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        전자감시제도에 대한 헌법적 소고

        조규범(Cho Kyu beom) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2007 성균관법학 Vol.19 No.3

          The criminal policy request that policy makers increase the treatment in the community for criminal offenders and decrease the cost of maintenance and management for correctional facilities. Application of the electronic monitoring system is currently attracted with great public attention complying with this request. In the Republic of Korea, the Act of GPS Attachment against Specific Sex Offenders("Electronic Bracelet Act") has been enacted on April 24, 2007, and the Act will co into effect on October 28, 2008. This Act shows that the age of the Electronic Monitoring System has actually come in Korea. This Act has been enacted to prevent repetition of a sex offense from the sex offender, and eventually to protect our community in a way which a GPS is attached against a specific sex offender after serving out his sentence or during the period of probation or parole.<BR>  The Electronic Monitoring System is able to satisfy the desire of punishment from ordinary people against criminal offenders in a different way. A strength of Electronic Monitoring is to prevent the danger of crime infection or isolation from ordinary life, which are weaknesses of the treatment in the facilities. The Electronic Monitoring System, however, is continuously criticized because it might be a system against human rights. This criticism is caused by a viewpoint that the Electronic Monitoring System could bring social and economic prejudice of human rights and ethics.<BR>  In case of system failure from electronic monitoring, it might cause the danger of our community with the extension of social surveillance network and the increasement of criminal offenders, which could not expect curtailment effect of imprisonment cost. A GPS attachment. which is the essential of "Electronic Bracelet Act", is attacked by some proponents who believe that it might infringe the principles of double jeopardy. excessive punishment prohibition, equal rights, freedom of human body, and privacy.<BR>  This article explores constitutional views against the Electronic Monitoring System because it might cause limitations to the fundamental human rights. Policy makers should make great efforts to prevent infringement against human rights in a way to establish clear cut line of limitation to the Electronic Monitoring System because the System of national government organizations or agencies might develop the way of surveillance against non-criminals beyond surveillance against criminals and prisoners. Part Ⅱ introduces the general concept of Electronic Monitoring System. It provides the definition, types of Electronic Monitoring, and targets of Electronic Monitoring. I also explore so me examples, cases. and related legal matters of foreign countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, etc. at Part Ⅲ, and then at Part Ⅳ Ⅰ analyze constitutional issues of Electronic Monitoring System. As a conclusion I emphasize major elements to consider before the Electronic Bracelet Act comes effect, and explain needs to the revision of related laws. After through study, the Electronic Monitoring System will lead an alternative measure to imprisonment punishment, which is not a view of strengthening of new criminal punishment.

