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        中韩 MOOC 平台国际汉语教学评议 :以中国大学 MOOC 与 K-MOOC 为中心

        独海峰 부산대학교 중국연구소 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.26 No.1

        The lack and obsolescence of in international Chinese language teaching resources is a problem, especially when teachers and teaching materials are separated from the teaching site such as in online programs. For overseas students studying Chinese, problems related to the effectiveness and fun of teaching resources and the timeliness of teaching feedback have long plagued overseas Chinese language teach. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) solve this problem to a certain extent. They can be said to have played a positive role in promoting Chinese education. Especially in recent years, with the maturity of MOOC technology and education models, more and more people have begun to use MOOCs to learn Chinese. South Korea, a country with a massive online network, has also achieved fruitful results in MOOC education; and especially, the MOOC courses it has developed for college students are very mature. This article identifies the similarities and differences between China and South Korea in the process of developing Chinese a comparative analysis of the Chinese language teaching status of the Korean MOOC (Korean Massive Open Online Courses; K-MOOC) and the Chinese-university MOOC platforms in Chinese universities. The first part of this article compares the operating models of the two platforms. It mainly analyzes the establishment time, operation scale, number of participants, course classification, and fees of K-MOOC and Chinese-university MOOCs. The second part analyzes the status of research on MOOCs in China and South Korea. China and South Korea created MOOC teaching platforms almost at the same time, but Chinese-university MOOCs have achieved independent income generation, while K-MOOCs have not yet realized economic benefits at the social level. However, the two countries have many similarities in MOOC research directions, mainly including the cognition of MOOCs and their learning effects, platform design, case analysis, and comparison. The third part compares the Chinese teaching content, teaching methods, interactive effects, platform design, policies, and other aspects of the two platforms. In particular, quantitative statistics and content on the teaching staff, technical support, and other aspects of two platforms were analyzed and showed differences between Chinese education MOOCs in China and South Korea at the present stage. The fourth part summarizes the actual situation of Chinese teaching MOOCs in China and South Korea at this stage.

      • KCI등재

        기획주제(企劃主題) : 동아시아 각국의 한자, 한문 교육 연구의 새로운 과제; 解決漢語漢字入門難的有效方式 -語文分開

        ( Jun Xing ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.31 No.-

        Chinese language is taken as one of the most difficult language to learn. And Chinese character teaching is the key problem. At present an integration of the spoken and written in teaching is adopted. However, results are not working as expected. In the light of the relationship between spoken and written Chinese, Chinese character and Chinese language, a separation of the spoken and written in teaching especially in the initial stage is necessary. The goal of spoken Chinese teaching is to foster the foreign students` ability to Chinese communication through Chinese Pinyin; meanwhile written Chinese focuses on Chinese characters, Chinese characters making words, words making sentences and sentences making a paragraph. Spoken and written Chinese depends on one another, promotes one another at last.

      • KCI등재

        중국 책 표지디자인에 있어서 한자의 응용연구

        판웨이,남호정 한국상품문화디자인학회 2019 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.59 No.-

