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        인도 델리의 역사문화경관에 관한 연구

        성명희 ( Seong¸ Myeong Hee ),이혁진 ( Lee¸ Hyuk Jin ) 한국사진지리학회 2021 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Delhi is a city in the north of India and is known as the National Capital Territory of Delhi(NCT) and is divided into New Delhi and Old Delhi. Deli was at the center of the Islamic kingdom through the period of the Delhi Sultan and the Mughal Empire in the past, and today it can identify distinct Islamic civilizations in India, where Hinduism dominates. This study aims to describe the characteristics of historical and cultural landscapes, including Delhi’s World Heritage. The results of the study are as follows. Delhi is strongly influenced by the former Islamic Empire. Old Delhi is the best city in India that embodies the Indo-Islamic culture as Shahjahanabad built by the Mughal Empire Shah Jahan. The Delhi World Heritage Sites include the ruins of Qutb Minar in Delhi Sultanate, Humayun’s Tomb and the Red Fortress Complex of the Mughal Empire. Delhi also has a distinctive religious landscape, reflecting the cultural and geographical features of India, where various religions have occurred.

      • KCI등재

        인도의 최근 도시화 과정에서 나타나는 ‘공간적 격리와 배제’의 성격: 1990년대 이후 델리와 수도권지역의 변화를 중심으로

        정채성(Jeong, Chae-Seong) 한국인도학회 2021 印度硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        이 논문은 1990년대 이후 델리와 수도권지역에서 진행되고 있는 도시화 과정에서, 중간계급의 새로운 소비문화와 생활양식에 따라 일어나는 여러 형태의 공간적 재편 현상에 주목한다. 대규모 슬럼 철거, 중상층 주택가의 대문 세우기, 요새화된 고급 아파트단지 등 세 현상을 중심으로 첫째, 노동빈민에 대한 공간적 격리와 배제가 일어나는 양상을 분석하고, 둘째, 이 분석을 토대로 이러한 격리와 배제의 기본적인 성격을 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 본론에서 우선 델리의 모든 도시개발과 계획의 기준인 델리 마스터플랜을 중심으로 슬럼의 형성사와 철거 실상을 정리하는데, 델리의 슬럼은 1960년대 이후 도시개발과 건설을 위해 대대적으로 진행된 대규모 토목건설사업에 필요한 노동력을 확보하기 위해 정부의 묵인하에 공공용지에 형성된, 즉 “계획된 불법성”의 산물임을 확인하였다. 또한 슬럼 철거로 인해 수많은 빈민이 도심에서 변두리로 밀려나는 ‘강탈에 의한 축적’ 현상이 분명하게 나타나지만, 이와 동시에 비합법적인 주거지역들을 대거 합법화함으로써 빈민과 이주노동자를 흡수할 수 있는 공간을 마련하는 과정이 동시에 진행된다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다. 다음으로 중상층 주거지역에서 1980년대 중반 이후 행해진 대문 세우기 현상을 분석해서 첫째, 대문 세우기가 빈민을 주거지역에서 밀어내려는 공간적 격리와 배제의 한 과정이고, 둘째, 이 과정은 주민위원회가 주도하고 정부가 바기다리사업을 통해 적극 지원해서 순조롭게 이루어지며, 셋째, 하지만 대문을 세운 후에도 빈민이 주거지역을 드나들면서 여러 서비스노동을 제공하는 일이 계속되기 때문에 공간적 격리와 배제는 제한적으로만 이루어진다는 점을 밝혔다. 또한 요새화된 고급 아파트단지는 경비원이 24시간 출입을 엄격하게 통제할 뿐 아니라 단지 안에 온갖 생활편의시설들이 갖춰져 있어서 외부와 완전히 단절된 것처럼 보이지만, 사실은 매일 단지를 드나드는 수많은 서비스노동자들 없이는 일상생활이 제대로 유지될 수 없는 공간이다. 이 때문에 요새화된 아파트단지 주변마다 노동빈민들의 슬럼이 형성되며, 공간적인 격리와 배제는 불완전하게 이루어질 수밖에 없다. 이상의 분석들을 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 도출했다. 첫째, 슬럼은 정부와 중간계급의 필요에 의해 형성, 유지된 공간이며, 따라서 슬럼 철거가 아니라 적절한 관리와 유지가 정부와 중간계급이 지향하는 바이다. 둘째, 빈민에 대한 공간적인 격리와 배제가 온전하게 이루어질 수 없는 근본적인 이유는 중간계급의 생활방식을 유지하기 위해서는 노동빈민들이 제공하는 서비스가 반드시 필요하기 때문이다. 즉 중간계급과 노동빈민은 서로를 필요로 하는 상호의존적인 관계를 맺고 있기 때문에, 빈민을 격리하고 배제하는 것이 아니라 인접한 공간에서 적절히 관리하는 것을 중시하는 것이다. 셋째, 델리에서 카스트, 종교, 지역, 직업 등에 따라 집단적으로 분리된 주거지역이 형성된 역사가 매우 오래되었다는 점을 감안하면, 최근의 주택가 대문 세우기와 요새화 현상은 ‘계급과 돈’이라는 새로운 기준이 더해져서 공간이 재편되는 과정이라고 이해할 수 있다. This article focuses on the various forms of spatial reorganisation taking place in Delhi and National Capital Region since the 1990s in relation to the new consumption culture and lifestyle of the middle class. By dealing mainly with three important phenomena of spatial changes, i.e., large-scale demolition of slums, gating in residential areas and, fortified high-end apartment complexes, we aim to First, analyse the process of spatial segregation and