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        북극해 항로의 동해루트가 독도문제 등에 미치는영향 연구 -안보・군사 등 지정학적 측면을 중심으로-

        박성황 한일군사문화학회 2021 한일군사문화연구 Vol.31 No.-

        중국의 부상에 따라 미중 패권경쟁이 가시화되고 있는 현실에서 미국・일본・인도・호주가 주도하는 <인도-태평양 전략>과 중국이 주도하는 <일대일로 비전>이 각각 새로운 해양질서를 구축하고자 한다. 이같은 새로운 해양질서 충돌의 시행착오 무대는 세계 도처의 해양지역이다. 이런 와중에서 한국은 3면이 바다인 점에서 새로운 양대 해양전략의 충돌에서 예외적으로 존재할 수 없는 상황이다. 특히 동해바다는 미국과 가장 강력한 동맹국인 일본의 서해안 전지역과 연결되어 있어 일본으로서는 해양안보상 급소와 같은 중요성을 지닌 지역이다. 한편, 바람직하지 않는 지구온난화 현상으로 인해 ‘북극해의 역설’이 성립되어 냉대와 불모의 지대로 인식되었던 북극지방이 활기를 띠게 되고 북극해 항로가 각광을 받는 이변이 진행되고 있다. 기상학적 이변과 기존 물류수송의 제반 문제점들로 인해 북극해 항로의 필요성이 더욱 제기되고 있는데 남방항로에 비해 북극해 항로는 항행거리가 국가와 도시에 따라서는 60%까지 단축될 수 있다. 또한 말라카해협과 수에즈운하를 경유하는 남방항로가 해적출몰과 주변국들의 분쟁 등 잦은 해상사고로 인해 오래전부터 대체항로가 필요한 상황이었다. 이러한 이유로 물류수송의 원활화에 전력을 경주하고 있는 상당수의 국가들은 북극해 항로에 관심을 갖고 있음은 물론, 북극해 개발 등에도 적극 참여하고자 하는 것이 현실이다. 그중에서도 중국은 북극해에 접해 있지도 않고, 북극에서 무려 3,000km나 떨어져 있지만, 스스로를 ‘근북극국가(近北極國家)’로 규정하면서 북극 문제의 중요한 이해당사자(Stakeholder)로서 북극에 개입할 권리가 있다고 주장하고 있다. 이같은 상황에서 개설되는 북극해 항로중 독도 인근을 통과하는 동해루트는 한・중・일 삼국은 물론 유럽국가들과 북극연안국가들도 이용하는 국제적 해로로 이용될 가능성이 크다. 이중 동해 루트를 가장 많이 이용할 것으로 예상되는 중국이 동 항로 본격 운항을 계기로 동해에서의 해양세력을 확대할 가능성이 높고 미국과 일본이 이를 견제할 가능성이 크다. 이러한 과정에서 독도를 한 가운데 두고 있는 동해루트에는 제반 위험요소가 산재해 있다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 이러한 강대국들의 해양전략 충돌과 북극해 항로 개설시 예상되는 동해루트 주변의 제반 위험요소를 공격적 현실주의 입장에서 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 동지나해와 남지나해, 센카쿠열도 등에서 미국・일본・동남아국가들과 해양 세력갈등을 진행중인 중국이 최근들어 동해에 대해서도 해양세력을 확대하려는 움직임과 중・러의 군용기 합동훈련 등 일련의 위험요소 들의 배경과 의미를 조명해 보고 이같은 움직임이 북국해 항로 동해루트에 미치는 영향을 점검해 본다. 보다 구체적으로는 독도영유권 문제 부상, 미・일 대(對) 중국의 해양세력 갈등 그리고 한・미・일 대(對) 중・북・러 대립구도에서 오는 마찰 등으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 또한 이에 대한 우리 정부의 대책으로는 첫째, 북극해 항로 개설이 현실화되기 이전에 정부차원에서 울릉도와 독도 근해를 항행하는 외국선박에 대한 종합적인 대책을 마련해야 한다. 둘째, 북극해 항로중 동해루트 운항부분에 대해서는 적어도 한국이 주도권을 확보할 수 있어야 한다. 우리가 창의적이고 선제적인 방법으로 주변국을 리드하는 자세가 필요하다. ... With the rise of China, competition for supremacy between the United States and Chnia is becoming visible, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy led by the United States, Japan, India, and Australia and the One-to-One Road Vision, led by Chnia, each seek to establish a new maritime order. The trial and error stage of this new ocean order conflict is in maritime regions all over the world. In the midst of this, Korea cannot be exceptionally present in the conflict between the two new maritime strategies as the three sides are sea. In particular, the East Sea is connected to the entire west coast of Japan, the most powerful alliance with the United States, so it is an area of equal importance to Japan for maritime security. Meanwhile, due to the undesirable global warming phenomenon, the “paradox of the Arctic Ocean” has