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      • KCI등재

        존 로스 선교사의 출생일 및 출생지 표기에 대한 역사적 검토

        박형신 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 2022 신학논단 Vol.108 No.-

        This article aims to review the comments in the early and later literature on the date and place of birth of the Rev. John Ross and to suggest the most appropriate alternative for them based on both primary and secondary sources. Ross pioneered the Scottish mission in Manchuria as a missionary of the United Presbyterian Church and translated the entire New Testament into the language of Korea for the first time in history. While the comments in early literature concerning the date of birth has been largely in error in claiming the year as 1941 and the date as August 9, both The Fasti of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1900-1929 and Sung Il Choi contributed to establish his date of birth in suggesting the year 1942 and the date July 6 respectively. Of the place of birth, various opinions including Nigg, Rarichie, Easter March, and the village of Balintore have been presented in the early and later literature in causing confusion. Both The Fasti and Sung Il Choi suggested Rarichie, and Kenneth MacFarlane did Easter Rarichie, and the three contributed to the identification of the place of birth. In conclusion, this article suggested the date of birth as July 6th 1842 on the basis of his birth certificate shown in the ‘Old Parish Register for Nigg 1842.’ It also suggested the place of birth as Easter Rarichie based on the birth certificate, the early and later literature, the 19th century maps on Nigg and Fearn parishes, Baptismal & Marriage Registers, and Scotland Census. It is apprehended that Easter Rarichie is located in the middle among Wester Rarichie, Hill of Rarichies, Wester Toran, and Broomtown of the northeast part of the Nigg parish. His birthplace in the sense of the building where he was actually born is currently unknown. 이 논문은 존 로스 선교사의 출생일과 출생지에 대하여 관련한 초기 및후대의 문헌에 나타난 언급들을 검토하고, 나아가 일차 자료 및 이차 자료들에 근거하여 가장 적확한 출생일과 출생지를 제시하는 것을 목표로 한다. 로스는 스코틀랜드 연합장로교회에서 중국에 파송한 선교사로서 동교회의 만주선교부를 개척하였으며, 역사상 최초로 신약성경을 한국어로 번역하였다. 출생일의 문제로서, 초기 문헌의 언급들은 대체로 출생연도와 날짜를 1941년 및 8월 9일로 표기하였는데 그것은 오류이다. 그러나, 이 중에서 스코틀랜드연합자유교회 인명사전(1900-1929)과 최성일은 각각 1942년과 7월 6일을 주장하여 그의 출생일의 정립에 공헌하였다. 출생지의 문제로서, 초기 및 후대의 문헌들은 닉, 라리키, 이스터 라리키, 이스터 마치, 발린토어 마을 등의 다양한 견해를 제시하여 혼란을 야기시켰다. 스코틀랜드연합자유교회 인명사전과 최성일은 라리키를제시함으로, 그리고 케네스 맥팔래인은 이스터 라리키를 제시함으로 그의 출생지 확인에 공헌하였다. 이 논문은 ‘1842년 닉 지방 옛 교구 호적부’ 에서 발견되는 로스의 출생증명서에 근거하여 그의 출생일을 1842년 7월6일로 제시한다. 이 논문은 또한 출생증명서, 초기 및 후대의 문헌, 닉 및 펀 교구를 보여주는 19세기 지도들, 세례 및 결혼 기록부, 그리고 스코틀랜드 센서스에 근거하여 그의 출생지를 이스터 라리키로 제시하였다. 이스터 라리키라는 지명은 닉 교구 북동부에 위치한 웨스터 라리키, 라리키언덕, 웨스터 토란, 및 브룸타운의 가운데에 위치한 장소로 파악된다. 그가 실제로 태어난 건물, 즉 ‘생가’로서의 출생지는 현재까지는 알려진 바없다.

      • KCI등재

        13세 아동의 출생계절에 따른 신체형태 발육 비교

        이달원(Dal Won Lee),송정학(Zheng Xue Song) 한국발육발달학회 2014 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare the first grade 13 children`s physical development according to their date of birth to determine children`s healthy growth trend. 395 13 years old children in experimental group were divided into four groups to season of birth. Four physical variable height, sitting height, chest circumference, body weight were used in the past five or six years. Results by using two-way analysis of variance analysis. The results show that, gender, there were no significant differences in sitting height, weight and chest. In height, more boys than girls taller and heavier to level fourth, but without significant difference in grade fifth. Date of birth date of birth, there were significant differences in the height of the group, but the difference was not significant in other projects. Born in the spring of students than those students born in summer, autumn and winter were higher.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        만삭 단태임신의 분만일 예측과 관련된 초음파 인자