exclusion against the labouring poor, and Second, identify the basic characteristics of spatial segregation and exclusion in this region. In chapters II and III, we first examine the history of slum formation with relation to the Master Plan for Delhi, the final authority for all the urban development and planning in and around Delhi. Slums in Delhi were allowed to be formed on public lands with the tacit approval of the government and the Delhi Development Authority (DDA), which needed to secure stable supply of labour necessary for the construction drive after the 1960s and, in this sense, slums in Delhi are the products of “planned illegalities”. Moreover, although we can clearly identify the process of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ to be firmly in place by observing the large-scale demolition of slums and eviction of the poor to the peripheries of Delhi, we must pay due attention to the fact that even larger-scale regularisation of unauthorised colonies has been taking place simultaneously to absorb the poor and migrant labourers. In chapter IV, through the analysis of the phenomenon of gating in middle and upper residential areas after the late 1980s, we find the following. First, gating is a process of segregating and excluding the poor from middle and upper residential areas. Second, RWAs take the lead of this process with active support of the government through Bhagidari Program, resulting in the smooth execution of gating. Third, despite the existence of gates, the poor still continue to go in and out of the area to provide various services, which clearly shows that spatial segregation and exclusion is possible only in limited degrees. At first glance, fortified high-end apartment complex, with security guards controlling all comings and goings for 24 hours and all kinds of facilities being available inside the complex itself, seems to be completely segregated from the outside world. But, in truth, everyday life in the complex cannot be maintained properly without the various services provided daily by numerous labourers coming from the outside. Because of this interdependency, there usually arise slums of poor labourers in walking distance around almost all fortified apartment complexes, which shows the imperfect nature of spatial segregation and exclusion even in these strongly fortified residential areas. Through the analyses in this article, we submit the following three points as our conclusion. First, slums are formed and maintained because both the government and the middle class need their existence and, therefore, these ruling partners basically want to properly control and maintain slums, not to completely demolish and exclude them. Second, spatial segregation and exclusion against the poor cannot be achieved successfully in the first place, because various services provided by the poor are necessary for the maintenance of middle class status and lifestyles. Since the middle class and the labouring poor need each other in the complex relationships of interdependency, proper regulation of the poor living in adjacent place is far more important than segregation and exclusion. Third, if we consider the long history of the pattern of residential separation in Delhi by religion, caste, region, occupation, etc., then the recent phenomena of gating and fortification can be understood as a continuum of this tradition, reorganising Delhi’s urban space according to the all powerful new criteria of ‘class and money’.

