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      • 신경외과 중환자에서 Feeding pump 사용으로 성공적으로 경장영양을 시행한 1예

        최지혜,이영재,윤소희,김예정,김수진,신현미 한국정맥경장영양학회 2015 한국정맥경장영양학회 학술대회집 Vol.2015 No.-

        서론: 중환자 경장영양치료시 위 잔여량이 증가할 경우 feeding pump 사용이 효과적인 경장영양치료에 유 효한 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 현실적인 의료환경에서 보험급여 문제를 포함하여 여러가지 문제점으로feeding pump 사용에 제한을 받고 있다. 본 저자는 경장영양치료가 어려웠던 중환자에게서 feeding pump 사용에 의한 지속적 방법으로 경장영양공급 시행 후 효과적인 경장영양치료를 경험하였기에 보고하고자 한다. 증례: 60세 남자가 한 달 전 의식불명을 주소로 응급실을 방문하여 급성 경막하 출혈 진단 받고 감압성 두개골 절제술 시행 후 신경외과 중환자실에 입원하였다. 입원시 체중은 표준체중 백분율(%IBW)이 96.83% (58 kg, 165 cm) 이었다. 입원 2일째부터 Levin tube에 의한 경장영양치료를 시행하였으나, 경과 관찰 중 입원 4일째 호흡곤란 및 산도포화도 감소로 기관삽관을 시행한 후 기계환기를 시행하였고, Levin tube 식도 자극에 의한 인한 식도 궤양 출혈이 발생하여 금식을 시행하였으며, 표준체중 백분율 91.84% (55 kg, 165 cm)로 중등도 Protein-calorie malnutrition 영양불양상태 이었다. 입원 8일째에 경장영양액(하모닐란®) 300 cc를 하루 네 번 간헐적 feeding방법으로 투여 하였으나 9일째 호흡곤란 상태가 다시 악화되어 경장영양치료 중단 하였고 경정맥영양치료 시행하면서 상기 환자의 영양치료에 대하여 영양집중지원팀에 협진을 의뢰하였다. 영 양집중지원팀 권고에 따라 Nasogastric feeding tube에 의한 경장영양 치료를 시행하였으나 입원일 26일부터 위잔여량 증가로 충분한 영양공급 증량이 어려워 feeding pump를 사용하여 24hr continuous feeding 을 시행하였다. Feeding pump continuous feeding protocol은 다음과 같다. 25cc/hr로 시작하여 8시간마다 15 cc/hr씩 증량하였으며, 1,400 kcal(요구량의 80%충족)을 목표로 지속적으로 증량하였다. 위잔류량을 4시간마다 측정 하였고 위잔류량이 200 cc미만시 지속해서 증량하였으며, 구토, 복부팽만, 설사 등의 증상을 주의깊게 관찰하였다. 입원일 34일째 요양병원으로 퇴원이 예고되어 타기관 치료 환경을 고려하여 intermittent feeding으로 전환하여 200 cc/hr 투여 상태에서 입원 37일째 퇴원하였다. 고찰: 중환자에서 위 잔여량이 증가함에 따라 경장영양치료에 제한 있었던 환자에게서 feeding pump사용을 통하여 효과적으로 경장영양치료를 시행할 수 있었다. 향후 경장영양치료에 feeding pump의 유용성에 대하여 지속적인 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다.


        Fed-Batch Sorbose Fermentation Using Pulse and Multiple Feeding Strategies for Productivity Improvement

        Giridhar, R.,Srivastava, A.K. The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2000 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.5 No.5

