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      • KCI등재


        崔金珍 한중법학회 2010 中國法硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        Chinese Commercial Banks can achieve good performance, largely thanks to national attention and support to Commercial Banks reform and development. Therefore, when the Commercial Banks formulate the strategy, they should put social responsibility stress on the important position. The social responsibility of commercial banks mainly include the responsibilities which commercial banks should fulfill their renposibilities for stakeholders, in the economic, legal, moral and philanthropic. Economic responsibility is the foundation of legal liability, moral responsibility and liability charity. The Commercial Bank as a particular coorporation should obey the relevant regulations including ethics provisions, and perform its economic mission. It is very important that they should give up their profits according to law sometimes. Moral responsibility and philanthropic liability are sublimated on the basis of realization of economic responsibility and legal liability. it directly reflects the social esponsibility of the enterprise. Corporate social responsibility is increasingly becoming the hot issue all around the world, while social responsibility of commercial banks which is a special corporate in China is more important. Our Commercial Banks in the social responsibilities still have many shortcomings. Our country Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, realize the importance of social responsibilities, while it still stays in the surface and do not rise to the strategic height in accordance with disclosure information. And when carrying out their social responsibilities, a several of Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, still cling to the "gdo good thing and earn money"h which is a "gadvertisement"h to improve their public relations. Their purposes lie in profit or other benefits, corporate social responsibility is just a means of profit. It need several elements for commercial banks to fulfill their social responsibility, such as, the power of government, mandatory laws and institutions, the internal self-regulatory mechanism in the commercial banks. In the initial stage of social responsibility, it is very important for Commercial Banks to realize that carrying out the economic and legal liability is legal obligations, or will be punished by the law. At the same time, we should exercise a closer supervision over the government, industry and other regulatory function. In the Commercial Banks internal level, we should adjust the governance structure of Commercial Banks.

