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      • KCI등재

        조선후기 문헌을 통해 본 전라도 법성창의 실상

        문광균 국립해양문화재연구소 2023 해양문화재 Vol.19 No.-

        Beopseongchang was the nation's largest tribute granary boasting a history of over 400 years. Its history was, however, gradually erased in the heads of the public following the abolishment of the tax shipping system in the second half of the 19th century and modern industrialization. Furthermore, the lack of data about Beopseongchang made it difficult for specialized researchers to approach the subject. It had to be remembered vaguely only as a tribute granary that transported grain paid as a tax in Jeolla Province. Based on this problematic consciousness, this study set out to arrange literature materials about Beopseongchang and analyze the reality of the management of its tax carrier crew and tax carriers. Beopseongchang, which was the largest tribute granary in the nation during the first half of Joseon, underwent many changes after Imjinwaeran. It had 29 Eups under its jurisdiction in the first half of Joseon and managed grain paid as a tax from 12 Eups in the second half of Joseon. The process also witnessed the number of tax carriers reduced from 39 to 24. The number of tax carrier crew naturally decreased, too. There are not many primary historical materials related to Beopseongchang. The investigator thus arranged secondary historical materials and found approximately 45 documents, which are highly diverse including law books, ordinances, Eup books, geography books, maps, registrations, Gwanmuns, Seomuns, Jeolmoks, Seomoks, Seongchaeks, journals, Hogudanjas, Junhogus, Wanmuns, and Ganchals. The study promoted the understanding of Beopseongchang by introducing less known 『博解』, 『湖南廳事例』, and 「地土船船主邑費矯革節目」. The study analyzed 『法聖倉漕船發船成冊』 and 『全羅道三漕倉去秋等漕需用遺在會 計成冊』 to get closer to the truth of Beopseongchang even a little bit. The former contains the sailing records of tax carriers that departed from Beopseongchang in 1865. This is considered as an important material despite the absence of a complete form in that it provides specific information about the Jahos of tax carriers, the method to load grain paid as a tax on a tax carrier, and the people aboard a tax carrier. The latter arranges the accounting details of three tribute granaries in Jeolla Province including Beopseongchang for a period of over 50 years in 1836~1888. Since the materials were filed over a long period of time, a time series analysis would be possible. The study examined the detailed expenditures of the tribute granaries on the surface to understand how a tribute granary was managed in those days.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 법성창의 해양사적 의미- 법성진과의 관계를 중심으로

        한정훈 부경역사연구소 2023 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.52

        The carrier by sea(漕運) at Beopseongpo was helped by the naval base, before the Yeonggwang Beopseongchang was built in the second half of the King Sejo’s reign period. Beopseongjin began to manage the carrier by sea, as the Beopseongpo Sugunmanhobu was built in the 9th year of King Wu(1383), and it led the carriage by sea even in the first half of the 15th century. Beopseongchang was built vial such a process, and 39 grain carriers and 780 grain carrier soldiers were deployed at Beopseongchang in the first year of King Seongjong (1470). There were various discussions about the carriage by land(陸運) -based tax payment(移納) around Beopseongchang, for the safe and effective carriage by sea during the King Seongjong’s reign, as Beopseongchang was established as a new grain-warehouse in Jeolla-do. Beopseongchang became the only grain-warehouse in Jella-namdo, as it incorporated Yeongsanchang in Naju, the central district of the carriage by sea in the 7th year of King Jungjong(1512). The status of the newly built Beopseongchang was heightened, because of the Beopseongpo gran warehouse’s superior position and because the central government had recognized the importance of the naval base‘s support for the carriage by sea, since the late Koryeo. There were not enough grain carrier soldiers even in Jeolla-do, the center of the carriage by sea, and the naval forces(船軍) and the naval base managed the carriage by sea in areas without any grain warehouses in the first half of the 15th century. In this regard, Beopseongjin’s support for the carriage by sea and the changing process of Beopseongchang in the 15th century may be the representative cases of the ‘carriage by sea system supported by the naval base’ in the early Joseon. The relationship between Beopseongjin(the naval base) and Beopseongchang(the grain warehouse) in the early Joseon definitely shows a section of the Korean marine history.

