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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Concept`s Diversity and Proximity for Photosynthesis in Grade 7 Students

        ( Soo Min Lim ),( Jae Hoon Jeong ),( Young Shin Kim ) 한국과학교육학회 2012 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        Concepts of science have been developed by occupying ``ecological niche`` within conceptual ecology. The ecological niche is determined from the mutual effect between intellectual environmental of the learner and new concept, which few studies have been conducted. This study examined how the ecological niche of the concept of photosynthesis in 7th grade is changed by instruction. The ecological niche was analyzed using 2 methods: (1) the change in the diversity of concepts, and (2) the change in the proximity of concepts based on the frequency and the relativeness score of the concepts. The concept of photosynthesis was analyzed in the 4 domains in the place of photosynthesis, products of photosynthesis, reactants of photosynthesis, and environmental factors. The results of this study are as follows: (1) reduced diversity of concepts, (2) increased frequency and relativeness score of the scientific concepts, and (3) increased proximity of the scientific concepts by instruction. With these results, the mutual effects of the concepts within the conceptual ecology have become active by class to differentiate the relationships between the concepts, which accordingly displayed their changes in status.

      • KCI등재

        메시지 전달 기법을 이용한 개념도 구축 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        이크발 카심,이동호,정진우,허지욱 한국정보과학회 2013 데이타베이스 연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Concept map is a graphical tool that is widely used for organizing and representing knowledge and shows the relationships among related concepts. Automatic concept map construction from text documents requires methods for extracting concepts and relationships (taxonomic and non-taxonomic). Even though a lot of studies have been conducted to automatically construct a concept map, they still have some limitations such as a resolution of anaphora problem and defining relationships to form propositions. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based approach for constructing a concept map from text documents. First, relevant concepts are extracted using typed dependency linguistic patterns. Anaphoric resolution for pronouns is then introduced to map the pronouns with candidate terms. Second, extracted concepts are clustered using affinity propagation algorithm. Finally, relationships are assigned between the extracted concepts in each cluster. Our empirical results show that the constructed concept maps conform to the outputs generated manually by domain experts. Furthermore, domain experts verified that the constructed concept maps are in accordance with their knowledge. 개념도는 지식체계를 조직화하고 표현하기 위해 사용되는 도구로서 서로 관련이 있는 개념들 간의 관계성을 나타내게 된다. 텍스트 문서로부터 개념도를 자동으로 추출하는 과정은 개념과 개념들 간의 분류적/비분류적 관계를 추출하는과정을 필요로 한다. 개념도의 자동 구축과 관련하여 많은 연구들이 진행되고 있지만, 대명사의 대용 해소 문제, 개념간 관련성에 대한 방향성 할당 문제 등 여전히 많은 개선점들이 필요한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 텍스트 문서로부터 개념도를 자동으로 구축하기 위한 클러스터링 기반의 기법을 제안한다. 제안하는 시스템의 흐름은 다음과 같다. 먼저, 의존문법 규칙을 이용하여 도메인 개념들을 추출하고 대명사에 대한 대용 해소 문제를 해결하기 위한 방법을 적용함으로써문서 내 대명사들을 추출된 개념들과 연결한다. 그 후, 친근도 전파 알고리즘을 활용하여 추출된 도메인 개념들에 대한클러스터링을 수행한다. 마지막으로, 구축 된 각각의 클러스터내의 개념들간의 관련성을 할당함으로써 개념도를 구축한다. 정보 시스템 도메인 문서들에 대하여 제안하는 기법에 의하여 구축된 개념도와 해당 도메인의 전문가에 의하여 구축된 개념도간의 비교를 통하여 성능 평가를 수행하였다. 실험 결과를 통해, 본 논문에서 제안하는 기법은 도메인 전문가들에 의하여 수동으로 구축된 개념도와 유사한 수준의 개념도를 구축할 수 있음을 보였다.


