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      • KCI등재후보

        Familial aggregation and heritability of hypertension in Han population in Shanghai China: a case-control study

        An-le Li,Xiang Fang,Yi-ying Zhang,Qian Peng,Xian-hong Yin 대한고혈압학회 2019 Clinical Hypertension Vol.25 No.4

        Background: To explore the familial aggregation and heritability of hypertension in Han in Shanghai China. Methods: According to l:l matched pairs design, 342 patients of hypertension and 342 controls were selected and investigate their nuclear family members in the case-control study. The method of genetic epidemiology research was used to explore the familial aggregation and heritability of hypertension. Results: The prevalence rate of hypertension of first-degree relatives was significantly higher (34.44%) than that of second- degree relatives (17.60%) and third-degree relatives (13.51%) in Han Population in Shanghai China. Separation ratio p was 0.217, and prevalence rate of case group relatives was higher than that of control group relatives. The results showed a phenomenon of familial aggregation in the distribution of hypertension. The heritability of first- degree relatives was 49.51%; that of second-degree relatives and third-degree relatives were respectively 23.42 and 21.41%. Conclusion: The distribution of essential hypertension has phenomenon of familial aggregation in Han Population in Shanghai China. The separation ratio of essential hypertension in this study shows that essential hypertension conform to the characteristics of multigene genetic disease. The heritability of first-degree relatives is bigger than that of second-degree relatives and third-degree relatives.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택의 하자담보책임

        전현철(Hyun Cheol Jun) 중앙법학회 2009 中央法學 Vol.11 No.1

        Nowadays, multi-family houses such as apartments consist of large percentage of the types of housing. Disputes on the building defects in multi-family houses are increasing while multi-family houses become a universal housing measure. So, it is deemed necessary to protect dwellers of multi-family houses against the building defects. Civil Code, Act on Ownership & Management of Aggregate Buildings and Housing Act prescribes defects liability. The Civil Code provides contractor`s liability for the building defects in Article 667-672 and seller`s one in Article 579-584. The Act on Ownership & Management of Aggregate Buildings provides defects liability of supplier of aggregate buildings in Article 9. The Act on Ownership & Management of Aggregate Buildings applies to aggregate buildings prior over the Civil Code. The Housing Act provides defects liability of supplier and builder of multi-family houses in Article 46. The Housing Act applies to defects liability of multi-family houses prior over the Act on Ownership & Management of Aggregate Buildings by Housing Act Article 46 and Act on Ownership & Management of Aggregate Buildings`s supplementary provision Article 6. So, Housing Act Article 46 and its enforcement regulation should be legal basis on the liability for the building defects in multi-family houses. Housing Act Article 46 and its enforcement regulation provides that supplier and builder of multi-family houses has liability for removal of defects and damages. Also, supplier and builder of multi-family houses is required to deposit guarantee security in cash or surety bond to correct defects. The period of defects liability is prescribed according to parts of multi-family houses and types of construction work. The period of liability for removal of defects on the durable structure such as a pillar or a girder is within 5 years or 10 years according to parts of the durable structure, and the scope of defects on the durable structure is limited only to the case that multi-family houses collapsed or may be collapsing. The period of defects liability on the other parts of multi-family houses is within 1 year to 4 years according to types of construction work.

      • Increased risk of lung cancer in individuals with a family history of the disease: A pooled analysis from the International Lung Cancer Consortium

        Cote, M.L.,Liu, M.,Bonassi, S.,Neri, M.,Schwartz, A.G.,Christiani, D.C.,Spitz, M.R.,Muscat, J.E.,Rennert, G.,Aben, K.K.,Andrew, A.S.,Bencko, V.,Bickeboller, H.,Boffetta, P.,Brennan, P.,Brenner, H.,Due Pergamon Press 2012 European journal of cancer Vol.48 No.13