      • KCI등재

        위치추적 전자감시제도의 법 효과성 검토 : 2023.7.11. 개정 스토킹처벌법상의 전자감시제도를 포함하여

        최용성 ( Yong-sung Choi ) 대한범죄학회 2024 한국범죄학 Vol.18 No.1

        2008년 9월에 시행된 위치추적 전자감시제도(이하 ‘전자감시제도’)는 재범의 위험성이 높은 자에 대한 ‘추가적인 제재’로서 보안처분의 일종으로 부과되는 것이라고 이해되고 있다. 이처럼 우리 형법은 형사제재의 ‘이원주의’를 채택하여 형벌과 보안처분을 구별하고 있으며, 전자감시제도가 ‘보안처분’의 일종으로 부과되는 제재조치라고 되어 있어 법 형식적으로는 문제가 없어 보인다. 그러나 전자감시제도가 실질적으로는 ‘형벌적 성격’이 있고 자유의 제한과 인격권 침해의 정도가 커서 ‘법적성격’의 논란이 되고 있다. 이와 관련해 전자감시제도의 법적성격이 ‘보안처분’이라고 단정하기에는 우선, 이 제도가 실질적인 형벌과 같아 이중처벌의 문제점이 존재하고, 두 번째로, 3년 이내의 형기 종료자에게도 전자장치 부착을 소급하여 적용하는 소급효금지의 원칙 위배 문제점이 존재하며, 세 번째로, 강성 형사정책의 경향을 배경으로 전자감시제도가 성급하게 도입이 되었다는 점 등이 문제점으로 지적된다. 또한 전자장치 부착명령은 과잉금지의 원칙의 세 가지 요건인 적합성, 필요성, 균형성(최소 침해성)의 모든 부분에서 문제가 있다. 첫째, 아직 실효성이 충분히 ‘입증’되지 않았고, 둘째, 전자장치 부착 대상범죄 및 대상자(피부착자) 확대 필요성과 부착기간의 연장의 필요성 여부에서 부착 기준이 명확하지 않고 부착기간을 연장하는 필요성도 ‘부족’하며, 셋째, 처벌로 인해 얻을 수 있는 공익이 침해되는 이익보다 크다는 ‘확증’도 없다. 따라서 현행 전자감시제도가 가지고 있는 인권침해문제와 이중처벌의 문제, 과잉처벌, 소급효금지원칙 위배, 올바른 효과의 부재에 대한 비판들을 해결한다고 하여도 타당한 제도로서 정착되어야 하는지에 대해서는 ‘의문’이 존재한다. 사회의 안전을 가장한 감시, 통제 위주의 정책이 아닌 좀 더 근본적인 해결책이 필요하기 때문이다. 그러므로 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 범죄를 체계적으로 유형화하여 ‘교도소’에서부터 범죄에 알맞은 재사회화 과정의 운영이 되어야 한다. 지금처럼 ‘출소 시 재범의 위험성’이라는 모호한 기준으로 전자장치를 부착하여 감시 및 통제를 통하여 ‘추가적인 제재’를 가하는 방식이 아니라, 체계적인 치료감호 강화를 해야만 근본적으로 범죄예방이라는 목적을 달성할 수 있을 것이다. 전문적인 성폭력(미성년자 대상 유괴, 살인, 강도, 스토킹 등) 치료프로그램 매뉴얼을 기초로 하여 범죄자의 위험군에 따라 치료를 ‘차별화’하여 실시하고, 범죄자 마다 살아온 삶과 범죄를 저지른 이유가 다양한 만큼 인지행동 방식 이외의 다양한 치료프로그램을 개발하여 획일적인 적용이 아닌 맞춤별 프로그램이 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 한다. 또한 이런 프로그램에 들어가기에 앞서 범죄자 스스로 개선의 의지를 가지고 임할 수 있도록 유도해야 하고 치료의 효율성을 높이기 위해 전문성 확보를 위한 노력을 끊임없이 해야 한다. 따라서 현행 전자감시제도를 ‘폐지’하고, 범죄예방이라는 본질적인 문제해결을 위해 치료처우 강화를 대안정책으로 제안하고자 한다. The ‘Electronic Surveillance System’, enforced in September 2008, is understood to be imposed as a security measure for an ‘additional sanction’ against those at high risk of recidivism. As such, the Korean Criminal Act adopts the ‘dualism’ of criminal sanctions to distinguish punishment from security measures. However, the electronic monitoring system has a ‘punitive character’ in reality and is controversial in terms of its ‘legal character’ due to the large degree of restrictions on freedom and violation of personal rights. In this regard, there are the following problems to conclude that the legal nature of the electronic monitoring system is a ‘security disposition.’ First, double punishment is a problem because this system is like a practical punishment. Second, there is a problem of violating the basic principle of banning retroactive punishment, which retroactively applies electronic devices to those who have completed a sentence of less than 3 years, and third, as a result, the electronic surveillance system was introduced in hurry against the background of a strong criminal policy. In addition, the electronic attachment order is problematic in all respects of the three requirements of the principle of the proportion: fit, necessity, and balance. First, the effectiveness of this order has not yet been sufficiently ‘proven,’ and second, the criteria for the attachment are not clear, and the need to extend the attachment period is also ‘lacking’ in terms of crimes subject to electronic device attachment and the need to expand the target and extend the attachment period. And third, there is no clear evidence that the public interest obtained from punishment is greater than the benefit infringed. Therefore, even if the current electronic surveillance system solves the human rights violation problem, the problem of double punishment, the violation of the principle of the proportion, the basic principle of banning retroactive punishment, and the lack of a correct effect, there is a ‘question’ as to whether or not this order should be settled as a valid system. This is because a more fundamental solution is needed rather than a policy centered on surveillance and control under the guise of social safety. Therefore, to solve this problem, the resocialization process suitable for the crime should be operated from the ‘prison’ by systematically categorizing the crime. Instead of the method that applies ‘additional sanctions’ through surveillance and control by attaching electronic devices based on the vague criteria of ‘the risk of recidivism upon release,’ only strengthening systematic treatment and supervision can fundamentally achieve the purpose of crime prevention. Based on the professional sexual violence(Kidnapping, murder, robbery, stalking, etc. to minors) treatment program manual, the treatment is ‘differentiated’ according to the risk group of the criminal, and as each criminal has a different life and various reasons for committing a crime, a uniform application is possible by developing cognitive behavioral methods as well as various other treatment programs. It needs to create a customized program. In addition, before entering such a program, it is necessary to induce criminals to take action with the will to improve themselves and to make continuous efforts to secure expertise to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, the current electronic surveillance system shall be ‘abolished,’ and the author proposes strengthening treatment as an alternative policy to solve the essential problem of crime prevention.

