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      • KCI등재

        지열원 및 수열원 비율에 따른 복합열원 히트펌프시스템 성능 평가 연구

        박시훈(Sihun Park),고유진(Yujin Ko),민준기(Joonki Min) 한국지열·수열에너지학회 2021 한국지열에너지학회논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        In this study, combined heat source heat pump system was implemented with 4 single heat source heat pumps each applied with a geothermal source and a water source. Five cases (Case1~Case5) were configured to conduct a performance comparison and analysis of the combined heat source heat pump system. First of all, as a result of analyzing the heat source, the case when 4 ground heat sources were applied (Case1) showed a uniform EST(Entering Source Temperature) distribution throughout the year since it is less affected by outside air compared to the case when 4 water heat sources were applied (Case5). In both winter and summer, the ground heat source maintained higher EST than the water heat source. Therefore, the system with high ratio of geothermal sources is advantageous for heating, and with high ratio of water heat sources is advantageous for cooling.

      • KCI등재

        밀도검층 이격 보정을 위한 기준선과 이격선의 특성 연구

        김영화 ( Yeong Hwa Kim ),김종만 ( Jong Man Kim ) 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회 2012 지구물리와 물리탐사 Vol.15 No.4

        A series of density log data were obtained from the standoff experiments made in the four physical model boreholes of different densities, and the properties of spine and rib curves have been derived by the analysis of the gamma-gamma data. Particularly, the shape of gamma ray propagation path between source and detector, the geometrical property of spine and rib curves, the influence of borehole density and the detector combination on the properties of the curves, and the adequate detector combination for standoff compensation could be discussed. It was also confirmed that spine and rib slopes can be expressed as proportional to source-to-detector distance ratio between far and near detectors. The result of this experiment was also effectively applied for understanding the basic concept of spine and rib slopes.

      • KCI등재

        합류식 하수관거 월류수와 분류식 우수관거 유출수의 비점오염물질 유출특성 비교

        신민환 ( Minhwan Shin ),전지홍 ( Ji-hong Jeon ) 한국물환경학회 2017 한국물환경학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        In this study, the characteristics of nonpoint source pollutant loads from separate sewer overflow (SSO) and combined sewer overflow (CSO) were evaluated during 2016 in Namyangju city, Korea. Five rainfall events were monitored during 2016 with ranging from 14.5 mm to 121.5 mm. The runoff ratio of CSO was higher than that of SSO because only design volume of maximum sanitary sewer (1Q<sub>h</sub>) was transported and treated and 2Q<sub>h</sub> was overflowed to waterbody during rainy day although combined sewer system was designed to transport 3Q<sub>h</sub> to treatment system. The event mean concentrations (EMCs) and pollutant loads from CSO were higher than those from SSO. BOO and COD of CSO, and TOC and TN of SSO represented distinct first flush phenomena. The inadequate management in combined sewer system from which the untreated 2Q<sub>h</sub> from CSO was overflowed to waterbody during rainy day could influence on high pollutant loads and first flushing. Treating 2Q<sub>h</sub> from CSO, source control such as low impact development, and treating outflow from SSO were strongly recommended to control non-point source pollution in urban area.

      • KCI등재

        Classifier Combination Based Source Identification for Cell Phone Images

        ( Bo Wang ),( Yue Tan ),( Meijuan Zhao ),( Yanqing Guo ),( Xiangwei Kong ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2015 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.9 No.12

        Rapid popularization of smart cell phone equipped with camera has led to a number of new legal and criminal problems related to multimedia such as digital image, which makes cell phone source identification an important branch of digital image forensics. This paper proposes a classifier combination based source identification strategy for cell phone images. To identify the outlier cell phone models of the training sets in multi-class classifier, a one-class classifier is orderly used in the framework. Feature vectors including color filter array (CFA) interpolation coefficients estimation and multi-feature fusion is employed to verify the effectiveness of the classifier combination strategy. Experimental results demonstrate that for different feature sets, our method presents high accuracy of source identification both for the cell phone in the training sets and the outliers.

