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      • KCI등재

        음주행태 및 운전행태와 음주운전과의 관계

        강병수(Kang, Byung Su),김진형(Kim, Jin Hyung) 한국도시행정학회 2011 도시 행정 학보 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the factors of drinking/driving behavior and drunk driving. The tools include factors of drinking frequency, drinking quantity, frequency of excessive drinking, drinking quantity upon excessive drinking, drinking speed and drinking plans in order to measure the drinking behavior. As for the criterion for measuring the driving behavior, the criterion that had been delivered from Danne Parker’s DBQ and translated by Jeon-jin Park and others has been used. The frequency of drunk driving has been measured by being reported by the persons themselves on the number of drunk driving done for the last 6 months, and the habitual drunk drivers are defined as drivers who have drunk driving experiences of 6 times or more for the period of 6 months. Factorial analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and T-test method have been used for data processing. As a result of the study, both the drinking behavior and the driving behavior turned out to be in positive relationship, and the drinking behavior rather than the driving behavior is identified to have more relevance to the drunk driving. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that while there is no difference in driving behavior between the habitual drunk drivers and the simple drunk drivers, there is difference in drinking behavior between them. In the last part, the control of drinking behavior as well as the role of the community for the prevention of drunk driving has been emphasized on the basis of the results of the study, and the future study project has been proposed.

      • KCI등재

        성격, 인지, 사회적 환경 및 음주행동과 음주운전간의 관계

        채규만,류명은 한국임상심리학회 2002 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of the study is to find out the psychological characteristics of drunk drivers and alcoholic drunk drivers and the seriousness of drinking driving, and thus to make a effective reducing plan and to develop an effective remedial program for the drunk drivers. The ANCOVA was performed to test hypothesis about the personality characteristics, the perceived environments, and the cognitive and behavioral factors, controling the demographic variables. The results of the study are as follows: First, the drunk drivers tend to be more careless and impulsive, and showed problematic drinking and deviant behaviors than the non-drunk drivers. They reported that their peers also had a more neglected attitudes about drinking driving than those of the non-dunk drivers. Second, the 72.7% of drunk drivers were classified as alcoholic based on MAST. Third, non-drunk drivers, non-alcoholic drunk drivers, alcoholic drunk drivers were evaluated based on personality traits, perceived environment, cognitive, factors, on behavioral factors. The results demonstrated that the alcoholic drunk drivers tend to be more impulsive, deviant, isolated, sarcastic, independent-minded than non-alcoholic drivers. Alcoholic drunk driver`s peers tended to ignore the risky consequences of drinking driving, and did frequently drinking driving. In addition, the alcoholic drunk drivers tend to exhibit a very serious problematic drinking behaviors, and showed antisocial behaviors such as traffic violations. Finally, The step-wise regression analysis demonstrated that the deviant behaviors such as traffic violation was the most important variable explaining and related to drinking driving. The problematic drinking, peer`s attitudes about drinking driving, perceived possibility of having an accident and being arrested for drinking driving were significant variables explaining for drinking driving. According to the results, the development of effective remedial education program designed to deal with drunk drivers is very important and necessary as well as a legal and institutional preparation.

