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        스포츠사회학 : 체조선수들의 선수만족과 집단응집력에 관한 연구

        김명철(MyoungChulKim),노영태(YoungTaeRoh) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.5

        How do gymnasts to recognize satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion level? The purpose of this study was to investigate prove the relation of satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion The subjects of this study were middle school gymnasts, high school gymnasts, and college gymnasts in Korea Gymnastic Association. 400 data were gathered and 391 data of them were analyzed excluding 9 false data. Satisfaction of Athlete was classified in to task achievement satisfaction social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction. Group cohesion was classified in to group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion The frequancy analysis and MANOVA were performed, using SPSS WIN 11.0 Ver program as statistical method. The result of these researches was as fallow, first, The showed was in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction, that is in all part of satisfaction of athletes, male gymnasts were higher than female gymnasts, second, Gymnasts who had experienced winnig more than 7 time prizes was higher in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction third, The showed was in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion, that is in all part of group cohesion, male gymnasts was higher than female gymnasts, forth, Gymnasts who had experienced winning more than 7 time prizes was higher in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion of group cohesion.

      • KCI등재

        팀 응집력향상 프로그램이 대학 아이스하키 선수의 심리기술과 팀 응집력 향상에 미치는 효과

        최진철 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a team cohesion enhancement program on psychological skills and team cohesion of college ice hockey players. The participants were 8 male college ice hockey players, who participated in the program 6 times a week for the total of 8 weeks. The program consisted of the total of 8 areas in individual-social cohesion, collective-social cohesion, individual-task cohesion, and collective-task cohesion sessions. To collect the data, questionnaires and interviews were conducted. The transcripts and printed materials of the data were qualitatively analyzed via inductive analysis and psychological skills and cohesion were quantitatively analyzed. After the intervention, all factors of ACSI-28 were enhanced from pre-test (M=13.250) to post test (M=14.160) while it was not statistically significant (t=1.563, p>.05). The results of GCQ (Group Cohesion Questionnaire) was statically significant (t=4.563, p<.01) from pre-test (M=22.469) to post-test (M=30.000). Therefore, this intervention of team cohesion enhancement program had partially positive effects on psychological skills and team cohesion. Implications of this study were discussed and the directions for future research were suggested. 이 연구의 목적은 팀 응집력향상 프로그램이 대학 아이스하키선수들의 심리기술과 팀 응집력에 미치는 효과를살펴보는 것이다. 이 연구의 대상은 대학 아이스하키 선수 8명으로 모두 남학생으로 구성되었다. 이들은 일주일에 6회씩(1회당 40~50분 이내), 총 8주간 팀 응집력향상 프로그램을 시행 하였다. 팀 응집력향상 프로그램의 내용은 세부영역을개인적-사회적 응집력(1회기 긍정적 감정 및 친밀감 형성1, 2회기 긍정적 감정 및 친밀감 형성2), 집단적-사회적 응집력(3회기 팀원간의 응집력, 4회기 팀원들 각자의 사생활 알기), 개인적-과제적 응집력(5회기 팀원들 간의 의사소통, 6회기 팀원들 간의 갈등대처방식), 집단적-과제적 응집력(7회기 팀원들간의 역할수행, 8회기 소속팀의 시합목표 설정) 으로써, 총 8회기(8주) 프로그램으로 구성되었다. 자료수집은 검사지 및 녹음자료를 통하여 이루어졌다. 팀 응집력향상프로그램의 내용은 프로그램 전과정에서 사용한 유인물과 녹음자료를 통하여 질적 분석되었고, 심리기술과 팀 응집력검사는 양적 분석되었다. 프로그램 실시 결과, 심리기술 검사지 ACSI-28 전체결과에서는 사전(M=13.250), 사후(M=14.160)로 향상된 것으로 나타났으나, t=-1.563, p>.05로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 팀 응집력 검사지GCQ 전체결과에서는 사전(M=22.469), 사후(M=30.000)로 향상된 것으로 나타났으며, t=-4.563, p<.01로 유의한차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 이 연구에서 실시한 팀 응집력향상 프로그램은 대학 아이스하키 선수들의 심리기술과 팀 응집력 향상에 어느 정도 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 사회통합 지표 개발 및 16개 광역시도별 사회통합 수준 평가

