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        외국인 고용허가제의 헌법위반성 여부에 대한 검토

        박진완 한국이민정책학회 2024 한국이민정책학회보 Vol.7 No.1

        (연구목적) 우리나라의 고용허가제는 내국인의 취업이 여의치 않은 국내 사업장의 부족한 노동력의 결핍을 충족시키기 위하여 외국인 이주노동자의 단기간의 노동이주만을 허용하고 있다. 이주노동자의 장기적인 노동이주와 정주를 허용하지 않는 현재의 우리나라의 고용허가제 하에서 외국인의 노동이주와 이민을 전제로 한 외국인 이주노동자의 광범위한 인권보장의 요구가 헌법적으로 정당화될 있는지 여부에 대하여 헌법이론과 실무적 관점에서 연구검토를 수행하는 것을 중요한 연구목적으로 설정하였다. (연구방법) 우리나라의 고용허가제의 헌법적합성에 대한 법이론적 측면에서의 검토 뿐만 아니라 독일에서의 외국인 노동자 채용정책과정의 변화를 참조한 우리나라에서의 현실적 상황 변경에 대한 분석 그리고 우리나라 헌법재판소의 고용허가제 관련 판례들에 대한 판례비판적 평석을 시도하였다. (연구결과) 우리나라의 고용허가제와 관련하여 우리 헌법재판소는 두 개의 중요한 결정 속에서 이 제도의 합헌성을 인정하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 외국인 근로자의 권리와 이익보장의 측면 뿐만 아니라, 한국인 사업주의이익 보장의 측면에서 외국인 근로자의 적법한 단기체류만을 인정하는 단기순환의 원칙(principle of rotation) 에 근거한 현재의 고용허가제의 기본권 침해성 뿐만 아니라 경제적, 사회적 현실적 적합성의 문제는 계속적인 법적 논의의 대상이 될 것이다(결론 및 제언) 우리나라는 노동허가제가 아닌, 상대적으로 이주노동자의 사업장 이동의 자유가 제한되는 고용허가제를 채택하여 부족한 노동력의 결핍을 충족시키기 위한 단기간의 노동이주만을 허용하고 있다. 이러한 이주노동자의 장기적인 정주를 허용하지 않는 현재의 우리나라의 이주노동자법체계하에서는 이주노동자의 장기거주로 인한 문제점이 발생할 가능성은 적다. 그럼에도 불구하고 노동허가제가 계속 유지되고 있는 한에서는 외국인고용허가제의 헌법적합성 여부에 대한 논의는 지속적으로 제기될 수 있다 (Purpose) Constitutional theory on whether the demand for broad human rights guarantees for foreign migrant workers on the premise of labor migration and immigration of foreigners is constitutionally justified under Korea's current employment permit system, which does not allow long-term labor migration and settlement of migrant workers. An important research objective was to conduct a research review from a standpoint of constitutional theory and practical perspective. (Research methods) In addition to reviewing the constitutional suitability of Korea's employment permit system from a legal and theoretical perspective, we attempted to analyze changes in the realistic situation in Korea with reference to changes in the foreign worker recruitment policy process in Germany. In addition, a critical review of the precedents of the Constitutional Court of Korea regarding the employment permit system was also conducted. (Findings) Regarding Korea's employment permit system, our Constitutional Court confirmed the constitutionality of this system in two important decisions. Nevertheless, the suitability of the current employment permit system based on the principle of rotation, which recognizes only legal short-term stays of foreign workers, not only in terms of protecting the rights and interests of foreign migrant workers, but also in terms of protecting the interests of Korean employers. Questions will continue to arise. In particular, issues of economic and social suitability of the Employment Permit System as well as violations of the basic rights of foreign migrant workers by it will be the subject of continued legal discussion. (Conclusion and recommendations) The current employment permit system in Korea restricts practically the freedom of foreign migrant wokers to change workplaces by their own free will. They are forced to work in various harsh and dangerous working conditions and environments in the employment permit system in Korea. With regard to it, there is a need to review whether the employment permit systesm has been violated principle of prohibition of forced labor.

      • KCI등재

        경계(境界)의 이주정책

        이기호(Ki Ho Lee),이화용(Hwa-Yong Lee) 21세기정치학회 2015 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.25 No.4

        The development of globalization, which has caused the global movement of capital and labour, has increased the number of guest workers consistently. Whereas in a nation-state that labour rights of citizens are legally protected, the rights of guest workers, specifically unskilled workers, are very poorly protected. On the understanding that emergence and growth of guest workers depend on a political framework of nation-states, this article aims to critically examine the current situations and issues of Employment Permit System, which is the contemporary policy for guest workers in Korea. Employment Permit System has been adopted due to problems and harmful effects of Industrial Technical Training Program and received good reviews for better improvement of the previous policy for guest workers. However, Employment Permit System has produced many problems of human rights abuse, forced labour, and unregistered stay. As Employment Permit System, which has been implemented for more than 11 years, has showed limitations, it is required for re-examination and alteration for the more advanced system of guest workers. We suggest ‘Phased Work Permit System’ as an alternative for reform of Employment Permit System and as a model of institutional change for migrant labour policy in Korea. Unlike Employment Permit System, in which the employment of guest workers belongs to business employers’ exclusive decisions, ‘Phased Work Permit System’ gives guest workers the labour rights to find a job. We argue that through the new system, guest workers’ human rights and social rights would be secured and be socially integrated. By doing so, Korea’s policy for guest workers is expected to be a step towards social integration for all in political community, not a means to make use of guest workers instrumentally and to alienate them from the community. It would be a future oriented way for survival in the twenty-first century, in which the nation-states system has been challenged.

