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        무질서 속의 질서 : 존 혹스의 『희화화』와 리처드 파워즈의 『황금 벌레 변주곡』 John Hawkes's Travesty and Richard Powers's The Gold Bug Variations

        김상구 한국현대영미소설학회 2003 현대영미소설 Vol.10 No.2

        Various literary criticisms, theories and cultural theories emerge in the second half of the 20th century. These become (new) paradigms and critical tools of, or approaches to the interpretations of literature, arts, and even to the aspects or phenomena of culture. One of them is Chaos Theory, and it is one of the ways to interpret literary texts as a feedback cycle. This theory together with Poststructuralism, Russian Formalism, and theories of Hermeneutics see literary texts not as a well wrought urn, but as a reservoir of chaos. Based on this view, Chaos Theory shows that chaos is inherent at the bottom of a system or an organ, indicating that simple systems move to the complexity and vice versa. Followers and critics of Chaos Theory say that chaos has such basic constructs as strange attractors, fractals, self-similarity, bifurcation, and unpredictability. Strange attractors do not explicate or emphasize the organized structures out of chaos but ordered descent into chaos. Also it reveals or captures the actuality-consistencies and vagaries-of human behavior patterns better than do homeostatic points. Fractal boundaries or dimensions convey two important concepts. First, seeing depends largely on observer's perspective. Second, accuracy of measurement relies on the definition of the process. Thus, it embraces fuzzy boundaries or dimensions, that is, the gray (ambiguous) area of behavior patterns. From this perspective, the more different the boundaries seem, the more they resemble each other when viewed from the appropriate levels. This points out that in situations, points of nonsimilarity can be found as those of similarity. Bifurcation means splitting into two, adding complexity to a system or an organ. To closely look into this phenomenon, after a period of time, natural processes tend to bifurcate, and then, after another period of stability, another bifurcation takes place. In such processes, the system or the organ goes out of control, that is, it becomes chaotic. These confused states can serve as opportunities for creative change. Unpredictability has two definitions. One is the relation to the function of strange attractors, and the other is the operation of "the butterfly effect". The above-mentioned basic constructs are core characteristics of Chaos Theory. Just as such basic constructs occurred together or sequentially in natural phenomena, so in literature such constructs are alluded or metaphorized. In Travesty, Hawkes witnesses the opposite phenomena-disorderly order-occurred from the collision of cars in France and then he creates Travesty through his imagination, so Powers considerably takes emergent phenomena like as unpredictability as a basic construct of Chaos Theory in The Gold Bug Variations. For them, imagination and emergent phenomena are key factors for the creation of their novels. The two factors here are like as the fact that abundant order comes from or exists at the edge of chaos. In Travesty Hawkes believes that nothing disturbs the essential integrity of the tableau of chaos. That is, he certainly shows that if design inevitably surrenders to debris, debris inevitably reveals its innate design(58-9). The ontological scheme of debris/design that Hawkes proposes is like the concept of strange attractor in Chaos Theory-like the mediated point between the right movement of pendulum and the left one of it, and like the in-between dimension(level) between water and ice. Such a phenomenon can be called a paradox. So, like the driver in the novel, Hawkes prefers "the flickering shadow of imagination to the explosive and flaming manifestations of nature, that is, the order of imagination in progress in his head"(57). In The Gold Bug Variations, Powers indicates that the complex social phenomena are the sources of the emergent phenomena. So the novel posits the special age of history together with the emergent phenomena. In such a relation, the narrative structure of The Gold Bug Variations is very complex. However, it has the recursive structure of Chaos Theory. In other words, the novel, like Bach's The Goldberg Variations, endlessly connects structurally, but it structurally returns to the basic plot or story like Bach's Variations's tone. Characters are also emblems for order, anti-order, and chaotic, like those of Hawkes's Travesty. In short, Travesty, though it is very small(128pages) in volume compared with that of The Gold Bug Variations(639pages) and The Gold Bug Variations vice versa, they are, in a certain sense, fractals, small or large, in terms of Chaos Theory. The two novels, therefore, are allusions or metaphors of Chaos Theory.

