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      • KCI등재

        공공 건축에 나타나는 생태 개념의 건축적 표현 특성 연구 - 서울시 공공 건축 사례를 중심으로 -

        정은희,윤재은 한국기초조형학회 2019 기초조형학연구 Vol.20 No.4

        Recently, Korean society has shifted its focus and efforts to eco-friendly, green and green architecture away from excessive competition and economic growth. In response, the government has implemented eco-friendly architecture in the area of public architecture. This study aims to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of eco-friendly public architecture recently built in the Seoul Metropolitan Government in terms of ecological concept. As a method of research, the design characteristics of the concept of natural ecology, totality, circulation and constancy, were extracted with architectural expressive characteristics through prior research analysis, and the results were summarized after analyzing the architectural structure, form, facilities and functional aspects of public architecture recently established by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. As a result, the overall tendency of the case as a whole as an integrated system for conservation of natural order and the expression of the cyclical concept describing the working principle of the ecosystem in which the interrelational structure rotates with each other, and the conservation of natural order such as interpenetration, absorption, linkage, and continuous elements of the elements that make up the nature, maintain the overall and dynamic state that can be expressed in architectural structure and form design. As the eco-friendly nature of public architecture will be emphasized more and more, the study found that despite the complexity and magnitude of the concept of ecology, the present state of architectural expression of the main concept was evaluated in public architecture. And as a result, all three cases show the expressive characteristics of the overall nature ecology concept in a comprehensive way, so it has been confirmed that the recent trend of the environment of public architecture has been faithfully planned. 최근 한국 사회는 과도한 경쟁과 경제 성장에서 탈피하여 친환경, 그린, 녹색 건축에 관심과 노력을 기울이고있다. 이에 공공 건축의 영역에서도 친환경 개념의 건축을 시행하고 있다. 본 연구는 서울시에서 최근 지어진친환경 공공 건축의 친환경적 표현 특성을 생태 개념적 측면에서 분석·평가해보고자 한다. 연구의 방법으로는선행 연구 분석을 통해 자연 생태 개념인 전체성, 순환성, 항상성의 디자인적 특성을 건축적 표현 특성으로 추출하여 최근 서울시에서 친환경 건축을 표방하여 설립한 공공 건축 사례들을 대상으로 건축의 구조와 형태적, 설비와 기능적 측면을 분석하여 분석 내용을 종합한 후 결론을 정리하였다. 그 결과 사례 전체의 경향성은 자연질서의 보존을 위한 통합적인 시스템으로서의 전체성과 상호 관계적 구조가 서로 순환을 이루는 생태계의 작용원리를 설명하는 순환성 개념의 표현이 가장 높게 나타났고, 자연을 구성하는 요소들의 내적 통합과 다양성의조화, 상호 침투, 흡수, 연계, 연속 등의 자연 질서의 보존을 담아 건축의 구조와 형태적 디자인으로 표현 할 수있는 전체성과 자기 조절과 갱신을 반복적으로 거치며 역동적 균형 상태를 유지하여 최적화된 적합성을 통한지속과 진화의 특징 갖는 항상성 개념의 표현은 서로 유사한 수준의 결과를 보여주었다. 앞으로도 공공 건축의친환경성은 점점 더 강조될 것이기에 본 연구는 생태 개념의 복잡함과 방대함에도 불구하고 주요개념의 건축적표현 실태를 현재 공공 건축에서 평가해보았고 그 결과 전반적으로 세 가지 사례 모두 자연 생태 개념의 전체성, 순환성, 항상성의 표현 특성을 종합적으로 높게 보여주고 있어 최근 공공건축의 친환경 경향이 생태 개념을충실히 담아 계획되고 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Study of Architectural Conceptions Between the East and the West