      • KCI등재

        근로자 감시의 허용 기준 설정에 관한 법적 연구 - 이른바 ‘전자근로감시’를 중심으로 -

        손미정 ( Son Mi-joung ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2021 法과 政策 Vol.27 No.3

        Workers surveillance in labor-management relations refers to the actions performed by the employer within the two-sided structure of the management duty to protect workers through occupational safety and the right to direct and supervise work. However, worker surveillance that is not for the purpose of labor surveillance loses its legitimacy. It is possible to collect personal information that exceeds the required level for labor surveillance, and the employer uses the collected information as a tool for workers surveillance that goes beyond the limits of labor surveillance, it can lead to the violation of the worker’s moral rights. In order to protect workers, this problem is resolved through agreement and institutionalization on the scope of the acceptable standards for workers surveillance to derive the effect of fair labor surveillance. Currently, the legal system restricting worker surveillance includes the labor-management council system in the 「Act on the Promotion of Worker Participation and Cooperation」. At the same time, it is available for use to the method of handling personal information works, and the employer collects workers’ personal information on the premise of the worker’s prior consent, considering the worker and the employer as the information subject and the information processor, according to the 「Personal Information Protection Act」. However, the problem of worker surveillance will still remain since the concern that the level of worker protection may be determined according to the bargaining ability of the workers side or the possibility of free will inherent in the worker’s prior consent is excluded. Therefore, the installation and operation of labor surveillance means are restricted, and the installation and operation of labor surveillance means due to the employer’s management obligations under the Labor Act are permitted as surveillance for justifiable purposes. This is considered a desirable way to end the conflict between labor and management due to worker surveillance.


        The use of an electronic medical record system for mandatory reporting of drug hypersensitivity reactions has been shown to improve the management of patients in the university hospital in Korea

        Park, Chan Sun,Kim, Tae-Bum,Kim, Seoung Lan,Kim, Jae Youn,Yang, Kyung Ai,Bae, Yun-Jeong,Cho, You Sook,Moon, Hee-Bom John Wiley Sons, Ltd. 2008 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Vol.17 No.9

        <B>Purpose</B><P>This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a computerized surveillance system for adverse drug events (ADEs) reinforced with mandatory reporting of all past drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHSRs) and supervision of the processes by allergy specialists in a university hospital.</P><B>Methods</B><P>All information on both prior and newly developed DHSRs was collected via the surveillance system described above and compared with the data from previous system based on voluntary reporting of DHSRs by attending physicians.</P><B>Results</B><P>The report rate of past DHSRs was greatly increased and the estimated incidence of new events decreased under the new system. The occurrence rate of new DHSRs during hospitalization, which were caused by the repeated administration of the agents previously suspected as culprit drugs enormously, decreased from 15% of previous system to 1% of new system.</P><B>Conclusion</B><P>The mandatory reporting system for past DHSRs and the supervision by allergy specialists appear to be important in improving the management of patients with drug hypersensitivity and in preventing the occurrence of DHSRs in a general hospital. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.</P>

