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      • KCI등재

        북한의 경제관리체계에 관한 연구

        김경호(Kyungl-Ho Kim) 한국통일전략학회 2006 통일전략 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 그동안 대체로 학문적 연구가 소홀히 다루어졌던 북한의 경제관리체계를 고찰하는데 있다. 그 결과, 첫째, 북한의 사회주의 경제관리체계의 출발점이 바로 국가소유와 단일정당의 통치가 이루어지면서 중앙집권적 계획경제가 가능하게 되었다. 이에 북한은 국가 일반이익의 절대성, 하급단위의 개별이익 표출금지원칙, 경제관리체계의 위계적 조직구조와 포괄적 통제가 이루어지고 있다. 둘째, 북한경제관리체계에 있어서 인민경제계획은 상·하 위계와 경제부문별로 다양하게 구성되어 있다. 계획작성과정은 상명하복의 하향식 작업계획아래 대상과 범위에 따라 다양한 유형이 있었다. 북한의 인민경제계획은 모든 당원들의 의사를 모아 당 대회에서 채택한 것이기 때문에 무조건 따르도록 되어 있다. 또한 북한의 조선노동당이 경제행정체계를 통합적으로 관리하고 운영하고 있다. 셋째, 북한경제관리체계의 전환에 대한 전망에서 북한의 변화는 중국식의 개혁개방형태인 부분개혁체제-사회주의상품경제-사회주의 시장경제단계로 진전할 것으로 보고 북한경제관리체계의 전환을 전망하였다. This study aims to consider the economy management system in North Korea that has negligently been addressed in terms of academic study. This study has found that, first, as nationalization of properties and the single-party regime were realized as the starting point of socialist economy management system in North Korea, centralized planned economy was made available. Through it, North Korea established the absoluteness of national general interests, the principle of prohibiting the enjoyment of individual interests by lower units, the hierarchical structure and comprehensive control of economy management system. Second, in the North Korea's economy management system the people's economy plan is variedly organized hierarchically and by economic sections. The process of preparing the plan has various types depending on subjects and scopes under the downward working plan. Since the people's economy plan is adopted at the Party's meeting according to the intention of all party members, following it is unconditional. In addition, Korean Workers Party all-embracingly manages and operates the economic administration system. Third, with regard to the outlook for the conversion of North Korea's economy management system, it is expected that it would take a series of steps of Partial Reform Regime, which is a form of Chinese style reform/opening, socialist mercantile economy, socialist market economy.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 집권 이후 북한 경제 관련 법령의 변화

