해에 처음으로 자유무역구를 설립한 목적을 실현해 나가야 한다. 즉 ‘선행실시'를 통하여, 중국의 다음 자유무역구 건립을 위한 복제가능하고 보급가능한 유익한 경험을 제공해야만 한다. The reform of China (Shanghai) free trade zone needs to be secured by a relevant legal framework. However, the free trade zone will initially only be a trial for two to three years, as per the “Overall Plan” which is the legal base for the construction of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Due to the strict and time-consuming of legislative procedures in China, the establishment of relevant legal framework for the free trade zone would be lagging. Under this circumstance, if the court system waited for all legislations being established, the development of free trade zone would lack any legal protection. As a result, the process of the free trade zone reform might well be blocked. Therefore, the current legal system needs to be adaptive to the new environment; to strive a balance between the resistivity and effectiveness and between the market autonomy and nation control, as well as business freedom and transaction security. In doing so would provide effective legal protection in the free trade zone. The priority for the legal system is to address new legal issues that require legal reform in the free trade zone. Only then could the free trade zone be successfully set up.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 자유무역시범구 네거티브 리스트 제도에 관한 고찰

        박우,김준호 한국무역상무학회 2018 貿易商務硏究 Vol.80 No.-

        As the second largest economy in the world, China is tirelessly upgrading its economic power and comprehensive national strength. After China's establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone as a pilot for the negative list system in 2013, Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian’s Free Trade Zones have subsequently emerged. Since then, eight other free trade zones have been newly approved. In addition, a negative list applicable to the above 12 free trade zones was introduced. From the publication of the first negative list in 2013 to the fifth negative list in 2018, the development of China’s Free Trade Zones and the negative list's legal system have both experienced a long period of learning based the experiences of more advanced countries. Thus it turned out that the system of the negative list system of China’s Free Trade Zones, in general, still has many flaws. Therefore, further research on the negative list system has a practical significance for the future of the China’s Free Trade Zones. This paper introduces the development process for the negative list system of China’s Free Trade Zone, and analyzes the main content and characteristics of the 2018 Free Trade Zone negative list. Thus, this paper will identify ongoing problems with the negative list system, and provide valuable insight for the both for the Chinese government in resolving lingering issues, as well for Korean companies interested in entering the China market.

      • KCI등재후보

        자유지역 통합관리시스템 구축 방향에 대한 연구

        여기태(Yeo Ki-tae) 한국물류학회 2003 물류학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        동북아시아를 선도하고 있는 한국, 중국, 일본의 경우 동아시아의 물류 거점 역활 선점과 글로벌기업 유치를 위하여 관세자유지역 및 자유무역지역을 포함한 다양한 Free Zone제도를 제정ㆍ도입하여 활성화에 노력을 기울이고 있다. 그러나 우리 나라 Free Zone의 경우 지역적으로 인접하고 직접적인 경쟁관계에 있는 중국 및 일본의 제도와 비교하여 보아도 경쟁을 주도 할 만한 개발형태 및 시스템 등이 미약하여 사업자체의 부진을 면치 못하고 있다. 특히 물류의 원활한 흐름을 보장하는 통합관리시스템의 경우 초보 구상단계에도 미치고 있지 못한 실정이다. 이러한 측면에서 본 연구에서는 Free Zone 지역을 총괄 관리하고 유출입 물동량의 투명한 관리를 위한 Free Zone 통합관리시스템을 개발하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 하였으며 연구의 결과, Free Zone 통합관리시스템의 개념적 틀을 완성하였다. The Northeast region where Korea is situated has been playing a crucial role in centering global logistics and production factories together with Southeast Asia. Especially, Korea, China and Japan leading Northeast Asia have made every effort to activate them by enacting and introducing a variety of Free Zone systems including Customs Free Zone and Free Trade Zone in order to preoccupy the role of East Asia's logistical hub and induce global enterprises. Compared to the Free Trade Zones of China and Japan that lie adjacent to and directly compete with Korea, the Free Zone system of Korea has faced difficulties in the undertaking itself because of the weaknesses of development types and systems to lead the relevant competition. In particular, it is immature in conception for the integrated management system to guarantee the smooth flow of logistics. In this respect, the purpose of this paper is to present the conceptional frame that can design the integrated management system for the transparent management of the logistical flows in the area of the Free Zone. The conceptional frame presented in this paper is to be applied to the Customs Free Zone and Free Trade Zone which has enforced in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        상행자유무역구 사법보장제도의 구축