        김광준 ( Gwang Jun Kim ),이은실 ( Eun Sil Lee ),이우석 ( Woo Seok Lee ),이상훈 ( Sang Hoon Lee ),장영진 ( Young Jin Jang ),김동호 ( Dong Ho Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2006 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.49 No.7

        Objective: The aim of this study was to find out the relating factors with the actual delivery day in term singleton pregnancy. Methods: The 52 patients with singleton gestation were visited weekly and measured for their lower uterine segment (LUS) thickness, cervical length and cervical gland thickness by transvaginal ultrasonography and for amnionic fluid index (AFI) by transabdominal ultrasonography from 36 weeks of gestation until birth. Regression analysis was used to find out the relevance between these factors and remaining days to birth. Resullts: There was a significant relationship between cervical length and remaining days to birth in term pregnancy, which could be described as a mathematical equation (remaining days for delivery=6.12+0.24×cervical length (㎜) r=0.29, p<0.01). However, no relationship was found between factors such as LUS, AFI, and cervical gland thickness and remaining days to birth. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the actual delivery day in term singleton pregnancy might be predicted with cervical length.

      • KCI등재

        김훈의 아내 ‘신천강씨’라는 한 여성의 삶 재구

        서신혜 동양고전학회 2015 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        1977년 순천김씨 묘에서 출토된 간찰은 많은 이들의 관심을 받아왔 다. 하지만, 순천김씨 본인의 생몰년도가 미상이고, 순천김씨의 어머니 이자 이 간찰의 대부분을 쓴 신천강씨나 나머지 가족들 대부분의 생몰 년도도 미상이다. 이 글에서 필자는 여러 자료를 통해 신천강씨와 그 친 정식구들, 신천강씨 본인의 자식들 등의 생애정보를 최대한 밝혔다. 이 후 관련 논의가 시기적 정확성을 띨 수 있도록 하였다. 간찰에서 나오는 가장 중요한 사건은 ‘김훈이 첩을 얻은 사건’이다. 가 족들의 생몰정보 등을 교집하여 이 사건이 일어난 시기가 언제인지 추 정하고, 이와 관련하여 드러나는 신천강씨와 이 가족들의 모습도 정리 했다. 이것을 강씨의 아들 김여물의 「묘지명」과 비교하여, 간찰에서 드 러난 그 가족의 모습이 얼마나 구체적이며, 중요한가 밝혔다. 이렇게 해서 밝혀진 정보들을 바탕으로 신천강씨의 삶을 연보로 작성 하였다. 이를 통해 조선 시대에 살았던 한 여인이 평생 어떤 일들을 겪 으며 사는지 전체적인 모습을 볼 수 있도록 하였다. 조선시대 여인에 관 해서는 남자들의 기록을 통해 단편적인 모습만 볼 수밖에 없었는데 이 연구를 통해서 한 여성의 삶 전체를 조망할 수 있게 한 것이다. The short letters, excavated from the grave of ‘Kim of Suncheon(순천김씨),’ attracted much attention. Nevertheless, nothing was known about the dates of Kim’s birth and death as well as those of Kang attributed to the author of mostly found letters. This writer based on various sources meticulously traced to better information concerning Kang and her family with her own children. It will cause following researches to be careful about discerning the dates. Soothing any aftermath-arguments upon the dates, this paper scrutinizes when the event consisting in the short letters, ‘Hun Kim’s Obtaining Concubine’ and its related changes of Kang, occurred. All these reconstructed findings could become reliable through their similarity with the epitaph of Yeomul Kim, Kang’s son. All these reconstructions gave birth to the chronicle of Kang’s life; it would make a glimpse of what a woman in Chosun dynasty had gone though in her routine life.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 판소리 명창의 생몰연대 고찰

