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      • KCI등재

        시어로서의 ‘조선어=민족어’의 풍경과 시단의 지형도 : 1930년대 중후반 임화의 시와 평론을 중심으로

        남기혁(Nam Ki-hyeog) 韓國批評文學會 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.33

        This paper attemps to reconstruct the landscape of ‘Chosuneo(조선어)=National language’ and the topographical map of poetical circles reflected on Im-Wha’s linguistic practices. For this study, I examined the ideological characteristics of Im-Wha’s consciousness of language and poetic practices. The prism of Im-Wha may be too old and crude to illuminate the various aspects of linguistic practices and ideological orientation of Korean poetry in 1930s. However, this study could be an useful approach to Korean poetry in 1930s because Im-Wha showed a critical mind in various fields of Korean modern literature, especially in Korean modern poetry. We can find Im-wha’s linguistic consciousness in his poems and critical writings together. In his poem “The poetry of Earth(지상의 시)”, Im-Wha criticized the idealistic view of language which put the language before the behavior. He thought that the primary principle of poetry is the function of freely interpreting of language and behavor. This linguistic and poetic cognition was influenced by Marxism, especially I. Y. Marr’s lingustics. Marr was a soviet’s linguist who put the class language before the national language, but his the vulgar-materialism on linguistic was denied formally by Stalin in 1950s. Im-Wha adopted Marrism(Marr’s lingustics) to criticize the group of pure poetry(순수시파), whose aesthetics was based on the Kantian theory of aesthetic autonomy. But, Im-Wha’s consideration of class language could not be lasted in his all critical writings. On the crisis of national language caused by Japanese Imperialistic policy, Im-Wha had not choice but to bring national language to completion as poetic diction. Besides, national language was the core in establishing “national literature”. Im-Wha thought that this work must be accomplished by “Gyeonghyangsipa(경향시파)” because nationalistic poets, the group of pure poetry(순수시파) and the modernist group in 1930s’ Korean literature gave rise to confusion in national language. Im-Wha’s demand on the hegemony of the proletariat in national language and national literature could be found in his topographical map of poetical circles. Especially, Im-Wha denied dialect as poetic diction, which could be found in Baik-suk’s poetry. Im-Wha did not regard the dialect as literary language because he thought that it’s provincialism could regress to reactionism, national reformism and aestheticism. Im-wha’s linguistic consciousness, especially his emphasis on national language was based on the standard language, connected with the imagined community ‘modern nation’(=nation state). But On the condition of Imperialist control, “Whangguksinminwha(황국신민화)”, there was no room for “Chosuneo(조선어)”, the Korean national language. So Im-wha asserted the necessity of “Chosuneo”, only in the view of usefulness in describing reality. In this opinion, he did not demand on the nationality of language any more. This was Im-Wha’s tactic of postcolonial practice which could protect the “Chosuneo” in the crisis of extinction under the Japanese Imperialistic policy of “Whangguksinminwha”.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 국어 의식의 형성과 전개

        최경봉(Choi, Kyeong-Bong) 한국어학회 2017 한국어학 Vol.74 No.-

        This study set out to examine the formation and development patterns of consciousness of Korean language after Liberation with a focus on the contexts in which the consciousness of Korean language formed in the early modern times was inherited and changed. The study investigated the development patterns of consciousness of Korean language from Liberation to the early 1950s with the articles published in the academic journals with influences on the Korean education policies those days to figure out the problematic consciousness of the times regarding the language issues objectively and conduct balanced analysis of perspectives that had popular influences. Those journals include Hangeul(Korean Language Society), Eomun(Society of Korean Language and Literature), and Joseon Gyoyuk(Research Society on Education of Joseon). Chapter 2 looked into the conceptualization context of “Korean language” by reviewing the consciousness around the term “Korean language” and the status and roles of Korean language. Chapter 3 examined the consciousness of making Korean language and the scope of Korean language those days by reviewing the consciousness of Korean language expressed in the process of its reconstruction including the controversy over the national language between the abolishment of Chinese characters and the exclusive use of Hangul, the issues of language purification, and the matters of acceptance of loanwords.

