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        수산자원관리를 위한 정치망어업의 개선방안 연구

        이남우,정봉규 한국해양경찰학회 2021 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.11 No.2

        Despite considerable efforts by applying various management measures to manage fisheries resources, 75% of the world's fisheries resources are overused or overfished, and fisheries production is continuously decreasing.Therefore, fisheries resources are now at a crossroads of recovery and extinction in accordance with international interest and human management efforts for continuous use of resources, and the survival of the fisheries industry depends on the success of fisheries resource management. For the management of fishery resources, most of the coastal fisheries, including the fishing sector, which is operated by fishing methods and fishing gear similar to the Political net fishing are regulated by the Fisheries Act, the prohibition zone, prohibition period and the standard of net. However, in the case of political network fishing, there is no fundamental regulation in the Enforcement Decree of the Fisheries Act. However, in the Enforcement Decree of the Fisheries Resources Management Act, the entire fishery is regulated comprehensively for the period, zone, body length and weight of fishery resources. Therefore, in the case of political fishing using detailed network a significant amount of regulated catch is bound to be mixed. The young fish and fish caught in this way can not be caught in accordance with the prohibition of capture and collection in the Enforcement Decree of the Fisheries Resources Management Act. However, the political net fishermen claim that the fish caught is not recycled and is thrown into the sea in a state of death, which leads to the fishing grounds, but the meat that is not commercially available is illegally distributed as a bait for fish farms and fishing. This study seeks to revise and supplement related laws and regulations necessary for the regulation of fishing in political network fishing In addition, if the illegal fishing crackdown results are far more than other organizations, the marine police will secure professional manpower in the fisheries field, and if the policy transition is not rushed, such as establishing a fishery order through detailed and efficient crackdown on fishing, Due to the change in domestic and overseas conditions, it will lead to indiscriminate overfishing, and marine resources will face an inability to recover. Therefore, the government intends to review and analyze problems in the current fisheries-related legislation system and propose desirable measures to improve the political fishing industry to promote sustainable development of the fisheries industry through fisheries resource management 세계 각국은 수산자원관리를 위해 다양한 관리수단을 적용하여 상당한 노력을 기울였음에도 불구하고 세계 수산자원량의 75%가 과잉이용 또는 남획상태이며 어업생 산량도 지속적으로 감소하고 있다. 따라서 수산자원은 이제 지속적인 자원 이용을 위한 국제적인 관심과 인류의 관리 노력에 따라 회복과 멸종의 갈림길에 놓여 있고, 수산업의 존폐도 수산자원관리의 성공여부에 달려있다. 수산자원관리를 위해 정치망어업과 유사한 어구와 어업방법으로 조업하고 있는 정치성 구획어업을 비롯하여 대부분의 연근해어업에 대해 수산업법에 근거, 동법 시행령상 어업의 종류별로 어구사용의 금지구역·금지기간 및 그물코의 규격을 규제하고 있다. 그러나 정치망어업의 경우 수산업법 시행령상의 근본적인 규제 규정은 없고 다만, 수산자원관리법 시행령상 전체 어업에 대해 어종별로 수산자원의 포획·채취 금지기간·구역 및 체장·체중을 포괄적으로 규제하고 있다. 따라서 세목망을 사용하는 정치망어업의 경우 규제대상 어획물이 상당량 혼획될 수 밖에 없다. 이렇게 어획된 어린 치·자어들은 수산자원관리법 시행령상 포획·채취금지 규정에 의하여 잡을수 없게 되어 있어 어로작업 과정에서 어획되더라도 방생시켜야 한다. 그러나 정치망어업 자는 일단 어획된 고기는 재활용이 불가해 죽은 상태로 바다에 버려지는데 이는 어장 황페화로 이어진다고 주장하나, 실상 상품성이 떨어지는 고기는 어류 양식장 사료나 통발미끼로 불법 유통시키고 있어 남획이 발생되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 정치망어업에 대한 어업규제에 필요한 관계법령의 개정 및 보완을 모색하고, 불법어업 단속실적이 타 기관에 비해 월등히 많은 해양경찰의 특성에 걸 맞는 수산분야 전문인력을 확보, 정치망어업과 같이 단속이 까다로운 어업에 대한 효율적 단속을 통한 어업질서 확립 등 정책 전환을 서두르지 않으면, 무분별한 남획을 초래하게 되어 연근해 수산자원은 회복불능의 상태에 직면하게 될 것이다. 따라서 현행 수산관련법제도상의 문제점을 검토·분석하여 수산업의 지속 가능한 발전을 도모하기 위한 정치망어업의 바람직한 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 수산부산물 입법정책적 비교 연구

