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        중국 조선족 문예규범의 수립과 『연변문예』

        정영진 겨레어문학회 2017 겨레어문학 Vol.59 No.-

        Published in 1951, 『Yanbian Literature』 contains discussions to create norms for Korean-Chinese literary activities as a literary magazine that shows that Korean-Chinese literary activities were in full swing and put into practice on a systematic basis since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. In those days, the Korean-Chinese literary world attempted to actively learn Maoist ideology and practice patriotism, but it was often criticized for the ambiguity of the idea of its fatherland. Even at the time of the Korean War, the ethnic identify as a Korean Chinese had to be managed so that it could not overwhelm the national identity as a Chinese. The Kang Mei Yuan Chao (Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aiding North Korea) ideology resulted in patriotism based on internationalist sensitivity. The 『Yanbian Literature』 emphasized the discovery of heros in the realities to overcome the schematic nature in the figure shaping process. Thus, it was an important task for literary creators to grasp the realities in the process of contradiction and struggle and discover the significance of everyday life. In addition, the perception of realities was closely related to the writing of self-criticism as it was coupled with the class-based self-consciousness of literary creators. The writing style of self-criticism functioned as a mechanism that rules the subject of creation itself in an ideological way and was accepted as a part of the creation process, not limited to the reflective work after the production of the work. This is to give warning of subjective attention and self-discovery that will be triggered by writing. Therefore, it can be said that 『Yanbian Literature』 is a meaningful material for study that shows how the literary policy of China which manage/rule the ethnic/national identify of Korean Chinese as Chinese people was implemented in the overall Korean-Chinese literary works and activities and the Korean-Chinese literary norms were established. 1951년 발행된 『연변문예』는 중화인민공화국 성립 이후 조선족 문예활동이 본격화되고, 조직적으로 실천되는 국면을 보여주는 문예지로, 조선족 문예 활동의 규범을 만들기 위한 정치한 논의들을 담고 있다. 당시 조선족 문예계는 모택동 사상을 적극적으로 학습하고 애국주의를 실천하고자 했지만, 종종 조국 관념이 모호하다는 비판을 받았다. 한국전쟁 시기였기에 더욱 조선족으로서의 민족 정체성이 중국인으로서의 국민 정체성을 압도하는 일이 없도록 관리될 필요가 있었다. 항미원조 사상은 국제주의적 감수성을 기반으로 하는 애국주의로 귀결되었다. 『연변문예』에서는 인물 형상화 과정에서 도식성 극복을 위해 현실생활 속 영웅을 발견하는 것이 중시되었다. 따라서 문예창작자의 현실인식 중요하게 취급되었다. 현실을 모순과 투쟁의 과정 속에서 파악하고, 일상의 의미를 발견하는 것이 문예창작자들에게 요청되었다. 또한 현실인식의 문제는 문예창작자들의 계급적 자의식과 결부되어 자아비판의 글쓰기와도 밀접한 관련이 있었다. 자아비평의 글쓰기 양식은 창작주체 스스로를 사상적으로 규율하는 기제로 작동했으며, 작품 생산 이후의 반성적 작업으로 제한되는 것이 아니라 창작과정의 일부로 받아들여지고 있었다. 이는 글쓰기가 촉발할 자아발견과 주관주의 함몰을 경계하는 것이라 하겠다. 『연변문예』는 중국 국민으로서의 조선족의 민족/국민 정체성을 관리/규율하는 중국의 문예정책이 조선족의 문예작품 및 활동 전반에 어떻게 체현되고, 조선족 문예규범이 수립되었는지를 보여주는 유의미한 자료라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        맥신 홍 킹스턴의 『중국남자들』(China Men) : 역사적 기억에 관한 글쓰기와 다문화주의적 비전의 혼재

        김민회 새한영어영문학회 2009 새한영어영문학 Vol.51 No.2

        Andreas Huyssen indicates that a new network of memories, causing tension and conflicts with the mainstream memory, enables us to reconsider the essence of national identity, reinforced by the mainstream memory. Extending his idea, the study of this essay is to discuss the way in which Kingston uses Chinese Americans' historical memory to raise social, racial, multicuitural and political issues in defining their positionality in American society. Depicting BaBa's individual experience in the United States, she reveals how BaBa's traumatic memory in which he has had through immigration experience unstabilized his present self-identity. She, however, attempts to relocate him within a firm and stable subject as American through reinterpreting his traumatic memory. Kingston refuses the mainstream memory as determined, for the memory fails to fully represent the traumatic memory of how and why Chinese immigrants have suffered irrational and violent immigration laws and racialized social norms against such the ethnic others. Kingston aims to reveal such harsh and irrational laws and norms have psychologically and physically traumatized Chinese immigrants and Chinese Americans between America and China. Nevertheless, she seeks a possibility of overcoming such situations in the modes of multicultural American society by stressing that BaBa can be placed in a subject who writes his own individual history as American in American historical context with her deep sympathy.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of cephalometric norms between Mongolian and Korean adults with normal occlusions and well-balanced profiles