      • KCI등재

        외국인근로자의 사업장변경 실태와 문제점 및 법적개선방안

        고준기(Ko, zoon ki) 한국비교노동법학회 2011 노동법논총 Vol.23 No.-

        This study examines the actual condition transfer of business or workplace of the low skilled migrant workers’ labor market in Korea. Also in this paper I will examine Legal Problems and Proposal on Transfer of Business or Workplace of Migrant Workers in Korea. “The Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers.” was introduced on August 16,2003 and enforced since August 17, 2004. But existing Employment Permit System does not solved problems of violation of human rights and discrimination. Also, this system prevents migrant workers from acquiring proper protection of labor law. Specially, this system is going to cause illegal stay, because the existing provisions includes such a poisonous clause as’ a limitation of transfer of business place etc. Finally, there is possibility that cause the violation of human rights and the exploitation of labor that happened under the industrial trainee system. Also, this Act contains abuse of human rights, and has been a lot of controversy again: ‘permission for transfer of business or workplace’(The Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers. Art.25.), However, october 9, 2009 and June 4, 2010 to meet the needs of the workers and to hire reliably foreign workers, the revisions of provision protecting the rights of foreign workers were made. However, the current employment permit system is still enforced in many legal issues still remain. In this paper, which mainly measures to review and improve the institutional and legal issues were to review. Most of these migrant workers are working under the labor condition of lower wage and longer working hours compared with the domestic workers. This differences cause serious discrimination problems concerning the human rights of migrants connected to the national migrant workers policy. There are several policies that constitute the Employment Permit System related to foreign workers. First of all, we can raise the anti-discrimination principle that prohibits discrimination on the basis of nationality. And among other policies are limit access by migrant workers to remunerated jobs, which is the result of granting priority to the nationals of the state of employment. This paper examines the relations between two conflicting policies. This study suggests a few reforms on the legal system affecting migrant workers. First, host state must provide migrant workers with enough information on the jobs they will take charge of. Regulations of “permission for change of business or workplace” to ‘protect the domestic labor market’ for some is inevitable. Employment for overseas Koreans visiting of foreign nationality are allowed freedom of employment. The results occurred in the labor markets are as follow: substitution effects on employment between domestic worker and foreign worker effects. And employment for overseas Koreans visiting of foreign nationality will be breached a complementary principle of the current “Employment Permit System” in the labor market. In the future, the revisions of “Employment Permit System” have to establish on the basis of the objective review on the impact and effect of its revision in domestic labor markets. In this paper I will examine revision plans for on the general problem and problem of violation of human rights that appear at enforcement process of employment permit system, and introduce improvement countermeasures.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 고용의 현황과 쟁점

        최홍엽(崔弘曄) 서울대학교 노동법연구회 2008 노동법연구 Vol.0 No.25

        Korea has become the country which is receiving officially foreign manpower by the enactment of Employment Permit System Act. In 2008, 132,000 migrant workers will be introduced to Korea. Most of them are low- and unskilled workers. As discussed above, the business type and enterprise type of introduction have been relieved gradually. Migrant workers were used not only in small manufacturing business but also in construction, service, agriculture & livestock farming, offshore & coastal Fishing business. The employment contract period cannot exceed 1 year. However, the migrant worker can renew the contract within the limit of 3 years from the entry date to Korea. An employer who has signed a labor contract with a migrant worker must apply for the certificate for confirmation of visa issuance at the District Immigration Office. After a migrant worker made a labor contract and got E-9 visa, he could come to Korea. This is the case in General EPS(Employment Permit System). In case of ethnic Korean, they could come to this country without making a labor contract. EPS was introduced by the enactment of Employment Permit System Act, and ITS(Industrial Trainee System) ended with it. The Employment Permit System permits employers who have failed to hire native workers, to legally employ certain number of migrant workers. But owing to revision of the law, it is so easy to employ migrant workers. After 4 years of execution, EPS was settled to Korean society soundly. But there are not a few issues in Employment Permit System. For example, policy-making system, short job-seeking period, few seeking opportunities, etc.