      • KCI등재


        Lei Yu,Yu Kwanghyun,Bang Sungchul 아시아유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        2006년 WTO가입을 계기로 중국의 은행 보험산업의 개방이 확대되면서 많은 외자은행들이 중국에 진출하게 되었다. 이에 따라 많은 중국 상업은행들은 치열한 경쟁 속에서 살아남기 위해 유동성 을 포기하는 대가로 수익성을 추구하는 사례가 종종 나타나고 있다. 또한 2007년 미국 서브프라임 모기 지 사태로 촉발된 유동성 리스크로 인해 많은 은행들과 금융기업들이 파산하게 되었으며 이는 글로벌 실물경제에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 1978년 중국공산당 11기 3중 전회를 통해 개혁 개방 정책을 선언한 이후 중국 정부가 경제개혁 기간 에 은행산업의 개혁을 추진함으로써 은행산업의 독점 국면이 점차 타파하게 되며 경쟁 시스템을 도입하 게 되었다. 아시아 금융위기 무렵에 중국 은행산업에 과대경쟁으로 유동성 위기가 발생하게 되었으며 국 유은행인 하이난발전은행(Hainan Development Bank)이 유동성 고갈로 파산하게 되었다. 이로 말미암 아 중국인민은행(People's Bank of China: PBC)이 약 40억 위안 손실을 입혀 중국 은행산업에 매우 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 또한, 중국은 장기적으로 무역지수 흑자와 대량 외국자본 유입의 까닭으로 은행산업에 유동성 과잉 (excess liquidity) 현상이 나타났다. 이러한 유동성 과잉 상황은 단기적으로는 시장 금리(inter-bank rate)가 은행 예금 금리보다 더 낮아지는 금리 역전현상이 나타나고 은행은 아무리 수익성이 높은 투자 를 할지라도 바닥을 볼 것이며, 장기적으로는 부실채권의 누적이 가속화되어 자산 거품을 유발할 수 있 으며 최종 외부의 충격으로 자산의 거품은 사라지고 상업은행의 유동성 위기가 초래될 수 있다(노진호 & 이승준, 2009). 게다가 유동성 과잉으로 말미암아 은행들 간에 과대 경쟁의 현상을 유발하며 신용 리 스크와 이자율 리스크를 동반한 유동성 리스크를 촉발할 가능성도 높아진다. 한편, 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국으로서 한국 경제에 영향을 미치는 중요변수 중 하나다. 그러나 한국 의 경우 중국 은행 보험산업에 잠복해 있는 다양한 불확실성으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 유동성 리스크에 대한 인식 정도는 매우 부족한 편이다. 이러한 상황에서 중국 상업은행들의 유동성 위기는 중국 경제에 대한 의존도가 높은 한국에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있으며, 특히 이미 중국에 투자한 한국기업들과 지속적으로 중국 전역으로 확장을 시도하는 글로벌 금융회사들에게 직접적 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 중국 상업은행의 유동성 리스크에 영향을 미치는 내부적 요인과 거시 경제 요인을 실증분석하고, 은행의 자산규모별로 어떤 차이가 있는지를 분석해보고자 한다. 이를 위해 국제 은행 통 계사이트인 BankScope의 데이터, 중국인민은행의 자료 그리고 중국 통계연보(China Statistical Yearbook)를 활용하여 홍콩, 마카오, 타이완 등 지역을 제외하며 중국 국유상업은행(State-owned Commercial Bank), 주식제상업은행(Joint-stock Commercial Bank) 그리고 도시상업은행(Urban Commercial Bank)을 포함한 25개 중국 상업은행을 대상으로 추정한다. 횡단면자료의 이분산과 시계열 자료의 자기상관 문제로 발생하는 분산의 과소평가 문제로 인하여 패널OLS 추정방법을 사용하는 것을 타당하지 않다. 그러나 본 연구는 고정효과모형(fixed effects)모형 및 확률효과(random effects)모형과 비교하는 차원에서 먼저 패널OLS로 추정한 결과를 제시하며, 그 후 Hausman 검정에 따라 고정효과모 형과 확률효과모형을 동시에 추정하여 효율적인 모형을 위주로 분석하였다. 실증분석결과, 첫째 고정효과모형으로 25개 상업은행의 유동성을 추정한 경우, 부실채권 비율(NPL), 요구불예금 대총 예금 비율(CURRENT), 자기자본수익률(ROE), 자기자본비율(CAR) 등 은행 내부적 요소는 중국 상업은행의 유동성에 영향을 미치지 않는 반면, 명목 이자율(R), 광의통화 변동률(M2), 소비자 물가지수(CPI) 등 거시적 결정요인들이 은행의 유동성에 (-)효과가 나타났다. 이는 중국에서 인민 은행이 통화정책을 활용하여 중국 상업은행의 유동성을 조정하고 유동성 리스크를 통제할 수 있다는 것 으로 해석된다. 둘째, 총자산 규모가 1조 위안을 기준으로 대행은행과 중소형은행을 구분하여 확률효과모형을 추정하 였다. 따라서 대형상업은행의 유동성은 요구불 예금 대 총 예금의 비율(CURRENT), 자기자본수익률 (ROE)와 같은 은행 내부의 요소와 명목 이자율(R), 광의통화 변동률(M2), 소비자 물가지수(CPI), 2008 금융위기(CRISIS) 등 거시적 경제요인의 영향을 받을 반면, 중소형 상업은행의 경우, 부실채권 비율 (NPL), 명목 이자율(R), 광의통화 변동률(M2) 등 요소들이 상업은행의 유동성에 마이너스(-)효과가 있음을 보여준다. 