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      • KCI등재

        Artificial diets determine fatty acid composition in edible Ruspolia differens (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

        Karlmax Rutaro,Geoffrey M. Malinga,Robert Opoke,Vilma J. Lehtovaara,Francis Omujal,Philip Nyeko,Heikki Roininen,Anu Valtonen 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.4

        There are increasing interests in rearing edible insects in Africa, but information on how the feeds modify their fatty acids is largely lacking. In this work, the influence of artificial diets on the fatty acid contents and composition in the edible Ruspolia differens (Serville, 1838), in Uganda was assessed. R. differens was reared on the mixtures of six gradually diversified diets of two, three, four, six, eight and nine feeds. The diets were formulated from rice seed head, finger millet seed head, wheat bran, superfeed chicken egg booster, sorghum seed head, germinated finger millet, simsim cake, crushed dog biscuit pellet and shea butter. Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared using direct transesterification method, and analysed using gas chromatography. The contents of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid differed significantly among the diets. The more diverse diets resulted in increased content of the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The n6:n3 ratio differed significantly among the diets and between the sexes, with R. differens fed on the four-feed diet having a higher n6:n3 ratio than those fed on other diets. Also, the fatty acid composition differed significantly among the diets, and diet diversification corresponded with the proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Overall, our results demonstrate that higher levels of essential fatty acids can be achieved by rearing R. differens on highly diversified diets. These findings are important in informing the design of future mass-rearing program for this edible insect.

      • KCI등재

        The fatty acid composition of edible grasshopper Ruspolia differens (Serville) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) feeding on diversifying diets of host plants

        Karlmax RUTARO,Geoffrey M.MALINGA,Vilma J. LEHTOVAARA,Robert Opoke,Anu VALTONEN,Justus KWETEGYEKA,Philip Nyeko,Heikki ROININEN 한국곤충학회 2018 Entomological Research Vol.48 No.6

        Ruspolia differens (Serville) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) is a highly valued edible grasshopper species in Africa. However, the effects of plant diets on lipid content and fatty acid composition of R. differens are not well understood. We tested the effects of four diets on the total lipid content and fatty acid composition of R. differens. Sixth instar nymphs of R. differens were reared on one, and mixtures of two, three, and six natural plant inflorescences. Individuals collected from the field constituted a control treatment. We extracted lipids and analyzed the fatty acid methyl esters using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. We analyzed if the total lipid content, body weight, and fatty acid composition differed among diets and between the sexes using two‐way ANOVAs and a PERMANOVA model, respectively. The total lipid content and weight of R. differens did not differ among the diets. The nine common fatty acids were palmitic (mean across treatments, 26%), oleic (22%), palmitoleic (18%), linoleic (13%), stearic (7%), myristic (6%), myristoleic (4%), α‐linolenic (2%) and arachidic acid (1%). The composition of fatty acids and the proportion of essential fatty acids significantly differed among the diets. The proportion of essential fatty acids was highest in the control treatment (21%) but low in less diversified (one to three feed) diets (12–13%). This study demonstrates that the fatty acid composition in R. differens can be influenced through diet. Thus, with dietary manipulations, using local plants in Africa, it is possible to produce R. differens with preferred high quality essential fatty acids for human consumption.

      • KCI등재

        인식개선을 통한 식용곤충 산업의 활성화 방안

        황두선(Dooseon Hwang),임채환(Chae-Hwan Lim),이승훈(Seung Hun Lee),윤은영(Eun-Young Yun) 한국식품과학회 2022 식품과학과 산업 Vol.55 No.2