been established, and the Arctic region, which was recognized as a cold and barren region, is invigorated, and The Arctic Ocean Route is in the limelight. The East Sea Route, which passes near Dokdo, among the Arctic Sea routes opened by such changes in the global environment, is highly likely to be used as an international sea route used by European countries and Arctic coastal countries as well as Korea, China and Japan. Of these, China, which is expected to use the East Sea route the most, is highly likely to expand maritime power in the East Sea with full-scale operations on the East Sea route. There is also a concern that the East Sea region will turn into a sharp confrontation between Korea, the United States, Japan and China, Russia, and North Korea. Therefore, this paper aims to geopolitically examine the propulsion trends of neighboring countries on the Arctic Ocean route and the confrontation of maritime forces in Northeast Asia, as it is necessary to analyze the collision dynamics of the East Sea route brought about by the East Sea route in advance. In particular, China, which is in conflict with the US, Japan, and Southeast Asian countries in the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Senkaku Islands, has recently moved to expand its maritime power in the East Sea as well as the background of a series of risk factors such as joint training of military aircraft between China and Russia. Let’s shed light on the meaning and examine the effect of this movement on the East Sea route of the Northern Sea route. As a countermeasure by the Korea government, first, before the opening of the Artic Ocean route becomes a reality, the government should prepare comprehensive countermeasures for foreign ships navigating near Ulleungdo and Dokdo. second, Korea should be able to secure at least the initiative in the East Sea route operation part of the Artic Ocean route. It is necessary for us to lead the neighboring countries in a creative and proactive way. Third, cooperation with South Korea, Japan, North Korea, and Russia, which actually have terrtorial sovereignty on the East Sea, is important. This paper pointed out the need to strengthen Korea’s status by developing a cooperative channel for the East Sea countries, including the need for cooperation between Korea and Russia. In the East Sea route of the Arctic Ocean, Dokdo is located in the middle of the East Sea regionally, and if we deal with it well, it can be located at the center of international exchanges and mutual interests. But if we don’t deal with it properly, it can be positioned at the center of international friction and conflict.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 러시아의 북한 동북부 진출과 유라시아 동부지역 Pivot area의 성격