        김준영,김혜영(Kim, Joon-young,Kim, Hye-Young) 한국복지행정학회 2012 복지행정논총 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 우리나라 16개 광역시·도의 사회통합의 수준을 측정하기 위한 사회통합 지표를 구성하고, 지역 간의 사화통합 수준의 차이를 살펴본 연구로서, 우리나라 실정에 맞게 학계, 공무원 등 전문가들의 협의를 거쳐 사회통합 지표를 구성하였다. 사회통합 영역과 관련된 개별 사회통합 지표들은 지표의 이용가능성, 계량화 가능성, 객관성을 고려하여 통계청의 국가정보통계포털을 자료를 활용하였고, 16개 광역시도별 분석이 가능한 사회통합 지표를 분석하였다. 주요 연구결과를 살펴보면, 전반적으로 대도시 지역이 다른 지역에 비해 상대적으로 사회통합 수준이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또 우리나라 시도별 사회통합 양상의 특징은 대부분의 광역시도들의 사회통합 수준은 각 영역별로 일치된 방향으로 나타나는 것이 아니라 각 사회통합 영역별로 상반된 점수를 보여주는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 전체적으로 모든 영역에서 뚜렷하게 높거나 낮은 사회통합 수준을 보여주는 광역시도는 없고, 어느 한 영역에서 높은 통합수준을 보이면 다른 영역에서는 낮은 통합 순위의 경향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 지역별 사회통합의 실태를 파악하고, 사회통합 수준의 차이를 살펴봄으로써 지역별 상이한 현안과제를 도출하고, 지역 현안과제를 해결하기 위한 사회정책의 개발 및 추진 방향을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 기초적인 정보를 제공하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to work out a social cohesion index to measure the level of social cohesion of 16 metropolitan cities and provinces and then examine the regional difference of social cohesion. The social cohesion index was worked out through consulting with experts in academic circles and public servants, in consideration of domestic circumstances. As for the individual social cohesion indices, which were related to the areas of social cohesion, National Statistical Office’s portal for national information statistics was used as data by taking the usability, quantifiability and objectivity of indices into account, and such social cohesion indices that were possible to be examined by 16 metropolitan cities and provinces were analyzed. Study findings are as follows: Megacity’s social cohesion level was lower than that of other areas in general. In addition, the characteristic of domestic social cohesion modality of metropolitan cities and provinces was that the social cohesion level of metropolitan cities and provinces seemed to proceed not to corresponding directions by areas but show conflicting scores by social cohesion areas. In other words, there was no metropolitan city or province of which level of social cohesion was distinctively high or distinctively low in all the areas. When one area’s social cohesion level was high, that of other areas seemed to be low. This study is seemingly meaningful in that via examining the current status of regional social cohesion and the difference of social cohesion level, study findings could provide basic information on working out the strategy of developing and implementing social policies, in order to find out and settle regionally different urgent problems.

      • KCI등재

        인수 합병된 C 기업의 조직학습역량 구축요인과 집단응집력의 관계

        손병기,조대연 숭실대학교 한국평생교육ㆍHRD연구소 2019 평생교육 · HRD연구 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the organizational learning capacity in merged C company and task cohesion, social cohesion which are sub-variable of group cohesion. The survey was distributed to 430 employees in C corporations and 316 employees were participated to achieve this research purpose. 316 valid questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. SPSS 20.0 and Amos 22.0. were used to analyze the purpose of this study. The findings were as followings. First, the organizational learning capacity had significant positive correlation with task cohesion in merged C company. Second, the organizational learning capacity had significant positive correlation with social cohesion in merged C company. Third, organizational learning capacity has more influence on task cohesion among task cohesion and social cohesion. The results of this study provide the theoretical implications in that the relationship between organizational learning capacity and group cohesion is multi-dimensioned by task cohesion and social cohesion, and the influence is verified. Finally, this study discussed some implications for practice for the merged C company. 본 연구는 인수 합병된 C 기업의 조직학습 역량구축요인이 집단응집력의 구성요소인 과제응집력과 사회응집력에 미치는 영향 관계를 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 위와 같은 연구를 위하여 본 연구에서는 인수 합병된 C 기업의 구성원 430명을 대상으로 온/오프라인 설문조사를 진행하였다. 설문지 총 316부를 유효 자료로 활용하여 연구를 진행하였고 SPSS 20.0과 Amos 22.0을 사용하여 변인 간 영향관계를 구조방정식으로 분석하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 인수 합병된 C 기업의 조직학습역량 구축요인과 과제응집력은 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 인수 합병된 C 기업의 조직학습역량 구축요인과 사회응집력은 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 조직학습역량 구축요인은 과제응집력과 사회응집력 중 과제응집력에 더 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 조직학습역량과 집단응집력의 관계를 과제응집력과 사회응집력으로 다차원화하여 영향력을 검증하였다는 점에서 이론적 시사점을 제공하였고, 인수 합병된 C 기업에 몇 가지 실천적 함의를 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        집단 다양성과 사회적 응집성의 관계: 비선형관계의 탐색

