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      • On the Directions of Economic Education after Financial CRISIS : What to and How to Teach

        Kim Tae-hwan J-INSTITUTE 2016 International Journal of Crisis & Safety Vol.1 No.2

        Economics, which has failed to predict and resolve the 2008 financial crisis, has faced much criticism. Espe-cially, skeptical voices on the core assumptions of economics: economic rationality (Homo economicus) and the autonomous mechanism and stability of the market, have been raised. Also, it has been criticized of focusing only on mathematical models and overlooking the complexity and uncertainty of reality. Secondary school economic education aims to cultivate economic citizenship that can make rational deci-sion based on economic knowledge in reality. Therefore, economics plays a very important role in economic education in terms of being its core content; economics having faced much criticism, economic education also has to set a new direction after the financial crisis. Having recognized these problems, this study aims to discuss what economic education after the financial crisis should be and how it could be taught. First is to introduce pluralism, which insists to depart from mainstream economics monoism and to deal with minor economic issues. Students will be able to develop critical thinking skills while learning a variety of com-peting economic theories and analyzing and interpreting the real economy based on them. Second is to start a full-fledged discussion on bringing economic ethics into classroom. The necessity of eco-nomic ethics has long been discussed, but it is not being handled in the actual education field due to various problems. Because financial crisis is closely related to ethical issues such as human greed and injustice, it is necessary to fully attempt to discuss economic ethics at school. Finally, such changes in the content area of economic education inevitably lead to changes in the teaching method. The existing lecture-based education is not adequate for class based on pluralistic theories and has difficulties on addressing economic ethics related to affective attitude properly. Therefore, it is necessary to break from lecture-based education that focuses on transferring economic knowledge and to introduce various learning methods such as discussion, cooperative learning, and project-based learning. In face of criticism of economics, secondary school economic education centered on economic knowledge al-so faced new challenges. In order not to suffer repeated economic crises, it is necessary to prepare for the fu-ture based on reflection on past failures. The best way is to educate students. In a society where complexity and uncertainties are prevalent, to raise students into economic entities that can make rational decisions based on various information, classroom eco-nomic education should be improved. I hope that more concerns and discussions on the contents and methods of economic education will be ac-tively pursued.

      • KCI등재

        문학 경제학 — 사용가치에서 교환가치로의 전이

        양병현 한국영어영문학회 2009 영어 영문학 Vol.55 No.5

        The two fields, economics of art and literature, tend to be put together as part of cultural economic studies; yet the former has been widely popular as compared to the latter. Economics of art has been known as part of social science which studies art economically. Similarly, economics of literature is likely to be an interdisciplinary study of literature and economics. Literature is suggested usually to reflect the economic base of a society as a form of its superstructure in view of classical Marxism; so, it is interesting to see social, economic activities, such as individual values and social institutions, income, price and opportunity cost, in a particular way of analyzing economic ideas in literature. Capital seems to have an innate property of self-expansion in literature; this property thus features actual economic life since in capitalism money is the universal value between persons and literary works. Specifically, the field of economics of literature starts with such ideas: economics of literature is part of cultural economics; and economics of literature deals with the economic value of literature. Putting interdisciplinary fields of literature and economics together, this study is to examine the economic value of literature in which Karl Marx talked about commodities with exchange value, use value, and fetishism. The exchange value is commercial worth, the actual exchange value of a publication; yet, the use value is innate worth, the aesthetic use value of literature. With commodity fetishism, profit seems not as the outcome of a social relation, but of a work — “reification” as the would-be Marxists suggest. As a commodity, the literary work appears to be able to animate life and power in reality. As a result, this paper asserts that social, economical activities in literature as we may apply to the study of economics of literature increase its economic value, implying commercial and innate worth, as the capital in the marketplace. The two fields, economics of art and literature, tend to be put together as part of cultural economic studies; yet the former has been widely popular as compared to the latter. Economics of art has been known as part of social science which studies art economically. Similarly, economics of literature is likely to be an interdisciplinary study of literature and economics. Literature is suggested usually to reflect the economic base of a society as a form of its superstructure in view of classical Marxism; so, it is interesting to see social, economic activities, such as individual values and social institutions, income, price and opportunity cost, in a particular way of analyzing economic ideas in literature. Capital seems to have an innate property of self-expansion in literature; this property thus features actual economic life since in capitalism money is the universal value between persons and literary works. Specifically, the field of economics of literature starts with such ideas: economics of literature is part of cultural economics; and economics of literature deals with the economic value of literature. Putting interdisciplinary fields of literature and economics together, this study is to examine the economic value of literature in which Karl Marx talked about commodities with exchange value, use value, and fetishism. The exchange value is commercial worth, the actual exchange value of a publication; yet, the use value is innate worth, the aesthetic use value of literature. With commodity fetishism, profit seems not as the outcome of a social relation, but of a work — “reification” as the would-be Marxists suggest. As a commodity, the literary work appears to be able to animate life and power in reality. As a result, this paper asserts that social, economical activities in literature as we may apply to the study of economics of literature increase its economic value, implying commercial and innate worth, as the capital in the marketplace.

