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        경계연결단위로 본 재난 컨트롤타워 고찰

        정시구 위기관리 이론과 실천 2015 Crisisonomy Vol.11 No.5

        본 연구는 경계연결단위의 기능과 활동 유형을 적용하여 재난관리 컨트롤타워에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다. 경계연결단위에 대한 연구는 1980년대에 미국에서 매우 활발하게 진행됐는데 조직간 관계에서 일어나는 다양한 역동적인 활동을 분석하는 것이다. 재난관리 컨트롤타워도 국가의 재난관리체제의 핵심으로 위치하며 변화와 혁신이라는 수준에서 매우 역동적인 변화의 분석을 필요로 한다. 여기서 본 연구자는 재난관리 컨트롤타워도 역시 조직간 경계에서 역동적인 활동을 하는 경계연결단위라는 차원에서 분석하는 것도 의미가 크다고 본다. 경계연결단위의 기능은 많지만 대표적인 기능으로는 자원확보기능, 정보처리기능, 대외홍보기능, 조직간 조정기능 등의 4가지로 압축할 수 있다. 이러한 기능들은 조직간 연결을 위한 재난관리 컨트롤타워에서도 원활하게 작동되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 컨트롤타워의 재난관리 유형으로는 규칙적-일상적 유형(Ⅰ), 비규칙적-일상적 유형(Ⅱ), 규칙적-비일상적 유형(Ⅲ), 비규칙적-비일상적 유형(Ⅳ) 등의 4가지로 구분할 수 있다. 이러한 경계연결활동의 유형을 통하여 재난관리 컨트롤타워를 분석할 수 있는데, 이 가운데 제Ⅳ형이 가장 역동적이므로 재난관리 컨트롤타워에서도 가장 역점을 두고 연구되어야 할 유형이라고 할 수 있다. 재난관리 컨트롤타워에서 가장 중요한 것은 현장 대응의 신속성과 전문성이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 비상재난이 발생할 시에 다양한 재난관리조직이 어떻게 신속하고 효과적으로 대응할 것인가는 문제는 매우 중요하다. 이러한 중요성은 온 국민의 목전에서 3백여 명의 생명을 앗아간 세월호 침몰 사건에서도 잘 보여주었다. 이 사건은 고질적인 인재(人災)였으며 사고를 수습하는 과정에서도 관련 부처 간의 혼선으로 많은 문제점을 보여주었다. 선진국에서도 이러한 문제를 방지하기 위하여 사고 및 재난발생 현장과 재난관리 조직의 경계를 넘어 총괄할 수 있는 컨트롤타워가 설치 운영된다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 경계연결단위의 기능과 활동 유형을 중심으로 재난관리 컨트롤타워를 분석함으로써 컨트롤타워에 대한 이론을 확장하는 데에 기여하게 될 것이다. In this article, the problems in the domestic disaster control tower were identified through the type of activity and a function of the boundary spanning units. A study on the boundary spanning units is to analyze a variety of activities that take place in a very active and dynamic inter-organizational relations, it happened very actively in the United States in the 1980s. The disaster management control tower is also located in the heart of the disaster management system of the country and required the analysis of very dynamic changes in the level of change and innovation. Here, A study on the disaster control tower through the boundary spanning units in inter-organizational boundaries is a meaningful thing. Typical features of the boundary spanning units include a resource securing function, an information processing function, a public relations function, adjustment of inter-organizational relations such as. These features will need to be running flexibly in the disaster control tower. And the four types of disaster management connected with control tower include regular-routine type(Ⅰ), irregular-routine type(Ⅱ), regular-nonroutine type(Ⅲ), irregular-nonroutine type(Ⅳ) etc. We can be study on a disaster management control tower from these types of boundary spanning activities, typeⅣ is the most dynamic type among four types, so a research for the disaster management control tower should be focus on typeⅣ. The most important thing in disaster management control tower is not an exaggeration to say the site response speed and management professionalism. When the emergency disaster occurs, it is very important that various disaster demonstrated well in the sinking accident of Sewol ferry that took three hundreds of lives. It was the result from the worst human disaster. Also this case had shown a lot of problems with cross-talk between the relevant departments to rectify the accident. In a accident and disaster and emergency management field, the control tower that can oversee the boundaries of the organization is operating the installation in order to avoid such problems in the advanced country. This study will contribute to extend the theory of the control tower by analyzing the disaster management system through the function and activity type of boundary spanning units.