      • KCI등재

        AMOS를 이용한 외국인 고용허가제에 대한 효용성 평가

        나혜숙 한국경영컨설팅학회 2008 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.8 No.3

        외국인근로자 고용허가제는 외국인 근로자의 합법적 고용을 위해 2003년 7월 31일 “외국인근로자의 고용 등에 관한 법률”이 국회를 통과하여 2004년 8월 16일에 최종 공포되었고 2004년 8월 17일부터 실시되었다. 외국인 고용허가제는 외국 인력을 연수생 신분이 아닌 합법적인 근로자 신분으로 도입 하자는 것으로 그동안 외국인 고용에서 문제 되어온 불법 체류자 문제, 송출 비리 문제, 등 외국 인력 도입 및 관리 시스템을 효율적으로 개선하자는 국가적 정책바램이 포함되어 있다. 이러한 고용허가제의 제도 도입에 대한 지난 4년간의 효용성에 대해 경영 과학적 측면에서 연구․분석하고자 한다. 분석방법은 관련 담당 업무자를 대상으로 한 면접 및 설문조사로 AMOS를 이용한 고용허가제 효용성 평가에 대해 구조모형을 설정하고 모형에 대해 분석하도록 한다. 고용허가제에 대한 성과분석은 기술적, 경제적, 사회적, 정책적 측면에 대해 분석하고 실제 외국인 고용허가제의 성과에 대해 효용성을 분석한다. 실제 구조방정식 모형에 의한 고용허가제 효용성에서 기술적 측면과 경제적 측면, 그리고 정책적 측면에서는 상당한 효과를 얻은 것으로 나타나고 있으나 사회적 측면에서는 아직까지 우리나라 외국인 고용이 가지는 본질적 문제를 해결하지 못하고 있는 것으로 평가된다. 그 결과 고용허가제에 대한 성과를 제시하고 앞으로 외국인 고용의 나아갈 방향에 대해 제언하도록 한다. Employment of foreign workers legally employed foreign workers permission for the July 31, 2003 "regarding the employment of foreign workers" laws passed by the National Assembly on 16 final announced in August 2004 and August 2004 conducted 17. Foreign employment of foreign workers and trainees who moderated a non-legitimate foreign workers have been hired by suggesting the introduction of identity position the problem of illegal alien problem, corruption, transmission problems, including introduction of foreign labor management system to efficiently and suggesting improvements, including a national policy wish. These introduced the Employment Permit System for the past four years in terms of the benefits of scientific research and business analysis for the 2007s. Analytical methods are related to a man in charge of business surveys and interviews with the Employment Permit System AMOS assessment utility models for the structure to set the model for analysis. Employment Permit System for the performance analysis of the technological, economic, social and political aspects of the work permit system for foreign workers and actual performance analysis for the benefit analysis. The actual benefits of structural equation models by the Employment Permit System in terms of economic and technical aspects and political aspects of the significant aspects of the social effects, but so far appears to have obtained a foreign country are essentially two kinds of employment in the assessment does not resolve the problem. As a result of the Employment Permit System for the performance of present and future directions for the advice to move to foreign employment.

      • KCI등재

        포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통한 고용허가제 현장컨설팅 사업의 의의와 발전방안 연구

