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        소연방 해체기 중앙아시아국가들의 탈소비에트화 및 중앙아시아화: 우즈베키스탄, 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄을 중심으로

        권현종 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2019 한국시베리아연구 Vol.23 No.2

        본 논문은 중앙아시아 지역에서 소련 해체 과정과 이 후에 전개되는 탈러시아화 및 중앙아시아화 움직임에 관한 연구이다. 소련의 해체는 원론으로는 15개 소비에트사회주의연방공화국(USSR)들의 해체이고, 각론으로는 슬라브계 3국의 분리 독립 선언을 의미한다. 지정학적으로 소련의 해체는 중앙아시아 국가들에게 정치적 이념적으로 급격한 영향은 미치지 못하였다. 이로 인해 이들 지역에서 소련으로부터 이탈하려는 움직임은 서서히 진행되었다. 중앙아시아는 5개 국가로 형성되어 있다. 논문의 연구 대상은 카자흐스탄, 우즈베키스탄, 키르기스스탄 국가들이다. 카자흐스탄공화국은 소연방, 즉 러시아와 국경을 맞대고 있는 지정·국경·종교 및 인구학적으로 뗄 수 없는 관계에 놓여 있다. 우즈베키스탄공화국은 중앙아시아 중앙에 위치해 있으며, 정치·경제·역사 및 문화관광 융성에 중추적 역할을 하였다. 특히, 소련의 경공업 발전과 지역 경제에 큰 역할을 하였다. 키르기스스탄공화국은 이웃 중국과 국경을 맞대고 있기 때문에 국경학적 전략핵운영방향 차원에서 소련에게 카자흐스탄과 마찬가지로 최대 관심지역이다. 키르기스스탄은 소련 붕괴 후, 친러시아 노선 등 민주화가 가장 급격히 진행 되었던 지역이다. 나머지 투르크메니스탄, 타지키스탄 국가들은 중동권에 정치적 경제적 영향을 받았고, 탈소비에트화에 소극적이었으며, 중앙아시아화보다는 이슬람국가건설에 집중한 지역들이다. 연구 방법은 중앙아시아의 독특한 전통 문화, 미개한 문명국가형성, 이슬람교의 영향 등 논문의 창의적 연구를 위해 내재적 접근법을 활용하였다. 내재적 접근은 일찍 사회주의 독제체제인 북한을 자본주의적 관점에서 연구하는데 한계를 극복하기 위해 일부 진보학자들에 의해 고안된 창의적이고 적극적인 접근 방법이다. 내재적 연구는 한쪽 체제가 반대편 체제보다 월등한 우위에 있을 경우에 기대효과가 크다. 1980년 대 말 소련의 개혁개방정책으로 동서화합의 여건이 조성되면서 남한에서도 북한의 특수성을 고려하여 그들을 있는 그대로 보고 이해하자는데 서 출발하였다. 중앙아시아지역은 소련시절 서방세계에 잘 알려지지 않은 대표적인 이슬람국가들이다. 이들은 오랜 역사와 전통을 이어온 국가들이지만, 소련인민들에게 중앙아시아는 신비주의의 상징 그 자체였다. 이러한 미지의 대상을 연구할 때 1차 자료를 배제한 기존 선행 연구방식, 즉 체제전환기 이론 등을 적용한다는 것은 논문의 양적 기대는 되지만, 질적 기대는 어렵다. 중앙아시아의 문제는 중앙아시아의 관점에서 바라봐야한다. 본 논문에서는 소련 해체기에 이들 세 개 국가들이 어떻게 체제변혁기를 맞이했으며, 탈소비에트화, 탈러시아화를 어떻게 이루었으며, 중앙아시아화 건설을 어떻게 만들어 나아갔는지를 다루게 된다. 제I장에서는 중앙아시아를 대표하는 3국가의 지정학적 개요, 탈소비에트화, 탈러시아화 및 중앙아시아화 움직임에 대한 과정들을 논하고 있고, 제II장에서는 선행연구 및 문제점에서 내재적 접근법 활용, 제III장은 소련 해체기에서 3국가의 정치개요 과정, 제IV장은 소련 해체기에서 중앙아시아 지도자들의 역할을 알아본다. 제V장에서는 중앙아시아지역에서 정치적 변화와 술탄적 정서에 대하여, 마지막으로 중앙아시아형 민주국가 건설이다. This paper is a study on the process of dissolution of the Soviet Union in Central Asia and the subsequent movements of painting and Central Asia. The dissolution of the Soviet Union is in principle the dissolution of the fifteen Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and the discourse of the three Slavic states is a declaration of independence. Geopolitically, the dissolution of the Soviet Union did not have a dramatic political and ideological impact on Central Asian countries. As a result, the movement to escape from the Soviet Union in these areas was slow. Central Asia is made up of five countries. The subjects of study are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is in inseparable relations to the Soviet Union, namely designation, borders, religion and demographics. The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the center of Central Asia and has played a pivotal role in fostering political, economic, historical