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        텔레비전 드라마의 여성 결혼이민자 재현에 관한 연구

        김주미(Kim, Ju-Mi),한혜경(Han, Hyekyoung) 부산울산경남언론학회 2009 지역과 커뮤니케이션 Vol.13 No.2

        이 연구는 텔레비전 드라마가 재현하는 여성 결혼이민자의 이미지를 분석하고, 그것이 우리 사회의 지배적인 젠더 담론인 가부장제에 지니는 의미를 고찰하고자 했다. 이를 위해 여성 결혼이민자가 주인공으로 등장하는 〈황금신부〉를 기호학적으로 분석했다. 통합체 분석 결과, 여성 결혼이민자는 한국 여성보다 열등한 조건을 가졌음에도 불구하고 최고학벌과 직업을 지닌 한국인 남성과 결혼하는데서 갈등이 시작되며, 그녀가 헌신적으로 한국의 전통적인 여성적 덕목들을 갖춤으로써 그 갈등이 해결되는 구도가 반복해서 나타났다. 계열체 분석결과, 성과 국제결혼이 교차하여 성격과 직업들이 대립되는 모습이 나타났다. 남성은 주체적이고 합리적이며 사회적으로 인정받는 직업을 지닌다. 과거에 그렇지 못한 남성들은 국제결혼을 하며, 그 결혼을 계기로 남성성을 회복한다. 반면에 여성은 세대와 인종에 따라 뚜렷한 대립항을 형성했다. 여성결혼이민자는 현모양처와 수퍼우먼의 성향을 부여받고 통합체분석에서와 달리 한국사회와 인물들의 부족함을 채워주는 존재로 설정된다. 이상과 같이 드라마에서 여성 결혼이민자는 한국인의 차별의식이 낳은 열등한 존재에서 한국 남성의 판타지를 완벽하게 충족시키는 여성으로 재탄생한다. 이는 곧 우리 사회의 가부장제를 유지시킬 새로운 대리인이 설정되는 과정으로 해석할 수 있다. It's required to pay attention to the representation of female marriage immigrants by media, as those immigrants have emerged as a new group of people who are incorporated into Korean society. They are a minority in Korean society, and just a very small number of Koreans meet them in person. Under the circumstances, media could be said to play a fairly important role in determining the way of looking at female marriage immigrants. The purpose of this study was to examine the representation of female marriage immigrants in TV drama, on which there hasn't been dynamic discussion in association with the various roles of media. TV viewers who watch a drama describing a female marriage immigrant are likely to identify that character with real female marriage immigrants they may meet, and the way they look at them is likely to be affected by the drama. That was why this study focused on TV drama as a medium of representing female marriage immigrants. SBS's weekend drama entitled 'The Golden Bride' was selected in this study, which was on the air for six months from June 2007. Since a female marriage immigrant was the main character who determined the flow of the drama, this researcher expected that it would be possible to take a careful look at how the drama represented the external and internal characteristics of the female marriage immigrant from various angles. Syntagmatic analysis and paradigmatic analysis, which were semiological analyses, were utilized to check into how the TV drama described international marriage, the female marriage immigrant and her interaction with Kore an family members. As a result, the typical, patriarchal ideology was still prevailing in the drama that portrayed a female marriage immigrant, though the drama was viewed as a mirror of social changes in large part. The drama was different from news, documentary or entertainment programs in the way of depicting a female marriage immigrant. The latter portrayed female marriage immigrants mainly as marginal women who should be protected, whereas the former represented the female immigrants as the so-called mysterious superwoman who was good at household chores and an excellent performer at work. The findings of the study were differentiated from those of earlier studies, and the fact justified the significance of the study.

      • 다문화시대 여성결혼이민자의 시민권에 관한 연구

        장윤수(Jang Yoon Soo),김혜련(Jin Hui Lian),강군(Jiang Jun) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2011 전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국제학술회의 Vol.2011 No.2