        현두륜 통일과북한법학회 2023 북한법연구 Vol.29 No.-

        JAfter Kim Jong-il died in December 2011, his son Kim Jong-un implemented various economic reform measures to solve North Korea's economic problems, and accordingly, significant changes occurred in North Korean economy-related laws. The purpose of this article is to analyze the changes in North Korea's economy after Kim Jong-un came to power, focusing on North Korean laws and regulations. Since the enactment of the Socialist Constitution in 1972, the fundamental ideology of the North Korean economy has been ‘socialist relations of production(nationalization of the means of production)’, ‘independent national economy’, and ‘planned economy’, which have been maintained even after Kim Jong-un took power. However, after Kim Jong-un came to power, North Korea adopted a new method of economic management called the “socialist corporate responsibility management system,” which was also specified in the 2019 amended constitution. The Socialist Enterprise Responsible Management System granted “actual management rights” to enterprises, and as a result, the autonomy of enterprises was greatly expanded. In particular, enterprises and farms were able to plan and produce on their own under the names of 'enterprise index' and 'farm index', respectively, and decide the price to sell, which is a significant change in the socialist planned economy. can be said However, it is questionable how much the socialist responsible management system can achieve in a situation where the ownership and management of enterprises are not separated. Various measures to improve the economy have been implemented since the early days of Kim Jong-un's reign, and the results are being completed and organized through the revision of relevant laws and regulations. From the time Kim Jong-un came to power until 2019, North Korean economy-related laws were mainly revised in the direction of expanding the management rights and autonomy of enterprises and farms. However, after 2020, it has changed in the direction of strengthening control over enterprises and society as a whole. As a result, there is a possibility that the autonomy of enterprises or private economic activities will shrink in the future. It is necessary to pay attention to changes in North Korea's economy-related laws in the future. 김정일이 2011년 12월 사망하자, 그 아들 김정은은 북한의 경제문제 해결을 위하여여러 가지 경제개혁조치들을 실시하였고, 그에 따라 북한 경제 관련 법령에도 상당한변화가 발생하였다. 이 글의 목적은, 북한 법령을 중심으로 김정은 집권 이후 북한 경제의 변화 모습과 그 내용을 분석하는 데 있다. 1972년 사회주의헌법 제정 이후 북한 경제의 근본이념은 ‘사회주의적 생산관계(생산수단의 국유화)’와 ‘자립적 민족경제’, ‘계획경제’이고, 이는 김정은 집권 이후에도계속 유지되고 있다. 다만, 김정은 집권 이후 북한은 경제관리방법에 있어서 ‘사회주의기업책임관리제’라는 새로운 방식을 채택하였고, 이는 2019년 개정 헌법에도 명시되었다. 사회주의기업책임관리제는 사회주의적 소유를 기본으로 하면서도 기업소에 ‘실제적인 경영권’을 부여하였고, 그 결과 기업소의 자율성이 대폭 확대되었다. 특히, 기업소와 농장은 각각 ‘기업소지표’와 ‘농장지표’라는 이름으로 스스로 계획해서 생산하고, 그 가격을 결정하여 판매할 수 있게 되었는데, 이는 사회주의 계획경제에 있어서 상당한 변화라고 할 수 있다. 그러나, 기업소의 소유와 경영이 분리되지 않은 상황에서 사회주의기업책임관리제가 얼마나 기대하는 성과를 달성할 수 있을지는 의문이다. 김정은 집권 초기부터 여러 가지 경제개선조치들이 실시되었는데, 그 결과는 관련법령의 개정을 통해 완성 및 정리되고 있다. 김정은 집권 이후부터 2019년까지 북한경제 관련 법령들은 주로 기업소와 농장의 경영권과 자율성을 확대하는 방향으로 개정되었다. 그러나, 2020년 이후에는 기업소와 사회 전반에 대한 통제를 강화하는 방향으로 바뀌었다. 그에 따라 향후 기업소의 자율성이나 사적인 경제활동이 위축될 가능성도 있다. 향후 북한의 경제 관련 법령의 변화 추이를 주목할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        로동신문에 나타난 경제 관련 기사 추이 분석: 1945~1972

