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      • KCI등재후보

        부산 ‘신항’과 광양항의 특성 비교분석 및 발전전략

        김정수(Jeong-Su Kim),신계선(Ge-Seon Shin) 한국항만경제학회 2005 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        Major companies in USA, Europe and Japan as well as even China and Russia put more overseas investment in Asian regions than before, while northeast Asian regional trade gets more attractive and important under the influence of China's super-speed economic growth. Possibly, it is expected that such ever-increasing gravity of regional trade will help spotlight the importance of local trade route considerably. In particular, northeast Asian region's economic briskness and step-up in international economic partnerships will expectedly contribute to much boosting up the quantity of goods transported via local coasting route.<br/> Thus, it is advisable that both Busan New port specialize in dealing with freights via East Sea rim, while Gwangyang port specialize in dealing with freights via Yellow Sea rim. Furthermore, it is required that both ports share some of their own roles as hub port and hub & spoke port respectively, so that both of them can be devoted to stepping up into northeast Asian hub ports.

      • KCI등재

        국내 항만배후단지별 경제적 효과 비교연구

        김율성,신영란 한국무역통상학회 2018 무역통상학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        In particular, port distripark which can generate their own cargoes and also add values to the cargoes gain growing importance these days. Therefore, in this study, the actual economic impact of the port distripark was analyzed empirically by using real statistical data and based on the results, the implications for developing and operating port distriparks were also suggested. The economic effects of port distriparks were estimated separately according to the effect of cargo generation and employment inducement. The scale of total sales and securing foreign investment were also examined. The results indicated that each port hinterland analyzed in this study shows the differences in terms of the effect of creating cargoes, creating employment, creating investment.

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