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        한일 약속취소행위의 담화구조 및 담화전략

        김광태,김준숙,송은미 한국일본언어문화학회 2018 일본언어문화 Vol.43 No.-

        In this study, the characteristics and differences of two languages such as Korean and Japanese were analyzed by analyzing and reviewing the discourse style in the promise cancellation scene from the viewpoint of discourse type, discourse structure, and discourse strategy. The type of discourse can be divided into a cancellation intention expression type, a reason presentation type, and an alternative proposal type. When analyzing and comparing discourse styles between different genders and between same genders, it was found that Korean and Japanese showed similar discourse style such as explaining the reason first and expressing the intention of cancellation or presenting an alternative. However, from the viewpoint of the ratio deviation, Japanese men and women seem to prefer the reason presentation style more than the Korean men and women. In the discourse structure, in the analysis of the discourses between different genders and between the same genders, Koreans (both men and women) preferred straightforward “Reason + Intention” style. In Japan, however, women preferred “Reason + Alternative” style, although males showed similar results to Koreans. It is found that Japanese women showed overwhelming dominance in the discourse style of indirect expression of the cancellation intention. Discourse strategies are categorized into implication type implicitly showing the intention of cancellation and non-implication type that does not imply the intention of cancellation at all. Korean men and women used non-implication type strategies. Japanese women have similarities in that they take the same non-implication strategy as Korean women, but Japanese men are adopting an implication strategy. They used different strategy from that of Koreans and Japanese women. 本研究では、約束の取消し場面での談話スタイルを談話タイプ・談話構造・談話ストラテジーの観点から分析考察し、日韓両言語の特徴と相違点について調べてみた。 談話タイプは、取消しの意思タイプ・理由提示タイプ・代案の提示タイプに分けられ、日韓異性と同性間の談話スタイルを比較分析した結果では、韓日(男女)で取消し理由を先に言ってから続いて取消しの意思や代案を提示するという同様の談話スタイルを見せていた。ただし、比率偏差の観点からは、日本の男女の方が韓国の男女より理由提示タイプをより好むことが分かった。 談話構造では異性間および同性間の分析でも、韓国の場合は、男女ともに直接的な<取消しの理由+取消しの意思>タイプで、日本の場合は、男性は韓国と似ているが、女性は<取消しの理由+代案提示>タイプとなっている。これによって、日本の女性の場合は、間接的に取消しの意思を言う談話スタイルでは韓国の女性に比べて圧倒的に優勢であることを示していた。 談話ストラテジーには、約束の取消しを先に暗示する暗示性と全く示唆していない無暗示性に分類される。この談話ストラテジーの中で韓国の男女はともに無暗示性のストラテジーを行っていた。 日本の女性も韓国の女性のような無暗示性のストラテジーをとるという点では共通点があるものの、男性の場合は、暗示性のストラテジーを取っており、韓国の男性と違う様相を見せていることがわかった。 本研究により、異文化コミュニケーション談話スタイルの相違点が原因で起こりうる誤解の素地を減らすのに一助となるとともに、両国間の円滑なコミュニケーションに役立つことができると考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        담화 전략에 대한 문법 교육적 접근