      • KCI등재

        과실불법행위로 인한 경제적 손해의 배상 : 대법원 1996. 1. 26, 94다5472 (소위 송전케이블 사안)의 평석

        곽민희 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2011 法學論集 Vol.16 No.1

        현대 불법행위학에 있어서 기본적인 과제 중의 하나는 불법행위의 손해배상의 범위를 획정하기 위한 기준 내지 원리를 어떻게 이해하는가에 대한 것이다. 불법행위의 손해배상의 범위를 확정한다고 하는 것은 다시 말해서 손해배상책임의 내용이 되는 손해의 주체와 내용을 어떠한 기준으로 확정해야 하는가의 문제로서, 우리 민법은 제763조를 두어 채무불이행에 관한 민법 제393조를 준용함으로써 그 손해배상범위를 결정하도록 하고 있다. 즉 불법행위로 인한 손해배상은 통상의 손해를 한도로 하고 있고, 특별한 사정으로 인한 손해가 있는 경우에는 가해자가 그 사정을 알았거나 알 수 있었을 것이라고 하는 예견가능성인 인정되는 경우에 한하여서 배상의 책임이 있음을 분명히 함으로써 제한배상주의를 채택하고 있는 것으로 풀이된다. 이처럼 우리 민법이 제한배상주의를 취하고 있고, 나아가 민법 제750조가 이른바 의사책임적 불법행위 유형을 상정하고 있다고 해석한다면, 불법행위의 성립요건과 배상범위의 획정의 문제는 엄격하게 구별되는 것이 아니라, 어느 정도 결합되고 통합되어 이해되어야 한다. 사실 불법행위의 성립요건과 배상범위획정의 문제가 구별된다고 하는 사고방식은 독일법과 같은 완전배상주의를 취하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다거나 적어도 우리 손해배상법이 완전배상의 정신을 지향하거나 법 정책적 구현가치로 삼고 있다고 해석되는 경우에 타당하다. 이러한 관점의 차이는 구체적 사안에서 불법행위의 성립요건과 배상범위 양 영역에 걸치는 경우에서 문제될 수 있다. 예컨대, 소위 간접피해자의 문제나 경제적 손해의 문제가 대표적인 현대적 불법행위의 문제로서 그야말로 불법행위의 성립요건과 배상범위의 경계영역에 속하는 문제라고 할 수 있고, 이들의 해석론에도 이러한 관점이 고려되어야 한다. 한편, 이들 문제는 직접 그 배상의 긍부를 논의하는 배상론에 있어서는 법 이론적 설명과 해석도 중요하지만, 보다 본질적인 불법행위책임법의 배상원리로서 손해의 공평타당한 분담이라고 하는 법 정책적 가치론의 탐구가 적극적으로 표명되고 요구되는 분야라고 하는 특징이 있다. 궁극적으로 위 경계사례에 대한 해석론에는 불법행위책임법의 체계를 구성하는 현대적 법 원리와 그 배경에 존재하는 본질적 배상원리의 석명이라고 하는 과제가 부가된다고 하지 않을 수 없다. 이 중 경제적 손해에 관한 대표적 사례로 평가될 수 있는 우리 대법원의 의미 있는 판결(대법원 1996. 1. 26, 94다5472)을 소재로 위 과제에 부합하는 해결론을 모색하고자 한다. 다만 본고에서는 논의의 대상을 한정하여 과실불법행위에 있어서의 경제적 손해에 관해서 논의하기로 하고, 위 대상판결의 사안에 해당하는 경제적 손해의 사례 유형, 즉 본고의 간접피해자형 경제적 손해사안에 해당하는 것으로서 직접피해자가 재산침해를 입은 경우에 간접피해자에게 발생한 경제적 손해의 사안을 중점적으로 검토한다. 다만, 논의에 필요한 경제적 손해에 관한 일반론에 관해서는 비교법적으로 논의의 전개양상이나 특징에 대해서 서술하고, 각 사례유형에 분화된 배상범위론에 대해서 연구, 검토하고 있다. 이에 본고는 경제적 손해의 배상론을 테마로 그 개념을 명확히 하고, 문제되는 사례들을 유형화하고, 경제적 손해의 각 유형에 따른 각국의 배상논의의 전개 양상과 특징을 개괄적으로 검토함으로써, 우리 법에 주는 시사점을 고찰하여 우리 판결에 나타난 경제적 손해배상론-특히 간접피해자형 경제적 손해 유형인 송전케이블사안-에 대해서 평석하고, 마지막으로 우리 법체계에 맞는 경제적 손해의 배상에 대한 제안을 하고 있다. One of basic tasks in modern studies on torts is laid in how to understand standards and principles for settling its scopes on the compensation for damages. In other words, settling the compensation for damages on torts is a matter of how to decide damage’s subjects and contents, and Article 763 of our Civil Law is making it decided by applying correspondently to Article 393 of the same law on insolvency. That is, it is interpreted such like compensation for damages owing to illegal acts is limited to ordinary damages, and limiting compensation principle is being adopted by clearing the compensation’s responsibility only when predictable possibilities are accepted such like the injurer knows or could recognize its situations. As our Civil Law is taking limiting compensation principles, and further its Article 750 is interpreted as supposing illegal act’s types of so-called pseudo-responsibility, established requirements of illegal acts and settling matters on compensation scopes have to be combined, integrated, and understood to some extents, not being classified strictly. In fact, viewpoints that established requirements on torts and compensation acts’ settlement are different could be interpreted properly in case of taking perfect compensating principles like German code, or our interpretation on compensation for damages is read as aiming at perfect compensating spirits and considering it as implementing values of legal policies at least. But, our civil law systems on torts is quite different from Germans’. These differences in viewpoints could become problems when it is put on established requirements of illegal acts and compensation scopes together. For example, so-called indirect victim’s problems or economic losses are representative modern torts, and it could be said as being belonged to established requirements on illegal acts and boundary scopes of compensation scopes really, and thus these viewpoints shall be considered to such interpretations. On the other hand, though legal theory’s explanations and interpretations are important in compensation theories in which its positive and negative characters are discussed directly, but these matters have characteristics of requiring fields such like searching for axiology of legal policies called fair shares on damages are expressed and necessary as essential compensating principles in more fundamental tort liability act. Ultimately, tasks of modern legal principles composing systems on tort liability act and explanations on compensating ones existed in its background cannot but be added in the above boundary cases. Among them, this study will grope for a solution matching with the above task by taking a meaningful judgment of our Supreme Court that can be evaluated as a representative case on the economic loss as a subject. Merely, this study will discuss about economic losses in negligent torts after limiting discussed objects, and look into cases of economic damages occurred to indirect victims in priority when direct victims suffered from asset infringement corresponding to economic- damaged matters of indirect damage type on this research, that is, cases of economic losses belonged to the above object judgment. However, the study will describe developing aspects of discussions and characteristics from comparative laws on the generalization on economic loss required for discussing, and research, review on compensation scope theories differentiated to each case type. Therefore, this study clarifies its concepts by taking compensation theories on economic loss as a theme, categorizing issued cases, and roughly investigating on compensation discussions from each country according to types of economic loss. Through these investigations, this study will evaluate and interpret compensation theories on economic loss having been appeared in our judgment while looking into applications to our laws, and aim to suggest a proposition on the economic losses’ compensation that is fit to our legal systems finally.