      • KCI등재

        음주운전 실태 및 유발요인에 관한 연구

        박동균,박은미 한국치안행정학회 2010 한국치안행정논집 Vol.7 No.1

        음주운전에 대한 균형적인 대응이 필요함에도 불구하고 음주문화의 개선이나 홍보를 통한 국민의 음주운전에 대한 인식제고 전략은 미흡한 것으로 판단된다. 이와 같은 미흡한 대처로 인해 음주운전으로 인한 교통사고 부상이나 사망자의 비율은 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 이처럼 음주운전 예방을 위한 실증적인 연구를 위해 본 연구에서는 다양한 관점에서의 음주운전 유발요인을 살펴본다. 그 결과 음주운전은 사고와 직결된다는 응답이 80.9%로 높게 나타났으며, 또한 음주운전은 대형사고의 원인이 된다가 90.0%에 이르고 있어서 음주운전에 대한 홍보와 교육, 법적 규제정책이 필요하다. 특히 개인적 성격, 음주운전에 관한 기본적 인식, 음주문화, 음주행동이 음주유발에 미치는 영향요인을 살펴본 결과, 개인적 성격, 음주운전에 관한 기본 인식, 음주행동이 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 개인적 성격 유의수준은 0.00, 음주운전에 관한 기본인식 유의수준은 0.00, 음주행동 유의수준이 0.04이므로 통계적으로 유의미 하였다. 음주운전 유발에 가장 많은 영향을 주는 요인은 7.174로 개인적인 성격인 것으로 분석되었으며, 그 다음으로 음주운전에 관한 기본인식이 6.762로 분석되었다. 마지막으로 음주행동이 1.990으로 음주유발에 가장 낮은 영향을 미치는 것으로 보인다. 한편, 음주문화가 음주운전 유발에는 크게 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 음주운전을 유발하는데 음주후 개인적인 의사결정과 기본적인 인식이 중요하므로 음주운전자의 처벌기준에 대한 교육 및 홍보를 강화하고, 단속계획 및 처벌실적을 공개하는 등의 방법이 필요하다. 즉 음주운전자에게 안전운전의 중요성 및 안전운전 습관을 가질 수 있도록 교육해야 하며, 음주운전을 반복하는 사람들에 대해서는 보다 효과적인 치료 프로그램이 제공되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 음주운전 예방을 위해서는 단일차원의 접근을 하기 보다는 개인적 성격, 음주운전에 관한 기본 인식, 음주행동 등 다차원적인 사전 예방정책이 필요하다. 궁극적으로 음주운전을 근절시키기 위해서는 운전자에게 술을 권하는 문화가 사라져야 하며, 교통경찰의 체계적이고 지속적인 단속과 처벌이 병행되어야 할 것이다. 음주운전은 신호위반과 같이 단순한 교통위반행위가 아니라 본인과 다른 운전자의 생명을 뺏을 수도 있는 범죄행위라는 인식이 사회에 정착되어야 할 것이다. 결국 음주운전은 본인에게는 자살행위이며, 타인에게는 살인행위인 범죄행위임을 스스로 인식해야 하고, 우리 사회도 이에 대해 용납하지 않는 분위기가 절실하다. Legal regulations have been partially employed to deal with the problems of drunken driving, which accounts for the poor improvement drinking culture and lack of strategies to enhance people's awareness about drunken driving through publicity. Despite the continued crackdowns on and guidance about drunken driving by law enforcement, drunken driving by the general people continues to increase. In this context, this study tried to identify the comprehensive factors which trigger drunken driving and to find the effective policies from foreign case, thus offering the revitalizing measure to improve the preventive policy for drunken driving. As a result of drunk driving accidents and drunken driving in status is directly linked to 80.9% response was higher, but also drinking and driving is a major cause of the accident reached the 90.0% in education and awareness about drunken driving, legal and regulatory policies is needed. Personal characteristics, basic awareness about drinking and driving, drinking culture, trigger drunken driving factors affecting the results show, personal character, a basic awareness of drunk driving, drinking behavior was significant at. Trigger drunken driving factors affecting most affected tends to be individual factors were analyzed as 7.174, followed by a basic awareness of drinking and trigger drunken driving 6.762 to affect induction was analyzed, and alcohol drinking behavior induced effect seems to be the lowest. Lastly, in terms of educational and preventives, the following measures were suggested as necessary, such as drivers' education on the important of safe driving and safe driving habits, strengthening of publicity policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Crime Prevention by Strengthening REGULATIONS on Drunk Driving