        김동련(Kim, Dong-Ryun) 한국토지공법학회 2020 土地公法硏究 Vol.90 No.-

        우리나라는 3면이 바다로 둘러싸여 있어 수산물이 굉장히 풍부하다. 수산물은 귀중한 단백원이지만 수산부산물은 폐기물처럼 여겨지고 있다. 수산물의 소비량이 증가하면서 수산물 생산 및 가공과정에서 발생하는 수산부산물량도 함께 증가하고 있다. 수산부산물 처리과정에서 악취, 오폐수, 국민건강 저해, 처리비용 증가 등 다양한 문제가 야기되고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 최근 수산부산물을 재활용하기 위한 다양한 노력이 강구되고 있다. 특히 조개 껍데기의 경우, 어장환경개선을 위한 어초, 비료, 김 채묘용 등으로 자원화되고 있다. 그러나 수산부산물의 입법 미비로 인하여 효율적 관리 및 이용이 되지 못하고 있다. 일본의 경우에는 폐기물관리법 에서 폐기물로 규정하고 있지만, 식품순환자원의 재생이용 등의 촉진에 관한 법률 에 따라 일정 규모 이상의 수산업자는 리사이클링 추진점으로 등록하여 수산부산물을 분리 배출하며, 지방정부는 재활용공장을 설립하여 이를 식품원료, 비료, 사료 등으로 재활용하여 자원절약을 추진하도록 지방자치단체에게 권한을 주어 주도적 관리가 되도록 하고 있다. 우리나라도 (가칭) 수산부산물의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률 을 제정하여 수산부산물의 효율적이고 합리적인 재활용이 될 수 있는 입법화가 요구된다. 주요내용으로는 수산부산물에 대한 명확한 근거 마련, 둘째, 수산부산물에 관한 기본계획 수립, 셋째, 수산부산물에 관한 이용 및 관리 방안 구축, 넷째, 수산부산물의 공공처리 등을 규정할 필요가 있다. 버리면 쓰레기이지만, 이를 재활용하면 자원이다. 수산부산물도 버리면 쓰레기이지만, 재활용한다면 훌륭한 자원이 될 수 있다. Korea is surrounded by the sea with three seashores of the four geographical directions, which provides abundant fishery resources. Though fishery products have precious source of protein, by-products are an industrial waste. Along with the increased consumption of fishery products, the volume of by-products is also increasing in the course of processing the fishery products. This raises a variety of problems such as stench, sewage, hindering people s health, increasing cost, etc. Recently, there are various efforts being made to recycle the fishery by-products to cope with the situation, Especially, clam shells are recycled as fish reef to improve the environments of fishing grounds, fertilizer, laver seed collector, etc. However, incomplete legislation on fishery by-products prevents the efficient management and utilization. In Japan, “Act on the management of waste” designates the by-products as waste. However, according to the “Act on the promotion of recycling of food circular resources”, fishery businesses over a certain size are obliged to register as the beginning point of recycling to separate and discharge the fishery by-products. Local governments are engaged in saving resources by establishing a recycling factory to recycle the by-products as raw materials for food, fertilizer, feed, etc. The act empowers local governments to lead the management of the by-products. As such, it is needed to make a legislation for efficient and reasonable recycling of fishery by-products by establishing (proposed) “Act on the management and utilization of fishery by-products”. Major contents may include providing clear basis on fishery by-products, establishing basic plan for fishery by-products, preparing utilization and management strategy for fishery by-products, and stipulating the method of public discharge of fishery by-products. It is a waste if you dump it, but it is a resource if you recycle it. Fishery by-products are wastes if wasted, but can be a great resources if recycled.