      • KCI등재

        율곡 이이의 경제사상과 그 현대적 해석

        이재석 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2020 동양문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        Liberalism and individualism in Western civilization have been important drivers of human development by guaranteeing creative thinking and activities based on individual freedom, human dignity and equal opportunity. Liberalism and individualism based on the rational reason of the Western civilization, growth universalism and scientific universalism are destroying the harmony between nature and man by grasping nature and man as objects for economic needs. Economically profit-seeking capitalism has deepened the gap between rich and poor and has been a long-term obstacle to global economic development. Korea's economic growth policy in accordance with Western capitalism has achieved remarkable economic development as a miracle on the Han River, but the traditional ethics inherent in the nation is declining, and the gap between the rich and the poor is deepening economically. This gap is changing into a more serious national economy problem and corporate management problem as the ladder of hierarchical movement breaks down and the economic vitality decreases in the long run. After all, it can be said that it originated from a social climate that values economic interests rather than mental values based on universal social morality. Therefore, by re-establishing the universal value of humanity in the 21st century through our traditional economic ethics and the social and economic ideas of confucianism, we will be able to find a fundamental solution to the problems facing the current Korean economy and business management. So far, Western civilization has achieved many results more than any civilization. but after the global financial crisis in 2008, scepticism about western civilization and the world economic system began to appear. The current global economic system based on Western civilization faces limitations on its own, and human civilization is also at a new crossroads. Just as civilization and systems were born from human thinking, the solution of problems will also find fundamental solutions through changes in human thinking. Therefore, I would like to find a solution to the problem from a new perspective in the traditional economic view of confucianism, especially the economic thoughts of Yulgok. The social and economic ideas of confucianism was originally created to overcome cofusion period and to open the era of world peace. The social and economic ideas is centered on political practice, which can be found in all of the disciples' thoughts. The social and economic ideas of confucianism contains the specific meaning of practical study, not the concept of purpose. The natural phenomena or social phenomena that appear was considered as a prognostic phenomenon that can cause problems. In this sense, The social and economic ideas of confucianism is a crisis management philosophy. Even in The social and economic ideas of Yulgok, 'recognizing reality correctly' means that the inherent risks are properly recognized and the risks should be managed. Therefore, The social and economic ideas of Yulgok is 'crisis-managed philosophy'. It can be said that the current chaos of spiritual values and the chaos of the world economy and the Korean economy are similar to Yulgok's historical situation. In this paper, the purpose of this study is to analyze The social and economic ideas of confucianism and to reinterpret the meanings of the economic thoughts of Yulgok from a modern point of view, to find answers to problems and solutions to the realities facing the current Korean economy and businesses. 