        Microbial oxidation of D-sorbitol to L-sorbose by Acetobacter suboxydans is of commercial importance since it is the only biochemical process in vitamin C synthesis. The main bottleneck in the batch oxidation of sorbitol to sorbose is that the process is severely inhibited by sorbitol. Suitable fed-batch fermentation designs can eliminate the inherent substrate inhibition and improve sorbose productivity. Fed-batch sorbose fermentations were conducted by using two nutrient feeding strategies. For fed-batch fermentation with pulse feeding, highly concentrated sorbitor (600g/L) along with other nutrients were fed intermittently in four pulses of 0.5 liter in response to the increased DO signal. The fed-batch fermentation was over in 24h with a sorbose productivity of 13.40g/L/h and a final sorbose concentration of 320.48g/L. On the other hand, in fed-batch fermentation with multiple feeds, two pulse feeds of 0.5 liter nutrient medium containing 600g/L sorbitol was followed by the addition of 1.5 liter nutrient medium containing 600g/L sorbitol at a constant feed rate of 0.36L/h till the full working capacity of the reactor. The fermentation was completed in 24h with an enhanced sorbose productivity of 15.09g/L/h and a sorbose concentration of 332.60g/L. The sorbose concentration and productivity obtained by multiple feeding of nutrients was found to be higher than that obtained by pulse feeding and was therefore a better strategy for fed-batch sorbose fermentation.

      • FED Technology and R & D Trend

        주병권 선문대학교 첨단과학기술연구소 2001 첨단과학기술연구소 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        큰 부피와 무거운 중량으로 대표되는 CRT 고유의 한계점을 극복하기 위해, 평판 표시기(Flat Panel Display)가 등장하게 되었는데, 현재 기술 및 시장성 면에서 자리를 공고히 하고 있는 LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)를 비롯하여 PDF(Plasma Display Panel), VFD(Vacuum Fluorescent Display), ELD(Electro-luminescent Display) 등이 이에 속한다. 이들 중 하나가 FED(Field Emission Display)로 최근에 이르러 그 연구 개발이 더욱 가속화 되고 있다. 이러한 FED의 기술적 배경을 거슬러 올라가 보면, 이미 1960년대 중반에 그 연구가 시도된 바 있으나, 전계 방출용 팁의 과도한 손상과 형광체 기술의 부족으로 좌절되었으며, 이후로 극히 미미한 수준의 연구만 진행되어 왔다. 그러다가 프랑스의 국립 연구소인 LETI가 독자적으로 수 년 동안 집중적으로 연구를 수행한 결과 소자의 구조, 전계 방출용 팁, 그리고 형광체 기술에 있어서 획기적인 개선을 이루었으며, 이로서 FED는 새로운 탄생을 맞이하게 되었다. 1992년 7월에 FED 전문 회사인 Pixel International(지금은 Pix Tech으로 개명되었음.)이 설립되었고, 그 해 9월에 LETI로부터 관련 특허들을 전수받아 1993년에 칼라 FED 시제품을 최초로 발표한 바 있다. 본 고에서는 2000년대 진입을 목표로 평판 표시기 시장에 강력히 도전하고 있는 FED와 관련하여, FED 동작 원리 및 장단점, FEA(Field Emitter Array) 소자 및 제조공정, FED 회사들의 연구 개발 동향 등에 관하여 간단히 피력하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초극소 저체중 출생아에서 수유 시 산소포화도 저하와 구강자극 요법의 효과