        Concept Optimization for Mechanical Product Using Genetic Algorithm

        Huang Hong Zhong,Bo Rui Feng,Fan Xiang Feng The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2005 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.19 No.5

        Conceptual design is the first step in the overall process of product design. Its intrinsic uncertainty, imprecision, and lack of information lead to the fact that current conceptual design activities in engineering have not been computerized and very few CAD systems are available to support conceptual design. In most of the current intelligent design systems, approach of principle synthesis, such as morphology matrix, bond graphic, or design catalogues, is usually adopted to deal with the concept generation, in which optional concepts are generally combined and enumerated through function analysis. However, as a large number of concepts are generated, it is difficult to evaluate and optimize these design candidates using regular algorithm. It is necessary to develop a new approach or a tool to solve the concept generation. Generally speaking, concept generation is a problem of concept synthesis. In substance, this process of developing design candidate is a combinatorial optimization process, viz., the process of concept generation can be regarded as a solution for a state-place composed of multi-concepts. In this paper, genetic algorithm is utilized as a feasible tool to solve the problem of combinatorial optimization in concept generation, in which the encoding method of morphology matrix based on function analysis is applied, and a sequence of optimal concepts are generated through the search and iterative process which is controlled by genetic operators, including selection, crossover, mutation, and reproduction in GA. Several crucial problems on GA are discussed in this paper, such as the calculation of fitness value and the criteria for heredity termination, which have a heavy effect on selection of better concepts. The feasibility and intellectualization of the proposed approach are demonstrated with an engineering case. In this work concept generation is implemented using GA, which can facilitate not only generating several better concepts, but also selecting the best concept. Thus optimal concepts can be conveniently developed and design efficiency can be greatly improved.

      • KCI등재후보

        Pattern of concepts of determinant and matrix and effective concept learning

        박홍경 장전수학회 2009 Proceedings of the Jangjeon mathematical society Vol.12 No.1

        It has been recently studied on the effectivity of concept learning for theory of vectors. Theory of vectors and matrix theory constitute of main topics in linear algebra. In the present paper, we discuss with the pattern of concepts of determinant and matrix which are fundamental in matrix theory. Its pattern is divided into three types, namely intuitive concepts, logical concepts and formal concepts. And then, we consider several suggestions for an effective concept learning in teaching matrix theory.

