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      • 영화의 보이는/보이지 않는 편집양식

        김종국 ( Jong Guk Kim ) 한국정보디자인학회 2014 정보디자인학연구 Vol.23 No.-

        이 글은 (불)연속편집의 관점에서 설명되고 있는 편집양식을 보이고/보이지 않는다는 의미에서 접근한다. 보드웰이 (불)연속편집의 양식을 영화스타일의 형식 역사를 통해 설명한다면, 로브루토는 현대 할리우드 영화의 사례분석을 (비)가시편집의 개념으로 접근한다. 이 글에서는 로브루토가 사용하고 있는 (비)가시 용어를 보이고/보이지 않는 개념으로 구체화한다. 보이고/보이지 않는 편집의 개념은 (불)연속편집과 구분하지 않는 (비)가시 용어를 구체화한 의미이다. 이 글은 세 가지 접근 방법에서 영화의 편집양식을 살펴본다. 첫째, 영화의 보이지 않는 편집양식이 어떻게 극적 감정을 이끄는가를 분석한다. 둘째, 영화의 보이는 편집양식은 어떻게 구성되고 그 의도가 무엇인가를 고찰한다. 셋째, 영화의 보이고/보이지 않는 편집양식의 통합이라는 관점에서 현대영화의 특성을 살펴본다. This article shows the editing style in the (in)visible sense which was described in terms of a (dis)continuous cutting. While David Bordwell explained the (dis)continuous editing style through the history of film form, Vincent LoBrutto approached the case study of modern hollywood film in the concept of (in)visible editing. In this article, his (in)visible editing is employed in place of the (dis)continuous editing. The concept of (in)visible editing embodies a term meaning which is not distinguished with the (dis)continuous editing. This article looks at the form of film editing at the three approaches. First of all, I analyze the way how invisible editing forms induce dramatic emotion. Second, I investigate how visible editing styles are constructed and what its intentions are. Third, I look at the characteristics of modern cinema in terms of the integration of (in)visible editing.

      • KCI등재

        셀피 보정 행동 분석 연구; MZ세대의 애플리케이션 활용을 중심으로

        노연숙,백경진 한국콘텐츠학회 2023 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.23 No.11

        This study explore perceptions of selfie editing by generation and gender, analyze the causes of differences in editing behaviors, categorize the actual editing behaviors, in order to understand in-depth the overall behavior of selfie editing. A total of 16 in-depth interviews and full editing process observations, and also a total of 600 surveys were conducted. The results by combining both quantitative and qulitative research are as follows; the degree of correction is mainly influenced by perception of editing, the area of correction is influenced by one’s appearance complex, the correcting behaviors, such as functions and time used shows a big difference in gender and generation. Most frequently used functions in editing applications are in the order of adjusting specific parts(ex. size of eyes), color/tone editing, makeup effects, and body line correction. The patterns of using the apps differ greatly between genders. This study helps to understand recent changes in conceptions of selfie editing, and it shows statistically classified and analysed data of editing behavior. We expect that the results may take a role in improving the usability and effectiveness of selfie editing applications.