        After 1990s, the marriage immigrant is increasing rapidly, and the number of marriage immigrants living in South Korea has reached 139,050 by 2010. It is obviously that in as little as 10 years the number of resident foreigners is dramatically increasing. With the advent of the globalization era, the multicultural phenomenon and the rights of vulnerable groups began attracted much attention and one of the issues is the citizenship of immigrant. Although the female marriage immigrants have become new members of Korean society, they still can not become the real Korean citizen actually. Under such a background, centered on the Chinese females, this paper analyzes the citizenship status of the female marriage immigrants with T.H. Marshall’s citizenship theory. That is, this paper through dividing the citizenship of the female marriage immigrants into civil right, political right and social right, investigates the difficulties and the degree to achieve the citizenship in their process to get the legal citizenship. In this paper, through interviewing 10 Chinese female marriage migrants and the results are as follows: First, during the process to obtain the legal citizenship, the female marriage immigrants confronted with many difficulties. In extending their resident visa, especially for applying for permanent residence and naturalization, they have to get the assistance and approval from their husbands. Second, the female marriage immigrants are restricted by many factors in the process of enjoying the civil right, political right and social right, so the rights they enjoyed are the restricted citizenship. As for the civil right, although they have confronted with a lot of difficulties in melting into Korean society, the basic rights involving individual freedom has been guaranteed. In the political rights, Korean society has offered political right to the female marriage immigrants who have held the permanent residency and citizenship, but they are not active in enjoying the political right. As for the social right, it is manly attached to their husband and children. Owing to the economic discrimination, social and culture exclusion as well as other reasons, the female marriage immigrants in Korean society still can not achieve their full citizenship. As new members of Korean society, the female marriage immigrants are beginning to realize their civil rights, and they are also starting to take a series of activities. In order to solve the immigration problems in Korean society, the government should take some measures to protect the citizenship of these female marriage immigrants.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 여성결혼이민자의 학습경험에 따른 취업경로 연구

        박신영,이병준 한국문화교육학회 2015 문화예술교육연구 Vol.10 No.2

        Lately, discussion about the adaptation to the Korean society of female marriage immigrants is moving to the one about their employment and job gradually. Employment of female marriage immigrants varies from simple labor to the use of their native language. For this, female marriage immigrants have various learning experiences from learning the Korean language to acquiring university degrees. This research studied the employment paths of the female marriage immigrants who succeeded in getting current jobs after their international marriage immigration. For this, the in-depth interviews of 18 female immigrants being at work were carried out to draw the conclusion of the study. Type of employment path of the female marriage immigrants can be classified into[learning in advance․employment laterⅠ, Ⅱtype] and [employment in advance․learning laterⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲtype]. These types are divided into[learning in advance․employment laterⅠtype],[learning in advance․employment later Ⅱtype],[employment in advance․learning laterⅠtype],[employment in advance․learning late Ⅱtype],[employment in advance․learning later Ⅲtype]. Learning activities and job hunting activities have been carried out repetitively, cyclically and simultaneously, neither linearly nor gradually. Therefore, the study shows that the female marriage immigrants have changed their passive and beneficial lives into the active and self directed lives gradually. They have been growing and developing as regal community members with abilities for independence. 최근 여성결혼이민자들의 한국사회의 적응에 대한 논의는 그들의 취업과 일자리에 대한 논의로 조금씩 이동해가고 있다. 여성결혼이민자들의 취업은 대체로 단순노동에서부터 그들이 가진 언어전문성을 활용하는 데까지 다양하게 나타나고 있으며 이를 위해 한국어교육에서부터 대학의 학위과정이수에 이르기까지 다양한 학습경험을 보이고 있다. 본 연구는 다문화가정의 여성결혼이민자들이 국제결혼이주 이후, 현재의 직장에 취업하기 위해 어떠한 취업경로를 통해 취업에 성공했는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 현재 취업상태에 있는 여성결혼이민자 18명을 심층면담하여 연구결과를 도출하였는데 여성결혼이민자의 취업경로 유형은 크게[선학습·후취업Ⅰ,Ⅱ유형]과[선취업·후학습Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ 유형]으로 분류되었고, 세부적으로는[선학습·후취업Ⅰ유형],[선학습·후취업 Ⅱ유형],[선취업·후학습Ⅰ유형],[선취업·후학습Ⅱ유형],[선취업·후학습 Ⅲ유형]5가지로 나타나고 있다. 연구참여자들은 그 동안 한국사회 적응과정에서 축적한 다양한 학습활동과 취업활동을 기반으로 인적자본과 사회적 자본을 향상시켜 나가고 있었으며, 이들의 학습활동과 취업활동은 선형적·단계적이기보다는 반복적·순환적·동시적으로 상호작용하면서 진행되고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 여성결혼이민자들이 점차 수동적이고 수혜적 삶에서 벗어나 능동적이고 자기주도적 삶으로 나아가면서 자립능력을 갖춘 당당한 사회구성원으로 성장발전하고 있는 모습을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자를 위한 요리 어휘 연구