      • KCI등재

        헌법제정권력: 갱신(更新) 중의 개념

        조동은 한국헌법학회 2023 憲法學硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        The concept of constituent power is often invoked in jurisprudence and literature to account for the origin and supremacy of the constitution, the limits of constitutional amendment, and the basis of constitutional interpretation. Nevertheless, the concept of constituent power has been under criticism for quite some time, and there remains today some full-fledged arguments to dispense with it as a mythical concept, unnecessary or harmful. In order to answer the question of whether the concept of constituent power has meaning and value on the horizon of constitutional law scholarship today, it might be useful to confront these contemporary criticisms alongside a consideration of the history of the concept. A noteworthy point in the historical examination of the concept of constitutional power is the fact that Sieyès tried to distance the concept of constituent power from that of sovereignty. While Sieyès proposed ‘pouvoir constituant’ as a concept that expresses the ‘the political authority of the people’, he rejected the idea of sovereignty as a “monastic” and “colossal” that cannot give adequate explanatory function of modern form of political legitimacy. Carl Schmitt, on the other hand, who inherited the concept of constituent power from Sieyès but closely linked it to the concept of sovereignty, used the unmediated delegation of constituent power as a basis for justifying a transitional sovereign dictatorship that suspended all separation of powers. Contemporary critiques of the concept of constituent power take several forms. A positivist version suggests that the concept of constituent power as a immediate presence without representation, “das formlos Formende” is itself inconceivable. In addition, the concept reduces the question of validity and legitimacy of the legal order to the question of “who” created the constitution, while the circumstances regarding the enactment of a legal norm cannot be an independent, determinative basis for the obligation to obey the law. A normativist version argues that the concept of constituent power fails to explain coherently the problem of law's authority for it locates the source of law's authority outside the legal order. But as emphasized by Fuller and Dworkin, the authority of law is better explained by the internal morality of the legal order and this renders the concept of constituent power unnecessary. The former view contends that constitutions can only be justified in terms of their conformity to extralegal moral and practical considerations, and thus a concept of constituent power that centers on the question of “who” made them loses its importance. The latter view argues that constitutions can be justified through internal morality of the law itself, and thus the question of constitutional authority that locates the source of their authority outside the legal order is not raised in the first place. The view that the constituent power is “das formlos Formende”, the presence of the people without representation, however, may be just one interpretation of constituent power, but not the only one. Rather, Sieyès' concept which emphasizes the limited powers of the extraordinary representative in constitution-making, seems to be closely linked to considerations on the process of representation. In addition, understanding constitution-making power as extra-legal authority without any normative dimension or ‘plenitudo potestatis’, free of any legal constraints seems to be a distinctively Schmittian interpretation. It should not be overlooked that the concept of the constitution that the critiques presuppose underscores the meaning of positive ‘written’ constitution as a product of actual political processes. However, it is necessary to consider in a serious manner the problem of mystification and possible misuse of the concept of constitutional power that these criticisms highlight. It is my suggestion that the prospect of overcomi... 헌법제정권력 개념은 헌법 판례나 문헌에서 헌법의 원천과 우위, 헌법개정의 한계, 헌법해석의 근거 등을 설명하기 위하여 종종 소환되고 있다. 그럼에도 헌법제정권력 개념에 대한 비판론 역시 상당기간 존재해 왔고, 불필요하거나 해악을 초래하는 신화적 개념이라는 이유로 그 개념적 시민권을 박탈하자는 주장이 오늘날까지도 제기되고 있다. 헌법제정권력 개념이 오늘날 헌법학의 지평에서 의미와 가치를 가지는지의 문제에 답변하기 위해서는 그 개념의 역사에 관한 고찰과 더불어 이러한 현대적 비판론을 검토해 보는 것이 하나의 유용한 접근방식일 수 있다. 헌법제정권력 개념의 발생사적 점검과 관련하여 주목할 만한 지점은 시에예스 본인이 주권 개념과 헌법제정권력 개념을 차별화하고 거리를 두려 한 대목이다. 시에예스는 인민이 정치적 권위로서의 지위를 확보해 나가는 역사적 상황 속에서 그 권위의 속성과 원리를 표현하는 개념으로 헌법제정권력을 제안하였고, 그와 동시에 주권 개념은 헌법제정권력 개념이 내포하는 권력의 제도적 분립을 설명할 수 없는 ‘수도원적’이고 ‘거신적’인 관념이라는 이유로 배척하였다. 반면, 시에예스로부터 헌법제정권력 개념을 계승하면서도 이를 주권 개념과 긴밀하게 결부시킨 칼 슈미트는 모든 권력분립을 중단시키는 과도기적 주권적 독재를 정당화하는 근거로 헌법제정권력의 무매개적 위임을 원용하였다. 헌법제정권력 개념에 대한 현대의 비판적 입론들은 여러 형태로 제기된다. 대표 없는 현존, “형식 없는 형성자”로서의 헌법제정권력 개념은 그 자체로 불가능할 뿐만 아니라, 헌법제정권력 개념은 법질서의 효력과 정통성을 ‘누가’ 최고규범인 헌법을 제정했는지의 문제로 환원시키는데 누가 법규범을 만들었는지는 법준수의무를 창출하는 독자적 근거가 될 수 없다는 주장이 그 중 하나이다(실증주의적 버전). 다른 한편, 헌법제정권력 개념은 법의 권위의 원천을 법질서 외부에 위치시킴으로써 일관성 있게 법의 권위 문제를 설명하는 데 실패하며, 풀러나 드워킨이 강조하는 법질서 내적 도덕성만으로 법의 권위 문제를 설명하는 것이 더 타당하다는 주장도 제기된다(규범주의적, 원리주의적 버전). 전자는 헌법은 법외적인 도덕적, 실체적 고려들에 합치되는지 여부에 따라 정당화될 수 있을 뿐이므로 ‘누가’ 제정했는지의 문제를 중심에 놓는 헌법제정권력 개념은 필요치 않다고 보는 반면, 후자는 헌법이 법 내적 도덕성을 통해 정당화될 수 있으므로 법질서 외부에 그 효력의 근거를 위치시키는 헌법제정권력 개념이 당초 불필요하다고 보는 것이다. 그러나 헌법제정권력 개념이 대표관계 및 대표과정과 아무런 관계가 없다고 보는 것은 헌법제정권력에 대한 특정한 해석에 관한 것일 수는 있어도 유일하게 가능한 해석이라고 보기는 어렵다. 오히려 헌법제정에 있어 특별대표의 한정된 권한을 강조하는 시에예스의 헌법제정권력 개념에는 대표관계와 대표과정에 대한 고려가 긴밀하게 결부되어 있다고 보인다. 또한 헌법제정권력을 아무런 규범적 차원을 가지지 않는 사실적 권위 또는 법적 제약 없는 전능한 권한으로 이해하는 것도 슈미트적 해석에 과도하게 경도된 것으로 보인다. 비판론들이 전제하고 있는 헌법 개념이 정치과정의 산물이라는 실정헌법의 속성을 외면하거나 과소평가하고 있다는 점도 간과하여 ...