      • Impact of Globalization on Employment Distribution and Urban Mobility in Delhi

        Kirti Bhandari,John Black,Yoshitsugu Hayashi 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2008 도시과학국제저널 Vol.12 No.1

        Delhi has been identified as one of the fastest growing cities of the world. With an estimated 13.8 million people in Delhi in 2001, an overwhelming 93% was urban. The forces of globalization are playing a dominant role in shaping the urban form where the city limits are expanding to accommodate increasing job opportunities. The “Special Economic Zone” policy may be considered the government’s response to globalization. Rapidly urbanizing towns at the periphery of the National Capital Territory (NCT) are Gurgaon, Faridabad and NOIDA (New Okhla Industrial Development Authority). Supported by quality infrastructure, these zones attract a large Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Master plans have proposed the integration of these townships, which are a part of the National Capital region (NCR) to the NCT. However strict non-adherence to these plans has led to haphazard growth within the NCT and NCR. The significance of this paper is to show results from a combination of institutional analyses together with empirical investigations of spatial data to assess urban development outcomes in Delhi. The study tries to assess the changes in the urban form, commuting patterns and accessibility which have resulted due to the forces of globalization in Delhi. Results indicate that the people working in the satellite towns prefer to choose to live there, thereby resulting in shorter trips in these zones. Whereas the gravity type land use accessibility indices indicate that the city centre produces the highest accessibility which decreases towards the periphery for office stock, which subsequently increases in the satellite townships. However, due to the policies of relocation of industries to the periphery, these towns exhibit high accessibility for industrial locations. Delhi has been identified as one of the fastest growing cities of the world. With an estimated 13.8 million people in Delhi in 2001, an overwhelming 93% was urban. The forces of globalization are playing a dominant role in shaping the urban form where the city limits are expanding to accommodate increasing job opportunities. The “Special Economic Zone” policy may be considered the government’s response to globalization. Rapidly urbanizing towns at the periphery of the National Capital Territory (NCT) are Gurgaon, Faridabad and NOIDA (New Okhla Industrial Development Authority). Supported by quality infrastructure, these zones attract a large Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Master plans have proposed the integration of these townships, which are a part of the National Capital region (NCR) to the NCT. However strict non-adherence to these plans has led to haphazard growth within the NCT and NCR. The significance of this paper is to show results from a combination of institutional analyses together with empirical investigations of spatial data to assess urban development outcomes in Delhi. The study tries to assess the changes in the urban form, commuting patterns and accessibility which have resulted due to the forces of globalization in Delhi. Results indicate that the people working in the satellite towns prefer to choose to live there, thereby resulting in shorter trips in these zones. Whereas the gravity type land use accessibility indices indicate that the city centre produces the highest accessibility which decreases towards the periphery for office stock, which subsequently increases in the satellite townships. However, due to the policies of relocation of industries to the periphery, these towns exhibit high accessibility for industrial locations.

      • KCI등재

        『델리의 황혼』에 나타난 영국 식민주의와 올드델리의 파괴와 기억

        손석주 ( Sukjoo Sohn ) 21세기영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학21 Vol.33 No.3

        Ahmed Ali’s Twilight in Delhi, published in 1940 as arguably the first Indian Muslim English novel, shows the destructive effects of British imperialism on Old Delhi, the ancient capital of India since the 13th century. This paper examines how British colonial rule, which was firmly established after quelling the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, led to destroying the culture and language of Old Delhi and, ultimately, the construction of New Delhi. This paper also pays keen attention to how the novel uses Urdu and Persian poems to appropriate the dominant English language and revitalize the memory of the past. The novel, published in London with the help of E. M. Forster and Virginia Wolf and once banned in Pakistan, illustrates how the agency of memory can work to counter and even subvert the aftereffects of the forgetting and loss of language and lifestyle in Old Delhi because of British colonialism.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 초반 영령 인도의 신수도 입지 선정 과정에 내재된 정치적 함의에 관한 연구

        신민하(Shin, Minha) 호서사학회 2017 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.83