      • KCI등재

        사회구성주의 관점에서 대학글쓰기 첨삭의 과정과 효용성 고찰: 단국대학교 학술적 글쓰기 사례를 중심으로

        임선숙(Lim Sun-Sook) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.4

        대학에서 글쓰기 과목이 필수과목으로 안정적으로 운영되면서, 학생들의 글쓰기 완성도를 높이는 방법에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 사회구성주의 학습이론을 중심으로 효율적인 첨삭의 단계적 방법과 그 효용성에 대해서 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 했다. 사회구성주의는‘학습 환경’, ‘동료’, ‘교수자’와의 교류와 상호작용을 통해 지식이 구성된다고 전제하는데, 본고에서는 첨삭을 하나의 사회적 상호작용과 담화형식의 습득과정으로 보았다. 단계별로 보면, 첫 번째는 선행 예시의 모델링을 통한 자기첨삭이다. 모방과 관찰 학습을 통한모델링은 학문공동체가 추구하는 담화형식을 학습하는 데 효과적이며, 능동적인 학습자들의 자기효능감을 높이는 효과를 가질 수 있다. 두 번째는 토론을 통한 동료첨삭이다. 또래 집단과의 토론첨삭 과정을 통해 자기표현의 효과를 가져올 수 있으며, 타인의 글쓰기 첨삭을 통해 자신의 글을성찰적으로 바라볼 수 있다. 또 동료들의 다양한 관점에 대한 경험을 통해 자기중심적 사고에서벗어날 수 있다. 세 번째는 온오프라인을 통한 교수첨삭이다. 대면, 지면첨삭 등을 통해 학습자들이 높은 수준의 첨삭을 제공받아 글의 완성도를 높일 수 있다는 것과 교수자와의 소통을 통해신뢰도를 높이는 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 본 논문은 사회구성주의 이론을 적용해 효율적인 첨삭의단계를 설정하고, 그 효용성을 살펴봤다는 데 의의가 있다고 할 수 있다. At university, writing is a universally required subject, and students’ interest in enhancing their writing is increasing. This study examined the stepwise methods and utility of efficient editing centering on the learning theory of social constructionism. Social constructionism assumes that knowledge is formed through the exchange and interaction with the learning environment,” “peers,” and “the instructor.” This study considered editing as a form of social interaction and discourse. The first step is implementing self-editing based on model examples. Modeling grounded on imitation and observational learning is effective for students’ learning of the forms of discourse that an academic community pursues and in enhancing active learners’ self-efficacy. The second step is peer editing through discussion. In the process of editing based on discussion with the peer group, it is possible to realize self-expression, and by editing others’ writing, ones can see their own writing introspectively. Moreover, experiencing peers’ points of view frees the student from self-centered thinking. The third step is on/offline instructor editing. Through face-to -face or paper-based editing, learners can receive high-quality editing of their writing, and through communication with the instructor, it is possible to enhance reliability. The significance of this study is that it has established the steps of efficient editing, as well as examined their utility, by applying learning theories.

      • KCI등재

        Bioinformatics Approaches for the Identification and Annotation of RNA Editing Sites

        Soo Youn Lee,Ju Han Kim 대한의학유전학회 2013 대한의학유전학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Post-transcriptional nucleotide sequence modification of transcripts by RNA editing is an important molecular mechanism in the regulation of protein function and is associated with a variety of human disease phenotypes. Identification of RNA editing sites is the basic step for studying RNA editing. Databases and bioinformatics resources are used to annotate and evaluate as well as identify RNA editing sites. No method is free of limitations. Correctly establishing an analytic pipeline and strategic application of both experimental and bioinformatics methods constitute the first step in investigating RNA editing. This review summarizes modern bioinformatics approaches and related resources for RNA editing research.

      • Nearest neighbor editing aided by unlabeled data

        Guan, Donghai,Yuan, Weiwei,Lee, Young-Koo,Lee, Sungyoung Elsevier 2009 Information sciences Vol.179 No.13

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>This paper proposes a novel method for nearest neighbor editing. Nearest neighbor editing aims to increase the classifier’s generalization ability by removing noisy instances from the training set. Traditionally nearest neighbor editing edits (removes/retains) each instance by the voting of the instances in the training set (labeled instances). However, motivated by semi-supervised learning, we propose a novel editing methodology which edits each training instance by the voting of all the available instances (both labeled and unlabeled instances). We expect that the editing performance could be boosted by appropriately using unlabeled data. Our idea relies on the fact that in many applications, in addition to the training instances, many unlabeled instances are also available since they do not need human annotation effort. Three popular data editing methods, including edited nearest neighbor, repeated edited nearest neighbor and All <I>k</I>-NN are adopted to verify our idea. They are tested on a set of UCI data sets. Experimental results indicate that all the three editing methods can achieve improved performance with the aid of unlabeled data. Moreover, the improvement is more remarkable when the ratio of training data to unlabeled data is small.</P>

      • KCI등재

        영상편집의 실습교육 방법론

        최승원(Choi, Seung Won) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2013 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        영상편집은 단순히 프리 프로덕션의 사전 계획에 의해 샷들을 자르고 연결하는 기계적인 공정이 아니다. 가장 좋은 샷을 선택하며 영상의 문법적 언어에 따라 창의적으로 샷을 배열함으로써 시간과 공간을 재단하고 관객이 영상에 몰입 할 수 있도록 리듬을 만들어내며 불연속을 연속으로 만드는 창조적인 작업이다. 영상제작에서 편집의 기여도와 중요성을 생각한다면 영상편집에 대한 교육 방법론에 대한 연구가 보다 활발히 이루어져야 함에도 불구하고 대학교육에서 영상편집에 대한 교육방법은 대부분 편집 툴의 기능습득 위주로 이루어지는 경향이 많다. 본 연구는 창의력향상과 편집기능의 습득이라는 두 가지의 궁극적인 목표를 모두 충족하는 방향으로 영상편집의 실습교육을 위한 9개의 실습예제를 개발하여 제시하였다. 할리우드식의 고전적 편집에 기초하고 있는 편집의 원리와 원칙들을 영화 역사의 고찰을 통해 재정립하여 이를 개념적 학습목표로 설정하고 연출, 촬영, 편집으로 이어지는 영싱제작프로세스의 유기적 연결성을 이해하기 위한 체험학습의 형태로 실습예제들을 디자인하였다. Editing is not just mechanical process by cutting and joining shot followed by prearranged plan of pre-production. Editing is creative process that cuts time and space by creatively arranged shot along with film grammar by choosing the best shot and it makes discontinuity to continuity and rhythm so that audience can be immersed in moving image. If we think about level of contribution of editing and how much important it is, the methodology of practical education about editing should actively study but unfortunately, the methodology of practical education of editing in collage is more focused on skills for the editing tools. On this study, nine educational modules are developed and suggested with the direction which is satisfied both improvement of creativity and technical skills about editing tools. The principle and rule of editing based on hollywood"s classical editing are defined by studied film’s history and these principle and rule are set as a conceptual educational goal and these nine modules are designed as an educational form for experience in order to understand systematic connection of making process wlich is connected by directing, shooting and editing.

