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      • KCI등재

        근대 한중관계의 변화와 외교당안의 생성 ― 「淸季駐韓使館保存檔」을 중심으로 ―

        김희신 중국근현대사학회 2011 중국근현대사연구 Vol.50 No.-

        This study was conducted in order to advance content analysis on the history of Korea‐China relationship by enhancing accessibility to diplomatic documents called ‘Juhansagwandang (駐韓使館檔:Documents of Chinese diplomatic offices in Korea)’ in a historical, academic or practical sense. Based on the contents reviewed in this study, we can summarize the characteristics and values of ‘Juhansagwandang’ in the history of Korea‐China relationship as follows. First, the documents include extensive general materials, which mean unofficial documents worthy to be preserved. Official documents exchanged between Korean and Chinese diplomatic agencies include few general materials worthy to be preserved. Although some are included as accompanying documents, the scope of such documents is very limited. In the sense that they are documents of Chinese diplomatic offices in Korea, such records contain administrative information such as documents prepared, executed or received for administration. As they contain extensive unofficial documents (=general materials) worthy to be preserved, they have historical values. Second, ‘Juhansagwandang’ are in a mutually complementary relation with Korean diplomatic documents ‘Cheongan(淸案).’ It is presumed that even many of preserved documents might be lost due to instable political situations at home and overseas during the late Qing Dynasty and the late Yi Dynasty. In many cases, for example, there is jobok(照覆) but without johoi(照會) or vice versa, and this suggests that the continuity of documents could not be maintained due to various factors. Moreover, because diplomatic documents contained in Juhansagwandang and Cheongan were in a request‐reply relation with each other, their contents are sometimes complementary to each other. Furthermore, by comparing two documents on the same issue, we may find clues to differences between the two countries’ positions. Third, media carrying contents have the characteristics that they are the tangible original documents. Previous studies on the Korea China relationship in the late Qing Dynasty have relied on diplomatic documents as the records of objective facts in order to examine factual contents related to the relationship of the two countries. Juhansagwandang, which was published as digital materials, is tangible original documents and also contains historical information, and in this sense, it has two values. They have crucial meanings in exploring not only contents but also the actual form and generation process of diplomatic documents. How to interpret such original documents is still a problem to be solved. Fourth, the documents were classified according to the principle of source classification. The classification system of Juhansagwandang followed ‘the principle of source,’ which gives priority to the organization handling documents over the contents of documents. This classification system is advantageous in that it shows structure, context, and activity processes involved in an organization’s production of records. That is, it is efficient for understanding association among records according to source, and the relation between records and their producers and the background of their production. Fifth, documents during a specific period were completely scattered and lost. Juhansagwandang includes documents generated and accumulated by Chinese diplomatic offices for around 30 years from 1883 to 1913. However, documents for around 4 years from the end of 1894 to the end of 1898 are completely omitted. A very small number of documents in this period have survived, but they are quite exceptional. Some institutions preserve only a part of documents according to their value, but the loss of documents in this period seems to be accidental. It is not clear where the lost records are kept at present.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대(朝鮮時代) 외교문서(外交文書) 자문(咨文)의 행이체계(行移體系)와 변화과정