      • KCI등재

        카오스이론의 특성을 적용한 패션디자인 연구

        임민정(Im Min Jung),박문희(Park Moon Hee) 한국디지털디자인학회 2012 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Modern fashion demands novel designing methods to satisfy a variety of creative individual sentiments as the complex of new science, technology, and art. The purpose of this study is architected to apply Chaos Theory in design in which complex and irregular orders and rules are scientifically explained within the unpredictable nature, and therefore, to provide creative novel designing methods that can fulfill a range of distinctive modern demands. The method of research analyzes the characteristics of Chaos Theory by literature study. As an empirical study, design cases were gathered to be analyzed of the characteristics and interrelationship with Chaos Theory. Based on the relationship between the principle of design and Chaos Theory, fashion design cases were collected and analyzed to identify the expression method of fashion design. The analyzed results were applied to fashion design. According to the results of this study, Chaos Theory potentializes the systematization of complex nature and art works made by human. The major concepts of Chaos Theory were analyzed to have characteristics of non-equilibrium, instability, irregularity, irreversibility, self-similar fractal structure, collapsed structure, and self-organization. Characteristics of Chaos Theory enabled application of design concept via design case analysis, which proved that it can be used as one of the principles of fashion design by fashion design case analysis. The application of Chaos Theory in fashion design would provide emergence effects and creative expression in fashion design being utilized as a method developing high value-added products. 현대 패션은 새로운 과학과 기술, 예술의 복합체로서 그 변화를 수용하고 개인의 가치와 신념을 표현하는 것으로 인식되면서 개인화되고 차별화를 위한 다양한 개인의 감성을 만족시킬 수 있는 새로운 디자인 방법이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 이 연구는 복잡하고 불규칙하며 비예측적인 자연에 내재하는 질서와 규칙을 과학적으로 설명하는 카오스이론의 특성을 디자인에 적용시킴으로서 현대의 개성적이고 다양한 요구에 부응할 수 있는 독창적이고 새로운 디자인방법을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구방법은 문헌연구를 통하여 카오스이론의 특성을 분석하였다. 실증연구로 디자인 사례를 수집하여 카오스이론의 특성과 디자인과의 연관성 분석하였다. 카오스이론과 디자인 원리와의 관련성을 토대로 패션디자인 사례를 수집 분석하여 패션디자인의 표현방법을 규명하였다. 분석된 결과를 패션디자인에 적용하였다. 본 연구 결과 카오스이론은 복잡한 자연물과 인간이 만들어낸 조형물을 체계화하는 것이 가능하다. 카오스이론의 주요개념은 비선형성, 비평형, 불안정성과 불규칙성, 비가역성, 프렉탈 구조와 자기유사성, 무산구조와 자기조직화의 특성을 가지는 것으로 분석되었다. 카오스이론의 특성은 디자인 사례분석을 통해 디자인 개념의 적용이 가능하였으며 카오스 이론의 조형적 특성은 패션디자인에서 패턴의 구조, 소재, 디테일에서 우연적이면서 다양한 형태의 표현을 가능하게 해 줄 뿐만 아니라 아이템의 상호유기적 결합과 개인화를 제공하는 패션디자인 방법으로 활용될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 카오스이론의 패션디자인의 적용은 창조적 디자인 개발방법을 제공함으로써 고부가가치 상품개발 방법으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Theory of Literature Re-Visited with the Concept of Chaos

        Karan Singh Chauhan 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2010 남아시아연구 Vol.15 No.3

        Present paper deals with the problem of literary theory in general and with reference to Indian literature in particular. During the period of modernism, based on new scientific explorations, many new disciplines came into being and they influenced aesthetics. In this way, psychology, sociology, Marxism, structuralism etc. became integral part of literary theory. Later on, it was found that they tend to follow a pre?determined and prejudiced value?judgment approach in literary analysis. This gave birth to post?modern theory that flourished throughout the world. Slowly it started to degenerate into fragmented judgments. At this point, chaos theory came into being and started playing its role in literary aesthetics. Paper provides a brief critical introduction of the origin, history, development of various concepts, meaning and implementation of chaos concepts to various disciplines, especially to literary theory. As chaos is the latest in post?modern era, it demarcates itself from the modern traditions of linearity and determinism. Paper also throws light on the ancient parallels of chaos in Greek mythology and social history. Although chaos developed as a branch of mathematics but soon it provided reliable tools to explore other fields of knowledge. It is being used in literary criticism and efforts are to develop it as a full?fledged literary theory with the support of postmodernist tools.

