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      • Four quadrant SAZZ-1 Chopper for EV and HEV power train

        Yukinori Tsuruta,Martin Pavlovsky,Giuseppe Guidi,Atsuo Kawamura 전력전자학회 2011 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2011 No.5

        This paper discusses four quadrant SAZZ-1 chopper (Snubber Assisted Zero Voltage and Zero Current Switching) and its direct application to a EV (Electric Vehicle) power train. The performance of SAZZ-1 chopper is demonstrated on several prototypes. The first prototype is a 25 ㎾, 50 ㎑ SAZZ-1 with efficiency in the range between 96 % and 97 %. This was further improved by a redesigned SAZZ-1 chopper which reached even higher efficiency in the range of 97 % to over 98 %. Further on, a new mid-power 30 ㎾ water cooled SAZZ-1 chopper was constructed for KAST (Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology) advanced EV project. This prototype was used and fully tested in an EV prototype named KAST-EVKana. As discussed, SAZZ-1 topology proved to be well performing in direct EV application.

      • KCI등재

        Adaptive Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives under Variable Torque Applications

        Mohammad Masoud Namazi,Amir Rashidi,Hamidreza Koofigar,Seyed Morteza Saghaiannejad,Jin-Woo Ahn 대한전기학회 2017 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.12 No.1

        This paper presents an adaptive control strategy for the speed control of a four-phase switched reluctance motor (SRM) in automotive applications. The main objective is to minimize the torque ripples, despite the unstructured uncertainties, time-varying parameters and external load disturbances. The bound of perturbations is not required to be known in the developing of the proposed adaptive-based control method. In order to achieve a smooth control effort, some properties are incorporated and the proposed control algorithm is constructed using the Lyapunov theorem where the closed-loop stability and robust tracking are ensured. The effectiveness of the proposed controller in rejecting high perturbed load torque with smooth control effort is verified with comparing of an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) and validated with experimental results.


        Adaptive Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives under Variable Torque Applications

        Namazi, Mohammad Masoud,Rashidi, Amir,Koofigar, Hamidreza,Saghaiannejad, Seyed Morteza,Ahn, Jin-Woo The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2017 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.12 No.1

        This paper presents an adaptive control strategy for the speed control of a four-phase switched reluctance motor (SRM) in automotive applications. The main objective is to minimize the torque ripples, despite the unstructured uncertainties, time-varying parameters and external load disturbances. The bound of perturbations is not required to be known in the developing of the proposed adaptive-based control method. In order to achieve a smooth control effort, some properties are incorporated and the proposed control algorithm is constructed using the Lyapunov theorem where the closed-loop stability and robust tracking are ensured. The effectiveness of the proposed controller in rejecting high perturbed load torque with smooth control effort is verified with comparing of an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) and validated with experimental results.

      • Numerical and Experimental Applications of TWIP Steel in Automotive Parts

        J. W. Lee,J. H. Lim,J. B. Choi,P. Y. Oh 한국소성가공학회 2011 기타자료 Vol.2011 No.8

        Modern automotive design has been faced with the weight reduction problem to meet the CO₂ emissions standard while achieving high safety and compact design. Such being the case, most car makers want to use the ultra high strength steels (UHSS). But there are several problems when such steels are used, due to presumed lack of formability. Since the disadvantage such as above, it has been suggested that UHSS need special forming methods or it should be used only limited process like simple bending, by many automotive research institutes. To overcome these shortcomings, Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel for improved strength and formability has been developed by steel making company, including POSCO, Korea. Because of its characteristics, it is expected to be widely used in automotive parts. This paper aims at finding out several ways how to make effective use of TWIP steel in automotive parts. Especially, comprising about from 15 to 18% manganese and from 1.5 to 2% aluminum which was developed by POSCO for application of the automotive parts will be considered.