      • KCI등재후보

        현저한 지리적 명칭을 포함하는 상표의 식별력 판단

        이헌 사법발전재단 2018 사법 Vol.1 No.46

        The subject case pertains to determining the distinctiveness of a trademark that combines a conspicuous geographical name and the word “university.” The Supreme Court’s established position has been that, pursuant to Article 6(1)4 of the former Trademark Act, the registration of a trademark consisting solely of a conspicuous geographical name as well as a trademark combining a conspicuous geographical name and a non-distinctive mark is not obtainable; provided, that registration may be granted where such combination results in the formation of a novel concept beyond the original conspicuous geographical name or the development of a new distinctive character. Albeit the Majority Opinion and the Justices Concurring in the subject case agree on the need to apply the foregoing legal doctrine to the pertinent case, the Justices appear to be evidently divided as to the specific meaning and criteria for determining “where a novel concept is formed beyond the original conspicuous name or a new distinctive character is developed.” The Majority Opinion states that “[The] formation of such novel concept or distinctiveness is closely related to the level of recognition among individual consumers. Therefore, it is tenable to regard a trademark combining a geographical name and the word ‘university’ as a trademark indicating a new source depending on how well the trademark is known to general consumers even though inherent distinctiveness cannot be acknowledged based on the trademark’s composition itself, rather than as a trademark indicating the source of a specific person.” According to four Concurring Justices: (a) Article 6(1)4 of the former Trademark Act pertains to “inherent distinctiveness,” and the existence or nonexistence of such distinctiveness ought to be objectively determined based on the composition of a trademark itself; (b) that said, as to a trademark combining a geographical name and the word “university,” general consumers are far more likely to perceive such combined trademark that is inseparable in its entirety as representing the name of a specific university or indicating the source of goods of a specific person rather than manifesting a geographical name; and (c) therefore, the composition of such trademark itself may be deemed as having inherent distinctiveness. In the subject case, Justice Jo Hee-de presented a separate Concurring Opinion premised on the need to acknowledge distinctiveness depending on the type of designated goods, etc. That is, if a trademark that combines a conspicuous geographical name and the word “university” has been applied for registration with college education, teaching, etc. as the designated services, such trademark is deemed to manifest an inherent distinctiveness sufficient for obtaining trademark registration. Conversely, if the combined trademark, supra, has been applied for registration as a trademark in a field irrelevant to the university’s designated business, distinctiveness is difficult to acknowledge inasmuch as the trademark itself still encompasses the original geographical meaning; furthermore, trademark registration ought to be granted in exceptional cases where such trademark is recognizable to general consumers as a trademark indicating the source of goods of a specific person. 대상판결은 현저한 지리적 명칭을 포함하는 결합상표의 식별력 판단에 관한 문제를 다루고 있다. 기존 대법원판례는, 구 상표법 제6조 제1항 제4호는 현저한 지리적 명칭만으로 된 상표만이 아니라, 현저한 지리적 명칭이 다른 식별력 없는 표장과 결합되어 있는 상표에도 적용할 수 있고, 다만 그러한 결합으로 본래의 현저한 지리적 명칭을 떠나 새로운 관념을 낳거나 새로운 식별력을 형성하는 경우에는 상표로 등록할 수 있다고 판시해 왔는데, 대상판결의 다수의견, 제1 별개의견, 제2 별개의견 모두 이러한 법리가 이 사건에 적용되어야 한다는 점 자체는 부인하지 않는다. 다만 위 법리에서 말하는 ‘결합으로 본래의 현저한 지리적 명칭을 떠나 새로운 관념을 낳거나 새로운 식별력을 형성하는 경우’의 구체적인 의미와 판단 기준에 관해서는 견해마다 뚜렷한 차이를 보이고 있다. 다수의견은, 새로운 관념이나 새로운 식별력의 형성 여부는 표장에 대한 수요자들의 개별적·구체적인 인식을 떠나서는 좀처럼 생각하기 어려우므로, 지리적 명칭과 대학교를 의미하는 단어가 결합된 표장도 그 구성 자체만으로 특정인의 출처표시로 인식되는 것이 아니라, 구성 자체로는 식별력을 인정하기 어려우나, 표장에 대한 수요자들의 개별적·구체적인 인식 여하에 따라 새로운 관념이나 식별력이 형성될 수 있는 것으로 보는 것이 합리적이라는 입장이다. 제1 별개의견은, 구 상표법 제6조 제1항 제4호는 본질적인 식별력에 관한 규정으로서 그 식별력의 유무는 구성 자체에 의하여 객관적으로 판단하여야 하는데, 지리적 명칭과 대학교를 의미하는 단어가 결합된 표장에 대해서는 수요자들이 그것을 지리적 의미로 인식한다기보다는 그 구성 부분이 불가분적으로 결합된 전체로서 특정 대학교의 명칭으로 인식하거나 특정인의 출처표시로 직감할 가능성이 매우 높으므로, 표장의 구성 자체에 의하여 본질적인 식별력을 갖는 것으로 볼 수 있다는 입장이다. 제2 별개의견은 지정상품의 종류 등에 따라 식별력 인정 여부를 달리 보아야 한다는 전제에서, 현저한 지리적 명칭과 대학교를 의미하는 단어가 결합된 표장이 대학교의 고유 업무인 대학교육업 등과 관련하여 등록출원된 것이라면, 이러한 표장은 그 자체로 상표등록을 받기에 충분한 본질적인 식별력을 갖춘 것으로 볼 수 있는 반면, 이러한 표장이 대학교의 고유 업무와 무관한 분야와 관련하여 등록출원된 것이라면, 그 자체로는 여전히 본래의 지리적 의미 등이 남아 있어 식별력을 인정하기 어렵고, 그 표장이 수요자들에게 구체적으로 알려져 특정인의 출처표시로 인식되기에 이른 경우에만 예외적으로 상표등록이 가능하다고 보는 입장이다.