        김경록 ( Kyeong Lok Kim ) 한국고문서학회 2015 古文書硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        조선시대 대중국 관계는 명분과 실리의 조화를 통해 이루어졌으며, 국제정세와 국내상황에 의해 크게 영향을 받았다. 조선은 중국 중심의 국제질서에서 중국의 공문체계에 영향을 받아 외교문서를 통해 외교관계를 전개했다. 조선시대 대중국 관계의 외교문서는 단자(單子), 정문(呈文), 신문(申文), 계문(啓文), 주문(奏文), 자문(咨文), 장문(狀文), 전문(箋文), 표문(表文) 등이 있었다. 뒤에 조회(照會)가19세기에 등장했다. 이러한 외교문서들은 중국에 의해 절대적으로 영향을 받아 생산, 전달, 접수, 보존등 행이체계가 체계화됐다. 이들 조선시대 외교문서 가운데 자문은 평행문의 일종으로 조·중간 2품 이상 아문 사이에 행이됐다. 조선의 대중국 외교문서는 조선국왕 명의로 생산되어 명대에는 예부, 병부, 오군도독부(五軍都督府), 요동도사(遼東都司) 등에 전달됐으며, 청대에는 예부, 성경예부(盛京禮部), 병부, 성경병부(盛京兵 등에 전달됐다 자문은 조선시대 대중국 외교관계에서 部) . 가장 빈번하게 행이된 실무적인 성격을 가진 문서였다. 명대에 자문의 형식이 정형화된 뒤 청대에 이어졌지만, 일부 변화된 것은 근대화과정에서 중국의 위상이 약화된 점을 반영한다. 또한, 자문의 행이체계는 조·중간 외교문서 관련 각종 외교사건들이 포함되어 있다. 자문의 행이체계는 최종 행이대상이 북경과 심양 등 어디인가에 따라 규정되는데, 조선 사행에 의한 행이와 함께 중국의 공문 행이체계가 함께 포함됐다. 조선에서 명에 자문을 행이하면 최종적으로 황제에게 해당 내용이 전달되며, 조선은 심양에 보내는 자문보다 북경에 보내는 자문에 대해 보다 많은 관심을 가지고 정확하게 전달되도록 노력했다. 더욱이 자문을 행이할 때, 중국의 공문 행이체계를 활용하기 보다는 사행을 파견하여 전달하고 조선의 외교목적을 보다 명확히 전달하고자 했다. 조선시대 자문의 형식, 내용, 행이체계 등을 통해 중국 중심의 국제질서에서 조선의 대중국 외교문서의 성격을 파악할 수 있고, 조·중관계의 성격도 분석할 수 있다. 19세기 서구세력의 동양진출은 동아시아의 전통적인 세계질서를 변화시켰다. 청 중심의 국제질서를 유지하고자 하였던 조선은 점진적으로 낮아지는 청의 국제적 위상으로 세계관이 변화됐다. 이는 자연스럽게 조선의 대외정책과 외교문서에 반영되어 조선의 자문에 있어 형식의 변화가 나타났으며, 조선은 변화하는 국제정세에 맞춰 외교체계와 외교문서체계를 변화시켰다. 반면에 청은 조선에 대해 청 중심 국제질서를 유지하고자 외교적, 군사적 강압정책을 시행했다. 조선과 청 사이의 외교정책 간격은 점차 심화되어 조·청관계 뿐만 아니라 일본을 포함한 대서구관계에도 영향을 미쳤다. 결론적으로 전통적인 외교문서였던 자문은 청이 청일전쟁이후 청 중심 국제질서의 붕괴를 맞이하면서 외교문서로서 위상을 상실하고 조회를 비롯한 다른 문서로 대체됐다. The relationship between the Joseon Dynasty and China developed with a balance in justification and practicality, reflecting the comprehensive change in international and domestic environment. Joseon, belong to the World System of Centering around China, applied the Official Document System of China and exchanged their diplomatic documents. The diplomatic documents to Ming and Qing dynasty during Joseon period are: Danja(單子), Jeongmun(呈文), Sinmun(申文), Gyemun(啓文), Jumun(奏文), Jamun(咨文), Jangmun(狀文), Jonmun(箋文), P`yomun(表文) and so on. Later, Johoe(照會) was added in the late 19th century. These documents were influenced by China; therefore, they were produced, delivered, received and stored according to the Chinese Official Document System. Among these diplomatic documents of Joseon period, Jamun was the documents so-called, Pyunghangmun(平行文) which was exchanged between the governments of higher than the second grade. The documents of Joseon were issued by the King of Joseon dynasty, and received by the Board of Rites(禮部), the Board of War(兵部), the Five Army office of the Commander-Governor(五軍都督府), and the Liaodong Commander-Guard(遼東都司) of Ming dynasty, and by the Board of Rites, the Board of War, and the Shenyang Board of Rites(盛京禮 部), the Shenyang Board of War(盛京兵部) of Qing dynasty. Jamun among diplomatic documents was the most exchanged documents between Joseon and China because of its practical use. Though the specified forms of Jamun in Ming dynasty were handed down to Qing dynasty, some partial changes were made, reflecting the weakening of China`s status in the course of modernization. Its contents include all kinds of diplomatic affairs occurred between China and Joseon in a comprehensive manner. The administrative system of Jamun may be classified by their final destination, whether it is to Beijing or to Shenyang, and also by the use of the administration system of official documents( ) of China. Since the documents delivered to Ming 行移體系dynasty were finally received by the Chinese emperor in the end, they were generally handled with more care than the ones that are being sent to Shenyang. In addition, delivered Jamun by Sahaeng(使行) a dispatched envoy from Joseon dynasty contained relatively more important information than the ones delivered under the administration system of official documents of China. Through the format, contents, and administration system of this type of Jamun, we may identify that the Jamun was the key diplomatic document within the world System of Centering China during Joseon period. Moreover, we may also understand the characteristics of the international order of Joseon dynasty through an analysis of Jamun. In the early 19th century, the Western Powers` advance into East Asia radically changed the traditional conception of the East Asian international order. The decline in Qing`s international standing brought changes in fundamental World-view(世界觀) for Joseon who was keeping its national security under the World system of centering Around China. This naturally led to a change in diplomatic policy and diplomatic documents. The changes occurred in the format, contents and its administration system of the Jamun caused Joseon, who was attempting to reform and modernize its diplomatic system to establish modern diplomatic organizations and to formulate appropriate diplomatic document system. Meanwhile, Qing dynasty tried to maintain their world system of centering around Qing(淸中心國際秩序) to Joseon. The gap between Joseon and Qing dynasty`s foreign policy became more deepened by not only their relation itself, but also their relation with the Western Powers including Japan. In conclusion, a traditional diplomatic document Jamun lost its identity as a diplomatic document in accordance with the defeat of Qing dynasty in the Sino-Japanese War which signifies the collapse of the traditional international order.