      • KCI등재

        현행 테러방지법상 대테러 활동에 있어서의 사령탑에 관한 연구

        전우석 ( Woo-suk Jun ) 민주주의법학연구회 2018 민주법학 Vol.0 No.68

        현재 시행 중인 테러방지법과 테러방지법 시행령 등에서는 국가테러대책위원회를 직제상 최상위 사령탑(control tower)으로 상정하고 있고, 대테러센터를 대테러 실무 차원의 공식적 사령탑으로 규정하고 있다. 국가정보원의 경우에는 대테러 활동에 있어서의 역량과 전문성에도 불구하고 일선 실무 차원에서의 대테러 사령탑으로서의 지위와 권한을 국회로부터 부여받지 못하였다. 이는 해당 기관이 대국민적 신뢰의 문제를 지니고 있기 때문이었다. 대국민적 신뢰의 문제란 대테러 실무 차원의 사령탑으로서 부여받게 될 막대한 권한을 행사함에 있어 해당 기관이 인권 침해를 필요 최소화할 수 있는 자기 통제적 자질을 지니고 있는지에 대한 우리 국민과 국회의 믿음의 문제를 의미한다. 이러한 국가정보원에 대한 우리 국민과 국회의 신뢰 문제는 제19대 국회 당시 야당이 해당 기관 중심의 대테러 활동을 골자로 하는 테러방지법 제정에 결사반대하면서 세계 최장 시간의 필리버스터를 진행한 것에서도 잘 드러난다. 결국 대테러 활동에 있어서의 실무상 공식 사령탑인 대테러센터의 소속을 국가정보원장 산하가 아닌 국무총리산하에 두는 내용을 담은 수정안이 직권 상정되어 국회 본회의를 통과하였다. 하지만 박근혜 정부에서 심의·의결한 바 있는 국무조정실 소속 직제 개정령상의 특정 신설 조항들을 통해 국가정보원이 대테러센터의 직제적·기능적 인적 구성을 실질적으로 장악할 수 있는 길이 열렸고, 이를 통해 해당 기관이 대테러 실무에 있어서 “비공식적 사령탑”으로서의 지위와 권한을 점하는 것이 가능하게 되었다. 이는 민의를 대변하는 국회가 통과시킨 테러방지법의 입법 취지를 몰각시키는 행위이고, 테러방지법령상의 대테러 사령탑에 관한 관련 조항들을 형해화시키는 행위이며, 더 나아가 국회와 국민을 동시에 기망하는 행위에 다름 아니라고 본다. 따라서 국무조정실 소속 직제 개정령의 해당 조항들을 테러방지법의 근본적 입법 취지에 맞게 개정하는 작업이 문재인 정부에서 조속히 진행되어야 할 것이다. 이와 더불어 제20대 국회에서도 현행 테러방지법상의 독소 조항들에 대한 전반적인 검토와 전면적인 개정을 통해 당해 법률의 심각한 문제점들을 빈틈없이 보완하는 작업을 동시에 진행해 나가야 할 것으로 본다. The current Counterterrorism Law of South Korea and its Enforcement Ordinance stipulate the National Counterterrorism Committee as the highest level control tower in the organization and the Counterterrorism Center as the official control tower in the working-level. The National Intelligence Service (NIS) is not assigned the position of authority to be the control tower on the working-level by the National Assembly despite its professional counterterrorism capability. This is because the NIS has the question of public trust from the Korean people. The question of public trust stems from the issue of whether the NIS has enough self-control to minimize the infringement of human rights when the agency is vested with enormous authority as the counterterrorism control tower in the operating-level. The complete distrust of the Korean people and National Assembly towards the NIS is demonstrated by the longest filibuster in the world at the 19th National Assembly staged by the opposition party, which desperately opposed the bill for the Counterterrorism Law which would enable the NIS to have great power and position as the control tower in the working-level. As a result, the ruling party proposed an amendment to the bill which assigns authority over the Counterterrorism Center not to the director of NIS, but to the Prime Minster. In addition, the Speaker of the National Assembly laid the controversial bill to debate on his own authority and it was passed in the Assembly’s plenary session. However, Geun-Hye Park’s administration reviewed and determined the newly-made articles of the Modified Ordinance for the Organization of the Office for Government Policy Coordination and Its Affiliated Agency and eventually paved the way for the NIS to hold almost all powerful positions of the Center in order to take the position of “unofficial control tower” through the articles. I believe this is akin to neglecting the legislative purpose of the Counterterrorism Law by the National Assembly, failing to represent the will of the people, and incapacitating the relevant articles regarding the counterterrorism control tower in the Law, and furthermore deceiving the people and the National Assembly at the same time. Thus, the new government of South Korea should revise the newly-made articles of the Modified Ordinance according to the legislative purpose of the Law as soon as possible. Additionally, I think the 20th National Assembly should also compensate for the defects of the Counterterrorism Law through the overall review and constructive revisions on the poisonous clauses of the Law during this process.

