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      • 민사전자소송 시행 10년, 그 성과와 전망 - 민사 본안소송을 중심으로 -

        전휴재 ( Chon Huy Jae ) 사법정책연구원 2022 연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.10

        Electronic litigation in Korea began around 2010 when the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 was enacted and the patent electronic litigation system was established, but its origin dates back to the late 1970s. Since the Supreme Court first established the “Judicial Information Computerization Plan” in 1979, judges have developed a case search and judgment-writing program and constructed a database. Computerization of registrations and issuance of certifications were also introduced to improve judicial services to the public. With such progress of judicial informatization, calls for adoption of electronic litigation have been growing from within the judiciary, especially as judges look to other countries that adopted electronic litigation in the 1990s. Accordingly, in the early 2000s, efforts to prepare legislation and establish systems for electronic litigation began in Korea. As a result of these efforts, the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 was enacted in March 2010. Since then, electronic systems for patent litigation have been constructed in April 2010, for civil litigation in May 2011, and for civil enforcement and non-contentious procedures in March 2015. The establishment of electronic litigation systems for all litigation areas except criminal litigation was completed within five-year period, which was prescribed at the time of enactment of the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 as the latest limit of im plementing electronic litigation. It is unprecedented that a legal system of electronic litigation was constructed in such a short period of time, even in other developed countries that have advanced legal systems. What made it possible to construct the systems quickly in Korea was its advanced ICT infrastructure that was established before the implementation of electronic litigation systems, and the Korean people who are relatively quick to adapt to new technology. More than 10 years has passed, and electronic litigation is now the mainstream of civil litigation in Korea. Regardless of subject-matter jurisdiction, more than 90% of all civil lawsuits are filed and processed through the electronic litigation system. This adoption serves as evidence that Korea has shifted from being a fast-follower, by benchmarking countries that implemented electronic litigation systems before Korea, to a first-mover that now leads electronic lawsuits, on a par with pioneer countries. However, to further improve electronic litigation in Korea, the judiciary must continue to examine the current state of electronic litigation around the world and draw implications for improvements. With the importance of comparative legal research in mind, this research firstly examines systems in the United States, which has implemented the electronic lawsuit system firstly in the world in the early 1990s and adopted NextGen, a next-generation electronic litigation system. This research also reviews systems in Singapore, the first Asian country that implemented electronic litigation and now seeks to innovate its system via state-led judicial reform. In addition, this research explores systems in Germany and Japan, which went through a long preparation process to carefully and thoroughly revise their Civil Procedure Acts to implement electronic litigation and are now developing systems for electronic litigation. Finally, this research reviews systems in China, which has implemented online courts and the blockchainization of electronic evidence by utilizing its advanced ICT technology. In Korea, the establishment of the “next-generation electronic litigation system” which is expected to be completed in 2024, will be the first gateway to enter a new stage of electronic litigation. Korea needs to fully reorganize the current system, which will be outdated, to im prove access to trials, and preemptively respond to rapid social changes and technological advances caused by big data and artificial intelligence. If the “next-generation electronic litigation system” is implemented as scheduled, it is expected that an innovative and user-friendly electronic litigation environment will be created. It is, however, disappointing that there has not been any noticeable improvement in the institutional preparation for electronic litigation. The 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」, the lex specialis that was hastily enacted to prepare a normative basis for implementing electronic litigation within 5 years with only 16 articles remains in effect. As a result, the Civil Procedure Act, designed to lay out the rules for traditional, paper- based civil litigations, is losing its relevance to today’s real-world litigation. As new wine must be put into new bottles, the Civil Procedure Act should be amended to address the new litigation environment based on electronic litigation, and norms should be redesigned to fit the new ICT environment. It is necessary to establish infrastructure to actively utilize the remote video trials, which has suddenly become widely used due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to develop strategies to promote a speedy and efficient trial by adjudicating small claims cases online, adapting to the current non-face-to-face and non-contact era. It is also time to carefully devise principles for the use of artificial intelligence in the judiciary based on a social consensus in order to prepare for the impending era of artificial intelligence.