        허은혜 한국언어문화교육학회 2012 언어와 문화 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper aims to investigate frequency of food words as well as word level, word class in the textbooks which female marriage immigrants use to study Korean and then find a way to make a food word list for female marriage immigrants by analyzing general recipe books. For this research, I conduct a survey of the learners’ demands for food words. Learners think that they don’t know enough food words and need to study food words. For seeking a way to list food words, I measure token, type and ratio of word class of food words found in female marriage immigrants’ textbooks and recipe books. Female marriage immigrants’ textbooks contain 9 units which are related to food. A lot of words in textbooks are nouns of ingredients and food names but they have few verbs and adjectives. In contrast, recipe books have various verbs, adverbs and adjectives. And high frequency words in recipe books are not contained in female immigrants’ textbooks. Korean textbooks for female marriage immigrants have to give learners practical words. So we need to make a food list for female marriage immigrants by analyzing a lot of general recipe books. If so female marriage immigrants can apply their knowledge in their real life as well as study korean.

      • International Marriage Brokerage and Human Rights of Immigrant Women

        ( Kyeong-ok Choi ) 건국대학교 이주사회통합연구소 2017 Journal of Migration and Social Integration (JMSI) Vol.2 No.2

        Immigration may be defined to be an act of moving life base by reason of profession, marriage or some other choices to the places that have different culture, language, safety etc. Although such choice is followed by various dangers, nonetheless such immigration trend has been part of life in the globalized society. This thesis will cover subjects laying special stress on female marriage immigrants. In the meantime, the immigration problem cannot be viewed from simple domestic demographic side, but ratherly a horizen should also be opened from the point of globalized universal aspect of human right. Primarily, international marriage contains problems of language, culture, welfare, security, crime victim etc. Furthermore, problem of non-documented stay may arise in case that the immigrants has not acquired Korean citizenship yet due to the reasons like divorce etc. In America, president Obama gave an administrative order on November 20, 2014 in order to solve the problem for non-documented immigrants. The point of this administrative order contains “a purpose of stopping family separation by means of postponement of deportation but not giving amnesty to the non-documented immigrants” and it puts emphasis on that “as the amnesty belongs to the right of Federal Congress, it cannot be linked to any acquirement of permanent residency or citizenship, and also that immigration is extended to the filed of investment and technology at the same time with heightened security of border for prevention of entry by illegal immigration.” As such is the case, the significance of crossing the border in way of life gives rise to education problems for them and their offsprings including those like cultural, language and security problems. Therefore, this thesis will cover problems that may possibly even cause them to divorce due to unsatisfied marital life with husband, laying stess on female marriage immigrants, and in such case, problem of marriage mediation(II), protection countermeasure for female marriage immigrants(III), and problem of marriage and immigration(IV).