      • KCI등재

        국내에서 활용중인 위치추적 전자감시제도의 문제점과 개선방안

        최용성,김기호,이의철,곽대훈 한국과학수사학회 2023 과학수사학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Recently, as there have been incidents in which a person subject to electronic monitoring (the person having it attached) damages an electronic device and escapes or commits murder, public anxiety along with skepticism about the electronic monitoring system has occurred, and their anxiety is going on. In this regard, this paper reviews the general theory (concept, type, content, comparative law review, etc.) and problems of the electronic surveillance (monitoring) system through various previous studies and data, and in order to supplement this more effective system, several improvement measures such as, 1) linkage construction with the community group CCTV system, 2) discussion of linkage with the protection custody system, 3) strengthening of the 1:1 dedicated probation system, 4) recruitment of electronic monitoring personnel, and 5) expansion of temporary release were considered. However, in connection with the confinement system, it is more reasonable to expand and operate other measures such as strengthening the 1:1 dedicated probation system on a pilot basis, and then discuss and review the linkage with the confinement system according to its effect. In addition, although it is impossible to prevent all crimes that occur in various places due to the realistic limitations of the electronic surveillance system, the state needs active efforts in areas where problems can be solved through institutional and legislative supplementation. 최근 전자감시 대상자(피부착자)가 전자장치를 훼손하고 도주하거나 살인을 저지르는 사건이 발생함에 따라, 전자감시제도에 대한 회의론과 함께 국민들의 불안은 계속되고 있다. 이에 본고는 기존의 여러 선행연구 및 자료들을 통해 전자감시제도의 일반론(~개념, 유형, 내용, 비교법적 검토 등)과 문제점에 대해 검토하고, 보다 실효성 있는 이 제도를 보완하기 위하여, 1) 지방자치단체 CCTV 시스템과의 연계 구축, 2) 보호수용제도와의 연계 논의, 3) 1:1 전담 보호관찰제도의 강화, 4) 전자감시 인력의 충원, 5) 임시해제의 확대 등 몇몇 개선방안들을 고찰하였다. 다만, 보호수용제도와의 연계는 1:1 전담 보호관찰제도의 강화 등 그 외 방안들을 시범적으로 확대 운영한 후 그 효과에 따라 보호수용제도와의 연계를 논의, 검토해보는 것이 조금 더 합리적인 것으로 생각된다. 아울러 전자감시제도의 현실적 한계에 의해 곳곳에서 발생하는 범죄를 모두 방지할 수는 없지만, 제도적, 입법적 보완으로 문제를 해결할 수 있는 영역에 대해서는 국가의 적극적인 노력이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자감시를 통한 범죄예방과 제도의 개선방안

        정신교 ( Shin Kyo Jeong ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2011 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.20

        Recently, the government and national assembly are pouring out various measures for prevention of crime. Especially increase in violent crimes aggravates malaise factors of our society. Accordingly they are pouring out diverse measures that did not exist before. Various policies to prevent crimes actually particularly such as electronic surveillance system against specific criminals, chemical castration law, making personal information of sexual criminals public and establishment of law about use of DNA information are being enforced. Presently various policies to prevent crimes are being prepared. Among them there is electronic surveillance system being enforced since September 2007. The electronic surveillance system was introduced as effective control method against specific sexual offenders that are appeared as serious social problems recently. Such electronic surveillance system has meaning that criminal control system is newly established. The electronic surveillance system should be propelled in combination with order of attending class, order of treatment, service order and vocational training. And in employment of the object of electronic surveillance, the interest without disadvantage or prejudice of local residents can help economic stability and rehabilitation of the object persons so adequate promotion of the correction authorities is also necessary.

      • KCI등재후보

        위치추적 전자장치제도의 실태 분석 연구

        김현동 백석대학교 유관순연구소 2023 유관순 연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This study examines the legitimacy of the electronic surveillance system in Korea, and hurriedly passed the Electronic Surveillance System Act on September 1, 2008, as violent crimes continue to occur recently. These electronic surveillance systems implement harsh punitive policies aimed at monitoring and isolating certain criminals, but serious debates, effective tests, and side effects were not studied before the law was passed, and even before the electronic surveillance system was implemented, it contributed a lot to reducing social protection and recidivism rates by extending the implementation period and expanding the category of criminals, but despite these positive aspects, legal issues and operational problems have been found to have created negative aspects. In order to increase the efficiency of the electronic monitoring system, problems such as infringement of basic rights under the constitution, double risks, operating budget, and manpower must be resolved first. In addition, the selection of electronic monitoring targets should not only consider systematic secondary crime risk assessment criteria (K-SORAS), but also converge with each government department to achieve the purpose of this law.