        김연홍,이성순 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2019 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study is to find the meaning and to search development plan for Field Consultation for Employment Permit System which helps the farmers who hire immigrant workers through visiting the site and providing professional consultation to them. This qualitative study is based on focus group interview. The focus group interviews were conducted four times with certified public labor attorneys in the field of agricultural industry, agriculture management consultants, university professors studying immigrant workers, team leader and team members who are in charge of residential support for immigrant workers. Through focus group interview, the meaning of Field Consultation for Employment Permit System is found as follows. Firstly, the Field Consultation for Employment Permit System is an innovative service that transforms the view of residential administrative services for immigrant workers. This is the first case to change to a preventive support to protect the human rights of immigrant workers from a follow-up and reactive support system that resolves human right violation case happened. Secondly, it is an excellent example of proactive administration for protection of human rights of immigrant workers and improvement of working environment. This is very proactive support in that the consultants stay in the workplaces and communicate with employers on regular basis to improve the working environment for immigrant workers. Thirdly, this program enables to extend communications to improve Employment Permit System. Though the Employment Permit System is an excellent system recognized in the world, it was disconnected from private sector because it was driven by government. The field consulting improved the system by expanding communications with private sector. The proposed development plans are as follows; firstly, the employers in the agricultural industry should give guidance for all necessary matters such as labor contract, labor issues, administrations, insurance, sexual harassment cases, stress and depression when they hire immigrant workers. Secondly, experts who are familiar with the actual situation should be appointed as field consultants and they should visit the workplaces more than four times a year. Thirdly, a system should be implemented to verify the accommodation information that the immigrant workers filled out when they entered Korea. 본 연구의 목적은 포커스 그룹의 인터뷰를 통해 고용허가제로 유입된 이주노동자의 관리에 어려움을 해소하고자 도입된 농축산업 분야의 현장컨설팅 사업의 의의를 밝히고 본 사업의 활성화와 발전방안을 탐색하는데 있다. 포커스 그룹 인터뷰는 농축산업 분야에서 노무관련 상담을 담당하는 공인노무사와 농업경영컨설턴트, 이주관련 분야를 연구하는 대학교수, 이주노동자의 체류지원을 담당하는 부장과 팀원을 중심으로 4차에 걸쳐서 진행되었다. 고용허가제 현장컨설팅 사업의 의미는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이주노동자 체류행정서비스의 체제를 전환시키는 혁신적인 서비스이다. 이주노동자의 인권침해 등이 발생하면 사업장에 방문하여 해결해주는 사후적・반응적 지원 시스템에서 이주노동자의 인권보호라는 사회적 가치를 실현하기 위한 사전적・예방적 지원으로 도입된 최초의 사례이다. 둘째, 권익보호와 근로환경 개선을 위한 적극행정의 우수사례이다. 이주노동자를 고용하고 있는 밀집지역의 사업장에 컨설턴트를 배치하여 이주노동자의 권익을 보호하고 인권침해를 방지하며 상시적으로 사업주와 소통을하면서 근로환경 개선시키는 적극행정의 실천이며 최종적으로 중소기업의생산력을 증진시키는 동반성장의 우수사례이다. 셋째, 중장년의 민간전문가에게 일자리를 제공하고 고용허가제의 제도를개선하기 위한 소통채널의 확대이다. 고용허가제는 세계에서 인정받는 우수한 제도이지만 국가주도로 시행되면서 민관과의 소통경로가 단절적인데반해 소통채널을 확대하여 제도를 개선하는 사례이다. 정책적 제언으로서는 첫째, 농축산업의 사업주가 이주노동자를 고용하기위한 근로계약 체결, 노무, 행정처리, 전용보험가입, 성희롱・성폭력과 스트레스・우울증 예방 등 필요한 사항에 대하여 가이드 역할을 해야 한다. 둘째, 지역의 실정을 잘 알고 있는 전문가를 컨설턴트로 위촉하여 1년에 4회 이상사업장을 방문하도록 한다. 셋째, 이주노동자가 대한민국에 입국 전 체결하는 근로계약에 사업주가 제공하기로 한 숙소 등 정보 등의 제공여부를 확인하는 시스템의 마련이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 노동자의 법적보호