        Ji-Hwan Kim(김지환),Odontuya Gansukh,Bazar Amarsaikhan,Shin-Jae Lee(이신재),Tae-Woo Kim(김태우) 대한치과교정학회 2011 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        현재까지 몽골인의 측모두부계측방사선학적 기준치가 문헌 상으로 보고된 바가 없었던 바, 본 연구의 목적은 정상교합과 조화로운 측모를 가진 몽골인을 선별하여 측모두부계 측방사선학적 기준치를 제시하고, 이를 같은 기준으로 선별한 한국인의 기준치와 비교하는 것이다. 조화로운 측모를 가진 74명의 몽골인(남자 35명, 여자 39명)과 95명의 한국인(남자 52명, 여자 43명) 성인 정상교합자들의 측모두부계측 방사선 사진을 채득하였다. 이들은 해당 민족과 국적의 교정 의사들의 평가로 선별되었다. 40개의 계측치에 대하여 민족별, 성별 평균 및 표준편차를 산출한 후, 그 차이를 ananlysis of covariance (ANCOVA)로 검정하였다. 조화로운 측모를 가진 몽골인과 한국인 남녀 성인 정상교합자의 측모두부 방사선학적 기준치를 얻었다. 골격성 선 계측치와 수직적 골격 관계에서 성별 간의 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 몽골인은 한국인에 비하여 짧은 전안면 고경, 돌출된 이부, 설측경사된 상악 전치를 나타내었으나, 대부분의 계측치 간 평균 차이가 적어 임상적 의미는 적었다. 몽골인과 한국인 성인 환자의 교정치료를 위한 진단과 치료계획 시에 유사한 기준을 적용할 수 있을 것이라고 생각되었다. Objective: The purposes of this study were to establish cephalometric norms of Mongolian adults, which have not previously been reported in orthodontic journals, and to compare them with cephalometric norms of Korean adults. Methods: Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 74 Mongolian adults (35 men, 39 women) and 95 Korean adults (52 men, 43 women) with normal occlusions and well-balanced lateral profiles were obtained. The subjects were chosen by orthodontists of the same ethnic background. Forty craniofacial variables were measured, and groups were compared by analysis of covariance. Results: The cephalometric norms for male and female Mongolian and Korean adults with normal occlusions and well-balanced lateral profiles were established. Sexual dimorphism was found in linear skeletal measurements and vertical skeletal relationships. Compared with Korean adults, Mongolian adults had shorter anterior facial height, more prominent chins, and more upright upper incisors. There were few differences in soft tissue measurements. The differences were statistically significant, but their clinical importance may be limited. Conclusions: Cephalometric differences can be considered, but little difference may exist in the orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning of Mongolian and Korean adults. (Korean J Orthod 2011;41(1):42-50)

      • Comparison of mandibular arch forms of Korean and Vietnamese patients by using facial axis points on three-dimensional models

        Kil-jun Lee,Vu Thi Thu Trang,Mohamed Bayome,Jae Hyun Park,Yong Kim,Yoon-Ah Kook 대한치과교정학회 2013 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.43 No.6

        Objective: This study was aimed at comparing the mandibular arch forms of Korean and Vietnamese patients by using facial axis (FA) points on threedimensional (3D) models. Methods: Mandibular casts of 68 Korean (Class I malocclusion, 30; Class II malocclusion, 38) and 78 Vietnamese (Class I malocclusion, 41; Class II malocclusion, 37) patients were scanned in their occluded positions and grouped according to arch form (tapered, ovoid, and square). The FA point of each tooth was digitized on the 3D mandibular models. The measurements and frequency distributions of the arch forms were compared between the ethnic groups. Results: The Vietnamese patients had significantly greater intercanine depth and intercanine and intermolar width-to-depth ratios than the Korean patients (p < 0.05). The frequency distributions of the arch forms were also significantly different (p = 0.038), but no sexual dimorphism was found. Conclusions: Vietnamese people tend to have deeper and wider arches than Korean people. The three arch forms are evenly distributed in Korean people, but Vietnamese people frequently have square arches. Clinicians should identify the correct arch form of an ethnic group before initiating orthodontic treatment.