      • KCI등재

        法聖鎭의 독진 승격과 지역 반향

        金德珍 호남사학회 2023 역사학연구 Vol.91 No.-

        법성창은 법성진이 관리하지만, 영광군 안에 있어 영광군의 간섭을 받을 수밖에 없었다. 그런데 영광군 관리들이 법성진 사람들에 대한 침탈을 심하게 하여 법성창이 존립할 수 없는 지경에 이르고 말았다. 이에 법성창 사람들은 자신들이 살고 있는 진량면 1면을 영광군에서 떼어내어 법성진에 붙여서 영광군수 대신 법성첨사로 하여금 다스리게 해주라고 중앙에 호소하였다. 이를 접한 중앙에서는 전라도에서 조사하게 하였고, 전라감사에 의해 여론 조사가 단행되었다. 그때 법성 사람들은 찬성 일변도였지만, 영광군은 사람들은 폭력을 행사하면서까지 반대운동을 펼쳤다. 마침내 1789년(정조 13) 법성진은 진량면을 분할받아 독진으로 승격하였다. 이리하여 법성첨사는 진량면에 대한 통치 전권을 행사하였고, 이를 위해 법성진은 실무자⋅문서고⋅창고를 늘릴 수밖에 없었다. 법성진의 독진 승격은 조운 폐단의 해결에 성공하여 군산진을 독진으로 승격할 때 모범사례로 인용되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 영광군 사람들은 과거로 되돌기 위한 노력을 다방면으로 펼쳤지만, 결국 법성포 안에 있어 그곳 사람들이 떠맡아왔던 선소를 뒤늦게 맞은 편 구수포로 옮기어 자신들이 직접 운영하였다. Beopseongchang was managed by Beopseongjin, but it was inevitably subjected to inferences from Yeonggwanggun since it was within its jurisdiction. The officials of Yeonggwanggun plundered the people of Beopseongjin so badly that the existence of Beopseongchang was no longer possible. The people of Beopseongchang thus decided to appeal to the central government, asking for orders to take Jinryangmyeon where they resided away from Yeonggwanggun, attach it to Beopseongjin, and have Beopseong Cheomsa govern it instead of Yeonggwang Gunsu. Receiving their appeal, the central government had the Jeolla Province investigate the matter. The Jeolla Gamsa conducted a survey on people's opinions. All the people of Beopsong were for the idea, but people of Yeonggwanggun engaged in a movement to oppose it even by exercising violence. At last Beopseongjin had Jinryangmyeon allocated to it and its status elevated to an independent Jin in 1789(13th year of King Jeongjo's reign). Beopseong Cheomsa exercised his absolute power to rule Jinryangmyeon, which made Beopseongjin increase its practitioners, document rooms, and warehouses. The elevation of Beopseongjin to an independent Jin was cited as a model case when Gunsangjin was elevated to an independent Jin after succeeding in resolving the harmful effects of marine transportation. Despite these developments, however, people of Yeonggwanggun made efforts in all directions to return the state to the past. In the end, they moved Seonso, which was managed by the people of Beopseongpo due to its location within Beopseongpo, to Gusupo across it and managed it for themselves.

      • KCI등재

        1767년 법성창 조운선 침몰사고

        김덕진 수선사학회 2024 史林 Vol.- No.87

        . On May 3, 1767(43rd year of King Yeongjo's reign), 22 cargo vessels of Beopseongchang departed from Beopseongpo. Of them, 19 sank in the adjacent seas of Wi Island, Buan on the day of their departure. Only three managed to arrive at the Gyeong River. After the incident, 15,000 seoks of grain fell into water. Of them, 6,000 seoks were saved, but 9,000 seoks were not pull out and eventually lost. After judging that it was an unprecedented incident, King Yeongjo dispatched Seo Myeong-seon to the site as Honam Eosa. The investigation results show that the incident was caused by bad weather winds and huge waves that made it difficult to control the ships, but it was found that the ships broke the deadline and loaded private objects that had nothing to do with the transportation. As a result, Beopseongcheomsa and Yeonggwanggunsu received an actual prison sentence, but the Gamsaeks and Sageoks of each ship were found not guilty and released. In this process, King Yeongjo exercised his people-centric ruling philosophy.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 영광(靈光) 법성포(法聖浦) 한시의 사적 전개와 그 특징