and cultural tourism. In particular, it played a major role in the development of the light industry and the local economy. The Republic of Kyrgyzstan is bordering with neighboring China, so it is of great interest to the Soviet Union, as well as Kazakhstan, in terms of cross-border strategic nuclear operations. Kyrgyzstan is the region where democratization took place most rapidly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The remaining Turkmenistan and Tajikistan countries were politically and economically affected in the Middle East, were passive in post-Sovietization, and focused on building Islamic countries rather than Central Asia. The research method used the inherent approach for the creative study of thesis such as the unique traditional culture of Central Asia, the uncivilized civilization state formation, and the influence of Islam. The intrinsic approach is a creative and aggressive approach devised by some liberals to overcome the limitations of the early study of socialist dictatorship in North Korea from a capitalist perspective. Intrinsic research has a great effect when one system is superior to the other. At the end of the 1980s, the Soviet Union’s reform and opening policy created an environment of East-West unity, and South Korea also began to see and understand them as they were, considering the uniqueness of North Korea. Central Asia is a representative Islamic nation that was not well known in the western world during the Soviet Union. These are countries with a long history and tradition, but for the Soviet people, Central Asia was a symbol of mysticism. The application of existing prior research methods, ie, system transitional theory, which excludes primary data when studying these unknown subjects is quantitatively expected, but not qualitatively expected. The problem of Central Asia should be seen from the point of view of Central Asia. This paper deals with how these three countries faced the systemic transformation during the dismantlement of the Soviet Union, how they achieved post-Sovietization and de-Russianization, and how to build a central Asian system. Chapter I discusses the geopolitical overview of the three countries representing Central Asia, the processes of de-Sovietization, de-Russianization, and the movements of Central Asia, and Chapter II uses the intrinsic approach in previous research and problems, Chapter III discusses the political process of the three countries during the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and Chapter IV discusses the role of Central Asian leaders in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Chapter V deals with political change and sultanate sentiment in Central Asia, and finally, the construction of a central Asian democratic state.