        본 연구에서는 1912년 3월 설립된 델리도시계획위원회의 설립과 활동을 중심으로 영령 인도의 신수도 입지 선정 과정과 그 속에 내재된 식민정부의 정치적 의도에 대해 고찰하였다. 1911년 12월 12일 캘커타에서 델리로의 수도 이전 결정 발표는 벵갈분할령의 시행 및 철회를 계기로 표출되기 시작한 인도 민족주의 진영의 격앙된 반영(反英) 감정을 누그러뜨리고 영국이 인도에서 물러날 의지가 없음을 상징적으로 보여주고자 하는 목적에서 급박하게 결정된 사안이었다. 따라서 수도 이전 및 도시계획에 대한 구체적인 논의는 생략되어 있었다. 이에 식민정부는 수도 이전 결정 발표 직후부터 당대 최고의 도시계획 전문가들로 구성된 델리도시계획위원회의 설립을 본국 인도부에 요청하였다. 이러한 배경에서 설립된 델리도시계획위원회는 두 차례에 걸친 인도 현지조사를 통해 당시까지 황무지에 가깝던 샤자하나바드 남서쪽 지역을 신수도 입지로 선정한다는 내용의 보고서를 작성하여 식민정부에 제출하였다. 그런데 본 연구에서 델리도시계획위원회의 설립 및 활동 과정을 면밀히 살펴본 바에 따르면 델리도시계획위원회 보고서의 실질적인 작성과정에 식민정부가 깊숙이 관여하고 있었으며, 이 과정에서 식민정부는 위생과 건강, 토지 확보라는 표면적인 이유 뒤에 내재된 중요한 정치적 의도를 가지고 있었던 것으로 보인다. 즉 식민정부는 과거와 같은 통치 방식으로는 급격히 성장하고 있던 인도 민족주의 진영을 감당하는데 효과적이지 못하다는 점을 명확히 인식하고 있었다. 그 결과 인도 민족주의 진영의 감정을 자극할 수 있는 요소들을 최대한 피하는 동시에 대영제국의 우월한 근대성을 상징적으로 보여줄 수 있는 초근대적 도시 건설을 위해 샤자하나바드 남서쪽 지역을 수도 입지로 선정함으로써 실추된 정치적 위상을 복원하고 통치의 새로운 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. This article examines the process of selecting the site for the new capital of India during the early 1910s and its political implications. In the year of 1911, the Government of India decided the transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi to display firm commitment to British rule in India while appeasing the fiery sentiment of anti-British colonialism. However, the Government of India did not have a specific plan regarding the transfer of the colonial capital as well as town plan. Consequently, the Government of India began to pressing the Secretary of State for India in London to locate the best experts to serve on the Delhi Town Planning Committee (DTPC). After surveying the potential sites in Delhi for the new imperial capital, DTPC selected the area to the south of Shahjahanabad as the building site for new imperial capital. It should be noted here that the Government of India had a powerful but invisible influence in the process of selecting the building site for new capital by the DTPC and also had objectives similar to the decision of the transfer of the colonial capital from Calcutta to Delhi. Although the Government of India, thanking to the official reports of the DTPC, emphasized the need for sanitary and room for future expansion as major reasons for the selection of the area to the south of Shahjahanabad, this article suggests that its aim was also to display the British commitment to colonial rule in India while appeasing the Indian nationalist sentiment of anti-British colonialism.

      • MRTS System in Delhi: Increase in Mode Choice and its Mobility and Equity Implications

        Kirti Bhandari,Hirokazu Kato,Yoshitsugu Hayashi 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2008 도시과학국제저널 Vol.12 No.2