        Kwanghyun Park J-INSTITUTE 2021 Regulations Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss the countermeasures against drunk driving regulations in terms of crime prevention because drunk driving is not a simple traffic crime but a potential murder. One methodology would be to raise the punishment for drunk driving and to improve the public s awareness and conduct regular traffic accident prevention education so that fundamental problems can be solved and have high efficiency and normative power. In Korea, the ‘Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes, etc.’ and ‘Road Traffic Act’ were amended in Korea following the case of Yoon Chang-ho , who died in a drunk driving accident in 2018. Drunk driving is a very dangerous behavior, as it can endanger your life as well as the lives of others. Even if an accident does not occur, such an act is a violation of the Road Traffic Act and therefore carries criminal responsibility. In terms of general crime prevention, the penalties for drunk driving are becoming stricter than in the past. In the improved system, even if the blood alcohol level is 0.03% or more and less than 0.08, imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine of not more than 5 million won is imposed. In the case of two or more violations of the strengthened regulations, imprisonment for not less than 2 years and not more than 5 years, or a fine of not less than 10 million won and not more than 20 million won. What used to be a three-out was changed to a two-out for drunk driving. However on November 25, 2021, the Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of the Road Traffic Act, which required uniform and aggravated punishments for drunk driving more than twice, were against the Constitution(Constitutional Court 2021.11.25, 2019Hunba 446, etc.). In addition, if you injure a person while driving, you will be punished by imprisonment for not less than 1 year and not more than 15 years in prison, or a fine of not less than 10 million won to not more than 30 million won(Before the amendment, in case of death while driving under the influence of alcohol, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than one year). Drunk driving accidents can lead to criminal punishment, administrative sanctions, and even civil lawsuits. Keep in mind that drunk driving can be a potential killer on the road. Even if you didn t harm anyone, just drinking and driving can be a big hit in society. Method: Injuries and deaths due to drunk driving are on the rise. As a countermeasure against this, the standards and level of punishment for drunk driving are being strengthened. First, let s look at the legal punishment for drunk driving through the laws related to drunk driving. Second, we examine the severity of the damage caused by drunk driving through statistics such as drunk driving accidents, injuries, and deaths in current Korean society. Third, as a comparative legal review, by examining foreign laws on drunk driving accidents, matters to be referred to in Korean laws and regulations are reviewed. Fourth, I would like to make a legislative proposal by reviewing the problems and improvement plans of the drunk driving legal system. Previous studies on drunk driving have mainly focused on strengthening the punishment for drunk driving. This study intends to review the general crime prevention aspect by not only strengthening punishment but also changing the public s perception through education. Results: Drunk driving affects not only drunk drivers, but also others and society. It is necessary to keep in mind that drunk driving is a potential homicide, and the prohibition of drunk driving should be strengthened. In addition, if the general prevention effect can be successfully established and nudged against the offenses of drunk drivers, social costs can be reduced.

      • Binge drinking and drinking and driving among South Korean international college students in the USA

        Sa, J,Seo, D-C,Nelson, TF,Lohrmann, DK,Ellis, NT SAGE Publications 2015 HEALTH EDUCATION JOURNAL Vol.74 No.1

        <P><B>Objective:</B></P><P>To investigate two risky behaviours (i.e. binge drinking and drinking and driving) and their individual- and college-level correlates among South Korean international college students in the USA</P><P><B>Design:</B></P><P>Cross-sectional online survey (student response rate = 41.6%).</P><P><B>Setting:</B></P><P>South Korean college students (<I>N</I> = 1201) were recruited from 52 different four-year universities in the USA in 2009.</P><P><B>Method:</B></P><P>Self-reported binge drinking, drinking and driving, smoking, study-related stress, life dissatisfaction, region lived in, and type of university attended, were assessed using already-validated instruments.</P><P><B>Results:</B></P><P>A total of 92% of the sample reported at least one occasion of binge drinking in the previous 30 days. Among those who had driven a motor vehicle in the previous 30 days (<I>n</I> = 950; 79% of the overall sample), 67% had engaged in drinking and driving. Students’ binge drinking was positively associated with current cigarette use and higher levels of life dissatisfaction at college and study-related stress. Students’ drinking and driving was also positively associated with higher levels of life dissatisfaction at college and study-related stress. These relationships were stronger among students attending private institutions than among those attending public institutions. While both college-level correlates (university region and university type) were significantly associated with drinking and driving, none of the college-level correlates were significant in the binge drinking models.</P><P><B>Conclusion:</B></P><P>A very high proportion of South Korean international students attending colleges in the USA appear to engage in binge drinking and drinking and driving. Development of intervention programmes designed specifically for them is necessary.</P>