        진강 ( Gang Chen ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2014 국제법무 Vol.6 No.2

        The reform of China (Shanghai) free trade zone needs to be secured by a relevant legal framework. However, the free trade zone will initially only be a trial for two to three years, as per the “Overall Plan which is the legal base for the construction of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Due to the strict and time-consuming of legislative procedures in China, the establishment of relevant legal framework for the free trade zone would be lagging. Under this circumstance, if the court system waited for all legislations being established, the development of free trade zone would lack any legal protection. As a result, the process of the free trade zone reform might well be blocked. Therefore, the current legal system needs to be adaptive to the new environment; to strive a balance between the resistivity and effectiveness and between the market autonomy and nation control, as well as business freedom and transaction security. In doing so would provide effective legal protection in the free trade zone. The priority for the legal system is to address new legal issues that require legal reform in the free trade zone. Only then could the free trade zone be successfully set up.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on the Enhancement of the Hosting of Foreign Direct Investment in Korea’s Free Trade Zones

        Lee, Hak-Loh 한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 2020 무역금융보험연구 Vol.21 No.4

        한국은 외국인투자 유치와 수출 증대를 위하여 50년전인 1970년대 마산, 익산(이리) 수출자유 지역을 설치, 운영하여 왔다. 30년이 경과한 2000년대 초에 수출자유지역은 관세지역과의 통 합을 거쳤고 2020년 현재 산업단지형 7개 지역, 항만형 5개와 공항형 1개를 포함하면 총 13개 자유무역지역이 운영되고 있다. 1994년 WTO 출범 이후에 무역과 투자에 관한 국제규율이 강 화되었고 EU 등에 의한 한국의 조세피난처 지정 논란 등으로 한국의 외국인투자 유치를 위한 조세 지원 인센티브도 축소되게 되었다. 경제적 효과에 대한 논란에도 불구하고 미국, 일본, 대만 등 세계 각국은 외국인투자 유치를 위하여 토지, 재정 및 금융 지원 등 정책적 노력을 기울여 오고 있으며 최근의 보호무역주의 극복을 위한 일자리 창출 차원에서 그 중요성이 더 부각되고 있다. 한국 정부도 다른 나라들과 마찬가지로 외국인투자의 유치를 위하여 공장 용지 제공, 재정 지원 및 각종 규제 완화 등을 시행해 오고 있다. 이 연구는 외국인투자와 수출 증대를 위하여 운영하고 있는 자유무역지역의 경제적 성과를 산업단지형을 중심으로 평가하고 외국인투자 유치를 위한 실천적 방안을 모색한다. 결론적으 로 정부의 인센티브만으로는 자유무역지역에 대한 외국인투자 유치가 증가하기 어렵다고 평 가한다. 정부는 외국인투자를 “유치(hosting)”하기 위해서 정부의 현금지원제도, 신성장동력 및 선도기업 육성등 각종 기술개발 및 산업정책, 관련 세제 혜택, 중소창업기업 정책, 국가균형발전 정책, 무역정책 등을 총동원하여야 한다. 특히 Invest Korea(KOTRA)의 주도하에 국내기업들과 전후방 연관을 가진 외국인투자기업을 인근 자유무역지역에 유치하도록 적극 노력하여야 한다. Purpose : The aim of this study is to suggest some ways to enhance the hosting of foreign direct investment(FDI) in Korea’s seven Free Trade Zones(FTZ). Research methodology : Comparative studies are applied to Korea’s three Special Economic Zones(SEZ) of FTZ, Free Economic Zones(FEZ) and Foreign Investment Zones(FIZ) to examine the performances of the Korea’s FTZ and efficacies of the present policies for the attraction of FDI in the Zones.. Results : No differentials are found between the three SEZ regarding the performances of FDI. The Zones in the Capital metropolitan areas show much greater scores for FDI than the Zones situated in the rural areas. Conclusions : Market forces play dominant roles in the flow of the FDI in the Zones. The Korea’s FTZ and FEZ are public funded SEZ for FDI. To address the intended FDI targets, more aggressive policy tools such as Advanced Enterprise Policies, Regional Strategic Industrial Policies and Trade Promotion Policies including trade credit and insurance schemes. Invest Korea’s more active role are desired to host FDI in FTZ.

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