        최해원,박혜원,김희영,임진아,구소은,이병섭,김기수,피수영,김애란 대한신생아학회 2010 Neonatal medicine Vol.17 No.2

        Purpose: Feeding desaturation is a common problem among preterm infants which can result in prolonged hospital stays, longterm feeding difficulties and growth delay. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of premature infants with feeding desaturation and to examine the effect of orocutaneous stimulation on oral feeding. Methods: During the first phase of this study, 125 extremely low birth weight infants were reviewed retrospectively. Characteristics between infants with feeding desaturation (n=34) and those without feeding desaturation (n=91) were examined. During the second phase, 29 infants recruited from March, 2009 to May, 2010 were subjected to orocutaneous stimulation. The results of orocutaneous stimulation were compared to a control group (n=81). Results: The first phase of the study revealed that extremely low birth weight infants with feeding desaturation were significantly lower in gestational ages at birth, and had lower 5 minute apgar scores, more gastroesophageal refluxes and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Infants without feeding desaturation reached full enteral feeding significantly earlier and showed shorter duration of hospital stay. At the second phase, infants in the intervention group showed shorter days to achieve initiation of bottle feeding, shorter days in achievement of full bottle feeding, last episodes of feeding desaturation and length of hospital stay compared to the control group of similar characteristics. Conclusion: Orocutaneous stimulation among extremely low birth weight infants results in earlier achievement of full bottle feedings without episodes of feeding desaturation hence shortens the length of hospital stay. 목적: 초극소 저체중 출생아는 경구수유를 진행하는데 여러가지 어려움을 겪어, 경구수유로의 이행이 늦어진다. 본 연구에서는 초극소 저체중 출생아 중, 수유 시 산소포화도 저하가 발생하는 군과 산소포화도 저하가 없는 군 사이의 특징을 비교하고,초극소 저체중 출생아의 경구수유 이행 및 입원기간에 미치는영향에 대해 알아보았다. 또한 초극소 저체중 출생아에서 구강자극요법을 시행하는 경우, 수유 시 산소포화도 저하와 경구수유 능력의 발달, 입원기간에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 방법: 제 1상 연구에서는 2003년 10월부터 2009년 1월까지서울아산병원 신생아 중환자실에 입원한 125명의 초극소 저체중 출생아를 대상으로 차트 분석을 통한 후향적 연구를 실시하여, 수유 시 산소포화도 저하 여부에 따른 특성, 산소포화도 저하가 경구수유 능력 발달 및 입원기간에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보았다. 제 2상 연구에서는 2009년 3월부터 2010년 5월까지29명의 초극소 저체중 출생아에게 구강자극요법을 시행하며 전향적으로 자료를 수집하였고, 81명의 초극소 저체중 출생아에서 후향적 코호트 연구를 통해 두 그룹을 비교 분석하였다. 결과: 초극소 저체중 출생아의 72.8%에서 수유 시 산소포화도 저하를 보였고. 그 중 37.4%에서 서맥을 동반하였다. 수유 시산소포화도 저하가 발생하는 시점은 평균 58.2일이었고, 당시평균 175.4 mL의 수유를 하고 있었으며, 대부분 위관영양과 경구수유를 병행하고 있었지만, 36.3%에서는 위관영양만 시행하고 있었다. 수유 시 산소포화도 저하가 발생한 군은 정상군 보다출생 시 재태연령이 낮고, 5분 아프가 점수가 낮았으며, 위식도역류 및 상인두 부조화가 유의하게 많았다. 또한 기관지폐이형성이 있는 초극소 저체중 출생아에서 수유 시 산소포화도의 저하가 발생할 확률은 19배 증가하였다. 수유 시 산소포화도 저하가 있는 군은 경구수유로 완전히 이행하는 시기가 늦었으며, 입원기간도 길었다. 위 결과를 토대로, 초극소 저체중 출생아에서구강자극요법을 시행하였을 때 대조군에 비해 경구수유 시작시기 및 경구수유로 완전히 이행한 시기가 빨랐으며, 입원기간이단축되었다. 결론: 초극소 저체중 출생아에서 구강자극요법은 경구수유능력 발달에 긍정적인 효과가 있으며 입원기간을 단축하는데도움이 된다.