      • KCI등재

        선교 상황화 전략과 중앙아시아 : 민족별 동질성과 이질성의 문화 접근

        정세진 한국기독교학회 선교신학회 2013 선교신학 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper explores central Asia's contextualization mission strategy focused on national approach to culture of homogeneity and heterogeneity. This article attempts Central Asian society's common character and differences from the historic origin and each people's cultural diversity in Central Asia. Central Asia and the entire region contextualization of this article suggesting strategies to derive basically the most basic issues of the specification that can be raised. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia’s historical-cultural common homogeneity and individuality. Chapter II examines Central Asia's history-culture and mission : mission strategy of common homogeneity. Chapter III reviews Central Asia’s mission strategy after independence : factor elements of commonality and individuality. Chapter IV analyzes Contextualization mission strategy focused on national origin and mutual confrontation. As Uzbekistan and Tajikistan develop a stronger sense of their own independence, each country is establishing a new concept of view in explaining their national origin of its own history, which is then inserted into the state ideology. Moreover, because the historical paths of the two states overlap, they interpret the same historical events, from a nationalist perspective, in diametrically opposite ways. Contemporary Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are the territories with the strongest historical links in Central Asia. Since the acquisition of independence they have been marked by similar features of state and nation building.The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the contextualization mission strategy in Central Asia in examining common character and heterogeneous features of the Central people's surroundings after independence and the different aspects of a nation's most basic historical, traditional, understanding including national origin and political system. In exploring Central Asia's mission strategy. it need to be conducted study not only common aspects and heterogeneous nature in Central Asia to identify the distinctive aspects of the Central Asia mission strategy. This article's specification of mission strategy lies in the individual culture and ethnic-based access to a variety of strategies to be drawn to emphasize that what was done. Central Asia is a mission target area.

