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      • 중국의 조선족에 대한정책변화가조선족정체성에 미친 영향

        공봉진 釜山外國語大學校 比較文化硏究所 2006 比較文化硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        Kong, Bong-Jin. 2006. The effects of the Chaoxian nationality identity on change of China’s nationality policies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies, 18, 1-23. This paper is the effects of the ChapterⅠ nationality identity on change of China’s nationality policies. ChapterⅠ is an introductory chapter. I make mention of the background and purpose of this dissertation. Chapter2 ; 1 describe China’s minority nationality policies and change of policies on the Chaoxian nationality(朝鮮族). I deal with policies of intergation of minority nationality and assimilation of minority nationality in China. Chapter3 ; I deal with the effects of the Chaoxian nationality identity on China’s nationality policies. I considered the Nationalities Identification(民 族識別) and an autonomous district(民族自治區) have a good effect on Chaoxian nationality identity. But 1 considered move to a different region, Neo-sinocentrism(新中華主義) and Northeast Project(東北工程) have a bad effect on Chaoxian nationality identity. Chapter4 is the conclusion chapter. I insist on China’s minority nationality policies exert influence on the identity of Chaoxian nationality identity.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Causes and Background of Cultural Conflict between Korea and China

        ( Tae-shik Kim ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 人文論叢 Vol.59 No.-

        올해는 1992년 한중 양국이 정식으로 국교를 수립한지 30주년이 되는 해이다. 그러나 한국의 사드배치와 중국의 한한령과 같은 정치적인 문제를 겪고, 코로나19 책임론 대두와 미중 전략 경쟁의 급격한 국제정세 변화 속에서, 최근 한중 양국 관계는 예전과 달리 원만하지 못한 실정이다. 특히 우리나라에서의 반중정서는 사상 최악으로 치닫고 있는 상황이고, 그 중에서도 젊은 청년층에서의 반중정서는 보다 더 심각한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 청년층 반중정서의 주요 배경으로 지목되고 있는 한중 간 문화갈등을, 기원에서부터 출발하여 최근의 사례들까지 여러 각도에서 집중적으로 검토하였고, 산재된 원인과 배경을 유형화한 체계적인 분석을 통해 관련 시사점을 제시하였다. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the official establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and China in 1992. However, the relationship between Korea and China has not been as smooth as in the recent past, with political problems such as the deployment of THAAD in Korea and the ban on the Korean Wave in China, as well as the rise of the Corona 19 responsibility issue and the escalation of tension caused by the U.S.-China strategic agendas. In particular, sinophobia in Korea is reaching its worst levels ever, and sinophobia among young people seems to be the most serious. Therefore, this paper intensively reviewed the cultural conflict between Korea and China, which is pointed out as the main background of sinophobia among the youth, from various angles from its origin to recent cases, and presented relevant implications by categorizing the scattered causes and backgrounds. It is hoped that this will be of some help in improving Korea-China relations in the future.

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