      • KCI등재

        전자소송의 문제점과 개선방안

        송삼용 중앙법학회 2023 中央法學 Vol.25 No.2

        Act on The Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Litigations was promulgated and implemented on March 24, 2010, launching the era of electronic litigation. It has been 13 years since the patent court began electronic litigation in April of the same year. Electronic litigation began with rapid social changes, such as information and digitisation, and was a breakthrough in judicial services beyond mere computer work. The court’s litigation status (2021), which was announced recently, is a good example of how active electronic litigation has become. According to official data from the judiciary, interest in electronic litigation is explosive and electronic litigation has been firmly established as a nationwide judicial service system. Thus, electronic litigation is the fruit of the judicial electronic litigation system based on digital technology. Nevertheless, electronic litigation, including the judicial litigation system, have been raised, and voices are calling for enhancing the tasks that need to be improved. Therefore, it is a task of the era to resolve the problems associated with electronic litigation and improve the electronic litigation system to suit our reality for a judicial service proportional to the needs of the public living in the digital age. This increases the reliability of electronic litigation, ultimately guarantees the rights and interests of the people, and at the same time achieves the advancement of justice. With these tasks, this paper summarises the basic concepts of electronic litigation and examines the current status of electronic litigation in detail. However, according to the international evaluation that Korea’s electronic litigation is currently at the highest level in the world, the paper excludes the current status of electronic litigation in major countries, focuses on the current status of electronic litigation, and, improvement measures, and development directions. The research results were effective in terms of the expectation of the ‘next-generation electronic litigation system construction project’, currently being promoted by the Supreme Court. If the business plan is completed (2023) and implemented at the litigation site (2024), judicial litigation system is expected to bring about a drastic change that cannot be compared to the current system. Furthermore, it was foreseen that there would be a shift to a state-of-the-art digital system, including an electronic court system based on the electronic litigation procedure or simultaneous interpretation through artificial intelligence for multicultural people. If the electronic justice system changes that way, I expect the Supreme Court of Korea to establish itself as an advanced court with excellent technology that matches the technological revolution era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, drawing attention from the world. 2010. 3. 24. 「민사소송 등에서의 전자문서 이용 등에 관한 법률」을 공포하여 시행함으로써 전자소송 시대의 막이 열렸다. 그 후 같은 해 4월 특허법원에서 전자소 송을 시작한 지 올해로 13년째를 맞이했다. 정보화나 전자화 등을 비롯한 급속한 사회적 변화에 따라 시작된 전자소송은 단순히 전산 업무의 차원을 넘어 사법 서비스의 획기적인 변화였다. 최근 발표된 법원의 소송 현황(2021)은 전자소송이 얼마나 활성화되었는지 생생하게 보여준 사례다. 사법부가 공식 발표한 자료에 의하면 전자소송에 대한 관심은 폭발적이며, 이제는 전자소송이 범국민적인 사법 서비스 제도로 확고히 정착된 것으로 평가된다. 이처럼 전자소송은 세계적인 수위를 달리고 있는 우리의 디지털 기술력을 바탕으로 한 사법 전자소송 시스템의 결실이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사법 소송시스템을 비롯한 전자소송에 대한 문제점이 제기되고, 개선해야 할 과제들을 재고해야 한다는 목소리들도 그치지 않고 있다. 따라서 디지털 시대를 살고 있는 국민들의 필요에 손색없는 사법 서비스를 위해 전자소송의 문제점을 개선하고, 전자소송 제도를 우리 현실에 맞게 개선하는 것은 시대적인 과제라고 할 수 있다. 그것이 전자소송의 신뢰 도를 높이고, 궁극적으로는 국민들의 권익을 보장함과 동시에 사법의 선진화를 이룰 수 있는 길이기 때문이다. 본고는 이 같은 과제들을 안고 전자소송의 개념을 정리한 후 현재 진행되고 있는 전자소송 현황을 구체적으로 파악해 봤다. 다만 현재 우리나라 전자소송이 세계에서 상위의 수준에 이른다는 국제적인 평가에 따라 주요 국가의 전자소송 현황은 제외하고 우리 전자소송의 현황을 중점적으로 파악한 후, 각종 문제점들과 개선책 및 발전 방향을 모색해 봤다. 연구 결과로써 가장 실효성을 가져다주는 부분은 현재 대법원이 추진하고 있는 「차세대 전자소송 시스템 구축사업」에 대한 기대감이었다. 그 사업 계획이 완성(2023)된 후 소송 현장에서 실제로 시행된다면(2024) 우리 사법 소송제도는 현재의 시스템과는 비할 수 없을 만큼 획기적인 변화를 가져올 것으로 예상된다. 더 나아가 그 무렵에는 전자소송절차에 따른 전자법정 체제나 다문화인을 위해 인공지능(AI)을 통한 동시통역 등을 비롯한 최첨단 디지털 시스템으로 변모될 것으로 내다보고 있다. 전자사법 시스템이 그런 형태로 변화된다면 우리 대법원이 제4차 산업혁명의 기술혁명 시대에 걸맞는 탁월한 기술력으로 세계에서 주목받는 선진 법원의 위상을 견고히 세울 수 있을 것이라는 기대감을 가져본다.