        The emergence of words makes human beings enter the civilized society, it has witnessed the development of human beings, so that all kinds of important information can be preserved, leaving a useful basis for future generations. Words promote cultural development, exchange of ideas, enrich the spiritual world of human beings, so that human beings facilitate life. From oracle , inscriptions on ancient bronze objects to big seal characters,small seal characters to official script and regular script, the evolution of these symbols has achieved the bright achievements of Chinese civilization-Chinese characters. In the cover design of Chinese books, the aesthetic design of Chinese characters is very important. This study starts with the expression method of creative Chinese characters, combined with the application example of creative Chinese characters in the cover design of Chinese books, and analyzes the application of creative Chinese characters in Chinese. The application gains and losses in book cover design are put forward, and the application principles are put forward, and their own views and cognition are put forward for the creation of Chinese book cover design. By analyzing the creative methods of Chinese characters, this paper probes into the creative forms and methods of Chinese characters in cover design, analyzes the cultural connotation and aesthetic implication contained in the creative design of Chinese characters, and shows that creative Chinese characters, as the elements of book cover design, not only improve the cultural taste of books, but also inherit the beauty of Chinese characters. 문자의 출현은 인류를 문명사회로 진출시켰고, 그것은 인류의 발전 과정을 증명하고, 각종 중요한 정보를 보존할 수 있게 되었으며, 후세에 평가할 만한 근거를 남겼다. 문자는 문화 발전과 사상 교류를 촉진하고, 인간의 정신세계를 풍요롭게 하 여 인류가 편리하게 살 수 있도록 하였다. 갑골문, 금문에서 대전, 소전, 예서, 해서까지의 기호가 중화문명의 빛나는 성과 인 한자로 이어졌다. 중국의 책 표지 디자인에서 한자 미학 디자인은 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 창의적인 한자의 표현방법 을 입수해 중국의 책 표지 디자인에서 창의 한자를 응용한 실례를 접목하고 창의 한자를 책 표지 디자인에서 응용한자의 득실을 분석하고 응용원칙을 제시해 중국 책 표지 디자인 창작에 대한 자신의 관점과 인지를 제시하다. 한자의 창의적인 방법을 분석하여 표지 디자인에서 한자의 창의적인 형식과 방법을 탐구하였으며 한자 아이디어 디자인에서 내포된 문화적 내포와 심미적 함의를 해부하였으며 크리에이티브 한자가 책 표지 디자인으로서의 문화적 요소를 획득했음을 나타냈다.

      • Introduction to "Mediating Chineseness in Cambodia"

        Lorraine Paterson,Penny Edwards 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2012 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.4

        In 1981, social anthropologist William Willmott declared, “Today, no-one identifies themselves as Chinese in Kampuchea [Cambodia]” (1981:45). He certainly had the authority to publish such a statement. Having conducted sustained fieldwork on Chinese community formation in Cambodia from 1962 to 1963, Willmott offered an unprecedented examination of social structures, political organization, and patterns of identification among urban Chinese in his monographs, The Chinese in Cambodia (1967) and The Political Structure of the Chinese Community in Cambodia (1970). However, subsequent to his research, Chinese communities suffered terribly during the repression of the Lon Nol government between 1970 and 1975 and the atrocities of the Democratic Kampuchea regime. Willmott thus declared Chinese communities—and a willingness to identify as Chinese—destroyed. This understandably pessimistic vision turned out to be unfounded; the next extensive research done on Chinese in Cambodia by Penny Edwards and Chan Sambath in 1995 showed Chinese communities rebuilding. However, the descriptions of these communities showed a complexity of identity formation—from recent immigrants, “the raw Chinese,” to the five “traditional” Chinese dialect groups—that differed markedly from the indexes of identity applied by Willmott in his initial analysis. Academic ideas of how Chineseness should be configured had shifted and complicated; ascribing identity had become increasingly problematic...

      • KCI등재

        ≪현장철도교통중국어1·2·3≫ 분석을 통한 특수 목적중국어 교재 개발에 관한 문제 고찰

        金孝眞 ( Kim Hyojin ) 중국어문연구회 2024 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.117

