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      • KCI등재

        이용활성화를 위한 사적복제보상금제도

        이규호(Gyoo-Ho Lee) 한국비교사법학회 2010 비교사법 Vol.17 No.3

        Digital Environment has made us hard to distinguish an original work from its digital copies. Its digital copies are identical to the original work in terms of their quality. In this regard, legal regulation can hardly control distribution of the unauthorized copies in digital environment. Also, private copying tariff will help copyright-related industry grow. Hence, most of EU member countries have adopted private copying levy system. So did Japan. However, what kind of blank media and equipments for recording are subject to private copying levy varies depending on each country's legal and economic environment. Germany is the first country in Europe which introduced private copying tariff system. German Copyright Act imposes private copying levy on manufacturers or importers, or on resellers in special circumstances. On the other hand, Japan allows collecting societies to collect private copying tariff from users of copyrighted works. But, in reality, private copying tariff has been imposed upon the manufacturers or importers of media or equipments for recording. In conclusion, this Article emphasizes that private copying levy need to be imposed upon the manufacturers or importers of media or equipments for recordings than upon their users.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 환경 하에서 사적복제에 따른 이용자와 저작권자의 이익충돌 조화방안: 사적복제보상금제도를 중심으로

        나낙균 ( Nak Gyun Na ) 한국커뮤니케이션학회 2017 커뮤니케이션학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        이 논문의 연구목적은 국제조약 및 미국, 독일 그리고 일본의 저작권법에서 사적복제와 사적복제보상금제도 관련 법조항을 검토하고 우리의 저작권법과 비교 분석하는 데에 있다. 디지털 환경 하에서 디지털 복제물은 질적인 면에 있어서 원 저작물과 거의 구별하기가 어려울 정도로 동일하여 저작권자는 사적복제를 통하여 손실을 입게 된다. 이러한 이유로 저작권법이 강화되고 있으며, 저작물들에 기술적 보호조치가 적용이 되고 또 이 기술조치의 우회도 금지되기에 이르렀다. 이러한 현상으로 말미암아 디지털 사회에서 일반 공중의 공정 이용에 대한 권리가 침해될 뿐만 아니라 자유로운 정보의 흐름에 대한 권리가 침해되게 되었다. 즉, 저작자의 권리 보호 및 기술조치가 강화됨으로써 다른 한편 이용자의 저작물 이용 및 접근이 차단되어 디지털 사회에서 정보의 자유로운 흐름이 차단되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 디지털 사회에서 사적복제로 인한 저작물 이용자와 저작권자 사이의 이익 충돌을 조화하기 위한 제도적 대안으로서 사적복제보상금제도를 제안하고자 한다. 사적보상금제도는 사적복제를 가능케 하는 기기 또는 매체의 판매가격에 과금을 부과하는 제도로서 징수된 부과금은 사적복제로 인해 발생한 이익 손실을 보전하기 위해 저작권자에게 분배되도록 하는 제도이다. The purpose of this study is to examine international conventions and copyright laws of the USA, Japan and Germany related with private copying and their compensation system, and compare them with Korean copyright law. In the digital environment, the original works are so hardly distinguished and identified by its digital copies in terms of their quality, that the copy right owners may have loss through the private copying. This lead to reinforcement of copyright acts and to technological protection measures applied to copyrighted works and to prohibiting circumvention of this measures. It allows of infringement of the fair use of the general public and the free information flows in digital society. In order to harmonize the collision between user and copyright owner by private copying in digital society, the measure of private copying compensation system, which is a surcharge on the price of media or equipment capable of making personal copies, and the collected levies will be redistributed to right holders in order to compensate for an alleged loss suffered by them, are analysed. 30 for private copying without compensation system such as a private copying compensation system. Korea should consider to introduce the private copying compensation system in the near future before the fast development technologies reveal the limit of the current provisions.