      • KCI등재

        수산자원의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 바다목장제도의 합리적인 개선방안에 관한 연구

        장인호 ( Chang In-ho ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2016 法과 政策 Vol.22 No.2

        Climate change, resource depletion, and other global environmental challenges have unleashed a wave of the realization of sustainability in the marine bio-resource area. And overfishing is rapidly destroying the ocean. And also, illegal fishery exhausted marine resource for a long time. As s result, danger of depletion of fish socks all around the world including the South Korea. Although, after Rio Declaration in 1992, international society and many countries tried to realize sustainability in diverse areas including fishery areas. Especially, major nation introduced improve sustainable use of fishery. In this situation, The Republic of Korea legislated 「Fishery Resource Management Act」 and founded 「Marine Ranching System」 to realize sustainability, most notably sustainable use of marine resources. But operational problems of 「Marine Ranching System」 are starting to appear in many ways such as criteria of management, main body of operation, financial affairs, and so on. Therefore 「Marine Ranching System」 should be rationally improved to make fertile fishing grounds in the East SeaㆍThe West Sea and the South Sea of Korea. And fundamental principles in each international convention and law regarding sustainability have to be considered to improve the problems of 「Marine Ranching System」. Consequently, 「Marine Ranching System」 should be operated in accordance with the corresponding the ground rule of 「Rio Declaration on Environment and Development」, 「Agenda21 for the Realization of Sustainbility」, 「Convention on Biological Diversity」, 「Framework Act on Sustainable Development」, 「Low Carbon Green Growth Act」, 「Fishery Resource Management Act」 and so on. Above all, sustainability in fishery areas should be achieved and marine environment must be preserved for not only present generation and also future generations.

      • KCI등재

        수산자원보호구역의 보전 가치 추정에 관한 연구

        강석규 ( Seok-kyu Kang ) 한국수산경영학회 2017 수산경영론집 Vol.48 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to estimate conservation value of fisheries resource protected area by the double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method. The data in this analysis come from a survey of respondents of resident in fisheries resource protected area using a proportional stratified sampling from the population. The questionnaires covered all the 5 fisheries resource protected area and the sample size of every protected area was 120 questionnaires. The survey period was from August to October in 2016. Above all, the average willingness to pay amount(WTP) per person of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae- Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, Cheonsu bay is estimated ₩6,215, ₩13,215, ₩6,405, ₩9,785, and ₩10,390 respectively. And, the total value of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated ₩108.8 billion, ₩357 billion, ₩118 billion, 210.2 billion, ₩ 245.8 billion respectively. Moreover, the yearly value of Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅰ, Namhae-Tongyoung Ⅱ, Jindong bay, Hansan bay, and Cheonsu bay is evaluated ₩6 billion, ₩19.6 billion, ₩6.5 billion, 11.6 billion, ₩ 13.5 billion. In conclusion, fisheries resource protected area has the higher conservational value. Consequently, it is essential for now or future generation`s use of fisheries resources. In light of the fisheries resource protected area`s value and importance, this should be promoted to the public including the local community who utilizes fisheries resource protected area wisely. Also, this suggests that the policy for fishery resource`s creation and management is needed in fisheries resource protected area.

      • KCI등재후보

        시베리아의 수산자원과 한국 수산업의 진출 방안

        이재혁 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2013 한국시베리아연구 Vol.17 No.1