      • KCI등재후보

        복잡성 이론(Complexity Theory)과 특수교육

        권정민 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2009 특수교육 Vol.8 No.2

        복잡성 이론은 교육을 포함한 사회과학 분야에서 새롭게 소개되는 이론이다. 이 연구의 주요 목적은 복잡성 이론을 특수교육 전문가들에게 소개하고 특수교육을 재조명하기 위함이다. 복잡성 이론은 현대 물리학에서 시작된 이론으로 퀀텀의 세계에서 입자들은 이전의 모든 논리성을 무시하고 모든 자연과학적 법칙을 벗어나 행동한다는 관찰에서 비롯되었다. 복잡성 이론은 시스템 이론과 카오스 이론으로 설명될 수 있는데, 시스템 이론은 시스템의 복잡함에 초점을 맞추고 카오스 이론은 그 복잡한 시스템의 예측 불가능한 관계와 영향에 대하여 논한다. 이를 특수교육에 적용하면, 우리는 결함보다는 가능성에 초점을 맞추고, 학생이 속한 모든 환경이 학생의 학습에 주는 영향을 인식하고, 학생을 다양한 각도에서 이해하며, 공유하는 비전을 가져야 한다. 학생과 학생이 속한 환경의 복잡성을 이해할 때, 교사는 새롭고 창의적인 방법을 찾아낼 수 있을 것이고, 이를 이용하여 학생이 진정으로 의미있는 학습을 할 수 있도록 도울 수 있을 것이다. Complexity theory is an emerging new idea in the fields of social science. The purpose of this research is to introduce complexity theory to special education professionals and refocus on the practices of special education. Complexity theory has its roots in contemporary physics. In quantum physics, the scientists have found that the elements moved outside traditional rationality and expectations. Complexity theory can be explained in systems theory and chaos theory. Systems theory focuses on the complexity of the systems whereas chaos theory focuses on the unexpectable-ness of the systems. When the theories are applied to special education, we can focus on the possibilities of the students rather than deformity, understand the student in the context of the surrounding environment, and acquire shared visions of the classroom and society. Through complexity science, we may be able to find new and creative ways to help students learn in meaningful ways.

      • KCI등재후보

        도가사상과 카오스이론 비교 연구: 조직관리를 중심으로

        이광모,최창현 한국지방자치학회 2002 한국지방자치학회보 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to reconfirm the potential applicability of the chaos theory to organizational management by comparing the similiarities between chaos theory and Doism. There has been some effort to apply chaos theory to organization management due to the rapidity of the environmental changes. Chaos theory can cover weakness of reductionism inherent in the traditional science, and has relevance in explaining complex and chaotic organizations. However, since it has been developed from natural sciences of the West, it manifested philosophical limitations in applying to social sciences of the East. The results of the study reveals many commonalities and similiarities between Doism and chaos theory in many aspects. Especially Doism conotes various notions of chaos theory with such similarities as between the notion of emergence in chaos theory and dynamics of exchange, or the continuous flux, between nonlinear feedback loops and holism, between self-organization and the notion of the Nature, and between coevolution and the relativism of the paradox. This study results have implications for the improvement of the richness in studying organizations.

      • 유기체의 철학에 대한 신과학의 관점에서의 재평가

        이상성 ( Sang Sung Lee ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2004 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity of the philosophy of organism, which had been developed by Whitehead who was a great scholar in mathematics and physics, from the perspective of new sciences including but not necessarily limited to the uncertainty principle, the theory of relativity, the chaos theory, the complexity theory, and the superstring theory. I think that it is safe to say that the validity of the philosophy of organism from the perspective of the uncertainty principle and the theory of relativity has been established by Whitehead and his followers because those scientific theories were already confirmed as valid theories far before his death and he possessed a good knowledge of them. But those remaining scientific theories such as chaos theory and superstring theory were not known to him. I believe, therefore, that examining the philosophy of organism from the perspective of these new scientific theories is very much interesting and crucial to its further development. To accomplish this purpose, first, I will reexamine the philosophy of organism from the perspective of the uncertainty principle and the theory of relativity briefly. After then, I will investigate the validity of it from the perspective of the new sciences.

      • KCI등재

        Literary Works and Theories As Interweaving

        Sang-Koo Kim 한국비평이론학회 2007 비평과이론 Vol.12 No.2

          In this paper, I will prove that literary theories originate from literary works. In order to support it, I will examine literary theorists" literary concepts, literary theories, and narratology. They are Auerbach, Booth, James, Scholes, Kellogg, Barthes, and Frye. The common fact is for them literary theories are drawn from Western literary works, even from Bible.<BR>  In particular, collage and montage are essential for the literary strategies or devices. These are Derrida"s montage, Benjamin"s allegory, and Serres"s parasite. As for these whole relationships, literary theories and literary works are on the same way, although they have their own way to explore.<BR>  Also for the relationship of philosophical thoughts and imaginations to literary works, Deleuze sets up the significant meaning of nonsense, referring to Lewis"s Alice in Wonderland. He emphasizes nonsense instead of sense in order to solve the paradoxes of things. He draws his metaphysics of nonsense from a literary book. Blanchot also relates his neutre writing to "The Gaze of Orpheus," and proposes it as his literary and linguistic construction for the exploration of the origin of the literary work. Bataille"s transgression is the same as the work of Blanchot"s neutre.<BR>  As philosophical concepts have such relationship with literature, so are systems theory, field theory, and chaos theory necessary for literature. All literature is not proper for that.<BR>  Some literature has other objectives with the help of such theories. In such a case, literature and theories have the same goal, that is, the same exploration of the ultimate truth by way of the relationship of complementarity of literature and theories.