      • KCI등재

        『국역본 <쥬생뎐>·<위생뎐>』 고찰

        간호윤 한국고전문학교육학회 2008 고전문학과 교육 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of the study was to decide Korean translation and the copying period of 『Korean Translation of <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)>·<Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)>』 and to look all around their characteristics in different versions carefully until now. The 『Korean Translation』 is a collection of Korean-translated romance and love stories excavated by a professor Kim,Il Geun, and there is not a little meaning in the context of novel history in the point of view of ‘Korean translation of a court possession’. Arranging conclusion of the study generally, it is as follows. ①Considering phonological phenomena, grammar and vocabulary in the study of Korean language, it is presumed that they would be translated into Korean and copied between the regime period of the King Sukjong and the regime period of the King Yungjo in the Joseon Dynasty. For, they were composed of a middle declaration of copied ‘Myeoknambon 『Korean Translation of Taepyeonggwanggi(태평광기)』’ and ‘NakseonJaebon(낙선재본)’ between the middle of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th century and the regime period of the King Jeongjo in the Joseon Dynasty appointed as the background period of the novels should be excepted. Consequently, through the 『Korean Translation』, we can confirm that the novel scope between the 17th century and the 18th century in Korean novel history was widened until ‘The Royal Court’ and ‘Women’. ② In the side of vocabulary, the 『Korean Translation』 also has not a little meaning in the side of a collection translated in the Royal Court. It doesn’t have new vocabularies, but partial vocabularies as ‘그므양념(Traces:痕)’ ‘말근 눈바퀴(Clean eyes:明眸)’, ‘돗자리(Sail:帆)’, ‘닓바퀴(Get up:起)’, ‘글이플(Weak grass:弱草)’, ‘쇼록(Owl:鴟梟 or 鴉鴞)’, ‘이 사라심(This life:此生)’, and ‘노혀오매(Look for:訪)’ are good data in the study of Korean language. ③ The 『Korean Translation』 is a valuable data about translation and copying of a court novel and we can discover intentionally changed parts and partially omitted sentences rather in the <Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)> than in the <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)>. There are differences between a translation book and a copying book and we can catch sight of intention of translation and unsettledness of copying in the second work. Therefore, we can know that the 『Korean Translation』 has a double context which one work is translated and a work in different version is derived, compared to a simple copy. ④ The 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> has a close relation with 『Hangoldong(閒汨董)』, but it doesn’t regard the same copy as a foundation. The basic copy of translation of the 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> is a different version of the same line as 『Hangoldong』 and 『Jeochobon(저초본:정명기 소장본)』 and is more similar line to 『Hangoldong』, but it is also not the same basic copy. ⑤ Considering that the 『Korean Translation』 doesn’t has a distinct relation with the 『Hangoldong』, there is no correlation between the 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> and <Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)> and the 『Hangoldong』<Jyusaengjeon> and <Wisaengjeon>. In addition, we could not discover a writer’s identity between the two. The purpose of the study was to decide Korean translation and the copying period of 『Korean Translation of <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)>·<Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)>』 and to look all around their characteristics in different versions carefully until now. The 『Korean Translation』 is a collection of Korean-translated romance and love stories excavated by a professor Kim,Il Geun, and there is not a little meaning in the context of novel history in the point of view of ‘Korean translation of a court possession’. Arranging conclusion of the study generally, it is as follows. ①Considering phonological phenomena, grammar and vocabulary in the study of Korean language, it is presumed that they would be translated into Korean and copied between the regime period of the King Sukjong and the regime period of the King Yungjo in the Joseon Dynasty. For, they were composed of a middle declaration of copied ‘Myeoknambon 『Korean Translation of Taepyeonggwanggi(태평광기)』’ and ‘NakseonJaebon(낙선재본)’ between the middle of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th century and the regime period of the King Jeongjo in the Joseon Dynasty appointed as the background period of the novels should be excepted. Consequently, through the 『Korean Translation』, we can confirm that the novel scope between the 17th century and the 18th century in Korean novel history was widened until ‘The Royal Court’ and ‘Women’. ② In the side of vocabulary, the 『Korean Translation』 also has not a little meaning in the side of a collection translated in the Royal Court. It doesn’t have new vocabularies, but partial vocabularies as ‘그므양념(Traces:痕)’ ‘말근 눈바퀴(Clean eyes:明眸)’, ‘돗자리(Sail:帆)’, ‘닓바퀴(Get up:起)’, ‘글이플(Weak grass:弱草)’, ‘쇼록(Owl:鴟梟 or 鴉鴞)’, ‘이 사라심(This life:此生)’, and ‘노혀오매(Look for:訪)’ are good data in the study of Korean language. ③ The 『Korean Translation』 is a valuable data about translation and copying of a court novel and we can discover intentionally changed parts and partially omitted sentences rather in the <Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)> than in the <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)>. There are differences between a translation book and a copying book and we can catch sight of intention of translation and unsettledness of copying in the second work. Therefore, we can know that the 『Korean Translation』 has a double context which one work is translated and a work in different version is derived, compared to a simple copy. ④ The 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> has a close relation with 『Hangoldong(閒汨董)』, but it doesn’t regard the same copy as a foundation. The basic copy of translation of the 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> is a different version of the same line as 『Hangoldong』 and 『Jeochobon(저초본:정명기 소장본)』 and is more similar line to 『Hangoldong』, but it is also not the same basic copy. ⑤ Considering that the 『Korean Translation』 doesn’t has a distinct relation with the 『Hangoldong』, there is no correlation between the 『Korean Translation』 <Jyusaengjeon(쥬생뎐)> and <Wisaengjeon(위생뎐)> and the 『Hangoldong』<Jyusaengjeon> and <Wisaengjeon>. In addition, we could not discover a writer’s identity between the two.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancing English Reading and Writing Proficiency of Korean University Students Through Copying Activity Training