        진희관 평화문제연구소 2004 統一問題硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        The sources of this paper are newspaper articles on economic affairs in the main newspaper in North Korea, ``Rodongsinmun``(1946.1972) and its predecessor OJung RoO(정로: 正路) (November 1945.August 1946), and the purpose is to see the transition of North Korea``s economy during the period. The percentage of newspaper articles on economy to all articles in ORodongsinmunO and OJung RoO is 24.3%, calculated from the numbers of 63,690 to 262,278. The number and the contents of articles on the economy are found to be different for the time passed. This study shows the results of the analysis on newspapers`` articles on economic affairs, dividing the period from 1945 to 1972 in three sub-periods; from the liberation movement period to the Korean War in 1950, post-war national recovering period in the 50s, and enforcing national defense and economy period in the 60s and early 70s. First, after the Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule, North Korean War broke out. The most frequent news is on agriculture with a percentage of 30.1%, followed by articles on the mining industry with 8.7%, railway transportation with 8.2%, and clothing industry with 5.7%. OJung RoO shows agricultural news in 57.6% of frequency (among this, 73.8% is about land reform), Oproduction enforcement moveO at 7.0%, Ocontribution for state foundationO at 5.4%, mining industry at 4.3%, and railway at 4.3%. In addition, yearly transition shows different categories in contents. Although North Korea``s economy had been very active during the period, it was seen that North Korea focused on the quantity of newspaper articles on the economy. For example, the number of news on agriculture increased 2.5 times from 41 articles in 1945 to 102 in 1950. Especially, Oproduction increasement struggleO was emphasized in every sector of industry. Newspaper articles on economic policies in the 1950s dramatically increased from 1953 when the Korean War was over. There were approximately 300.500 newspaper articles between 1951 and 1953, 900 articles in 1954, 1,100 in 1955, and 800 in 1956. The reason of the increasing number of newspaper articles is that the nation-wide post-war recovering projects started in late 1953 and therefore public interests in the economy was raised. North Korea tried to solve problems with the Enterprise Management System in which an enterprise was ruled by one supervisor system(in factory management system) and to set up a mobilizing system during this period. In the 1960s, the frequency of economy-related news decreased from its turning point of the year of 1962 and 1963. Both the number and the rate decreased by half, comparing the early 1960s and the late 1960s. It shows that North Korea``s economic situation was not well-off or its public interest in economy moved to other sectors in the late 1960s. By that time, North Korea adopted a policy of parallel development of the national defense and economy due to difficulties in foreign relations, but, in fact, the phenomena of decreased number of economy-related news came two or three years prior to the policy adopted, which should be noticed carefully here. In other words, the policy of national defense and economy could be a necessary condition for North Korea``s economic crisis, but whether it could be a sufficient condition should be examined more in depth. In conclusion, the frequency of each period is similar one another as a whole with no significant difference. However, there is a tendency that increased and that news on economic affairs is cut down from its turning point of the years of 1962 and 1963.