      • KCI등재후보

        러ㆍ한 관용어에 나타난 여성의 양상

        이희숙(Hy-Sook Rhee) 한국중원언어학회 2011 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        This study is a comparative analysis of Russian and Korean idioms related to women by classifying them in terms of lexical and semantic features. Idioms are considered as the reflections of daily life, culture, society, history, geological environment; that is, the mentality of each ethnic group. The purpose of this study is to comprehend aspects of women in two ethnic groups by discovering unique properties of women-related idioms in both languages. Through the comparative analysis of women-related idioms, we better understand how our ancestors look upon the female gender. This study reveals that women in both Russian and Korean society are highly valued when they play a role as obedient wife to husband, quiet housewife, gentle girl, and caring mother. When women show deviant behavior from these ethical norms accepted by the society, they are to blame. Women having characteristics of rude and intemperate behavior, high intellectual ability, unappealing physical appearance, as well as unmarried old women are also reproached. Thus, idioms reflect the social superiority of men over women.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선족 사범생 언어 사용 실태와 대안 연구

        양홍 ( Hong Liang ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2016 청람어문교육 Vol.58 No.-

        본고는 중국 연변대학교 교사 교육 전공의 조선족 학생 16명을 대상으로 현장 조사를 통해 자료를 수집하여 조선족 사범생들의 언어 사용 실태를 면밀히 분석하였는데 귀납하면 아래와 같다. 첫째, 언어 사용에서 한글 맞춤법 규범과 중국 조선족의 맞춤법 규범을 혼용해 쓰는 현상과 수업 용어로 사투리를 사용하는 경우가 상당수 관찰되었다. 둘째, 일상생활에서 중국어식 조선어를 사용하거나 중국어와 조선어의 혼용, 부정확한 단어 사용, 문법적인 오류 등이 많이 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 초래한 원인으로는 소수민족 언어 교육 정책과 한국어의 규범과 중국 조선어의 규범 차이, 중등 교사 양성 교육과정의 문제점, 사범대학 교과 교육 담당 교수의 언어 사용 등이 복합적으로 작용하는 것으로 보았다. 끝으로 교육과정 개정 측면과 외부적 지원 측면, 즉 조선족 학교 현장 교사에 대한 연수와 기초 교육 단계 조선어 교육의 강화라는 두 측면으로 합리적인 대안 및 전망을 제시하였다. Adopting the methods of observation, note-taking, and interview, this study looks deeply into the use of instruction language for China’s Korean ethnic normal university students. 16 Korean students from Yanbian university who major in teacher education participated this study. All data were collected and analyzed through field survey, findings can be generalized as follows: 1. Korean and Chinese Korean ethnic language were often mixed used in spelling, and local dialects also exist in the instruction language. 2. China style of Korean or even the mixed use of Chinese and Korean language can often be found; and the incorrect use of word and grammar errors also widely exist in the instruction language. The possible reasons for the above problems from four aspects such as shortcomings of teaching training curriculum and so on were analyzed. Finally, the prospect and countermeasures from the improvement of teacher training curriculum and external support were proposed.

      • KCI등재

        1931년 식민지 조선에서의 반중국인 폭동 ― 폭동의 진행과정을 중심으로

        임준규 ( Yim¸ Joon-gyu ) 한국사회사학회 2021 사회와 역사 Vol.- No.131

        이 논문은 1931년 식민지기 한반도에서 발생한 반중국인 폭동의 참여 매커니즘과 폭동과정에서의 군중행동에 대한 설명을 목적으로 한다. 이를 밝히기 위해 집합성에 주목하며 이 집합성이 개개인의 특성을 넘어서 어떻게 폭동이라는 특정 행동으로 이끌어가는지 논의한다. 그리고 이 폭동을 이끌어가는 집합성이 민족 간 경계를 통해 발현된 규범적 성격을 강하게 띠고 있다고 주장한다. 이러한 접근은 기존 연구와 달리 첫째, 폭동 이전의 배경적 설명이 아닌 집합행동이 행해지는 폭동과정 자체에 주목한다는 점에서 차별화되며 둘째, 군중 참여의 자발적 성격뿐만 아니라 비자발적 성격을 포괄함으로써 더 강한 설명력을 제공한다. 이를 증명하기 위해 첫째, 촉발요인이 된 만보산 사건이 당시 조선인들에게 어떻게 인지되었는지 그 의미를 탐구한다. 이를 통해 대규모 조선인들의 참여가 사회적으로 인지된 ‘정당성’에 기반하고 있다는 것을 밝힌다. 둘째, 이렇게 정당성이 인지됨으로써 실제 폭동 참여의 강제적 성격이 관찰되는지 확인하고 동시에 규범에 기반한 선별적이고 자기규제적인 폭력 형태를 확인한다. 마지막으로 대규모 학살이 발생한 평양지역에서의 폭동이 규범에서 이탈한 예외적인 사건이 아니라 다른 지역에서 나아간 보다 심화된 형태의 폭동이었음을 밝힌다. 추가적으로 폭동이 심화된 상황을 이해하기 위해 당시 치안경찰의 폭동에 대한 대응을 살핀다. This paper analyzes participation mechanisms and collective behaviors during the 1931 anti-Chinese riot in colonial Korea. It focuses specifically on collectivity and its ability to transcend individual values and generate group behaviors (e.g., riots), and argues that this collectivity has normative characteristics emerging from inter-ethnic conflict. This approach provides a unique approach to understand such behaviors better. First, the research takes the riots themselves and where they take place as the central vantage point, rather than focusing on the background factors that precipitated them. Second, this approach provides more substantial explanatory power because it addresses involuntary nature of crowd participation besides voluntary nature of that. To contextualize this argument, the paper explores the significance of the Wanpaoshan incident, that triggered Koreans at that time. This exploration reveals that Koreans’ large-scale participation can be accounted for by ‘perceived legitimacy’ conferred on the violence. Second, this paper further investigates whether this ‘perceived legitimacy’ coerced others to participate while probing whether specific norms led to selective and self-regulatory forms of violence and involvement. The paper also that the Pyongyang riot (where the pogrom occurred) represents more than isolated case; it is, instead a more progressive form of rioting present in other regions. Finally, the paper probes response of the security police as a means of further contextualizing how the riot progressed.