      • KCI등재

        근대 한중관계의 변화와 외교당안의 생성 : 「淸季駐韓使館保存檔」을 중심으로

        김희신(Kim Hee-Sin) 중국근현대사학회 2011 중국근현대사연구 Vol.50 No.-

        This study was conducted in order to advance content analysis on the history of Korea‐China relationship by enhancing accessibility to diplomatic documents called 'Juhansagwandang(駐韓使館檔:Documents of Chinese diplomatic offices in Korea)' in a historical, academic or practical sense. Based on the contents reviewed in this study, we can summarize the characteristics and values of 'Juhansagwandang' in the history of Korea‐China relationship as follows. First, the documents include extensive general materials, which mean unofficial documents worthy to be preserved. Official documents exchanged between Korean and Chinese diplomatic agencies include few general materials worthy to be preserved. Although some are included as accompanying documents, the scope of such documents is very limited. In the sense that they are documents of Chinese diplomatic offices in Korea, such records contain administrative information such as documents prepared, executed or received for administration. As they contain extensive unofficial documents (=general materials) worthy to be preserved, they have historical values. Second, 'Juhansagwandang' are in a mutually complementary relation with Korean diplomatic documents 'Cheongan(淸案).' It is presumed that even many of preserved documents might be lost due to instable political situations at home and overseas during the late Qing Dynasty and the late Yi Dynasty. In many cases, for example, there is jobok(照覆) but without johoi(照會) or vice versa, and this suggests that the continuity of documents could not be maintained due to various factors. Moreover, because diplomatic documents contained in Juhansagwandang and Cheongan were in a request‐reply relation with each other, their contents are sometimes complementary to each other. Furthermore, by comparing two documents on the same issue, we may find clues to differences between the two countries' positions. Third, media carrying contents have the characteristics that they are the tangible original documents. Previous studies on the Korea China relationship in the late Qing Dynasty have relied on diplomatic documents as the records of objective facts in order to examine factual contents related to the relationship of the two countries. Juhansagwandang, which was published as digital materials, is tangible original documents and also contains historical information, and in this sense, it has two values. They have crucial meanings in exploring not only contents but also the actual form and generation process of diplomatic documents. How to interpret such original documents is still a problem to be solved. Fourth, the documents were classified according to the principle of source classification. The classification system of Juhansagwandang followed 'the principle of source, ' which gives priority to the organization handling documents over the contents of documents. This classification system is advantageous in that it shows structure, context, and activity processes involved in an organization's production of records. That is, it is efficient for understanding association among records according to source, and the relation between records and their producers and the background of their production. Fifth, documents during a specific period were completely scattered and lost. Juhansagwandang includes documents generated and accumulated by Chinese diplomatic offices for around 30 years from 1883 to 1913. However, documents for around 4 years from the end of 1894 to the end of 1898 are completely omitted. A very small number of documents in this period have survived, but they are quite exceptional. Some institutions preserve only a part of documents according to their value, but the loss of documents in this period seems to be accidental. It is not clear where the lost records are kept at present.