        성지영 ( Jee Young Seong ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2016 유라시아연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This study extends and enhances explanations of how work group diversity is associated with social cohesion in teams. This study developed a framework to predict social cohesion as viewed from social categorization and information-decision making perspectives, and proposes that work group diversity influences important team outcomes. The study examined the effect of three dimensions of diversity― age, gender and rank (hierarchical status)―on social cohesion in 27 teams of a marine transport company in South Korea. Previous research on the relationship between work group diversity and group outcomes has produced inconsistent results. This study addresses this issue by examining the relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion that is particularly relevant when considering group composition. It examined the possibility that the relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion is curvilinear in nature. The results showed that there exists an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relationship between rank diversity and group social cohesion. As rank diversity increases, the intensity of social cohesion at the group level is raised, but only up to a certain point and beyond that, social cohesion is expected to reduce. This result implies that a high level of rank diversity does not necessarily guarantee a high level of group social cohesion. As to the effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion, no significant curvilinear relationship was found between both age and gender diversity and social cohesion. The interaction effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion was found significant. Age diversity and gender diversity interacted to affect group social cohesion in such a way that the effect of age diversity on group social cohesion was stronger when gender diversity is low than when gender diversity is high. However, the interaction effect of gender diversity and rank diversity on group social cohesion was only marginally significant, and the interaction effect of age diversity and rank diversity was statistically insignificant. The effect of gender diversity on group social cohesion is much greater when age diversity is high than when age diversity is low. In other words, when gender diversity is low, groups with higher age diversity show much lower level of group social cohesion than the groups with lower age diversity. But when gender diversity is high, little difference was found between low and high age diversity groups in their social cohesion. In sum, this study reported an inverted U-shaped relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion. After passing that peak of rank diversity, higher rank diversity does not enhance, but hampers, the degree of group social cohesion. This study also attempted to examine whether sub-dimensions of socio-demographic diversity interactively affect group outcomes. The results indicated that age diversity and gender diversity interact to affect group social cohesion. The interaction effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion needs more explanation. The results of this study rendered interesting implications for future research into the effects of demographic diversity on group outcomes. It provided an alternative way of explaining the effect of diversity in work teams on group social cohesion. In the context of work group diversity, this study focused on the interaction of different dimensions of diversity. It contributes to the literature on both diversity and group cohesion. Theoretically, this study combined the information/decision-making and social categorization perspectives into the categorization-elaboration model (CEM). With respect to diversity, demographic diversity constitutes a valuable source of variability. The synergistic effect of sub-dimensions of demographic diversity catalyzes group social cohesion. To extend these results further, it would be of great interest to examine the impact of these factors on the relationship between diversity and group social cohesion more systematically. Further research is needed to provide insights into the outcomes of demographic diversity. The benefits of team diversity may be enhanced by encouraging enlarged pools of ideas and competing perspectives in teams. The implications of these results for future research and practice are discussed.