      • 음주운전 단속과 개입기법의 다양화 방안

        전대양 동국대학교 행정대학원 2004 행정논집 Vol.31 No.-

        음주운전 단속과 개입에는 처벌만으로 소기의 성과를 거둘 수 없다. 이는 국내는 물론이고 선진외국에서도 공히 지적되는 사항이다. 그 이유는 처벌을 아무리 강화해도 음주운전이 줄어들지 않는다는데 있다. 대부분의 국가에서 음주행위를 정상행위의 하나로 보고 있고, 음주로 인한 사건 사고에 관대한 경향이 있는 것도 큰 몫을 하는 셈이다. 위와 같은 점에 착안하여 우리의 형사사법기관도 단속과 개입에 다양화를 기하고 있다. 그러나 줄어들기는커녕 오히려 늘어나는 것이 음주운전이다. 이에 본고는 음주운전으로 인한 피해의 최소화를 도모하기 위해 우리의 현실에 유효하다고 생각되는 단속과 개입방법들을 소개하거나 개발하고 있다. 이러한 단속과 개입방법들은 다음과 같다. 먼저 홍보활동의 강화로 소책자·브로셔·스티커의 적극 활용, 음주운전을 반대하는 시민단체의 육성, 대리운전제도의 입법과 정착 등을 강조하고 있다. 둘째로 단속방법의 다변화와 관련하여 주간단속의 상시화, 이륜차의 중점단속, 단속방법의 기계화, 톨게이트 단속방식의 기계화 등을 주장하고 있다. 마지막으로 개입방법의 다양화를 기하기 위해 죄의식이나 부끄러움을 활용한 개입방법, 음주운전 처벌 수위의 재고, 자율규제 방식의 권장, 지명운전자제의 정착, 음주운전자의 사회복귀 등을 제시하고 있다. Alcohol consumption has long been considered as one of the most serious public health problems in Korea. In addition, drinking driving also has been recognized as a major contributing factor in automobile accidents and alcohol-related traffic deaths and injuries in Korea. Considerable effort has been made over the years to reduce the frequency and severity of the drinking-driving automobile accidents, but drinking driving still remains a major social problem. Among different approaches of drinking-driving intervention, the most common ones are the punitive measures. Many researchers believe that punitive measures alone fail to deter the drinking-driving problem. So, other approaches, such as reeducation, rehabilitation, treatment, and a mixture of these are also in practice today. Studies indicated that reeducation or treatment program had effect on first-time or repeat drinking-driving offenders. So, this paper presented multiple control and intervention measures, such as brochure distributing, self-assessment of blood alcohol content, designated driver program, ignition interlock system and so on.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 음주운전사고의 추이 분석

        천성수,조정아 알코올과 건강행동학회 2011 알코올과 건강행동연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives: Because road traffic accidents are related in alcohol strongly, most countries prohibit drink-driving. Korea also prohibits drink-driving under the Road Traffic Act during the last 20 years. Continuous legislative efforts have been made to update and renew drink-driving laws, ordinances and regulations from 1989 to 2011, and this has resulted in the formation of the present legislations. But drink-driving is one of the major causes of deaths and injuries in Korea until today. The aim of this study is to analyze trends of drink-driving accidents, fatalities, and related indexes of Korea. Methods: We reviewed the Road Traffic Accident in Korea reported by Road Traffic Safety Authority from 1998 to 2010. For figuring out drink-driving related accidents we calculated accident rate, fatality rate, and injury incidence rate caused by drink-driving per 100,000 persons from 1998 to 2010. The other drink-driving related accidents indexes were calculated by the same criteria. The Road Traffic Acts, the Enforcement Ordinances, and Enforcement Regulations from 1989 to 2011 have been reviewed, put in order according to the landmarks of the laws. The periods of the drink-driving policy were divided into two stages according to big changes of the laws: the first stage is from 1999 to 2005 and the second stage is from 2005 to 2010. T-test was applied to compare means differences of rates between the drink-driving policy stages, and correlation co-efficient were calculated. Results: Means of drink-driving accident rate per 100,000 persons have been decreased from first stage to the second stage (p<.1). Mean of fatality rate per 100,000 persons of the first stage was 2.15 and the second stage was 2.88 (p<.1). Fatality rates have been decreased dramatically during the last 12 years, and correlation co-efficient was -.740 (p<.01). Drink-driving accidents rate of age group 16-20 has been decreased, but age group over 50 has been increased during the observational period. Conclusion: The drink-driving countermeasures in Korea were effective to reduce accidents and deaths caused by drink-driving. Although drink-driving accidents have decreased during the last 12 year, proportion of accidents among total road traffic accidents has been increased and is still high.