        이유진 현대영어교육학회 2014 현대영어교육 Vol.15 No.4

        The present study is intended to investigate how copying training in English wouldaffect various proficiency levels of EFL learners in their reading and writing. Twogroups of 50 Korean university students (i.e. copying-training and non-training groupsof 25 each) who had enrolled in an English reading and writing course were recruitedfor this study. Based on the pre-test results, each group was divided again into higher and lower proficiency levels. Their pre- and post-tests scores were compared, and their reading and writing processes during a think-aloud task were observed. Both higher and lower level students in the copying-training group were found to show much more improvement in their overall areas of reading and writing than those in the non-training group. Additionally, even though the higher level students who received copying training were more well aware of what strategies to use and how to use them while reading and writing, it was observed that the overall students in the copying-training group were applying various strategies more effectively by consciously focusing on their weaknesses. These results suggest that copying training can help Korean EFLlearners improve their reading and writing ability and achieve insight into their ownreading and writing processes.

      • KCI등재

        패션산업의 디자인 모방에 관한 연구

        홍병숙 ( Byung Sook Hong ),석효정 ( Hyo Jung Suk ),이은진 ( Eun Jin Lee ) 한국의류산업학회 2011 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Copying of designs has been condoned in the fashion industry. However, the industry argues that whether fashion design should be protected by law and what constitute design copying in fashion. This study has been performed by in-dept interviews with employees in the fashion industry. The study finds that respondents perceived copying of design to be some extent beneficial to the industry. While, they also observed that it has a negative effect on the industry due to indiscriminate copying. In regards to standard of drawing the line between copying and inspiration or modification, designers have subjective and discrepant standards. Fashion industry itself, consumer`s biased preference, inefficient education and lack of legislation are significantly engaged in design copying.