        이영형 국가안보전략연구원 2014 국가안보와 전략 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper is to apprehend geopolitical characteristic of pivot area ineastern area of Eurasia that is being expressed when geopolitical strategy ofChina and Russia infiltrate deeply. The center of the pivot area in Eurasianeast is the East Sea rim region, with Korean peninsular in center. East Sea isimportant geopolitical point in which sea power and land power surround thearea. There's a high possibility of collision in the East Sea rim when landpower expands while sea power impose blockade policy. the pivot area isemerged as conflict area. Though there are some internal conflicts between the sea power and landpower blocs among the cooperation and conflictive relationship of the nationsaround the East sea rin, but the major variable that defines geopoliticalcharacteristic of North Korea's north east area and East Sea will be thecompetition securing profit line among the sea powers and land powers. AsChina's growth and its go east policy and Russia's stance of valuing Asia andits go south policy are getting detailed, the dividing lines of the East sea andWest sea implicitly agreed during the Cold War period, are stirred up. Theexisting profit lines of East and West Sea are threaten. Influence expansion of land power advancing to N. Korea's north easternregion and Port Rajin interferes S. Korea's security policy. To shut out Chinaand Russia's exclusive management of N. Korea's northern part and northerncoast of East Sea, S. Korea should actively engage the development project onthese region. S. Korea' participation of <Rajin-Hassan Project> must be pushedahead under the full support from the government. Also, security consultativeinstitute on East Sea rim must be formed to secure needed securitycircumstance on Korean peninsular while comprehending the geopolitical80 국제문제연구(2014·가을)characteristics of Russia's go south and China's go east policy. 본 글은 중국과 러시아의 지정전략이 북한의 북동부 지역으로 침투되면서 나타나는 유라시아 동부지역 Pivot area의 지정학적 성격을 파악하는 것으로 한다. 유라시아 동부지역 Pivot area의 중심부는 한반도를 중심으로 하는 환동해 지역이다. 동해는 해양세력과 대륙세력이 감싸고있는 지정학적 요충지이다. 대륙세력의 팽창정책과 해양세력의 봉쇄정책이 동일 해역에서 충돌될 가능성이 높아지고 있다. 유라시아 동부지역 Pivot area가 갈등의 무대로 전환되고 있다. 환동해 국가간 협력과 갈등관계에서 해양세력 및 대륙세력 블록 내의내재적 갈등이 존재하지만, 북한 북동부 및 동해의 지정학적 성격을 결정짓는 주요 변수는 해양세력과 대륙세력간의 이익선 확보 경쟁이다. 중국의 성장 및 동진정책, 그리고 러시아의 아시아 중시정책 및 남진정책이 구체화되면서 냉전기에 묵시적 동의하에 구획된 서해 및 동해 분단선이 요동치는 듯하다. 해양세력이 서해와 동해에 구축해 놓은 기존의 이익선이 불안해 지고 있다. 북한 북동부와 나진항으로 진출하고 있는 대륙세력의 영향력 확장 움직임이 한국의 안보정책에 영향을 미친다. 중국과 러시아가 북한의 북부지역 및 동해 북부 연안을 독점적으로 관리하는 그러한 상황을 차단하기 위해서, 한국이 북한의 북동부 지역 개발사업에 보다 적극적으로 참여해야할 것이다. <Rajin-Hassan Project>에 한국의 참여는 정부의 지원 아래 보다 적극적으로 추진되어야할 것이다. 그리고 러시아의 남진정책과 중국의 동진정책이 지닌 지정학적 성격을 파악하면서, 한반도안보환경 구축에 필요한 환동해 안보협의체를 구축해야할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 남$\cdot$서해 및 동중국해 북부해역에 출현하는 수온전선

