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      • KCI등재

        인천국제공항 자유무역지역의 경쟁력 증대방안

        이강빈(Lee Kang-Bin) 한국문화산업학회 2006 문화산업연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Korean government is planning to develop the Incheon International Airport and it surrounding area into a logistics hub of Northeast Asia. In accordance with the Free Trade Zones Act, Incheon International Airport Corporation is in charge of developing and operating the free trade zone which is located at the Airport Logispark(300,000 pyong) and the Cargo Terminal Area(330,000 pyong). The Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone was opened in March 30, 2006. The airport free trade zone plays an important part for the promotion of international logistics. So the purpose of this paper is to make research on the promotion method of the competitive power of the Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone for the building of a logistics hub of Northeast Asia. As the promotion methods for the competitiveness of the airport free trade zone, it is recommended to improve the administrative assistance system of investment and moving in, to raise the efficiency of logistics and information circulation, to select the strategic industry and grant the epochal incentives, to assist the taxes for facility investment and improve the customs duty administration, to enlarge the connecting logistics system of sea & air, to educate the logistics expert manpower, and to strengthen the inducement activity of foreigner's invested enterprises. Conclusively, in order that the Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone may perform the role as an advanced base of the logistics hub of Northeast Asia, the government and operational authorities of the airport free trade zone have to operate efficiently the airport free trade zone and promote its competitive power. Korean government is planning to develop the Incheon International Airport and it surrounding area into a logistics hub of Northeast Asia. In accordance with the Free Trade Zones Act, Incheon International Airport Corporation is in charge of developing and operating the free trade zone which is located at the Airport Logispark(300,000 pyong) and the Cargo Terminal Area(330,000 pyong). The Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone was opened in March 30, 2006. The airport free trade zone plays an important part for the promotion of international logistics. So the purpose of this paper is to make research on the promotion method of the competitive power of the Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone for the building of a logistics hub of Northeast Asia. As the promotion methods for the competitiveness of the airport free trade zone, it is recommended to improve the administrative assistance system of investment and moving in, to raise the efficiency of logistics and information circulation, to select the strategic industry and grant the epochal incentives, to assist the taxes for facility investment and improve the customs duty administration, to enlarge the connecting logistics system of sea & air, to educate the logistics expert manpower, and to strengthen the inducement activity of foreigner's invested enterprises. Conclusively, in order that the Incheon International Airport Free Trade Zone may perform the role as an advanced base of the logistics hub of Northeast Asia, the government and operational authorities of the airport free trade zone have to operate efficiently the airport free trade zone and promote its competitive power.

      • KCI등재

        면세물류 3PL 활성화를 위한 고객만족요인에 관한 연구

        신정철,이동명,이승배 한국고객만족경영학회 2019 고객만족경영연구 Vol.21 No.4

        This research was to investigate the factors affecting customer satisfaction of logistics and logistics companies corresponding to customers in order to activate 3PL in the duty-free logistics industry in Korea. As a research method, a survey was conducted on the logistics company practitioners(17 persons) through the literature survey of the preceding studies, and the relative importance of each factor was identified through the AHP hierarchy analysis. The shipper company showed that service quality(0.491) was the most important, and it was analyzed that the most important thing was to improve the service quality provided to end consumers, which can be called end-users. 3PL operating companies need to continuously improve their service quality in order to satisfy their customers as shipper company. In particular, it is necessary to focus on improving customer responsiveness. As end-user customer needs are diversified and customized, it is possible to improve customer satisfaction as a shipper company by developing a customer analysis system that can identify and respond to them. 본 연구는 우리나라 면세물류산업에서의 3PL을 활성화를 위해 고객에 해당하는 물류화주기업의 고객만족에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 규명하고자 진행하였다. 연구방법으로는 선행연구들의 문헌조사를 통해 물류화주기업 실무자들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시(17명)하였으며, AHP 계층분석을 통해 각 요인들 간의 상대적 중요도를 파악하였다. 물류화주기업은 서비스품질(0.491)을 가장 중요시하는 것으로 나타나, end-user라고 할 수 있는 최종 소비자들에게 제공되는 서비스품질을 향상시키는 것을 가장 중요하게 관리하는 것으로 분석되었다. 3PL 운영기업에서는 물류화주기업이라는 고객을 만족시키기 위해서는 서비스품질을 지속적으로 향상시킬 필요가 있으며, 특히 신속한 고객 대응성을 집중적으로 개선해나갈 필요가 있는 것으로 판단된다. End-user 고객의 요구는 다변화, 맞춤화되어 가고 있음으로 이를 파악하고 대응할 수 있는 고객분석 시스템의 발전을 통해 물류화주기업이라는 고객의 만족도를 향상시킬 수 있다.