        양세희 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2023 한국어문교육 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to suggest that grammar, the main principle by which Korean language operates, should be understood as a discourse strategy in grammar education since it functions as a discourse strategy in the process of producing and accepting discourse. To this end, the study first reviewed the concept and characteristics of discourse strategies in language research and then explored some content related to grammar education that can be approached as discourse strategies through studies on grammar, which has been proposed as the principle of using the Korean language. Since phonological units have automatic alternation characteristics, marked cases such as addition, elimination, and phonological variation can be explained as discourse strategies unlike unmarked cases that follow phonological rules. As for word units, a discourse strategy may include the use of selected vocabulary or the selection of specific parts of speech in sentences according to the speaker's intention. In sentence units, omission, focus, movement of sentence components, sentence expansion methods, grammatical elements, and modal expression can be referred to as discourse strategies. This discourse strategy is used from a critical perspective in a socio-cultural context beyond the appropriateness of communication. 이 연구는 국어 운용의 원리인 문법이 담화를 생산하고 수용하는 과정에서 담화 전략으로서 기능한다는 점을 통해 문법 교육에서 담화 전략으로서 문법이 이해되어야 함을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 먼저 언어 연구에서의 담화 전략의 개념과 특성을 고찰하고, 지금까지 국어 사용의 원리로서 제안되었던 문법에 관한 연구들을 통해 담화 전략으로서 접근할 수 있는 부분들을 모색하였다. 음운 단위는 자동적 교체 특성 때문에 음운 규칙을 지키는 무표적인 경우보다는 음운의 첨가나 탈락, 음운 변이와 같은 유표적인 경우를 대부분 담화 전략으로서 설명할 수 있다. 단어 단위는 화자의 의도에 따라 선택된 어휘 사용이나 문장에서의 특정한 품사 선택 등이 담화 전략에 포함될 수 있다. 문장 단위에서는 문장 성분의 생략이나 초점화, 이동, 문장 확대 방식과 문법 요소, 양태 표현 등을 화자가 일정한 의도를 실현하고자 선택하는 담화 전략으로서 볼 수 있다. 이 담화 전략은 의사소통의 적절성을 넘어서서 사회 문화적 맥락 속에서 비판적 관점에서 사용되기도 한다.

      • KCI등재

        고급 한국어 학습자를 위한 신문기사 발표 담화 구성 전략

        홍윤혜 ( Hong Yun-hye ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2017 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.47 No.-

        This study aims to suggest the strategies of constructing discourse of oral presentations about newspaper articles and to show how to organize discourse rhetorically for successful communication in Korean learners class. The discourse of an oral presentation is reframed by paraphrasing the original newspaper article content in the interpersonal context and it requires the strategies of its own to deliver messages to audience. The strategies are suggested in two aspects of ‘information adjustment strategy’ and ‘audience attracting strategy’. A model oral presentation about a newspaper article based on these strategies by an expert of Korean native speaker was given in advanced Korean class and after the presentation, a survey on communicability was conducted to audience and it showed that the strategies were effective to help audience grasp message clearly. Next, 3 advanced Korean learners learned how to construct discourse using the strategies by the expert and gave oral presentations about newspaper articles based on the strategies in advanced Korean class. After the presentations, surveys on communicability were also conducted to audience and the result of surveys showed that the strategies of discourse construction were effective on communicability. (Hongik University)

      • KCI등재

        복합형 담화표지의 개념과 유형

        강민정 ( Kang Minjeong ) 한국어의미학회 2024 한국어 의미학 Vol.84 No.-

        The objectives of this paper are explicitly stated as the following. First, it aims to establish the term ‘complex discourse markers’ to describe combinations of discourse markers frequently used in spoken language. Second, it seeks to extract combinations of discourse markers from a large-scale corpus to provide a comprehensive overview of all items classified as complex discourse markers. Third, it intends to classify the types of composite discourse markers to establish its systematic framework. Initially, this paper defines complex discourse markers as “a speaker’s utterance strategy used to effectively convey intentions in immediate dialogue, where two or more different discourse markers are tightly combined within a single intonation unit and their combination is typified as a usage pattern.” Subsequently, rationale behind this definition based on prosodic, morphological, and functional characteristics is examined. In immediate dialogues, intonation units hold significant positions where different discourse markers are tightly combined and patterned, serving as a cohesive functional strategy for speakers, and are examined as a single kind of unit. In this paper, a total of 247 items were selected. These items were classified according to their formal characteristics and were categorized according to preceding factors to systematize types of discourse markers. This paper challenges previous studies that overlooked the combinatory nature of discourse markers and suggests a multifunctional classification of their functions. It raises issues concerning misconceptions about the functions of discourse markers and the overlooked phenomenon of their frequent combinatory usage by speakers when analyzed without considering their combinations into cohesive units. From a functional linguistics perspective, frequent combinations of linguistic components are seen as motivated by functional reasons. It is reviewed as originating from the speaker’s strong utterance strategy. Therefore, it is concluded that the combination of discourse markers should be designated as “complex discourse markers.” This topic and methodology are considered valid for research, given that while it has been relatively well-studied in other languages such as English, it remains unexplored in Korean. Future tasks include addressing the functional analysis of complex discourse markers, an area not fully elucidated in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        韓日約束取消し行為の談話構造及び 談話ストラテジー