      • 사회통합 실태 진단 및 대응 방안(Ⅲ) - 사회통합 국민 인식

        정해식,김미곤,여유진,김문길,우선희,김성아 한국보건사회연구원 2016 한국보건사회연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        This study aims to: identify the structure of public`s recognition of social cohesion in Korea; explain the relationship between social exclusion, perceived social conflict and perceived social cohesion, and; explore the relationship between the level of social cohesion and happiness. Previous studies on social cohesion have identified that Koreans understand social cohesion from various perspectives. Understanding factors that cause these different perspectives of individuals may be useful in making effective policy responses. As a part of this study, a face-to-face survey was conducted of a total of 3,669 adult Koreans by using a structured questionnaire which includes questions concerning sub-concepts of social cohesion, social changes, international comparison of the level of social cohesion, and the degree of social exclusion. The survey was conducted from June to July of 2016. This report is comprised of 7 chapters. Following Chapter 1, an introduction, Chapter 2 analyses the structure of the recognition of social cohesion based on the evaluation of how Koreans perceive the state of social cohesion and weight the elements of social cohesion. Chapter 3 diagnoses the level of social cohesion in Korea by comparing the results of survey measurement of the state of social cohesion with that of international survey measurement of it. Chapter 4 examines Koreans` perceived social conflict and analyses its relationship with the level of social cohesion. Chapter 5 examines the sense of deprivation and its relationship with perceived social cohesion. Our analysis in Chapter 6 is about the relationship between the level of social cohesion and happiness. Lastly, Chapter 7 summarizes the preceeding discussions and suggests policy implications. The main findings are as follows. First, many Koreans regard social mobility as a prerequisite for a cohesive society. Second, there is a significant gap between Koreans` subjective life satisfaction and objective living conditions. Third, the effect of economic conflicts on social cohesion has led to values conflicts. Fourth, people`s sense of deprivation of basic living conditions, cultural life, and preparedness for the future has a negative effect on their perception of social cohesion. Fifth, perceived social cohesion has a positive effect on emotional happiness, life satisfaction, and eudaemonic happiness and decreases depression.

      • KCI등재

        조직 내 배태성 향상과정에서 잡크래프팅과 팀응집력의 역할

        양혜지,허창구 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2021 산업혁신연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 잡크래프팅의 하위차원(과업크래프팅, 인지크래프팅, 관계크래프팅)이 개인이 지각 한 팀응집력(과업응집력, 사회응집력)을 통해 조직 내 배태성(조직적합성, 조직연계)을 향상시키 는 과정을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국내 기업에 재직 중인 직장인 431명을 대상으로 설문 을 실시하였고, 총 353명의 응답을 분석에 사용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 과업크래 프팅은 과업응집력에 정적 영향을 미치고, 관계크래프팅은 과업응집력과 사회응집력에 정적 영 향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 인지크래프팅은 과업응집력과 사회응집력에 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 과업응집력은 조직적합성에 정적 영향을 미쳤으며, 사회응집력은 조직적 합성과 조직연계에 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 과업크래프팅은 과업응집력을 매개로 조직적합성에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 관계크래프팅은 사회응집력 을 통해 조직적합성과 조직연계에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치며, 과업응집력을 통해 조직적합성에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 인지크래프팅은 과업응집력을 통해 조직적합성에 정적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤으나, 사회응집력을 통해 조직적합성과 조직연계에 미치는 정적 영 향은 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점, 제한점, 향후 연구 제언은 논의에서 자세히 논의하였다. The aim of this study was to investigate the process of enhancing on-the-job embeddedness(fit-organization, link-organization) through the team cohesion(task cohesion, social cohesion) perceived by individuals by the sub-dimensions of job crafting(task crafting, relational crafting, cognitive crafting). For this purpose, an online survey was conducted of 431 employees and used 353 data for analysis. The result of this study are as follows: First, task crafting had a positive effect on task cohesion, and relational crafting had a positive effect on task cohesion and social cohesion. Cognitive crafting had a positive effect on task cohesion and social cohesion. Second, task cohesion had a positive effect on fit-organization, and social cohesion had a positive effect on fit-organization and link-organization. Third, task crafting had a positive indirect effect on fit-organization through task cohesion. Relational crafting had a positive effect on fit-organization and link-organization through social cohesion, and had a positive effect on fit-organization through task cohesion. Cognitive crafting had a positive effect on fit-organization through task cohesion but the positive effect on fit-organization and link-organization through social cohesion was not statistically significant. Also, based on the research results, the implications, and future research directions of the study were presented in the discussion.