        양영진,김상현,노홍길,YANG Young Jin,KIM Sang Hyun,RHO Hong Kil 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        한국 남$\cdot$서해 및 동중국해 북부 해역에 나타나는 표층수온 전선의 위치, 형태, 시기별 변동상황, 전선형성기구 등을 규명하기 위하여 1991년부터 1996년까지 국립수산진흥원에서 NOAA 화상자료로부터 구한 표면수온분포도와 제주도청 어업지도선 등을 이용하여 월별로 관측한 제주해협 해양관측자료를 이용하여 분석 정리한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 한국 남$\cdot$서해 및 동중국해 북부 해역에 형성되는 연안형 및 외해형 전선대 양상은 여러 가지 Pattern으로 구분되어 진다. 즉, 1월부터 4월까지 한국 남$\cdot$서 연안역에 나타나는 "L" 자형의 연안형 전선대와 제주도 남서쪽 해역에 북서에서 남동방향으로 길게 형성되는 빗금형 ($\setminus$)의 외해형 전선대가 제주도 서쪽 해역에서 서로 마주치지 않아 "L" 자의 "-"를 비스듬히 세운 형상의 동계형 (ㄴ) 전선대가 형성된다. 그리고 6월부터 8월까지 한국 남$\cdot$서해 연안역에만 전선이 나타나는 "L" 자형의 하계형전선대, 5월과 9월, 10원에 나타나는 한국 남$\cdot$서해의 "L" 자형 연안역 전선대와 제주도 남서해역의 외해형전선대가 제주도 주변에서 서로 마주쳐 "Y" 자가 왼편으로 누운 것과 같은 삼거리 모양의 춘$\cdot$추계형 ($\succ$) 전선대가 형성된다. 또 11월과 12월에 나타나는 한국 남해연안역의 직선형의 연안형 전선대와 제주도 남서해역의 외해형 전선대가 제주도 서쪽에서 마주쳐 "$\angle$" 모양으로 되는 늦가을형으로 대별된다. 2. 전선의 단기변동 경향은 수일 이내에는 그 위치가 크게 이동하지 않고, 또 한국 남해 연안역 전선대보다 제주도 남서해역 전선의 위치 변화가 크다. 한국 남해연안역에는 주년 연안형 전선대가 출현하며 이 전선대는 대체로 동계에 연안역에 가장 접근하고 춘$\cdot$추계에 가장 남쪽으로 이동하는 남북 이동을 하며, 제주도 남서해역 외해형 전선대는 대마난류 분포범위의 계절변화와 같이 동계에는 가장 서쪽에, 춘 추계에는 가장 동쪽에 형성되는 동서방향 이동이 있고 한국 남서해역 연안형 전선대도 주년 나타나지만 3월, 4월, 11월에 가장 약화된다. 3. 제주해협에는 추자도에서 여서도 또는 청산도를 잇는 선 부근에 주년 표층수온 전선이 형성되고, 또 11월$\~$1월을 제외한 시기에 제주도 연안에는 하계에 환(Ring-shaped)의 조석전선이 나타나며 특히 5월과 10월에는 제주도 동쪽과 남쪽에 제주도 연안수와 대마난류수간에 전선이 형성되어 한국 남해의 연안형 전선대와 제주도 남서해역의 외해형 전선대를 연결하고 있다. SST (Sea Surface. Temperature) fronts which were found in the South-West Sea of Korea and the northern area of the East China Sea were examined in order to clarify their positions, shapes, seasonal changes and the formation mechanism, For this study used SST data rearranged from the SST IR image during 1991 to 1996 and oceanographical data obtained by National Fisheries Research and Development Institute. Temperature front in the Cheju Strait was analyzed by the data obtained from a fisheries guidance ship of Cheju Provincial Government, The coastal frontal zone in the South-West Sea of Korea and the offshore frontal zone in the northern area of the East China Sea can be divided into several types (Type of Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn and late Autumn), Short term variations of SST fronts have a tendency not to move to any Bleat extent for several days. The location of the frontal zone in the southwestern sea of Cheju Island changes on a much large scale than that of the one in the southern coast of Korea, The frontal Tone, formed every year in the southern sea of Korea approaches closer to the coastal area in winter, and moves closer to the south in spring and autumn. The frontal zone of the southwestern sea of Cheju Island moves in a westerly direction from the east, and reaches its most westerly point in the winter and its most easterly point in the summer related to the seasonal change of the Tsushima Current. Additionally, the frontal zone of the southwestern sea of Korea becomes extremely weak in March, April and November. SST fronts are formed every year around the line connecting Cheju Island to Yeoseo Island or to Chungsan Island in the Cheju Strait. A Ring-shaped tidal mixing front appears along the coastal area of Cheju Island throughout the year except during the months from November to January. Especially, in May and October fronts are formed between the coastal waters of Cheju Island and the Tsushima currents connecting the frontal zone of the coastal region in the southern sea of Korea with that of the southwestern sea of Cheju Island.