        金光泰,金俊淑,宋殷美 한국일본언어문화학회 2018 일본언어문화 Vol.43 No.-

        In this study, the characteristics and differences of two languages such as Korean and Japanese were analyzed by analyzing and reviewing the discourse style in the promise cancellation scene from the viewpoint of discourse type, discourse structure, and discourse strategy. The type of discourse can be divided into a cancellation intention expression type, a reason presentation type, and an alternative proposal type. When analyzing and comparing discourse styles between different genders and between same genders, it was found that Korean and Japanese showed similar discourse style such as explaining the reason first and expressing the intention of cancellation or presenting an alternative. However, from the viewpoint of the ratio deviation, Japanese men and women seem to prefer the reason presentation style more than the Korean men and women. In the discourse structure, in the analysis of the discourses between different genders and between the same genders, Koreans (both men and women) preferred straightforward “Reason + Intention” style. In Japan, however, women preferred “Reason + Alternative” style, although males showed similar results to Koreans. It is found that Japanese women showed overwhelming dominance in the discourse style of indirect expression of the cancellation intention. Discourse strategies are categorized into implication type implicitly showing the intention of cancellation and non-implication type that does not imply the intention of cancellation at all. Korean men and women used non-implication type strategies. Japanese women have similarities in that they take the same non-implication strategy as Korean women, but Japanese men are adopting an implication strategy. They used different strategy from that of Koreans and Japanese women.

      • KCI등재

        아랍어와 한국어 논쟁 담화에 나타난 질문의 기능 연구

        조위수(Wisu Cho),윤주원(Juwon Yoon) 한국중원언어학회 2018 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        This paper compares functions and aspects of questioning in Arabic native speaker"s argumentative discourse the questioning in native Korean speaker"s discourse, using interactional sociolinguistic theory. This study has found a several implications through this discourse analysis. First, questioning in the Arabic argumentative discourse, like in the Korean speaker"s discourse, was utilized as macro-strategy that introduced super ordinate and sub-ordinate topics and adjusted order of the discourse. Second, the two languages also employed micro-strategies in the interactive aspects and in the non-interactive aspects of questioning. In the interactive aspects, "checking", "requesting explanation", "refuting", "expressing opinions" were used. And "gaining time" function was employed in the non-Interactive aspects. Also, ‘agreement’ and ‘calling attention’ function were adopted in the Korean speaker"s discourse and in the Arabic speaker"s discourse respectively. Third, Arabic interrogative sentences were delivered with low-pitched voice except in "checking" and "requesting explanation", while Korean speakers make high-pitched voice. Fourth, there were differences in idiomatic question expressions between Korean and Arabic. Finally, Arabic native speakers showed various nonverbal communication strategies and were active in keeping up appearances in the argumentative situation.

      • KCI등재

        목사 ‘설교’ 담화분석

        강민정 한말연구학회 2019 한말연구 Vol.- No.54

        It has been said that forty-three percent of Koreans can be described as religious people. Religion plays an important role in recognizing a society, its history and the culture. For example, in order to understand the society of the Joseon Dynasty, it is necessary to understand Confucianism and Buddhism, which are the religions of the Joseon Dynasty. As such, religious discourse is an important resource as it contains the state of the society. Nevertheless, religious discourse has not been the subject of linguistic studies. This study is meaningful in that it studied religious discourse that has not been the subject of analysis until now. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure. And identify the preaching discourses of pastors during religious discourses. First of all, As a result of the analysis, the structure of the discourse of sermon is '(1) Reading / Pray - (2) Greeting - (3) Example - (4) Explanation(Repeat number 3 and 4.) - (5) Suggestion - (6) Pray / Finishing'. To the next By using the Sejong Colloquial Corpus, this study compared key colloquial corpus with sermon discourse corpus and extracted key words. After extracting the key words, the speech characteristics of the sermon discourse were analyzed based on the key words. The utterance characteristics of the sermon discourse are 1) proprietary speech , 2) emphasized speech, 3) example speech, 4) cohesion speech, 5) ‘ought to’ speech, 6) change speech, 7) reverse speech, 8) purpose speech. The utterance characteristics of 'example speech' used for information delivery strategies. The utterance characteristics of ‘proprietary speech’, ‘emphasized speech’, ‘cohesion speech’, “‘ought to’ speech”, ‘change speech’, ‘reverse speech’, ‘purpose speech.’ used for persuasion strategies.