      • 위치추적 전자감시제도의 소급적용에 대한 비판적 고찰

        박찬걸 헌법재판소 2013 헌법논총 Vol.24 No.-

        It is rare to find a solution to the issue on whether or not the basic principle banning retroactive punishment is applied to the location tracking electronic monitoring system due to inherent limitation that emerged during the days when only the criminal sanctions used to exist as the basic principle banning retroactive punishment. With regard to the area of sanctions which is classified as security measure, not as punishment, it can be said that the basic principle banning retroactive punishment is not applicable, but it is impractical to really understand current situation that a variety of criminal sanctions are emerging only with such a schematic conclusion. It is because that its characteristic cannot be understood as a security measure or punishment having the full significance and criminal sanctions connoting characteristics of the both are continuously appearing. Based on such a critical mind, this manuscript first look into the process of enactment and change of location tracking electronic monitoring system aiming at making a critical analysis on the attitude of supplementary provisions of the Act on Attachment of Electronic Device that acknowledges retroactive application of location tracking electronic monitoring system and inquire thoroughly into the legal characteristics of the same system on the basis of existing discussions. Next, after examining the grounds for an argument which is asserted from the part answering in the affirmative about retroactive application of location tracking electronic monitoring system, this manuscript intends to terminate an argument by setting forth a counterargument from the stance denying retroactive application focusing on the meaning of punishment what the basic principle banning retroactive punishment says, location tracking electronic monitoring system having penal characteristic and an infringement of liberty caused by the location tracking electronic monitoring system, problems of tentatively named ‘principle banning retroactive punishment within 3 years after execution of the sentence’ and implication of revised way of legislation. 위치추적 전자감시제도에 대하여 소급효금지의 원칙이 적용되는지 여부에 대한 문제는 소급효금지의 원칙이 형벌이라는 형사제재만이 존재하였던 시절에 등장하였던 태생적인 한계로 말미암아 해답을 찾기가 여간 어려운 일이 아니다. 형벌이 아닌 보안처분으로 분류되는 제재의 영역에 대해서는 소급효금지의 원칙이 적용되지 않는다고 볼 수도 있겠지만, 형사제재를 형벌과 보안처분으로 양분하는 이원적인 사고방식에 기초한 도식적인 결론으로는 다양한 형사제재가 등장하고 있는 현재의 상황을 제대로 파악하기에는 무리가 있어 보인다. 왜냐하면 그 성격이 완전한 의미의 보안처분 또는 완전한 의미의 형벌로 파악될 수 없고, 양자의 성격을 공통적으로 내포하고 있는 새로운 형사제재들이 계속해서 등장하고 있기 때문이다. 이러한 문제의식에 입각하여 본고는 전자장치부착법의 부칙에서 위치추적 전자감시제도의 소급적인 적용을 인정하고 있는 태도에 대한 비판적인 분석을 함에 그 목적을 두고, 우선 위치추적 전자감시제도의 제정 및 변천과정을 살펴보고, 동 제도의 법적인 성격을 기존의 논의를 토대로 하여 면밀히 검토한다. 다음으로 위치추적 전자감시제도의 소급적용을 긍정하는 입장에서 주장되고 있는 논거를 살펴 본 후, 이에 대하여 소급처벌금지의 원칙에서 말하는 처벌의 의미, 형벌적 성격을 지니는 보안처분의 등장, 위치추적 전자감시제도에 병과되는 자유의 제한, 가칭 ‘형집행후 3년이내시법주의’의 문제점, 개정 입법방식의 함의(含意) 등을 중심으로 소급적용을 부정하는 입장에서의 반론을 제기하며, 논의를 마무리하기로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        위치추적 전자감시제도의 정당성과 그 개선방안

        김범식(Kim, Burm Shik),송광섭(Song, Kwang-Soub) 대검찰청 2017 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.55