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 언어불안과 문화적응 연구

        주월랑(Ju Woalrang) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.11

        본 연구는 여성결혼이민자의 문화적응과 언어불안 양상을 논의하기 위해서 베트남과 중국 출신 여성결혼이민자대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 먼저 언어불안과 문화적응에 대한 평균값을 측정하였으며, 이후 여성결혼이민자의 각 변수(국적, 거주기간, 한국어 학습기관, 한국어 학습기간)의 집단 간 유의한 차이를 검증하기 위해서 t검정과 일원배치 분산분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 국적, 한국어 학습기간에 따른 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 거주기간에 따라 문화적응(F=3.076,p<.05)에서만 유의한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 한국어 학습기간에서는 언어불안(F=2.829, p<.05)에서만 유의한 차이를 나타났다. 또한 언어불안과 문화적응과 각 변수 간의 상관관계를 측정한 결과, 여성결혼이민자의 국적, 거주기간, 한국어 학습기관, 한국어 학습기간이 문화적응과 언어불안 간의 상관성은 나타나지 않았다. 그러나국적별로 분리하여 상관성을 측정한 결과, 베트남 출신 여성결혼이민자의 경우, 언어불안과 문화적응이 양(+)의 상관성을 나타냈으며, 중국 출신 여성결혼이민자의 경우, 언어불안과 문화적응이 음(-)의 상관성을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 중국 출신 여성결혼이민자는 문화적응이 높아질수록 언어불안이 낮아지지만, 베트남 출신 여성결혼이민자는문화적응이 높아져도 언어불안은 낮아지지 않는다는 것을 의미한다. 즉 여성결혼이민자의 국적별로 언어불안과 문화적응의 상관성은 차이가 나타났으나, 결국 여성결혼이민자의 거주기간, 한국어 학습기간, 한국어 학습기관은 문화적응이나 언어불안 간의 상관성을 보이지 않았다. 앞서 살핀 본 연구 결과가 의미하는 바는, 단순히 제2언어 환경에 단순히 노출되는 상황이 지속 되더라도, 문화적응을 높이면서 언어불안을 낮추기 위한 개인적 및 사회적인 노력이 필요함을 보여준다. This study conducted a survey to discuss cultural adjustment and language anxiety of femalemarriage immigrants targeting female marriage immigrants from Vietnam and China. To begin with, average values of language anxiety and cultural adjustment were measured andafterwards, in order to verify significant group differences in each variable of female marriageimmigrants(nationalities, length of residence, Korean language learning institution, length of Koreanlanguage learning), the study carried out t test and One-way ANOVA. The results came up withsignificant differences only in residence-length-based cultural adjustment(F=3.076, p<.05) while nodifferences in nationalities and length of Korean language learning were observed. Regarding lengthof Korean language learning, only language anxiety presented significant differences(F=2.829, p<.05). In addition, when the study investigated correlations of language anxiety, cultural adjustment andeach of the variables, it learned female marriage immigrants nationalities, length of residence, Koreanlanguage learning institution and length of Korean language learning would not affect correlationsbetween cultural adjustment and language anxiety. However, the nationality -based correlationsurvey showed that as for the female marriage immigrants from Vietnam, their language anxiety andcultural adjustment have a positive(+) correlation when language anxiety and cultural adjustmentof the female marriage immigrants from China have a negative(-) correlation. Those results confirmthat as for the female marriage immigrants from China, the higher their cultural adjustment gets,the lower their language anxiety gets while in terms of the female marriage immigrants fromVietnam, even when their cultural adjustment increases, their language anxiety doesn’t decrease. In other words, the nationalities of the female marriage immigrants lead to correlations with languageanxiety and cultural adjustment and yet, no correlations with cultural adjustment and languageanxiety were caused by the female marriage immigrants’ length of residence, length of Koreanlanguage learning and Korean language learning institution. What the results above signify is thatin spite of exposure to the second language learning environments, personal and social efforts shouldbe required not only to increase cultural adjustment but also to decrease language anxiety.

      • KCI등재후보

        결혼이주여성의 법적 지위와 인권

        장진숙(Jin-Sook Jang) 한국교정복지학회 2010 교정복지연구 Vol.- No.20

        오늘날 연구이동양상은 과거 산업사회에서 ‘농촌에서 도시로의 연구이동’과 달리 ‘한 국가에서 다른 국가’로 국경을 초월하여 이동하는 추세에 있다. 단일민족 주의의 전통이 강조되던 우리나라도 2000년 이후 특히 국제결혼을 통하여 국경을 넘어온 이주여성과 한국인 가족들은 다양한 ‘문화적 차이’를 경험하고, 그로 인한 적지 않은 문제점들을 겪고 있다. ‘결혼이주여성’ 역시 장밋빛 꿈을 안고 이역만리 타국으로 시집을 왔지만, 그들에게는 대한민국 남성의 아내가 되고 대한민국 국민으로 살아가기까지는 많은 문제의 산들이 가로 막고 있다. 본문은 먼저 대한민국 국민과의 결혼을 통하여 유입된 결혼이주여성들을 중심으로 야기되는 여라 문제점들을 검토하고 이들에 대한 국제인권규범과 국가의 적절한 법적 보호방안을 모색해 보고자 한다. 먼저 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위하여 결혼이주여성의 인권침해실태를 점검하고, 다음으로 결혼이주여성이 대한민국에서 가질 수 있는 법적 지위를 검토 해 보고 국제인권규범들은 어떻게 이들을 보호하고 있는지 검토해 보았다. 그리고 마지막으로 결혼이주여성들의 인권향상을 위해 관련 법률의 문제점 및 해결 방안을 모색해 보았다. In the past industrial society, population movement tended to proceed from 'rural areas to cities.' On the other hand, today's migration of population is on the tendency to move from 'one country to the other country' beyond national boundaries. Korea has had a traditional notion of single-ethnic nationalism for a long time, but it began to change differently with a gradual increase of foreign immigrants into Korea, especially female immigrants through international marriage, since the year 2000. These female immigrants and their Korean families experience a various ' cultural difference' and considerable problems arising out of it. Female marriage immigrants find themselves to have lots of problems in front of them as well until they can get accustomed to their new life in Korea as a wife of Korean man and a member of Korea. This study mainly deals with those problems that female marriage immigrants are faced with, and examines into legal protection measures and international regulations on human rights for them. In order to find solutions for problems they are experiencing now in Korea, this study (ⅰ)checks the actual conditions of human rights violations that have occurred to female marriage immigrants; (ⅱ) considers a legal status that they are entitled to have in Korea;(ⅲ) examines into how international regulations on human rights protect these foreign immigrant women; and lastly, (ⅳ) deals with legal problems and solutions in connection with the improvement of human rights for female marriage immigrants.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 여성결혼이민자의 결혼행복감에 관한 연구