      • KCI등재

        철원지역에서 월동하는 두루미류의 지형과 식생에 의한 미소 취식지 선호성

        유승화 ( Seung Hwa Yoo ),김인규 ( In Kyu Kim ),이한수 ( Han Soo Lee ),이기섭 ( Ki Sup Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2009 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        두루미류 취식무리의 미소 취식지 선호에 대한 특성을 밝히기 위하여 철원지역에서 월동기인 2005년 12월에서 2006년 2월, 2007년 1월에서 2월까지 총 12회 실시하였다. 두루미와 재두루미가 먹이로 하는 쌀 낙곡의 밀도는 논의 중앙보다 가장자리에 많았다. 하지만, 두루미류는 논의 중앙 보다는 논둑 인근 지역을 취식장소로 이용하는 경우가 많았다. 상대적으로 재두루미는 두루미에 비하여 논의 중앙 지역을 취식장소로 이용하는 비율이 높았다. 두루미의 경우 논둑이 높고 논둑 식생의 높아가 높은 경우와 논둑 높이와 식생의 높이를 합한 높이가 높은 경우를 취식위치로 선호하였다. 재두루미는 논둑, 식생, 논둑과 식생의 높이 합이 키에 비하여 높은 경우를 선호하지 않았다. 또한, 두루미와 재두루미에서 모두 은폐지역에서 취식하는 비율이 날씨요인과 관계가 없었다. 이러한 결과는 두루미류가 개방된 취식지(수평가시권이 넓은 지역)를 선호한다는 기존 가설과는 달리 은폐된 취식지를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 종간의 비교에서는 두루미가 재두루미에 비하여 은폐된 지역을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 무리크기별 은폐지역과 비은폐지역 취식비율은 두루미와 재두루미 모두 무리크기를 고려하지 않은 취식비율과 차이가 없었다. 결과적으로 두루미가 은폐지역을 선호하고 재두루미가 은폐지역에 상관없이 취식지를 선택하는 경향은 취식무리의 크기에 좌우되지 않는 종 특이적인 성향을 보였다. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the topography of land and vegetation and the preferred habitat of wintering cranes. Investigations were conducted twelve times in Cheorwon basin, South Korea, during two wintering seasons (12/2005-2/2006; 1/2007-2/2007). The density of rice grain in the middle of rice paddies was higher than that of the areas along the edge of rice paddies. However, it was observed that red-naped cranes preferred to feed along the edges of rice paddies rather than to feed in the middle of the paddies. White-naped cranes, on the other hand, preferred to feed in the middle of paddies. To be more specific, red-crowned cranes preferred feeding sites such as levees of the paddies or the areas where the level of the rice beds was comparatively more elevated. But the preference of the white-naped cranes turned out to be just the opposite. Another finding was that both red-naped cranes and white-naped cranes preferred concealed areas for their feeding site, and the frequency rate of their feeding in concealed areas has little to do with weather factors. This finding contradicts a widely accepted view that cranes prefer open spaces for their feeding site. Besides, red-crowned cranes, compared with white-naped cranes, preferred to feed in more concealed areas. The frequency rate of feeding in both concealed areas and non-concealed areas had little to do with the size of feeding flocks. There was no difference between a flock of fewerthan five cranes and a flock of more than five cranes in terms of frequency rate of their feeding. In conclusion, the result of these investigations indicate that red-naped cranes comparatively prefer concealed areas for their feeding site, and white-naped cranes are less prone to them, and there is no direct connection between their preference of feeding site or frequency and the size of their flock. This is presumed to be the characteristics unique to their individual species


        Effects of Wet Feeding of Processed Diets on Performance, Morphological Changes in the Small Intestine and Nutrient Digestibility in Weaned Pigs

        Yang, J.S.,Lee, J.H.,Ko, T.G.,Kim, T.B.,Chae, B.J.,Kim, Y.Y.,Han, In K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.9