        Distribution characteristics of marine litter on the sea bed of the East China Sea and the South Sea of Korea

        Lee, Dae-In,Cho, Hyeon-Seo,Jeong, Sun-Beom Academic Press in association with the Estuarine a 2006 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science Vol.70 No.1-2

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The types, quantities, and distribution of marine litter found on the sea bed of the East China Sea and the South Sea of Korea are surveyed. Surveys were evaluated using bottom trawl nets during 1996–2005 cruises. Mean distribution densities were high in coastal seas, especially in the South Sea of Korea offshore from Yeosu, with 109.8kg km<SUP>−2</SUP>, and low in the East China Sea, with densities of 30.6kg km<SUP>−2</SUP>. Fishing gear, such as pots, nets, octopus jars, and fishing lines, accounted for about 42–72% and 37–62% of litter items in the East China Sea and the South Sea of Korea, respectively, whereas the contributions of rubber, vinyl, metal, plastic, glass, wood, and clothing were below 30% mainly. Rope and drum composition fluctuated greatly, between 54% and 0%. Eel and net pots dominated the marine debris of the South Sea of Korea, and some vinyl, plastics, and fishing gear made in Korea, China, and Japan were collected in abundance in the East China Sea. Fishing gear was probably discarded into the sea, deliberately or inadvertently, by fishing operations. A comprehensive joint approach by Korea, China, and Japan is needed for the continuous monitoring of input sources, the actual conditions, and the behavior of marine litter for protection against litter pollution and fisheries resource management in this area.</P>

      • KCI등재

        한국 중심 ‘環韓國海’ 해역의 설정과 역사적 전개

        김보한(Kim, Bohan) 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2013 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.41

        현재 우리에게는 ‘환태평양’처럼 바다를 중심으로 해상권역을 설정하는 새로운 용어가 필요하다. 역사적으로 서해는 중국과 한국의 관계, 남해와 동해는 일본과 한국의 관계를 설명할 때 자주 거론되어 왔다. 그리고 서해, 남해, 동해는 남조(북조)-백제-왜를 연결하는 해상교통로와 당-청해진-규슈의 네트워크, 발해-일본과의 교역의 통로였다. 따라서 고구려, 백제, 신라의 해상활동 영역을 하나로 통섭해서 부를 수 있는 ‘환삼국해’의 설정이 필요하다. 고려는 초기부터 해상교통로로서 서해와 남해를 적극 활용하였다. 특히 류큐에서 발견되는 고려 문화의 흔적을 보면, 한반도를 중심으로 서해·남해·동해·․동중국해·필리핀 해역에 이르는 ‘Y자형’의 소통의 공간이 존재하였다. 따라서 서해, 남해, 동해, 필리핀 해역까지 해상활동을 하나로 통합해서 부를 수 있는 ‘환고려해’의 설정이 가능하다. 조선시대에 들어오면서 현재 우리가 사용하는 서해, 남해, 동해라는 같이 세 개의 바다 명칭이 고착화되었다. 그런데 현재 우리의 바다 명칭인 ‘황해’와 ‘조선해’라는 용어가 19세기 이전 한국의 역사에서 사용된 적이 없다. ‘황해’와 ‘조선해’는 서양인에 의해 만들어진 용어로서 근현대적 의미를 담고 있는 해역 용어이다. 따라서 작금 학계에서 사용하는 ‘환황해교역권’과 ‘환황해문화’는 우리의 역사성을 반영해서 ‘환서해교역권’, ‘환서해문화’으로 부르는 것이 타당하겠다. 그리고 우리의 바다 명칭으로서 ‘환삼국해’, ‘환남북국해’, ‘환고려해’, ‘환조선해’ 등을 포괄하는 ‘환한국해’라는 새로운 용어를 사용하는 것이 어떨까. 그 이유는 역사지리 용어의 올바른 선택과 현재 동아시아에서 한반도 해역의 지정학적 중요성 때문이다. Now we have to require the new term which define the sea-oriented marine power zone like ‘Circum-Korean Sea.’ In history, the western sea has been frequently mentioned in explaining the relation of Korea and China and the southern sea and the eastern sea have been frequently mentioned in explaining the relation of Korea and Japan. The western sea, the southern sea and the eastern sea were the sea lane which linked Nan Chao(China), Paekje(Korea) and Woe(Japan), the network of Tang(China), Shilla(Korea) and Kyushu(Japan) and the trade route from Balhae(Korea) to Japan. Therefore, we call for the set-up of ‘Circum-Samkuk Sea’ that include the area of marine activity of Koguryeo, Paekje and Shilla. Koryeo early made the best use of the western sea and the southern sea as a sea lane. In particular, the remains of Koryeo in the Ryukyu Islands suggested that the Y-shaped communication sphere including the western sea, the southern sea, the eastern sea, the East China Sea and the Philippine sea around Han peninsular existed. Therefore, it is possible to set up ‘Circum-Koryeo Sea’ including the western sea, the southern sea, the eastern sea, the East China Sea and the Philippine sea. Names of the western sea, the southern sea and the eastern sea were established in the Joseon period. And, the term of ‘Joseon sea’ appeared in the later Joseon period. Then, the name of ‘Yellow Sea’ which we use in present not appear in history. Therefore, it is suggested that ‘Yellow Sea’ is named by Westerner. It is better to call the trade zone of ‘Circum-Western Sea’ and the culture of ‘Circum-Western Sea’ which reflect our history than the trade zone of ‘Circum-Yellow Sea’ and the culture of ‘Circum-Yellow Sea’ which has been used in the academic world. Moreover, What say to use a new name of ‘Circum-Korean Sea’ including ‘Circum-Samkuk Sea’, ‘Circum-Koryeo Sea’ and ‘Circum-Joseon Sea’. Because ‘Circum-Korean Sea’ around Korea has the validity of geopolitical factor and historical geography term.