        김연수 ( Yoen Soo Kim ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2007 한국가족복지학 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the level of marital happiness and analyze the various factors influencing on marital happiness among female marriage immigrants. The subject of the study is female marriage immigrants who live in Seoul and have maintained their marriage at least more than 6 month. Their native countries are China, Japan, Vietnam, Philippine, and Thailand, etc. The total cases were 304. The major findings of the study are summarized as follows; First, the mean score of marital happiness is 7.33(s.d=2.31) from 10 points likert scale. It is higher than the medium level of the scale. Also, it suggest that the level of marital happiness among female marriage immigrants is quite similar to that of Korean married woman. Second, significantly higher marital happiness was found in those who are in their twenties, in first marriage group, in higher income group, and in full time house wife group. Third, when female marriage immigrants manage family income together with their husband, spend their spare time with a husband, and have family support in sending money to their native countries for economic assistant, the marital happiness was much higher than the opposite group. In addition, marital happiness was significantly lower when they have experienced any type of family violence and conflicts with parents-in-law. Fourth, as the results of hierachical multiple regression analysis, the factors influencing on marital happiness among female marriage immigrants were family relation, husband`s understanding of wives` mother culture, spending spare time with a husband, experiencing family violence, and acculturative stress. The explanatory power of these variables was 53.7%, which was very high. Through the study, it was proved that positive and healthy family interaction is the most important factor impacting on marital happiness among female marriage immigrants. Based on these results, the specific methods and strategies of family social work intervention for enhancing marital happiness among female marriage immigrants were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        실제성 제고를 위한 여성결혼이민자용 한국어 어휘 연구 -「국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구」에 대한 어휘 보완 연구-

        최미경(Choi, Mi Gyeong) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2019 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.9 No.1