      • KCI등재후보

        구소련 붕괴 이후 중앙아시아 고려인의 사회-경제 그리고 민족문화의 발전과정

        김게르만 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2010 민족연구 Vol.0 No.43

        This paper considers the most significant changes taking place among Central Asian Koreans. The purpose of the author is a complex analysis of current demographical, social-cultural and ethnic processes of the Korean diasporas in differentiated contexts of developing independent states: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and others. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the founding of the CIS, another new page was opened in the history of the Korean [Koryo saram]. They are again being forced to adapt, this time to the nationalizing republics of Central Asia. For the last two decades the number of Korean population has reduced and it was caused both by the deteriorating socio-economic conditions and lower birth rate, higher death rate, migrations from the Central Asian region. There are new trends in the social structure and professional occupation among the Korean Diasporas in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries of the Central Asia. Deterioration of the living conditions after the collapse of the Soviet Union has put the majority of population including Koreans on the brink of survival. Non-payments of salaries and their general reduction when prices were getting higher made millions of people quit their former jobs and take up other activities bringing profit. As a result we faced the process of washout of the academic and creative intelligentsia among the Korean and on the one hand, reduction of the number of white-collar workers and increase in the number of those engaged in their own small or medium businesses. Prolonged living in the countries other than countries of their origin transforms generations of immigrants into a sub-ethnos-Diaspora, broken off from its ethnic nucleus and being different from it in some peculiarities of their culture, way of life and language. The identity and self-consciousness evolution in the diasporic environment is, as a rule, several generations long as they are determined by a whole set of factors both of inner nature and outer characteristics. Koreans in the Central Asia have experienced the change of the Soviet identity into national identity of a sovereign state in which they were born and are living now. "The revolutionary" change of national belonging was the consequence of the political cataclysm-collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time the evolutionary transformation of ethnic consciousness of the post Soviet Koreans has not become cardinal to cause its change. Twenty years is not a long time in the history of any nation but the years gone through at the turn of the century and millennium have turned to be extremely rich in crucial historical events, radical transformation of socio-political system and social relations. Korean Diasporas of the Central Asia are facing new challenges, they have to solve vital problems and determine their further development. Besides internal national factors Diasporas living in the Central Asia are influenced by wide and active ties with their historical motherlands, Koreans not being an exception in this sense. The relations between the Republic of Korea on the one hand and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan where about one third of all the former Soviet Koreans live, on the other hand, have been rapidly developing. These relations covered all the aspects of political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific life. In order to achieve more efficient and rapid development of such relations it is necessary to create 'a system of centralized management'. There is no long-term, well thought out, expedient program of cooperation with Korean Diasporas in the post soviet Central Asia and Russia. The South Korean government and NGOs are focusing on supporting not on cooperation programs with the Korean Diasporas in the former USSR. Koryo saram are blood brothers to the Korean from the South and North but due to the historical destiny they are different from each other in mentality, psychology, habits, and life styles. It is crucial to kn... This paper considers the most significant changes taking place among Central Asian Koreans. The purpose of the author is a complex analysis of current demographical, social-cultural and ethnic processes of the Korean diasporas in differentiated contexts of developing independent states: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and others. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the founding of the CIS, another new page was opened in the history of the Korean [Koryo saram]. They are again being forced to adapt, this time to the nationalizing republics of Central Asia. For the last two decades the number of Korean population has reduced and it was caused both by the deteriorating socio-economic conditions and lower birth rate, higher death rate, migrations from the Central Asian region. There are new trends in the social structure and professional occupation among the Korean Diasporas in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries of the Central Asia. Deterioration of the living conditions after the collapse of the Soviet Union has put the majority of population including Koreans on the brink of survival. Non-payments of salaries and their general reduction when prices were getting higher made millions of people quit their former jobs and take up other activities bringing profit. As a result we faced the process of washout of the academic and creative intelligentsia among the Korean and on the one hand, reduction of the number of white-collar workers and increase in the number of those engaged in their own small or medium businesses. Prolonged living in the countries other than countries of their origin transforms generations of immigrants into a sub-ethnos-Diaspora, broken off from its ethnic nucleus and being different from it in some peculiarities of their culture, way of life and language. The identity and self-consciousness evolution in the diasporic environment is, as a rule, several generations long as they are determined by a whole set of factors both of inner nature and outer characteristics. Koreans in the Central Asia have experienced the change of the Soviet identity into national identity of a sovereign state in which they were born and are living now. "The revolutionary" change of national belonging was the consequence of the political cataclysm-collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time the evolutionary transformation of ethnic consciousness of the post Soviet Koreans has not become cardinal to cause its change. Twenty years is not a long time in the history of any nation but the years gone through at the turn of the century and millennium have turned to be extremely rich in crucial historical events, radical transformation of socio-political system and social relations. Korean Diasporas of the Central Asia are facing new challenges, they have to solve vital problems and determine their further development. Besides internal national factors Diasporas living in the Central Asia are influenced by wide and active ties with their historical motherlands, Koreans not being an exception in this sense. The relations between the Republic of Korea on the one hand and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan where about one third of all the former Soviet Koreans live, on the other hand, have been rapidly developing. These relations covered all the aspects of political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific life. In order to achieve more efficient and rapid development of such relations it is necessary to create 'a system of centralized management'. There is no long-term, well thought out, expedient program of cooperation with Korean Diasporas in the post soviet Central Asia and Russia. The South Korean government and NGOs are focusing on supporting not on cooperation programs with the Korean Diasporas in the former USSR. Koryo saram are blood brothers to the Korean from the South and North but due to the historical destiny they are different from each other in mentality, psychology, habits, and life styles. It is crucial to know our ...