      • KCI등재

        재일동포 한국어 희곡에 나타난 주체문예 이론의 수용 양상과 '민족' 이데올로기 : 서상각 희곡을 중심으로 focused on the Drama of Sanggark Seo

        백로라 한중인문학회 2006 한중인문학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        본 연구는 재일동포 한국어 희곡의 전형적인 특징을 보여주는 서상각 희곡을 대상으로 하여 작품에 나타난 북한 문예이론의 구체적인 수용 양상을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 작가를 포함한 재일동포들이 집단적으로 공유하고 있는 민족과 조국이라는 개념 속에 어떠한 이데올로기적 의미와 현실적 의미가 침투되어 있는지 밝혀보고자 하였다. 재일동포 한국어 희곡은 북한의 문예이론 중에서도 주체이론에 기초한 사회주의적 사실주의를 창작방법론으로 선택하고 있는데, 그것은 구체적으로 '민족적 형식'과 '사회주의적 내용'을 텍스트에 구현하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 북한의 희곡에서 그것이 성황당식 연극형식에 공산주의적 혁명의식을 다룬 것으로 나타났다면, 재일동포 희곡에서 그것은 한국어로 된 대화극 형식에 당위로서 주어진 주제와 현실로서 인식되는 주제를 동시에 다루는 것으로 나타났다. 극형식에서 한국어 표현을 통해 민족의식을 환기 혹은 고취시키고, 북한의 정치적 이념을 표면적으로 드러내는 동시에 민족과 민족의식에 대한 자각을 강조하였던 것이다. 이처럼 정치 이데올로기에 함몰되지 않고 '민족'에 대한 동포 나름의 인식을 반영하고 있다는 점에서, 재일동포 한국어 희곡은 북한의 희곡과 결정적으로 변별된다. 재일동포 한국어 희곡에서 발견되는 민족과 민족의식은 국민국가 수립을 위한 관념적 이데올로기의 실체가 아니라, 민족적 차별과 소외라든가 강요된 민족 동화의 상황 속에서 스스로의 정체성과 실존성을 보존하고자 하는 욕구의 소산물이다. 그것은 또한 조국의 분단과 일본의 단일민족 이데올로기의 틈바구니에서 경계인, 이방인, 유랑민으로서 살아온 동포들이 서로 단합하고 결속하기 위해 지속적으로 견지해 온 정신적 구심점이기도 하다. 혈연, 언어, 문화, 역사의 동질성을 바탕으로 구성된 재일동포들의 '민족' 개념과 '민족의식'은 오랜 세월 동안 견지되고 출적되어 개인의 의식 속에 내면화되면서 그들의 삶을 움직이는 정신적 뿌리로 작동하고 있다는 점에서 이데올로기적 성격을 강하게 띠고 있다고 할 수 있다. This Research explores two kinds of issues which are arisen from the Korean language drama by Korea-residents in Japan through works of Sanggark Seo that represent the most typical characteristics of those dramas: adopted aspects of "Juche" theory in the dramas and national ideology of Korea-residents in Japan. The former is related to the general and typical features of the Korean language dramas by Korea-residents in Japan, the latter involves their specific notion which has never been changed since the playwrights started to write works. In this sense, exploration of two issues ultimately purposes to understand the typical form and content of the dramas and to unveil significance of ideology which has been internalized in consciousness of the playwrights and general Korean-residents, historically and individually as well. This research came to the following results through analysing drama texts of Seo that have been presented from 1960 to 1990. Firstly, the Korean dramas apply the 'national form' and 'socialistic content' as a writing methodology, which are derived from North Korea's "Juche" theory, to their drama texts. Although the Korean dramas adopted the literary theory of North Korea as a crucial writing methodology, they interestingly displayed different aspects from North Korea plays in detail. Rather than a style of "Seongwhangdang" theater and revolutionary idea of communism, they choose a form of a kind of dialogic play in which Korean language can be fore-grounded and incorporate the conflicting ideas that involve both a political position related to North Korea and resident reality in Japan. Through such specific form and content, secondly, the Korean drama intends to evokes national spirit for Korean-resident audiences or readers in Japan. To put it concretely, it seems that the dialogic form brings some powerful effects to audiences in the process of a performance which is acted by Korean-spoken language: to teach naturally a mother language, to inspire the necessity of its education, and to imbue them with national identity. On the other hand, the content which includes a unstable position, a unsolved nationality problem, deprived civil right, and memory of the oppressed embodies a given notion that came from the form. As a result, a nation and national consciousness seem to be a crucial notion for Korean-residents and playwrights in Japan in that the notion functions a sort of spiritual root and centripetal force for them. The collective feeling and idea are generated from awareness of same nation that shares ties of blood, a language, and national culture or history. Besides, the national consciousness which are internalized in the mind of individuals enables them to keep their identity and existence in the previous colonizer, Japan in which ethnical discrimination and isolation still exist. As for Korean-residents in Japan, in this sense, it can be considered as the most powerful ideology that is required and given in their reality.