      • KCI등재

        전자소송시스템을 활용한 전자증거의 제출과 증거조사 과정에서 나타난 법적 쟁점의 해결 방안 : 미국 주대법원장회의에서의 논의와 연방법원 전자증거개시 사례를 중심으로

        김종호 대한변호사협회 2011 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.422

        원래 증거개시제도는 기본적으로 쌍방이 가지고 있는 정보나 지식을 공유하는 데 그 초점이맞추어져 있다. 즉, 증거개시제도의 원래 의도는 당사자 쌍방이 증거를 사전 공유함으로써 법정에서 판결의 대상인 쟁점을 구체화하기 위한 것이다. 하지만 이러한 증거개시제도의 원래 의도는 그 취지가다르게 운영되고 있다. 다시 말해 증거재판주의 때문에 소송에서 이기는 방법으로 증거개시제도가 사용되는 것이 현실이다. 어떤 증거를 확보하느냐가 승패에 절대적인 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 우리나라는 2010년 3월 24일 민사소송 등에서의 전자문서 이용 등에 관한 법률(전자소송법)이 제정되어 시행 중에 있고 이미 특허소송과 민사소송절차의 일부에서 전자소송이 이루어지고 있다. 향후 머지않은 장래에 모든 소송절차가 전자적으로 이루어지게 될 것이다. 그러나 전자소송제도의 취지와 이점을 최대한 살리려면 증거개시제도가 도입되어야 할 것이다. 우리 전자소송법 제13조는 전자문서 자체를 증거방법으로 하는 증거조사 방식에 대해 규정을 두고 있다. 그러나 이는 매우 제한된 증거조사방식이다. 증거조사방법도 전자소송 환경에 맞게 시행되어야 한다. 이러한 여러 가지 상황변화에 대하여 우리 법제는 아직 미비한 점이 많다. 미국법상 전자증거개시란 일반 증거개시절차와 구별되는 독립된 절차는 아니다. 단지 전자적으로 저장된 정보(electronically stored information), 전자문서 및 각종 데이터 파일 등과 같은 매체를 대상으로 한 증거개시절차를 뜻한다. 그런데 이러한 전자적 정보는 기존의 종이문서와는 판이하게 다른 특수성(즉 자료의 방대성, 전문성, 유동성, 비가시성, 변조와 복제의 용이성 등)을 지닌 전혀 새로운 유형의자료이다. 따라서 종래 증거개시절차를 운용함에 있어 전혀 예상하지 못한 소송절차상, 증거법상, 법조윤리상의 여러 가지 문제점이 드러났다. 우리나라는 민사소송절차에 아직 증거개시제도를 채택하고 있지 않지만 이를 독자적으로 논할 실익이 있고 전자소송제도가 등장하였기 때문에 더 활발한 논의의 대상이 되어야 한다. 본고에서는 전자소송과 관련하여 미국의 전자증거개시제도에 관한 입법례를 검토하여 우리가 받아들여야 할 점을 도출하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 제II장에서는 미국법상 전자증거개시의 목적과 관련한 주법원의 지침을 살펴보는데 전자증거의 개념, 전자적으로 저장된 정보에 대한 증거조사의 준비, 변론전회의(pre-trial conference)절차에서 변호사에 의한 합의, 증거개시를 위한 최초의 청문과 회의를 설명하고자 한다. 제III장에서는 전자증거개시제도의 실행 범위와 형식을 논한다. 구체적으로 전자증거개시의 범위, 전자증거의 제출의 형식, 면책특권에 의하여 보호를 받는 정보의 무분별한 공개, 증거보전명령(preservation orders), 전자증거개시에 관련된 전자적으로 저장된 정보의 폐기에 대한 제재, 전자증거개시절차에서의 소송비용의 부담 등이 논의될 것이다. 제IV장에서는 지금까지의 논의를 바탕으로 전자증거조사에 관한 사례연구를 시도한다. 결론은 제V장에 제시한다. Technology is changing the way in which litigation is being conducted. The move towards electronic filing of court documents and electronic case management means that filing,directions hearings and ultimately simple hearings will reduce the time and costs involved in litigation. At the other end of the spectrum are the large litigation matters, where the introduction of electronic courtrooms with live transcript enables cases or Inquiries involving many parties or large volumes of documents that might not otherwise fit into a standard court room to be efficiently managed. The mega litigation cases rely on the use of electronic databases or casebooks to manage the large amount of information discovered. The large discoveries are a direct result in the explosion of documents being stored electronically by businesses, which can lead to enormous costs being incurred during the discovery process. The introduction of new discovery rules in some courts is designed to better manage the discovery process and in particular the electronic discovery and so reduce the costs to the parties. Increasingly evidence in litigation is electronic in origin. When the Court makes orders for discovery in proceedings, the parties are required to discover all documents relevant to the dispute or by categories of documents as ordered by the court. This typically includes all relevant e-mails,documents, graphics, and spreadsheets relevant to the issues in dispute. However, this may also include relevant information and previous versions of files. For example, deleted documents (including e-mails), earlier hidden copies of files and metadata that provide a description of the history of a file including any authors or users, tracked changes and access times, all of which can prove crucial in evidence. With the support of modern technologies, e-courts greatly facilitate court efficiency especially in larger cases and inquiries. A corollary is the development of new skills by those lawyers who have the opportunity to participate in e-litigation and also the establishment of a new industry of litigation support businesses. While some larger firms have well established litigation support teams, many firms outsource this part of the litigation process either in part or entirely to specialist litigation support businesses. Handling such large volume cases can result in increased expectations on lawyers charged with managing discovery processes and it is important firms take proactive measures to ensure their client’s electronically stored information is being adequately managed and organized. Electronic trials have many advantages, but reducing the amount of documentation produced or relied on by the parties is not one of them. At a time when electronic processes are increasingly being introduced to the litigation process, continuous training and development for those in the legal profession is crucial. This involves a shift from a traditional legal practice approach to a more technological progressive approach toward