      • KCI등재

        지식경영을 위한 산업클러스터 전략

        정형일,김종득 한국산업경제학회 2008 산업경제연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 글로벌화, 경쟁의 격화, 구조조정 등의 환경변화 속에서 지식경영과 산업클러스터의 관련성 분석을 통하여 우리나라 기업의 경쟁력을 어떻게 높일 것인가를 연구한 것이다. 즉, 지식경영의 접근방법(knowledge management approach)에 의거하여 기업의 경쟁력 강화방법과 방향성을 설정하고, 지식경영을 확대·강화하는 방안으로써 산업클러스터 전략을 제시하고, 그 활용 방안을 검토한 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지식경영(knowledge management), 지식창조경영의 프레임 워크(the framework of knowledge creation management), 지식경영의 중요성(the importance of knowledge management), 경영전략의 패러다임 전환(the change of managerial strategy paradigm) 등을 키워드(keyword)로 하여 지식경영의 본질을 파악코자 하였다. 또한 산업클러스터에 대해서는 산업클러스터의 접근방법(industrial cluster approach), 지역경제의 활성화(local economy reinvigoration), 산업클러스터의 새로운 전개(new development on industrial cluster)를 키워드로 산업클러스터의 본질을 파악하였다. 그리고 이러한 지식경영과 산업클러스터의 이론을 바탕으로 지식경영과 산업클러스터의 관계를 분석하고 지식경영을 효과적으로 전개하기 위한 산업클러스터의 활용방안을 제시하였다. 이 연구 결과로부터 지식경영과 산업클러스터는 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 산업클러스터의 효과적 활용을 통하여 지식경영의 확대·심화를 이룰 수 있음이 입증되었다고 생각한다. This study aims to reveal the ways to sharpen the edges of Korean companies through the relativity analysis between knowledge management and industrial clusters in environmental changes such as globalization, competitive intensification, and structural reorganization. That is, according to the knowledge management approach, the methods and directions of strengthening industrial competition were established, while the strategy of industrial clusters was suggested as a way of expanding and encouraging knowledge management. The key words of knowledge management in this research are the framework of knowledge creation management, the importance of knowledge management, and the change of managerial strategy paradigm. In addition, those of industrial clusters are the cluster approach, local economy reinvigoration, and new development on industrial clusters. Based on these theories of knowledge management and industrial clusters, their close relationships were analyzed. As a result, industrial clusters were found to be effectively utilized to enlarge and deepen knowledge management.