        박명희 인문예술학회 2023 인문과 예술 Vol.- No.15

        본 논문은 조선시대 전남 영광 소재 법성포 관련 한시 작품의 사적 전개와 특징을 구명하기 위해 작성하였다. 필자가 찾은 법성포 관련 한시 작품은 총 51제 59수이다. 이 한시 작품은 15세기 말 김종직을 필두로 19세기 말 오횡묵까지 400년 동안 지속적으로 지어졌다는 특성을 지니고 있음을 확인하였다. 15세기 법성포 관련 한시는 김종직이 지은 2제 6수 작품이 전해지고 있었다. 김종직은 당시 법성포 사람들의 삶의 현장을 시에 담았는데, 특히 5수로 이루어진 「법성포 서봉에 대한 잡영」 작품의 일부에서 그것을 볼 수 있었다. 16세기 법성포 관련 한시는 박상의 작품을 비롯해 총 5제 5수가 전하고 있었다. 그중에 소세양의 작품을 통해 법성포에 세워진 새로운 누정에 대한 내용을 알 수 있었다. 당시 국가 차원에서 법성포에 관심을 서서히 갖기 시작한 때가 16세기인데, 새로운 누정이 세워진 것도 이와 무관하지 않은 것으로 판단하였다. 17세기 법성포 관련 한시는 김지남의 작품을 비롯해 총 29제 33수가 전하고 있음을 확인하였다. 17세기는 다른 시기에 비교할 수 없을 정도로 다수의 작품이 지어졌는데, 이는 그만큼 많은 사람들이 법성포를 오고갔다는 뜻으로 이해하였다. 특히, 17세기 작품 중에서 권극중이 지은 「법성창에서 물결이 잔잔한 것을 보고 이 때문에 해운판관에게 보이다」 시는 어느 작품보다도 당시 법성포의 모습을 사실적으로 묘사했음을 확인하였다. 18세기와 19세기 법성포 관련 한시는 17세기에 대비했을 때 그 양이 현격하게 줄어든 것을 알 수 있었다. 그 이유는 자세히 알 수 없으나 법성포의 발전 정도와 무관하지 않다 생각하였다. 한편, 18세기 작품인 임방의 「법성포 전선으로 군사 훈련을 하다」 시는 법성포에서 실제 군사 훈련이 이루어졌다는 것을 알려준 것으로 이는 장소의 정체성과 관련해 주목할 부분이라 이해하였다. 전통시대 법성포는 큰 창고가 있었고, 진이 설치되어 있었던 곳으로, 지금의 모습과 사뭇 달랐다. 이러한 전통시대 법성포의 모습을 알기 위해서는 기록 자료를 잘 살펴야 하는데, 현재까지 전하고 있는 51제 59수의 한시 작품이 그 한몫을 할 것으로 예상하였다. This study investigated the private development, characteristics and value of Chinese poetry relating to Beopseongpo located in Yeonggwang, Jeonnam in Joseon Period. The poems relating to the target place were a total of 59 with 51 themes. It was discovered that they were written for 400 years from Kim Jong-Jik in the late 15th century to Oh, Hweng-Mook in the late 19th century. Six poems with 2 themes relating to Beopseongpo written by Kim Jong-Jik are handed down. Kim Jong-Jik depicted living place of Beopseongpo people at that time and in particular, part of the content is found in five poems of 「Japyoung On Seobong, Beopseongpo」 A total of five poems with five themes on Beopseongpo of the 16th century including those by Park Sang are handed down. The poems by So Se-Yang depicted things about a new pavilion built in Beopseongpo. It is assumed that the new pavilion would be built in the 16th century when Beopseongpo attracted the national attention. It was discovered that there are 33 Chinese poems with 29 themes including Kim Ji-Nam’s poems in the 17th century. It was confirmed that a great number of poems were made in that period, which indicates that a great number of people visited Beopseongpo at that time. In particular, the poem titled 「As I saw small ripples in Beopseongchang, I showed it to the maritime administrator」 by Gwon Geuk-Jung in the 17th century depicted reality of Beopseongpo. It was also discovered that the number of Chinese poetry written between the 18th century and 19th century sharply decreased in comparison with that of the 17th century. The reason was not clear, but it was assumed that it would be related to development degree of Beopseongpo. Meanwhile, the poem titles 「Did military training at the front line of Beopseongpo」 by Im Bang in the 18th century indicates that real military training was made there and should be worthy of note in respect to the identity of the place. There was a large warehouse and a battle array in Beopseongpo in old times, which was different from as it is. To understand the old Beopseongpo, it is suggested that we should investigate historical records and 59 Chinese poems with 51 themes which are handed down would be helpful.

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