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        미취학 자녀를 둔 여성근로자의 직장-가정 적합성: 잠재프로파일분석을 통한 유형분류

        이정은 한국가족학회 2012 가족과 문화 Vol.24 No.1

        This study aims to explore how working mother's cognitive assessments of work and family resources cluster together in patterned ways. Latent Profile Analysis(LPA) was used to determine the underlying types of work-family fit, based on 7 dimensions, including job security, income adequacy, work control, family-friendly workplace culture, childcare control,emotional family support, and instrumental family support, Questionnaires were administered to 12 preschools in Seoul and Kyunggi areas, and the data was collected from 376 working mothers of preschoolers. The comprehensive socio-economic rage of working mothers were included in the sample. Using LPA, five distinct multivariate profiles of work-family fit were identified: poor fit(7.2%), low fit(45.2%), moderate fit(13.8%), good fit(16.0%), and optimal fit(17.8%). Based on the research findings, this study suggests practical implications for working mothers, including flexible work programs, family-supportive culture, childcare service in the community, husbands’ participation in childrearing and domestic duties. Also,political implications that might provide help to working mothers with poor resources, by work-family fit subgroups were discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 미취학 자녀를 둔 여성근로자의 일가정양립을 위해 필요한 직장 및 가정 영역에서의 자원의 결합 형태에 따라 직장-가정 적합성의 차이를 살펴보는 데 있다. 기존연구에서 소홀히 다뤄졌던 저소득층을 포함하여 국공립어린이집에 다니는 미취학자녀를 둔여성근로자 376명을 대상으로 한다. 직장-가정 적합성을 구성하는 총 7개의 변수-직무안정성, 소득적절성, 직무통제, 가족친화적 조직문화, 양육통제, 가족의 정서적 지지, 가족의도구적 지지-를 투입하여 관찰대상 중심적 접근방법인 잠재프로파일분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 직장-가정 적합성이 가장 낮은 수준부터 최적의 수준까지 직장-가정 적합성을 보이는5개의 잠재유형이 확인되었고, 각 유형 집단별 구성원의 속성을 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로여성근로자의 일가정양립을 증진시키기 위한 일반적 방안과 집단별 차별적 접근 등 정책적제언을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        미취학 자녀를 둔 여성근로자의 직장-가정 적합성 : 잠재프로파일분석을 통한 유형분류

        이정은 한국가족학회 2012 가족과 문화 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 미취학 자녀를 둔 여성근로자의 일가정양립을 위해 필요한 직장 및 가정 영역에서의 자원의 결합 형태에 따라 직장-가정 적합성의 차이를 살펴보는 데 있다. 기존 연구에서 소홀히 다뤄졌던 저소득층을 포함하여 국공립어린이집에 다니는 미취학자녀를 둔 여성근로자 376명을 대상으로 한다. 직장-가정 적합성을 구성하는 총 7개의 변수-직무안정성, 소득적절성, 직무통제, 가족친화적 조직문화, 양육통제, 가족의 정서적 지지, 가족의 도구적 지지-를 투입하여 관찰대상 중심적 접근방법인 잠재프로파일분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 직장-가정 적합성이 가장 낮은 수준부터 최적의 수준까지 직장-가정 적합성을 보이는 5개의 잠재유형이 확인되었고, 각 유형 집단별 구성원의 속성을 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로 여성근로자의 일가정양립을 증진시키기 위한 일반적 방안과 집단별 차별적 접근 등 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. This study aims to explore how working mother's cognitive assessments of work and family resources cluster together in patterned ways. Latent Profile Analysis(LPA) was used to determine the underlying types of work-family fit, based on 7 dimensions, including job security, income adequacy, work control, family-friendly workplace culture, childcare control, emotional family support, and instrumental family support, Questionnaires were administered to 12 preschools in Seoul and Kyunggi areas, and the data was collected from 376 working mothers of preschoolers. The comprehensive socio-economic rage of working mothers were included in the sample. Using LPA, five distinct multivariate profiles of work-family fit were identified: poor fit(7.2%), low fit(45.2%), moderate fit(13.8%), good fit(16.0%), and optimal fit(17.8%). Based on the research findings, this study suggests practical implications for working mothers, including flexible work programs, family-supportive culture, childcare service in the community, husbands’ participation in childrearing and domestic duties. Also, political implications that might provide help to working mothers with poor resources, by work-family fit subgroups were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        근로자대표기구를 통한 참여의식과 일자리의 숙련기술적합도 및 만족도 사이의 종단적 관계