        지난 15여 년간 시행된 우리나라의 형사제재의 특징은 형벌의 대체수단으로써 성범죄자 신상공개, 특정범죄자에 대한 위치추적 전자장치의 부착, 성충동 약물치료 등 새로운 제재를 도입하였다는 점과 자유형의 상한을 높여 형벌의 일반예방적 범죄억지 효과를 극대화시켜 왔다는 점이다. 즉, 현재의 형사사법체계는 형법의 새로운 기능으로서의 새로운 형사제재를 요구하며, 그 중심에는 보안처분이 있다. 특히 「특정 범죄자에 대한 보호관찰 및 전자장치 부착 등에 관한 법률」(이하 ‘전자장치 부착법’이라 함)에 의하여 시행되는 ‘특정 범죄자에 대한 위치추적 전자장치 부착 제도’ (이하 ‘위치추적 전자감시제도’라 함)의 경우에는 보안처분으로서 정당성을 갖추고 있는지 여부의 문제,‘재범의 위험성’이 부착명령의 청구요건으로 필요한데 이에 대한 의미와 유무의 판단기준이 구체적으로 법률에 명시되어 있지 못한 문제 등이 있고, 위치 추적 전자감시제도의 효과성에 대하여도 의문이 제기되고 있다. 또한 이 제도의 법적 성격 및 효과, 인권침해 등에 대하여 검토할 필요성이 제기된다. 따라서 본 글에서는 위치추적 전자감시제도가 본격적으로 시행되고 있는 이 시점에서, 이 제도의 성격을 명확히 하고 이에 대한 형사제재로서의 정당성을 확보하는 것은 물론 제기되고 있는 문제점과 앞으로 제기될 수 있는 문제점을 분석하여 바람직한 개선방안을 제시하여 발전적인 형사정책적 대안을 수립하고자 한다 The characteristics of criminal sanctions in Korea over the past 15 years introduced new sanctions as an alternative to punishment and has raised the upper limit of punishment to maximize the general preventive effect of punishment. New sanctions include the disclosure system of personal information of sexual offenders, the attachment system of electronic device for position tracking on specific criminal offenders, the chemical castration for sex offenders. In general, the legal characteristic of the new sanctions is a security-measure, but there is a lot of controversy about its legal characteristic. In particular, attachment system of electronic device for position tracking on specific criminal offenders(Position monitoring electronic surveillance system) is enforced by 「act on the probation and electronic monitoring ect. of specific criminal offenders」. There are problems such as whether the issue is justified as a security- measure, the risk of replay is required as a requirement of the attachment order, and the criteria for judging the meaning and existence of this are not specifically specified in the law. The effectiveness of the position monitoring electronic surveillance system has also been questioned. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the position monitoring electronic surveillance system, to investigate the problems, to suggest desirable improvement measures, and to suggest a more advanced criminal policy alternative.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국의 전자감시제도 연구