      • 재난관리자원의 효율적 운영 및 관리 방안 – 공유경제 플랫폼을 중심으로 -

        양기근 한국재난관리학회 2023 한국재난관리학보 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 재난관리자원의 효율적 운영 및 관리를 위한 방안으로 공유경제 플랫폼을 활용하는 대안을 제시하고자 한다. 공유경제는 자원의 효율적인 활용과 배분을 목적으로 하는 경제 모델로서 재난관리자 원을 체계적이고 효율적으로 관리하고, 재난이 발생할 우려가 있거나 발생하였을 때에 재난관리자원을 신속하고 안정적으로 동원하여 국민의 생명⋅신체 및 재산을 보호하는데 유용한 모델이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서는 먼저, 이론적 논의로서 재난관리자원의 의의 및 중요성, 재난관리자원의 법제도 발전과정과 선행연구, 국내 및 미국과 일본의 재난관리자원 운영 현황을 살펴보았다. 다음으로는 스마트 물류시스템, 공간⋅수송 공유경제 및 물건, 서비스⋅지식 공유경제 사례 를 통하여 재난관리자원의 효율적 운영 및 관리 방안으로서의 공유경제 플랫폼에 대하여 논의하였다. This study aims to suggest an alternative to utilize a sharing economy platform as a way to efficiently operate and manage disaster management resources. The sharing economy is an economic model aimed at the efficient utilization and distribution of resources. It manages disaster management resources systematically and efficiently, and promptly and stably mobilizes disaster management resources when there is a risk of or occurrence of a disaster, thereby it can be a useful model for protecting people's lives, bodies, and property. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, this study first looked at the meaning and importance of disaster management resources as a theoretical discussion, the process of development of the legal system of disaster management resources, previous studies and the current status of disaster management resources operation in Korea, the United States, and Japan. Next, the sharing economy platform as a method for efficient operation and management of disaster management resources was discussed through cases of smart logistics system, space/transport sharing economy, goods, service/knowledge sharing economy.

      • KCI등재

        『燕槎錄』에 드러난 朴齊寅의 상업 경제에 대한 관심

        이규필(Gyu-Pil Lee) 대동한문학회 2023 大東漢文學 Vol.74 No.-

        이 논문은 朴齊寅(1818~1884)의 『燕槎錄』을 고찰하여, 그 속에 담긴 경제에 대한 그의 관심을 고찰한 것이다. 박제인의 『燕槎錄』에 대해서는 일찍이 선행연구들이 다룬 적이 있다. 선행연구들은 북학사상, 마두, 청심환 등에 주목하여 연구를 진행하였다. 그 결과 하례의 조직과 역할, 마두들의 신분, 외교에서 청심환의 중요성 등이 규명되었다. 다만 그 과정에서 선행연구들 역시 경제적 이윤의 측면을 단편적으로 언급하고 있었다. 그것은 『연사록』 곳곳에 담긴 경제에 대한 박제인의 관심을 선행연구자들 역시 얼마간 감지하고 있었음을 보여주는 하나의 징표이다. 이에 본고는 경제 문제와 관련하여 『연사록』을 집중적으로 고찰해 보았다. 그래서 점포 경영 전략, 화폐 경제, 상품 경제 등을 중심으로 점포의 접객 시스템, 광고 전략, 브랜딩 전략을 비롯하여 화폐 경제의 실상은 물론 상품 관리, 브랜드 관리, 유통 관리, 정과 관리, 신뢰성 관리, 고객 관리 등의 측면에서 박제인의 관심을 실증적으로 탐색해 보았다. 요컨대 박제인의 『연사록』은 단순한 『열하일기』 류의 북학사상 계승에 충실한 연행록에 그치지 않는다. 19세기 청나라 시장 경제의 변화에 매우 예각화된 관심과 문제의식을 내비치고 있고, 그에 따라 변화하는 우리나라 기층민의 의식과 경제활동 양상도 포착된 저술이다. 이러한 지점이 18세기 연행록과 19세기 연행록이 현저히 달라지는 대표적인 징표 가운데 하나라고 생각하다. This paper examines Park Je-in's (1818~1884)『YeonSa-rok(燕槎錄)』and examines his interest in the economy contained in them. Previous studies have dealt with Park Je-in's 『YeonSa-rok(燕槎錄)』 earlier. In previous studies, studies were conducted focusing on Bukhak ideology(北學思想), Madu(馬頭, A state slave), and Cheongsimhwan(淸心丸, A kind of tranquilizer). As a result, the organization and role of national slaves, the status of Madu, and the importance of Cheongsimhwan in diplomacy were identified. In the process, previous studies mentioned the aspect of economic profit in fragments. This is evidence of the following facts. It is that previous studies have also detected that Park Je-in's interest in the economy is contained in the 『YeonSa-rok』. In this paper, we intensively reviewed the 『YeonSa-rok』 in relation to economic issues. Therefore, it was mainly considered focusing on hotel management strategy, currency economy, and commodity economy. In addition, the hotel's service system, advertising strategy, and branding strategy were highlighted. In addition, aspects such as product management, brand management, price management, reliability management, and customer management were highlighted, including the reality of the monetary economy. The process of all these studies was tried to prove based on specific data. In short, Park Je-in's 『YeonSa-rok』 is not only a simple 『Yolha-Ilgi(熱河日記)』 type of Yeonhaeng-rok(燕行錄, A record of a diplomatic trip to Beijing) that is faithful to the succession of Bukhak ideology. It shows a very acute interest and problem consciousness in the changes in the market economy of the Qing Dynasty(淸朝) in the 19th century. In addition, it is a work that captures the consciousness and economic activities of the Korean lower class people that change accordingly. I think this point is one of the representative signs of significant difference between the 18th century Yeonhaeng-rok and the 19th century Yeonhaeng-rok.