즉, 은행 내부의 요소와 거시적 경제요인이 중국 대형 상업은행의 유동성에 영향을 미 치나 중소형 상업은행의 유동성에 부실채권, 거시적 경제요소를 영향을 받는 것으로 추정되었다. With China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), many foreign banks have started to enter into China while Chinese banking and insurance industries have been deepening and opening up. Commercial banks will pay more attention to profit and abandon appropriate liquidity in order to survive in fierce competition. Particularly in recent years, liquidity risk caused by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis has lead banks and many financial institutions to collapse and has also been bringing the devastating impact on the global economy. In 1978, Chinese government began to implement the reform and opening up, and in the meanwhile began to reform the banking sector, which interrupted the banking monopoly and led in competition system into banking sector. During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, China’s banking sector experienced liquidity crises due to over competition, leading to the bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank because of exhausted liquidity. The bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank resulted in the loss of nearly 4 billion yuan of People’s Bank of China, which had a graveness influence on China’s banking sector. In addition, China’s long-term trade surplus and a large inflow of foreign capital lead to the excess liquidity in the banking sector. In the pressure of such excess liquidity, banks will blindly decrease lending rates to get inter-bank rate lower than bank-deposit rate appearing interest rate inversion phenomenon to decrease bank returns. In the long term, this will probably accelerate the accumulation of non-performing loan of bank. When the economy changes, asset bubbles of bank will quickly be shattered, which will directly result in the systematic financial crisis in the banking sector. Meanwhile, China as a largest trading partner of South Korea has been a key factor on its economy. However, South Korea is lacking of understanding of potential various uncertainties and liquidity risk in China’s Economy, which bases on banking. In this case, South Korea will be significantly influenced due to its highly dependence on China’s Economy if Chinese commercial banks suffer from liquidity risk. Especially, Korean companies already invested in China and global financial companies constantly attempting to expand all over of China should be directly affected. Therefore, this paper is to analyze the determinants of the bank’s liquidity risk in Chinese commercial banks and what difference between large commercial banks and small-medium commercial banks. The banking data used in this paper were extracted from the database BankScope IBCA-Fitch, the People’s Bank of China and China Statistical Yearbook. We used panel data of 25 commercial banks over the period from 2004 to 2011 to estimate the determinants of liquidity risk by panel OLS, the fixed effects and random effects regression. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: first, internal factors in banks did not affect the liquidity of the commercial banks in China, but it was affected by macro-economic factors negatively. It implies that the People’s Bank of China will be able to adjust liquidity and manage liquidity risk in commercial banks in China using monetary policy. Second, in terms of asset size of banks, both internal factors in banks and macro-economic factors have influence on the liquidity of large commercial banks in China, however, small-medium commercial banks have only been affected by non-performance loans ratio and macro-economic factors.