      • KCI등재

        현대 중앙아시아 지역연구와 러시아

        성동기(Sung Dong-Ki) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2004 슬라브학보 Vol.19 No.1

        Researchers who have studied the area study of Middle East and Turkey have interpreted the area of Central Asia. They have had a tendency to research the area of Central Asia according to the existing comparative study. Basically Central Asia has a different situation in comparison with Middle East and Turkey. There are mistakes in their researches, because they have failed to notice an originality of Central Asia. The variable of the area study of Central Asia is 'Russia'. So, the universal present situation of Middle East and Turkey doesn‘t apply to Central Asia. The area study of modern Central Asia has to go with comprehension of 'Russia'. For example, the Islamic situation and the tendency of Nationalism of Central Asia are different with those of Middle East and other countries, because the political and cultural identity of Central Asia is influenced by the period of Soviet. Researchers have to understand the variable 'Russia' to analyze Central Asia. This research paper will be written as follows. First, it tries to analyze the influences of 'Russia' in Central Asia. Second, it interprets the identity of Central Asia. Third, it presents the direction of research on Central Asia.

      • 연구논문 : 고려 이전의 배달겨레와 중앙아시아 간의 문화교류

        김정위 ( Jeong Wi Kim ) 한국문명교류연구소 2009 문명교류연구 Vol.1 No.-

        배달겨레는 아득한 옛날 중앙아시아에서 초원로를 따라 동으로 이주해 왔다. 도중에 이곳 저곳 한동안 머물다 결국 만주벌판에 정착했다. 이 벌판에서 배달겨레는 부여(夫餘), 옥저(沃沮) 등 국가를 창립했다. 또한 그 중 일부는 한반도로 들어가 정착한 후 역시 마한(馬韓), 진한(辰韓), 변한(弁韓)을 세웠다. 이것이 고구려(高句麗), 백제(百濟), 신라(新羅)의 삼국시대 이전에 배달겨레가 일구어 온 간략한 역사이다. 즉, 삼국시대이전의 약 천 년 간 배달겨레와 중앙아시아 사이에는 인적 물적 교류가 있었는지 그 역사적 기록도 거의 현존하지 않거나 또는 그 유적마저 매우 귀하거나 드물다. 심지어 삼국시대에 들어 와서도 고구려와 백제를 한편으로 또 중앙아시아의 투르크계나 소그드족 국가 사이에 오간 국가적 교류는 그리 흔한 편은 아니다. 하지만 그에 비해서 중앙아시아에서 들어온 불교 스님의 배달겨레에 대한 포교활동은 매우 활발했다. 더욱이 이 포교활동에 참여한 중앙아시아 출신의 승려 수가 두 지역 국가 간의 교류 수보다 훨씬 많았다. 하지만 그들의 이름만 전할 뿐 그들의 체류기간이나 활동에 대한 자료는 현재 남아있지 않다. 불교가 들어온 초기에는 중앙아시아의 승려들이 더 많이 배달겨레를 찾아 포교활동에 참여하였으나 배달겨레 출신의 승려들은 아무도 중앙아시아를 찾지 않았다. 그러나 후기에 들어와서는 삼국시대의 배달겨레 출신의 승려들이 불교를 연구하러 천축국으로 가는 길이나 마치고 돌아오는 길에 중앙아시아를 들렸다. 그 가운데 가장 잘 알려 진 스님이 『왕오천축국전(往五天竺國傳)』의 저자 혜초(慧超)이다. 불교의 영향으로 회화, 건축, 음악, 로만글라스 등 많은 불교의 문화요소도 배달겨레에게 들어 와 그 문화를 더욱 풍요롭게 만들었다. 국가 관료나 승려의 교류에는 그 수가 매우 제한적이었다. 그에 비하면 수만 명의 고구려 유민이 668년에 고구려가 당(唐)과 신라연합군에게 망한 후 만주와 한반도의 고향 땅에서 현 신강성(新疆省) 용우도(용右道), 즉 중앙아시아로 강제 이주되었다. 두 지역 간 또는 한 지역에서 다른 지역으로의 이러한 인간교류는 문화나 물적 교류와 비교하면 그 중요성이 매우 미약하다. 특히 예를 들면 유리제조법의 전파과정이다. 하지만 그 과정은 너무나 오래 되었고 또 언제 어디서 발명되었고 또 어떻게 전파 되었는지 그 자료를 찾기나 결정적 이론을 확립하기 매우 힘들다. 반면에 예술, 스포츠경기, 식물 등 다른 문화유형은 중앙아시아에서 또는 그 지역을 통하여 배달겨레에게 전달되었다는 사료가 비교적 뚜렷하게 남아 있다. 그 가운데 중앙아시아에서 들어 온 것이 확실한 것은 무용인데 예를 들면 사자무(獅子舞), 호선무(胡旋舞) 및 무애(無導 또는 無碍)이다. 이 무용과 동행해 온 것이 악기임은 당연하다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 비파(琵琶), 공후, 장고(杖鼓) 등이 그 좋은 예이다. 이 악기는 후에 한국의 전통악기로 발전했다. 건물의 장식품으로는 벽화(壁畵), 당초문(唐草文), 비천문(飛天文)을 들 수 있다. 스포츠 경기로는 격구(擊毬), 즉 폴로(polo)와 장기(chess)가 역시 중앙아시아를 거처 들어 온 것으로 유명하다. 포도(葡萄)와 석류(石榴)도 역시 실크로드를 따라 한반도로 유입된 것이다. 결론적으로 말하면 인간생활에 유익하고 도움이 되는 것은 무엇이든 인종과 언어를 초월하여 온 세계로 퍼져 나간다는 사실이다. 이 사실은 고려이전의 수천 간에 걸친 중앙아시아와 한반도간의 교류를 돌이켜 보아도 쉽게 알 수 있다. 하지만 이러한 문물도 스스로 살아남기 위해서는 개선 또는 개량되어 가야지 그렇지 않으면 역사 속으로 도태되어 사라지게 마련이다. The original home of the Koreans is assumed to be somewhere in Central Asia. On their way eastward along the Steppe Route of Silk Road. they stopped moving and stayed here and there sometimes. Finally they reached Manchuria and set up small states such as Buyeo(夫餘), Okjeo(沃沮) there. Later on, after some of them immigrated into Korean peninsula and settled down there, they also established states like Mahan(馬韓), Jinhan(辰韓) and Byonhan(弁韓). This is a brief history of Koreans before the period of the Three Kingdoms of