        The concern for policy makers is to find suitable answers for the growing mobility needs in most developing cities, as they are currently facing serious problems related to increasing road traffic leading to traffic congestion and pollution. Since most transportation is a derived demand, the goal of transport policy should be to improve mobility so as to enhance accessibility. This paper begins by identifying the mobility needs associated with access to different urban facilities in a rapidly developing mega-city, Delhi. Mobility preferences by population groups, income classes, location, vehicle ownership and by mode are presented. Second, the paper tries to examine the mobility benefits due to the introduction of the MRTS system in Delhi. The standard multinomial logit formulation is used to estimate mode-destination choice model for two scenarios; before and after an introduction of the MRTS for work trips. The change in value of time, representing the change in wage rate, is used as a measure of mobility. Finally, the study proposes a link between mobility and equity using the well established quantitative measure of equity, the Gini coefficient. Results indicate that the introduction of the MRTS system leads to the change in the value of time by Rs/hr 33.74 (0.69 $US/hr). Further, the equity implications of the increase in value of time suggest a positive change (towards equity). The concern for policy makers is to find suitable answers for the growing mobility needs in most developing cities, as they are currently facing serious problems related to increasing road traffic leading to traffic congestion and pollution. Since most transportation is a derived demand, the goal of transport policy should be to improve mobility so as to enhance accessibility. This paper begins by identifying the mobility needs associated with access to different urban facilities in a rapidly developing mega-city, Delhi. Mobility preferences by population groups, income classes, location, vehicle ownership and by mode are presented. Second, the paper tries to examine the mobility benefits due to the introduction of the MRTS system in Delhi. The standard multinomial logit formulation is used to estimate mode-destination choice model for two scenarios; before and after an introduction of the MRTS for work trips. The change in value of time, representing the change in wage rate, is used as a measure of mobility. Finally, the study proposes a link between mobility and equity using the well established quantitative measure of equity, the Gini coefficient. Results indicate that the introduction of the MRTS system leads to the change in the value of time by Rs/hr 33.74 (0.69 $US/hr). Further, the equity implications of the increase in value of time suggest a positive change (towards equity).

      • Situation Analysis of Existing Facilities for Screening, Treatment and Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Hospitals/Primary health Centers of Delhi-NCR Region, India

        Chawla, P. Cheena,Chawla, Anil Kumar,Shrivastava, Richa,Shrivastava, Anju,Chaudhary, Seema Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.13

        Cervical cancer, the second most common malignancy all over the world, is associated with HPV infection. In a developing country like India, lack of early detection and treatment facilities is the main cause for its high burden. Therefore, through our study we e tried to present the current scenario of existing facilities for the detection and treatment of cervical cancer in hospitals and primary health centers (PHCs) of Delhi-NCR region. Data were collected from 312 healthcare facilities including public and private hospitals and PHCs of all nine districts from Delhi-NCR region. Healthcare providers including gynecologists, medical officers, women health care providers and paramedical staff were interviewed, using a questionnaire; the facilities for screening, diagnosing, and treating cervical cancer in each institution were recorded, using a previously designed checklist. Our study has shown that the basic facilities for the detection and treatment of cervical cancer are abhorrently lacking in Public hospitals and PHCs as compared to the Private hospitals in Delhi-NCR region. This study demonstrates that there is an urgent need for more investment in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer facilities in public and rural healthcare facilities of Delhi-NCR region.

      • KCI등재후보

        Impact Analysis of Urbanization on Rural Livelihood- An Empirical Study of an Urban Centre of Delhi, India

        Ghuncha Firdaus,Ateeque Ahmad 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2011 도시과학국제저널 Vol.15 No.3

        Urbanization, one of the most pressing global issues, with all of its concomitant consequences, is resulting in greater attention among planners and policy makers today than ever before. The present study intends to probe into the subject of urbanization with a specific focus on Delhi, and analysis of the same in the context of changing agricultural land use pattern and rural livelihood. A crosssectional design was used for data collection from a random sample of 896farming households. The analysis depicts that during 1951–2001, the urban area of Delhi expanded from 195.8 ㎢ to 924.6 ㎢, and the urban population increased from 0.1 to 2.3 million. Information at the household level shows that nearly 63% of the sampled household shifted their occupation from agriculture to non-agriculture, while almost 50% of the respondents reported change in cropping patterns, i.e. food grain versus vegetables, fruits and flowers. Through the application of the multiple linear regression model, the study reveals that residential complexes (p<0.01) and household industries (p<0.05) have a positive significant bearing on agricultural land use patterns. The development of transportation networks, orchards and nurseries, and brick kiln are shown to have an insignificant (p>0.05) correlation. Integrated planning for rural and urban areas may be key for balanced and sustainable urban development of Delhi.