      • KCI등재

        중국 동북지역 도시상업은행(城市商業銀行)의 "시장자유화"로의 이행

        김송죽 ( Song Juk Kim ),유가 ( Jia Liu ) 현대중국학회 2014 現代中國硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        이 논문은 두 가지 목적을 가진다. 하나는 중국 금융기업의 개혁개방정도와 규제완화, 민영화, 시장자유화를 알아보기 위한 시도이다. 다른 하나는 기존에 다루어지지 않은 도시상업은행에 대한 전반적인 소개와 일차자료를 제공함으로써 향후 이 주제에 관한 학문적 토대를 마련하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 최근 비약적으로 발전하고 있는 동북3성의 도시상업은행을 사례로 분석하였다. <2013년 세계은행순위 1000>과 <2013년 중국상업은행순위 50>에서 동북3성의 도시상업은행이 각각 10개와 4개가 선정되었다. 이는 소속도시의 지역경제와 고객을 위해서만 경영이 가능했던 지방의 한 도시상업은행이 중국 국내는 물론 전 세계은행들과 경쟁할 수 있을 만큼 비약적인 성장을 한 것이다. 그러나 선행연구에서는 본 현상에 대한 담론형성이 전무하기 때문에 이 문제의식을 가지고 본 연구에 착수하였다. 동북3성의 17개 도시상업은행을 분석한 결과, 제도적·지역발전적·경영적 측면에서 다음과 같은 특징을 도출할 수 있었다. 제도적 측면에서 보면, 동북3성 도시상업은행은 점진적인 민영화와 자율적 권한이 확대되고 있다. 지역발전적 측면에서 보면, 도시상업은행은 도시화, 산업화, 교통 인프라 구축이 잘 형성된 곳일수록 발전하기가 용이하다는 일반적인법칙이 동북3성의 사례에서도 증명된다. 경영적 측면에서 보면, 동북3성도시상업은행은 자산 및 경영관리의 내실화와 금융서비스의 차별화 전략을 통해 자가발전과 경쟁력을 제고시키고 있다. 결론적으로 동북3성의 도시상업은행이 보여주는 중앙-지방정부 역할의 감소, 비국유 중소기업의 증가와 발전, 규제완화, 시장개방, 도시화, 민영화 추세는 중국 금융시스템이 지닌 자유시장경제체제의 특징을 시사한다. This project has two different purposes. One thing is to pioneer the research area on Chinese financial market. More specifically, the one has examined the degree of openness of the financial market such as, restriction of the market, privatization, and marketization. The other is to establish fundamental data base on the research of Chinese city commercial bank for future perspective researches. For this, the one has focused on The 3 Northeast Provinces of China (named Liaoniang, Jilin, Heilongjiang provinces), where city commercial banks has shown remarkable development. These urban based commercial banks has been ranked in 2013 World Bank Ranking 1000 and 2013 Chinese City Commercial Bank Ranking 50 (10 for the WB ranking and 4 for the Chinese City Commercial Bank Ranking). These local-specialized banks has been developed so that they even compete not only with national but also with world-famous banks. Because there has not been formulated any discourse on the research of the Chinese city commercial banks, the one has come to possess a question on this matter. This research has been composed of three different parts; the historical genealogy of bank development, the position of role of the banks, and the internal status of the banks. After conducting comparative analysis of 17 city commercial banks in the 3 Northeast Provinces of China, the one draws conclusions from institutional, environmental, and, management modelling perspectives. From institutional view, city commercial banks of the 3 Northeast Provinces of China are largely based on private investment, not based on public funds opposite from what the law of City Commercial Bank 1995. This shows that the degree of power projection of the central government has been weakened as the flow of private capital is no longer able to be controlled by the public sphere. This means that the privatization of Chinese city commercial banks is controlled by the private capital not by the public area. Furthermore, as 2004 China Banking Regulatory Commission authorized ‘Cross Regional Business(跨區域經營)’ policy, the autonomy and right of the banks has been expanded. Based on this, city commercial banks are capable of possessing the compatibility with world class banks. From environmental perspective, it is more plausible for the banks to develop in urbanized, and industrialized area with well-established transport system. The 3 Northeast Provinces of China are well- exemplarized this general law. The degree of development of banks is well- exhibited in urban area where international trade is active with high level of industrialization, such as a port city or a airport city. From management modelling view, there are five different variables to gauge the effciency and compatibility of the banks; Liquidity Ratio, BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio, ROA(Return On Assets), Doubtful Loan Ratio, Loan-Savings Ratio. As analyzing these five indexes, it is possible to examine the financial safety of the banks. Consequently, Dalian bank, Jilin Bank, Jinzhou Bank are vulnerable to financial crisis. Additionally as Chinese city commercial banks are able to serve the distinguished locally oriented needs, so that they could have brought quite high level of service satisfaction in the local area. As a result, city commercial banks in the 3 Northeast Provinces of China has shown the diminishing role of central and local government, the development of small business firms, deregulation, openness of market, urbanization, indicating the liberal aspect of Chinese financial sector. Moreover, the project has been achieved the statistical analysis of Chinese documentations illustrating the reality of Chinese financial system. The one hope for this research to function as a fundamental basement for future perspective research on Chinese financial system.