        李光澤 國民大學校 法學硏究所 2004 법학논총 Vol.16 No.-

        In August 2003 the Act Concerning Employment of Foreign Workers which induced the "employment permit system"(EPS) was promulgated. The EPS was designed in order to reduce the abuses of the "Industrial Trainee System"(ITS) as well as lighten legal employment of alien workers by medium and small industries which have difficulties in recruiting Korean workers. In the process of preparing for the new EPS, which is to be affective in August 2004, the Government of Korea took a measure between September and November 2003 to legalize 184,000 aliens, or 81% of the 227,000 illegal residents, who were staying in Korea for less than 4 years. The others were to be expelled out of Korean territory. The selective legalization process for undocumented migrants who have been in Korea (as of March 31, 2003) was as follows: 1) less than 3 years are eligible for sojourn status; 2) between 3 years and less than 4 years: eligible for visa issuance certificate then leave the country by November 15. Afterwards within 3 months return to Korea for legal employment; 3) more than 4 years: there is no way to legalize (the Korean government has warned that they must leave the country by November 15, otherwise arrest and forcible deportation would be implemented). Expulsion, heavy fines, and ban on reentry were to be the consequences of all undocumented migrant workers who did not leave voluntarily. A joint rally of the joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea (JCMK)/the Common Committee for Opposing Crackdown on Migrant Workers, Abolition of Trainee System and Securing Migrants' Rights, Korea (COCATS) and the Special Committee on Amending the Overseas Korean Act was held in downtown Seoul on November 2. On November 11 a Sri Lankan migrant, who came to Korea as a trainee 7 years ago to support 7 family members in home, threw himself at a subway train with the fear of forced deportation. On the next day a Bangladesh migrant, who had been staying in Korea for 7 years, hung himself because there was no way to pay back the loan raised in order to come to work in Korea. These deaths triggered a series of sit-in protests which was started in Ansan of Gyeonggi province. On 14 migrant workers in Changwon of Gyeongnam province staged a sit-in protest after a memorial service for the dead alien workers. A large group of Chinese workers of Korean origin joined the sit-in protest, as well. Between November 17 and 28 the Ministry of Justice, National Intelligence Service, and Police Agency jointly operated forcible deportation of undocumented migrants who were not eligible for legalization. During the period 1,233 migrant workers and 250 employers were taken into custody. On 20 a Russian migrant, who came to Korea in January 2003 with tourist visa, jumped overboard in trying to escape from the ship taking him back home. On 25 an Uzbek out of despair hung himself in Incheon. On December 3 a policy coordinating meeting under the Office of the Prime Minister released new measures to solve undocumented migrants' problem. According to the new measures, if the undocumented migrants voluntarily leave the country by the end of 2003, the period of ban on reentry would be shortened as less than 6 month. During the period of December 8 and 17 when the government operated the 2nd round of joint control measures, a Korean Chinese died on the street due to the cold weather and a Bangladeshi worker found dead in a container where he hid himself during the control and was unable to be properly treated for heart ailment. On 13 a group of Indonesian migrant workers from Changwon who were holding silent demonstration in front of the Korea Methodist Church were attackted by the immigration officials. Senior leaders of National Council of Churches in Korea (KNCC), Buddhist leaders, film directors, actors and actresses, medical doctors released statements on opposing the forced deportation and legalizing all undocumented migrant workers. On January 7, 2004 after a protest demonstration in front of the Bangladesh Embassy riot police and immigration officials arrested two migrants. On the next day a protest rally was held in condemning the Ministry of Justice that allowed brutal attack on migrants and migrants' rights advocates. Between January 16 and 21 the protest group participated in the World Social Forum 2004 in Mumbai, India in order to make public the ongoing migrants' struggle in Korea and strengthen the network and solidarity with migrant rights groups. On 20 the Office for Government Policy Coordination released measures to extend grace period for undocumented migrants again. On February 6 the migrants and Korean Chinese groups concluded a 84-day sit-in protest declaring the 2nd round of their struggle. The decision was made after the Government agreed on extention of grace period to voluntarily leave the country in exchange for a guarantee they could return legally later. II. The theme "migrant workers" became one of three main topics discussed in the XIV World Congress of Labour Law and Social Security, which was held in Seoul from September 26 through 30, 1994. According to the ILO Convention No. 143, the term "migrant worker" means a person who migrates or who has migrated from one country to another with a view to being employed otherwise than on his own account and includes any person regularly admitted as a migrant worker.(Art. 11, Para. 1) The ILO Convention No. 143 of 1973, which came into force on December 9, 1978 in supplement to the Convention No. 97 of 1949, gives further provisions concerning migrations in abusive conditions and the promotion of equality of opportunity and treatment of migrant workers. Each member state for which this Convention is in force shall undertake to respect the basic human rights of "all migrant workers"(Art. 1). In order to prevent and to eliminate migrations in abusive conditions Article 3 of the Convention No. 143 stipulates as follows: Each Member shall adopt all necessary and appropriate measures, both within its jurisdiction and in collaboration with other Members (a) to suppress clandestine movements of migrants for employment and illegal employment of migrants, and (b) against the organisers of illicit or clandestine movements of migrants for employment departing from, passing through or arriving in its territory, and against those who employ workers who have immigrated in illegal conditions. Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Convention No. 143 reads: "Without prejudice to measures designed to control movements of migrants for employment by ensuring that migrant workers enter national territory and are admitted to employment in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations, the migrant worker shall, in cases in which these laws and regulations have not been respected and in which his position cannot be regularised, enjoy equality of treatment for himself and his family in respect of rights arising out of past employment as regards remuneration, social security and other benefits." According to Article 10 of the Convention, each Member for which the Convention is in force undertakes to declare and pursue a national policy designed to promote and to guarantee, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice, equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation, of social security, of trade union and cultural rights and of individual and collective freedoms for persons who as migrant workers or as members of their families are lawfully within its territory. Each Member shall also, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice, in consultation with representative organisations of employers and workers, formulate and apply a social policy appropriate to national conditions and practice which enables migrant workers and their families to share in advantages enjoyed by its nationals while taking account, without adversely affecting the principle of equality of opportunity and treatment, of such special needs as they may have until they are adapted to the society of the country of employment.(Art. 12 (e)) But the provisions concerning equality of opportunity and treatment do not apply to - (a) frontier workers; (b) artistes and members of the liberal professions who have entered the country on a short-term basis; (c) seamen; (d) persons coming specifically for purposes of training or education; (e) employees of organisations or undertakings operating within the territory of a country who have been admitted temporarily to that country at the request of their employer to undertake specific duties or assignments, for a limited and defined period of time, and who are required to leave that country on the completion of their duties or assignments.(Art. 11, Para. 2) To Korea hundreds of thousand workers mostly from Asian countries have been admitted as the so-called "vocational trainees" and later "industrial trainees." The question is whether the "vocational trainees" or "industrial trainees" admitted to Korea fall under the category of "the persons coming specially for purposes of training or education", as defined in Art. 11, Para. 2(d) of the Convention. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is negative. Most of the "trainees" admitted to Korea are sent directly to undertakings which are not prepared to give ordinary vocational training. The sit-in strike of the Nepalese workers in January 1995 triggered a series of discussions to better the situation of the migrant workers in Korea. Without equal treatment of the migrant workers in labour law and social security, the "globalization" would remain mere political propaganda. In this sense, it is expected that the new EPS is able to find right ways to design national and international policy to promote and guarantee equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment, and of other rights related thereto and to respect the basic human rights of all migrant workers.