      • KCI등재

        Government Administrative Control Tower in Crisis Management System: Definition, Issues, and Policy Implications

        이달곤 서울대학교행정대학원 2015 Journal of Policy Studies Vol.30 No.3

        A number of scholars and media in South Korea have recently raised questions regarding the necessity of a “government administrative control tower” (GACT) for dealing with crises. This paper aims to conceptualize GACT as a crisis management system and suggests administrative methods for improving this model by examining issues raised by its operation. Since the control tower is critical in times of crisis, this paper limits its focus to the role of GACT as a crisis management control tower. In crisis, an on-site control tower focuses especially on prevention, and on-site response and management must be synchronized with a higher-level administrative decision making control tower for the system to operate properly. While a fully authorized on-site control tower should serve as the central agent, a higher-level administrative decision making control tower should mobilize additional organizations and resources to support on-site capability. The operating principle for the latter should be to create an environment in which heterogeneous parties work together to make decisions about what to do rather than the president or the prime minister directly making orders and taking control.

      • Response evaluation and vibration control of a transmission tower-line system in mountain areas subjected to cable rupture

        Chen, Bo,Wu, Jingbo,Ouyang, Yiqin,Yang, Deng Techno-Press 2018 Structural monitoring and maintenance Vol.5 No.1

        Transmission tower-line systems are commonly slender and generally possess a small stiffness and low structural damping. They are prone to impulsive excitations induced by cable rupture and may experience strong vibration. Excessive deformation and vibration of a transmission tower-line system subjected to cable rupture may induce a local destruction and even failure event. A little work has yet been carried out to evaluate the performance of transmission tower-line systems in mountain areas subjected to cable rupture. In addition, the control for cable rupture induced vibration of a transmission tower-line system has not been systematically conducted. In this regard, the dynamic response analysis of a transmission tower-line system in mountain areas subjected to cable rupture is conducted. Furthermore, the feasibility of using viscous fluid dampers to suppress the cable rupture-induced vibration is also investigated. The three dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model of a transmission tower-line system is first established and the mathematical model of a mountain is developed to describe the equivalent scale and configuration of a mountain. The model of a tower-line-mountain system is developed by taking a real transmission tower-line system constructed in China as an example. The mechanical model for the dynamic interaction between the ground and transmission lines is proposed and the mechanical model of a viscous fluid damper is also presented. The equations of motion of the transmission tower-line system subjected to cable rupture without/with viscous fluid dampers are established. The field measurement is carried out to verify the analytical FE model and determine the damping ratios of the example transmission tower-line system. The dynamic analysis of the tower-line system is carried out to investigate structural performance under cable rupture and the validity of the proposed control approach based on viscous fluid dampers is examined. The made observations demonstrate that cable rupture may induce strong structural vibration and the implementation of viscous fluid dampers with optimal parameters can effectively suppress structural responses.

      • KCI등재

        Hybrid nonlinear control of a tall tower with a pendulum absorber

        Diego Orlando,Paulo B. Gonçalves 국제구조공학회 2013 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.46 No.2

        Pendulums can be used as passive vibration control devices in several structures and machines. In the present work, the nonlinear behavior of a pendulum-tower system is studied. The tower is modeled as a bar with variable cross-section with concentrated masses. First, the vibration modes and frequencies of the tower are obtained analytically. The primary structure and absorber together constitute a coupled system which is discretized as a two degrees of freedom nonlinear system, using the normalized eigenfunctions and the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The analysis shows the influence of the geometric nonlinearity of the pendulum absorber on the response of the tower. A parametric analysis also shows that, with an appropriate choice of the absorber parameters, a pendulum can decrease the vibration amplitudes of the tower in the main resonance region. The results also show that the pendulum nonlinearity cannot be neglected in this type of problem, leading to multiplicity of solutions, dynamic jumps and instability. In order to improve the effectiveness of the control during the transient response, a hybrid control system is suggested. The added control force is implemented as a non-linear variable stiffness device based on position and velocity feedback. The obtained results show that this strategy of nonlinear control is attractive, has a good potential and can be used to minimize the response of slender structures under various types of excitation.


        Hybrid nonlinear control of a tall tower with a pendulum absorber

        Orlando, Diego,Goncalves, Paulo B. Techno-Press 2013 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.46 No.2

        Pendulums can be used as passive vibration control devices in several structures and machines. In the present work, the nonlinear behavior of a pendulum-tower system is studied. The tower is modeled as a bar with variable cross-section with concentrated masses. First, the vibration modes and frequencies of the tower are obtained analytically. The primary structure and absorber together constitute a coupled system which is discretized as a two degrees of freedom nonlinear system, using the normalized eigenfunctions and the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The analysis shows the influence of the geometric nonlinearity of the pendulum absorber on the response of the tower. A parametric analysis also shows that, with an appropriate choice of the absorber parameters, a pendulum can decrease the vibration amplitudes of the tower in the main resonance region. The results also show that the pendulum nonlinearity cannot be neglected in this type of problem, leading to multiplicity of solutions, dynamic jumps and instability. In order to improve the effectiveness of the control during the transient response, a hybrid control system is suggested. The added control force is implemented as a non-linear variable stiffness device based on position and velocity feedback. The obtained results show that this strategy of nonlinear control is attractive, has a good potential and can be used to minimize the response of slender structures under various types of excitation.