      • KCI등재후보


        최금진 한중법학회 2010 中國法硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        中国的商业银行之所以能取得良好的业绩,很大程度上得益于国家对商业银行改革与发展的高度重视和大力支持。因此,商业银行在制定发展战略时,应义不容辞地把承担社会责任放在重要的位置上。商业银行的社会责任从实证的角度来看,主要指商业银行对其利益相关者所承担的经济、法律、道德和慈善方面的责任。经济责任是企业必须肩负的生产、盈利和满足消费者需求的责任,经济责任是企业社会责任的基础,是其承担法律责任、道德责任和慈善责任的前提。法律责任要求企业遵守包含基本伦理道德的法律规定,在法律要求下履行经济使命,其重要内容之一是明确企业负有依法而牺牲其利润的义务。道德责任和慈善责任是企业在实现经济责任、法律责任的基础上,在社会责任方面的升华,它直接体现了企业的社会责任意识,处于企业社会责任的较高层面。企业社会责任日益成为全世界关注的热点,作为特殊企业的商业银行的社会责任在我国刚刚开始,而国外商业银行在履行社会责任方面就比较成熟。我国商业银行在履行社会责任方面还有很多不足之处。我国商业银行虽然在一定程度上认识到履行社会责任的重要性,但从披露的社会责任信息来看, 这种认识应该说还多停留在表面层次,并没有普遍上升到战略高度。在履行社会责任方面,部分银行一定程度上还秉持着“行善赚钱”的思想,将慈善行为作为银行改善公共关系的一种“广告”,其目的还在于获取利润或其他收益,企业社会责任不过是一种获利手段。商业银行履行社会责任需要多重力量,需要政府的社会的推动,法律和制度的强制,也需要商业银行内部自律机制。在推进其承担社会责任的初始阶段,法律制度的强制必不可少,使商业银行意识到履行经济和法律责任是其法定的义务,是必须履行的,否则将受到法律的制裁。同时,还要加强政府、行业及其他组织的监管职能。在商业银行内部层面,应当要调整商业银行的治理结构。 Chinese Commercial Banks can achieve good performance, largely thanks to national attention and support to Commercial Banks reform and development. Therefore, when the Commercial Banks formulate the strategy,they should put social responsibility stress on the important position. The social responsibility of commercial banks mainly include the responsibilities which commercial banks should fulfill their renposibilities for stakeholders, in the economic, legal, moral and philanthropic. Economic responsibility is the foundation of legal liability, moral responsibility and liability charity. The Commercial Bank as a paticular coorporation should obey the relevant regulations including ethics provisions, and perform its economic mission. It is very important that they should give up their profits according to law sometimes. Moral responsibility and philanthropic liability are sublimated on the basis of realization of economic responsibility and legal liability. it directly reflects the social responsibility of the enterprise. Corporate social responsibility is increasingly becoming the hot issue all around the world, while social responsibility of commercial banks which is a special corporate in China is more important. Our Commercial Banks in the social responsibilities still have many shortcomings. Our country Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, realize the importance of social responsibilities,while it still stays in the surface and do not rise to the strategic height in accordance with disclosure information. And when carrying out their social responsibilities, a several of Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, still cling to the “do good thing and earn money” which is a “advertisement” to improve their public relations. Their purposes lie in profit or other benefits,corporate social responsibility is just a means of profit. It need several elements for commercial banks to fulfill their social responsibility, such as, the power of government, mandatory laws and institutions, the internal self-regulatory mechanism in the commercial banks. In the initial stage of social responsibility, it is very important for Commercial Banks to realize that carrying out the economic and legal liability is legal obligations, or will be punished by the law. At the same time, we should exercise a closer supervision over the government, industry and other regulatory function. In the Commercial Banks internal level, we should adjust the governance structure of Commercial Banks.

      • KCI등재

        중국 상업은행의 유동성 리스크 결정요인 및 개선방안

        우뢰,장동한 한국동북아경제학회 2013 동북아경제연구 Vol.25 No.3

        With China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, many foreign banks have entered China while Chinese banking and insurance industry have opened up their market. In a fierce competition most Chinese commercial banks have paid more attention to profit making while not caring much about liquidity management. In recent years, however, liquidity problems caused by the global financial crisis made many banks and financial institutions broke around the world. This paper is to analyze the determinants of liquidity risk of Chinese commercial banks and to see if there is any difference between large commercial banks and small & medium size commercial banks. The data used in this paper are from the database BankScope IBCA-Fitch, the People’s Bank of China and China Statistical Yearbook. The panel data of 25 commercial banks over 2004-2011 period is used to estimate the determinants of liquidity risk using system GMM regression estimation. Results of the empirical analysis are as follows: first, non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks is found statistically significant on the liquidity risk. It means that non-performing loan ratio has triggered the liquidity risk of commercial banks as a major determinant. External factors of commercial banks, such as reserve ratio and global crisis have significant effect on the liquidity risk of Chinese commercial banks. It implies that the People’s Bank of China may be able to control liquidity problems and manage liquidity risk of Chinese commercial banks using monetary policies.