      • KCI등재

        음주운전에 의한 복수 운전면허취소처분 판례의 문제점과 관련법제의 개선방안 - 대법원 2018.2.28.선고 2017두67476 판결을 중심으로 -

        이상만 ( Lee Sang-man ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2018 홍익법학 Vol.19 No.2

        현행 도로교통법 및 제반 관련 법규에서는 일정 자격을 취득한 해당 운전자에 한하여 운전면허 자격을 부여하고, 각 개별적 요건을 갖춘 경우에 복수의 운전면허를 발급함으로써 운전자의 운전면허를 통합관리하고 있다. 또한 음주운전 등 운전자가 준수해야 할 안전주의의무를 위반한 경우에는 운전자격을 박탈하는 등의 행정제재를 규정하고 있다. 오늘날 자동차 운전은 생활의 편리함을 추구하는 도구를 넘어 생계수단과 밀접한 관련이 있지만, 이러한 자동차 이용의 증가와는 달리 국민들의 자동차 운전에 대한 안전주의의무의 인식은 상대적으로 부족하다. 특히, 음주운전과 관련해서는, 한 번쯤 누구나 행할 수 있는 실수 정도로 취급하며 관용을 미덕으로 생각하는 것이 사회적 분위기였다. 그러나 지속적으로 증가하는 음주운전에 따른 사회 문제와 사회전체가 부담해야 하는 경제적 손실비용의 증가로 인해 음주운전은 더 이상 용인되어야 할 개인의 문제가 아니라 함께 공동대응해야 할 사회문제가 되었다. 이런 사회분위기를 반영하듯, 최근 대법원은 2018. 2. 28. 선고 2017두67476 판결을 통해 음주운전에 대한 일반 예방적 측면을 적극 반영하여 복수의 운전면허 취소가 위법·부당하지 않다는 내용을 판시하였다. 이 판결은 음주운전에 대해 현재 우리나라는 외국에 비해 제재가 약하기 때문에 음주운전 근절을 위해 제재를 강화하는 등의 예방적 대책이 필요하다는 측면에서 볼 때, 환영할 만한 판결이다. 반면, 과거의 유사한 사례와 음주운전에 의한 복수 운전면허의 취소범위가 상이한 결과를 가져왔다는 점에서는 그 타당성이 검토되어야 할 판례이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 음주운전에 의한 복수 운전면허 취소와 관련한 기존 판례의 입장과 최근 대법원 판결을 비교 고찰하는 방법을 통해서 그 차이점과 문제점을 분석하고, 이를 기초로 일선 행정처분을 행하는 공무원들이 업무를 수행함에 있어 불필요한 혼란을 예방하고 행정행위의 실효성을 확보하기 위해 관련법제인 도로교통법 및 동법 시행규칙 등의 제반규정에 대한 개선방안을 모색함으로써 통일성 있는 행정제재와 행정기관의 재량권 행사의 기준을 마련하고자 한다. The current Road Traffic Act and all the related legislations are integrally managing a driver's license through giving the driver's license qualification with limiting to a corresponding driver who acquired the certain qualification, and through issuing multiple driver's license in case of having each individual requirement. Also, an administrative restriction such as disqualifying driving is being provided in case of violating safety precaution obligation that a driver will need to abide by such as drunk driving. A vehicle driving of the day has a close relationship with a means of living beyond a tool of pursuing the convenience of life. But people's recognition of safety precaution obligation on vehicle driving is relatively lacking unlike this rise in vehicles. Especially in terms of drunk driving, it was social atmosphere to think of generosity as a virtue with treating it just as a mistake that anybody can make at one time or another. However, due to a social issue according to drunk driving of growing continuously and to a rise in economic loss costs that the whole society needs to bear, the drunk driving resulted in a social issue of needing to be jointly confronted together, not a personal problem of being likely needed to be allowed any more. As if this social atmosphere is reflected, the Supreme Court ruled the contents as saying that the multiple driver's license revocation is not illegal and undue, through positively reflecting the generally preventive aspect on drunk driving recently through the Feb. 28, 2018 sentence-2017du67276 Judgment. As for drunk driving, this judgment is the one enough to be welcomed when considering from the aspect of being necessary for preventive measures such as stepping up a restriction for eradicating the drunk driving because our country has a weaker sanction against drunk driving compared to foreign countries. On the other hand, in that the similar case in the past and the revocation range of multiple driver's license caused by drunk driving brought about a different outcome, it is a precedent whose validity will need to be examined. Accordingly, this study analyzes its difference and problem through a method of comparatively considering the existing position relevant to the cancellation of multiple driver's license caused by drunk driving, and the recent judgement of the Supreme Court, and seeks an improvement plan for all the regulations such as the Road Traffic Act and the enforcement rules, which are the related legislations, in order to prevent unnecessary confusion and to secure effectiveness of the administrative act in which frontline public officials of taking an administrative measure carry out duty based on this. Hence, the aim is to arrange the criteria for the unified administrative restriction and for the exercise of discretionary powers in administrative agency.