        Double controller of wind induced bending oscillations in telecom towers

        Battista, Ronaldo C.,Pfeil, Michele S.,Carvalho, Eliane M.L.,Varela, Wendell D. Techno-Press 2018 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.21 No.1

        Wind induced large bending oscillation amplitudes in tall and slender telecommunication steel towers may lead to precocious fatigue cracks and consequent risk of collapse of these structures, many of them installed in rural areas alongside highways and in highly populated urban areas. Varying stress amplitudes at hot spots may be attenuated by means of passive control mechanical devices installed in the tower. This paper gives an account of both mathematical-numerical model and the technique applied to design and evaluate the performance of a double controller installed in existing towers which is composed by a nonlinear pendulum and a novel type of passive controller described herein as a planar motion disk mounted on shear springs. Results of experimental measurements carried out on two slender tubular steel towers under wind action demonstrate the efficiency of the double controllers in attenuating the towers bending oscillation amplitudes and consequent stress amplitudes extending the towers fatigue life.

      • KCI등재

        Double controller of wind induced bending oscillations in telecom towers

        Ronaldo C. Battista,Michèle S. Pfeil,Eliane M.L. Carvalho,Wendell D. Varela 국제구조공학회 2018 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.21 No.1

        Wind induced large bending oscillation amplitudes in tall and slender telecommunication steel towers may lead to precocious fatigue cracks and consequent risk of collapse of these structures, many of them installed in rural areas alongside highways and in highly populated urban areas. Varying stress amplitudes at hot spots may be attenuated by means of passive control mechanical devices installed in the tower. This paper gives an account of both mathematical-numerical model and the technique applied to design and evaluate the performance of a double controller installed in existing towers which is composed by a nonlinear pendulum and a novel type of passive controller described herein as a planar motion disk mounted on shear springs. Results of experimental measurements carried out on two slender tubular steel towers under wind action demonstrate the efficiency of the double controllers in attenuating the towers bending oscillation amplitudes and consequent stress amplitudes extending the towers fatigue life.

      • KCI등재

        NREL 5MW 풍력터빈의 제어시스템 설계

        남윤수,임창희 한국태양에너지학회 2012 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.32 No.5

        This paper introduces a methodology for NREL 5MW wind turbine, which is the variable speed and variable pitch (VSVP) control system. This control strategy maximizes the power extraction capability from the wind in the low wind speed region and regulates the wind turbine power as the rated one for the high wind speed region. Also, pitch control efficiency is raised by using pitch scheduling. Torque schedule is made of torque table depending on the rotor speed. Torque control is used for vertical region in a torque-rotor speed chart. In addition to these, mechanical loads reduction using a drive train damper and exclusion zone on a torque schedule is tried. The NREL 5MW wind turbine control strategy is comprised by the generator torque and blade pitch control. Finally, proposed control system is verified through GH Bladed simulation.

      • KCI등재

        Temperature effect on seismic behavior of transmission tower-line system equipped with SMA-TMD

        Li Tian,Juncai Liu,Canxing Qiu,Kunjie Rong 국제구조공학회 2019 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.24 No.1

        Transmission tower-line system is one of most critical lifeline systems to cities. However, it is found that the transmission tower-line system is prone to be damaged by earthquakes in past decades. To mitigate seismic demands, this study introduces a tuned-mass damper (TMD) using superelastic shape memory alloy (SMA) spring for the system. In addition, considering the dynamic characteristics of both tower-line system and SMA are affected by temperature change. Particular attention is paid on the effect of temperature variation on seismic behavior. In doing so, the SMA-TMD is installed into the system, and its properties are optimized through parametric analyses. The considered temperature range is from -40 to 40°C. The seismic control effect of using SMA-TMD is investigated under the considered temperatures. Interested seismic performance indices include peak displacement and peak acceleration at the tower top and the height-wise deformation. Parametric analyses on seismic intensity and frequency ratio were carried out as well. This study indicates that the nonlinear behavior of SMA-TMD is critical to the control effect, and proper tuning before application is advisable. Seismic demand mitigation is always achieved in this wide temperature range, and the control effect is increased at high temperatures.

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