        In the 1990s, Russia was the third in fishery industry by fish catch, and, though less than before, still the seventh in 2009. More than sixty percents of fish catch of Russia comes from Far Eastern seas of Russia. Main fish species caught in Far Eastern seas are pollack, herring, cod, etc., and fish catch is growing with increased demands in salmon, which is in high price recently. Russian Federal Government proceeds projects for continuous growth of fishery industry through Federalagency for Fishery, the federal organization that determines comprehensive policy for fishery. Regarding significance of Far Eastern seas recently, Russia has high interst in investment of foreign enterprises besides increased investigation of federal and local governments, and, consequently, announced five federal policies for activating investigation to fishing industry. Russia endeavers in various areas: modernization of facilities; coherent system from catch to manufacturing, transportation, and sales; aquaculture industry; development of marine ranch; and construction of infrastructure such as frozen warehouses and fish markets to improve distribution environment. South Korea may take a chance to expand in Russian fishing industry in response to these projects of Russia. Construction of fishery storages, shipyard to repair old boats and to build new ones, fishing equipments including fishing net, and export of farming techniques can be direct and effective fields to expand. Besides, for freer local businesses of South Korean companies, intimate cooperaton with Russian government is needed. South Korea imports major fish species with certain quota and collaboration in Russian water. South Korea completely depends on import in fishery product trade. Especially, pollack(frozen) is highly import-dependant. Securing of a stable fishery right is necessary as Resource protectionism including fishery resources is in worldwide tendency to be intensified. Moreover, the plan to invest efficiently and actively, matching to investment-activation on Far Eastern area, one of prior policies of Russian government, and to utilize, further, Far Eastern area as a foothold of overseas fishing industry of South Korea is also needed. According to recent research, the Arctic Ocean ice sheets are now melting three times faster than in the 1990s by global warming. It is expected that because of the water temperature rising by global warming habitats of pollack, cod, and salmon, etc. might move northward and fishery production of the Arctic sea will increase consequently. South Korea recently catches fish at the west of the Bering sea near Russia. Developments of section marine base and fisheries industry complex in Russian Far Eastern area such as Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin near the Arctic sea is one of considerations. 본 러시아는 1990년대에는 생산량 기준으로 세계 3위를 차지할 정도로 수산대국 이었고, 과거에 비해 많이 떨어지긴 하였으나, 2009년도의 수산물 어획량이 세계7위 정도로 여전히 수산대국이다. 러시아 극동해역은 러시아 수산물 생산의 60% 이상을 차지하고 있다. 극동지역에서 주로 어획되는 어종은 명태 청어 대구 등이며 최근 고가로 거래되는 연어에 대한 수요가 늘면서 어획량이 증가하고 있다. 러시아는 연방정부 차원에서 수산업의 지속적 발전을 위한 계획 추진하고 있다. 러시아의 수산행정은 연방수산청(Federal Agency for Fishery)에서 포괄적인 수산정책 방향을 결정하고, 각 주정부 및 공화국은 연방어업위원회의 결정사항에 의거 관할지역에 적용할 세부 정책방향을 결정 및 집행하는 체계를 지니고 있으며, 연안지역의 어로행위는 지방정부가 관리하고, EEZ에 대해서는 연방어업위원회 소관으로 되어있다. 러시아는 현재 극동지역의 중요성을 감안 극동지역의 수산기지 개발을 위해 연방 및 지방 정부당국의 투자확대 의지와 함께 외국 수산기업의 투자유치에 관심이 높으며, 러시아 정부는 극동지역 수산부문 투자 활성화에 5대 연방프로그램을 발표하였다. 러시아는 극동지역 수산기업의 시설 현대화 및 정비 사업으로 어획에서부터 가공, 운송, 판매에 이르기까지 일관된 시스템화를 갖춘다는 계획과 초기단계인 양식업에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 해저 플랜테이션의 양식장 개발을 계획 중이고, 유통 환경을 개선하기 위해 냉동창고 건설, 수산시장 건설 등 수산인프라 구축에도 노력하고 있다. 또한 러시아는 낙후된 어업기계와 어선 및 어구의 현대화에 노력하고 있다. 한국은 이러한 러시아의 계획에 대응하여 러시아의 수산부문에 진출을 확대할 수 있는 기회로 사용할 수 있을 것이다. 수산물 저장시설 건설, 노후한 어선의 수리 및 건조를 위한 조선소, 어망 및 수산 기자재 산업, 양식 기술의 수출 등이 직접적이고 효과적인 진출 분야가 될 수 있다. 한편으로, 한국 기업들이 러시아 현지에서 보다 자유로운 경영 활동을 보장하기 위해 러시아 정부와의 긴밀한 협력 시스템을 구축해야 할 것이다. 한국은 러시아 수역에서 일정량의 쿼터와 합작을 통해 중요 대중어종을 국내로 공급하고 있다. 한국은 러시아와 수산물 교역에 있어서 전적으로 수입에 의존하고 있다. 특히 특정품목인 명태(냉동)에 대한 수입 의존도가 매우 높다. 전 세계적으로 수산자원을 포함해 자원보호주의가 강화되고 있는 추세에서 러시아의 자원보호주의 강화에 대응하는 안정적 조업권 확보가 필요하다. 또한, 러시아 정부가 중점으로 다루고 있는 극동 지역의 투자활성화에 부응하여 효율적이고 적극적인 투자를 추진하고 이를 통해 이 지역을 향후 우리나라 해외수산업의 전진기지로 활용할 계획도 필요하다. 최근 지구 온난화의 영향으로 극지방 빙상이 1990년대에 비해 3배 이상 빨리 녹는다는 연구결과가 나왔다. 이러한 지구 온난화로 인한 해수면 온도의 상승으로 명태, 대구, 연어 등의 서식지가 북상하면서 북극해 지역의 어업생산이 증가할 것으로 기대된다. 현재 한국은 러시아 주변의 베링 해 서부에서 어획 활동을 하고 있다. 북극해와 인접해 있는 러시아 극동지역의 캄차트카, 마가단, 사할린 주 등에 수산물 거점항 개발과 수산물 가공 복합단지 등의 개발도 고려할 사항이다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 어선감척사업의 연안자망어업에 대한 어자원회복 및 경제적 효과 추정