      • KCI등재

        표상에서 개념으로, 개념에서 표상으로: 헤겔의 학문 체계의 형성에서 표상의 위상과 기능에 대하여

        정대훈 서양근대철학회 2022 근대철학 Vol.19 No.-

        This study deals with the function and status of representation in relation to concepts, paying attention to the aspect of the formation process of Hegel’s system. It can be widely agreed that the process until the formation of the Science of Logic, the basis of the system, is a process of sublating from representation to concept. In addition to this, this study notes that the formation of the other half of Hegel’s system owes to a process that can be named as the ‘movement from concept to representation’ in various fields of ‘real philosophy’ after the Science of Logic. First, in this paper, ‘movement from representation to concept’ is analyzed from two aspects. First, in Hegel’s system of thought, representation has the dual aspect of being irreplaceable and inappropriate in the process of forming a universal knowledge of the Sache, which leads to a concept (Chapter 2). Second, the inappropriateness of a representation lies in the nature of its synthesis. Because of the flaws of synthesis, the representation has no choice but to proceed to the concept. In this article, I exemplify the synthetic nature of representation in the areas of Phenomenology of Spirit, philosophy of the subjective mind, and aesthetics, respectively(Chapter 3). Next, this paper analyses on the process of forming “philosophical sciences” in each field after Science of Logic, naming it the ‘movement from concept to representation’ process. This analysis has three steps. First, it was through his lectures that Hegel formed a system in each field after Science of Logic. The representation used in the lecture had a systemic aspect in addition to its pedagogical function (Chapter 4). I then argue that the ‘movement from conception to representation’ is important in the formation of the ‘real philosophy’(Chapter 5). Furthermore, in the last chapter of this paper, it is argued that the ‘movement from conception to representation’, which forms the ‘real philosophy’, is once again achieved through a continuous reciprocation between representation and concept, and I illustrate this reciprocating motion through the analysis on the ‘sacrifice’ and ‘Cunning of Reason’ in Hegel’s philosophical consideration of world history(Chapter 6). 본 연구는 헤겔 체계의 형성 과정이라는 측면에 주목하여 개념과의 관계에서 표상이 차지하는 기능과 위상을 다룬다. 체계의 토대인 논리의 학문이 형성될 때까지의 과정은 표상으로부터 개념으로의 지양 과정이라는 점에 대해서는 널리 합의될 수 있다. 본 연구는 여기에 더하여 헤겔의 체계의 나머지 절반의 형성은 논리의 학문 이후 실재철학적 여러 학문 분야에서 ‘개념으로부터 표상으로의 운동’으로 명명될 수 있는 과정에 빚지고 있음에 주목한다. 본고에서는 우선 ‘표상으로부터 개념으로의 운동’을 두 측면에서 분석한다. 첫째, 헤겔의 사상 체계에서 표상은 개념으로 나아가는, 사태에 대한 보편적 인식의 형성 과정에서 부적합하면서도 대체불가능하다는 이중적 측면을 가지고 있다(2장). 둘째, 표상이 갖는부적합성은 그것이 갖는 종합의 성격에 있다. 종합이 갖는 결함 때문에 표상은개념으로 나아갈 수 밖에 없다. 필자는 표상의 종합적 성격을 정신현상학, 주관정신의 철학, 미학의 영역에서 각각 예시한다(3장). 다음으로 본고는 <논리의 학문> 이후 헤겔이 각 분야의 “철학적 학문들”을 형성해 나가는 과정에 주목하여이를 ‘개념으로부터 표상으로의 운동’ 과정으로 명명하고 이를 분석한다. 이 분석은 세 단계를 거친다. 첫째, 헤겔이 논리학 이후 각 분야의 체계를 형성해 간것은 강의를 통해서였다. 강의에서 사용된 표상은 교육학적 기능 이외에도 체계형성적 측면도 가지고 있었다(4장). 그다음 필자는 ‘개념으로부터 표상으로의 운동’이 실재철학의 형성에 중요하다는 것을 본격적으로 논증한다(5장). 나아가, 본고의 마지막 장에서 필자는 실재철학을 형성하는 ‘개념으로부터 표상으로의 운동’이 다시금 표상과 개념 간의 지속적인 왕복운동을 통해 이루어진다는 점과, 그 실례로서 세계사의 철학 영역에서 ‘이성의 책략’이라는 표상이 어떠한 역동적인자로서 기능하는지를 논증한다(6장).