      • ECG-gated MDCT를 이용한 Cardiac CT에서 ECG editing의 유용성과 고찰

        강민수(Min Soo Kang),김상현(Sang Hyun Kim),대창민(Chang Min Dae),민관홍(Kwan Hong Min),김성룡(Sung Yong Kim) 대한전산화단층기술학회 2007 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose After spreading the 16 slice MDCT (Multi Detector Computed Tomography) in 2002, Cardiac scan with MDCT has been U5ing for patients presenting angina pectoris and atypical chest pain. Multi segmentation recon is generally U5ed for the cardiac scan. ECG-gating is also essential for that recon. When ECG-gating does not perform properly because of arrhythmia, ECG editing can be useful. The efficiency of ECG-gated MDCT using ECG editing will be mentioned through this paper. Materials and Methods 36 patients (37age ~ 87age: average age : 55, male : 14 female : 22) with ECG-gated MDCT who had been compensated by ECG editing were chosen for objections. 64-slice MDCT (BrillianceTM CT (64 slice), Philips Medical Systems, Netherlands) and Dual auto injector (Stellant, Medrad, USA) were used. After raw data with ECG-gating was compensated by software, chamber view and volume rendering image were obtained. After comparing the pre and post of compensated images, five grades were classified as Very good (all vessels are distinct), Good (vessels more than one are dear), Moderate (all vessels are connected vaguely), Bad (vessels are looked in disconnect way), Very bad( It is difficult to distinguish what it is) Results Among 36 patients before the exam there were 11 patients presenting arrhythmia and 6 patients presenting seismic heart rate. After analyzing 36 patients with ECG editing, there were 11 cases removing the R point because of arrhythmia, 19 cases removing the wrong R point because of the large T wave and 6 cases compensating the R point because the modality recognize it differently. Among these results there were 16 cases that had better improvement, 8 cases that were good, 7 cases that were bad and 5 case that was worse. During 10 months 36 patients were needed the ECG editing, males had more proportion than females (62%). ECG editing was necessary for the patients presenting arrhythmia through CT scan. Even though there were 1 case that had bad improvement, 4 cases had better improvement out of 11 patients. In case that R point was removed because of large T wave, 10 cases had better improvement out of 19 patients. Lastly, in case that R point was not rated properly because of the variation of ECG, there were 4 cases out of 6 cases that had no difference between pre and post of editing. Conclusion The proportion of Good to Bad is 24 to 12. The fact was founded that the ECG editing has a great effect on the recon- images. However, there are some limitations. Firstly, common points among the patients who had the worse result of editing could not be founded. Secondly, there was no assessment whether the patients’ respiration was controlled properly or not.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Tissue-specific RNA Editing Events of Genes Involved in RNA Editing in Arabidopsis thaliana

        Umme Qulsum,Md. Thoufic Anam Azad,Toshifumi Tsukahara 한국식물학회 2019 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.62 No.5

        In plants, RNA editing is a post-transcriptionalmodification of transcripts and commonly occurs in plastidsand mitochondria. In the case of flowering plants, not onlyPPR but also non-PPR proteins, such as MORF/RIP, ORRMand OZ partake in the diverse RNA editing complex. InArabidopsis thaliana, 12 types of RNA editing patterns havebeen predicted in nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrialtranscripts. In this study, tissue-specific RNA editing eventswere detected in gene families involved in RNA editing. Different Arabidopsis tissues at variable developmentalstages, including 4-, 8-, and 12-d-old seedlings and 16-, 21-,27-, and 32-d-old leaves, stems, stipes and roots, werecollected and used for this study. Nine types of RNA editingevents, including C-to-U, U-to-C, A-to-I, A-to-C, A-to-U, Gto-A, G-to-C, U-to-A and U-to-G, were identified in targetgenes. Most of the editing events occurred in seedlings andleaves and a few in stem tissues. Extensive U-to-C editing(60%) and A-to-G editing (54%) was detected in 12-d-oldseedlings and 21-d-old leaves, respectively. This is the firstexperimental report of tissue-specific nuclear RNA editingevents found in plants. This study will provide importantinformation for revealing the mechanism of RNA editing inplants.