        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different methods of feeding and processing of diets on performance, morphological changes in the small intestine and nutrient digestibility of young pigs. A total of 120 pigs (Youkshire${\times}$Landrace${\times}$Duroc; initial body weight of $5.83{\pm}0.67kg$) were randomly allotted into six treatments in a $2{\times}3$ factorial design. Treatments were 1) dry feeding with a mash diet (DM), 2) dry feeding with a pelleted diet (DP), 3) dry feeding with an expanded crumble diet (DEC), 4) wet feeding with a mash diet (WM), 5) wet feeding with a pelleted diet (WP), 6) wet feeding with an expanded crumble diet (WEC). Average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) were not significantly (p>0.05) different among treatments. However, feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly improved when pigs fed a pelleted diet or an expanded crumble diet. Pigs fed an expanded crumble diet showed 9.2% and 17.3% improvement in ADG and FCR compared with those fed a mash diet. The morphological changes in the small intestine were examined at the termination (4 weeks after weaning) of the experiment. Differences in morphological changes of gastrointestinal tract were not significant among treatments. Though villus height was not significantly affected by feeding method or feed processing, the villus height of weaned pigs tended to be preserved by wet feeding. The use of a pelleted diet also helped to prevent the shortening of villus height. Pigs fed a WP diet maintained the highest villus height at all parts of the small intestine. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in nutrient digestibility among treatments. However, nutrient digestibility for pigs fed a pelleted diet had a higher than that of pigs fed mash diets. Especially, pigs fed a WP diet digested 5.3% more P each day than those fed a DM diet. Compared with the mash diet, the expanded crumble diet decreased feed cost per kg weight gain by 15%. The net profit per pig was 79% higher in the expanded crumble diet pigs than in mash diet pigs. In conclusion, this study suggests that feeding processed diets to piglets can be more beneficial in terms of FCR and production cost.


        Effect of Phase Feeding on the Growth Performance and Nutrient Utilization in Finishing Pigs

        Han, In K.,Kim, J.H.,Chu, K.S.,Xuan, Z.N.,Sohn, K.S.,Kim, M.K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1998 Animal Bioscience Vol.11 No.5

        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different feeding regimen on the growth and nutrients excretion in finishing pigs. A total of 80 pigs (59.91 kg BW) and 6 pigs (85 kg BW) were employed in a growth trial and metabolic trial, respectively. Treatments were grower-grower (GG), grower-early finisher(GE), early finisher-early finisher (EE), and early finisher-late finisher (EL) diet feeding regimens for feeding trial and G, E, L diets for metabolic trial. Through whole experimental period, no significant difference was found in any of the criteria measured. Pigs fed on a GG regimen gained slightly faster than pigs fed on other feeding regimens, with no significant difference. Although there was a trend that pigs fed on a GG or GE regimen showed improved feed/gain over pigs fed on a EE or EL regimen, the difference also was not significant. In the metabolic trial, dry matter and phosphorus digestibility was not affected by diets, however, phosphorus digestibility tended to be decreased as nutrients contents was decreasing in the diets. Crude protein digestibility was significantly influenced by the nutrients contents in th diets. The data suggested that 11.7% crude protein seemed to be low for the 85 kg pigs. Though nutrients excretion was not significantly influenced by dietary treatment except phosphorus, there was a trend that pigs fed diets with low nutrient content excreted less amount of nitrogen and phosphorus than pigs fed diets with high nutrients content. There was a trend that GG or GE feeding regimen gad a favorable effect on carcass grade when only 10 lighter pigs of each treatment were subjected to statistical analysis. However, with 10 heavier pigs, EE and EL feeding regimen showed better carcass grade, though the difference was not significant. In summary, it seemed that producers generally oversupply the expensive nutrients for the finishing pigs. High nutrient diets do not always guarantee high growth rate of pigs. It rather seems that to meet nutrient requirements for the each growth phase is more important in economical pork production.