      • KCI등재

        Group-level Diversity and Performance: An Exploration of Mediators

        성지영 아시아.유럽미래학회 2018 유라시아연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study examines the inter-relationship between diversity (demographic and information), cohesion (social and task) and performance at the group level. Data were collected from 99 work teams in an electronic equipment manufacturing firm in Korea. Based on social categorization and information/decision-making perspectives, this study proposes that group cohesion mediates the relationship between work group diversity and group performance. Given various dimensions of diversity, this paper focuses on age composition for demographic diversity and organizational tenure as a criterion for information diversity. It is hypothesized that social (interpersonal) cohesion mediates the relationship between demographic (i.e., age) diversity and group performance, and that task cohesion functions as a mediator between information (i.e., organizational tenure) diversity and group performance. In the first stage of analysis of the relationship between group diversity and cohesion, it was found that age diversity is negatively associated with social cohesion, but organizational tenure diversity is positively related to task cohesion. Diverse age composition in the workgroup weakens social cohesion. On the other hand, organizational tenure diversity enhances task-related group cohesion. Greater information diversity with respect to diverse organizational tenure produces more elaboration and expansion of task-relevant information because members are more likely to possess multiple concerns and agendas and to hold more comprehensive knowledge that will enable them to locate the best solutions for the team task. This result has interesting implications for research into the effects of demographic and information diversity on performance at the group level. In the second stage relating to mediation, the results show that task cohesion positively transmits the effect of information diversity to group performance. However, social cohesion no longer functions as a mediator between demographic diversity and group performance. The present study contributes to the literature on both diversity and group cohesion. On the issue of diversity, both demographic and information diversity constitute a valuable source of variability in organizations. Social and task group cohesion increase the benefits of team diversity by fostering enlarged pools of ideas and perspectives. Task group cohesion also ensures that information disparities among team members do not to lead to harmful effects of diversity as long as optimal team composition is properly managed. This study extends and enhances explanations of how diversity and group cohesion matter in teams. Social and task group cohesion are necessary components of a more complete picture of how diversity influences group performance. The results reflect the fact that the substantive effect of diversity is transmitted through group cohesion. Based on the findings and discussion presented in the present study, practical implications are provided to the organizations seeking to cope with an increasingly diverse workforce at the same time attaining high performance. In this study, an integrative model is tested incorporating the influences of work team diversity and cohesion to reveal and examine inconsistencies found in the extant literature on diversity. Hopefully, the results of this study may constitute the basis for expanding the body of knowledge concerning multifaceted relationships between diversity, cohesion and performance.

      • KCI등재

        신제품개발팀에서 사회적․과업 응집성과 기술혁신 성과간의 관계

        김학수(Kim, Hack-Soo),이준호(Lee, Jun-Ho),한준구(Han, Joon-Goo) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.2

        팀 응집성은 양날의 검처럼 정적?부적 효과가 있다는 논쟁에도 불구하고, 실증 연구들은 팀 응집성의 긍정적 측면을 부각하였다. 본 연구는 팀 응집성을 관계를 강조하는 사회적 응집성과 과업을 강조하는 과업 응집성으로 구분 하고, 창의적 긴장에 의해 창출되는 기술혁신 성과를 결과변수로 본다면, 팀 응집성의 정적?부적 효과에 대한 논쟁을 실증적으로 규명할 수 있다고 보았다. 또한 응집성은 동질성을 강조하므로, 다양한 사고를 촉진시키는 팀 창의성 지 원 풍토는 사회적 응집성의 부적 효과를 완화시키고, 과업 응집성의 정적 효과를 강화시킬 것으로 보았다. 205개의 신제품개발팀들을 대상으로 설문조사한 결과, 기술혁신 성과에 대해 사회적 응집성의 부적 영향(β=-.19, p<.01), 과업 응집성의 정적 영향(β=.18, p<.05), 사회적 응집성과 팀 창의성 지원 풍토의 정적 상호작용효과(β=.14, p<.10) 및 과 업 응집성과 팀 창의성 지원 풍토의 정적 상호작용효과(β=.16, p<.05)가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Although team cohesion can be a double-edged sword, empirical studies have focused positive effect of team cohesion. This study claims that team cohesion can be divided social?task cohesion, so we can investigate positive effect of social cohesion and negative effect of task cohesion on technological innovation. Cohesion emphasize homogeneity, thus creativity supporting team climate alleviate negative effect of social cohesion and increase positive effect of task cohesion. This study has used materials collected from 205 NPD teams The results show negative effect of social cohesion(β=-.19, p<.01), positive effect of task cohesion(β =.18, p<.05), positive interactive effect between social cohesion and creativity supporting team climate(β=.14, p<.10) and positive interactive effect between task cohesion and creativity supporting team climate(β=.16, p<.05) on technological innovation.