서구문명의 자유주의와 개인주의는 개인의 자유, 인간의 존엄성, 기회의 균등을 바탕으로 인간의 창의적인 사유와 활동을 보장함으로써 인류발전의 중요한 동인이 되어 왔다. 그러나 서구문명의 합리적 이성에 바탕을 둔 자유주의와 개인주의, 성장만능주와 과학만능주의는 자연과 인간을 경제적 욕구충족을 위한 대상으로만 파악함으로써 자연과 인간, 인간과 인간 간의 조화를 파괴하고 있다. 이익추구적인 서구 자본주의는 빈부의 격차를 심화시켜 오히려 장기적인 세계경제 발전의 장애물이 되고 있는 현실이다. 한국의 자본주의 또한 서구 자본주의에 따른 경제성장 정책에 따라 한강의 기적이라는 괄목한 경제발전을 이루었지만, 민족고유의 전통윤리가 쇠퇴해 가고 있으며, 경제적으로는 빈부의 격차가 더욱 심화되고 있다. 경제적 불평등은 자녀의 교육에도 이어져 계층이동의 사다리가 끊어졌으며, 장기적으로 경제활력을 감퇴시켜 더욱 심각한 경제, 사회문제로 변화하고 있다. 이는 보편적 사회도덕률에 기초를 둔 정신적 가치보다 경제적 이익을 중시하는 사회 풍토에서 기인된 것이라 볼 수 있다. 따라서 우리의 전통적인 경제윤리관과 유학의 경세사상을 통하여 21세기 인류보편가치의 재정립함으로써 지금의 한국경제와 한국사회가 당면한 문제에 대한 근본적인 해결책을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 지금까지 서구문명은 그 어떤 문명도 이루어내지 못한 것을 이루었으나, 2008년 불어닥친 세계금융위기 이후 서구문명과 세계경제 시스템에 대한 회의가 나타나기 시작하였다. 문명과 시스템이 인간의 사유에서 태어났듯이 문제의 해결 또한 인간의 사유의 변화를 통해서 근본적인 해결책을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 문제에 대한 해답을 새로운 관점에서 유학의 전통적인 경제사상에서 찾고자 한다. 유학의 경세관은 위기관리형 철학이라 볼 수 있다. 율곡의 경세관에서도 ‘현실을 올바르게 인식한다’는 것은 내재된 위험을 바르게 인식하여 위기에 대하여 위기관리를 한다는 것을 의미한다. 오늘날 정신적 가치의 혼란과 세계경제와 한국경제의 혼돈은 율곡의 시대적 상황과 맞닿아 있다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 유학적 경세관을 분석하고, 율곡 이이의 경제사상에 나타난 의미를 현대적 관점에서 재해석하여, 현재 한국경제와 한국사회가 직면한 현실에 대한 해답과 문제해결의 실마리를 찾아보았다.

      • KCI등재

        질서자유주의의 규범성 및 경제윤리에 대한 함의

        김강식 ( Kang-sik Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2016 질서경제저널 Vol.19 No.1

        At the reception of the Freiburg School of ordoliberalism the perspective of economic ethics has been largely neglected. This paper tries to provide an insight into the ethical and normative thinking of ordoliberalism with the example of the work of Walter Eucken. It will deal with the determination of the social market economy as a functioning and humane order and the Eucken’s understanding of freedom as well as a classification Eucken in the modern economic and corporate ethics. The works of Eucken are important for the modern economic ethics in many ways. The important components of the program of freedom of Eucken are as follows: the state as ordering power and guardian of competition rules; focusing on order policy and negation of the process policy; close relation of powerful rule of laws, constitutional democracy and liberal and competitive institutionalized economic order; freedom, humanity and social justice as fundamental criteria; unity of economic and social policy and of freedom and order; prevention of power and enabling freedom and ethical activism and ethical will coupled with sustainable economic performance. This multi-faceted blocks of ordoliberalism of Eucken can be applied to the modern economic ethics - particularly in front of the background of the financial and economic crisis and the new methods dispute - to make it fruitful. One option would be a continuation of ordoliberal research program with a view to refocusing the national and international financial and economic order while taking into account and integrating the concepts of Ulrich and Homann. As the discussion of the economic ethical approaches of Homann and Ulrich has shown, both approaches have overlaps and fundamental deviations from the position of Eucken. Eucken’s independent, interdisciplinary approach with to his economic ethics significant link between philosophy and economics, market and morality seems to be predestined as the foundation of mediation for dialogue, for a merging of integrative economic ethics and moral economics. Eucken stresses a balance of performance and human dignity, of freedom to present equality and humanity - without having to drawing on the primacy of economics or ethics. Thus Eucken provides a way out of the conflict of objectives of efficiency and equity and is thus capable of connection both in an ethical and an economic perspective.