        Background and methods: Familial aggregation of lung cancer exists after accounting for cigarette smoking. However, the extent to which family history affects risk by smoking status, histology, relative type and ethnicity is not well described. This pooled analysis included 24 case-control studies in the International Lung Cancer Consortium. Each study collected age of onset/interview, gender, race/ethnicity, cigarette smoking, histology and first-degree family history of lung cancer. Data from 24,380 lung cancer cases and 23,305 healthy controls were analysed. Unconditional logistic regression models and generalised estimating equations were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results: Individuals with a first-degree relative with lung cancer had a 1.51-fold increase in the risk of lung cancer, after adjustment for smoking and other potential confounders (95% CI: 1.39, 1.63). The association was strongest for those with a family history in a sibling, after adjustment (odds ratios (OR)=1.82, 95% CI: 1.62, 2.05). No modifying effect by histologic type was found. Never smokers showed a lower association with positive familial history of lung cancer (OR=1.25, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.52), slightly stronger for those with an affected sibling (OR=1.44, 95% CI: 1.07, 1.93), after adjustment. Conclusions: The occurrence of lung cancer among never smokers and similar magnitudes of the effect of family history on lung cancer risk across histological types suggests familial aggregation of lung cancer is independent of those risks associated with cigarette smoking. While the role of genetic variation in the aetiology of lung cancer remains to be fully characterised, family history assessment is immediately available and those with a positive history represent a higher risk group.

      • KCI등재

        크론병 부모의 자녀에서 발생한 궤양성 대장염 1예

        곽재욱 ( Jae Wuk Kwak ),이강문 ( Kang Moon Lee ),정우철 ( Woo Chul Chung ),백창렬 ( Chang Nyol Paik ),장우임 ( U Im Chang ),김진동 ( Jin Dong Kim ),정성훈 ( Sung Hoon Jung ),양진모 ( Jin Mo Yang ) 대한소화기학회 2010 대한소화기학회지 Vol.55 No.5

        Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is heterogeneous, chronic relapsing disorder. Inappropriate and exaggerated immune response for the luminal antigen is known as a main pathogenesis. Genetic, infectious, and environmental factors are responsible for unbalanced immune response, but the definite pathogenesis is still unclear. Genetic factor is the most important role of all. That is based on high concordance rate of identical twins and family history. The incident rate and prevalence of IBD for the Asian population is relatively lower than Western population, and the lack of NOD2 or TLR4 genetic polymorphisms in Korea and Japanese population suggests the difference in genetic background between Asian and Western population. In Korea, the case of familial aggregation of IBD is pretty rare. We report a case of the daughter with ulcerative colitis and her mother with Crohn`s disease who have a -159C/T promoter polymorphism of CD14 gene for IBD. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2010;55:336-339)

      • KCI등재후보

        혈중 납농도의 가족집적성과 가족구성원간의 상관관계

        민진영,민경복,조성일,백도명 서울大學校 保健大學院 2001 보건학논집 Vol.38 No.1

        Objectives: To estimate the correlation of blood lead level between households and induce regression model of children's blood lead level and infer lead exposure pattern in the Korea urban area in Seoul Korea. Methods: The study subjects comprised 177 children, 255 men and 206 women from 308 families and we analyzed the blood lead level using induced coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy. Results: The mean blood lead level of children was 2.23㎍/dL, male children was 2.38㎍/dL and female children was 2.06㎍/dL. Blood lead level of male adult was 3.11㎍/dL and female was 2.33㎍/dL. Blood lead level was transformed to log scale to make normal distribution. The correlation of blood lead level between households were 0.20(father-children), 0.23(mother-father) 0.35(mother-child) respectively. And the regression model shows blood lead level of mother and father increase children's blood lead level and the influence of mother was stronger than father. Conclusion: there was some positive relationship of blood lead level between parents and children. It may result from environmental factor of households. The influence of this environmental factor increase in order father-child, father-mother, mother-child. These outcomes may result from they share more common environmental factor.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 분양자의 층간소음에 대한 하자담보책임