      • KCI등재

        저온 열원 및 LNG 냉열을 이용하는 복합 발전 사이클의 성능 해석

        김경훈,오재형,고형종 한국수소및신에너지학회 2012 한국수소 및 신에너지학회논문집 Vol.23 No.4

        Power generation cycle using ammonia-water mixture as working fluid has attracted much attention because of its ability to efficiently convert low-temperature heat source into useful work. If an ammonia-water power cycle is combined with a power cycle using liquefied natural gas (LNG), the conversion efficiency could be further improved owing to the cold energy of LNG at -162. In this work parametric study is carried out on the thermodynamic performance of a power cycle consisted of an ammonia-water Rankine cycle as an upper cycle and a LNG cycle as a bottom cycle. As a driving energy the combined cycle utilizes a low-temperature heat source in the form of sensible heat. The effects on the system performance of the system parameters such as ammonia concentration (), turbine 1 inlet pressure () and temperature (), and condenser outlet temperature () are extensively investigated. Calculation results show that thermal efficiency increases with the increase of , and the decrease of , while its dependence on has a downward convex shape. The changes of net work generation with respect to , ,, and are roughly linear.

      • KCI등재

        『셩경젼셔』(1911)의 복합적 번역대본 가능성 - 출애굽기 4:8을 중심으로 -

        장석정(Sok-Chung Chang) 대한성서공회 2021 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.49

        The process of identifying the source texts for the translation of The Korean Bible (『셩경젼셔』, 1911) primarily starts with the premise that the translators used English, Chinese, and Japanese Bibles as their source texts. Furthermore, I already proposed in the previous article concerning Exodus 4:13 that they might have used the LXX. Therefore, this study aims not only to find the source text for Exodus 4:8 but also to consider the possibility that the first Korean Bible was translated under the combined influences from these different translated Bibles and the LXX. The result of this study could be summarized in three aspects. First, the expression of “the word of the sign (이젹의 말)” in The Korean Bible reflects “the voice of the sign” in the English Bibles (KJV, RV) which were based upon the MT. In addition, it overcame the temptation of the Chinese and the Japanese Bibles that translated קל (“voice”) using the word 聲 and adopted the translation of either Morrison’s Version or Bridgman-Culbertson’s Version. It probably wanted to convey that the sign is not merely a voice but speaks the words of YHWH. This kind of exegetical translation would be the unique characteristic of The Korean Bible. Second, where the MT, Chinese, and Japanese Bibles were mostly translated as “the first” and “the latter”, The Korean Bible translated them as “the first” and “the second”. This fact demonstrates that the translators of The Korean Bible in those days might have used the LXX as one of the source texts. Third, the plausible reason for the translation of “the first” and “the second” would be based on the fact that the narrative of Exodus 4:1-9 flows according to the three signs that Moses was supposed to perform in front of the people of Israel and Pharaoh. This study shows that the translators of The Korean Bible did not translate the biblical text per se, but they did it in harmony with the narrative of the biblical text. Therefore, The Korean Bible was translated under the influences of the combined source texts available at the time and in consideration of the flow of the narratives in Exodus 4:1-9. The missionaries and Korean helpers together did a superb job in finishing up the first Korean Bible in 1911.