      • KCI등재


        우뢰,방성철,유광현 아시아.유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        With China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), many foreign banks have started to enter into China while Chinese banking and insurance industries have been deepening and opening up. Commercial banks will pay more attention to profit and abandon appropriate liquidity in order to survive in fierce competition. Particularly in recent years, liquidity risk caused by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis has lead banks and many financial institutions to collapse and has also been bringing the devastating impact on the global economy. In 1978, Chinese government began to implement the reform and opening up, and in the meanwhile began to reform the banking sector, which interrupted the banking monopoly and led in competition system into banking sector. During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, China’s banking sector experienced liquidity crises due to over competition, leading to the bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank because of exhausted liquidity. The bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank resulted in the loss of nearly 4 billion yuan of People’s Bank of China, which had a graveness influence on China’s banking sector. In addition, China’s long-term trade surplus and a large inflow of foreign capital lead to the excess liquidity in the banking sector. In the pressure of such excess liquidity, banks will blindly decrease lending rates to get inter-bank rate lower than bank-deposit rate appearing interest rate inversion phenomenon to decrease bank returns. In the long term, this will probably accelerate the accumulation of non-performing loan of bank. When the economy changes, asset bubbles of bank will quickly be shattered, which will directly result in the systematic financial crisis in the banking sector. Meanwhile, China as a largest trading partner of South Korea has been a key factor on its economy. However, South Korea is lacking of understanding of potential various uncertainties and liquidity risk in China’s Economy, which bases on banking. In this case, South Korea will be significantly influenced due to its highly dependence on China’s Economy if Chinese commercial banks suffer from liquidity risk. Especially, Korean companies already invested in China and global financial companies constantly attempting to expand all over of China should be directly affected. Therefore, this paper is to analyze the determinants of the bank’s liquidity risk in Chinese commercial banks and what difference between large commercial banks and small-medium commercial banks. The banking data used in this paper were extracted from the database BankScope IBCA-Fitch, the People’s Bank of China and China Statistical Yearbook. We used panel data of 25 commercial banks over the period from 2004 to 2011 to estimate the determinants of liquidity risk by panel OLS, the fixed effects and random effects regression. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: first, internal factors in banks did not affect the liquidity of the commercial banks in China, but it was affected by macro-economic factors negatively. It implies that the People’s Bank of China will be able to adjust liquidity and manage liquidity risk in commercial banks in China using monetary policy. Second, in terms of asset size of banks, both internal factors in banks and macro-economic factors have influence on the liquidity of large commercial banks in China, however, small-medium commercial banks have only been affected by non-performance loans ratio and macro-economic factors.