        여성결혼이민자는 국내 입국 초기에 임신과 출산, 자녀 양육을 경험하지만 이와 관련한 어휘 학습은 매우 부족하다. 이 연구는 이를 보완하기 위한 방안을 모색하였다. 먼저 ‘국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구’의 어휘를 분석하였다. 이후 인터넷 주부카페의 육아방과 초등학교 가정통신문에서 어휘를 임의로 수집·분류하고, 실제로 임신, 출산 경험이 있는 한국어 교사들과 초등학생 자녀를 둔 한국어 교사들에게 필수 어휘를 선택하게 했다. 이를 통해 ‘국제 통용 한국어 표준 교육과정 적용 연구’에 수록되지 않은 임신 어휘 18개, 출산·육아 어휘 52개, 학교생활 어휘 33개 등 총 103개의 어휘를 신규학습 어휘로 제시하였다. 또한 여성결혼이민자용 교재 등에 이들 어휘를 추가할 것, 정착단계별 한국어 교육과정 개설(임신·출산기, 육아기 등), 세분화된 교육과정에 필수 어휘 학습 강화 등의 대안을 제안하였다. As the demand for Korean language education as a foreign language has increased rapidly, there has been a need to develop standardized Korean language education model at a national level. This led to a series of efforts to develop standardized Korean language education models that could be used worldwide, and as a result, the standardized models are now being used on the ground. However, the current model does not provide vocabulary specialized for female marriage immigrants, foreign students, and foreign workers. Female marriage immigrants generally come to Korea with the level of Korean language proficiency at TOPIK 2. They experience pregnancy, childbirth and childcare as soon as they come to Korea, which entails difficulties as they lack proficiency in Korean. Korean language education carried out at local multicultural centers lack in many ways as these centers do not teach vocabulary concerning pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare that female marriage immigrants must acquire. As Korea’s pregnancy and childbirth culture is completely different from that of their homeland, female marriage immigrants cannot ask for their parents’ help either. This is a stark contrast to young Korean housewives who easily obtain rich information through family, friends, and on the Internet. In a bid to find essential and complementary vocabulary that female marriage immigrants must acquire, this study randomly collected and classified vocabulary from primary schools’ parent letters and “parenting room of the Internet café” popular among young Korean housewives. This study thus exhibits the vocabulary that are often in use in parent letters and young Korean housewives have high interest in concerning pregnancy and childbirth. In order to come up with new vocabulary that female marriage immigrants will learn from the collected and classified vocabulary, Korean teachers who have an experience of pregnancy and childbirth were asked to choose vocabulary relating to pregnancy and childbirth, and those with primary school children were asked to choose vocabulary relating to school life. This was because it is Korean teachers who, in view of their own experiences, knows best what vocabulary female marriage immigrant need to learn each situation. Finally, the extracted vocabulary was compared to the vocabulary in “Applied Study”, and as a result, the study exhibits vocabulary that were not included in the applied study as an essential vocabulary for pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and primary school life. This study presents 103 new vocabulary words in total to complement “applied study”. There are 18 vocabulary words concerning pregnancy such as birth defects, infertility, internal examination, last month of pregnancy, belly aggregation, 52 vocabulary words concerning pregnancy and childcare such as high fever, stomatitis, greenish stool, miliaria, crawling, after pain, breastfeeding amount, and 33 vocabulary words for school life such as omission, extracurricular activities, written test, and consent to utilization of personal information. Simply learning these new vocabulary does not mean that female marriage immigrants will be able to adapt to the life in Korea well. However, this study aims to provide minimum safety to female marriage immigrants in the face of serious situations during their new life in Korea such as pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and guiding children’s school life. Some say that this suggestion could overly broaden Korean language education, but since multicultural families began to take root in Korea, female marriage immigrants’ children have already entered high school. For this reason, conducting Korean language education with wide latitude for married immigrant women is also a matter concerning second generation Koreans and a matter concerning the Korean society as a whole. In addition, Korean language education for foreign students and foreign workers should be examined as well so that vocabul

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재에 나타난 여성결혼이민자의 타자성 - 『결혼이민자와 함께하는 한국어』를 중심으로 -

        김미정 한국문학이론과비평학회 2016 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.73 No.-