      • KCI등재

        Reformulating South-North Korean Economic Integration

        Moon-Soo Yang Ewha Institute of Unification Studies 2014 Journal of peace and unification Vol.4 No.2

        The paper endeavors to reformulate South-North Korean Economic Integration theory by applying the recent changes in circumstances. For purpose of the study, the paper briefly summarizes and assesses the existing discussions of South-North Korean economic integration, and presents the views of the author on some of challenges and key issues to provide materials for further discussions in the area. Representative and classic discussions on economic integration theories are whether the economic integration is going to be radical or gradual. Considering these two, the former has the challenge of bearing huge burden of economic integration expenses, and the latter has weaknesses having gaps between necessity and reality. A recent discussion of “gradual economic integration after the radical political integration” is relatively active in debates. However, the temporary separation scheme of the North Korean economy connotes potential conflict between politics and economics. Peace Economy theory and economic theory of the Korean Peninsula in the range of gradual integration are somewhat weak in terms of concreteness and reality. There are several key issues to examine in order to map out a theory concerning South-North Korean economic integration. First is the purpose of debates on South-North economic integration theory. Generally, three stances are argued about: achieving political integration, peaceful coexistence, and increasing economic welfare of both Koreas. In addition, different approaches to economic integration, namely dichotomous approach and structural approach, should also be considered. Furthermore, taking a look at the philosophical views or the worldviews on unification should not be neglected. That is about whether to see North Korea as the “object” or the “subject” of the reunification of Korea. According to choices among these approaches and perspectives, a preferred form of economic integration, discussion methods, and a form of feasible manner of the economic integration will all naturally vary. Setting a few directions in promoting economic integration of South-North Korea is also necessary. First, at the beginning, promoting functional integration is preferable in advance of gradually increasing the proportion of institutional integration. Based on vertical integration with priority, elements of horizontal integration should be gradually added over time. And both North and South Korea should conduct a system reform and connect it with South and North Korean economic integration, concurrently proceeding with innovation and integration. South and North Korean economic integration should also be promoted in conjunction with Northeast Asian economic cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        아시아 사회주의의 경제토대에 관한 일고찰

        박제훈 ( Jehoon Park ) 한국비교경제학회 2022 비교경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        본 논문은 아시아 사회주의의 존속 근거를 마르크스의 사적 유물론 특히 경제토대 분석에서 찾아보기를 시도한다. 이를 위해 우선 2장에서 사적 유물론의 생산력과 생산 관계 및 경제토대의 정확한 개념 분석을 바탕으로 엥겔스와 양적(楊適)의 아시아 생산 양식론을 검토한다. 3장에서는 막스 베버의 사회학적 틀로 본 아시아 사회주의의 경제 토대를 분석한다. 여기서는 경제토대와 상부구조와의 상호작용을 가산제적 국가 및 독서인 신분 계급을 중심으로 분석한다. 이어 베버 분석의 한계를 중국 상품경제 발전에 대한 경제토대 분석에 의해 보완한 양적의 연구 결과를 살펴본다. 4장에서는 현대 경제학의 제도주의적 접근 분석인 Greif와 Roland의 연구를 살펴본다. 5장에서는 본 연구를 요약하고 결론을 추론해 본다. 과거 천년, 이천 년 전의 씨족 소유제도 또는 경제토대가 21세기 오늘날의 중국 사회주의에 가지는 의미는 무엇인가? 이에는 두 가지 경로가 있을 수 있다. 하나는 Greif들처럼 고대 경제토대의 핵심 요소가 오늘날에도 이어지는 경로이다. 이 시각에서는 씨족 소유제도 정확히 말하면 개인 소유가 아니라 개인이 미분화된 가족 소유제도 같은 경제토대가 오늘날 사회주의 중국에서 일정한 영향력을 끼친다고 본다. 다른 하나는 Roland처럼 고대 경제토대를 이루었던 제도들이 당시의 사람들의 의식에 영향을 끼치어 고대의 철학이나 종교, 사상을 낳았고 그것들이 오늘날의 인간들의 의식과 가치에 영향을 끼치는 경로이다. 오늘날 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 시작된 소위 제2차 냉전 시대에 자유 민주주의와 권위주의라는 가치의 대립이 본격화되는 상황에서 의미있는 시각이다. 베버의 가산제적 국가나 Roland의 공산당 지배의 현대 중국의 국가처럼 경제토대도 아니고 상부구조도 아닌 제3의 경로를 생각할 수 있다. 여기서 다만 잠정적으로 내릴 수 있는 결론은 사적 유물론적 시각에서 경제토대가 상부구조를 결정하지만 상부구조도 경제토대에 영향을 끼친다는 베버의 시각도 같이 고려하는 중용적 입장이 의미가 있다는 점이다. This study attempts to find the basis for the existence of socialism in Asia in Marx’s historical materialism, especially in the analysis of economic base. To this end, Chapter 2 examines Asiatic mode of production theory based on an accurate conceptual analysis of the productive forces, production relations, and economic base of historical materialism. Chapter 3 analyzes the economic base of socialism in Asia viewed through Max Weber’s sociological framework. Here, the interaction between the economic base and the superstructure is analyzed focusing on the patrimonial state and the reading class. Next, we look at the results of a Chinese study that supplemented the limitations of Weber’s analysis by analyzing the economic base for the development of China’s commodity economy. Chapter 4 examines the work of Greif and Roland, an analysis of the institutionalist approach of modern economics. Chapter 5 summarizes this study and draws conclusions. What is the meaning of the clan ownership system or economic base of the past thousand or two thousand years ago for socialism in China today? There can be two paths to this. One is the path that, like Greif, a key element of the ancient economic base continues today. From this point of view, the clan ownership system, to be precise, not individual ownership, but an economic base such as family ownership system, exerts a certain influence in today’s socialist China. The other is the path through which institutions that formed the economic base of ancient times, such as Roland, influenced the consciousness of the people at the time, giving birth to ancient philosophies, religions, and ideas, and these influence the consciousness and values of today’s people. Today, it is a meaningful perspective in the context of the conflict between the values of liberal democracy and authoritarianism in the so-called Second Cold War era, which began in earnest after the war in Ukraine. A third path is conceivable that is neither an economic base nor a superstructure, such as Weber’s patrimonial state or Roland’s communist-dominated state in modern China. A tentative conclusion here is that it is meaningful to take a moderate position that considers Weber’s view that the superstructure affects the economic base together with a historical materialist perspective that the economic base determines the superstructure.