        정민주,남종오 한국해양과학기술원 2017 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.39 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to estimate the extent of fisheries resource rebuilding and other economic effects on coastal gill-net fishery as a result of the Korean vessel buy-back program using withwithout analysis based on methods estimating sustainable yields for all species caught by coastal gill-net fishery. Based on the results of with-without analysis, maximum sustainable yields (MSY) of all species caught by coastal gill-net fishery have been increased by the Korean vessel buy-back program. In addition, profits per vessel of maximum economic yield (MEY) of the species have been improved by the program. Further, yields and a producer surplus per vessel under an equilibrium of open access (OA) have increased because of the program. In detail, first of all, at the MSY level, the vessel buy-back program has led to about 21% fisheries resource recovery, and at the MEY level, it has led to about a 19% resource recovery. Secondly, at the MEY level and the OA level, the producer surplus per vessel has been increased by about 24% and 22% respectively by the vessel buy-back program.

      • KCI등재

        주요 사례 분석을 통한 한․중․일 공동어업관리 방향

        이광남(Kwang-Nam LEE),서병귀(Byung-Kwi SEO) 한국수산해양교육학회 2007 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        There exists historically intimate relationship between the fisheries of the three countries of Northeast Asia in terms of the same fishing ground and similar resources. This means that if one of the countries fail to manage their fisheries properly, it will harm the others. Especially, if the EEZ straddling and Trans-Boundary Fish Stocks aren't managed by the cooperation of the three countries, the exhaustion of resources will be more likely to be accelerated. Considering the aspects mentioned, this paper refers to the necessity of fisheries cooperation between Korea, China, and Japan. Next, it analyzed the joint control cases of Norway/Russia Management of Shared Fish Stocks in the Barents Sea, Management of South Tasman Rise in Orange roughy, Agreement on Fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway, Conservation and management of pollack resources in the central Bering Sea, and drew a conclusion for ourselves. Last of all, it suggests a step-by-step strategy of promoting joint control between three countries, and the plan of the establishing and managing the organization of joint fisheries control. About the joint control, The Joint Statement of promoting collaboration between Korea, China, and Japan has been announced at ASEAN in October 7th, 2003 and the summit talk of the three countries. In the joint statement, the three countries came to an agreement which says, Cooperation in Fishery Resource Conservation : The three countries will cooperate, bilaterally or trilaterally, to promote the sustainable use and conservation of fishery resource through the effective fishery management. Not only the consistent collaboration between the government is necessary, but also continuous exchange and related study on a Non-governmental level is also needed for the viable outcome in the near future. When deducting the result for the joint fisheries control, this writer hopes the contents of this study will be helpful.

      • KCI등재

        수산자원관리를 위한 법적 규제 ― 미국의 2006년 어업보존관리재승인법상의 어획제한제도를 중심으로 ―

        이성웅 한국경영법률학회 2012 經營法律 Vol.22 No.2

        The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 included two significant and complementary new provisions for catch shares. The first provision required the establishment of a mechanism for specifying annual catch limits(ACL). The ACLs place a firm cap on fisheries removals at a level such that overfishing will not occur. Accountability measures were required to accompany the ACL mechanisms. The second provision was the elaboration of criteria and guidance authorizing a program of limited access privileges(LAP) to help rebuild overfished stocks, reduce overcapacity if it exists, and promote safety, fishery conservation and management, and social and economic benefits. A LAP is a means to distribute and enforce exclusive percentages of an ACL among participants. Taken together, ACLs and LAPs combine the positive biological benefits of a firm cap on fishery removals with the additional benefits of achieving important economic and social objectives necessary to support sustainable fisheries, but without the negative aspects of the race-for-fish with ACLs alone. Thus, it is an opportune time to consider the complementary use of ACLs and catch shares to meet the nation’s unmet goals for fishery management. Our Korean Fishery Source Management Act of 2009 was legislated recently as a basic act for the management of fishery resources. However it has no basic rule for fishery share and the concrete designs like ACLs and LAPs of MSRA to achieve the object of fishery conservation. Therefore the act should be changed in ways to establish the legal rule for fishery conservation and management and to perform accountability measures to support sustainable fisheries.