      • 하드카피 복사방지기법에 관한 연구

        이강호(Kang-Ho Lee),한성현(Sung-Hyun Han) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2006 한국컴퓨터정보학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문에서는 하드카피 문서에 대한 새로운 재생산 방지 기법을 제안한다. 일반 프린터로 일반 용지에 출력한 원본 하드카피를 칼라 복사기로 복사하거나 스캐너로 스캔하여 다시 출력할 경우 원본 하드카피에 포함된 복사방지 패턴에 특별한 문구 패턴이 나타나 복사본임을 육안으로 구분할 수 있는 기술이다. 이를 위하여 본 논문에서는 하프톤 셀과 스폿을 사용하여 병치 감법혼합으로 농도가 잘 조절된 칼라패턴을 생성한다. 본 논문에서 제안한 하드카피 복사 방지 기법은 기존의 방법에 비해 고해상도 복사 방지 기법으로 유용한 방법이다. This paper presents a new anti-copying methode for hard copy documents. The approach protects the document and its content from unauthorized copying and forgeries, while using ordinary paper and ordinary printer. The paper copy is protected against copying as the photocopy version will appear differently when compared to the authorized printed original hard copy. The anti-copying pattern created through pointillism with a halftone cell and a spot. The proposed method is useful for unauthorized copying and forgeries with high-resolution scanners and photocopiers.

      • 칼라 문서 복사 방지 기법에 관한 연구

        한성현 ( Sung-hyun Han ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2003 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.4 No.4

        This paper presents a new anti-copying methode for color documents. The approach protects the document and its content from unauthorized copying and forgeries, while using ordinary paper and ordinary printer. The paper copy is protected against copying as the photocopy version will appear differently when compared to the authorized printed original hard copy. The anti-copying pattern created through pointillism with a halftone cell and a spot. The proposed method is useful for unauthorized copying and forgeries with high-resolution scanners and photocopiers.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 환경 변화에 따른 사복제보상 제도 도입의 타당성 연구

        김광식 한국정보법학회 2019 정보법학 Vol.23 No.1

        Even though Korean Copyright Act article 30 allows to make copy for private use, the recent development of technology allowed private copying making easier than before, and the quality of copies is becoming undistinguishable from the original copy. Thereby, many countries starting from Germany are adopting the levy system for private copying. In Korea, there have been several attempts to legislate this system due to the consistent demand of it. However, the process is delaying mainly because of the expected burden of levy, price increase in copy machines/media and ongoing opposition in pros and cons. To suggest specific direction, therefore, with checking the validity of introducing the private copying levy system, if the system is necessary for Korean copyright environment, practical suggestions of how to adopt the system will be made; if not, some alternatives also will be suggested. 현재 우리나라는 저작권법 제30조를 통해 사적복제를 허용하고 있지만, 디지털 환 경으로의 변화로 인해 사적복제는 보다 용이하고 신속하게 이루어질 수 있게 되었고 복제물의 품질 또한 원본과 다를 바 없게 되었다. 따라서 독일을 시작으로 해외 다수 의 국가들은 사적복제보상금 제도를 도입하여 운영하고 있으며, 국내에서도 사적복 제보상금 제도 도입의 필요성이 제기되면서 몇 차례 입법을 위한 시도가 있었다. 하 지만 아직까지 도입으로 이루어지진 못하고 있는데, 보상금 부과에 대한 부담과 제도 도입에 따른 부작용 우려, 지속적인 찬반대립이 장애요인으로 작용하고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 사적복제보상금 제도 도입의 타당성 검토를 통해 만약 국내 도입이 필요하 다면 어떠한 형태로 운영되어야 하는지, 도입이 필요하지 않거나 어렵다면 어떠한 대 안이 있는지에 대해 보다 구체적인 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        일시적 복제 법리와 계약에 의한 우회제한 - 오픈캡쳐 사건을 중심으로 -

        김인철 ( Inchul Kim ) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트법연구소 2020 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트 법 Vol.14 No.1