      • KCI등재

        법과 법치 개념의 본질적 경합가능성에 대한 연구

        김혁기 한국법철학회 2012 법철학연구 Vol.15 No.2

        The concept of law is one of the most controversial issues in legal philosophy. The question “What is Law?” continues to elicit diverse responses. Instead of supporting a particular view, I refer to the idea of “Essentially Contested Concepts,” which has been proposed by a linguistic philosopher, W. B. Gallie. His claim is that there are certain concepts, the proper use of which inevitably involve endless disputes. The first part of this article seeks to clearly picture conceptual contestation. I begin by explaining the notion of “concept.” I also elucidate other subjects, such as the relation between concept and meaning, the essence and changeability of a concept, and disagreements in the use of concept. In the second part, I explain seven conditions of essential contestability and disaggregate various meanings of law to determine this counterpart of the concept used in philosophical inquiry. On the functional interpretation and strict application of Gallie’s proposal, I show that the concept of law does not conform to several conditions. In conclusion, I argue that it would be better to think that law is not an essentially contested concept, while suggesting that the concept of the rule of law has an essential contestability. 법의 개념은 법철학적 탐구에서 중요하게 다루어 온 쟁점으로, 법이 무엇인지에 대한 대답을 두고 심각한 견해 차이가 지속되고 있다. 법에서 발생하는 불일치들의 성격을 조명하는 데 있어, 갈리(Walter B. Gallie)가 제안한 ‘본질적으로 경합하는 개념’(essentially contested concepts)은 유용한 시사점을 제공한다. 그에 따르면, 몇몇 개념들은 어떻게 사용되는 것이 적절한지에 대해 무한한 다툼이 불가피하다. 연구의 목적은 법이 과연 본질적으로 경합하는 개념에 해당하는지를 검토하는 것이다. 우선 개념에 대한 본질적 다툼이 지니는 성격을 명확하게 하기 위해, 연구의 전반부에서는 개념 일반에 대한 예비적 고찰을 수행한다. 여기에서는 개념의 뜻과 기능, 개념과 의미의 관계, 개념의 본질과 변화가능성, 그리고 개념 사용에 있어서의 불일치 등의 문제들을 다룬다. 연구의 후반부에서는 본격적으로 법개념의 본질적 경합가능성에 대해 검토한다. 이를 위해 갈리가 제시한 일곱 가지 조건들의 내용과 의의를 설명하고, 법이라는 단어가 포함하는 다양한 의미들을 구분한다. 본질적 경합가능성의 조건에 대한 엄격한 해석에 기초하고, 법의 여러 의미 중 법철학적 논의에서 중심적으로 다루어져 온 의미들을 대상으로 할 때, 법은 본질적 경합가능성의 조건들 중 다수에 부합하지 않는다. 결론적으로, 법의 개념은 본질적으로 경합하지 않으며, 다만 법과 밀접히 관련되어 있으나 구별되는 법치의 개념이 본질적 경합가능성을 지닌다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 이해 방식은 법철학의 주제와 논쟁을 발전시키는 데도 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재