      • 민사전자소송 시행 10년, 그 성과와 전망

        전휴재 사법정책연구원 2022 사법정책연구원 연구총서 Vol.2022 No.10

        우리나라의 전자소송이 본격적으로 시작된 것은 「민사소송 등에서의 전자문서 이용 등에관한 법률」이 제정되고 특허 전자소송시스템이 갖추어진 2010년경이지만, 그 뿌리는 1970 년대 후반으로 거슬러 올라간다. 대법원이 1979년 ‘사법정보 전산화계획’을 수립한 이래 법관들을 중심으로 판례 검색 및 작성 프로그램이 개발되고 데이터베이스가 구축되기 시작하였다. 또한 대국민 사법서비스의 수준을 제고하기 위해 등기 전산화와 제증명의 발급도 이루어졌다. 이러한 사법정보화의 발전에 따라 1990년대 전자소송을 시작한 외국의 예를 참고하여 전자소송을 도입해야 한다는 사법부 내부의 목소리가 높아졌다. 이에 2000년대 초반 들어 전자소송 관련 입법과 시스템 구축을 위한 준비가 시작되었고, 2010. 3. 「민사소송 등에서의 전자문서 이용 등에 관한 법률」 제정을 시발점으로 2010. 4. 특허 전자소송, 2011. 5. 민사본안 전자소송, 2015. 3. 민사집행 및 비송절차 전자소송 실시에 이르기까지 위 법 제정 당시 예정한 5년의 기간 내에 형사소송을 제외한 전 분야에서전자소송시스템 구축이 완료되었다. 이처럼 단기간 내에 전자소송 제도와 시스템을 완비한것은 선진 외국의 사례를 보아도 그 유례를 찾아보기 어렵다. 그만큼 전자소송이 쉽게 뿌리내릴 수 있는 튼튼한 ICT 환경이 구축되어 있었고, 새로운 기술에 적응이 빠른 우리 국민의기질도 한몫하였을 것이다. 10년의 세월이 지난 지금, 전자소송이 민사소송의 주류가 되었다. 사물관할과 관계없이전체 민사소송의 90% 이상이 전자소송시스템을 통해 접수, 처리되고 있다. 우리나라보다앞서 전자소송을 시행한 국가들을 벤치마킹하여 fast-follower 전략을 구사하여 왔는데, 이제는 그들과 어깨를 나란히 하면서 전자소송을 선도하는 first-mover가 된 것이다. 그러나 전자소송을 장래에도 지속적으로 발전시키기 위해서는 세계 각국의 전자소송 현황을 확인하고 더 나은 요소를 받아들이려는 노력을 게을리하지 말아야 한다. 그런 의미에서 1990년대 초반 세계 최초로 전자소송을 시행하고 차세대 전자소송시스템 NextGen을xiv 도입한 미국, 아시아 최초로 전자소송을 시작하였으며 국가 주도의 강력한 사법개혁으로 시스템을 혁신적으로 탈바꿈하려는 싱가포르, 신중하고 철저하게 전자소송을 시행하기 위하여 오랜 준비과정을 거쳐 민사소송법 개정작업을 하고 본격적으로 시스템 개발에 나선 독일과 일본, ICT 기술 발전에 힘입어 온라인 법원과 전자증거의 블록체인화를 구현한 중국 등의 동향을 유심히 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 우리나라에서는 2024년 ‘차세대 전자소송시스템’의 구축이 전자소송의 새로운 단계로 진입하는 첫 단추가 될 것이다. 노후화되어 가는 현행 시스템을 전면 개편하여 재판에 대한접근성을 높이고, 빅데이터와 인공지능 발전에 따른 급격한 사회변화와 기술 진보에 선제적으로 대응할 수 있어야 한다. 예정대로 ‘차세대 전자소송시스템’이 구현된다면, 혁신적이고사용자 친화적인 전자소송 환경이 조성될 것으로 기대한다. 한 가지 아쉬운 것은, 전자소송의 제도적 측면에서는 아직 눈에 띄는 개선의 노력이 보이지 않는다는 점이다. 5년 내 완성이라는 목표를 이루기 위해 불과 16개의 조문으로 급히만든 특별법인 「민사소송 등에서의 전자문서 이용 등에 관한 법률」 을 그대로 유지하고 있고, 이에 따라 전통적인 종이소송에 맞추어 설계된 민사소송법은 소송 현실에 대한 규범력을 잃어가고 있다. 새 술은 새 부대에 넣어야 하듯이, 더 늦기 전에 전자소송을 기본값으로민사소송법을 개정하고, 새로운 ICT 환경에 맞게 규범을 재설계해야 한다. 코로나19 팬데믹으로 갑자기 현실이 된 원격영상재판을 적극적으로 이용할 기반을 마련하고, 소액 사건은비대면-비접촉 시대에 맞게 온라인을 통해 해결함으로써 재판의 신속과 경제를 도모하는전략이 필요하다. 또한 눈앞에 닥친 인공지능 시대에 대비하기 위하여 사회적 합의에 기초한 사법부 인공지능 활용에 관한 원칙을 차분하게 가다듬어 볼 때이다. Electronic litigation in Korea began around 2010 when the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 was enacted and the patent electronic litigation system was established, but its origin dates back to the late 1970s. Since the Supreme Court first established the “Judicial Information Computerization Plan” in 1979, judges have developed a case search and judgment-writing program and constructed a database. Computerization of registrations and issuance of certifications were also introduced to improve judicial services to the public. With such progress of judicial informatization, calls for adoption of electronic litigation have been growing from within the judiciary, especially as judges look to other countries that adopted electronic