        이동진(Lee, Dong-Jin),이종건(Lee, Jong-Keon) 한국인사관리학회 2021 조직과 인사관리연구 Vol.45 No.3

        민주주의와 자유시장경제 간 갈등과 협력이 교차하는 역동적 양상을 띠어온 역사적 사실에 근거해볼 때, 정치와 경제체제가 상호보완되기 위해 시민 스스로 민주주의를 감시하고 적극적으로 만들어나아가는 노력이 요구된다. 본 연구는 민주주의 실천장으로 기업 내 사업장에 주목하였으며 현실적으로 OECD 회원국과 비교해서 우리나라의 낮은 노조 가입률을 감안하여 근로자대표기구를 통한 참여의식과 양질의 일자리특성을 대표하는 일자리의 숙련기술적합도 및 만족도 사이의 관계를 한국노동연구원(KLI)에서 수집한 KLIPS 20, 21, 22 자료를 토대로 종단분석하였다. 검정결과, 첫째 단변량잠재성장분석에서 선형변화모델이 무성장 경우보다 설명력이 더 높았으나 참여의식은 시간에 따른 변화율에개인 간 차이가 통계적으로 유의미한 데 비해 일자리의 기술수준적합도와 만족도는 그렇지 않았다. 둘째, 시간에 따른 참여의식 변화는 일자리의 숙련기술적합도 변화에 긍정적 효과가 있는 것으로 검정되었다. 셋째, 시간에 따른 일자리의 숙련기술적합도 변화는 일자리만족도 변화에 긍정적 효과가 있는것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 시간에 따른 참여의식 변화, 일자리의 숙련기술적합도 변화 및 만족도변화에 대한 완전매개모델 역시 변수들 사이의 경로 모두에서 통계적 유의성이 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 근로자참여와 경영성과 간 역U자형 관계(Freeman & Lazear, 1995)에 기초할때, 국내 기업상황에서 근로자간접참여의식은 아직 극점보다 낮은 위치에 놓여있어 더 함양시킬 여지가 충분히 남아있음을 제시한다. 더욱이, 이 연구결과는 근로자참여의식이야말로 인간 주체성에 초점을 둔 경력개발에서 중요한 현재 일자리숙련기술적합도뿐만 아니라, 객체특성을 강조하는 전통적 직무설계 목적에 해당하는 일자리만족도 개선 둘 다를 동시에 이루게끔 하는 글로벌 시장자본주의와 민주주의 사회에 적합한 인간정신이라는 점을 시사한다. 향후 연구에서는 개인수준에서의 참여의식과 양질의 일자리특성이 조직수준의 인적자본 형성과 사회효용 및 경제성과 창출로 이어지는 창발과정(emerging process)에 대한 해석주의적 연구와 양적 분석이 상호보완적으로 이루어져야 하겠다. Based on historical facts that have taken on a dynamic pattern of conflict and cooperation between democracy and the free market economy, efforts are required for citizens to monitor and actively create democracy in order for the political and economic systems to complement each other. This study did a longitudinal analysis to examine the relationship among worker participation consciousness through employee representative, skill-work Fit and work satisfaction, using the KLIPS 20, 21, and 22 data collected by the Korea Labor Institute (KLI) during 2017-2019. Results show that there was statistically systematic variation for employee participation consciousness change rate over time flow, except to skill-work Fit and overall satisfaction at work. Results also show that changes in employee participation consciousness over time were positively related to those of skill-work Fit, and that the change of skill-work Fit over time was positively related to that of work satisfaction. Finally, a full-parameter model for changes in participation consciousness over time, changes in skill-work Fit, and changes in work satisfaction also showed statistical significance across paths between variables. Results of the study suggested that there is a room for continuous enhancement of employees’ control level to management decision making in our firm contexts, which based on reversed U-shaped relationship (Freeman & Lazear, 1995) between participation and organization performance. Also, it shows that employee participation consciousness is relevant to human spirit of global free market capitalism, which can satisfy the human fulfillment model as well as neoclassical economics perspective at the same time. Finally, a full-parameter model for changes in worker participation consciousness over time, changes in skill-work Fit, and changes in work satisfaction also showed statistical significance across paths between variables. Based on the U-shaped relationship between worker participation consciousness and business performance (Freeman & Lazear, 1995), these findings suggest that there is still plenty of room for further cultivation as worker participation consciousness is still in a lower position than the extreme in Korea s corporate situation. In addition, the findings suggest that worker participation consciousness is a human spirit suitable for both global market capitalism and democratic societies that achieve not only skill-work fit that is important in career development focused on human subjectivity, but also work satisfaction for traditional job design purposes that emphasize objectivity. In future studies, analytical research and quantitative analysis on the emerging process, in which participation consciousness and decent work characteristics at the individual level lead to the formation of human capital, social utility, and economic performance creation at the organizational level, should be complementary.