      • KCI등재

        울릉도쟁계의 조일 간 교환문서에 대한 논의의 재검토

        이성환 영남대학교 독도연구소 2019 독도연구 Vol.- No.26

        The discussion on documents exchanged between Joseon and Japan on Ulleungdo Janggye (the bordering dispute over Ulleungdo) can be summarized as follows: First, since the first diplomatic document sent by Joseon in 1693 was collected by the Joseon government later, it seemed to lose its meaning as a diplomatic document. (It should be viewed that the content of the document was reported to Japan’s shogunate (Japan’s feudal government)). In terms of the second diplomatic document, Japan requested to revise the document, but it was not returned to Joseon. Its content was also reported to Japan’s shogunate. The shogunate issued the order of prohibition of sailing to Ulleungdo in the form of accepting the content of the second document sent by Joseon. Therefore, the second document was legally valid as a diplomatic document. Second, opponents argue that diplomatic documents and verbal notes should be strictly separated, and that the diplomatic documents should be recognized as an official document, while the verbal notes were not official diplomatic documents. However, they clarified their position that verbal notes regarding Ulleungdo Janggye should be considered as an official diplomatic document as the intention of Japan’s shogunate, that is, the intention of the nation, was reflected on them. Third, as opponents argue, it was stated in the final official note for confirmation that diplomatic documents and verbal notes must not be considered separately. According to the content of the final official note, diplomatic documents and verbal notes should be considered as part of a continuing series of acts that are inseparable. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider the diplomatic documents and verbal notes in the final official note for confirmation as one connected document. In conclusion, it is difficult to agree on the issues suggested by opponents, and therefore it is not necessary to revise the findings and theories of earlier studies. The necessity of seeking strictness in the forms of documents and methods to deliver them is agreed, but it must be emphasized that strictness needs to be maintained within a range that does not damage the overall context and meanings of documents. Excessively seeking strictness in formality should not lead to the transformation of content. 본고는 최철영, 유미림 「1877년 태정관 지령의 역사적·국제법적 쟁점검토―울릉도쟁계 관련 문서와의 연관성을 중심으로―」(『국제법학회논총』63(4), 2018. 248∽280쪽)라는 논문에서 울릉도쟁계에 관련한 부분만을 대상으로 검토한 것이다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1693년의 예조참판 권해 명의의 이른바 조선의 제1차 서계는 그 후 조선 정부가 회수하였기 때문에 외교문서로서의 의미가 상실된 것으로 판단했다. 이여 명의의 제2차 서계는 막부에 의해 수용된 형태로 울릉도 도해금지령을 내리게 된다. 따라서 2차 서계는 실질적으로 외교문서의 효력을 가지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 쓰시마 번이 도해금지령 및 울릉도에 대한 조선의 영유권을 인정하는 등의 주요한 내용을 격을 낮추어 구상서로 전한 것은 막부의 도해금지 결정에 대한 쓰시마 번의 불만이 반영되었기 때문이다. 그러나 이 구상서는 막부나 쓰시마 번의 형부대보의 의사 즉 일본의 국가의사가 반영된 것이기 때문에 정식의 외교문서로 보아야 한다는 점을 밝혔다. 셋째, 일본이 보낸 최종 확인공문에서 서계와 구상서는 분리해서 별개의 문서로 평가할 수 없다는 점을 밝혔다. 즉 서계에서 “나머지는 관수가 구두로 말씀드릴 것입니다”고 밝히고 있기 때문에 여기에서의 서계와 구상서는 분리할 수 없는 행위의 연속적인 시리즈의 부분(as part of a continuing series of acts)으로 봐야한다. 넷째, 사료해석에 관련된 문제로서 접속조사 ば(ba) 의 해석에 대해 언급했다. 구체적으로 야마구치 현 공무원 야마모토 오사미의 복명서에 나오는 “조선과 일본 정부 사이에 조약이 있으므로(彼我政府二於テ条約アレハ)“라는 문장은 일본어 고전문법 또는 문어문법에서 이연형(e단)에 연결되면, 원인, 이유(∽ので, ∽から)로 해석해야 한다는 점을 밝혔다. 이상을 종합하면. 최철영, 유미림의 논문에서 제기된 문제는 수용하기 어려우며, 기존의 연구 및 학설에 대한 변경의 필요성이 없다고 하겠다.