      • KCI등재


        金銀煥 한국해사법학회 2017 해사법연구 Vol.29 No.2

        유엔해양법협약이 발효된 이후 20여년이 지났지만 황해 어업자원의 이용과 보존에 관한 문제는 여전히 해결되지 않고 있으며 효과적인 관리조치의 부재로 인해 어업자원이 심각하게 파괴되고 있다. 세계자연기금회(WWF)가 발표한 “해양경제진흥—2015년행동계획”에 따르면 황해생태구역은 세계적인 보존가치를 갖는 해역이나 해양자원의 훼손 및 파괴가 가장 빠른 속도로 진행되고 있는 지역의 하나로서 전 해역 90%의 어업자원이 상업어업에 의해 멸종되었다. 이러한 상황은 연구자로 하여금 기존의 국제법상 어업규범 특히, 황해지역에 적용되는 어업자원보존에 관한 법제도의 실효성과 타당성에 대해 의문을 갖게 하였고 이에 대한 재검토가 필요하다고 판단되었다. 주지하는 바와 같이 어업자원의 보존 및 관리조치는 자원의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 중요한 제도이다. 오랜 시간 동안 중국, 일본, 한국, 북한 등 주변국들은 황해 전통어장에서 공동으로 조업하여 왔으나 지나친 남획으로 인해 자원고갈이 심각한 상황이며 자원에 대한 효과적인 보존 및 관리가 이루어지지 않아 해양생태계가 심각하게 파괴되었다. 이에 따라 1990년대에 들어서 황해 어업자원은 쇠퇴기에 들어서게 되었고, 한중 어업협정의 체결에도 불구하고 중국불법어업이 근절되고 있지 않은 관계로 양국 간의 어업분쟁이 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 황해에서 중국의 지속적인 불법조업과 이에 대한 중국정부의 무책임한 태도는 자원의 보존과 관리를 더더욱 어렵게 하고 있는 실정이다. 본문은 황해어업자원의 이용과 보존에 관한 의제를 둘러싸고 관련 국가 간의 어업자원보존을 위한 협력관계의 발전과정, 어업자원보존 및 관리조치의 시행과 효과 및 문제점에 대해 분석하고 나아가 황해 어업자원보존을 위한 제도적 장치를 확보하기 위한 몇 가지 대응책을 제시하고자 한다. Although the convention on the law of the sea has implemented for more than 20 years, but the problems of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea are more and more serious, the problems have not been effectively resolved. On May 6, 2015 the WWF pointed out in its “Reviving the Ocean Economy: The case for action – 2015” that the Yellow Sea ecosystem has global ecological protection value, but this area is one of the worst degradation of marine fisheries resources areas. About ninety percent of fisheries resources have been extinct by commercial fishing in the Yellow Sea – Bohai Sea. Facing the grim situation, we should question the existing international fishery law, especially on the applicable of the Yellow Sea fisheries conservation legal system protection question. It is necessary to review the conservation of fisheries resources. As we all know,the conservation and management of fisheries resources has become an inevitable trend of sustainable utilization of fisheries resources in the international community. The Yellow Sea was rich in resources with a healthy ecosystem, as a traditional fishing ground was jointly developed by China, South Korea Japan, North Korea and other neighboring countries. The Yellow Sea provides rich fishery resources and a strong support for the development of Fisheries Economy for the surrounding countries. Because of the overfishing, lacking effective conservation and management ecosystems have been severely damaged seriously. Since 1990s of the 20-century, the Yellow Sea's fisheries resources have begun to decline. Especially the current fisheries resources face to dry up, China’s neighboring countries more and more pay attention to protect maritime rights and interests. The conflict between China and its neighboring countries in the development of fisheries resources and the protection of the marine rights and interests is increasingly fierce, which brings many difficulties to the maintenance and management of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea. In order to solve the problems that the utilization and conservation of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea, this paper will focus on the problems existing in the utilization and protection of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea and analyze the relationships of the coastal countries around the Yellow Sea. Study the international fisheries law and international practice analyze the international law and the domestic law in the conservation of the Yellow Sea fisheries resources in the existence of gains and losses. At last, some proposals were put forward that the suggestions on how to improve the protection law of the Yellow Sea fisheries resources.