litigation in the 1990s. Accordingly, in the early 2000s, efforts to prepare legislation and establish systems for electronic litigation began in Korea. As a result of these efforts, the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 was enacted in March 2010. Since then, electronic systems for patent litigation have been constructed in April 2010, for civil litigation in May 2011, and for civil enforcement and non-contentious procedures in March 2015. The establishment of electronic litigation systems for all litigation areas except criminal litigation was completed within five-year period, which was prescribed at the time of enactment of the 「Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Civil Procedure, etc.」 as the latest limit of im- xvi plementing electronic litigation. It is unprecedented that a legal system of electronic litigation was constructed in such a short period of time, even in other developed countries that have advanced legal systems. What made it possible to construct the systems quickly in Korea was its advanced ICT infrastructure that was established before the implementation of electronic litigation systems, and the Korean people who are relatively quick to adapt to new technology. More than 10 years has passed, and electronic litigation is now the mainstream of civil litigation in Korea. Regardless of subject-matter jurisdiction, more than 90% of all civil lawsuits are filed and processed through the electronic litigation system. This adoption serves as evidence that Korea has shifted from being a fast-follower, by benchmarking countries that implemented electronic litigation systems before Korea, to a first-mover that now leads electronic lawsuits, on a par with pioneer countries. However, to further improve electronic litigation in Korea, the judiciary must continue to examine the current state of electronic litigation around the world and draw implications for improvements. With the importance of comparative legal research in mind, this research firstly examines systems in the United States, which has implemented the electronic lawsuit system firstly in the world in the early 1990s and adopted NextGen, a next-generation electronic litigation system. This research also reviews systems in Singapore, the first Asian country that implemented electronic litigation and now seeks to innovate its system via state-led judicial reform. In addition, this research explores systems in Germany and Japan, which went through a long preparation process to carefully and thoroughly revise their Civil Procedure Acts to implement electronic litigation and are now developing systems for electronic litigation. Finally, this research reviews systems in China, which has implemented online courts and the blockchainization of electronic evidence by utilizing its advanced ICT technology. ...