      • KCI등재

        학술논문 문형의 문법적 특징과 담화 기능에 대하여

        안소진(So-jin, An) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.73 No.-

        같은 학문 분야에 종사하는 사람들의 집단에는 고유의 담화 방식이 존재한다. 이 논문에서는 인용문, 가능표현, 부정표현 등 국어국문학 분야 학술논문에 빈번하게 나타나는 문형을 분석하여 그 문법적 특징을 자세히 밝히고, 이러한 특징을 가진 문형이 왜 학술논문의 구체적인 담화 방식으로 선택되었는지 살펴보았다. 그 결과 문형들은 기본 기능을 바탕으로 다양한 담화 기능을 구현하며, 이 담화 기능은 의사소통 전략과 관계가 있다는 결론을 얻었다. 학술논문의 필자는 독자, 곧 같은 분야 연구자가 자신의 주장을 최대한 수용하도록 하여 자신의 주장이 담화공동체의 동의를 얻는 궁극적인 목표를 가지고 있으며, 이 목표를 위해 의사소통 전략을 활용한다. Linguistic expression above the sentence unit is commonly called discourse. Provided that a certain community uses a particular discourse method, it can represent a discourse community. A certain community's discourse has its unique communication method agreed by community members. Such distinct discourse method also exists in a group of people involved in the same academic area. This paper analyzes sentence patterns of academic texts in Korean language and literature to clarify their grammatical characteristics, thereby exploring why those sentence patterns with such characteristics are chosen as specific discourse method for academic texts. Consequently, it reaches the conclusion that those sentence patterns embody various discourse functions grounded upon basic functions in academic texts and such discourse functions are connected with communicative strategies. Authors of academic texts have an ultimate goal to make readers, namely other researchers engaging in the same area, accept their argument to the maximum extent and arouse consensus from the discourse community, and they utilize communicative strategies for such goal.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생 유튜버 담화의 다중모드 수사 전략 분석

        손희연 ( Huiyoun Son ) 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.1

        연구 목적: 이 연구는 초등학생 유튜버 담화를 대상으로 유튜버의 자아 브랜드화에 기여하는 다중모드 수사 전략을 분석하는 데에 목적이 있다. 연구 방법: 다중모드 의사소통 이론의 관점과 극적행위론의 수사 분석 방법에 기대어 다중모드 수사 분석의 틀을 확립하고 초등학생 유튜버의 동영상 담화 사례를 분석하였다. 연구 내용: 초등학생 유튜버 담화 사례에서 담화의 행위자, 행위, 행위 표현의 수단이 다중모드 복합체를 구성하여 유튜버의 정체성을 청중의 관점에서 정의하는 수사 전략을 구성함을 논의하였다. 행위자 자기 보고 및 행위자 정의 측면의 다중모드 수사 전략을 확인하였고 행위 표현 수단으로서 대화체 전략 및 자막 전략이 부가됨을 아울러 논의하였다. 결론 및 제언: 초등학생 유튜버 담화는 유튜버의 자아를 특정하는 데에 있어서 다층위적 내러티브 구성을 활용하며 이는 다중모드 수사 전략을 기반으로 하고 있음을 확인하였다. 초등학생 유튜버 담화의 내러티브 분석이나 다중모드 담화 분석 방법 등에 대한 후속 논의의 필요성을 아울러 확인하였다. This study aims to analyze multimodal rhetorical strategies that contribute to the self-branding of elementary student YouTubers’ discourse. To this end, a framework for analysis was established based on the perspective of multimodal communication theory and the method of dramatism, cases of YouTube discourse were then analyzed according to this analysis framework. In these cases of discourse, it was confirmed that agent, act and agency factors constitute a multimodal complex. It also analyzed rhetorical strategies that define the identity of YouTuber from the perspective of the audience, confirmed multimodal rhetorical strategies in terms of ‘agent self-reporting’ and ‘agent defining’ and discussed that conversational style and subtitle strategies were added as a agency. As a result, it was confirmed that cases of elementary student YouTubers’ discourse utilized a multi-layered narrative composition in specifying a YouTuber’s identity, which is based on multimodal rhetorical strategies. The need for follow-up discussions on expanded narrative analysis of elementary student YouTubers’ discourse or a more effective multimodal discourse analysis method was also confirmed.