        Age, extraction rate and jaw surgery rate in Korean orthodontic clinics and small dental hospitals

        Min-Ho Jung 대한치과교정학회 2012 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Objective: This study aimed to investigate the current data regarding age, sex, and Angle Classification of Korean orthodontic patients and influence of these factors on the tendency to undergo extraction and orthognathic surgery. Methods: The recent trends of Korean orthodontic patients were assessed using questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were e-mailed to orthodontists who met the study criteria; 58% of the orthodontists opened the e-mails, and 27.7% replied to the e-mails. In all, the medical records of 11,340 patients who underwent orthodontic treatment at private clinics and small dental hospitals in Korea were analyzed. Results: The percentage of female patients in the study sample was 69.6%, and the average age of the patients was 19.87 years. The percentage of patients who were older than 19 years was 50.2%. Class II and Class III malocclusions were noted in 33.6% and 23.6% of patients, respectively. Extraction and orthognathic surgery were performed in 60.4% and 6.9% of patients, respectively. Conclusions: The results showed that there were a high percentage of adult, Class II malocclusion and extraction patients in private practices and small dental hospitals during the study period. Further, a relatively high proportion of adult patients opted to undergo orthognathic surgery.


        Age, extraction rate and jaw surgery rate in Korean orthodontic clinics and small dental hospitals

        Jung, Min-Ho The Korean Association Of Orthodontists 2012 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Objective: This study aimed to investigate the current data regarding age, sex, and Angle Classification of Korean orthodontic patients and influence of these factors on the tendency to undergo extraction and orthognathic surgery. Methods: The recent trends of Korean orthodontic patients were assessed using questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were e-mailed to orthodontists who met the study criteria; 58% of the orthodontists opened the e-mails, and 27.7% replied to the e-mails. In all, the medical records of 11,340 patients who underwent orthodontic treatment at private clinics and small dental hospitals in Korea were analyzed. Results: The percentage of female patients in the study sample was 69.6%, and the average age of the patients was 19.87 years. The percentage of patients who were older than 19 years was 50.2%. Class II and Class III malocclusions were noted in 33.6% and 23.6% of patients, respectively. Extraction and orthognathic surgery were performed in 60.4% and 6.9% of patients, respectively. Conclusions: The results showed that there were a high percentage of adult, Class II malocclusion and extraction patients in private practices and small dental hospitals during the study period. Further, a relatively high proportion of adult patients opted to undergo orthognathic surgery.

      • KCI등재

        Age, extraction rate and jaw surgery rate in Korean orthodontic clinics and small dental hospitals

        정민호 대한치과교정학회 2012 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Objective: Th is study aimed to investigate the current data regarding age, sex, and Angle Classifi cation of Korean orthodontic patients and infl uence of these factors on the tendency to undergo extraction and orthognathic surgery. Methods: Th e recent trends of Korean orthodontic patients were assessed using questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were e-mailed to orthodontists who met the study criteria; 58% of the orthodontists opened the e-mails, and 27.7% replied to the e-mails. In all, the medical records of 11,340 patients who underwent orthodontic treatment at private clinics and small dental hospitals in Korea were analyzed. Results: Th e percentage of female patients in the study sample was 69.6%, and the average age of the patients was 19.87 years. Th e percentage of patients who were older than 19 years was 50.2%. Class II and Class III malocclusions were noted in 33.6% and 23.6% of patients, respectively. Extraction and orthognathic surgery were performed in 60.4% and 6.9% of patients, respectively. Conclusions: The results showed that there were a high percentage of adult, Class II malocclusion and extraction patients in private practices and small dental hospitals during the study period. Further, a relatively high proportion of adult patients opted to undergo orthognathic surgery.

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