      • 전자소송 등 업무환경 변화에 따른 법원공무원의 인력운영 방안

        박미정 ( Park Mijeong ),김정환,서용성 사법정책연구원 2020 연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.16

        Electronic litigation in Korea based on world-class IT technology began with patent litigation in 2010, and gradually expanded its scope to civil litigation in 2011, domestic and administrative litigation in 2013, insolvency procedure in 2014, and civil execution proceedings in 2015. As of now, it has been established stably and has advanced highly enough to occupy a worldwide unique position. The spread of electronic litigation led to a decreasing the volume of works in the field of simple, repetitive tasks for court officials, and thereby the increased work efficiency became the basis for strengthening the competence of court officials, resulting in expanding the scope of works. Along with these achievements, the court is now making new history by taking steps to conduct a demonstration of full electronization of payment order cases and civil litigation. However, behind this lies the participation and hard work of court officials who have been faithfully carrying out the process of advancement and new work in the midst of confusions in the path toward the successful establishment of electronic litigation, the subsequent advancement thereof and the pilot full-scale electronization. Modern society is constantly changing and developing, and in line with the growing demands and levels of public service, the field of work of court officials is also being transformed into customized judicial work like “Government 3.0.” To this end, many court officials are participating in the process of its development. In spite of the spread of electronic litigation, the number of court officials has not decreased, but rather has been increasing slightly. This is because we share the context of keeping pace with many other factors according to changes in society, and this is to emerge as a new outcome of improving the quality of judicial services by strengthening the competence of court officials. The analysis of changes in the workforce of court officials after the introduction of electronic litigation in Germany, Singapore, and the United States, reveals that a reduction in work due to electronic litigation does not necessarily interconnect into the reduction of manpower. However, as the enforcement of electronic litigation contributes to redesigning court affairs and improvement of its efficiency, the perspective that emphasis should be placed on enhancing professionalism in work and improving the quality of court services has given great implications for us as well. Under the current situation, the personnel operation of court officials must be in line with the process of changing the work organization demanded by the information-oriented society through feasible and efficient manpower rearrangement, and consequently it is necessary to reinforce professionalism and seek job-oriented manpower allocation, as well as move in a flexible direction that would take the work-life balance into consideration. Although new measures and attempts to increase work efficiency will be important, however above all, its success or failure shall depend on solidifying a foundation of empathy based on trust and fairness by putting the perspective of court officials as a starting point for the efficiency of manpower operation. It is hoped that this study will help to prepare efficient personnel operation plans for court officials under the electronic litigation system, and in this way, court officials will actively play their roles as the subject of court affairs and as the central axis of the court.

      • 형사 전자소송의 바람직한 발전방향

        정성민 ( Jeong Sungmin ) 사법정책연구원 2020 연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.5

        The electronic criminal litigation shall be conducive to enhancing the transparency and promptness of the criminal procedure in a way to digitalize the case files, and substantially guaranteeing the right to inspect the records of those who are involved in litigation, as well as strengthening the efficient concentrative examination in trial. It contributes to safeguarding the defendant’s right as well as improving the people’s trust in the judicial system. However, in addressing the challenges arising from the concentration and integration of the criminal justice information and the risks of abuse of them as a result of the introduction of the electronic criminal litigation, the appropriate measures aimed at ensuring proper management of criminal justice information and the adequate protection for the individual right of information self-determination shall be established and implemented accordingly. Furthermore due attention shall be paid in order not to infringe the judicial independence or the fairness of trial, not to mention to make such an appearance in the course of the implementation of the electronic criminal litigation. In this respect, Germany’s electronic criminal litigation system suggests a lot to us, in that it is aimed at dealing with both the concentration/abuse of the criminal justice information and the protection of the individual right to information self-determination possibly ensuing from the introduction of electronic criminal litigation, by prohibiting an investigation agency from retrieving information across all electronic records and instead allowing it to search only individual records selected in advance. In the preparation for the electronic criminal litigation system to be introduced in Korea in the future, such a system should be scrupulously designed with the encompassing objectives and perspectives towards securely preventing the harmful consequences resulting from the concentration of criminal justice information, systematically guaranteeing judicial independence, and substantially protecting the defendant’s right. In addition to these measures, it is also necessary to provide a full and adequate support to the relevant staff in charge of the transition work.