      • KCI등재후보

        탈식민주의의 저항전략과 페미니즘

        고갑희 계명대학교 여성학연구소 2011 젠더와 문화 Vol.4 No.1

        This article aims to review the resistance strategy of post-colonialism and see its meaning and limitation. It presents mimicry, counter- discourse, translation and refusing imperial language as the examples of post-colonial resistance strategies. Homi Bhabha suggests that ‘mimicry’, ‘translation’, the third-space, hybridity can be interpreted as a location of subject-other where the resistance is embedded. Stephen Slemon points out that ‘counter-discourse’ is one of the crucial resisting strategy of post-colonial period. ‘Talking back’ as ‘counter-discourse’ is a way of changing the direction of dominant discourse of imperialism/colonialism. Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s choice of refusing English as his language is another example of post-colonial resistance strategy. This article also aims to see the relationship between post-colonialism and feminism. To do this it examines some positions that criticize above mentioned post-colonial strategies. The criticism lies in their culturally-oriented specificity and the lack of polito-economic concern. It extends its criticism to their non-critical position about global capitalism, neo-colonialism and even contemporary imperialism. It criticizes that post-colonial resistance strategies are even accommodating with the present capitalism or neo-colonialism. It criticizes that post-colonialists neglect capitalism by concentrating on anti-Eurocentrism. Feminism can be supported and expanded by the post-colonial strategies in its interest in Eurocentrism and imperialism. It can be supported by its interest in race. And feminism can provide the insight of gender and sexuality. Especially post-colonial feminists, such as Spivak and Mohanty, provide the conceptual frame of race-class-gender. However, the meaning of post-colonial resistance strategies requires examination because of the above criticism and the lack of gender/sexuality frame. To move further from the present post-colonial strategies, it is necessary to examine the relationship between post-colonialism and feminism. And based on this, the reviewing of post-colonial feminism shall be followed. It is for finding a better direction of present feminism and feminist movement. 본 논문은 탈식민주의의 저항 전략 중 문화와 담론 영역의 저항 전략을 살피고 그것이 갖는 한계 또한 살펴보고자 한다. 탈식민주의 저항 전략으로 흉내내기, 반언술행위, 번역, 언어거부를 중심으로 살펴보면서 그것에 대한 비판적 시각을 살핀다. 그리고 이러한 저항 전략들이 페미니즘과 생산적 위기를 형성하는지 물으면서 현재 전지구적 자본주의와 가부장제에 대한 대안적 전략이 될 수 있는지를 묻는다. 이 전략이 페미니즘과는 어떤 관계를 맺을 수 있는지를 묻는 것은 현재 탈식민주의 페미니즘에 대한 물음으로도 이어질 수 있다. 흉내내기, 반언술행위, 번역, 언어거부에 대해 문화에 안주하며 위안을 받는 행위로 비판하는 시각과 정치경제적인 관점이 결여되었다고 비판하는 시각이 탈식민주의 페미니즘에 던질 질문이기도 하기 때문이다. 남성중심의 탈식민주의와는 달리 탈식민주의 페미니즘은 젠더-인종-계급의 중층적인 상황에 관심을 둔다. 가야트리 스피박이나 찬드라 모핸티는 마르크스주의의 혹은 반자본주의 입장을 견지하면서 탈식민주의에 페미니즘의 개입을 하고자 한다. 그러나 이러한 개입에도 불구하고 탈식민주의 페미니스트들이 주로 제3세계 출신으로 제1세계에서 활동하는 지식인들이라는 점이 문제가 된다. 이 논문은 이러한 문제의식에 기반하여 다시 탈식민주의의 저항 전략과 페미니즘이 생산적 위기를 조성하는지 묻는다. 그리고 이 물음은 현재 페미니즘의 새로운 방향성 설정과도 관계 된다. 이 논문은 이러한 방향성을 묻기 위한 전단계 작업으로 탈식민주의 저항 전략과 그에 대한 비판을 다룬다.

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