        First of all, this paper introduces domestic and foreign research and trends related to the development of domestic textbooks, and under such a background, a multi-faceted analysis of the special purpose Chinese and textbook, On-site Railway Transportation Chinese, in which the author participated in writing. As seen in the foregoing, Chinese textbooks are mainly for general learners, and HSK textbooks account for a large portion of special purpose Chinese textbooks. And in the case of professional purpose Chinese textbooks among special purpose Chinese textbooks, except for tourism or business, the situation is still incomplete. In addition, recently published special-purpose Chinese language textbooks are mainly aimed at Chinese people coming to Korea, so bilingual commentary is attached so that students or personnel in specific majors can study abroad in China or Korean and native-speaking teachers can teach simultaneously. Compiled special-purpose Chinese language textbooks are rare. From the perspective of this paper, summarizing the situation of currently published special-purpose Chinese textbooks, firstly, since the proportion between the fields is biased, human and material exchanges with China are gradually expanding, requiring exchanges in various fields, so textbooks in various fields must be developed. It should be systematically developed step by step to achieve the special purpose. Second, many textbooks currently in use are generally ambiguous in terms of difficulty depending on the subject of learning, but the difficulty or text of the vocabulary is configured according to the technical terminology or actual situation by field so that it can be used immediately in the field or to build background knowledge in the field. You will have to. Third, in the case of special purpose Chinese textbooks, they should be more practical and suitable for actual situations than general Chinese textbooks. Starting from this recognition of the problem, the author moved away from existing limited-area special-purpose Chinese textbooks and actively considered the needs and goals of special-purpose learners in specialized fields and bilingual education, and developed On-site Railway Transportation Chinese 1·2·3 participated in the development of a special-purpose Chinese language textbook and tried to solve these problems. So far, since there has been no research on Chinese textbooks specialized in Chinese railway transportation developed like this, a brief analysis of the special-purpose Chinese textbooks that have been published and used is conducted first. Based on the results of previous research, this paper is intended to participate in the development of special purpose Chinese textbooks called On-site Railway Transportation Chinese 1·2·3 that actively considers the demand and target situation of special purpose learners, breaking away from the existing limited area special purpose Chinese textbooks. It became. This paper hopes that through the sharing of such experiences, the development and research of textbooks centered on special purpose learners will be more actively conducted in the future, so that educational materials that meet the needs of increasingly diverse and subdivided learning sites can be researched and developed.

      • KCI등재

        광고를 활용한 중국언어문화교육 연구

        엽은현,이종오 글로벌 문화콘텐츠학회 2016 글로벌문화콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.23

        Interest in learning Chinese language in Korea started earlier than in other nations and has spread rapidly. Three Kingdoms Period shows evidence of early Chinese language education in Korea with the era’s widespread use of Chinese characters or Hanja. Since 1992, with increased Korea-China diplomatic relations and following the increasing trend to learn Chinese language, there has been more and more research on the teaching and learning of Chinese. Recently, the international status of China has risen and there has been an increase in the frequency of exchanges and activities between Korea and China. This has sparked more and more Koreans to start learning Chinese language and culture. To keep up with the demand for Chinese language and Chinese culture learning, there has been much focus in recent years on effective Chinese language and culture education, learner motivation, and teaching methodologies. Scholars responsible for Chinese language and culture learning like high school teachers and university professors have constantly researched and investigated the essence of Chinese language to establish a wide range of teaching methods. Among these methods, this study investigated the use of Chinese adverts as an inventive approach to the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture. For this purpose, this study made use of 14 various Chinese adverts from 2001 to 2011. Researchers conducted a survey and analyzed the results to determine if advert usage affected learning and if there were any limitations to advert usage. The study concluded that all scholars responsible for the teaching of Chinese language and learning, including school academic teachers and researchers, need deeper understanding of advert language and culture before using adverts as a method of teaching Chinese language and culture. 한국에서 중국어에 대한 교육은 다른 나라에 비해 비교적 일찍 시작하고 급속히 발전해왔다. 삼국시대 한자의 유입은 한국에서의 초기 중국어교육으로 볼 수 있으나 1992년 한중 수교 이후 한국 내 중국어 학습에 대한 관심이 급격히 높아짐에 따라 중국어에 대한 교학활동 및 연구 활동이 급격한 성장을 이룬 것도 사실이다. 최근 중국의 국제적 위상이 높아지고 한중 양국 간에 갈수록 빈번해진 교류와 활동에 따라 한국에서는 중국어와 중국문화를 배우려는 사람이 더욱 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 중국어 및 중국문화의 학습자의 증가에 발맞추어 언어 및 문화교육의 영역에서는 학습의 효율성, 동기 유발, 방법의 다양성 등에 대한 요구와 필요성이 많아지고 높아졌다. 중국언어와 문화교육의 실행자인 고등학교 교사와 대학의 교수, 중국어 본체(本體)나 교육 방법을 연구하는 학자들은 끊임없이 다양한 중국어 교육방법론을 개발 및 연구하고 있다. 본 연구는 그러한 방법(론)들 가운데 광고를 활용한 중국언어 및 문화 교육 방법을 고찰하려는 새로운 시도다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 2001~2011까지 연구된 14편의 광고활용 중국언어문화교육의 현황조사와 분석을 통해 광고활용의 문제점들을 지적함으로써 그러한 교육방법의 한계를 살펴보았으며, 교육과 연구를 담당하는 학자들의 광고에서의 언어와 문화현상에 관한 깊은 이해의 필요성을 제시했다.