      • KCI등재

        자동차 디자인에서의 패러매트릭 디자인 적용특성 연구 - EV컨셉카를 중심으로

        박찬웅,안성모 한국기초조형학회 2018 기초조형학연구 Vol.19 No.5

        This research's purpose is to seek the expansion of a possible parametric design application inautomotive design by deriving features that show up when a parametric design is applied to anautomotive design by type. We organized and classified design changes according car platformchanges in order to derive application characteristics of parametric design from automotivedesign. Then we selected and analyzed cases that displayed design types according to thechange of platforms. The case study was done by understanding the parametric design appliedcontent used in each case, sorting out the type of design change, and sorting out the meaningof the design application quality applied from each type of design change by reenacting thealgorithm of parametric design used in each case. The sorted quality was "atypical division bydirection of surface" and "setup of change figure from parameter", and when these sortedqualities are applied to each type, it has a different application meaning. By this, we learnt ithas a specific attribute when parametric design is applied in automotive design and saw adifference in application characteristics by the type of design change. The following are theapplied functions abstracted by analyzing the parametric design application characteristics andmeanings, according to the category of the design change. In a hardware platform changepattern, an efficiency improvement pattern is brought about in a chain of continuoussegmentation. The restructure of a segment for design resulted in expandability and reductionthrough gradual changes. A type of reinterpretation of design resulting from the treatment of afactor was referred to in connection with range enlargement. We also sorted out the types ofparametric design application characteristics due to the change of software platform as: designby decentralization of the operator, approach type as an extension of cognition range bymobility, diversity of information transfer by design to temporality from time pass. 본 연구는 플랫폼 변화 이후의 자동차 디자인에서 패러매트릭 디자인 적용 시 나타나는 특성을 도출함으로써자동차 디자인에서 패러매트릭 디자인 적용 가능성 확대를 모색하는 것이 목적이다. 자동차 디자인에서의 패러매트릭 디자인 적용특성을 도출하기 위하여 플랫폼 변화에 따른 자동차 디자인을 유형화시킨다. 그리고 유형별로 패러매트릭 디자인 적용이 나타난 사례를 선정하여 사례분석을 진행하였다. 사례분석은 적용된 패러매트릭디자인의 내용을 파악하고 알고리즘을 재연함으로써 디자인 유형별로 알고리즘 속성이 적용되었을 때 가지는적용의미를 도출할 수 있었다. 도출한 알고리즘의 속성으로는 ‘면의 방향에 따른 비정형 분할’과 ‘매개변수 값에 따른 변화 값 설정’으로 모든 유형에서 동일하게 나타났으나 유형별 목적을 이루기 위하여 그 의미가 변하는것을 파악할 수 있었다. 그리고 이 결과를 바탕으로 도출된 알고리즘 속성과 유형별 적용의미를 분석하여 적용특성을 디자인 유형별로 도출할 수 있었다. 플랫폼 변화에 따른 유형별 패러매트릭 디자인 적용특성은 다음과같다. 하드웨어 플랫폼 변화에서 디자인을 통한 주행 효율성 향상 유형은 연속적인 분할을 통한 연쇄성, 디자인을 통한 세그먼트의 재구축 유형은 점진적 변화를 통한 확장성과 축소성, 요소의 흔적화에 따른 디자인 재해석유형은 범위의 확대를 통한 연결성으로 나타났으며 소프트웨어 플랫폼 변화에 따른 패러매트릭 디자인 적용특성에서 탈 운전자 중심화에 따른 디자인 접근 유형은 운동성을 통한 인지 범위의 확장, 디자인을 통한 정보전달방식의 다양화 유형은 흐름에 따른 시간성으로 플랫폼 변화 이후 자동차 디자인 유형별 패러매트릭 디자인 적용특성을 도출할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        한일 자동차산업의 기술특허가 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        송정현,萩原泰治 한국일본학회 2021 日本學報 Vol.- No.128

        기술 혁신은 기업의 경쟁력을 높이고 현대사회를 풍요롭게 만드는데 큰 기여를 하고 있다. 자동차산업은 산업규모의 규모뿐만 아니라 관련 기술의 중요성 또한 높아지고 있는 산업이다. 세계 자동차산업에서 한국과 일본은 치열하게 경쟁하고 있다. 한국 및 일본의 자동차산업이 어느 정도의 기술특허 역량을 지니고 있으며, 그 역량이 실제 기업성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가에 관하여 실증적인 고찰이 필요한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구는 한국 및 일본의 자동차산업을 대상으로 기업의 특허출원이 성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가에 관해서 주목하고자 한다. 자동차산업에 종사하는 한국 및 일본기업의 재무데이터와 특허출원데이터를 활용하여 기업의 영업이익을 종속변수, 특허출원횟수를 주요 설명변수로 하는 중회귀모형 계량분석을 시행하였다. 분석결과, 한국의 경우 자동차 기업의 특허출원건수는 독립변수인 기업이익에 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 일본의 경우 기업의 특허출원이 기업 수익성에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 국가별, 산업별, 기업개체별로 기술특허출원과 기업성과 간 분석결과가 상이하게 나오는 경우가 많으며, 이에 다양한 연구들이 시행됨에도 불구하고 명확한 상관관계는 미지수인 채로 남아있다. 다수의 이전 선행연구가 한 국가 내에 존재하는 기업만을 대상으로 특허출원과 기업성과 간 관계를 분석한 점에 비하여, 본 연구에서는 한국과 일본을 동시에 분석했을 경우 그 결과가 국가별로 상이하게 나타날 수 있다는 결과를 도출했다는 점에서 중요한 학술적 의의를 지닐 것으로 판단된다. Technological innovation causes increase in the competitiveness between companies and enrichment of the modern society. The automotive industry is an important sector which involves modern technologies as well as occupies a large industrial domain. South Korea and Japan are fiercely competing in the global automotive industry. In this regard, empirical research is necessary to evaluate the capability of acquiring technology patent, and how the patent capability affects actual corporate performance in South Korean and Japanese automotive industries . The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of an automobile company's patent application on the performance of the automotive industry in South Korea and Japan. Using the financial and patent application data, a multiple regression model analysis was done using the company's operating profit as the dependent variable, and the number of patent applications as the main explanatory variable. Results showed that in South Korea, the number of patent applications has negative (-) effect on corporate profits, which is an independent variable. On the other hand, for Japan, a company's patent application has positive (+) effect on corporate profitability. Analysis results between technology patent applications and corporate performance are often different depending on country, industry, and company entity. Despite various studies, the clear correlation remains unknown. Contrary to many previous studies which analyzed the relationship between patent applications and corporate performance only in one country, the present study considered 2 countries, viz. South Korea and Japan, and the results differed between the two countries. These empirical results are important in academic and industrial research.