      • KCI등재

        Multi-Sever based Distributed Coding based on HEVC/H.265 for Studio Quality Video Editing

        Kim, Jongho,Lim, Sung-Chang,Jeong, Se-Yoon,Kim, Hui-Yong Korea Multimedia Society 2018 The journal of multimedia information system Vol.5 No.3

        High Efficiency Video Coding range extensions (HEVC RExt) is a kind of extension model of HEVC. HEVC RExt was specially designed for dealing the high quality images. HEVC RExt is very essential for studio editing which handle the very high quality and various type of images. There are some problems to dealing these massive data in studio editing. One of the most important procedure is re-encoding and decoding procedure during the editing. Various codecs are widely used for studio data editing. But most of the codecs have common problems to dealing the massive data in studio editing. First, the re-encoding and decoding processes are frequently occurred during the studio data editing and it brings enormous time-consuming and video quality loss. This paper, we suggest new video coding structure for the efficient studio video editing. The coding structure which is called "ultra-low delay (ULD)". It has the very simple and low-delayed referencing structure. To simplify the referencing structure, we can minimize the number of the frames which need decoding and re-encoding process. It also prevents the quality degradation caused by the frequent re-encoding. Various fast coding algorithms are also proposed for efficient editing such as tool-level optimization, multi-serve based distributed coding and SIMD (Single instruction, multiple data) based parallel processing. It can reduce the enormous computational complexity during the editing procedure. The proposed method shows 9500 times faster coding speed with negligible loss of quality. The proposed method also shows better coding gain compare to "intra only" structure. We can confirm that the proposed method can solve the existing problems of the studio video editing efficiently.

      • 닝하오(寧浩) 감독의 영화 편집 스타일 분석 - ‘크레이지 3부작’을 중심으로

        추이푸카이 ( Cui Fukai ) 한국영화교육학회 2023 영화교육연구 Vol.17 No.3

        중국 6세대의 감독으로서 장르영화에 대한 감독 닝하오(寧浩)은 능숙한 통제력이 있고 적은 예산으로 큰 흥행수입을 거두는 코미디 영화 촬영에 능하다. 닝하오(寧浩)의 영화는 다단서의 폐쇄적 극작 구조, 블랙 유머의 줄거리 설치, 개인화의 영상 스타일로 유명하며, 특히 그의 편집 스타일은 가장 두드러진다. 본 연구는 닝하오(寧浩) 영화 중의 편집 수법을 분석함으로써 서사와 의사표현에 대한 해당 편집 수법의 기능적 가치를 통찰하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 닝하오(寧浩)의 '크레이지 3부작' 시리즈를 분석한 결과, 영화 속의 편집 수법으로는 다단서 연결 편집, 다중 화면 편집, 컷백 플래시백 편집, 심리스 편집, 중복 편집, 음화 편집 등이 있다고 판단한다. 닝하오(寧浩)의 편집 수법은 서사의 리듬을 가속화시킬 수 있고 황당하고 우스꽝스러운 분위기를 조성할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 삶에 대한 닝하오(寧浩)의 독창적인 견해를 반영할 수도 있다고 본다. 본 연구를 통해 학계와 영화계가 닝하오(寧浩)의 편집 스타일을 더 잘 이해하게 할 수 있을 것이고 코미디 영화의 미래 발전을 위한 더 많은 가능성을 탐색하는 데에도 도움이 될 것이다. As the sixth generation director in China, Ning Hao has a skilled control over genre films and is adept at shooting comedy films that win high box office at a low cost. His films are known for their multi threaded circular structure, black humor plot setting, and personalized visual style, especially the most prominent editing style. This study analyzes the editing techniques in Ning Hao's films to gain insight into their functional value for narrative and ideographic expression. This study analyzed Ning Hao's Crazy Trilogy series of films and found that the editing techniques in his films include multi clue linking editing, multi screen editing, fragmented flash back editing, seamless editing, repetitive editing, and audiovisual editing. This study believes that Ning Hao's editing techniques can not only accelerate the narrative rhythm, create a absurd and humorous atmosphere, but also reflect Ning Hao's unique insights into life. Through this study, it can effectively help the academic and film industries further understand Ning Hao's editing style, as well as his authorship representation based on this style, and further explore more paths for the future development of comedy films.

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