      • KCI등재


        金香?(Jin Xianglan),?非凡(Zheng Feifan) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2022 東亞法學 Vol.- No.94

        최근 몇 년 동안 디지털경제가 비약적으로 발전함에 따라 많은 국가와 지역에서 디지털경제의 발전을 실물경제의 질과 효율성을 높이는 요소로 하여 핵심 경쟁력을 재편하는 중요한 조치를 취했고 다국적 기업은 전통적인 상업방식의 혁신 및 글로벌 가치사슬을 재건했다. 이는 국제적 조세에서 조세 표준의 확정, 조세 관할권의 구분, 이중 과세 및 소득이전을 통한 세원잠식(BEPS) 등과 같은 문제를 초래했다. 이러한 맥락에서 많은 국가와 국제기구는 이미 디지털화의 다국적 조세 관리 제도를 개혁하여 일정한 경험을 축적했으며 이는 중국이 다국적 조세 관리 제도를 개혁함에 있어 중요한 참고적 가치를 지닌다. 다자간 디지털경제 조세규정과 관련하여 경제협력개발기구(OECD)는 “BEPS 행동계획 보고서”를 발표했고 국가 간 경제의 디지털화를 기반으로 한 새로운 국제조세규칙을 수립했으며 이러한 기초에서 제기한 쌍지주(雙支柱, Two Pillars) 방안은 회원국 간의 조세분쟁을 해결한다. 지역적 디지털경제 조세규정과 관련하여 EU는 대형 인터넷 기업에 대한 과세규정을 조정하고 디지털경제 활동에 대한 공정한 과세의 촉진을 위해 장단기 계획을 발표했다. 단독적 디지털경제 조세규정과 관련하여 영국과 프랑스가 대표적이고 이미 자국 디지털경제의 과세문제를 해결하기 위해 디지털 서비스 세를 부과하기 시작했다. 디지털경제의 맥락에서 디지털화 및 가상화가 주요 특징이고 기존의 조세제도는 신흥 경제형식과 상업방식에 적응할 수 없게 되었으며 조세 주체와 객체, 세율 등과 같은 요소들을 명확하게 확정하기 어렵다. 현재 중국은 디지털경제하에서의 다국적 조세 관리제도는 불완전하고 과세소득 및 조세관할권의 확정이 명확하지 못하고, 조세분쟁 해결방식이 단일하며, 국제조세규칙의 조정에 적극적인 대응 조치가 부족한 등의 중요한 문제가 존재한다. 중국이 디지털경제 조세에 대응하고 디지털경제에 관한 과세 및 관리 능력을 향상시키기 위해 국제적 경험을 참조하여 중국의 다국적 조세 관리제도의 개혁을 촉진하고, 중국 특색의 디지털경제 조세제도를 형성하고, 상설기관의 인정규칙을 개혁하고, 다국적 조세분쟁 해결체제를 개선 할 것을 제기한다. 또한, 많은 국가와 국제기구들이 잇달아 디지털 서비스 세를 부과하는 배경 하에서 중국에 상응한 대응책을 마련하여 중국의 디지털경제시대 조세개혁을 심화하고 디지털경제의 보다 적극적이고 포괄적이며 지속 가능한 고품질 발전을 촉진하기 위한 참고 자료를 제공한다. In recent years, the digital economy has flourished. Many countries and regions have taken the development of digital economy as an important measure to improve the quality and efficiency of the real economy and reshape the core competitiveness.Simultaneously, the innovations of traditional business model and the reconstruction of global value chain of multinational enterprises have also brought challenges to international taxation. Such as difficulty in determining tax standard,difficulty in determining tax jurisdiction,difficulty in solving the problem of double taxation,regulation of base erosion and profit shifting(BEPS).In this context, China’s relevant cross-border tax collection and management system is in urgent need of reform. Throughout the world, many countries and international organizations have gained some experience in the reform of the digital cross-border tax collection and management system, which can provide an important reference for the reform of China’s cross-border tax collection and management system.In the multilateral digital economy tax rules, OECD has released the ‘BEPS Action Plan’. Which constructed a set of new international tax rules based on cross-border economic digitization. It proposed the ‘Two Pillars’ scheme to solve the tax disputes between its member countries. In the area of tax rules for the regional digital economy, the EU has released long-term and short-term programmes for fair taxation of digital economy and intends to adjust tax rules for large Internet companies to promote fair taxation of digital economy activities in the EU.In terms of unilateral digital economic tax rules, Britain and France have begun to levy unilateral digital service tax to solve their digital economic tax problems. In the context of digital economy, digitization and virtualization have become the main characteristics, which will have some problems on the tax system, such as the existing tax system is difficult to adapt to the business format and business model of emerging economy, and it is difficult to clarify the tax subject, object, tax rate and other factors. At present, China"s cross-border tax collection and management system mainly has some main problems. Such as the uncertainty of taxable income and tax jurisdiction,a single way to resolve tax related disputes, lack of systematic provisions, and so on. In view of the above problems, China should learn from the international experience of digital economy taxation and carry out reforms on the identification rules of permanent organization, improve the settlement mechanism of cross-border tax disputes, create China"s countermeasures under the background of foreign international organizations and countries levying digital service taxes one after another, further deepen the tax reform in the era of the digital economy and promote a more positive, inclusive and sustainable high-quality development of the digital economy.