      • KCI등재

        고용허가제 2.0 시대, 외국인근로자 권리보호에 관한 연구

        이은채(Eun Chae Lee) 사회복지법제학회 2024 사회복지법제연구 Vol.15 No.2

        20세기 후반 인력난 해소를 위해 도입된 외국인력이 2004년 고용허가제를 중심으로 지난 20여 년간 한국 경제성장에 기여해 왔다. 2020년 인구 데드크로스 이후 한국은 인구감소시대의 생산인구 확보를 위해 다양한 정책을 펼쳐왔다. 2022년 말 산업인력 수요의 변화 대응과 생산인구 확보를 위해 새로운 관점의 고용허가제 2.0을 발표하였다. 고용허가제 2.0과 후속 대책들은 중장기적인 시각에서 숙련인력 확보를 통해 지속성장의 기반을 다지기 위한 대책들이다. 종래 고용허가제는 3년 단기순환적 인력 공급시스템으로 어느 정도 기여했다. 고용허가제 2.0은 기술변화와 인구구조 변화라는 환경변화에 대응하기 위해 중장기 또는 영구 체류하는 외국인근로자 도입을 위한 제도로 변화를 시도한다. 고용허가제를 중심으로 한 외국인근로자 권리보호제도는 중장기 또는 영구 거주하는 이주민의 권리보호에 한계가 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구는 종래 사용자 관점의 외국인고용법을 개정하여 외국인근로자 권리보호를 강화하는 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 동법 목적조항을 개정하여 외국인근로자 권리보호를 명시적으로 규정하고, 외국인근로자 차별이 이루어질 경우 사용자를 처벌하는 규정의 신설을 제안하였다. 둘째, 외국인근로자의 자유권과 관련하여, 온전한 휴식을 취할 수 있는 주거권 보장을 위해 법령 위반의 주거시설을 제공하는 사용자 명단공표, 네거티브 방식의 사업장 변경사유 인정 등이 필요함을 밝혔다. 셋째, 4대보험 등과 관련하여. 의료공백 방지 규정 마련, 중장기 거주에 대비한 실업급여와 육아휴직급여 가입 담보 등 방안을 제시하였다. 아울러 외국인근로자의 체류 허용기간이 증가함에 따라 출국만기보험과 귀국비용보험의 청구기간 변경을 주장하였다. 넷째, 사용자와 내국인근로자, 외국인근로자 모두 매년 노동관계법령, 외국인정책, 상호문화이해 등 교육을 받아 동반성장의 기반을 다질 필요가 있음을 밝혔다. 이러한 방안을 통해 외국인근로자의 역량을 발휘할 여건을 개선함이 필요함을 주장하였다. 다만 본 연구는 고용허가제 2.0이라는 큰 흐름의 변화 속에 외국인근로자 권리보호 방안을 현행 외국인고용법의 틀을 중심으로 살핀 한계가 있다. Foreign workers, introduced in the late 20th century to resolve the manpower shortage, have contributed to Korea's economic growth over the past 20 years, centering on the Employment Permit System in 2004. Since the population deadcross in 2020, Korea has implemented various policies to secure the productive population in the era of population decline. In order to change the demand for industrial manpower and secure the productive population at the end of 2022, the Employment Permit System 2.0 with a new perspective was announced. The Employment Permit System 2.0 and follow-up policies are measures to lay the foundation for sustainable growth by securing skilled manpower from a mid- to long-term perspective. The existing Employment Permit System contributed to some extent as a three-year short-term cyclical manpower supply system, but in order to respond to environmental changes such as technological and demographic changes, it assumes foreign workers staying for a mid- to long-term or permanent stay. The foreign worker rights protection system centered on the employment permit system has limitations in protecting the rights of immigrants residing mid- to long-term or permanently. From this perspective, this study proposed a plan to strengthen the protection of foreign workers' rights by revising the Foreign Employment Act from the employer's perspective. First, it was proposed to revise the purpose clause of the Act to stipulate protection of foreign workers' rights and to establish new provisions to punish employers in case of discrimination. Second, in relation to foreign workers' right to freedom, it was revealed that in order to guarantee the right to housing where they can fully rest, it is necessary to publish a list of employers who provide residential facilities in violation of the law and acknowledge the reasons for changing the workplace in a negative manner. Third, in relation to the four major insurance policies, measures such as establishing regulations to prevent medical gaps and guaranteeing subscription to unemployment benefits and parental leave benefits in preparation for mid- to long-term residence were presented. In addition, as the allowable stay period for foreign workers increased, it was argued that the claim period for departure maturity insurance and return cost insurance should be changed. Fourth, it was revealed that employers, domestic workers, and foreign workers all need to receive training on labor-related laws, policies on foreigners, and intercultural understanding every year to lay the foundation for shared growth. It was argued that it was necessary to improve the conditions for foreign workers to demonstrate their capabilities through these measures. However, this study has the limitation of examining measures to protect the rights of foreign workers amidst the major change of the Employment Permit System 2.0, focusing on the framework of the current Foreign Employment Act.