      • KCI등재

        문자 보급과 언어 환경의 재현

        송기섭(Song Ki-seob) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.39 No.-

        In this essay, I looked for Korea's language environment in colonial time by Lee Kwang-su's Mujung and Heuk. Also I looked for level of Korean language and its spreading. And we could confirm that erosion of Korean language was progressed when Korea was colonized by Japan. Mujung and Heuk tell us crisis of Korean language. English and Japanese spreaded and replaced Korean language in colonial period. Lee Kwang-su's cognition of Korean language and the self-consciousness of nation to writing made him to focus on language environment. He always say that Korean literature should be written by Korean. Which language would you use in your literature, in most original problem to writers. And spreading literacy is very important problem to Lee Kwang-su who want to write literature by Korean. Mujung and Heuk represent spreading of Korean language by narrative discourse. In we should think that Mujung used the word national language change in Heuk to ‘a regional dialect' because of Japan surpressed to use the word ‘national language' to Korean language. Korean language which could not join in national language in colonial period, was called ‘Joseon language'. ‘Joseon language' was developed by Korean literature such as Heuk. Japan's oppression and distinction, however made Korean languages to increasing immunity of their oppression and distinction.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한의 민족의식과 민족문학

        이주미 ( Joo Mi Lee ) 한민족문화학회 2007 한민족문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        민족의식은 현실적으로 민족주의와의 상호 관련을 통해서 구체성을 획득해왔다. 북한은 시대 변화에 따라 다양한 민족주의 언술을 구사했는데, 1960년대 초까지는 민족주의 대해 부정적인 태도를 취하다가 주체사상이 정립되고 자주성이 강조되자 ``민족을 특징짓는 중요한 징표``로서 ``언어``를 강조하기 시작했다. 그리고 1980년대 중반에는 ``핏줄``을 강조하면서 주체사상을 더욱 강화하였다. 오늘날 북한은 ``언어와 핏줄``을 민족의 중요한 구성요건으로 내세우는 동시에 ``우리식 민족주의``라든가 ``우리민족제일주의``라는 개념을 동원하여 ``민족``의 범주를 북한만으로 제한하고 있다. 민족문학은 이러한 민족주의 언술을 섬세하게 반영해왔다. 가령 신채호의 『꿈하늘』 『룡과 룡의 대격전』에 활용된 환상 기법은 식민지라는 제한적 환경 속에서 애국주의적 열정을 유감없이 표출시켰다는 점에서, 그리고 『설봉산』, 『두만강』과 같은 에뽀빼야(대장편)는 역사발전의 합법칙적 과정을 치밀하게 보여주었다는 점에서 그 가치를 높이 평가했다. 주체사상이 대두하면서 문학은 김일성 우상화 작업에 몰입했는데, 다만 80년대 이후의 문학에는 정치적 언술과는 다른 양상이 나타나고 있어 주목된다. 80년대 이후 문학에서는 개별적 사건과 개인의 심리를 성실하게 포착함으로써 민족문학의 새로운 가능성을 보여주고 있다. It was not until the early 1950s that a full-dress discussion on nationalism has begun in earnest in North Korea. Changes of racial spirits in North Korea are closely linked to those of the North`s juche(主體) ideology and North Korean literary arts should obey the directions of the Communist Party leaders. Racial concept of North Korea is different from those of common communist nations. It values lineage, language, and consciousness rather than material things. North Korea believes that national consciousness in socialist countries should not be overcome but be strengthened and it is a driving force for managing an independent and creative social life. A crucial characteristic of national literature in which North Korea literary works have is the use of ethno-language. And he tried to emphasize social and cultural functions of Korean novels. Currently, ethno-language in North Korea is recognized as an element of making aware of national self-esteem and dignity and of mustering ethnic solidarity. For example, Shin Chae-ho who was both a renowned Korean historian and an independence activist during the period of Japan`s colonial rule of Korea His literary works are based upon national consciousness. In North Korea, Shin Chae-ho is criticized for the fact that he has ever joined anarchism movements due to the limited class consciousness and organization of minor bourgeois intellectuals, while his contributions to the inspiration of anti-Japanese patriotism are highly reviewed from North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        ‘국문(國文)’관련 용어들을 통해서 본 조선시대 각 시기의 국어문자관