        김석배(Kim Sug-bae) 국어교육학회 2009 국어교육연구 Vol.45 No.-

        It is very important to know the exact birth and death dates of Pansori Masters in order to study Pansori, Pansori Masters, and the history of Pansori. However, a lot of errors are found in many kinds of literature about the exact birth and death dates of Pansori Masters during the Japanese Colonial Period. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to correct the errors in the birth and death dates of Pansori Masters during the Japanese Colonial Period. The results are summarized as follows. First, it is necessary to check over Pansori-related literature such as 『Joseonchanggeusa』 and 『Pansorisosa』, family registers of Pansori Masters, newspapers and magazines during the Japanese Colonial Period, and witnesses about Pansori Masters in order to explore their birth and death dates and correct the errors written in many kinds of literature. Second, the birth and death dates of Pansori Masters who were popular during the Japanese Colonial Period are as follows. Kim Chang -Hwan was born in Naju, Jeonnam Province in 1855, and died there in 1937 at the age of 83. Kim Bong-Hak was born in 1884 and died in 1927. Lee Dong-Baek was born in Seo-Cheon, Chungnam Province, on February 3, 1866 by lunar calendar, and died in Pyeong-Taek, Gyeonggi Province on June 6, 1949 at the age of 84. Kim Jeong-Mun was born in Nam-Won, Jeonbuk Province in 1890, and died in Seoul on May 18, 1935 at the age of 46. Third, the birth and death dates of Female Pansori Misters who were popular during the Japanese Colonial Period are as follows. Gim hae Kim Rok-Ju was born in Gimhae, Gyeongnam Province in April 1898, and died in Daegu on January 10, 1928(December 18, 1927 by lunar calendar) at the age of 30. Lee Hwa-Jung-Seon was born in 1898 and died in Kyushu, Japan in 1943 at the age of 46. And Lee Jung-Seon was born in 1903 and died in Buan, Jeonbuk Province in 1935 at the age of 33. Kim Cho-Hyang was born in Daegu on April 15, 1900, and died on February 27, 1983(January 15 by lunar calendar) at the age of 84. And Kim So-Hyang was born in 1911, and died in 1933. We can correct, supplement or determine the birth and death dates of Pansori Masters in future when more believable data are found. And we will have to study on Pansori Masters whose exact birth and death dates have not been revealed yet.

      • KCI등재

        치아에 대한 방사성 탄소동위원소 분석을 통한 백골화 골격의 출생연도 추정

        박종필,최승규 대한법의학회 2022 대한법의학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        Identifying remains is an important role of forensic medicine. For identification, dating, i.e., estimating the birth year and death year, is expected as useful, however has not yet been practically applied. A dating method using radiocarbon analysis was recently introduced and related studies have been reported. In this study, we conducted radiocarbon analysis on teeth and aimed to develop a formula to estimate the birth year. Fifteen autopsy cases from the National Forensic Service, from December 2014 to December 2020, with known birth year were selected for inclusion. For each case, dentin of the first molar in mandible was taken, radiocarbon analysis was carried out and the corresponding estimated birth year were calculated using the bomb peak curve. The differences between the birth year and the teeth year were determined and analyzed on the influence of variables. A formula for estimating the birth year was developed and the applicability of the formula was determined. The difference between the birth year and the teeth year was 2.6 years on average for cases born before 1963, and 5.7 years for those born after 1963. The estimation formula of birth year was as follows: (Before 1963) Birth year=0.565×(Tooth year)–0.446×(Age)+875.001, (After 1963) Birth year=Tooth year–5.7. This study is meaningful in that it reduced the error by using only the first molars of the lower jaw as a sample, and presented an estimation formula of birth year that can be applied in practice through radiocarbon analysis of teeth.

      • KCI등재

        부모 경험 효과: 출생순위에 따른 출생월 분석

        조현국 한국노동경제학회 2019 勞動經濟論集 Vol.42 No.1

        한국에서 신생아는 연초에 가장 많이 태어난다. 이것이 부모가 의도한 것이면 아이를 연초에 낳을 확률은 부모 경험이 없는 첫째 아이 때보다 부모경험이 있는 둘째 아이 때 더 높을 것이다. 본고는 이를 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 분석 결과, 신생아가 11-12월 대비 1-2월에 태어날 확률은 둘째가 맏이보다 3.4% 높고, 12월 대비 1월에 태어날 확률은 둘째가 4.3% 높다. 이는 아이가 연초에 태어나도록 임신 시기를 조절하거나 출산 시기를 조절할 확률이 부모 경험으로 인해 맏이보다 둘째 때 더 큼을 의미한다. When parental experience improves parenting skills, parents are likely to behave in favor of children of higher birth orders. To examine this hypothesis, this study analyzes birth month based on birth order of children in South Korea where parents prefer to have babies in the earlier months of a year. This study finds that while more babies are born in the earlier months, second-born children are more likely to be so than first children. This implies that parental experience makes for better parents.

      • KCI등재후보

        Parental Cheating Regarding Child’s Birthday: A Response to the School Cutoff Date

        ( Hyunkuk Cho ),( Yong-woo Lee ) 한국경제학회 2020 The Korean Economic Review Vol.36 No.1

        This study is the first to provide evidence of birthday manipulation. In South Korea, approximately 13,000 children born in the month of December between 2006 and 2015 were falsely registered as having been home-born in January of the subsequent year. These children differed significantly in terms of certain characteristics from those home-born in other months. Some parents likely manipulated their child’s birthday to leverage the benefits enjoyed by the oldest children in a class cohort.

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