Koguryo(高句麗), Baeckje(百濟) and Silla(新羅). During the more than thousand years long time of the pre-Three Kingdoms, not only few historical records on the human or material contacts between the Koreans and Central Asians remained, but even any other vestiges of the period also very seldom and rare. Even in the period of the Three Kingdoms there are few available historical records in the diplomatic level between Koguryo or Baeckje on the one hand and Turkish or Soghdian states of Central Asiain on the other. In the comparison with the relations between states of both sides, the zeal of propagations over the Koreans by the Buddhists from Central Asia was much more energetic and effective. The number of the monks who served their mission of propagation in the peninsula was also much more numerous than that of states personals. But they themselves left nothing memorial or traceable behind. Only few records of Korean resources are available nowadays. At its earlier period the monks from Central Asia visited the peninsula while none of Koreans was reported to pay a visit to Central Asia. On the contrary during its later period, the more Korean monks dropped in Central Asia on their way to India for the sake of studying Buddhism and on their return way home. Its best example is the well-known monk named Haecho(慧超), author of the travel diary 『Wangohchonchukgukjon(往五天竺國傳)』. The many different elements of Buddhism carried so precious cultural treasures such as music, art, painting, Roman glasses and so on. As a result the Korean culture became more enriched. The exchanges of diplomats and Buddhist monks were not so numerous and limited in the light of their number. On the contrary there were a massive enforced immigration of Koreans in Yongoo(용右道) of Chinese Shinjang(新疆), part of Central Asia from their home towns of Manchuria and the Peninsula after the collapse of Koguryo in 668 by the united forces of both Tang China and Silla. Such human exchanges and migrations between the two areas in particular and from one area to another in general is less important in the historical viewpoint than the pure material and cultural exchanges. For example the manufacture of glass is too old to know how and when it has been invented and spread. Its spread must have been very slow. Moreover we can not infer any conclusion on all the process of its invention as well as the stage of its spread. However, the other many cultural types of arts. sports games, and plants have left many marks of their coming to Korea from Central Asia. The most famous ones out of the well-known folk dances which were accepted by the Koreans originated from Central Asia are the lion dances(獅子舞), hoseonmu(胡旋舞) and muae(無導, 無碍). It is very natural to accompany the dances with musical instruments such as Pipa(琵琶), Konghou(공후), Jango(杖鼓). They had been developed even to the unique tools of Korean traditional music. Some ornaments and decorations such as murals(壁畵), dangchomun(唐草文) and bicheonmun(飛天文) can also be added as the result of the cultural exchanges between Korean peninsula and Central Asia, too. Some sort of sport games like polo(擊毬) and chess also came to Korea from Central Asia. With these games, such delicious fruits like grapes(葡萄) and pomegranates(石榴) followed suit along the Silk Road. On the conclusion anything useful and beneficial to the general life and well-being of humankinds regardless of the importance of human races and languages can spread all over the world for the time being. These very facts can also be proved and confirmed from the history of cultural exchanges between Korea and Central Asia for thousands year before the age of Koryo dynasty. Those things must also be improved even for the sake of their own survival with the flow of time and otherwise can be easily abandoned and disappeared in the history.