      • KCI등재

        규제행정법상의 경제적 효율성에 대한 고찰 - 규제행정법의 경제적 분석을 위한 경제학적 방법론의 기초 -

        김판기 ( Pan Ki Kim ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2013 홍익법학 Vol.14 No.1

        The objective of this study is to provide the theoretical foundation for economic discussion required to accurately understand regulations - a target subject in regulatory administrative laws - and to present an economic analytical framework for regulations in the context of regulatory administrative laws by applying economic methodologies to actual practices. Science of Law and Economics are academic fields that require interdisciplinary research, and such a need is more acute in regulatory administrative laws. Research subjects for both regulatory administrative laws and economics (public economics, in particular) are almost identical in terms of economic regulations, and only vary in the viewpoints that they are perceived from-either legal or economic. Among methodologies used to analyze the subjects in particular, those used in economics are very useful. These methodologies work as significant tools in social regulations as well. Regulations in regulatory administrative laws need to be defined separately from regulations in general terms. Both regulations in the context of existing theoretical definitions and regulations in regulatory administrative laws were taken into consideration in defining the regulations in regulatory administrative laws, based on which meanings behind economic analyses of the laws in the context of regulatory administrative laws were ascertained. The foremost step in this discussion was to focus on reviewing the implications of economic efficiency in regulatory administrative laws. In analyzing regulations as a subject matter of regulatory administrative laws, it is clear that economic methodologies play a vital role; however, applying economic conclusions to regulatory administrative laws, rather than using economic methodologies to interpret in a normative manner in the context of regulatory administrative laws should be cautioned against. In other words, economic methodologies should be applied only if they are understood from a regulatory point of view by reflecting legal perspectives that include general principles of administrative law.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 시대의 경제개발구 정책: 특징, 평가 및 전망

        임을출 한국동북아경제학회 2015 동북아경제연구 Vol.27 No.3

        Kim Jung Eun has continued to promote economic development strategy based on the establishment of economic special zones, updating the domestic laws on “economic special zones,” and reorganizing various departments responsible for attraction of foreign investments. North Korea identifies these “economic zones” as the “core projects for the state’s external economic development“. Therefore, to better under North Korea’s external economic/trade policy, it is essential to understand and analyze its economic special zone projects. This paper will first analyze and evaluate the current state of North Korea’s special economic zones as the hallmark(emblem) of Kim Jung Eun’s foreign economic policy, with the purpose of predicting its success. The paper will also focus on the North Korea’s perspectives and intentions toward its economic zones. As North Korea’s SEZs(special economic zones) appear to be largely modeled after the experiences of China, comparative analysis to China’s past SEZs will also be discussed. Finally, (in light of China’s past experience), the paper will predict the possibility of North Korea SEZs’ success in the attraction of foreign investments, and the necessary conditions for their further economic success. It is not an understatement to say that the success of Kim Jung Eun’s SEZ policy depends of the successful inflow of foreign investments/ventures. Therefore, the success of North Korea’s SEZs may require the regime to adopt/implement more robust features of market economy. However, at the present time(even disregarding the political, security factors), the prospect of North Korea’s successful implementation of its own SEZs appear to be low. While there are individual variations, the SEZs of North Korea(particularly in comparison to China’s experience) lack necessary social infrastructures, business support systems, or even cultural and social services for its employees and residents. In addition, all the current North Korean SEZs are located away from the major urban areas, do not guarantee free travel, customs, communication, and has inadequate autonomy in the areas of business/economic management.