      • KCI등재

        『燕槎錄』에 드러난 朴齊寅의 상업 경제에 대한 관심

        이규필 대동한문학회 (구.교남한문학회) 2023 大東漢文學 Vol.74 No.-

        This paper examines Park Je-in's (1818~1884)『YeonSa-rok(燕槎錄)』and examines his interest in the economy contained in them. Previous studies have dealt with Park Je-in's 『YeonSa-rok(燕槎錄)』 earlier. In previous studies, studies were conducted focusing on Bukhak ideology(北學思想), Madu(馬頭, A state slave), and Cheongsimhwan(淸心丸, A kind of tranquilizer). As a result, the organization and role of national slaves, the status of Madu, and the importance of Cheongsimhwan in diplomacy were identified. In the process, previous studies mentioned the aspect of economic profit in fragments. This is evidence of the following facts. It is that previous studies have also detected that Park Je-in's interest in the economy is contained in the 『YeonSa-rok』. In this paper, we intensively reviewed the 『YeonSa-rok』 in relation to economic issues. Therefore, it was mainly considered focusing on hotel management strategy, currency economy, and commodity economy. In addition, the hotel's service system, advertising strategy, and branding strategy were highlighted. In addition, aspects such as product management, brand management, price management, reliability management, and customer management were highlighted, including the reality of the monetary economy. The process of all these studies was tried to prove based on specific data. In short, Park Je-in's 『YeonSa-rok』 is not only a simple 『Yolha-Ilgi(熱河日記)』 type of Yeonhaeng-rok(燕行錄, A record of a diplomatic trip to Beijing) that is faithful to the succession of Bukhak ideology. It shows a very acute interest and problem consciousness in the changes in the market economy of the Qing Dynasty(淸朝) in the 19th century. In addition, it is a work that captures the consciousness and economic activities of the Korean lower class people that change accordingly. I think this point is one of the representative signs of significant difference between the 18th century Yeonhaeng-rok and the 19th century Yeonhaeng-rok. 이 논문은 朴齊寅(1818~1884)의 『燕槎錄』을 고찰하여, 그 속에 담긴 경제에 대한 그의 관심을 고찰한 것이다. 박제인의 『燕槎錄』에 대해서는 일찍이 선행연구들이 다룬 적이 있다. 선행연구들은 북학사상, 마두, 청심환 등에 주목하여 연구를 진행하였다. 그 결과 하례의 조직과 역할, 마두들의 신분, 외교에서 청심환의 중요성 등이 규명되었다. 다만 그 과정에서 선행연구들 역시 경제적 이윤의 측면을 단편적으로 언급하고 있었다. 그것은 『연사록』 곳곳에 담긴 경제에 대한 박제인의 관심을 선행연구자들 역시 얼마간 감지하고 있었음을 보여주는 하나의 징표이다. 이에 본고는 경제 문제와 관련하여 『연사록』을 집중적으로 고찰해 보았다. 그래서 점포 경영 전략, 화폐 경제, 상품 경제 등을 중심으로 점포의 접객 시스템, 광고 전략, 브랜딩 전략을 비롯하여 화폐 경제의 실상은 물론 상품 관리, 브랜드 관리, 유통 관리, 정과 관리, 신뢰성 관리, 고객 관리 등의 측면에서 박제인의 관심을 실증적으로 탐색해 보았다. 요컨대 박제인의 『연사록』은 단순한 『열하일기』 류의 북학사상 계승에 충실한 연행록에 그치지 않는다. 19세기 청나라 시장 경제의 변화에 매우 예각화된 관심과 문제의식을 내비치고 있고, 그에 따라 변화하는 우리나라 기층민의 의식과 경제활동 양상도 포착된 저술이다. 이러한 지점이 18세기 연행록과 19세기 연행록이 현저히 달라지는 대표적인 징표 가운데 하나라고 생각하다.

      • 디지털경제를 위한 기술경영연구

        김기태 영산대학교 2003 영산논총 Vol.11 No.-

        Technology is a important matter in manufacturing and economy. Technology management is the critical success factor for the future value of the company. First, this study executed the literature survey. The literature survey contains e-biz promotion plan of the existing company as technology management research area, and curriculum of the education program as technology management research topic. I divide the technology management's researches into two innovation classes : inner innovation and outer innovation. This study does not explain what is the technology management for Digital Economy, but what must be included in. The limitation of this study is that the experience and research of the existing company is not considered. The future study should be directed to do it.

      • KCI등재

        데이터 경제와 정보보호 관리·감독제도의 개선에 대한 검토

        이경준,김현경 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2020 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.21

        Since the "4th Industrial Revolution" has been a big issue today, the importance and public attention regarding data also has increased. In addition, activities that create new values while acting as catalysts for the development of other industries by using various types of data are called “Data economy” or “Data industry”. And many policies are also being designed to support them. While Korean government implements various policies that consider the use of data to promote the data economy and industry, it also operates systems to prevent infringement accidents and minimize information leakage damage. However, the financial institutions that caused large-scale personal information leakage accidents are excluded from the subject of the Inforamation Security Management System (ISMS) certification obligations, and domestic universities have refused the certification review. In addition, in the case of the information protection (voluntary) disclosure system, no companies participated for a year since the implementation was insignificant. Even in public institutions that need to take the initiative in protecting personal information, cases of unauthorized access and leakage of personal information are constantly being occured. And cryptocurrency exchanges where data itself is converted into cashable assets have been hacked. In this era of data economy and industry, the demand for information security management and supervision system is expected to gradually increase, it is expected that the level of social expectations for policy and system operation in this regard will also increase. In this paper, we first looked at the data economic environment and related trends, and examined the current status and limitations of the current information protection and management system. Afterwards, we tried to suggest some ways to improve the information protection, management, and supervision systems, and suggest directions to help secure the use of data in the future to meet the era of secured data economy.

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