      • KCI등재

        Chemical compositions and biological activities of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea

        Geun-Hyeong Kim,Hyeon-Ho Park,Pathum Chandika,Seok-Chun Ko,Kyung-Mi Jung,Sang Chul Yoon,Taeg-Yun Oh,김영목,정원교 한국수산과학회 2019 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.22 No.2

        Background: Marine invertebrates are well known as pivotal bioresources with bioactive substances such as antiinflammatory sterols, antitumor terpenes, and antimicrobial peptides. However, there are few scientific reports on chemical compositions and bioactivities of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea. Methods: In this study, chemical compositions and biological activities were evaluated on both 70% EtOH and hot water extracts of 5 species of marine invertebrates (Crossaster papposus japonicus, Actinostola carlgreni, Stomphia coccinea, Actinostola sp., and Heliometra glacialis) collected from the East Sea of South Korea. The antioxidant activities were measured by ABTS radical scavenging assay. The cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory activity were evaluated using MTT and Griess reagents. Moreover, the antibacterial effect was evaluated using paper disc assay and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay. Results: In the results of antioxidant activities, 70% EtOH extract of A. carlgreni showed the highest activity (IC50 0.19 ± 0.03 mg/ml) compared to other extracts. Moreover, 70% EtOH extract of A. carlgreni could significantly suppress the nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7. All extracts treated under 400 μg/ml have no cytotoxic effects on RAW 264.7 macrophages. In the antibacterial test, both 70% EtOH extracts of C. papposus japonicus and H. glacialis showed a significant antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus. The MIC values were evaluated at 256 and 512 μg/ml, respectively. Conclusions: These results suggested the bioactive potentials of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications.