      • KCI등재

        Mediating Effects of Fitness-For-Work on Fatigue for Mining (Heavy Equipment) Technicians in Indonesia

        Yusuf Nugroho Doyo Yekti,Khoirul Muslim,Yassierli 대한산업공학회 2022 Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems Vol.21 No.4

        Fatigue has been considered as a major contributing factor to workplace accidents. While most previous studies on fatigue have been conducted in a laboratory setting, the current study was performed in the mining region of Kali-mantan, Indonesia. This study assessed the fitness-for-work and fatigue experienced by 21 maintenance technicians at two mining workshops. This study focused on three independent variables: work shift (day shift and night shift), work locations (non-remote area and remote area), and individual fitness. Heart rate and the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) data (in terms of total error and mean reaction time) were collected at the beginning, middle, and end of work. Covariance analysis was applied to determine the effect of the independent variables on fitness-for-work and fatigue. The results show that work shift and individual fitness significantly influence fitness-for-work (p < 0.05). However, none of the independent variables significantly affect fatigue, even though fitness-for-work and fatigue are strongly correlated (r = 0.69, p < 0.05). These results proved the role of fitness-for-work as an intermediate factor in fatigue. We suggest that there should be a shift in strategy for reducing the risk of accident-related fatigue, from fa-tigue monitoring directly to fitness-for-work screening. Eventually, the practical implementations of the findings are discussed comprehensively.

      • KCI등재

        호텔 서비스 인 카운터 조직 구성원의 일-생활갈등이 직무스트레스 및 고객지향적 태도에 미치는 영향

        장혜준,이형룡 한국외식산업학회 2017 한국외식산업학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        On this study, work-life conflict fit was classified into three dimensions such as work-family conflict fit, work-leisure conflict fit, work-self development conflict fit. And then two following sequences were emirically found; the one is an influencing relationship between hotel employees'work-life conflicts and customer oriented attitude and the other is mediating effect of perceived job stress between them. Especially, work-family conflict fit among work-life conflicts fit has signigicant direct effect and in direct effect which is mediated by job stress in the relation with customer oriented attitude. Besides, among all the path of this study customer oriented attitude, work-family fit has the greatest direct effect on customer oriented attitude. Accordingly, the results of this study suggests that hotel firms should treat their employees focusing on their job fir, and for that, the hotel firms should make much of career aptitude test from the recruitment of employees, and conduct a continual and consultation.

      • KCI등재

        Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Employees: Exploring the Effects of Person-job Fit and Work-life Balance Policies

        오현규,박성민 한국국정관리학회 2015 현대사회와 행정 Vol.25 No.2

        With the increasing demand for high-skilled workers and the importance of strategic human resource management (SHRM), researchers have emphasized the congruence of education-job fit and skill-job fit through training. This study investigates the impact of education-job fit and skill-job fit on job satisfaction. In this research, work-life balance (WLB) policies (i.e., family friendly policies, supports for individual growth, etc.) are regarded as critical for an individual’s satisfaction at home and for improving organizational efficiency. Therefore, this study examines the moderating effect of WLB policies on the relationship between person-job fit (i.e., education-job fit, skill-job fit) and job satisfaction. Many studies have been conducted regarding the impact of education-job fit and skill-job fit on job satisfaction; however, most of them viewed education-job fit and skill-job fit as one combined concept. Given that person-job fit is subdivided into two levels, education-job fit and skill-job fit, this study focuses on the different impacts of each type of fit on outcomes. Moreover, we also examined how WLB policies have a moderating influence on job satisfaction. In order to verify a set of hypotheses, a correlation analysis, t-test, and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis were carried out. Employing the Korea Labor and Income Panel Study, we conducted an impact analysis and a comparative analysis of the public and private sectors. Based on the discussion of the findings, the theoretical and practical implications, the limitations of the study, and the recommendations for future research are provided in the final section.

