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      • KCI등재

        재만 시인 심연수 문학의 실증주의적 고찰

        이성천 ( Lee Seung-cheon ) 국제어문학회 2014 국제어문 Vol.60 No.-

        이 논문은 재만 시인 심연수 문학의 실증주의적 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 이천 년대 이후 중국과 한국 학계에서는 일제강점기에 활동했던 재만 시인 심연수(1918.5.20-1945.8.8) 문학에 대한 논의를 꾸준히 거듭해 왔다. 그런데 본 연구자가 판단하기에, 그동안 전개된 심연수 문학 연구는 논리적 모순과 의도적 왜곡에 이르기까지 심각한 한계를 노출한다. 뿐만 아니라 최근의 논의들마저도 앞선 연구결과를 무분별하게 수용하며 반복적으로 재생산하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 이제까지의 선행연구가 노출한 논리적 모순과 한계, 실증적 자료 확보의 미숙성 등에 대해 순차적으로 검토하고자 했다. 텍스트 해석과정에 나타난 선행연구의 오류, 시인의 전기적 사실과 관계된 역사적 모순, <일본대학> 졸업일자의 실증적 고찰 등은 그 세부 내용에 해당한다. 이 과정에서 본 논문은 연구자가 어떤 텍스트를 선택하느냐에 따라 시적 주제의식이 다르게 파악될 수 있다는 것, 이런 측면에서 선행연구는 다소 객관적이지 못했다는 사실을 이본(異本) 연구를 통해 제시했다. 또한 시인의 전기적 생애와 관련된 기존 논의의 한계성은 1차 자료에 대한 체계적 이해의 부족에서 기인한다는 점을 지적한 후, 중학시절의 심연수가 소설가 강경애에게 문학수업을 받았다는 선행연구와 1943년 7월에 학병을 피해 만주로 돌아왔다는 그간의 논의에 대해 재고를 요청했다. 한편 본 연구자는 심연수 시인이 다녔던 <일본대학>의 1943년 졸업식 일정을 공지한 『일본대학 신문』 및 졸업생 명부록(名簿錄), <전문부예술과창작>과 명단과 같은 실증적 자료를 새롭게 발굴하고, 논문에 첨부함으로써 후속 논의의 진전을 도모했다. 이러한 본고의 작업은 심연수 문학의 온전한 이해에 도달하고자 하는 선행연구자들의 목표와 최종적으로 일치한다는 점을 거듭 밝혀둔다. The purpose of this research is to positively consider the literature of Shim, Yeon- Su`s, Korean poet in the Manchuria. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a continuous research from China and Korea, on Shim, Yeon-Su(1918.5.20-1945.8.8), who wrote during the Japanese colonial era. However, I came up with the conclusion that there had been serious limitations on the existing researches for the literature of Shim, Yeon-Su, including all the logical contradiction and willful distortion. The latest researches, nevertheless, indiscriminately embrace on the previous research results and continuously reproduce what had been already done. This research gradually reviews the logical contradiction and limitation, and immaturity over procuring positive reference which had been exposed by the previous researches. The details would include the error of the previous researches during the process of interpreting the text, historical contradiction in relation to the biological facts of the poet and positivist consideration of the graduation date of the < Japanese University >. This research proposes, with the help of the research on rare books, that the poetic subject consciousness may be differently interpreted depending on what type of text were chosen and that the previous researches did not hold somewhat an objective view in them. Through this research, I have also made an request for the reconsideration of the fact that Shim was taught the literature class from Kang, Kyung-Ae, the novelist during his academic days in middle school and the fact that Shim had returned to Manchu trying to avoid the student soldier in July 1943. While conducting researches on Shim, I have discovered new positive references including < Japanese University Newspaper > and alumni directory which had details of the graduation ceremony of < Japanese University > in 1943 where Shim had attended and the list of < Professional Arts and Creation >, and have attached them in the research so that the follow-up discussion may be proceeded. It should be certainly noted that the purpose of this research is identical to the ones of the previous researches which sought for a better understanding of the truth of the literature of Shim, Yeon-Su.

      • KCI등재

        세계문학의 패러다임과 한국고전시가의 보편적 가치 ; 글쓰기 전략으로서의 시가운용(詩歌運用)양상 -전문학(傳文學)을 중심으로-

        신은경 ( Eun Kyung Shin ) 한국시가학회 2011 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        This article intends to explore how verses are used in biographical texts on the assumption that to employ verses in a discourse can be considered as a strategy for enhancing the effect of writing. This article concretely has two goals: one is to trace back the origins of ``biographical type`` of prose-verse mixed styled discourses(PVMSD) and the other is to examine some cases of biographical type of PVMSD in Korea relating to the origins. As for the origins of the biographical type of the PVMSD, I consider the Chunchu Jwassijeon as its primordial form, the Yo llyo jo n and the Yo lso njo n as the first instances of respectively Confucian and Taoist categories; the Samjang po psajo n and the Taedang so yo k kubo b kosu ngjo n as the first instances of Buddhist category, and the biographies of the Huhanso as the first case of the biographies of official historical records. In exploring the origins of the biographical type of the PVMSD, it might be the best way to look into the closing part of a text since in case of this type verses are situated in the last of three component parts--introduction, achievements, and closure--. The closing part of the biographical type falls into 5 forms, which can be classified again into 2 upper categories: one is that the closing part has an argumentative statement and the other is that it has not. In this article, I discussed that the closing form of the former category constitutes a salient feature of the Confucian biographical type. As for the Korean biographical type of the PVMSD, I looked at the Hwarang segi, the biographical texts in the Samguk yusa, and biographies in the late Choson period written by the men of middle class such as Cho Su-sam, Yu Chae-gon, and Cho Hui-ryong. Of these, the Hwarang segi is specifically significant in the sense that it can be considered to be the first case of the Korean biographical type of the PVMSD and it, in its closing form, succeeds the Taoist lineage originated from the Yo lso njo n. Further, the biographical texts in the Samguk yusa are notable in that, even though they work with Buddhism-related figures and objects, they to some extent accept the closing pattern of the biographical type of the Confucian lineage.

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