        Effects of Phase Feeding on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Nutrient Excretion and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Barrow and Gilt

        Kim, Y.G.,Jin, J.,Kim, J.D.,Shin, I.S.,Han, In K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2000 Animal Bioscience Vol.13 No.6

        A total of 120 finishing crossbred pigs ($Landrace{\times}Large$ $White{\times}Duroc$) with equal numbers of barrows and gilts weighing 58.5 kg body weight were used in a feeding trial, and 6 pigs (three of each sex) were used in a metabolic trial to investigate the effect of phase feeding. Finishing period was divided into two phases and 4 different diets were fed for those periods. Growth performance was not significantly different among treatments within the same sex. This result showed that 16% crude protein for early finishing period and 14% crude protein diet for late finishing period should be optimum. During the early finishing period, only feed intake was significantly different between sexes (p<0.01), but in late finishing period daily weight gain (p<0.001) and feed intake (p<0.01) of barrows were significantly higher than those of gilts. During the early finishing period, digestibilities of dry matter, protein and phosphorus were significantly higher in gilts than in barrows (p<0.05). However, there was no treatment effect within same sex during the early and late finishing period. During early finishing period, excretion of N of pigs fed 16% CP diet in early and 14% CP diet in late-finishing period was less than that of pigs fed 17% CP diet in early and 15% CP diet in late-finishing period (p<0.05), but the difference was not significant. During the late finishing period, N excretion with two phase feeding was reduced by 8.5% compared with single feeding. In gilts, total cost reduction by two phase feeding compared to single feeding was 9.1%, but in barrows it was just 3.19%. Relative margin increased with two phase feeding by 2.5% in gUts and 0.2% in barrows. There was a tendency that backfat thickness at 10th rib of gilts was thinner than that of barrows (p>0.05). Within the same sexes, there was no treatment effect on back fat thickness (p>0.05). Carcass grade was improved by two phase feeding compared to single feeding. Carcass grade of gilts was significantly better than that of barrows (p<0.001). From this results, it is concluded that finishing pigs could be fed two-phase diets to improve profit and reduce pollution.