        김대경 경북대학교 법학연구원 2014 법학논고 Vol.0 No.48

        Today, Multi-family Houses such as Apartment consist of large Percentageof Types of Housing in Korea. Disputes about the Building's Defects onthe Multi-family Houses are increasing while Mutli-family Houses becomean universal Housing Type and the Right of Dwellers has been extendedand generalized. Above all things, currently the Interlayer Nosie betweenFloors and Walls is getting serious Problems in those Matters. The legalDispute about Interlayer Noise can be occurred by the Builders, who builtMulti-family Houses with lack of Attention for Dweller's Tranquility. Insuch a Case, that Builder will be burden Responsibility by the Defect Liabilityis reasonable. The Law relating to the Defects Liability on Multi-family Houses andProtection of Dweller's Right, there are Civil Law, Act on Ownership andManagement of Aggregate Buildings, Housing Act and Framework Act onthe Construction Industry. But According to these Laws, Concerning severalIssues such as the Parties, the Conditions, Legal Nature and the Limitationsof Claims are different. Therefore, it couldn't resolve the legal Disputesconcerning Interlayer Noises clearly and systematic. Furthermore, in 2005amended Act on Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings andHousing Act had intensified these Problems such as the Problem of DualControl System of the Multi-family Houses. From these Reasons in 2012Act on Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings and HousingAct have been revised and renew applied. This Article has an Intention ofthe Protection of Dweller's Right and explains the Process and Contents ofthe Reform of these Laws, when Interlayer Noise has occurred through the Builder's Fault and Negligence. 아파트 등 공동주택에 거주하는 비율이 높아짐에 따라 공동주택의 층간소음에대한 분쟁이 커다란 사회문제로 대두되고 있다. 이러한 층간소음의 발생 원인은공동주택 거주자의 공동체의식의 결여 등 부주의한 생활습관에 기인할 수도 있으나, 보다 근본적으로 아파트의 구조적 하자 및 차음시설의 미비 등 분양자 내지시공자의 부실공사에 기인되는 경우도 많다. 이러한 경우에는 그 분양자나 도급에의해 실제로 공사를 실시한 시공자에게 일정한 하자담보책임을 부담케 하는 것이공평의 견지에서 타당할 것이다. 한편 종래 아파트와 같은 공동주택의 하자에 대한 권리보호방안으로 입법화된 법령은 민법, 집합건물법, 주택법, 건설산업기본법등이 있었는데, 각 법령상 하자담보책임의 기간, 종류, 내용이 상이하여 공동주택의 층간소음 발생시 분양자를 상대로 추궁할 수 있는 하자담보책임의 내용에 대한 체계적이고 통일적인 법리를 구축하지 못하고 있었다. 특히 2005년 개정된 구집합건물법 및 구 주택법은 ‘공동주택의 구 집합건물법상 하자담보책임기간의 불합리한 장기화’를 해결한다는 명목으로 시도되었으나, 공동주택의 이중관리체계의문제 등 오히려 혼란을 가중시키는 결과를 초래하였다. 따라서 이러한 혼란 상황을 해결하고 공동주택의 관리 및 하자담보책임에 관한 집합건물법과 주택법의 관계를 체계적·통일적으로 정립하기 위하여 2012년 집합건물법 및 주택법이 개정되었는데, 무엇보다 개정 집합건물법은 주택법과의 관계를 분명히 하였고, 하자담보책임의 당사자 및 그 기간을 합리적으로 조정함으로써 하자담보책임체계의 통일적 정비를 모색하였다. 본고는 이상의 내용을 중심으로 공동주택의 설계·시공상의하자에 따른 층간소음의 발생시 분양자 내지 시공자가 부담하는 하자담보책임의구체적 내용(하자로서 층간소음, 하자담보책임의 당사자, 기간, 내용 등)을 검토하였다.