      • 한반도 신경제지도 녹색화 전략 연구

        이정호 ( Jeongho Lee ),박송미,이경원,정행운,이현우,박준현 한국환경정책평가연구원 2019 기본연구보고서 Vol.2019 No.-

        본 연구는 현 정부의 남북 경제 협력의 근간으로 자리 잡은 한반도 신경제지도 구상의 본격적 실행에 대비하여, 신경제지도 내 3대 경제 협력 권역의 개발에 대한 지속가능성의 확보와 제고를 위한 녹색화의 비전 및 목표, 전략 수립 방향을 설정하는 것을 주된 목적으로 수행되었다. 2017년 베를린 선언으로 본격화된 한반도 신경제지도 구상은 H 형태의 경제 협력 권역을 중심으로 남북한 간 포괄적이고 지속가능한 경제 협력을 위한 가장 기본적인 틀이며, 경제적 협력과 더불어 개발에 따른 환경적 악영향의 최소화 및 남북한 간 환경 협력의 개념도 포함되어 있는 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 본 구상이 이행 단계로 전환될 경우 북한의 환경적 이슈는 현재와는 다른 양상을 나타낼 가능성이 크며, 이에 대한 남북 협력 차원의 대비는 구상 내에 포함되지 않아, 자칫 ‘선 개발 후 보전’으로 대표되는 우리의 과거 경제 발전절차를 그대로 답습할 우려도 있다. 또한 한반도 신경제지도 구상은 장기간에 걸쳐 이행될 것이고, 한국 사회의 지속가능발전 수준에 맞춰 진행되어야 할 필요가 있는바, 신경제지도의 계획 단계에서 북한의 환경 수준 향상을 충분히 고려한 전략의 삽입이 꼭 필요하며, 본 연구에서는 녹색화 전략의 추가가 필수적으로 선행되어야 한다. 녹색 전환 개념에 따른 우리나라 사회의 녹색화를 위한 세부 방안은 정치/제도적 방안, 경제/산업 분야, 사회/일상관계 부문으로 구분된다. 정치/제도적 부문으로는 녹색국가선언, 환경헌법 제정, 환경부총리제 도입, 주류정책(산업, 복지, 문화, 교육 등)의 녹색화, 개발-보전부서의 통합, 녹색자치분권의 확장, 국제환경협력 강화 등이 있으며, 경제/산업 부문으로는 환경가치의 내부경제화, 에너지의 친환경적 전환, 산업-국토-환경정책의 연동, 생물경제(권)의 육성, 혁신적 녹색기술(예: 탄소포집기술)의 도입, 녹색소비의 확장, 사회적 경제 육성, 로컬자립경제 육성 등이 있다. 사회/일상관계 부문에서는 시민환경권의 구체화, 환경서비스의 공평한 배분, 환경약자의 구제, 환경교육의 확대, 환경민주주의의 활성화, 환경윤리와 책임의 강화 등이 세부방안이 될 수 있다 해외 사례 분석에 따르면, 노르딕 국가연합과 우리나라 학계에서 논의되고 있는 녹색화 및 녹색 전환은 미래세대를 위한 국가 운영 시스템이 지금 현재보다 더욱 강하게 지속가능 하여야 하며, 이를 위해서 극한에 가까운 순환경제체제 구축과 인류 및 생태계 위협 화학물질에서의 완전 해방을 목표로 국가를 운영하여야 함을 강조한다. 중국과 쿠바의 경우는 경제 성장 우선의 갈색 발전이 국가의 미래를 보장하지 못한다는 위기를 타파하기 위해 모든 국가 기간산업을 녹색화하고 분산형 오염물질 무배출 산업을 육성해야 한다. 전자의 경우는 기본적인 지속가능발전이 국가 정책에서 균형 있게 주류화를 달성하였을 경우에 가능한 것이라고 판단되며, 지속적 환경오염이 미래세대의 발전을 저해할 것이라는 국가 차원의 반성이 중국의 녹색 전환 계획 수립을 이끌어 낸 것으로 나타났다. 현재 한반도 신경제지도 구상의 추진 상황과 한국 사회의 녹색화 현황, 해외 사례 분석결과를 종합하여, 향후 한반도 신경제지도 구상이 이행 단계로 진입하였을 때를 대비한 큰 틀에서의 녹색화 전략 방향을 수립, 제시하였다. 한반도 신경제지도 구상의 이행에서 가장 큰 장애 요인은 현재 효력을 발휘하고 있는 유엔 대북제재로, 이것이 상당한 수준으로 완화되지 않을 경우 인프라 중심의 남북 협력 사업은 불가능하며, 신경제지도 구상 자체의 이행 역시 원점에서 재검토될 가능성이 높다. 그러나 최근 미-중 간 무역 갈등과 한-일 간 경제보복 등 한반도 주변 정세에 영향을 줄 수 있는 비정상적인 이벤트가 속출하고 있으며, 이에 대한 전망에 따라 대북제재 및 남북 관계의 변화가 발생할 수 있다. 한반도 신경제지도 구상의 녹색화 전략은 경제-환경의 상호작용으로 대표되는 비대칭적 지속가능발전, 남북 간 동일한 환경 보전 수준의 영위 및 상호 간 무한 신뢰와 배려의 세 가지 기본 원칙하에 그 뼈대와 세부 전략이 수립되어야 하며, 이를 기초로 큰 틀에서의 녹색화 전략을 다음과 같이 수립하였다. 먼저, 한반도 신경제지도의 녹색화’라는 비전하에 ‘경제와 환경이 상생하는 지속가능한 남북협력 실현’을 전략의 목표로 설정하였고, 공통 기반 조성을 위해 환경정보의 생산 및 공유, 환경 관련 남북 간 법-제도 개선과 남북 간 자연 및 생활환경 공동조사를 제안하였다. 녹색화 전략은 단기와 장기로 구분하여 수립하였으며, 단기적 전략에는 사전예방적 접근, 계획 간 상호작용 의무화, 녹색 환경기초시설, 그린 인프라 및 LID 적용이 포함되었고, 장기적 전략에는 경협 권역별 통합환경관리, 녹색경제 시스템 구축 및 운영, 경제 및 환경 자립형 경협 특구 건설이 포함되었다. The main purpose of this study was to establish the green vision, goals and strategic direction for securing and enhancing sustainability in the development of the three major economic zones within the new economic map, in preparation for the full-scale implementation of the Korean Peninsula New Economic Map Initiative, which is the basis of the current government's economic cooperation between the two Koreas. The "New Economic Map of the Korean Peninsula" initiative, which was launched in earnest with the Berlin Declaration in 2017, is believed to be the most basic framework for comprehensive and sustainable economic cooperation between the two Koreas, along with economic cooperation, and the concept of environmental cooperation between the two Koreas. However, if the initiative is moved to an implementation stage, North Korea's environmental issues are likely to show a different aspect from the current one, and its inter-Korean cooperation level arrangements are not implicit within the initiative, which could lead to a follow-up of our past economic development procedures, which are often represented by "first development and preservation." In addition, the new economic map of the Korean Peninsula will be implemented over a long period of time and needs to be carried out in line with the level of sustainable development of Korean society, the insertion of a strategy that fully considers the improvement of North Korea's environmental level at the planning stage of the new economic map is essential, and the addition of a greening strategy must be preceded in this study. The detailed measures for the greening of our society according to the concept of green transition are divided into political/institutional measures, economic/industrial sectors, and social/ daily relations sectors. The