      • KCI등재

        공직자의 음주운전 억제 실패 원인과 대책 연구

        홍성삼 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2018 경찰학논총 Vol.13 No.3

        우리나라는 음주운전의 피해를 줄이고자 음주운전을 적발하여 처벌하면 음주운전이 감소한다는 억제이론에 의해 음주운전에 대한 처벌과 불이익을 강화해 왔다. 형사처벌과 벌금의 상한을 높여 왔고 이에 대한 홍보와 단속방법도 계속 변화해 왔다. 공무원의 경우에는 음주운전 금지에 대한 징계양정이 강화되고 계속적인 공무원 음주운전 금지에 대한 교육과 지시에 따라 음주운전을 회피하기 위한 공무원들의 노력도 증가하고 있는 반면, 음주운전이 계속발생하고 있다. 이번 연구는 공무원이 음주운전으로 징계를 받은 후 제기한 소청사건 중에서 홈페이지에 공개된 사례 100개를 분석하고 연구하였다. 처벌강화와 함께 음주운전 금지 교육과 지시에 대한 인식을 가지고 대리운전 등 음주운전회피를 하고 있는지 여부, 대리운전 등 음주운전회피노력을 하였지만 결국 음주운전에 이르게 된 원인 등을 분석하고 그 대응방안을 찾아보고자 하는 연구이다. 사례분석에서 억제실패의 다음 요인들이 억제실패 사유로 나타났다. 즉, 음주를 한 후에 음주운전금지 지시인식 없음, 음주운전 회피시도 무산, 음주판단착오, 운전자신감, 급한 용무, 긴급피난 등으로 나왔으며, 본인의 판단착오로 인한 것들이 다수 있었다. 분석결과 음주운전 억제 실패에 대한 대책으로는 공무원에 대해 체험적 교육과 지시의 실효성을 제고할 필요가 있으며, 음주전후 음주운전 회피시도 의무화, 음주착오 판단체험 프로그램 도입, 사고위험 체험교육, 긴급피난 회피교육, 직장내 소통과 화합분위기 조성 등의 추가적인 교육방안을 제시하였다. Recently, The Korean Government ushered in several drunk driving deterrence measures to counter act on public servant’s drunk driving. The discipline guideline for drunk driving of the public servant increased sharply, and government agencies should not tolerate the public servant’s drunk driving. However, the drunk driving cases of the public servant are not decreasing, and constantly occur amid severe discipline circumstances. Therefore, now it is necessary for the government to study the failure of its drunk driving deterrence policy effects on the public servant. The traditional deterrence theory of the criminology is that the official legal sanctions could prevent crimes through producing fear in the criminal’s mind. These deterrence hypothesis has been adopted in the drunk driving prevention policies in our country. This thesis studies on the failure of the deterrence policies on the public servant’s drunk driving in Korea. Specifically, this paper tried to analyse the 100 public servant’s drunk driving cases which are listed and up-loaded on the Korean Public Servant Appeal’s Commission home page. Despite the strong sanctions, education, and directions not to do drunk driving, why the public servant do not stop drunk driving? Does the public servant has no recognition of the stop drunk driving directions of the agency? Or, has they recognition of stop drunk driving and try avoid the drunk driving? And If they have drunk driving recognition, then why they still commit drunk driving? The results of this research show that the main reasons of the public servant’s drunk driving are absence of the recognition of stop drunk driving, the failure of the avoiding drunk driving efforts, miscalculation of drunk level or sober level, overestimating of driving ability, totally forgetting of the drunk driving event, emergency situation, and urgent needs to drive for present and urgent family patients. This thesis recommends several special approaches to prevent drunk driving. 1) enhance the education and directions’ effectiveness of the public servant’s drunk driving policies through education, 2) set a duty on public servant to avoid drunk driving after drinking, 3) introduce a program for the drunkeness test solutions on the internet and provide for the public servants, 4) educate the public servant the danger of the drunk driving 5) educate to avoid emergency drunk driving, 6) select alternative measures for urgent needs, 7) make atmosphere of communication and harmony in the working arena, 8) amend the culture not to force drinking in the agency.