      • KCI등재


        李黔萍(Li Qianping),韓憲鎭(Han, Heon-jin) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.90

        As Chinese learning becomes hotter and hotter in South Korea,more and more South Korean students are coming to China to learn Chinese. However, in the process of learning Chinese, South Korean students are often confronted with the difficulty to understand the Chinese Idioms due to their two major characteristics:“the specificality of semantics” and “the fixity of structure”, and frequently make mistakes, which ultimately leads to the evasion to use idioms by many students, whether oral speaking or written practice. Therefore, teaching Chinese Idioms to South Korean students has become a big challenge. This paper intends to analyze the errors of Chinese idioms teaching to South Korean students on the basis of a test questionnaire survey designed according to the characteristics of the South Korean students, and make some proposals on the teaching strategies of Chinese idioms teaching for South Korean students,such as the Korean and Chinese Contrast Approach, Context Design Approach, and the Expansion Approach, and even makes a proposal to offer a dedicated course on Chinese Idioms and Culture so as to help the South Korean students better learn and understand Chinese idioms, enlarge their vocabulary, improve their Chinese-speaking skills, and ultimately better understand the Chinese culture.


        Ju Yeun Jang,Yeo Gyu Lee,Ha Kyung Lee,Ho Jung Choo 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The influence of tourists on the retail market continues to grow and China is destined to become the largest outbound-spending nation in the world; subsequently, the interest on Chinese tourists has increasingly grown. The advancement in information technology and increased usage of SNS allows Chinese tourists share a variety of information online before or after they embark on to others. Data from the Korea Tourism Organization indicates that, “shopping” is the most searched keyword for Korean tours in 2014. The main shopping item of Chinese tourists is fashion or beauty products and we need a better understanding of the consumption behavior of Chinese tourists in relation to Korean fashion. We should consider shared content by Chinese consumers to promptly respond to needs and concerns. This study researches actual attitude of Chinese consumers toward Korean fashion items and shopping tourism using content analysis based on Chinese SNS. We investigate the representative portal search site Baidu (百度) and Weibo (微博) SNS primarily used by Chinese. Our investigation is limited to posts or comments one month before and after China’s National Day. Our analysis used translations of Chinese into Korean. A total of 70 words were selected based on the mentioned frequency by R Program forthe final analysis. Words were divided into groups based on content analysis similarity and word connectivity was researched using the Net Miner program. A total of 70 words used for the analysis were divided into three groups: shopping item, shopping behavior, and shopping place. The relevance of content to shopping item accounted for 39% and most of the shared information was about where to find cheaper items, various styles, or the latest fashion products. Shopping behavior accounted for 17% and the shared information was about how to compare products before purchase, how to communicate with salespersons, and how to obtain refunds after purchase. Shopping places area dominant group with 43% and half of the words about retail trade. Significant information was available on the main characteristics of retail trade areas such as Dongdaemoon market or Myeongdong. More information was shared on underground shopping centers or general road shops than on traditional shopping places, department stores, or duty free shops. The trends are particularly notable and help in understanding how Chinese tourists are more interested in shopping places where they can have new experiences. This study confirms the shopping behavior of Chinese tourists in Korea using content analysis of Chinese SNS. The shopping trend changes; the average Chinese tourist age drops and the Chinese tourist pattern shifts from large group tours to individualized small group tours. Appropriate responses to Chinese tourists must be based on understanding of their changing shopping needs. This study is useful to understand the actual attitudes and needs of Chinese consumers toward Korean fashion based on shared online content.