      • KCI등재


        金銀煥(Yin Huan Jin) 한국해사법학회 2017 해사법연구 Vol.29 No.2

        유엔해양법협약이 발효된 이후 20여년이 지났지만 황해 어업자원의 이용과 보존에 관한 문제는 여전히 해결되지 않고 있으며 효과적인 관리조치의 부재로 인해 어업자원이 심각하게 파괴되고 있다. 세계자연기금회(WWF)가 발표한 “해양경제진흥—2015년행동계획”에 따르면 황해생태구역은 세계적인 보존가치를 갖는 해역이나 해양자원의 훼손 및 파괴가 가장 빠른 속도로 진행되고 있는 지역의 하나로서 전 해역 90%의 어업자원이 상업어업에 의해 멸종되었다. 이러한 상황은 연구자로 하여금 기존의 국제법상 어업규범 특히, 황해지역에 적용되는 어업자원보존에 관한 법제도의 실효성과 타당성에 대해 의문을 갖게 하였고 이에 대한 재검토가 필요하다고 판단되었다. 주지하는 바와 같이 어업자원의 보존 및 관리조치는 자원의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 중요한 제도이다. 오랜 시간 동안 중국, 일본, 한국, 북한 등 주변국들은 황해 전통어장에서 공동으로 조업하여 왔으나 지나친 남획으로 인해 자원 고갈이 심각한 상황이며 자원에 대한 효과적인 보존 및 관리가 이루어지지 않아 해양생태계가 심각하게 파괴되었다. 이에 따라 1990년대에 들어서 황해 어업자원은 쇠퇴기에 들어서게 되었고, 한중 어업협정의 체결에도 불구하고 중국불법어업이 근절되고 있지 않은 관계로 양국 간의 어업분쟁이 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 황해에서 중국의 지속적인 불법조업과 이에 대한 중국정부의 무책임한 태도는 자원의 보존과 관리를 더더욱 어렵게 하고 있는 실정이다. 본문은 황해어업자원의 이용과 보존에 관한 의제를 둘러싸고 관련 국가 간의 어업자원보존을 위한 협력관계의 발전과정, 어업자원보존 및 관리조치의 시행과 효과 및 문제점에 대해 분석하고 나아가 황해 어업자원보존을 위한 제도적 장치를 확보하기 위한 몇 가지 대응책을 제시하고자 한다. Although the convention on the law of the sea has implemented for more than 20 years, but the problems of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea are more and more serious, the problems have not been effectively resolved. On May 6, 2015 the WWF pointed out in its “Reviving the Ocean Economy: The case for action – 2015”that the Yellow Sea ecosystem has global ecological protection value, but this area is one of the worst degradation of marine fisheries resources areas. About ninety percent of fisheries resources have been extinct by commercial fishing in the Yellow Sea – Bohai Sea. Facing the grim situation, we should question the existing international fishery law, especially on the applicable of the Yellow Sea fisheries conservation legal system protection question. It is necessary to review the conservation of fisheries resources. As we all know,the conservation and management of fisheries resources has become an inevitable trend of sustainable utilization of fisheries resources in the international community. The Yellow Sea was rich in resources with a healthy ecosystem, as a traditional fishing ground was jointly developed by China, South Korea Japan, North Korea and other neighboring countries. The Yellow Sea provides rich fishery resources and a strong support for the development of Fisheries Economy for the surrounding countries. Because of the overfishing, lacking effective conservation and management ecosystems have been severely damaged seriously. Since 1990s of the 20-century, the Yellow Sea s fisheries resources have begun to decline. Especially the current fisheries resources face to dry up, China’s neighboring countries more and more pay attention to protect maritime rights and interests. The conflict between China and its neighboring countries in the development of fisheries resources and the protection of the marine rights and interests is increasingly fierce, which brings many difficulties to the maintenance and management of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea. In order to solve the problems that the utilization and conservation of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea, this paper will focus on the problems existing in the utilization and protection of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea and analyze the relationships of the coastal countries around the Yellow Sea. Study the international fisheries law and international practice analyze the international law and the domestic law in the conservation of the Yellow Sea fisheries resources in the existence of gains and losses. At last, some proposals were put forward that the suggestions on how to improve the protection law of the Yellow Sea fisheries resources.

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