      • KCI등재

        전자소송에 관한 국제사법적 쟁점

        이규호(Lee Gyoo-Ho) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2011 東亞法學 Vol.- No.51

        우리나라는 전자소송을 시기별로 단계적으로 확대실시하고 있다. 대법원 홈페이지의 전자소송 사이트에 사용자로 등록하려면 한국어로 화면을 인식할 수 있어야 하고, 은행 등의 공인인증을 하여야 하기 때문에 기본적으로 국내에 거주하는 이가 아니면 접근하기 어려운 구조를 가지고 있다. 하지만 본인 소송이 아니라 대리인에 의한 소송인 경우에는 여전히 국제전자소송이 가능하다고 생각한다. 이 경우에는 우선적으로 문제될 수 있는 것은 국제재판관할권의 존재여부이다. 양당사자가 전자소송에 의하기로 합의한 경우에 이를 합의관할로 볼 수 있는지 또는 변론관할을 인정할 수 있는지 여부가 문제된다. 이 경우에 본고에서 전자소송에 의하기로 합의한 것일 뿐이고 이를 관할의 합의로 보는 것은 논리적 비약이라는 점을 밝힌다. 그리고 변론관할의 경우에는 일반적인 국제사법원칙에 의거하면 될 뿐이고 전자소송이라고 달라지는 것은 아니라는 점을 강조한다. 전자소송에 의하기로 양당사자가 합의한 경우에 준거법의 지정에는 아무런 영향을 미치지 아니하므로 이를 다루지 않기로 한다. 국제전자소송과 관련하여 송달의 문제가 대두될 수 있다. 전자적 송달이 국제적으로도 인정될 수 있는지 여부가 문제될 수 있다. 향후 외국재판의 승인 및 집행절차가 전자소송에 의할 경우, 외국인이 접속하여 이해할 수 있을 시스템을 구축할 필요성이 있다는 점도 본고에서 강조하기로 한다. The scope of electronic litigation system in Korea did, do, and will expand gradually on basis of a domestic law. As a corollary, the electronic litigation system will be introduced comprehensively except for the ordinary criminal procedure until 2013. This Article explores the legal issues raised in terms of international electronic litigation. The website for the electronic litigation opened on the homepage of the Korean Supreme Court is not easy for a person or an entity who resides in a foreign country to have access to it because it is administered in Korean and public certification is necessary for him/her to log in it. However, the international electronic litigation is likely to take place when it is represented by an attorney. In this regard, the Article discusses international jurisdiction issues and then stresses that the general principles of international jurisdiction hold true to international electronic litigation. Hence, there are no special rules applicable to only international electronic litigation in terms of choice of court agreement and international jurisdiction by appearance. Next, the Article delves into how electronic service is treated in international electronic litigation. Electronic service is not allowed as far as international electronic litigation is concerned. Finally, the Article deals with recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment in this regard.

      • KCI등재


        왕복화 한국민사소송법학회 2019 民事訴訟 : 韓國民事訴訟法學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        The rapid development of information and communication technology(ICT), the surge of e-commerce, and the development of e - government have led to increasing use of telecommunication technology in civil litigation. As a result, the electronicization of civil justice came into being. Currently, there are no technical difficulties in the digitization and onlineization of civil litigation, and the internet, web browser, and e-mail are already widely used in electronic litigation. But the question is to what extent and in what range can the information and communication technology and the proceedings be combined. In China, electronic litigations are spreading in two ways. The first is the Internet Court. On January 18, 2017, China established the Hangzhou Internet Court, and is solving online disputes through the Hangzhou Internet Court litigation platform. In accordance with the “Hangzhou Internet Court Litigation Platform Rules,” the following rules apply: (1) contract disputes regarding online shopping, online services, micro-finance loans, (2) online copyright attribution and infringement dispute, (3) online personality rights infringement dispute, (4) online shopping product liability dispute, (5) internet domain dispute, (6) administrative dispute arising from online administrative administration, (7) other online-related civil or administrative disputes designated by Superior People’s Court. In addition to Hangzhou, Beijing and Guangzhou will also start Internet courts. The second is electronic litigation in the general sense. These electronic lawsuits are an integrated concept of virtualization, digitization, and paperless litigation, and all courts can be said to be practically electronic courts. This includes internal electronic courts in terms of internal case management, as well as external electronic courts aimed at exchanging legal services between the parties and the courts. In China, the Civil Procedure Act of 2013 and the Judicial Interpretation of Civil Procedure Law of 2015 provide an electronic service system and a video trial system, and the first electronic court is established in the Jilin Province People's Court from 2015. This paper discusses the compliance of traditional principles of civil procedures in the Internet Court and electronic litigation.