        As the number of international marriage increases sharply, migrated female emerged as a staple part of our society. Therefore, the difficulty of the female marriage immigrants have about sociocultural adaptation became remarkable social issue, and necessities for social unification and foreigner protection are arising. In this situation, Korean language has an equal effectiveness with their mother language as a language of life rather than just second language. So, this leads to a focal focus on Korean language education, and especially on the role of its base-material, the textbook. However, reminding the textbook not only has function of language acquisition but also includes indigenous culture, ideological connotation and more of the country, text for foreigner needs ti be approached discreetly on its range of leverage because it embedded implicitly with one group's indigenous culture and social operational mechanism at the bottom. Textbooks for female marriage immigrants had been generally reedited from 2010, and made positive changes from skill-integrated text to skill-separated text and from uni-culture to inter-culture, but there was no change on marginalization of migrant women in the aspect of sociocultural area and gender in both texts before reediting and after. This paper, hence, looked into “Korean language with the marriage immigrant”, which was published by the National Institute of the Korean Language, and analyzed ‘otherness of female marriage immigrant’ which is implied in textbook. First, I could figure out migrant women's social status and self-identity through their activity space and interlocutor while analyzing their otherness. Since their activity space is narrow-ranged such as countryside and neighbor area and even worse to house mostly, I found out that they, indeed, was being socially and economically othered in Korean society. Moreover, I witnessed they were left as gendered others as being forced to take patriarchal system repeatedly by their mother-in-law, who is a bearer of Korean culture, and other surroundings. To solve the aforementioned problems, changing perception of the neighbors and surroundings about female married immigrants would be the first and foremost task in the aspect of social safety net. Therefore, if possible, the textbook and continuous program which their husbands, kids, and parents-in-law can participate together and/or their neighbors can associate, need to be developed. In addition, the textbook has to be composed in a way deviating from compelling them to assimilate into unreciprocated Korean culture, but respecting culture and history of other nations, and simultaneously expanding intercultural exchanges. In addition, it is necessary to spread the non- dichotomy gender conception of occupation along with various textbook which enables them to get vocational education for feeling settled, improving their self-esteem, and having stable economic life in Korea. When immigrants of our society secure their economic power through labor and find their social identity with recognition of people nearby by strengthening these practical alternatives, multicultural social integration would be made, and these immigrants' competence would be exhibited its new social power as national competitiveness and assets. 국제결혼이 급증하면서 이주여성이 우리 사회의 주요한 일원으로 등장하고 있다. 그러기에 여성결혼이민자들이 겪는 사회·문화적 적응의 어려움이 문제화 되면서 외국인의 보호와 사회통합의 필요성이 증대되고 있기도 하다. 이러한 중에 여성결혼이민자들에게 한국어는 제 2의 언어라기보다 생존의 언어로서 모국어와 등가의 효용성을 지니고 있으므로 한국어 교육이 중요시되고 그 기본기재인 한국어 교재가 담당하는 역할은 어느 것보다도 더 크다고 할 수 있다. 더욱이 한국어 교재는 단순히 언어학습의 기능만을 갖는 것이 아니고 그 나라의 문화 및 사상 등을 포함하는 것이기 때문에 그 기저에 한 집단의 고유문화와 사회의 작동 기제가 암암리에 투영되어 있어서 파급 효과가 크므로 조심스럽게 접근해야한다. 여성결혼이민자를 위한 교재는 2010년을 기점으로 전면적 개편이 이뤄져 통합적 텍스트에서 영역 강화적 텍스트로, 동일문화에서 상호문화로의 비교적 긍정적인 변화가 파악되었지만 개편 이전이나 이후 모두 사회·문화적, 젠더적인 면에서 이주민여성을 주변화하는 내용에는 커다란 변화가 없었다. 이에 본고는 국립국어원에서 출간한 『결혼이민자와 함께하는 한국어』를 살펴보면서 교재에 함의되어 있는 여성결혼이민자의 타자성을 분석해 보았다. 먼저 여성결혼이민자가 활동하는 공간 및 대화 상대자를 통해서 그들의 사회적 위상 및 정체성을 가늠할 수 있었다. 여성결혼이민자들의 행동반경은 농촌 및 그 주변지역이고 더 나아가 집안을 위주로 한 제한적 공간으로서 그들이 한국사회에서 사회적 ·경제적으로 소외되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그런가하면 한국 문화의 담지자 및 전수자의 역할을 맡고 있는 시어머니 및 주위 환경에 의해 한국식 가부장적 문화가 반복적으로 주입되면서 여성결혼이민자가 젠더적으로 타자화 되는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 결혼여성이민자에 대한 주변 및 이웃의 인식을 전환하는 것이 사회안전망 차원에서도 중요한 과제이므로 가능하다면 남편과 아이, 시부모가 공동으로 참여하거나 이웃과의 연계활동도 할 수 있는 교재와 지속적인 프로그램이 개발되어야 한다. 그리고 그 교재는 한국의 일방적인 문화에 동화를 강요하는 방식을 벗어나 상대국가의 문화와 역사를 존중하면서 상호 문화교류를 확대하는 방식으로 구성되어야 한다. 또한 여성결혼이주민들이 정착감과 자존감을 높일 수 있고 한국에서의 안정된 경제생활을 위해 직업교육을 받을 수 있는 다양한 교재와 더불어 젠더 분업적이지 않은 직업 관념의 확산도 필수적이다. 이러한 실천적 대안이 강화됨으로써 우리 사회의 이주민들이 노동을 통해 경제력을 확보하고 주변 사람들의 인정을 통해 사회적 정체성을 확보할 때 다문화적 사회통합은 가까워질 것이고 이민자의 역량은 국가경쟁력이자 자산으로 새로운 사회적 힘을 발휘할 것으로 본다.

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