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        여성안수와 참된 교회 공동체

        김애영(Ae Young Kim) 한국기독교학회 2005 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.37 No.-

        Today many women are ordained and participate in church ministry. Yet they are still concerned about the question how women and men can share more equal participation and cooperation in church ministry. However, the problem is the fact that the Roman Catholic church and many Protestant churches are still opposed to women`s participation in ministry. This article deals with the historical process of women ordination movement, elaborating feminist theological critique about the exclusion of women ordination, and explicates basic theological foundation for women ordination and ministry toward a realization of true church community. When the leaders of church revival movement in the 18th and the 19th centuries in America allowed women pubic preaching, there arose questions about women`s role and status in churches. Preaching was closely related with such questions and that of women ordination. In general we locate the early period of women`s ordination movement in the 1970` s.women`s liberation movement in the second half of the 1960` s called second wave of feminism, brought about the birth of feminist theology. Then there arose the question of women ordination, the issue was the dominant one in the first half of the 1970` s, and in the 1980` s women who were concerned about church ministry increased rapidly in number. Women ordination was the central movement in the 1970` s, which was greatly influenced by the second wave of feminism. Since then the movement has opened the way for many women of Protestant churches to participate in ministry. However, there are churches which are still opposed to women ministry, so that many women leave their churches. The churches, patriarchal and hierarchical, are never free from the responsibility for the so - called radical post -Christian feminists who assert the incompatibility of feminism and Christianity. Feminist theologians deal with women ordination not for the sake of their job, but as the question of true Christian faith community. and they assert that women ordination question is also related with theological anthropology, the doctrine of God, Christology, ecclesiology, church ministry in general, divine revelation, and the church tradition. This article has elaborated feminist critical discussions concerning women ordination question, in order to encourage those women who suffer from their exclusion from church ministry and still strive toward gaining their participation in it, and to provide them with theological foundations for their efforts and for our hope for the realization of true egalitarian Church community.

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