        런멍지에(任夢?) 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 2021 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 학술지 어문논총 Vol.- No.39

        이 연구에서는 조선 왕조 약 500년(1392년~1910년) 동안 ‘국문(國文)’을 의미하는 용어들이 시간의 흐름에 따라 의미적 측면에서 어떻게 사용되어 왔는지를 살펴서 실증적으로 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 대상이 되는 용어들은 조선 왕조에서 간행되었던 문헌들을 중심으로 수집하여 시기별로 나누어 분석하였다. 기존연구들을 보면 주로 개화기 때 국가·민족의식이 발달하면서 근대적 의미의 ‘국문’이라는 개념이 등장하였다. 또한 기존 연구들에서는 문체의 변화도 영향을 주었는데 국한문체와 순국문체를 사용하는 언중들이 늘어나면서 국문의 사용도가 증가하였다고 주장하였다. 본고는 이 논점을 좌증하면서 ‘국문’이라는 개념이 변천과정을 추정하여 ‘국문’이라는 개념에 내포하는 민족의식과 문자의식이 살펴보고자 한다. The study sought to comprehensively describe how the terms meaning “national language” have changed and been used in terms of meaning over time during the 500 years of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). The terms subject to this study were collected and analyzed based on literature published during the Joseon Dynasty. Existing studies showed that the concept of “Korean language” emerged prior to the period when national and ethnic consciousness developed. It was also argued that the change in style also affected the increase in use of Korean and pure Korean writing styles, which led to an increase in the use of the perceived national language. The main article will examine the national and written consciousness implicit in the concept of a “national language” by estimating the transformation process of the concept of a de facto “national language.”

      • KCI등재

        어문 의식의 형성 과정과 그 특징

        백낙천(Baek, Nak-Cheon) 동악어문학회 2021 동악어문학 Vol.85 No.-

        훈민정음 창제 이후 한문과의 대립 속에서 한글의 사용과 보급이 확대되고 국어에 대한 의식이 형성되기 시작하였고, 17세기 이후에는 실학의 학풍으로 관념론적인 성리학적 사고에서 벗어나면서 훈민정음이 음소문자로서 가지는 특징을 실증적으로 인식하고 그 우수성을 새롭게 발견하였다. 그러다가 개항 이후 근대화에 요구가 확대되면서 국어와 국문에 대한 자각이 나타나고 이것이 민족의식과 결부되면서 어문의 근대화가 중요하게 부각되었다. 즉, 어문 의식의 형성 과정에는 내·외적 요인인 훈민정음의 창제와 실학, 그리고 개화의 변화에 주목할 필요가 있다. 본고는 이러한 점을 논의의 기본으로 삼아 훈민정음 창제 이후부터 실학시대를 거쳐 근대 계몽기에 이르기까지 문헌 자료에서 확인되는 국어와 국문에 대한 관심과 자각을 어문 의식이라는 관점에서 조망하되, 그 형성 과정에서 드러나는 특징을 어문 의식의 연속성 차원에서 조망해 보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. The aim of this paper is to examine the characteristics of in the formation of Korean national language consciousness. In this paper, we examined their assertions on during the Hunminjeongeum manuscript, the practical science of late Joseon and period modern enlightenment Korean national language consciousness. With this background information, we first demonstrate the background on the 15th to the first half of 20th century. In the period of Joseon Dynasty, especially in Hunminjeongeum, Jeongeum meant the prescriptive language. In the practical science of late Joseon Dynasty, the concept of Korean national Language consciousness mainly grounded on new advanced ideas. In the period of modern enlightenment, Korean national language is faced with a idea of patriotic enlightenment. We argued that this viewpoint and assertion was due to the argument of their various conceptual linguistic discussion. This Korean national language consciousness exert a strong influence from the 15th to the first half of 20th century. This paper is expect that the Korean language in the formation of Korean national Language consciousness in Hunminjeoneum manuscript, the practical science of late Joseon and period of modern enlightenment period discussion can be explain more clearly.