      • Seismic reflection study of acoustic basement in the South Korea Plateau, the Ulleung Interplain Gap, and the northern Ulleung Basin: Volcano-tectonic implications for Tertiary back-arc evolution in the southern East Sea

        Kim, G.B.,Yoon, S.H.,Chough, S.K.,Kwon, Y.K.,Ryu, B.J. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co 2011 Tectonophysics Vol.504 No.1

        In order to understand the volcano-tectonic evolution history of the East Sea back-arc basin, this study focuses on the seismic characteristics of acoustic basement, based on the multi-channel seismic reflection data acquired from the South Korea Plateau, the northern Ulleung Basin, and the Ulleung Interplain Gap. According to the seismic reflection characteristics, the ''acoustic basement'' in the study area can be classified into three types. Type-A acoustic basement is a remnant of rifted continental crust comprising relatively shallow-seated continental margin platforms, elongated ridges, and equidimensional blocks in the South Korea Plateau and its vicinities. Type-B acoustic basement is volcanic sills/flows-sediments complexes infilling the rift-controlled basement lows in the South Korea Plateau, the Ulleung Interplain Gap, and the northern Ulleung Basin. Type-C acoustic basement is a cluster or chain of volcanic edifices which shows internal facies variation from main body to apron slope facies. Volcanic activities identified in the types-B and -C acoustic basements can be classified into three stages based on the volcano-stratigraphic correlation with the existing stratigraphic framework. Stage-1 volcanism is characterized by a fissure-type eruption represented by scattering volcanic cones and mounds (type-C), and volcanic sills and lava flows interlayering with syn-rift sedimentary units (type-B). Early-stage continental rifting prior to the Middle Miocene most likely controlled this volcanism. Stage-2 volcanism is characterized by ENE-WSW trending chain of volcanic edifices (type-C) along the northern margin of the Ulleung Basin and Ulleung Interplain Gap. During the Middle Miocene, the weakening of back-arc extension might have resulted in limited volcanic eruption, which formed elongate volcanic fields across the Ulleung and Yamato basins. Stage-3 volcanism is represented by highly peaked volcanic islands and seamounts (type-C) showing vertically stacked apron slopes in seismic cross-sections. This vertical stacking pattern is indicative of multiple eruption events from a single eruption center at least from the Late Miocene to the Quaternary. Expanded volcanic age-control, based on volcano-stratigraphic and isotopic age dating, reveals that the volcanic activities in the southwestern and southeastern East Sea show similar spatio-temporal variations. This implies that the entire southern East Sea has experienced almost same volcano-tectonic evolution during the Cenozoic back-arc evolution. Especially, the stage-2 volcanic chain along the northern Ulleung Basin and the Yamato Seamount Chain in the Yamato Basin matches in their eruption timing (ca. 12Ma) and geomorphic properties (i.e., direction of the volcanic chains and distances from subduction zone), which strongly suggests the existence of regional-scale chain volcanism across the southern East Sea. Considering the chemical properties of volcanic rock samples from the volcanic chain in association with the suggested tectonic frameworks during the Tertiary, the remnant magma source derived from the waning mantle convection most likely fed the volcanic chain in the terminal stage of back-arc opening.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Chemical compositions and biological activities of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea

        Kim, Geun-Hyeong,Park, Hyeon-Ho,Chandika, Pathum,Ko, Seok-Chun,Jung, Kyung-Mi,Yoon, Sang Chul,Oh, Taeg-Yun,Kim, Young-Mog,Jung, Won-Kyo The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 2019 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.22 No.6

        Background: Marine invertebrates are well known as pivotal bioresources with bioactive substances such as anti-inflammatory sterols, antitumor terpenes, and antimicrobial peptides. However, there are few scientific reports on chemical compositions and bioactivities of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea. Methods: In this study, chemical compositions and biological activities were evaluated on both 70% EtOH and hot water extracts of 5 species of marine invertebrates (Crossaster papposus japonicus, Actinostola carlgreni, Stomphia coccinea, Actinostola sp., and Heliometra glacialis) collected from the East Sea of South Korea. The antioxidant activities were measured by ABTS radical scavenging assay. The cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory activity were evaluated using MTT and Griess reagents. Moreover, the antibacterial effect was evaluated using paper disc assay and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay. Results: In the results of antioxidant activities, 70% EtOH extract of A. carlgreni showed the highest activity ($IC_{50}\;0.19{\pm}0.03mg/ml$) compared to other extracts. Moreover, 70% EtOH extract of A. carlgreni could significantly suppress the nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7. All extracts treated under $400{\mu}g/ml$ have no cytotoxic effects on RAW 264.7 macrophages. In the antibacterial test, both 70% EtOH extracts of C. papposus japonicus and H. glacialis showed a significant antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus. The MIC values were evaluated at 256 and $512{\mu}g/ml$, respectively. Conclusions: These results suggested the bioactive potentials of marine invertebrates from the East Sea of South Korea in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications.