      • KCI등재후보

        Economic and Equity Evaluation of Delhi Metro

        Kirti Bhandari,Hirokazu Kato,Yoshitsugu Hayashi 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2009 도시과학국제저널 Vol.13 No.2

        This paper examines the economic and equity implications of the introduction of a metro system in Delhi. Generalized cost of each mode is used as an indicator of mobility, where as, accessibility is measured in terms of consumer surplus. A combined mode destination choice model is employed to assess the change in the generalized costs of existing modes after the metro introduction. The accessibility benefits of a metro are estimated using the logsum approach to estimate the consumer surplus of transit riders. The well established quantitative measure of equity, the GINI coefficient, is used to link mobility and accessibility to equity. Results indicate a reduction in the generalized costs of three existing modes, i.e. bus, car and the two wheelers. The magnitude of change is the lowest for bus and the highest for two wheelers. The estimated average change in welfare according the calibrated model is 45.32 Rs/trip (0.923 $US) which equals 90.64 Rs/day (1.85 $US), assuming two work trips per person per day. The results of the equity measure indicate a shift towards the line of perfect equality, concluding that the introduction of metro shows a positive impact on equity (of mobility and accessibility). Keywords: mobility, accessi This paper examines the economic and equity implications of the introduction of a metro system in Delhi. Generalized cost of each mode is used as an indicator of mobility, where as, accessibility is measured in terms of consumer surplus. A combined mode destination choice model is employed to assess the change in the generalized costs of existing modes after the metro introduction. The accessibility benefits of a metro are estimated using the logsum approach to estimate the consumer surplus of transit riders. The well established quantitative measure of equity, the GINI coefficient, is used to link mobility and accessibility to equity. Results indicate a reduction in the generalized costs of three existing modes, i.e. bus, car and the two wheelers. The magnitude of change is the lowest for bus and the highest for two wheelers. The estimated average change in welfare according the calibrated model is 45.32 Rs/trip (0.923 $US) which equals 90.64 Rs/day (1.85 $US), assuming two work trips per person per day. The results of the equity measure indicate a shift towards the line of perfect equality, concluding that the introduction of metro shows a positive impact on equity (of mobility and accessibility). Keywords: mobility, accessi

      • KCI등재

        뉴델리의 접촉지대, 북한 유학생을 만나다: H 대학교 학생들의 북한에 대한 인식 변화

        최영현,최선경 북한대학원대학교 심연북한연구소 2023 현대북한연구 Vol.26 No.1

        This study defines ‘H’, a university in New Delhi, India, as a contact zone in which multinational students interacted with a North Korean student, ‘B’, and aims to examine the students’ changing perception toward North Koreans. An overseas campus is a social space that enables relatively equal status, unconfined interaction, and close relationships between students. Through an in-depth ethnographic interview, this study looks at the students’ everyday interactions in order to investigate the transformations of their social relationships and perceptions. This unique case study research is significant in three distinct aspects. First, it involves a North Korean, who ‘legally’ migrated abroad, and his interaction with other multinational peers including South Koreans. Second, it analyzes the ‘space factors’ within the context of a foreign campus. Third, it can serve future researches by illuminating a broader context of contact zone, namely the outside world. 이 연구는 인도 뉴델리에 소재한 H 대학교 캠퍼스를 북한 학생 B와 다양한국적의 학생들이 상호작용하는 ‘접촉지대’로 정의하고, 해당 학교 학생들의 북한에 대한 인식 변화를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 해외 캠퍼스는일상에서 비교적 동등한 관계, 자유로운 상호작용, 그리고 친밀한 관계형성이 가능한 공간이다. 민족지적 심층면접에 기반을 둔 이 연구는 북한학생 B와 국제학생회 학생들의 교류에 초점을 맞추어 연구 참여자들의인식 변화가 어떠한 맥락에서 이루어졌는지 분석했다. 이 연구는 세 가지점에서 의미를 가진다. 첫째, 탈북민이 아닌 해외에서 유학 중인 북한국적자와 타 국적자 간 상호작용을 다루었다. 둘째, 북한 주민과 한국학생을 포함하는 국적이 다양한 학생의 상호작용을 살펴봄으로써 해외캠퍼스라는 공간적 효과에 주목했다. 셋째, 해외 대학이라는 접촉지대의사례는 외부 세계라는 보다 큰 접촉의 맥락을 논의하기 위한 기초자료로서활용될 수 있다.

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