      • KCI등재

        국문연구소 위원들의국어․국문 의식과 실천

        홍종선,정연주 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2020 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.40 No.-

        The wording of the Korean Language Research Report in 1909 differed greatly among the center members. The members discussed and decided orthography of the Korean language, but the report included many Chinese words and phrases. Ju Shigyeong’s expressions included a few easy Chinese words and phrases relatively close to the spoken language and showed much recognition and use of the vernacular language. This position was followed by Ji Seogyeong. At that time, much Koreanology research was conducted in general, but those who later became pro-Japanese and lacked national consciousness showed poor awareness in the use of the vernacular language. Those with little research experience and career in the Korean language and literature showed similar aspects. Only two members of the center had professional knowledge, and most of others were non-experts. Therefore, it is regrettable to see that the discussions were not sufficiently profound and that the advanced practice of the Korean vernacular language was lacking in the discussions and research reports in terms of using contemporary Korean expressions.

      • KCI등재

        '재일(在日)'의 현실과 '재일(在日)'의 의미-재일동포 한국어 소설의 정체성 구성에 대하여

        김형규 한국문학이론과비평학회 2006 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.31 No.-

        The Korean-language novels written by Korean residents in Japan underline coherently the identification and consciousness of “one’s self” that has been broken up by the sense of estrangement from ethnicity and nation. It is also coherent that they put an emphasis on the argument about race or nation in view of the historical traditions and the realities of life as Korean residents in Japan. In the novels written by Moon Yei-dong, the motifs are developed based upon the following concepts. The personal history of ordeals and dispersed family is closely related to the history of the race. And the discrimination and inequality in the daily life is also closely related to the social environments such as the nonexistence of the homeland from the beginning of the colonial age and the social treatment received as unpatriotic people. As the generations shift and the environment of the times changes, however, it should not be overlooked that the current Korean-language novels written by Korean residents in Japan deal with the realities of residing in Japan while handing down the past memories, in other words, the memories of the parent’s generation and recognizing the historical views in terms of the current prospective. The early novels written by Moon Yei-dong emphasized the ethnicity and nation from the aspect of idea and conception, and made hastily the nation-oriented or the north Korea-inclined conclusions. Meanwhile, the novels written after the mid-nineteen seventies by Moon Yei-dong have reflected the reality of the domiciliation and residence in more specific ways. By encapsulating the specific phases of the past memories and the parent generation’s memories, they showed the perception of history that Moon Yei-dong had. Especially, it is very inspiring that he attempted to make a new self-consciousness on the history and identity of the race by suggesting the new conceptual bases for the recognition of the traditional cultures. It is worthwhile that the Korean-language novels written by Korean residents in Japan imply the strong and consistent efforts to estrange from the oppression of colonialism by describing the realities of Korean residents in Japan who live a severe life in the shadow of the extant colonialism. Furthermore, while consistently indicating the extant colonialism up to now, they suggest the needs to reconsider the illiberal nationalism that ethnicity is nation. They also seek for the national and cultural communities just beyond a nation. Based upon this notion, they imply specifically the possibility to become the national literature. These points could make them worthwhile as a ‘ Diaspora’ literature in our country.

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