        엄순영 한국법철학회 2009 법철학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper analyzes a normative concept on the basis of the philosophical discussion about a concept formation and the performative speech act theory of J. L. Austin. In this work we can construct five standards to form a normative concept. The first, the normative concept formation starts from the overriding normative discourse. I’ll call it the Overriding Discourse Thesis. The second, the utility of a normative concept shall be considered. I’ll call it the Utility Thesis. The third, the concept needs to satisfy the five felicity conditions of the performative speech action proposed by J. L. Austin, ① an accepted conventional procedure to the utterance, ② the appreciation of the person and circumstances for the conventional procedure, ③ the corrective and completive execution of the procedure, ④ the participant’s truth, ⑤ the participant’s consistency of speech and action. I’ll call it the Performance Thesis. The fourth, the contents of a normative concept shall be proper. The judgement whether the contents are proper or not can be divided two, a coincidence judgement with the purpose as the belief and a truth or false judgement about the phenomenon description. I’ll call it the Fit Thesis. But we can not form a normative concept with only these conditions. Specially the second condition, the Utility Thesis and the third, the Fit Thesis have many problems. The second condition, the Utility Thesis has so task for the utility judgement of a normative concept as what are the standards of a utility judgement. This work connects with our beliefs. The fourth condition, the Fit Thesis, connects with them also as the Utility Thesis. Because we should estimate the belief to judge if the contents of a normative concept are proper. The only its difference from the Utility Thesis is that it concludes the judgement not only about the belief but also about the truth or false of the phenomenon description. But the truth or false judgement of a descriptive sentence, as J. L. Austin says, is not apart from the human belief system. This study shows that a normative concept cannot be formed apart from the belief system. Therefore for forming a normative concept we need to review how the belief system is confirmed. However the belief is the confidence for realizing our desires and another name of our desires. The desires are the power of human life. These cannot be judged by good or evil and are a life’s will that includes death. These desires change and are arranged with belief. And then on the basis of the belief system a normative concept is formed. A normative concept connects closely with our desires. Our desires to realize something are the motive power to form a normative concept. So this will confirms the belief system or the judgement standard to judge if the concept is proper. But our desires lose the subjecthood and trap us. Therefore we need to reflect on our desires. So in addition to the four standards in order to form a normative concept, we need to consider and discuss what we desire by the concept. I’ll call it the Desire Thesis. In conclusion for forming a normative concept we need to consider five theses, the Overriding Discourse Thesis, the Utility Thesis, the Performance Thesis, the Fit Thesis, and the Desire Thesis.

      • KCI등재

        생물교사와 예비교사가 제시한 고등학교 광합성 영역의 배경 개념 분석

        김명희,박보경,김영신 韓國生物敎育學會 2011 생물교육 Vol.39 No.1

        The concepts in biology are the basic units of biological knowledge construction and it requires enough background knowledge to understand new concepts. The background concept of this is an important factor in forming correct scientific concepts. Especially, so photosynthesis domains are consisted of various concepts, students have many misconceptions. In this study we investigated background concepts of photosynthesis domains target of 73 biology teachers and 109 preservice teachers. The results are as follow. Biology teachers offered more background concepts than preservice teachers. Also, both of two groups proposed more background concepts than curriculum contents of secondary school. Moreover, as preservice teachers presented concepts having to know after learning as background concepts, it seemed they didn't know precisely the learning level in curriculum. And then they responded physics and chemical concepts as well as biological as background concepts of photosynthesis domains. This study can help high school students to understand and to revise misconception of photosynthesis domains with complicated and various conceptional traits. In addition, this can be used basic data for a model research to improve the teaching quality of teachers.

      • 신규간호사의 역할개념 양상

        안은경,오경옥 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1996 충남의대잡지 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of the this study was to analyze nursing role conceptions and test the relationships between nursing role conceptions and general characteristics among selected new nurses. The subjects of this study were consisted of 106 practising new nurses. The data was collected from August 7 to 31, 1995. Subscale of Nursing Role Conceptions (Pieta, 1976) were used to measure bureaucratic, professional, and service role conceptions. Data were analyzed by SPSS/PC+ program. The result of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Score of normative role conception is higher than that of categorial role conception in three role conceptions (p<.01). In the normative&categorial role conceptions, three role conception score is high in sequence of service, professional, bureaucratic role conceptions (p<.01). 2. Baccalaureate graduates had significantly higher professional normative role conception scores (p<.05) and professional and service role discrepancies (p<.01); associate nurses had significantly higher professional categorial (p<.05) and service categorial role conception scores (p<.Ol) 3. There was no relationship between experiences and bureaucratic and service role conception. Professional normative role conception scores were gradually increased as experiences were increased but decreased after 10 months (p<.01). 4. There was a statistically significant increase in the categorial service role conception in the intensive care unit nurses (p<.05).There was a statistically increase in the service role discrepancy in the operating room nurses (p<.05). The findings indicates that degree of the discrepancy between normative and categorial role should be minimized. Therefore, further studies are necessary to repeat the longitudinal&qualitative research for exploring new nurses' role conceptions.

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