      • Chinese Dialects and Old Chinese Studies

        Byun, Jiwon(卞志源) 한국중어중문학회 2020 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This paper shows what modern Chinese dialects, ie, modern Chinese dialects, have to do with the study of Old Chinese, and looks at what is controversial in its reconstruction. In the end, it aims to reconsider what the study of Old Chinese should be. Chinese dialects have been settled as one of the essential language resources in the reconstruction of Old Chinese. They can be regarded as completely changing the flow of Old Chinese reconstruction after the acknowledgment in that they provided an opportunity to overcome the limit of depending on only written sources. It is expected to contribute to the study of Old Chinese with both the reconstruction of proto forms of modern dialects as well as ethnic languages around China.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 세계대전 이후 중국의 동남아시아 무역과 화교의 역할

        박정현(Park Jung-Hyun) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2007 亞細亞硏究 Vol.50 No.4

        Chinese trade with South East Asia had witnessed a gentle increase. However Chinese goods and half-finished products which had been exported to the market of South East Asia had accounted for small quantity. In the meanwhile, Japan had been given in the 1920s a great deal of weight in the South East Asian markets, in the 1930s it had overwhelmed metropolitan exports to their colonies. After the 1930s Japan began to build a typical perpendicular division of labor with South East Asia, in which Japan was designed to export industrial products in lieu of importing raw materials from the latter. In short the expansion of trade in Asia after the 1920s had resulted from increase Japan’s influence in East Asia including South East Asia. Also Asia economy had transformed into a perpendicular division of labor centering on Japan. The Chinese trade with South East Asia had developed by the medium of overseas Chinese. China’s trade overall balance had been deficit but its trade with South East Asia had been surplus or beneficial. Overseas Chinese had played a pivotal role in the South East Asian economy. The economic status of overseas Chinese mounting up to millions had differed from place to place. Overseas Chinese had nearly monopolized commerce of South East Asia countries by leading wholesale trade and brokerage business. In the area of massive production and trade they had been behind only Metropolitan and Japanese corporations. The Chinese trade with South East Asia had been activated particularly in the field of rice, sugar which the overseas Chinese had dominated. China exported daily necessaries for overseas Chinese use and imported commodities including primary products. The Chinese emigration itself had been beneficial to China proper by alleviating burden of overpopulation and reducing problem of unemployment and paupers. It also actively contributed to the development of the mother country by making a remittance and invest capital to it. Remittance was absolutely important for the family’s living. Therefore occasional diminution and suspension of remittance had threatened to living condition of millions overseas household in the southern China. In particular the economy of Guangdong and Fujian in South China depended on the amount of remittance. This remittance rescued the chronic deficit suffering Chinese economy from going bankrupt. Overseas Chinese invested capital chiefly in home provinces, Guangdong and Fujian and an advanced city Shanghai. The investment of overseas Chinese enhanced home-city’s economic well-being. It help forward communication and transportation facilities to improve circulation of commodities and further to the development of capitalist economy. On the other hand, the decrease of overseas Chinese economy hit severe damage to the southern China to the extent of causing overall socioeconomic unrest. In spite of their enormous power to the Chinese economy, the overseas Chinese in South East Asia did not identity their interests with those of mother country. For them, China was safe and beneficial havens for their investment. The overseas Chinese were preoccupied with familism rather than nationalism. In short, they kept collaboration with China not in the bond of patriotism but the interest of realistic gains.

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