        폰 노이만 컴퓨터 구조상 디지털화된 저작물을 이용하려면 컴퓨터 하드 디스크에 영구적으로 복제된 저작물의 향유 단계에서 RAM에 일시적인 복제가 필수적으로 수반되어야 한다. 최근에는 CD, DVD 등 저작물이 복제된 매개체없이 서버에 접속하여 저작물을 이용할 수 있게 되면서 일시적인 복제 그 자체의 경제적 가치가 증가됨에 따라 목적상 일시적 복제에 대한 규제의 필요성이 증가하였다. 그러나 일시적 복제를 전면적으로 금지하게 되면 영구적인 복제나 전송에 대하여 비용을 지불한 후에 그 저작물을 이용하기 위한 일시적 복제에 대한 이용료를 또 지불하는 이중 지불의 문제가 발생할 수 있으므로 일시적 복제에 대한 저작권을 제한할 필요성이 있다. 이러한 문제에 대하여 많은 나라에서 20세기 말에 RAM에 일시적으로 복제되는 행위가 복제의 개념에 포함되는지 여부, 인정한다면 그 예외의 범위에 대하여 상당한 논란이 있었고, 미국, 유럽, 호주 등에서는 이러한 문제를 판례 또는 입법으로 해결하였다. 대한민국은 한미 FTA의 이행과정에서 저작권법 제2조에서 “복제는 인쇄·사진촬영·복사·녹음·녹화 그 밖의 방법으로 일시적 또는 영구적으로 유형물에 고정하거나 다시 제작하는 것...”으로 정의하고, 저작권법 제35조의 2에서 “컴퓨터에서 저작물을 이용하는 경우에는 원활하고 효율적인 정보처리를 위하여 필요하다고 인정되는 범위 안에서 그 저작물을 그 컴퓨터에 일시적으로 복제할 수 있다”라고 하여 저작물을 일시적으로 RAM에 복제하는 행위도 저작권자가 통제할 수 있는 복제권의 일부분으로 규정하였다. 따라서 저작권법이 개정되기 이전에는 RAM에 복제되는 행위에 대한 복제행위 여부 논란이 많았지만, 일시적 복제를 복제행위로 규정한 이후에는 더 이상의 논란은 없게 되었으나, 저작권법 제35조의2가 적용되는 범위에 대해서는 명확하지 않은 상황이었다. 이러한 상황에서 대한민국 최초로 RAM 복제와 제35조의2의 적용범위에 대한 최초의 사건인 2014년 소위 오픈캡쳐 사건에서 대한민국 법원은 저작물의 하드 드라이브에 복제하는 행위와 RAM에 복제되는 행위에 대한 저작권 침해 여부 및 이용제한 규정위반에 대한 손해배상 여부를 판단하였고, 본 논문에서는 이러한 법원의 판단에 대한 논거를 분석하고, 일시적 복제에 대한 예외의 범위를 분석하면서, 저작권자가 저작권법에서 허용하는 행위를 금지하는 약관을 이용하는 경우 어떻게 분석하여야 하는지에 대하여 언급하고자 한다. Von Neumann's computerized architecture requires the temporary copying of RAM to the stage of enjoyment of the work permanently copied to the computer hard disk. In recent years, as we can enjoy the copyrighted works by accessing a server without a duplicate medium such as CDs and DVDs, it is necessary to regulate temporary copying which has the economic value of temporary copying itself. However, because complete prohibition of temporary reproduction may cause a problem of double payment after payment for permanent reproduction or transmission, it is necessary to limit copyright for temporary copying. There had been considerable controversy over this issue in many countries at the end of the 20th century as to the concept of temporary reproduction, the scope of its limitation and the issue was resolved by case law or legislation. In the process of implementing the Korea-US FTA, Korean Copyright Act defines in Article 2 of the Copyright Act that reproduction means the temporary or permanent fixation of works in a tangible medium or a remaking of works by means of printing, photographing, copying, sound or visual recording, or other means...” and Article 35bis of the Copyright Act provides "Where a person uses works, etc. on a computer, he/she may temporarily reproduce such works, etc. in that computer to the extent deemed necessary for the purpose of smooth and efficient information processing" In other words, the Copyright Act provides the copyright owners may regulate temporary reproduction of a copyrighted work into RAM with limitations. However, the scope of the limitations was not defined clearly. In this situation, the Korean courts apply for the scope of Article 35bis on temporary reproduction in 2014 through 2017. This paper analyzes the rationale for these court judgments and analyzes the scope of exceptions to temporary reproduction.