      • KCI등재


        ( Yu Lei ),( Kwanghyun Yu ),( Sungchul Bang ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        With China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), many foreign banks have started to enter into China while Chinese banking and insurance industries have been deepening and opening up. Commercial banks will pay more attention to profit and abandon appropriate liquidity in order to survive in fierce competition. Particularly in recent years, liquidity risk caused by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis has lead banks and many financial institutions to collapse and has also been bringing the devastating impact on the global economy. In 1978, Chinese government began to implement the reform and opening up, and in the meanwhile began to reform the banking sector, which interrupted the banking monopoly and led in competition system into banking sector. During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, China’s banking sector experienced liquidity crises due to over competition, leading to the bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank because of exhausted liquidity. The bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank resulted in the loss of nearly 4 billion yuan of People’s Bank of China, which had a graveness influence on China’s banking sector. In addition, China’s long-term trade surplus and a large inflow of foreign capital lead to the excess liquidity in the banking sector. In the pressure of such excess liquidity, banks will blindly decrease lending rates to get inter-bank rate lower than bank-deposit rate appearing interest rate inversion phenomenon to decrease bank returns. In the long term, this will probably accelerate the accumulation of non-performing loan of bank. When the economy changes, asset bubbles of bank will quickly be shattered, which will directly result in the systematic financial crisis in the banking sector. Meanwhile, China as a largest trading partner of South Korea has been a key factor on its economy. However, South Korea is lacking of understanding of potential various uncertainties and liquidity risk in China’s Economy, which bases on banking. In this case, South Korea will be significantly influenced due to its highly dependence on China’s Economy if Chinese commercial banks suffer from liquidity risk. Especially, Korean companies already invested in China and global financial companies constantly attempting to expand all over of China should be directly affected. Therefore, this paper is to analyze the determinants of the bank’s liquidity risk in Chinese commercial banks and what difference between large commercial banks and small-medium commercial banks. The banking data used in this paper were extracted from the database BankScope IBCA-Fitch, the People’s Bank of China and China Statistical Yearbook. We used panel data of 25 commercial banks over the period from 2004 to 2011 to estimate the determinants of liquidity risk by panel OLS, the fixed effects and random effects regression. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: first, internal factors in banks did not affect the liquidity of the commercial banks in China, but it was affected by macro-economic factors negatively. It implies that the People’s Bank of China will be able to adjust liquidity and manage liquidity risk in commercial banks in China using monetary policy. Second, in terms of asset size of banks, both internal factors in banks and macro-economic factors have influence on the liquidity of large commercial banks in China, however, small-medium commercial banks have only been affected by non-performance loans ratio and macro-economic factors.

      • KCI등재

        은행의 대손상각비를 이용한 이익유연화와 신용손실 규모를 고려한 후속기간 신용공급 조정 : 시중은행과 지방은행 및 IFRS 9의 기대신용손실모형 적용효과를 중심으로

        김동원(Kim, Dong Won) 한국회계정보학회 2021 재무와회계정보저널 Vol.21 No.4

        [연구목적]본 연구는 은행 특성이 이익유연화 행태와 신용손실의 규모에 따른 신용공급규모 조정 행태에 차별적 영향을 미치는지를 검증하고, 이러한 차이가 IFRS 9의 적용에 영향을 받는지 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [연구방법]시중은행과 지방은행을 은행 특성 차이로 정의하고 IFRS를 적용한 이후10년의 기간을 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 은행 특성이 이익유연화 행태와 신용공급 행태에 차별적 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설과 이러한 차이가 IFRS 9의 적용에 영향을 받을 것이라는 가설을 수립하고 회귀분석을 수행하였다. [연구결과]첫째, 시중은행과 지방은행간의 이익유연화 행태에 차이가 발견되었다. 둘째, 신용손실의 규모에 따라 후속기간의 신용공급을 조정하는 신용공급 행태에 시중은행과 지방은행간에 차이가 발견되었다. 시중은행은 신용손실의 규모가 커지는 경우 신용공급을 감소시키고 있음을 의미한다. 셋째, IFRS 9의 기대신용손실모형 적용 이후에 지방은행의 이익유연화가 유의적으로 감소하였으나 시중은행의 이익유연화는 유의적으로 증가한 것이 발견되었다. 넷째, IFRS 9의 적용이 시중은행과 지방은행의 신용공급 행태에 미치는 영향은 발견되지 않았다. [연구의 시사점]본 연구의 발견사항은 은행의 감독기관을 포함한 이해관계자에게 시중은행과 지방은행의 이익유연화 행태, 신용공급규모 조정행태와 IFRS 9의 기대신용손실모형 적용이 미치는 영향에 대한 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대한다. [Purpose]The purpose of this study is to verify whether bank characteristics have a differential effect on income smoothing and loan supply adjustment behavior, and whether these differences are affected by the adoption of IFRS 9. [Methodology]Commercial banks and local banks were defined as the differences in bank characteristics, and the period of 10 years after adopting IFRS was selected as the research period. A regression analysis were conducted after establishing the hypothesis that bank characteristics would have a differential effect on income smoothing and loan supply behavior and that such differences would be affected by the adoption of IFRS 9. [Findings]First, a difference was found between commercial banks and local banks in the income smoothing. Second, a difference was found between commercial banks and local banks in the loan supply behavior for the subsequent period considering the size of the loan loss allowance. This means that commercial banks are reducing their loans when the size of their loan loss provision increases. Third, it was found that after adopting the expected credit loss model of IFRS 9, the income smoothing of local banks decreased significantly, but that of commercial banks increased significantly. Fourth, no evidence was found that the adopting the expected credit loss model of IFRS 9 has differential effect on the loan supply behavior between commercial banks and local banks. [Implications]The findings of this study provide information of the commercial banks and local banks on the income smoothing behavior, the loan supply behavior considering the size of loan loss provision and the effect of the adoption of the expected credit loss model of IFRS 9 to stakeholders, including the supervisory authority of banks.