      • 논문 : 고려(高麗)-명(明) 외교문서(外交文書) 서식(書式)의 성립과 배경

        정동훈 ( Dong Hun Jung ) 서울대학교 국사학과 2010 韓國史論 Vol.56 No.-

        In the premodern era, there were legally legitimate, unequal relationships existent between countries of East Asia, and such inequality was demonstrated through rituals and protocols (禮制). At the heart of all the diplomatic exchanges that continued between countries with such relationship, there were the diplomatic documents that involved not only the kings of both countries, but also the offices that were directly responsible for arranging diplomatic functions. And the protocols regarding such documents were strictly established. Analyzed in this dissertation are the formats of the diplomatic documents displayed in 《Yimun/吏文》, a compilation of diplomatic documents that were produced during the transitional period between Goryeo and Joseon dynasties. It is intended to shed some light upon the task of determining what kind of changes occurred to the Goryeo dynasty`s diplomatic policy and relationships, in the wake of its counterpart`s shift of power, from the Mongol Yuan empire to the Chinese Ming dynasty. Right after the foundation of the dynasty, Ming government tried to establish a unitary, emperor-centric hierarchy structure, by bringing modifications to several areas of governance such as the governmental officials` inner structure, the legal system, and the ritual code. The formats and principles regarding how to generate a (governmental) document and how to process (行移體式) it, were firmly established according to the officials` vertical and horizontal relationships among themselves, and according to their respective jurisdiction over certain matters as well. Such established formats and principles were officialized by being dictated inside 《Hongmu Cheje/洪武禮制 (Hongmu protocols)》. The diplomatic documents Ming sent to Goryeo had the exact same outlook with the governmental documents that were generated and circulated inside Ming. Such practice had very much to do with the earlier practice, in which Goryeo, as a local provincial entity (named Jeongdong Haengseong/征東行省) inside the Yuan imperial realm, exchanged (Chinese) governmental documents (such as ``Ja/咨`` documents) in its relationship with Yuan. Goryeo as well sent documents (to Ming) that perfectly fit the governmental document format of the Ming dynasty. In their relationship with the Yuan empire, the Goryeo kings, as the Seungsang head of the Jeongdong Haengseong provincial authority (part of the Yuan inner local hierarchy structure), sent the governmental Ja/咨 documents to Yuan. On the other hand, as the head of the Goryeo government, the kings communicated with Yuan`s Jungseo-seong/中書省 office by using Chiseo-style (致書式) documents. During the Ming period, Goryeo was not part of the Ming dynasty`s local provincial system in terms of either status or form, yet Goryeo kings continued to use governmental document formats. It was an act of inheriting the previous practices, and also an act of recognizing the new world (East Asian) order with Ming at the center, and an admission that the Korean peninsula was also to participate in such order. There were mainly three types of diplomatic documents. First, there were Jo/詔·Chik/勅 and Pyo/表·Ju/奏 documents exchanged between kings of both countries. Second, there were diplomatic documents that were exchanged between the king of the tributary state and the Chinese governmental offices or high ranking officials (the Chiseo-style documents). Third, there were the Chinese governmental documents such as Ja/咨·Jeong/呈·Johwae/照會. In the early half of the Goryeo dynasty, in their relationship with either Song/宋, Yo/遼 or Geum/金, Goryeo people only used Jo/詔·Chik/勅 and Pyo/表·Ju/奏, because Goryeo was an entity recognized by its own population as a separately existing, ``foreign`` country to China. That changed coming into the Yuan period, when the Goryeo kings, (even) as head of the Goryeo government, started to exchange Chiseo-style documents in their dealings with Yuan governmental officials. Yet in such exchanges, both ends` status in the hierarchy chain engulfing both countries were not displayed so vividly. On the other hand, governmental documents had strict regulations regarding the forms, that were defined by both the senders` and recipients` official statuses, as we can see from the types of such governmental documents, labelled like ``up-going`` (上行), ``delivery between equivalents`` (平行), or ``down-sending`` (下行). In the ending days of the Yuan empire, Goryeo`s communication with the military factions that were rising everywhere throughout Southern China, or with Japan since the foundation of Ming, proceeded via exchanging Chiseo-style documents. This suggests that outside the realm of influence of either Yuan or Ming, Goryeo`s communication continued with various entities, as a separate country of its own, and not as part of the Chinese realm. Yet after the establishment of a formal tributary relationship between Ming and Goryeo, only the governmental documents were used in communication between Goryeo, and the Ming offices. Communications using Chiseo-style documents were considered as an act of violation of the principle of ``Vassals not allowed to conduct diplomacy on their own (人臣無外交).`` In other words, it was considered as a private venture in diplomacy (私交), and was strongly prohibited. The governmental documents were used, on the basis of accepting Ming`s ritual & protocol system and its governmental structure, and also with the premise of admitting that Goryeo was now part of that. As the governmental protocols regarding document generation and procedures dictated, the Goryeo kings exchanged Ja/咨 documents(usually delivered between entities sharing similar ranks) with Ming offices holding the rank of 1&2-Pum, and received ``up-going`` documents (Jeong/呈) from 3-Pum ranking offices. Goryeo`s 1-Pum ranking office, the Do-pyeong`euisa-sa, sent ``up-going`` documents(Shin/申·Jeong/呈) to Ming`s 1&2-Pum ranking offices, and received ``down-sending`` Johwae/照會 documents from them. We can see that the Goryeo kings roughly held the status of a 1&2- Pum ranking office inside the Ming governmental ranking structure, and the Goryeo government`s Do-pyeong`euisa-sa was being recognized as a 3-Pum office, in the eyes of Ming. Considering the official uniform code (冠服) regarding Goryeo, which dictated that "In awareness of the Chinese governmental officials`` 9-class system, (the Goryeo officials` ranking) should start 2 classes lower from the top," one could say that Goryeo`s governmental offices held a status usualIy 2 ranks lower (遞降) than their originally established ranks, in terms of diplomatic exchanges with Ming China. Such status was also the same with other tributary states of Ming, such as Annam/安南, Jeomseong/占城 and Yugu/琉球. Ming did not impose an influence that was as strong as the one that Yuan had over Goryeo, yet ironically it was more determined to position Goryeo in its own ritual & protocol system, and was much more active in letting its intentions be known to the Korean people. Their (continuation of) usage of governmental documents suggests that they perceived diplomatic functions as an extension of domestic governing and administrating. Such sentiment and stance can be well identified from the so-called concept of ``一視同仁`` (i shih t`ung jen, regarding everyone equally and impartially). This concept reveals Ming`s own view of the world, wanting to bring a unitary order to the world (East Asia). Also for political reasons, Ming reinforced its own emperor-centric dictatorship, banned any political factions other than the king from privately communicating with Goryeo, and also prohibited the use of Chiseo-style documents. Goryeo, which just experienced the presence of a powerful empire such as Yuan, was ready to acknowledge China`s status as the center of East Asia. Goryeo accepted and embraced a new system of rituals & protocols strongly suggested by Ming, therefore agreed to recognize Ming`s prominent status in East Asia and tried to diminish any potentials for future conflicts. Goryeo became a tributary state, and was positioned inside a Ming-centric East Asian order, effectively involved in a new system of rituals & protocols.