        이건수(Lee, Keon-Su) 한국법이론실무학회 2022 법률실무연구 Vol.10 No.2

        본고에서는 미국에서의 범죄자의 전자감시의 한 방법으로서 위치정보 확인에 관한 각종 제도나 실무 등을 소개한다. 미국은 범죄자의 위치정보 등의 관리에 각종 전기통신 기술에 의한 원격감시(총칭해 ‘전자감시(Electronic Monitoring)’라고 불린다.)를 세계에 앞서 도입한 나라이며, 그 운용실적도 세계 최대 규모이다. 주지하는 바와 같이 미국은 연방제를 채택하고 있으며, 각 법역에 따라 법체계나 제도 등이 크게 달라 해당 기술의 이용에 대해서도 법역별로 다양한 차이가 있다. 이 때문에 그 전체상을 파악·묘사하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 그래서 본고에서는 미국의 위치정보 확인 제도의 역사나 현상을 개관한 후, 실시 규모가 크고 실시의 역사도 긴 주 수준의 대표적인 주의 관련 실무를 연방실무와 함께 소개하고 관련 판례에서의 쟁점을 논의한다. 덧붙여 미국의 전자감시 제도나 기술 이용에 관해서는 종래부터 각종 보고가 이루어지고 있으며, 미국의 성범죄자 대응에 대해서는 유용한 해설이 나와 있다. 미국은 50개 주와 콜롬비아 특별구(워싱턴 D.C.) 및 연방의 직할지 등(괌, 푸에르토리코 등)으로 구성된 연방제 국가이다. 정치상의 권한에 대해 연방은 합중국 대통령 및 내각이, 주는 주지사 및 주정부가 각각 행사한다. 각 주는 고도의 자치권을 가지며, 주 헌법을 비롯한 독자적인 법체계를 가지고 있다. 연방의 입법기관은 전주에 걸쳐 효력을 갖는 연방법을 제정할 수 있지만, 미국 헌법에 의해 연방의 권한으로 인정된 분야에 한정된다. 미국의 형사사법제도는 극히 개괄적으로 말하면, 미국 전체의 문제에 대해서는 연방법상의 관련 법령이 적용되며, 각 주 내에서의 문제에 대해서는 각 주법상의 관련 법령이 적용된다. 대부분의 형사사건은 각 주법에 근거해 주내에서 처벌되지만 주를 넘는 주제 간의 특정범죄(예, 마약 밀수)나 미국 원주민 보류구의 범죄 등에서는 원칙적으로 연방법이 적용된다. 형사사법 운영에 관해서도 형사사법과정 전반에 대해서 미국 특유의 복잡성이 인정된다. 교정보호 제도에 대해서도 연방과 주가 독립된 조직에 의해 운영되고 있어 주내에서도 다양한 부서가 미결 단계에 있는 피고인 등이나 유죄가 확정된 범죄자의 처우를 맡고 있다. 시설 내 처우에서는 군이나 시 등이 운영하는 제일이 원칙적으로 미결 구금과 경죄에 의한 1년 이내의 구금형 피수용자의 처우를 맡고 있으며, 주교도소는 1년을 넘는 구금형 등의 피수용자 처우를 맡고 있다. 또한 연방에는 연방이 관할하는 교정시설이 독립적으로 존재한다. 마찬가지로 사회 내 처우에 대해서도 연방과 주가 독립된 처우가 이루어지고 있다. 이와 같은 기초정보를 기초로 연방헌법상의 전자감시제도의 적법절차에 대한 논의를 실시하였다. This paper introduces various systems and practices related to location information verification as a method of electronic surveillance of criminals in the United States. The United States is the first country in the world to introduce remote monitoring (collectively called ‘Electronic Monitoring’) using various telecommunication technologies to manage criminal location information, etc., and its operation performance is also the largest in the world. As is well known, the United States adopts a federal system, and the legal system or system differs greatly depending on each jurisdiction, so there are various differences in the use of the technology in each jurisdiction. For this reason, it is not easy to grasp and describe the overall image. Therefore, in this paper, after an overview of the history and current status of the location information verification system in the United States, it introduces representative state-related practices at the state level with a large implementation scale and a long history of implementation along with federal practices, and discusses issues in related precedents. In addition, various reports have been made on the use of electronic surveillance systems and technologies in the United States, and useful explanations are provided on the response to sex offenders in the United States. The United States is a federal state composed of 50 states, the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) and federal territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.). Political powers are exercised in the Federation by the President and Cabinet of the United States, and by the Governors and State Governments respectively. Each state has a high degree of autonomy and has its own legal system, including the state constitution. Federal legislative bodies may make federal laws that have effect throughout the state, but are limited to those areas recognized as federal powers by the United States Constitution. In a very broad sense, the criminal justice system of the United States is governed by federal laws and regulations for all matters in the United States, and state laws for matters within each state. Most criminal cases are prosecuted within the state under each state’s laws, but in principle, federal law applies to certain cross-subject offenses (e.g., drug smuggling) or crimes in Native American reserves. Regarding the operation of the criminal justice system, the complexity unique to the United States is recognized for the overall criminal justice process. The correctional protection system is also operated by an independent federal and state organization, so various departments within the state are in charge of the treatment of pending defendants and convicted criminals. In terms of treatment in facilities, the first system operated by the military or city, in principle, is in charge of treatment of inmates with imprisonment for less than one year due to pending detention and misdemeanors, and the main prison is in charge of treatment of prisoners with imprisonment for more than one year. In addition, in the Federation, correctional facilities under the jurisdiction of the Federation exist independently. Similarly, in terms of treatment in society, the federal and state are treated independently. Based on such basic information, the due process of the electronic surveillance system under the federal constitution was discussed.

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