        Benbouzid, M.E.H.,Diallo, D.,Zeraoulia, M.,Zidani, F. The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 International journal of automotive technology Vol.7 No.6

        This paper describes an active fault-tolerant control system for an induction motor drive that propels an Electrical Vehicle(EV) or a Hybrid one(HEV). The proposed system adaptively reorganizes itself in the event of sensor loss or sensor recovery to sustain the best control performance given the complement of remaining sensors. Moreover, the developed system takes into account the controller transition smoothness in terms of speed and torque transients. In this paper which is the sequel of (Diallo et al., 2004), we propose to introduce more advanced and intelligent control techniques to improve the global performance of the fault-tolerant drive for automotive applications(e.g. EVs or HEVs). In fact, two control techniques are chosen to illustrate the consistency of the proposed approach: sliding mode for encoder-based control; and fuzzy logics for sensorless control. Moreover, the system control reorganization is now managed by a fuzzy decision system to improve the transitions smoothness. Simulations tests, in terms of speed and torque responses, have been carried out on a 4-kW induction motor drive to evaluate the consistency and the performance of the proposed fault-tolerant control approach.

      • 자동차 전장 부품 무연솔더 접합부의 기계적 신뢰성 평가에 관한 연구

        전유재,손선익,윤준호 한국특허학회 2010 특허학연구 : 한국특허학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구에서는 무연솔더(lead-free soler)로서 우수한 성질을 가지고 있는 Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu계 무연솔더를 이용하여 자동차 전장 부품(automotive application component)의 열충격(thermal shock) 시험 전·후의 솔더접합부의 기계적 신뢰성 평가에 대해 검토하였다. 432사이클의 열충격 시험 후 미세균열 및 접합부의 형상에는 아무런 변화가 나타나지 않았다. 하지만, 기계적 강도 값은 대체적으로 감소하는 결과를 나타내었다. QFP1과 R1 chip의 기계적 강도값은 각각 약 8%와 27%로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. QFP1과 R1 chip의 기계적 강도 값의 차이는 솔더 접합부의 면적차이에서 비롯된 것으로 판단된다. 향후 금속간 화합물의 종류 및 두께, 파단부위의 위치 및 특성 등 을 고려하여 새로운 접합강도 비교기준을 정립할 필요가 있다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재


        M. E. H. BENBOUZID,D. DIALLO,M. ZERAOULIA,F. ZIDANI 한국자동차공학회 2006 International journal of automotive technology Vol.7 No.6

        This paper describes an active fault-tolerant control system for an induction motor drive that propels an Electrical Vehicle (EV) or a Hybrid one (HEV). The proposed system adaptively reorganizes itself in the event of sensor loss or sensor recovery to sustain the best control performance given the complement of remaining sensors. Moreover, the developed system takes into account the controller transition smoothness in terms of speed and torque transients. In this paper which is the sequel of (Diallo et al., 2004), we propose to introduce more advanced and intelligent control techniques to improve the global performance of the fault-tolerant drive for automotive applications (e.g. EVs or HEVs). In fact, two control techniques are chosen to illustrate the consistency of the proposed approach: sliding mode for encoder-based control; and fuzzy logics for sensorless control. Moreover, the system control reorganization is now managed by a fuzzy decision system to improve the transitions smoothness. Simulations tests, in terms of speed and torque responses, have been carried out on a 4㎾ induction motor drive to evaluate the consistency and the performance of the proposed fault-tolerant control approach.

      • 자동차산업의 기능 안전성 규정준수를(ISO26262) 위한 PLM 개념 및 구성

        강승철,한석주 (사)한국CDE학회 2014 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.2

        Recent electronic control technologies in automotive industries have developed from implementing simple functions to the level where system networking and external infrastructure are connected. The complexity of the control technologies leads more sophisticated products and provides drivers with convenience at the same time. However, as technologies are getting more complex, unpredictable and inherent risk factors in technologies are inevitable, and minute errors can cause major malfunction, which increases possible threats to human life. ISO 26262 is the regulation to prevent these risks, within the scope where existing scientific technologies can ensure, and to clearly separate and track the causes of the risks. ISO 26262 is also the regulation to guarantee the safety of human life by ensuring Functional Safety of automobile, and is regarded as a primary evidence for manufacturers to avoid ‘Product Liability Law’. This paper examines main requirements of ISO 26262, and presents effective direction to implement them by combining Application of existing PLM and Reliability issues.

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