      • KCI등재

        중국 대학 한국어 전공자를 위한 한중 외교 문서 연구

        고초,동연,김수연 중앙어문학회 2022 語文論集 Vol.92 No.-

        It is found that specialized knowledge of external exchanges is necessary to meet the aims of cultivating people of foreign language talent. Although the diplomatic documents are important official documents for external exchanges, but they are not included into the contents of Korean language studies and education. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the essential contents of diplomatic document education to those undergraduates who major in Korean language in China. In order, this study examined from the following two parts. First, to summarize the characteristics of diplomatic documents between China and Korea, and to introduce them to the students who major in Korean language at Chinese universities what the diplomatic documents are, which fields are they involved, and when they can be used. Second, to classified the linguistic characteristics of diplomatic documents between Korea and China were largely into three categories: the characteristics of Chinese characters applying, the characteristics of foreign word notation, and the characteristics of the honorific method of memorandum of understanding and exchange. The characteristics and linguistic characteristics of 'Korean-Chinese diplomatic documents' which were not covered much in the linguistics research field were revealed, and it is supposed to be contribute to the Korean language education of foreigners.

      • 헝가리 헝가리 외교기밀문서 중 북한 문학 관련 자료 연구 : 1955년 12월 21일, 평양에서 보고한 북한 문학 개관 자료를 중심으로

        김보국 중동유럽한국학회 2014 중동유럽한국학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        한국학 연구 자료로서 아직 연구자들에게 생소한 헝가리 문서보관소 소장 헝가리 외교기밀문서 중 일반행정기밀문서를 소개하는 글이다. 헝가리 외교기밀문서는 소위 '뛰끄(TÜK)'로 일컬어지는 정치, 외교 관련 기밀문서와 문화, 교육, 경제 관련 내용을 담고 있는 일반행정기밀문서로 분류된다. 지금까지 '뛰끄' 자료는 국내외에서 일부 공개되어 연구자들에게 제공된 적은 있지만 일반행정기밀문서는 그 중요성에도 불구하고 알려진 바가 극히 드물다. 본고에서는 헝가리 외교기밀문서에 대한 개관과 아울러 1955년 평양에서 생성된 북한문학을 개관한 보고서 전문을 소개한다. 한국전쟁 기간 중 발생한 북한의 전쟁고아 200명이 1951년 11월 23일 처음으로 헝가리에 도착한 이후 그들 대부분이 출국하게 되는 1956년 12월까지 헝가리는 1,000명 내외의 북한 전쟁고아 및 유학생들의 교육을 '이데올로기적 형제 국가'로서 책임지게 된다. 이와 관련하여 교육 및 예술관련 정보 보고들이 상당수 존재하며, 당시 북한 문예계의 생생한 보고들 또한 관련 전공자들에게는 흥미로운 자료일 것이다. 본고에서 소개하는 자료는 비록 헝가리의 외교관이 보고한 북한 문학의 개요이지만, 그 내용으로 봐서는 1955년 말, 북한에서 공식적으로 인정되고 회자되는 내용들의 요약이므로, 당시 북한 문학 관련 종사자들, 혹은 일반인들 사이에서 인식하고 있는 일상적 문학관을 엿볼 수 있을 것이다. The Korean Peninsula came to be divided into two different Koreas that had their own regime and ideology after the end of the Second World War. Similarly, Hungary had a socialist regime through the intervention of the Soviet Union. Hungary signed a treaty of amity with North Korea in 1948, because they shared the same ideology. As for the archive, the treaty meant that both countries began to communicate regularly and periodically exchange official documents, and these documents would be kept in the archive. These documents were kept and managed in one corner of the archive. However, South Korea prohibited communications with socialist countries because of the Korean War and the Cold War, so it was impossible to access the documents in the archive at that time. But the ex-socialist countries experienced regime change, and as the countries changed, the public demand, on political grounds, for documents of the past regime became quite profound. Accordingly, the archive made it possible to examine a large number of documents as a proper follow-up measure, in accordance with Hungarian domestic laws concerning the storage and management of the documents. The documents presently available in the archive can be divided into two general types: 1) official documents on South Korea and North Korea regarding general foreign affairs and administrations; and 2) documents regarding overseas Hungarian officials, especially the contents of reports from diplomats who dealt with pieces of information in the Hungarian embassies located in Seoul and Pyongyang. In particular, the documents of the latter are treated as confidential documents (titkos ügykezelés as abbreviated as TÜK, and translated as “confidential information management”), and the materials from between 1949 and 1989 amount to more than 50,000 pages. This does not mean that the former, official documents on South Korea and North Korea regarding general foreign affairs and administration, are less valuable than the latter. These two sections are closely connected and provide us with another paradigm on the modern history of South Korea and North Korea and the history of diplomacy.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 외교문서의 양상과 수사학