      • KCI등재

        비점오염원 관리를 위한 독립호우 결정

        이의훈(Lee, Eui Hoon),유도근(Yoo, Do Geun),김중훈(Kim, Joong-Hoon) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        비점오염원 관리를 위한 독립호우의 결정은 월류수 처리시설의 설계에서 필수적이다. 비점오염원의 관리를 위해서는 총량을 결정해야만 하는데 이를 위해서는 결정된 독립호우에 의해 1회 평균강우량, 평균강우강도, 평균지속시간 등의 강우특 성의 분석이 실시되어야만 한다. 독립호우의 결정은 무강우 지속시간의 산정(Interevent Time Definition, IETD)에 따라 분리 할 수 있으며 이를 결정하기 위한 기존의 분석방법에는 자기상관 분석, 변동계수 분석, 연강우 평균발생횟수 분석 등이 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 IETD 분석방법에 따라 무강우시간을 산정한 후 방법별 문제점을 고찰하고 새로운 IETD 결정방법으 로 지수함수 검정방법을 제안하였다. 또한, 검정방법을 통하여 결과값의 적절성을 검토하였다. Interevent Time Definition(IETD) is essential in CSOs(Combined Sewer Overflows) tank design for the treatment of non-point source pollution. However, existent rainfall analysis can not calculate total amout of non-point source pollution. For deviding continuous rainfall events, therre are several IETD calculating methods. In this research, After calculate IETD by existents methods, problem of results is identified as existents method. To supplement these problems, new method using exponential decay function is suggested. The confidence range of λ is estimated.

      • 통영시와 양산시의 건기시 합류식 하수관거 월류수(CSOs)에 관한 비교연구

        김한석,정병길,성낙창 東亞大學校建設技術硏究所 2004 硏究論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        Two analysis sites were set up each for this study in the city of Tongyoung, which has the characteristics of a coastal area, and in the city of Yangsan, which has the characteristics of an inland area, water quantity, and water quality and analysis of initial rainfall pollution level on Combined Sewer Overflows(CSOs) were performed. Based on the findings of these analyses. comparing and predicting the characteristics of effluent considering rainfall intensity using SWMM modeling is the purpose of this study. Following the compilation and analysis of data. the selection of analysis sites for preliminary samples, and the confirmation and examination of the sites for the field study, two sites for the analysis of CSOs were chosen each in the city of Tongyoung, a coastal area, and in the city of Yangsan, an inland area. The analysis of water quantity on CSOs was conducted with Flo-Tote(Ⅱ). For analysis parameters. BOD_(5), COD_(Cr), TSS, T-P, and T-N were analyzed 12 times a day. The results of SWMM modeling based on the amount of rainfall of Tongyoung and Yangsan revealed a little difference between measured value and predicted values, but the difference was modest in terms of volume. However, continuous studies on major coefficients and variables considering the amount of rainfall and local characteristics are required for more exact conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        조합 역량과 습득 역량이 해외 R&D 자회사 혁신 성과에 미치는 영향: 일본 다국적 기업 해외 연구소에 관한 연구

        박연진(제1저자) ( Yeon Jin Park ),송재용(교신저자) ( Jae Yong Song ),( Kazuhiro Asakawa ) 한국국제경영학회 2016 國際經營硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper examines the factors that influence innovative performance of overseas R&D subsidiaries by analyzing data from overseas R&D laboratories of Japanese multinational corporations. After classifying the capabilities of the overseas R&D labs as sourcing capabilities and combinative capabilities, this paper analyzed the effects of such capabilities on innovative performance. This paper focused on the impacts of the two types of combinative capabilities associated with the abilities to combine and utilize knowledge from different knowledge sources on subsidiary innovative performance. This paper also explored the moderating role of combinative capabilities and autonomy. Statistical findings from negative binomial regressions with integrated data from surveys and patent data of overseas R&D laboratories of Japanese MNCs revealed that combinative capability related to combined knowledge from home country, host country, and other countries had a positive impact on the quality of subsidiary innovation. Additionally, the results also indicated that both sourcing capability and autonomy have a positive impact on innovative performance on an overseas R&D subsidiary. Furthermore, the degree of combinative capability related to utilizing knowledge from home country, host country, and other countries served to strengthen the positive relationship between sourcing capability and the innovative performance of an overseas R&D subsidiary.

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