      • Genetic Epidemiological Analysis of Esophageal Cancer in High-incidence Areas of China

        Wang, Kai-Juan,Yang, Jun-Xia,Shi, Jia-Chen,Deng, Song-Yuan,Cao, Xiao-Qin,Song, Chun-Hua,Wang, Peng Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.22

        Genetic epidemiological studies have shown that genetic susceptibility to esophageal cancer (EC) is an important cause of its high incidence within families in some areas of China. The purpose of this study was to obtain evidence of a genetic basis of EC in Xin-an and Xin-xiang counties in China. Familial aggregation and complex segregation analyses were performed of 79 EC families in these counties. The heritability of EC was examined using Falconer's method and complex segregation analysis was conducted with the SEGREG program in Statistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology (SAGE version 5.3.1). The results showed that the distribution of EC in families did not fit well into a binomial distribution. The heritability of EC among first-degree and second-degree relatives was $67.0{\pm}7.31%$ and $43.1%{\pm}9.80%$, respectively, and the summing up powered heritability was $53.2{\pm}6.74%$. The segregation ratio was 0.045. Complex segregation analysis showed that the genetic model of EC was additive. The current results provide evidence for an inherited propensity to EC in certain high-risk groups in China, and support efforts to identify the genes that confer susceptibility to this disease.

      • Structure learning of exponential family graphical model with false discovery rate control

        Liu Yanhong,Zhang Yuhao,Li Zhonghua 한국통계학회 2023 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.52 No.3

        Probabilistic graphical models enjoy great popularity in a wide range of domains due to their ability to model the conditional dependency relationships among random variables. This paper explores the structure learning for the exponential family graphical model with false discovery rate (FDR) control. Most existing FDR-con-trolled structure learning procedures have been designed for the Gaussian graphical model (GGM). A systematic approach for more general exponential family graphical models is still lacking. In this paper, we introduce a unified procedure to learn the structure of the exponential family graphical model with FDR control utilizing the symmetrized data aggregation (SDA) technique via sample splitting, data screening, and information pooling. We show that our method controls FDR asymptotically under some mild conditions. Extensive simulation results and two real-data examples validate the effectiveness of our method.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 구분소유법제 연구의 효시 - 최종길 1970년 논문의 의의 -