        송병우(Song, Byung-woo) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2010 동양한문학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        본고는 󰡔고려사󰡕 소재 외교문서를 개괄한 것이다. 아울러 형식적 양상과 수사학적 분석의 틀을 제시하려는 시론이다. 고려왕조에서 발송한 외교문서는 모두 204건이고, 고려왕조에서 받은 것은 289건이다. 고려왕조에서 대부분 중국의 여러 왕조로 외교문서를 발송했다. 그러나 일본국에 보낸 문서가 3건 나타난다. 고려왕조에서 받은 문서도 대부분은 중국 왕조들의 것이지만, 일본과 태국에서 보낸 것도 있었다. 고려왕조에서 발송한 문서는 ‘표(表)’, ‘서(書)’, ‘주(奏)’, ‘첩(牒)’, ‘자(咨)’, ‘기타’, ‘전(箋)’, ‘신(申)’, ‘장(狀)’의 형식을 띤다. 고려왕조에서 받은 문서는 ‘조(詔)’, ‘첩(牒)’, ‘칙(勅)’, ‘책(冊)’, ‘서(書)’, ‘자(咨)’, ‘문(文)’, ‘록(錄)’, ‘명(命)’, ‘관고(官告)’, ‘제(制)’, ‘책(策)’, ‘관자(關子)’, ‘고신(告身)’, ‘주(奏)’, ‘표(表)’의 형식을 띤다. 외교문서를 분석할 수 있는 수사학적 틀로 제시할 수 있는 것은 다음과 같다. 첫째 외교문서의 유형이다. 그것은 ‘칭찬’, ‘권유’, ‘변호’로 대별할 수 있는데, 외교문서에서 사용되는 논거를 보여준다. 둘째 외교문서에서 설득에 영향을 미치는 문채적 특징이 있다. 이는 문서에 나타난 표현의 방법과 관련되는데 외교에서 설득에 영향을 미친다. 셋째 이성적 의사소통과 감성적 의사소통이다. 이성적 의사소통에서는 논거와 논증 형식이 중요하고, 감성적 의사소통에서는 ‘호감’의 획득이 중요하다. 물론 가장 중요한 요소는 이 두 방식의 조화로움이다. 넷째, 외교문서의 구조, 즉 문장 구성방식이다. 문서의 구성 형식은 문학적인 아름다움과 관련이 있을 뿐만 아니라, 설득의 효율성과도 깊은 관련이 있다. This paper is to survey the diplomatic documents in the Koryo History and to suggest a frame for a rhetorical analysis of those documents. The number of diplomatic documents that Koryo dynasty had sent to neighboring countries are 204 items and Koryo had been recieved 289 items from them. The Koryo dynasty sent mostly documents to Chinese dynasties, but there were three items to send to Japan. Also the documents that Koryo dynasty was received are mainly those of Chinese dynasties, but there were three items of other countries: two of Japan and one of Thailand. There are the genres of ‘表’, ‘書’, ‘奏’, ‘牒’, ‘咨’, ‘箋’, ‘申’, ‘狀’ and ‘the rest’ in the diplomatic documents that Koryo dynasty send to. There are the genres of ‘詔’, ‘牒’, ‘勅’, ‘冊’, ‘書’, ‘咨’, ‘文’, ‘錄’, ‘命’, ‘官告’, ‘制’, ‘策’, ‘關子’, ‘告身’, ‘奏’, and ‘表’ in what Koryo dynasty was received from. The rhetorical frameworks to be able to analyze documents are as follows. Frist, it is a types of the documents. This types are categorized as three kinds: praise, invitation, and defense. This three types show an argument in documents. Second, it is expressive means contributing to persuasion shown in documents. Third, it is a method of rational and sensitive communications. In the former, argument and argumentation are very important and in the latter it is very important to get a favorable impression. Undoubtedly, a harmony of the two factors of rational and sensitive communications is the most important things for good documents. Finally, it is a structure of document contributing to persuasion. A structure of the documents is related not only to beauty of a literature but also to effective persuasion.