      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아 지역연구와 선교 전략 ―문화와 종교적 특성을 중심으로

        정세진 한국선교신학회 2012 선교신학 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper explores central Asia's area studies and mission strategy focused on culture and islam's identity. This articles attempts significance of the area studies in taking pursuit of mission strategy in Central Asia. By researching Central Asia's historical surroundings, cultural identity, islam’s ideas after break up Soviet Union, it enables us to take out the essence of the mission’s methods in this areas. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia's historical meaning of the Mongolian tradition and the origin of the Central Asia's peoples, study the ideas of the religious essence, above all Islam's fundamentalism and the religio­political strategies as a politics of discourse focused on the concept in Central Asia. The history of Central Asia has been about empires and tribes. The concept of nation to denote a triangular relationship among territory, ethno­cultural identity, and political authority is very recent in this region. The cause­and­effect links between geopolitics and national identification in Central Asia were revealed by religion and national identity. Chapter II examines cultural mapping as the essence in Central Asia's study. Chapter III reviews islam's identity in Central Asia. Chapter IV analyzes politics factor focused on international relations between the west, USA and the Russia government. The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the mission strategy in examining culture and the ideological concept of the newly governments in Central Asia dealing with the process of the Nation building and State building in this areas.

      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아 지역연구와 선교 전략 : 문화와 종교적 특성을 중심으로

        정세진 한국기독교학회 선교신학회 2012 선교신학 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper explores central Asia's area studies and mission strategy focused on culture and islam's identity. This articles attempts significance of the area studies in taking pursuit of mission strategy in Central Asia. By researching Central Asia's historical surroundings, cultural identity, islam’s ideas after break up Soviet Union, it enables us to take out the essence of the mission’s methods in this areas. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia's historical meaning of the Mongolian tradition and the origin of the Central Asia's peoples, study the ideas of the religious essence, above all Islam's fundamentalism and the religiopolitical strategies as a politics of discourse focused on the concept in Central Asia. The history of Central Asia has been about empires and tribes. The concept of nation to denote a triangular relationship among territory, ethnocultural identity, and political authority is very recent in this region. The causeandeffect links between geopolitics and national identification in Central Asia were revealed by religion and national identity. By this conception, we must design mission strategy. The process of religious identity and national identity and Central Asia’s geopolitics have been connected each other, and I emphasized strong significance on the connection of domestic political surroundings and mission strategy. The leap from culture to politics is made by portraying the nation at one moment as a cultural community, and at another, as a political community. Nationalists can build up the nation from different political events and economic surroundings to be fot their country have special culture identity. Chapter II examines cultural mapping as the essence in Central Asia's study. Chapter III reviews islam's identity in Central Asia. Chapter IV analyzes politics factor focused on international relations between the west, USA and the Russia government. The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the mission strategy in examining culture and the ideological concept of the newly governments in Central Asia dealing with the process of the Nation building and State building in this areas.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합 대외정책의 제약과 한계: 대 중앙아시아 정책을 중심으로

        윤성욱 ( Sung Wook Yoon ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2015 유라시아연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Interests in energy resources and geopolitical importance have recently concentrated many countries’ attention on Central Asia. In particular, Russia, China, EU and the US take on a competition phase in order to increase its own influence in this region. While the EU which is geographically adjacent and has experiences to help Eastern European Countries’transition is likely to have relative advantages compared with other competitors. the EU’s influence in Central Asia has been limited. From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons for the EU’s limited role in Central Asia. The EU and Central Asia need to strengthen their cooperative relationship in a strategic sense. The Central Asia’s cooperation is necessary for the EU in terms of diversification of its energy supplier and regional security. Central Asian countries need the EU’s engagement in regional and domestic problems such as poverty reduction, diversification of trade, promotion of investments, and regime transition. Since Central Asian countries were independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the EU set up the external policy towards Central Asia. However, the EU’s new strategy adopted in 2007 became a turning point in terms of the EU’s strategy towards Central Asia. While 2007 strategy paper specifies the EU’s strategic purpose and suggests cooperations in various areas, the EU still shows its difficulty to enhance its role and influence in Central Asia. The first reason is the structural problem the EU embraces in decision-making procedures and implementation of external policies. In addition, this paper argues that the EU’s strategy towards Central Asia has its own problems. The EU needs to consider what Central Asian countries want from the EU and to realize the gap between what the EU can do in practice and what the EU wants to do in rhetoric. With the clarification of the EU’s interests, purposes and strategies in Central Asia, the EU needs to find a way of balancing between the values the EU pursues such as democracy, human right, and rule of law and the practical interests of diversification of energy supplier. The discussion in this paper could also provide policy implications on ‘Eurasia Initiative’ project.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of the Ukrainian War on South Korea's Diplomacy in Central Asia

        엄구호 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2022 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.13 No.2

        Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have political and economic impacts in Central Asia. Politically, first, Central Asian countries will strengthen cooperation with neighbouring regional powers such as India, Turkey and Iran to hedge their political and economic security. Second, while China’s influence in Central Asia will increase, SCO will be more economic cooperation organisation. Third, the future direction of Central Asian regionalism will be uncertain. Although it is unlikely, if Uzbekistan shows anti-Russian behaviour, regionalism in Central Asia may weaken. Fourth, it is unlikely that the US role will be expanded again in Central Asia after the Ukraine War. Economically, first, it is highly likely that the status and centripetal force of the Eurasian Economic Union will be weakened. Second, if Europe’s anti-Russian energy policy is strengthened and green energy policies are accelerated, the renewable energy policies of Central Asian carbon-centered energy producing countries such as Kazakhstan in particular can be accelerated. Third, if the logistical obstacles of TSR persist, the bypass logistics infrastructure going to Central Asia through India, Iran, Pakistan, etc. instead of through Russia will be activated. It seems inevitable to shift Korea’s diplomacy toward Central Asia to a certain level to organically link value-based diplomacy and economic security strategies. In this context, first, the existing diplomatic strategies and economic cooperation policies toward Central Asia must be freed from the tendency to view Central Asian countries only as a sphere of influence from Russia. Second, in a situation in which economic cooperation between Korea and Russia is inevitably severely curtailed due to western sanctions against Russia and geopolitical conflicts, it is necessary to strengthen economic cooperation with Central Asian countries as a means of circumventing economic cooperation with Russia. Third, there is a possibility that the northern policy of new governments may be weakened due to the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, thus the cooperation with Central Asian countries may also shrink. It will be necessary to maintain and develop the previous government’s cooperation platform with Central Asian countries.

      • KCI등재

        중국 뉴노멀 시대 도래와 대 중앙아시아 경제전략 변화

        신지연 ( Shin Jiyeon ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2016 유라시아연구 Vol.13 No.4

        Central Asia major 5 countries(Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan: and less `Central Asian countries`) did not readily escape from the economic dependence on Russia by continuing their persistent economic exchanges based on their historic ties with Russia after becoming independent of Soviet Union(Russia) in 1991. Still recently, the energy industry which has supported Central Asia economy collapsed, as well as Russia, the largest trading partner of central Asia countries has been in the economic recession. Keeping number two in the world on the standard of the amount of oil production, Russia has an direct influence on neighbor nations` economic development with its economy aggravated because of the fall of Russian rouble according to low oil price and its domestic economic recession. Meanwhile, as the emerging Central Asian countries have depended on Chinese economy more since the later of 1990, there is also the assessment that the economic tripple effect China has currently had on Central Asia has already overtaken Russia. China has already been an important cooperative partner with central Asian countries in every respect such as trade and investment, and from now it is expected that China will have been an economic partner futhermore, that the partnership will extend to the aspects of politics and national security. Particularly, it is expected China will suggest more aggressive and comprehensive economic cooperative relationship to these countries included in the whole area on recent the strength of extension of national power and one-to-one thrust. The existing study on Central Asian countries` economical policies against China consists of many aspects like the changes considered in the dimension of energy diplomacy, one-to-one thrust, the arrangement of foundation for establishment of the new Silk Road Economic Belt, the trial to find their industrial cooperative measures with China caused by the industrial diversification movement in each of Central Asian countries. However, in this study, in the midst of their deepened economic interdependence, I intend to find, the basic cause of the change of Central Asian countries` economic policies against China, in the executed modification of China`s economic development model. That is to say, currently, with the arrival of the new normal era, China seeks to switch from the existing way toward investment and demand to the way toward consumption and supply. In an extension of this economic development structure reform in China, lies the change of Central Asian countries` economic policies against China. As a matter of fact, the cases of the economic cooperation of Central Asia with China measure up to China`s economic reform policies. Therefore, from now on, we will be able to see that China`s economic strategy against Central Asian countries is closely connected to the economic reform policies. Hence, through this study, first of all, I will examine the economic cooperative structure and situation, and the cooperative elements of China with central Asia, next, I will analyse the main factors which brought such changes of policies to China-particularly, the deepened dependence of central Asia on China. Finally, with the contents of China`s economic reform, I will intend to discuss the future direction of the economic policies of China against central Asia.

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