        식용곤충은 영양적, 친환경적, 경제적, 기능성 등의 장점을 가지고 있어 미래 대체식량으로 주목받고 있음에도 불구하고 현재까지 소비는 저조한 실정이므로 새로운 소비촉진 방안 마련이 시급하다. 따라서 인구밀도가 가장 높은 서울시민을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 결과를 바탕으로 ① 식용곤충의 외형에 대한 혐오감, ② 식품공전에 신규 등록된 식용곤충에 대한 홍보 부족, ③ 지속적인 양질의 식용곤충 공급 및 식품 · 제품 판매의 어려움이라는 식용곤충 산업의 문제점을 도출하였다. 식용곤충 산업 활성화를 위해서는 본 연구에서 제안한 다양한 홍보활동을 통해 우선 식용곤충의 가치나 혐오감 개선에 앞서 식용곤충의 존재를 널리 알리는 것이 선행되어야 할 것이다. 이미 · 이취를 감소시키고 풍미를 향상시켜 식용곤충이 맛있는 먹거리로 각인된다면 소비촉진은 자연스럽게 이루어질 것이라 생각된다. 새로운 식재료인 곤충에 대한 호기심은 있으나 어떻게 조리해야 하는지 모르는 분들을 위한 다양한 조리 교육이 이루어진다면 식용곤충은 누구나 손쉽고 맛있게 먹을 수 있을 것이다. 어떠한 식재료보다 믿을 수 있는 먹거리로 자리매김하기 위해, 복합공간인 원스톱 클러스터에서 품질관리를 통한 수매가 이루어지고, 그 자리에서 바로 교육 및 제품판매까지 이루어진다면 소비자에게 보다 편의성을 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이라 판단된다. 이러한 다방면의 활성화 방안을 통해 미래대체 식량으로써 식용곤충 산업이 활성화된다면 국민건강증진과 관련 산업 소득증대를 기대할 수 있을 것이라 기대된다. Although edible insects are attracting attention as future alternative food because of their nutritional, eco-friendly, and economic advantages and functionality, consumption is low, so measures to promote consumption are needed. The problems in edible insect consumption were identified as the aversion to the edible insects, lack of publicity for edible insects newly registered in the Food Code, and difficulties in continuously supplying high-quality edible insects and selling products. To solve these problems, it is necessary to establish effective public relations plans for new edible insects and develop processing methods for improving their taste and flavor, education content about edible insects, and products interesting to the target age. In addition, it is necessary to establish a one-stop cluster that can perform quality control of harmful substances and nutrients, purchase raw materials, sell products, educate, and publicize.

      • KCI등재

        Powdered edible locust enhances nitrogen excretion and presents a lowenergy value in growing rats

        Ochiai Masaru,Inada Mako 한국응용곤충학회 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.23 No.4

        Edible insects are increasingly recommended as novel sustainable protein sources, but the nutritional properties of edible insects have not been well studied. We investigated whether locust powder can be used as a nutritionally functional food resource with a low energy value using a rat model. Twenty-five male Wistar rats (4-week-old) were fed a basal diet (12 g daily) to which a fixed amount of locust powder (0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 g) was added for 20 days (L0, L0.5, L1.0, and L2.0 groups, respectively). In the sucrose standard group, rats received 12 g of the basal diet daily and 2.0 g of sucrose daily for 20 days (S2.0 group). Body-weight gain and the nutritional composition of the carcasses and feces were determined to estimate the available energy value of locust powder. The L0.5 group had the lowest carcass fat content and energy accumulation, but these values were increased by locust powder in a dose-dependent manner. The net energy value of locust powder was estimated to be 2.78 kcal/g, which was expected to be lower than the calculated theoretical value (4.25 kcal/g) and that of sucrose (3.94 kcal/g). Fecal nitrogen excretion was increased by dietary locust powder in a dosedependent manner (correlation coefficient, R = 0.98), and the carcass nitrogen percentage was not changed, regardless of the dietary content of the locust powder, indicating an increased excretion of proteins or other nonprotein nitrogen compounds derived from the locust powder. These findings suggest that locust powder can be used as a novel food material with a low energy value for humans.

      • KCI등재

        The ameliorative effect of Protaetia brevitarsis Larvae in HFD-induced obese mice

        안은미,명노일,정현아,김수진 한국식품과학회 2019 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.28 No.4

        Protaetia brevitarsis Lewis (P. brevitarsis) larvae,edible insect, traditionally is consumed for varioushealth benefits. However, little information is availablewith respect to its direct anti-obesity effects. Thus, thepresent study was designed to investigate the regulatoryeffect of P. brevitarsis against high-fat diet (HFD)-inducedobese mice. HFD-fed mice showed an increase in the bodyweight and serum levels of total cholesterol as well as lowdensitylipoprotein-cholesterol, and triglycerides. Theadministration of P. brevitarsis to obese mice induced areduction in their body weight, lipid accumulation in liverand serum lipid parameter compared with the HFD fedmice. P. brevitarsis also inhibited the expression of obesity-related genes such as CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteinalpha and fatty acid synthesis in 3T3-L1 cells. Moreover, oleic acid was identified as predominant fattyacid of P. brevitarsis by gas chromatography analysis. Conclusively, these findings suggested that P. brevitarsismay help to prevent obesity and obesity-related metabolicdiseases.

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