      • KCI등재후보

        비정규 이주 감소를 위한 외국인 고용허가제의 개선방안

        유길상(Kil Sang Yoo) 한국사회정책학회 2007 한국사회정책 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 외국인 고용허가제 하에서 외국인의 불법체류와 불법취업 현상인 비정규이주를 최소화하기 위해 외국인력의 도입단계, 체류 및 취업 단계, 외국인력의 귀국단계, 그리고 국제협력단계에서 현재 어떤 문제가 있고 무엇을 개선해 나가야 할 것인가를 분석하였다. 비정규이주의 최소화를 위해서는 이미 10개국에 이른 송출국가를 양해각서의 갱신과정에서 객관적 평가를 바탕으로 단계적으로 축소하여 다른 나라에서와 같이 5~6개국 정도로 정비하고, 우리나라에 취업할 외국인력의 선발을 송출국의 재량으로 맡겨놓을 것이 아니라 국내 사용자의 수요를 파악하여 최대한 양질의 인력이 선발될 수 있도록 제도적 자치를 마련하여야 하며, 송출국의 송출과정에 대한 지속적인 점검과 평가를 할 수 있는 제도적 장치를 마련하여야 한다. 또한 외국인근로자의 체류 및 취업관리, 고충처리 및 사후관리 행정체계를 갖추고, 불법체류 및 취업에 대해서는 지속적인 단속 및 처벌을 통해 합법적인 경로로 입국하여 취업하는 것이 외국인과 국내 사용자 모두에게 이득이 된다는 것을 인식하게 하여야 한다. 국제협력을 통한 한국과 송출국에서 외국인근로자의 자진귀국 프로그램 시행도 중요하다. This paper analyzes various policy options for reducing irregular migration under the employment permit system. For this purpose, this paper investigates causes of irregular migration and policy options for reducing irregular migration in each step of migration process. To minimize irregular migration, choosing the right sending countries with lower irregular migration rate and higher employers` satisfaction rate is important. Thus in the process of revising the MOUs with sending countries, Korea has to adjust the number of sending countries to the optimal level from current ten countries which are beyond efficiently manageable. The Korean Employment Permit System is a demand-driven system. Thus Korea has to develop effective system to select right qualified migrant workers in the process of recruiting candidates based on the demand of employers. Korea also develop evaluation and monitoring system on the each step of process of the Employment Permit System including recruiting and immigration, managing employment and stay, protecting human rights of migrants, controlling illegal stayers, etc. In managing Employment Permit System, it is quite effective in minimizing irregular migration to use economic incentives to migrant workers and employers by raising economic returns to regular migration and costs of irregular migration. International cooperation to promote voluntary return in both sending and receiving countries is important as well.