      • KCI등재후보

        'Korean Police' Selection Without Gender Distinction: A Review of the Physical Fitness Test: Focusing on the United States, France, and Japan

        Hoyeun Youn J-INSTITUTE 2023 International Journal of Terrorism & National Secu Vol.8 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of eliminating gender segregation in physical fitness testing for police recruitment can be understood as twofold. In the case of a gender-neutral selection process, a police organization can eliminate gender segregation in the selection process, including the physical fitness test, in order to pro-vide an equal opportunity for all applicants. The idea is to ensure that both men and women can take the test under the same conditions and that the best candidates are selected for police positions based on their abilities and skills. Gender-neutral job requirements. As with any industry, police work can be physi-cally demanding. As such, it may include a gender-neutral physical fitness test to verify the ability to per-form the duties of a police officer regardless of gender. This approach focuses on the abilities and skills required to do the job, and emphasizes a fair selection process that does not discriminate based on gender. Method: In order to study the physical fitness test for police recruitment without distinguishing between men and women, the following research methods were utilized. The current police physical fitness test con-sists of five events. The physical abilities of quickness, cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular endurance, and strength are measured through the physical fitness test, but the physical fitness test items related to the ability to respond quickly and accurately to constantly changing exercise tasks(coordination) are not included. Therefore, in order to meet various motor functions, it is necessary to refer to the Job Standards Test(JST) of the NYPD in the United States, which is composed of sports closely related to the job of a police officer, the physical fitness test of the MET Police in the United Kingdom, which is an event-type measure-ment method, and the Èpreuve d'exercices physiques of the French National Police. The Japanese National Police has a separate physical fitness test for new constables and a separate physical fitness test for police officers. In addition, there have been many legal cases in the West, such as the United States, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the male and female fitness tests. This is especially true in the United Kingdom and the United States. Therefore, we conducted a comparative analysis to scientifically and ra-tionally improve the physical fitness test standards that disadvantage female applicants. Results: The results of a gender-neutral physical fitness test for “Korean police” recruitment can be un-derstood as follows. First, a unisex physical fitness test ensures that all applicants have an equal oppor-tunity to participate. It evaluates the abilities and skills required to perform police work regardless of gen-der, and provides a fair opportunity for all applicants without discrimination. Second, as an assessment of ability and vision, physical fitness tests help to assess the physical abilities and skills required to perform police work. These tests measure a candidate's physical strength, stamina, and power to help identify the right person for the job. Third, by enhancing diversity, gender-neutral physical fitness tests contribute to greater diversity and inclusion. Police organizations can recruit people from different backgrounds and genders to reflect more diverse perspectives and experiences. Fourth, it emphasizes fairness. A unisex phys-ical fitness test eliminates gender-based discrimination and focuses on applicants' skills and competencies. This ensures that all applicants are selected based on their abilities and helps prevent unfair treatment based on gender. These findings suggest that gender-neutral physical fitness tests for police recruitment contribute to fair and reliable talent selection and help strengthen the diversity and performance of police organizations. Conclusion: A gender-neutral fitness test for “Korean police” recruitment is an important approach to emphasize fairnes

      • The Effects of LMX and Perceived Fit on Employees' Negative Word-of-Mouth: The Role of Corporate Citizenship and Organization-Based Self-Esteem