      • 중국의 항만배후단지 운영제도에 관한 고찰

        조경우,강윤호,김만홍 한국해양대학교 세계해양발전연구소 2012 세계해양발전연구 Vol.21 No.-

        The recent changes in the logistics environment has emphasized the importance of value-added features as the evaluation factors of port competitiveness. In this environment, the competitiveness of the port is switched by the competitiveness of the port hinterland. In particular, China has been strengthening the investment and construction of the port hinterland. Since the first Bonded Port of China-Shanhai yangshan Bonded Port was founded in June, 2005, Bonded Port has achieved a lot after decades of development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operating systems on port hinterland in China and to derive the implications of policy by comparative analysis of each operating system over the main contents, each of the functions and roles. In order to perform this, firstly, this study introduces the development condition of hinterland in China now after examining the various concepts on port hinterland in China, that is, Duty-Free Zone, Export Processing Zone, Bonded Logistics Park and so on. Then, In order to analyze the features and preferential policies, this study conducts the comparative analysis of each operating system on port hinterland in China, among Duty-Free Zone, Export Processing Zone, Bonded Logistics Park and so on. Finally, this study suggests the implications of policy based on the above the results of analysis.

      • KCI등재

        면세품이 자유무역지역을 경유한 국제환적화물인지 여부에 대한 법적 고찰

        김천수 한국경제법학회 2016 경제법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Duty free goods industry has been developing very rapidly but still needs to be further developed. In free trade zones, to increase the quantity of the transported goods, the customs duty for the transhipment cargos can be exempted and the bonded warehouse can be rented at a cheap price. Recently it is highly disputed whether duty free goods can be regarded as transhipment cargos or not. While the Incheon District Court and Seoul High Court made conflicting rulings on this issue, there has been no legal discussion on it so far. I want to offer the basis for the future decision of the Supreme Court, futhermore contribute to the Logistics and distribution industry. I first dealt with the legislative system of Korean free trade zone and those of other countries such as US, China, Taiwan, Singapore and then analyzed the legal issues of transhipment cargos and duty free goods. Finally I concluded that the duty free goods can not be regarded as transhipment cargos, but positive policy for the duty free goods industry is strongly required. 면세품은 국내 유통산업 중에서도 매우 비약적으로 발전하고 있을 뿐 아니라 중국과의 관계에서도 그 육성정책이 절실히 요구되고 있는 분야이다. 한편 자유무역지역은 동북아시아의 물류허브 육성정책의 일환으로 그 지역 내에서 관세를 유보하는 한편 물류활동의 촉진과 환적물동량의 확보를 위하여 국제환적화물에 대하여는 임대료 등의 우대조치를 시행하고 있는바, 일시 자유무역지역에 머물렀다 국외로 반출되는 면세품이 국제환적화물에 해당하여 그 우대조치를 받을 수 있는지가 뜨거운 현안이 되고 있다. 면세품이 국제환적화물에 해당하는지에 관하여 이미 분쟁이 제기되어 1심과 2심이 엇갈린 판결을 내린 가운데 대법원 판단을 기다리고 있는바, 이를 물류․유통법의 관점에서 전반적으로 검토하고 체계화하여 대법원의 판단에 기초를 제공하여 법적 현안을 해결하고, 나아가 자유무역지역의 물류활동을 촉진함과 동시에 유통산업 발전에 기여할 필요가 있다. 이 글에서는 면세품과 국제환적화물이 경유하는 자유무역지역 제도에 대하여 먼저 간략히 살펴 본 다음, 면세품이 국제환적화물에 해당하는지 여부를 판단하기 위하여 국제환적화물의 3가지 개념 징표인 ‘국제’, ‘환적’, ‘화물’의 관점에서 면세품의 법적 성격을 분석하여 현안에 대한 결론을 도출하고, 아울러 면세품 보세창고를 자유무역지역에 위치하게 하여 그 지리적 위치를 활용하게 할 것인지 또 그 임대료를 우대할 것인지는 정책적 판단임을 환기시킨다.

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