      • KCI등재

        중국 상업은행의 자본구조 결정요인에 관한 실증연구 -상하이 주식시장 상장은행을 대상으로-

        조강필 ( Cho Kang Pil ),왕흥수 ( Wang Xing Shuai ),조혜진 ( Cho Hye Jin ) 한중사회과학학회 2016 한중사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Under the background of financial globalization, the international financial system is experiencing a historic change, one can adapt to the financial globalization trend of modern international banking system is emerging. It has provided not only an opportunity to the development of China`s commercial banks, but also has formed the enormous challenge. It is necessary for our country to improve the system of modern commercial banks as soon as possible in order to improve the competitiveness of commercial banks. Especially now, with the end of five years of cushioning period when China joined WTO, the more open financial market is, the more rapidly domestic commercial bank`s assets and liabilities scale expands, therefore, the risk that the commercial banks are confronted with is further intensified. To meet the challenge of foreign banks to our country banking form, domestic commercial banks choose to be public, for this reason, it is a great significance to research on capital structure of the listed commercial bank to maintain stable domestic financial order, improve its international competitiveness and perfect the commercial bank internal control. Based on the previous studies, this paper focuses empirically on the relation between bank scale, market growth, profitability, collateral value of assets, risk, cash flow and asset-liability ratios by making a survey of the commercial banks which is public in Shanghai stock exchange. It explores how those factors have actually worked on debt ratios and how to improve commercial bank internal control by finding the enlightenment. Conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: First, the growth ability with risk is positively related to debt ratio significantly at 5% significance level. Second, the profitability with the largest shares ownership is negatively related to debt ratio significantly at 5% significance level. Third, cash flow is positively related to debt ratio significantly at 10% significance level. Fourth, bank`s size, fixed assets ratio, negotiable shares ratio are positively related to debt ratio but they are not significant statistically. The result of this study provides information for investors and can be utilized to improvement of financial structure that is not only to maintain stable domestic financial order but improve its international competitiveness and perfect the commercial bank internal control.

      • How Commercial Banks Improve Financial Product Marketing Capabilities: Case Study of Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank

        Xiaoxue Zhao KOREA INSTITUTE FOR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2023 Journal of Global Area Studies Review(GAS) Vol.2 No.1

        Chinese commercial banks have expanded their efforts to advertise their financial products and increase their penetration into the market. However, there are still a lot of issues with bank marketing. Objective: To identify and examine the issues and factors influencing the marketing of Chinese commercial banks; To examine Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank 's marketing strategy in light of the 4P theory; To make an effort to enhance Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank's marketing model, and offer practical ways to enhance the financial product marketing of Chinese commercial banks. Methods: This paper mainly adopts the methods of normative research and literature review to analyze the current situation and main problems of commercial banks’ marketing. Results: Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank lacks the operational expertise and first-class customer resources of large joint-stock commercial banks, as well as the strong capital accumulation of state-owned commercial banks. In addition, commercial banks in other cities also compete with Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank. Conclusion: By optimizing market segmentation, integrating marketing channels, creating brand effects, cultivating professional talents, and establishing a positive incentive and elimination mechanism, Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank can improve its financial product marketing problems, enable Chongqing Branch of Ping An Bank to have better marketing strategies, and thus help stand out from commercial banks.

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