      • KCI등재

        사료의 희석 및 무급여일 설정방법에 의한 조기제한사양이 육계의 보상성장과 사료효율 및 복강지방 축적에 미치는 영향

        이규호,오용석,함영훈 한국가금학회 2002 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        본 시험은 왕겨에 의한 사료의 희석과 무급여일 설정방법에 의한 조기제한사양이 육계의 보상성장과 사료효율 및 체지방 축적에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 7일령된 무감별 육계 300수를 5처리 3반복, 반복당 20수씩 공시하여 7일령에서부터 49일령까지 실시하였다. 대조구(C)는 7일령부터 49일령까지 전기간 육계 전기사료와 후기사료를 자유채식을 시켰으며, 시험구(71-74)들은 모두 7일령부터 14일령까지 육계전기사료와 왕겨를 50:50(wt/wt)으로 혼합한 희석사료를 급여하였으며, 제한사양기간동안 T1은 희석사료를 자유채식시켰으며, T2는 1일절식-3일급여, T3는 1일절식∼2일급여 및 T4는 1일절식∼1일급여하였고, 제한 사양이 끝난 시험구들은 전기사료 및 후기사료를 자유채식시켰다. 제한사양기간을 포함한 21일령까지의 증체량과 21일령 체중 모두 T1은 대조구와 유의적 차이가 없었으나 다른 시험구들은 대조구보다 적었다(P<0.05). 22일령부터 49일령가지의 증체량은 T1구가 대조구와 유의적인 차이는 없었으나 가장 높은 증체를 보였다. 전기간인 7일령부터 49일령 까지의 증체량과 49일령 체중도 T1구만 대조구와 유의적인 차이가 없었고 다른 시험구들은 대조구보다 적었다(P<0.05) .제한사양후부터 21일령까지의 사료섭취량은 T1구를 제외한 나머지 시험구에서는 대조구에 비해 유의적으로 적었으며 (P<0.05) , 전기간 셥취량도 T1구만 대조구와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 희석사료섭취기간의 왕겨섭취량을 제외한 육계사료 섭취량에서는 모든 시험구들이 대조구에 비해 유의적으로 적게 섭취하였다(P<0.05) 제한사양기간을 포함한 7일령부터 21일령까지의 사료요구율은 T1구와 T2구가 대조구에 비해 유의적으로 높았으며(P<0.05), 22일령부터 49일령가지의 사료요구율은 대조구에 비해 모든 시험구들이 유의적으로 낮았으며(P<0.05), 전기간동안의 사료요구율은 T1구를 제외한 나머지 시험구들은 대조구에 비해서 유의적으로 낮았으나(P<0.05) , 희석사료섭취기간의 왕겨섭취 량을 제외 한 육계 사료요구율은 대조구에 비해서 모든 시험구들이 유의적으로 낮거나(P<0. 05) 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 복강내 지방함량 및 전기간 폐사율은 처리간에 유의적 차이가 없었다. This experiment was conducted to study the effect of early-life feed restriction with diet dilution on compensatory growth, feed efficiency and abdominal fat pad deposition in broilers. In this study, the chicks were randomly assigned to five treatments. Twenty chicks were assigned to each floor pen, and each dietary treatment was replicated with three pens. Birds In control group (C) were full-fed a starter diet throughout the experimental period, and all birds in four dietary treatments (T1-T4) were fed as starter diet diluted with 50% rice hulls. Birds in T1 were fed with a diluted starter diet ad libitum from 7- to 74-d. In T2,the feeding program was 1-d withdrawal alternating with 3-d feed and in T3 1-d withdrawal alternating with 2-d feed. The feeding Program in T4 was alternate days withdrawal and feeding. The feeding with the diluted starter diet (T1) did not significantly affect to growth rate as compared to the birds of C. When periods of 24 h feed withdrawal were Imposed in conjunction with the diluted diets, birds were under weight at 49 d. As the diluted diet treatment was combined with feed withdrawal (T2-T4), there were further less growth. During the 22 to 49 d Period,T1 birds had greater weight gain compared to other treatments (P<0.05) . Birds consumed less feed from 7- to 49-d when the rice hull dilution was used, and this effect was increased by imposition of feed withdrawal (P<0.07) . If rice hull was excluded from the calculation of feed intake (assumed indigestible) then Intake of the starter diet was markedly less for restricted vs. control birds. After 22 d and from 7 to 49 d, restricted birds had superior feed conversion (P<0.05) compared to control birds. Abdominal fat pad deposition and mortality were not influenced by early feed restriction by diluted diet (P<0.05) .


        Physiological Relationship Between Thirst Level and Feed Intake in Goats Fed on Alfalfa Hay Cubes

        Prasetiyono, Bambang W.H.E.,Sunagawa, Katsunori,Shinjo, Akihisa,Shiroma, Sadao Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2000 Animal Bioscience Vol.13 No.11

        The present study was carried out to measure changes of feed intake and thirst level caused by water deprivation in goats fed on dry feed and to elucidate the relationship between those two parameters. Water deprivation significantly (p<0.01) decreased cumulative feed intake and rate of eating at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively, after feed presentation. Cumulative feed intake, after completion of 2 h feeding, was reduced by about 20, 21 and 64 % due to water deprivation during feeding for 2 h (WD2), for 22 h (WD22) and for 46 h (WD46), respectively, compared to free access to water (FAW). Compared to the FAW, WD2, WD22 and WD46 increased thirst level by about 5, 5 and 9 times, respectively. Mean thirst level (X, g/30 min) was negatively correlated with cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=1302-0.2 X, $r^2=0.97$, p<0.05). Water deprivation depressed plasma volume and there was a significant positive regression between plasma volume (X, ml) and cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=-1003+0.6 X, $r^2=0.99$, p<0.01). Mean plasma osmolality (X, mOsmol/l) correlated significantly and negatively with cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=27004-84.9 X, $r^2=0.95$, p<0.05). In conclusion, a decrease of feed intake during water deprivation is mainly due to an increase of thirst level quantitatively, and the act of feeding itself induces thirst more than the length of water-deprivation periods in goats fed on dry feeds. The present findings suggest that plasma osmolality and plasma volume which affect thirst level are involved in the decrease of feed intake in water-deprived goats.

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