political/institutional sectors include declaring green countries, enacting environmental constitution, introducing an environment deputy prime minister system, integrating mainstream policies (industry, welfare, culture, education, etc.) and integrating development-reservation departments, expanding green autonomy, strengthening international environmental cooperation, and the economic/industrial sectors internal economic value, eco-friendly conversion of energy, linkage of industrial-to-environment policies, and fostering bio-economic technologies. In the social and daily sectors, detailed measures can be taken to clarify civil environmental rights, equitable distribution of environmental services, relief of the weak, expansion of environmental education, revitalization of environmental democracy, and strengthening environmental ethics and responsibilities The analysis of overseas cases, especially the green and green transition being discussed by the Nordic Cooperation and the nation's academia, stresses that the national operating system for future generations should be more strongly sustainable than it is now, and to this end, the nation should operate with the aim of establishing an extreme circular economic system and completely liberating chemicals that threaten human beings and ecosystems. The case of China and Cuba calls for the greenization of all national key industries and the promotion of decentralized pollution-free industries to overcome the crisis that economic growth-first brown development does not guarantee the future of the country. In the former case, it was judged possible if basic sustainable development achieved mainstreamization in a balanced manner in national policy, and it was shown that national reflection that continuous environmental pollution would hinder the development of future generations led to China's green transition plan. Based on the current situation of promoting the new economic map of the Korean Peninsula, the status of greening of Korean society, and the results of the analysis of overseas cases, the direction of greenization strategy was established and presented in a large framework in case the new economic map of the Korean Peninsula enters the implementation phase. The biggest obstacle to the implementation of the new economic map initiative on the Korean Peninsula is the U.N. sanctions against North Korea, which are currently in effect, and if the sanctions are not eased to a considerable degree, infrastructure-oriented inter-Korean cooperation projects will not be possible, and the implementation of the new economic map itself is likely to be reviewed from the ground up. However, recent trade conflicts between the U.S. and China and economic conflicts between South Korea and Japan have led to a spate of unusual events that could affect the situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula, and their prospects could lead to sanctions against the North and changes in inter-Korean relations. Based on the three basic principles of asymmetrical sustainable development represented by economic-environment interaction, the status of the same level of environmental preservation between South and North Korea, and mutual infinite trust and consideration, the strategy for greening in a large framework was established as follows. First, under the vision of greening the new economic map of the Korean Peninsula, the government set 'realizing sustainable inter-Korean cooperation in which the economy and environment coexist' as the goal of its strategy, and proposed the production and sharing of environmental information, improvement of the law-system related to the environment, and a joint investigation for natural and ambient environmental status between the two Koreas for the purpose of creating a common. The strategy for greening was established by dividing it into short-term and long-term, and short-term strategies included proactive approach, mandatory inter-planning interaction, green environmental infrastructure, green infrastructure and LID application, and long-term strategies included integrated environmental management, green economic system establishment and operation by economic and environmental self-reliant economic cooperation zones.

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