      • KCI등재

        중국 전자소송의 발전 및 문제점

        Shuwen Shi 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2019 法學論文集 Vol.43 No.1

        With the development of modern science and technology, a few developed countries have established electronic systems and equipments for various legal proceedings and implemented electronic litigations by making use of information and communication technology. Given the high rate of Internet penetration, China is also positively urging the electronic litigation and some jurisdictions have started to apply electronic litigation in their court trials. The practice of electronic litigation in China can be categorized into the “stage-based” model and the “whole-process” model. Under the “stage-based” model, electronic technology may be applied in one or more of the stages in a proceeding such as filing of claim, court trial, submission of evidence and cross-examination, service of court files and enforcement of judgement. The application of electronic technology in various stages of a proceeding has greatly enhanced judicial efficiency. On the other hand, Jilin Electronic Court, Hangzhou Internet Court, Beijing Internet Court and Guangzhou Internet court are representative cases of the “whole-process” model of electronic litigation. This article introduces recent development in electronic litigation in China, differences between “stage-based” model and “whole-process” model, procedures, case types with jurisdictions and characteristics of four established Internet courts, and further analyses the challenges as well as suggestions for improvement on the electronic litigation in China. 현대 사회과학 기술의 발전의 흐름에 따라 주요 선진국들은 정보통신기술을 활용하여 각종 소송절차의 전자화 제도 및 장비를 구축하였고 전자소송을 실행하였다. 중국에서도 인터넷 보급의 영향을 받아 전자소송을 적극적으로 추진하고 있고 일부 지역의 법원에서 전자소송을 시도하는 것을 시작하였다. 중국의 전자소송 실무는 단계적 모델과 전과정적모델로 나누어 있을 수 있다. 중국 단계적 모델에서 입안, 재판, 증거 제출 및 대질, 송달 및 집행 등 여러 단계에서 전자기술을 사용하고 사법의 효율성을 대폭적으로 제고하였다. 전과정적으로 전자소송을 하는 대표적인 법원은 길림성전자법원, 항주인터넷법원, 북경인터넷법원과 광주인터넷법원이다. 필자는 본고에서 중국의 전자소송의 최근 발전 동향, 단계적 모델과 전과정적 모델의 차이점, 이미 전과정적 전자소송을 실행한 길림성전자법원, 항주/북경/광주인터넷법원의 전자소송 절차, 사건 적용범위, 발전 특징 및 현황 등에 대하여 상세히 소개하고 현재 중국 전자소송에 있어서의 문제점과 개선방안에 대하여 검토하도록 한다.

      • KCI등재

        민사전자소송의 성과와 전망 : 규범적 측면을 중심으로

        전휴재 한국민사소송법학회 2021 민사소송 Vol.25 No.3

        Ten years have passed since the commencement of the electronic lawsuit on the merits of civil affairs on May 2, 2011. Over the past decade, electronic litigation has dramatically changed the pattern of Korean civil litigation. Electronic litigation has strengthened the people s access to judicial services, changed trial procedures quickly and efficiently, and enhanced transparency by promoting e-filing of records, e-case management, and e-courtroom. When the next-generation electronic litigation system is established in 2024, it is predicted that a very innovative and user-friendly system will emerge. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to find that aspect in terms of the rules of electronic litigation. In order to achieve the goal in a short period of time, the special law urgently created with only 16 articles remains the same, and accordingly, the Civil Procedure Act designed for traditional paper litigation is losing its normative power over the reality of litigation. The time has come to revise the Civil Procedure Act in a direction consistent with electronic litigation, just as new alcohol should be put in a new unit. Before it is too late, the Civil Procedure Act should be revised to default on electronic litigation and the norms should be redesigned to suit the new ICT environment. It is necessary to lay the foundation for actively utilizing virtual trials, which suddenly became a reality due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and to expedite trials and promote the economy by resolving small cases online in line with the non-face-to-face contact era. In addition, it is time to calmly refine the principles of the use of artificial intelligence based on social consensus to prepare for the storm of artificial intelligence in the future.

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