      • 헝가리 헝가리 외교기밀문서 중 북한 문학 관련 자료 연구

        김보국(Kim Bo gook) 중동유럽한국학회 2014 중동유럽한국학회지 Vol.15 No.-

        한국학 연구 자료로서 아직 연구자들에게 생소한 헝가리 문서보관소 소장 헝가리 외교기밀문서 중 일반행정기밀문서를 소개하는 글이다. 헝가리 외교기밀문서는 소위 '뛰끄(TÜK)'로 일컬어지는 정치, 외교 관련 기밀문서와 문화, 교육, 경제 관련 내용을 담고 있는 일반행정기밀문서로 분류된다. 지금까지 '뛰끄' 자료는 국내외에서 일부 공개되어 연구자들에게 제공된 적은 있지만 일반행정기밀문서는 그 중요성에도 불구하고 알려진 바가 극히 드물다. 본고에서는 헝가리 외교기밀문서에 대한 개관과 아울러 1955년 평양에서 생성된 북한문학을 개관한 보고서 전문을 소개한다. 한국전쟁 기간 중 발생한 북한의 전쟁고아 200명이 1951년 11월 23일 처음으로 헝가리에 도착한 이후 그들 대부분이 출국하게 되는 1956년 12월까지 헝가리는 1,000명 내외의 북한 전쟁고아 및 유학생들의 교육을 '이데올로기적 형제 국가'로서 책임지게 된다. 이와 관련하여 교육 및 예술관련 정보 보고들이 상당수 존재하며, 당시 북한 문예계의 생생한 보고들 또한 관련 전공자들에게는 흥미로운 자료일 것이다. 본고에서 소개하는 자료는 비록 헝가리의 외교관이 보고한 북한 문학의 개요이지만, 그 내용으로 봐서는 1955년 말, 북한에서 공식적으로 인정되고 회자되는 내용들의 요약이므로, 당시 북한 문학 관련 종사자들, 혹은 일반인들 사이에서 인식하고 있는 일상적 문학관을 엿볼 수 있을 것이다. The Korean Peninsula came to be divided into two different Koreas that had their own regime and ideology after the end of the Second World War. Similarly, Hungary had a socialist regime through the intervention of the Soviet Union. Hungary signed a treaty of amity with North Korea in 1948, because they shared the same ideology. As for the archive, the treaty meant that both countries began to communicate regularly and periodically exchange official documents, and these documents would be kept in the archive. These documents were kept and managed in one corner of the archive. However, South Korea prohibited communications with socialist countries because of the Korean War and the Cold War, so it was impossible to access the documents in the archive at that time. But the exsocialist countries experienced regime change, and as the countries changed, the public demand, on political grounds, for documents of the past regime became quite profound. Accordingly, the archive made it possible to examine a large number of documents as a proper follow-up measure, in accordance with Hungarian domestic laws concerning the storage and management of the documents. The documents presently available in the archive can be divided into two general types: 1) official documents on South Korea and North Korea regarding general foreign affairs and administrations; and 2) documents regarding overseas Hungarian officials, especially the contents of reports from diplomats who dealt with pieces of information in the Hungarian embassies located in Seoul and Pyongyang. In particular, the documents of the latter are treated as confidential documents (titkos ügykezelés as abbreviated as TÜK, and translated as "confidential information management"), and the materials from between 1949 and 1989 amount to more than 50,000 pages. This does not mean that the former, official documents on South Korea and North Korea regarding general foreign affairs and administration, are less valuable than the latter. These two sections are closely connected and provide us with another paradigm on the modern history of South Korea and North Korea and the history of diplomacy.

      • KCI등재

        헝가리의 체제전환시기까지 한국과 헝가리의 교류에 관한 연구

        김보국(Bo gook Kim) 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 동유럽발칸연구소 2015 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.39 No.2

        한국과 헝가리는 1989년 2월 1일, 양국의 수도에 각 국가의 대사관을 설치함으로써 지난한 수교의 과정을 매듭지었다. 양국의 외교 관계 수립에 대해서는 지금까지 주로 경제적인 측면에서, 동유럽 시장에 대한 한국의 접근이라는 관점에서 서술이 되거나, 양국 수교 당시 한국의 대통령이었던 노태우가 1988년 7월 7일에 발표한 소위 '7.7선언'에 담긴 대 사회주의권 정책(북방정책) 선언에 따른 결과, 혹은 1988년, 서울에서 열린 제24회 하계 올림픽을 개최하는 과정에서 이루어진 실무자들의 접촉 과정에서 출발한 양국 관계의 맹아가 국교수립이라는 공식적인 외교관계의 설립으로까지 이어진 것으로 기술되고 있다. 하지만 그 수교의 의의와 과정 등에 대한 본격적인 연구는 아직 미비하다고 할 수 있는데, 헝가리어로 된 헝가리 측 자료에 대한 접근과 해제에 많은 제약이 있음이 가장 큰 문제 중 하나라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 본고에서는 기본 자료라고 할 수 있는 한국과 헝가리의 외교문서들을 통하여 양국의 수교 과정에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. The Korean Peninsula came to be divided into two different Koreas that had their own regime and ideology after the end of the Second World War. Similarly, Hungary had a socialist regime through the intervention of the Soviet Union. Hungary signed a treaty of amity with North Korea in 1948, because they shared the same ideology. As for the archive, the treaty meant that both countries began to communicate regularly and periodically exchange official documents, and these documents would be kept in the archive. These documents were kept and managed in one corner of the archive. However, South Korea prohibited communications with socialist states because of the Korean War and the Cold War, so it was impossible to access the documents in the archive at that time. But the ex-socialist states experienced political transition, and as the countries changed, the public demand, on political grounds, for documents of the past regime became quite profound. Accordingly, the archive made it possible to examine a large number of documents as a proper follow-up measure, in accordance with Hungarian domestic laws concerning the storage and management of the documents. Because the confidential documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary amount to more than 50,000 pages and a considerable amount of the documents are so voluminous that I can hardly afford to collect and research them. On examining various documents, I have become greatly interested in the process leading to the signing of the treaty of amity between Korea and Hungary. One of the reasons I consider this theme is that no other materials can give a fuller explanation than the materials kept at the Hungarian National Archives. As I demonstrated in this paper, many countries, including the United States, the ex-USSR, China, Japan, needless to say North Korea, and others, were also involved in establishing the diplomatic relationship between Hungary and South Korea. Although I could not address it in this paper, another aspect of this theme is that the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between Hungary and South Korea almost coincided with the political transition in Eastern European countries. In the case of political transition in ex-socialist states, Hungary was the prelude to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc. In this paper, I introduce the Hungarian National Archive and the documents related to South and North Korea in brief. The main section focuses on the diplomatic relationship between Hungary and South Korea. With some documents, I tried to introduce rather than analyze.

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