        이준형 한국집합건물법학회 2023 집합건물법학 Vol.48 No.-

        1970년 3월 서울대 법학지에 실린 최종길의 “集合住宅(아파트)의 區分所有에 관한 比較法的 實態的 考察”(이하 ‘대상논문’이라 함)은 시기적으로 가장 앞선 우리나라 최초의 집합건물법학 논문이다. 그는 1973년 만 42세의 나이로 유명을 달리하기까지 이 단 한편의 논문을 남겼지만, 대상논문은 단순히 우리나라 최초의 논문이라는 역사적 의미만 있는 것이 아니라 그 이상의 의미를 가진다. 먼저 특이하게도 최초의 논문임에도 불구하고 널리 인용되는 독일의 표준문헌에서 이를 언급함으로써 이제 막 출발한 우리 집합건물법학의 존재를 외국에 알렸는데, 이러한 예는 다른 법분야에서 유례를 찾기 어렵고, 부분적으로는 최종길 개인의 경력과 관련이 있을 것으로 추정된다. 물론 대상논문의 진가는 그 자체로서 상당한 학술적 가치를 가진다는 점에 있다. 먼저 대상논문은 법제사적으로 한때 로마법의 전통에 입각한 판덱텐법학에 그 존재마저 부정되었던 구분소유권이 사회적 수요에 힘입어 독일과 프랑스, 일본 등에서 어떻게 부활하였는지를 비교법적 방법을 동원하여 분석하였는데, 그 분석의 결과는 50년이 훨씬 지난 오늘날의 기준으로 보더라도 정확하고 시사적이다. 다음으로 60년대 말 우리 사회에 막 뿌리내리기 시작한 집합주택의 법상황을 실제 사용되었던 분양계약서들의 내용에 터 잡아 분석하면서 관련 법률의 부재 내지 미비로 인한 문제를 현장에서 어떻게 해결하고 있는지를 법률적으로 정리하고 그럼에도 불구하고 결국 법률의 제정을 통한 법적 해결이 시급하다는 결론을 이끌어내었다. 1960년대 후반 우리나라의 열약했던 연구조건을 감안한다면 국내의 선행연구가 전혀 없는 상태에서 거둔 이러한 성과는 불가사의할 만큼 이례적이다. 이것이 어떻게 가능한지를 이해하기 위해서 대상논문 중 법제사 서술부분에 나오는 인용문헌을 조사한 결과, 부족한 유럽문헌을 일본문헌으로 보충한 것으로 보이며, 그렇지만 부분적으로나마 직접 자료를 확인하였을 가능성이 없지 않다는 사실도 확인하였다. 그 후 70년대 중반부터 80년대 초반까지 실무계와 학계에서 일련의 집합건물의 법적 문제를 다룬 논문들이 발표되고 한국민사법학회와 법원의 전폭적인 지원 하에 1984년 드디어 집합건물법이 제정된 이후에도 대상논문이 제기하였던 집합건물법의 몇 가지 중심문제들(가령 공용부분에 대한 공유의 법적 성격 내지 전유부분의 단독소유와의 관계 문제나 구분소유권의 성립 시기 및 요건 등)은 앞으로도 계속해서 논의가 진행되리라 예상된다. The first Korean article on aggregate building law theory is Chong Kil Tsche’s paper published in Seoul Law Journal vol. 11 no. 2 in March 1970, under the title of “Rechtsvergleichende und rechtserkennende Studie über das Wohnungsrecht(in English: Comparative and survey-based study of aggregate housing law, hereafter ‘the Paper’).” Though Professor Tsche had left only this one paper on the theme before he passed away at the age of 42 in 1973, the Paper is awarded meaning much more than as the first Korean article in this area of law. To begin with, it is worth noting that despite being the first one, the Paper was mentioned in a widely cited German standard commentary, thereby introducing abroad the emerging field of law in Korea. Such an example is rare to find in other legal fields, which could be partly explained in the light of the author’s vivid international exchange activities. However, the true value of the Paper should be found in its significant academic worth in and of itself. Firstly, it analyzed how Stockwerkseigentum, once denied by Pandectists in the tradition of Roman law, was revived as sectional ownership form of modern housing in Germany, France, and Japan due to social demand, skillfully using a comparative legal method. The results of the analysis are extraordinarily accurate and suggestive even by today's standards, more than 50 years later. Secondly, the paper scrutinized the legal situations concerning multi-family housing, which just began to take root in our society in the late 1960s, based on the actual documents of contracts. It summarizes how the legal problems caused by the absence or lack of related laws were resolved on-site, concluding that the final and desirable resolution should be possible through the enactment of overall systematic legislation. Given our terribly deficient research resources in the late 1960s, the achievements of the Paper without any prior research is remarkably exceptional and admirable. To understand how all these were accomplished, each reference cited in the section on legal history in the Paper is meticulously searched for and compared with the original text. And it could be confirmed that the lack of European literature was supplemented with Japanese literature, and plausibly supposed that Professor Tsche might have at least partially consult the original directly. Inspired by the Paper, a series of papers addressing the legal issues regarding aggregate buildings were published not only in practice but also at universities from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. And the Aggregate Building Act in 1984 was finally enacted in Korea with the full support of the Korean Civil Law Society and the courts. By the way, several key issues raised in the Paper - such as the relationship between shared ownership and exclusive ownership of common areas, as well as the time and conditions for the establishment of sectional ownership - are expected to continue to be discussed in the near future.

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