      • KCI등재

        A Joint Fishing Plan between ROK and DPRK in the East Sea

        정영훈,이상고 한국해양수산개발원 2014 해양정책연구 Vol.29 No.2

        This study aims to design a joint fishing zone in a certain area of the East Sea, in terms of fisheries cooperation between the Republic of Korea(ROK: South Korea) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK: North Korea), under the regime of the 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ). For better relation between the two Koreas, it is suggested to develop a joint fishing plan in a certain area of the East Sea. The size of the proposed fishing zone will be about 60-nautical mile wide and about 188-nautical mile long from the assumed territorial sea lines. To successfully establish the joint fishing zone, several systems such as management, organization, agreement parties, jurisdiction over fisheries vessels, surveillance, and enforcement will be needed. In conclusion, when set by both Koreas, the joint fishing zone could not only contribute to better relation of the two Koreas and rational utilization of fisheries resources, but might partially solve the current boundary disputes between both Koreas.

      • KCI등재

        포용사회의 인식적 타자들: 외부인에 대한 환동해지역 미디어의 내러티브 고찰

        김석희 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2019 人文論叢 Vol.49 No.-

        The programs that feature others (or foreigners) in the media of the Korean East Sea Rim (South Korea, China, and Japan) commonly involve westerners as guests to view the portraits of the country newly drawn by their perspectives or to confirm the globalization of the society through their familiarization and understanding of the culture of the country. Such situation is also found in South Korea. In the case of South Korea, however, programs that feature married immigrant women from South-East Asia or North Korean defectors living in South Korea, who are social minorities, are being broadcast (e.g. Fierce Fight in Multicultural Families and Now, I’m Going to Meet You). This aspect of South Korea is different from those of the other countries. Such programs that show the inclusiveness of the Korean society, however, treat the married immigrant women or North Korean defectors as others in their own ways. Although the recent Korean East Sea Rim societies emphasize policies on inclusion and coexistence, sincere inclusion or coexistence cannot be achieved as long as others are being treated differently. 환동해지역(한,중,일)의 미디어에서 외부인(또는 외국인)을 출연자로 하는 프로그램들은 공통적으로 서양인들을 주된 출연자로 하며 그들의 시선에 의해 새롭게 조명되는 자국의 모습을 확인하거나 그들이 자국의 문화`를 익히고 이해하는 모습을 통해 세계성을 획득한 자기 사회를 확인하는 방식으로 구성된다. 한국 역시 큰 흐름에서는 비슷하다. 다만, 한국의 경우, 사회적 마이너리티인 동남아 출신 결혼 이주 여성이나 탈북정착민들이 주인공으로 출연하는 프로그램, 즉 <다문화 고부열전>과 <이제 만나러 갑니다>가 방영되고 있다. 이것은 환동해지역의 다른 국가와 차별되는 부분이다. 그러나 또 한편, 한국사회의 포용성을 나타내는 것으로 보이는 이들 프로그램은 결혼이주 여성이나 탈북정착민들을 드러나지 않는 방식으로 타자화한다. 최근의 환동해지역 사회는 모두 포용이나 공존을 정책슬로건으로 걸고 있지만, 인식적으로 타자를 만들어내는 이상 진정한 포용이나 공존은 이루어질 수 없다.

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