      • KCI등재

        지표를 통한 한국의 사회통합 분석: 국제사회와의 비교를 중심으로

        장용석,박명호,오완근 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2011 국제지역연구 Vol.20 No.4

        Lack of social cohesion in a society often leads to higher chances of national crisis and societal unhappiness. Many nations, therefore, become more aware of its importance and put greater efforts in promoting social cohesion. In this paper, we introduced a new index of social cohesion with which we analyzed the global trends and the gaps among countries. To understand the comprehensive features of a nation's social cohesion covering from individual to global aspects, we suggested a social cohesion index composed of three elements ― individual protection, community building, and global contribution. We constructed a panel dataset of 39 countries including 31 OECD and 8 additional member countries of G20, over a 19-year period from 1990 to 2008. The gap among countries has narrowed in the index of social cohesion slightly faster than that of economic growth, and the trend was mainly attributed to the fast decreasing gap among countries in the dimension of global contribution. Comparing the OECD member countries with non-OECD countries, we also found that the improvement in social cohesion of the non-OECD countries is faster than that of the OECD members. The gap in per capita GDP is still wide but the difference in the level of social cohesion between these two groups has narrowed little by little. Finally, we observed that the level of Korea's social cohesion is below the average of 39 countries. Many policy efforts in improving social cohesion are needed to make our astonishing economic miracle “more sustainable.” 최근 국가의 사회발전을 위하여 사회통합, 사회적 배제와 관련한 관심이 높아지면서 사회갈등을 극복하고 사회통합을 제고하기 위한 범정부적 노력들이 이어지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 경제사회발전의 바람직한 방향의 하나로 ‘통합사회’의 개념을 제시하고, 통합사회 수준을 측정하기 위한 지수를 개발하여 전 세계적 추세를 분석하고 한국의 통합사회 수준을 시계열로 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 ‘통합사회’는 다양한 이질적 구성요소의 포용을 통해 달성될 수 있다는 점에서 이를 구성하는 세 가지 수준을 ‘개인보호’, ‘공동체 건설’, ‘국제사회 기여’의 차원으로 지표화하여 통합사회지수를 개발하였다. 이를 1990년부터 2008년까지 OECD 31개 회원국(2010년 1월말 기준)과 G20 국가 중 OECD 회원국이 아닌 8개국을 포함해 총 39개국을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 통합사회 발전 속도 및 국가 간 격차는 경제성장 부문에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났으며 통합사회를 구성하는 세 영역 중 ‘국제사회 기여’ 부문의 빠른 발전 속도와 국가 간 격차의 두드러진 감소를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 OECD 회원국과 OECD 비회원국 간의 비교 분석 결과, 경제발전속도는 OECD가 빠르나 통합사회 발전 속도는 OECD 비회원국이 빠른 것으로 나타났고 두 국가군 간의 경제적 격차는 점차 증가하나 통합사회 발전 격차는 소폭 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 세계적 추세 분석을 통해 한국의 통합사회 수준이 39개국 전체 평균에 비해 여전히 낮다는 것을 확인하였고 이를 통해 통합사회 실현을 위한 적극적인 노력과 함께 경제성장과 통합사회 건설을 위한 노력의 균형이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 통합사회의 형성은 미래 선진 한국의 지속적인 발전을 위한 핵심동력이므로 중장기적인 계획을 통해 조화로운 국정운영을 이뤄나가야 한다.

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