      • KCI등재

        웹 크롤링을 통한 데이터 복제의 위법성 판단- 대법원 2022. 5. 12. 선고 2021도1533 판결 -

        최민준 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2024 IT와 법 연구 Vol.- No.28

        최근 대법원은 웹 크롤링을 통한 데이터 수집, 복제의 형사책임이 문제된 사안에서, 정보통신망법상 정보통신망 침입과 저작권법상 데이터베이스권 침해를 부정하는 판결을 선고한 바 있다. 대상판결은 IP 차단조치 및 약관에도 불구하고 이용자의 접근권한 자체가 제한된 것은 아니라는 엄격한 태도를 취하고, 데이터베이스권 보호 범위도 질적인 상당성을 기준으로 제한하는 입장이다. 이를 통해 공개된 웹에 대한 이용자의 자유로운 접근이 보장되고, 창작성 없는 데이터베이스에 대해 배타적 보호보다 자유로운 활용의 여지가 확보되는 순기능이 기대된다. 미국에서도 웹 크롤링에 대한 제재수단으로 우리의 정보통신망법과 유사한 컴퓨터사기 및 남용방지법(CFAA) 위반, 계약(약관) 위반, 저작권법 위반 등이 논의되어 왔지만, 최근의 판결 경향에 따르면 이러한 소송원인을 이유로 위법성을 인정하는 데 상당히 소극적이다. 개별 사안에서 웹 크롤링을 통한 데이터 복제의 위법성 여부를 판단하는 것은 곧 데이터 보호와 공유 사이의 갈등을 어떻게 해결할지의 문제라 할 수 있다. 데이터를 독점하려는 자와 이를 수집, 복제, 이용하려는 자 사이의 이해충돌을 해결하는 문제인 것이다. 결국 위법성 판단을 위해서는 데이터를 보호하는 측면의 효용 못지 않게 데이터를 공유하고 활용하는 측면의 효용도 함께 고려되어야 하고, 양자간 이익형량이 무엇보다 중요하다. 그러나 정보통신망 침입 여부로 형사처벌 여부를 결정하는 방식, 데이터베이스권을 배타적, 물권적 권리로 보호하는 방식은 이러한 이익형량을 불가능하게 하는 all or nothing의 방식이다. 이는 자칫 빅데이터, 인공지능 등 기술 분야의 발전을 저해할 우려도 있다. 그보다는 이익형량이 충분히 기능할 수 있는 방식, 즉 자유롭고 공정한 경쟁질서 관점에서 부정경쟁방지법, 공정거래법을 통해 조정과 해결을 모색하는 것이 타당할 것이다. Recently, the Supreme Court issued a ruling denying violations of the Information and Communication Network Act and copyright law in case that matters criminal responsibility of web crawling data copying. The target judgment takes a strict attitude in recognizing restrictions on users' access to information and communication networks in consideration of the public nature of the web. The target judgment also limits the scope of database rights protection based on qualitative equivalence. In the United States, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, breach of contract and copyright law have been discussed as a sanction against web crawling data copying. The recent U.S. ruling has a strict attitude toward judging illegality of web crawling data copying. In order to judge the illegality of web crawling data copying in individual cases, an interest balancing between data protection and sharing is essential. But the method of determining criminal punishment based on whether or not to invade the information and communication network, and the method of protecting database rights as exclusive rights makes this interest balancing impossible. There is a concern that it will hinder the development of technology fields such as big data and artificial intelligence. In the end, it would be reasonable to seek mediation and resolution through the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and the Fair Trade Act from the perspective of free and fair competition order.

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