      • KCI등재

        음주시동잠금장치 도입방안에 관한 연구

        정신교 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2020 치안정책연구 Vol.34 No.1

        Drunk driving is a major cause of traffic accidents and a threat to traffic safety. In particular, the economic cost of traffic accident casualties related to alcohol consumption accounted for 15.6% of the total cost of traffic accidents of about KRW 4,385.1 billion in 2018. Although policy alternatives are very desperate for these issues, the policy so far is to strengthen punishment, expand security measures, strengthen administrative measures and follow-up education. Moreover, punitive measures against chronic and chronic drunk drivers cannot have a positive effect. In addition, criminal penalties for drunk driving actually have many defects in execution. The drunk driver shows a habitual and repetitive pattern, and it can be seen that criminal punishment has no effect of special prevention for such habitual drunk drivers. Drinking and driving requires much greater effort than other crimes to increase prevention. Therefore, by systematically reviewing the introduction of the start lock system in foreign countries in addition to the existing suppression policy, the effectiveness of suppressing drunk driving will be secured. The starting lock is to prevent the drunk driving driver from continuing to drunk. This technical device practically prevents violators from drinking and driving. However, the start lock is not an independent system independently. Therefore, additional measures are required, such as promotion of improvement education programs. Which program is more effective with criminal policy will need to be studied and determined in depth. The start lock program for drunk driving is an attempt to curb a driver's recidivism caught in drunk driving. In the meantime, despite the large number of unlicensed driving and unlicensed driving caused by the suspension or cancellation of drunk driving, no police force has been invested in this. This is because it is difficult to screen the driver without a license. In this sense, if this system is introduced through rational review, it is considered to be much larger than the cost of introducing social cost of drinking. 음주로 인한 교통사고는 교통사고원인 중 높은 비중을 차지하고 있으며, 특히 음주교통사고와 관련한 경제적 비용이 2018년 기준으로 전체 교통사고비용의 16% 정도를 차지하고 있다. 이와 같은 문제에도 불구하고 그 대책은 형벌강화, 보안처분과 행정처분의 확대 등이 전부이다. 이러한 엄벌적 제재는 만성적이고 상습성을 가진 음주운전자의 예방효과에는 부정적이다. 또한 음주운전에 대한 형사제재는 많은 집행상의 문제를 내포하고 있다. 즉 반복적인 음주운전자에 대한 형사제재는 특별예방효과가 낮다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 음주예방 효과를 높이기 위한 노력이 필요한 시점이다. 따라서 형사제재의 정비와 더불어 다수의 외국에서 시행중인 음주시동잠금장치의 도입에 대해 검토함으로써 음주운전에 대한 실효성을 높이고자 한다. 음주시동잠금장치는 음주운전위반자가 계속적으로 운전하는 것을 사전에 차단하기 위한 장치이다. 실질적으로 이 장치는 음주운전위자의 음주운전을 방지한다. 그러나 음주시동잠금장치는 음주운전을 완벽하게 제거하는 장치라고는 볼 수 없다. 이에는 음주방지를 위한 각종 보안처분이 뒤따라야 할 것이다. 음주운전에 대한 음주시동잠금장치는 음주운전자의 재범을 억제함과 동시에 운전면허 취소나 정지에 따른 운전자의 경제적 지위를 유지시킬 수 있다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 그동안 음주운전 단속으로 인한 행정처분(면허취소 내지 정지처분)을 받은 상태에도 불구하고 음주운전을 지속하는 경우가 발생하고 있고 이에 대해 별다른 예방적 조치가 어려운 실정이다. 이 같은 문제는 현실적으로 무면허운전자를 가려내가 매우 어렵다는 문제점이 있다. 음주운전자를 줄이기 위한 각종 프로그램 중에 어떤 것이 효과적인지는 다양한 실험과 연구가 필요하다고 본다. 이러한 점에서 판단하건대 음주시동잠금장치의 입법은 매우 효과적인 방안이 될 수 있다고 본다.

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