      • KCI등재

        Organizational Values as `Attractors of Chaos':An Emerging Supply Chain Management Change Designed to Overcome Organizational Complexity

        Guojun Ji,Yan Zhou Jungseok Research Institute of International Logis 2004 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE Vol.2 No.1

        This paper considers supply chain management organizations with the aid of `chaotic systems theory' developed originally in physics and mathematics. Since innovations in supply chain management are vital for organizational survival `complex systems theory' may assist in fine-tuning managerial philosophies that provide stability in supply chain management become it is on the boundary of chaos that the greatest innovational creativity occurs. Neither `management by rigid objectives' (MBO) nor `management by instruction' (MBI) will be suitable for the information society of the twenty-first century because chaotic social systems will be derived essentially from how supply chain management members accept a shared set of values or principes for action─`management by values' (MBV). Complex systems theory deals with systems that show complex structures in time or space, often hiding simple deterministic rules. This theory holds that once these rules are found, it is possible to make effective predictions and even to control the apparent complexity. The state of chaos that self-organizes is attributable to the appearance of the `strange attractor' and provides the ideal basis for creativity and innovation in the twenty-first century. In the self-organized state of chaos, social members are not confined to narrow roles and gradually develop their capacity for differentiation and relationships, growing progressively towards their maximum potential contribution to the efficiency of the organization. In this meaning, values act as organizers of `attractors' of disorder, which, in the theory of chaos, are systems represented by usually regular geometric configurations that predict the long-term behavior of complex systems. In supply chain management organizations (as in all kinds of social systems) the initial principles end up as the final principles in the long term. An attractor is a model representation of the behavioral results of the system. The attractor is not a force of attraction or a goal-oriented presence in the system; it simply depicts where the system is heading based on its rules of motion. In supply chain management organizations that cultivate or shares values of autonomy, responsibility, independence, innovation, creativity, and proactivity, the risk of short-term chaos is mitigated by external complexities that organizations are currently confronting. The strategy is to alter the supply chain management's surroundings so that they can benefit from management by values (MBV).

      • The Research on AUV Attitude Control based on least Squares Support Vector Machines

        Song Xiaoru,Luo Dezhu,Wang Huihua 보안공학연구지원센터(IJUNESST) 2015 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.8 No.1

        The Attitude control model for AUV is highly nonlinear and strong coupling six degrees of freedom model. With it, and complex disturbance of the marine environment a new control strategy chaos least squares support vector machines is proposed. The control model is infinitely approximated by least squares support vector machine. The parameters are optimized Chaos theory. It is formed the Chaos-LSSVM model. The purpose is to obtain excellent attitude control of quality. The Chaos-LSSVM predictive controller for AUV attitude is designed combined with a simplified longitudinal hydrodynamic equations and the Chaos-LSSVM model. Meanwhile the stability of the attitude control system is ensured by the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, examples of simulation results show that the control model can obtain a good control effect, improve the underwater vehicle dynamic positioning attitude control effectiveness and robustness.

      • Prediction Simulation Study of Road Traffic Carbon Emission Based on Chaos Theory and Neural Network

        Hao Wu,Xianglian Zhao 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.7

        Study the road traffic carbon emission and accurately predict the problems, the road traffic carbon emission has the complex systems of chaos and nonlinearity, the traditional method ignores the chaos of the road traffic carbon emission change, and it is so difficult to precisely control the rules of the road traffic carbon emission change that the precision of the of traffic carbon emission prediction is lower. In this study, it proposes the road traffic carbon emission prediction model based on the chaos theory and neural network and improves the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence. First of all, it reconstructs the time sequence data of the road traffic carbon emission change through the space, and sorts out the chaos change rules hidden in the time sequence data and then uses the BP neural network to study and carry out the modeling of the time sequence data of the road traffic carbon emission, and optimize the neural network parameter in order to improve the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence. The simulation result shows that, Chao-BPNN has overcome the deficits of the traditional method and could precisely and comprehensively reflect the change rules of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence, and effectively improved the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission.

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