      • KCI등재

        팬데믹 상황을 대비한 농업 분야 외국인력 활용 제도의 법정책적 개선 방안

        김슬기(Kim, Seulki) 한국비교노동법학회 2021 노동법논총 Vol.52 No.-

        우리나라 사회에서 저출산·고령화 현상이 심화되고 3D업종 기피현상이 심각해지면서 단순기능인력인 외국인력의 유입이 갈수록 증가하고 있다. 특히 농업분야에 있어서는 이농현상 등의 사회적인 이유 등으로 현장의 일손 부족이 심각하다. 따라서 농업 분야에서 외국인력의 비중은 절대적이며, 외국인이 없이는 농사지을 수 없다는 말이 공공연하게 자리잡아 오고 있다. 그러나 단순기능인력 외국인근로자가 선택할 수 있는 다른 업종에 비해 육체적 노동의 강도가 높은 농업은 회피하는 업종에 속하고, 일손 부족 현상이 더욱 심화되고 있는 시점에서 코로나19의 세계적인 확산은 더욱 농가의 외국인력 수급을 어렵게 하는 원인이 되었다. 이러한 상황에서 농업분야 외국인근로자의 고용 제도를 검토해보고 원활한 인력 수급에 차질을 빚게 하는 제도적 문제점과 개선방안을 알아보았다. 고용허가제는 단순기능인력 외국인근로자를 도입하는 것을 규정한 외국인고용법을 바탕으로 시행되고 있으나, 그 목적이 1년 이상의 상시 고용을 근거로 하는 사업장에 적합한 것이어서 계절성이 강한 농업분야에 외국인근로자를 고용하는 제도로는 적합하지 않은 부분이 있다. 그리고 단순기능인력의 수급 쿼터와 관련하여 우리나라 농가에서 필요한 인력에 비해 항상 공급이 부족한 면이 존재하며, 농업의 계절적 특성을 보완하기 위해 근무처 추가제도가 존재하지만 근로기준법 제9조의 위반 소지가 있다. 한편 계절근로자제는 농번기에 고질적인 일손부족 현상을 막기 위해 법무부에서 실시하는 제도로 출발하였으나, 계절근로자에 대하여는 외국인고용법이 적용되지 않으므로 외국인고용법상 근로자를 보호하는 개별적인 제도를 적용받지 못하는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 안정적인 외국인력 확보가 무엇보다 절실한 상황에서, 외국인 근로자 쿼터 배정에 있어 우선적으로 농업 분야에 필요 인력을 배정할 필요가 있다. 또한 기존 고용허가제로 입국한 근로자들을 전문기술 체류자격으로 갱신하거나 특례고용허가제 외국인근로자들의 유인 방안 등을 생각해볼 수 있다. 기존의 근무처추가제도는 노사관계에서 우월한 지위에 있는 사업주들로 인하여 외국인근로자의 의사가 배제된 채 근무처추가제도가 활용될 소지가 있으므로 외국인근로자와 사업주들 간의 사이에 근무처 추가 및 근로조건에 대한 의사의 합치가 법적 요건으로 의무화 될 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 한편 계절근로자에 대하여 출국만기보험 외에 나머지 세 가지의 외국인근로자 전용보험에 관하여 외국인고용법의 미적용에도 불구하고 노동환경 보호를 위해서는 반드시 별개의 적용이 필요하다고 생각한다. 임금체불보장보험은 소규모 농가일수록 임금체불 위험성이 더 높다는 측면에서, 귀국비용보험의 경우 계절근로자의 체류기간 만료 후 자발적 귀환을 유인한다는 측면에서, 상해보험은 국내 체류기간 동안 외국인근로자에게 최소한의 신체 안전을 보장한다는 측면에서 그 필요성이 대두된다. 살펴본 개선방안들은 코로나19 사태로 인하여 더욱 그 중요성이 커지고 있다. 그동안 금기시 되어 왔던 미등록 외국인근로자들의 한시적인 합법적 취업 체류자격 부여 단계까지 진지하게 고려해보아야 할 상황이다. 거기에 더하여 농업 노동인력 확보를 목적으로 기본적으로 정부차원에서 공공영역의 일자리 알선 및 소개 서비스를 확대하고 확충하여야 한다. In Korean society, the low birthrate, aging, and avoidance of 3d(dirty, difficult, dangerous) jobs get intensified and severe, so the inflow of foreign workers as simple functional workers is gradually increasing. Especially, the agricultural area is going through severe labor shortage because of social reasons like exodus of young adults from agricultural area. Thus, the weight of foreign workers in the agricultural area is absolute, and it is even publicly said that it is impossible to do farm work without foreigners. However, compared to other works, the agriculture with the higher intensity of physical labor is also avoided by foreign workers as simple functional workers. And due to the global pandemic of the COVID-19, it is more difficult for the farms to have foreign workers. In this situation, this study reviewed the agricultural foreign worker employment system, and then understood the institutional problems causing difficulties in smooth supply/demand of workers, and the improvement measures. The Employment Permit System is enforced based on the Foreign Worker Employment Act prescribing the introduction of foreign workers as simple functional workers. However, its purpose is suitable for workplaces based on regular employment for one year or more, so this system might not be suitable for the workplaces that employ foreign workers in each season of agricultural area. And in relation to the supply & demand quota of simple functional workers, the supply is always lacking compared to the workers required from farms in Korea. Even though there is the Workplace Addition System for complementing the seasonal characteristics of agriculture, there is the possibility to violate the Article 9 of the Labor Standards Act. Meanwhile, the Seasonal Work System was invented by the Ministry of Justice to prevent the chronic labor shortage in farming seasons. However, the Foreign Worker Employment Act is not applied to the seasonal workers, so the individual institution for protecting workers is not applied under the Foreign Worker Employment Act. Thus, when it is urgently needed to stably secure foreign workers, it would be necessary to preferentially assign the required manpower in the agricultural area through the quota assignment of foreign workers. It would be also possible to renew the workers who entered Korea through the existing Employment Permit System as the professional skill stay status, or to attract foreign workers through the Special Case Employment Permit System. In the existing Workplace Addition System, the foreign workers’ opinions could be excluded by business owners with a prominent position, so it should become legally mandatory to get agreement on the workplace addition and working conditions between foreign worker and business owner. Meanwhile, regarding the seasonal workers, the three rest insurances exclusive to foreign workers besides the departure guarantee insurance should be separately applied for the protection of labor environment even though the Foreign Worker Employment Act is not applied. The necessity of each insurance is rising such as the delayed wage payment guarantee insurance as the smaller-size farms are highly possible to delay the wage payment, the homecoming expenses insurance in the aspect of attracting the voluntary return after the stay for seasonal workers is expired, and the accident insurance in the aspect of guaranteeing the minimum personal security of foreign workers while staying in Korea. The importance of the examined improvement measures is more emphasized by the COVID-19. It would be needed to seriously consider the temporary permission of legal employment for unregistered foreign workers, which has been considered as a taboo. Moreover, for the purpose of securing the agricultural labor manpower, the government would basically need to expand the job placement/introduction service in the public sphere.

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