        김종욱,이종건 한국무역학회 2023 Journal of Korea trade Vol.27 No.4

        Purpose – This study examines the relationships between leader-member exchange (LMX), perceived fit, organization-based self-esteem (OBSE), corporate citizenship, work engagement, and employees’ negative word-of-mouth (NWOM). In particular, it analyzes the effect of the interaction between LMX and corporate citizenship on OBSE, and the effect of the interaction between perceived fit and corporate citizenship on OBSE. Finally, this study analyzes moderated mediation by legal/ethical citizenship and philanthropic citizenship, and work engagement in the LMX-NWOM relationship and the perceived fit-NWOM relationship, respectively. Design/methodology – The research data were collected through a questionnaire from 293 employees working at 117 restaurant companies in Korea. Findings – The results were as follows. First, both LMX and perceived fit were negatively related to employees' NWOM. Second, both LMX and perceived fit were positively related to OBSE. Third, OBSE was negatively related to employees' NWOM. Fourth, legal/ethical citizenship and philanthropic citizenship were found to attenuate the positive (+) relationship between perceived fit and OBSE, respectively. Fifth, it was found that work engagement weakened the negative (-) relationship between OBSE and NWOM. Finally, OBSE was found to have a partial mediating effect moderated by corporate citizenship (legal/ethical citizenship and philanthropic citizenship) and work engagement in the relationship between perceived fit and NWOM. Originality/value – This study makes a theoretical contribution by expanding the mechanisms associated with LMX and NWOM by revealing the mediating effect of OBSE in their relationship. Additionally, this study makes a theoretical contribution in that it demonstrates the importance of enhancing legal and ethical citizenship and philanthropic citizenship by revealing the moderating effect of corporate citizenship in the relationship between perceived fit and OBSEE. Finally, it makes a theoretical contribution by suggesting that the interaction between work engagement and OBSE is important in reducing employees' NWOM by revealing the moderating effect of work engagement.

      • Effect of Empowerment on Perceived Person-Environment Fit and Work Engagement: Focusing on Online Travel Platform Employees

        Ji-Young Um(Ji-Young Um),Hye-Yeon Park(Hye-Yeon Park),Sun-Young Yoon(Sun-Young Yoon) The International Academy of Global Business and T 2023 The International Academy of Global Business and T Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose - COVID-19 has dramatically changed the business landscape, and the travel industry is no exception. The industry is undergoing a paradigm shift to the platform business, and traditional travel agencies are moving their businesses to online platforms. However, in this irreversible global paradigm shift, it is not easy for travel companies to hire and retain employees, especially companies in the IT sector. Studies typically study consumers, such as selection attributes and satisfaction with travel platforms. However, to the best of our knowledge, there have been almost no studies on employees. This study explored how the empowerment of online travel platform employees influences their perceived person-environment (P-E) fit and work engagement. Design/Methodology/Approach - We analyzed data from 352 employees of 26 domestic online travel platforms who were surveyed in January and February 2021. After coding the collected data, we analyzed it using frequency, exploratory factor, reliability, correlation, and multiple regression analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics, ver. 20.0. Findings - First, enhancing the meaningfulness of work and organizational autonomy influences personjob (P-J) fit and person-organization (P-O) fit. Second, enhancing the meaningfulness of work significantly influences vigor, dedication, and absorption in terms of work engagement, while organizational autonomy significantly influences work engagement vigor. Third, P-J fit and P-O fit influence the vigor of work engagement, and P-O fit influences dedication and absorption. Research Implications - This study demonstrated that the empowerment of travel platform employees can improve perceived P-E fit and work engagement. Thus, if organizations guarantee some degree of empowerment, employees will be energized and engaged more in their workplace. Finally, this helps expand the scope of online travel platform research from the perspective of personnel organization.

      • KCI등재

        Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Employees

        Hyun Gyu Oh,Sung Min Park 한국국정관리학회 2015 현대사회와 행정 Vol.25 No.2

        With the increasing demand for high-skilled workers and the importance of strategic human resource management (SHRM), researchers have emphasized the congruence of education-job fit and skill-job fit through training. This study investigates the impact of education-job fit and skill-job fit on job satisfaction. In this research, work-life balance (WLB) policies (i.e., family friendly policies, supports for individual growth, etc.) are regarded as critical for an individual’s satisfaction at home and for improving organizational efficiency. Therefore, this study examines the moderating effect of WLB policies on the relationship between person-job fit (i.e., education-job fit, skill-job fit) and job satisfaction. Many studies have been conducted regarding the impact of education-job fit and skill-job fit on job satisfaction; however, most of them viewed education-job fit and skill-job fit as one combined concept. Given that person-job fit is subdivided into two levels, education-job fit and skill-job fit, this study focuses on the different impacts of each type of fit on outcomes. Moreover, we also examined how WLB policies have a moderating influence on job satisfaction. In order to verify a set of hypotheses, a correlation analysis, t-test, and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis were carried out. Employing the Korea Labor and Income Panel Study, we conducted an impact analysis and a comparative analysis of the public and private sectors. Based on the discussion of the findings, the theoretical and practical implications, the limitations of the study, and the recommendations for future research are provided in the final section.

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