        Jaehoon Lee 대한건축학회 2021 Architectural research Vol.23 No.3

        In contemporary modern architecture, it can be said that Western modern architecture, which has advanced in technology and ideology, is leading the world architecture today. However, because it is pointed out that modern architecture, mainly represented by Western architecture nowadays, is based on the crystal of Western civilization’s consumption and capitalist culture, and because it seems not absolute for the eternal sustainable development of the Earth and happiness of Humankind, it is assumed that the new conceptions of Architecture should include the cultural, ecological and environmental characteristics of the region. So because it is thought that the latent characteristics of East Asian architecture including China, Japan and Korea has the advantage of reducing the deficiency of Western modern architecture and contributing to human civilization, this study was written to find a new direction of architecture by finding the differences of architectural characteristics(intrinsic and extrinsic) in the interior of the architectural result through comparison between the Eastern and Western architecture.

      • KCI등재

        Abyss Storage Cluster 기반 DataLake Framework의 Connected Data Architecture 개념 설계 및 검증

        차병래(ByungRae Cha),차윤석,박선(Sun Park),신병춘(Byeong-Chun Shin),김종원(JongWon Kim) 한국스마트미디어학회 2018 스마트미디어저널 Vol.7 No.3

        With many types of data generated in the shift of business environment as a result of growth of an organization or enterprise, there is a need to improve the data-processing efficiency in smarter means with a single domain model such as Data Lake. In particular, creating a logical single domain model from physical partitioned multi-site data by the finite resources of nature and shared economy is very important in terms of efficient operation of computing resources. Based on the advantages of the existing Data Lake framework, we define the CDA-Concept (connected data architecture concept) and functions of Data Lake Framework over Abyss Storage for integrating multiple sites in various application domains and managing the data lifecycle. Also, it performs the interface design and validation verification for Interface #2 & #3 of the connected data architecture-concept. 조직과 기업의 비즈니스 시스템의 규모가 커지면서 다양한 대량의 데이터들이 생성되는 비즈니스 환경의 변화와 데이터를 보다 스마트하게 처리하여 효율성을 높일 수 있는 방법으로 DataLake와 같이 단일 도메인 모델이 필요한 상황이다. 특히, 자원의 유한성과 공유 경제에 의한 물리적인 분할된 멀티 사이트의 데이터를 논리적인 단일 도메인 모델을 만드는 것은 컴퓨팅 자원의 효율적 운영 측면에서 매우 중요하다. 기존의 Data Lake 프레임워크의 장점을 기반으로 다양한 응용 영역의 멀티 사이트들을 통합 및 데이터 라이프 사이클을 관리하기 위한 Abyss Storage 기반 DataLake 프레임워크의 Connected Data Architecture 개념 (connected data architecture-concept)과 기능들을 정의하고, Connected Data Architecture 개념을 위한 인터페이스 설계 및 인터페이스(Interface) #2와 #3의 유효성 검증을 수행한다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘사건’개념을 적용한 중국 사천남부 전통주택(川南民居)의 스토리텔링에 관한 연구

        오소룡,이 민 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2024 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        · 연구 주제: 본 연구는 '사건'의 개념을 중국 남사천 전통건축의 스토리텔링 특성에 적용하여 지역의 역사문화적 정체성을 깊이 있게 조명한다. 자공옌 상인의 저택 후선이탕, 쓰촨 뤄지아타운 댜오루민가옥, 징옌현 흥커우의 전거 등의 사례 분석을 통해 사건 개념과 잠재성, 특수성, 계열성, 우연성의 건축적 요소들 간의 상호작용을 탐구했다. · 연구 배경: 사천 남부 지역은 지리적, 기후적, 자원적 요인의 영향을 받아 수천 년의 발전 과정에서 독특한 매력을 지닌 사천 남부 민가 건축을 키워냈다. 이러한 건축물은 현지의 자연관, 문화관, 심미관을 반영하며, 포용적이고 넉넉한 문화적 특성과 명랑하고 경쾌한 심미적 기질을 드러낸다. 이는 중국 민가 건축 중 가치 있는 문화 유산으로 자리잡고 있다. '사건' 개념을 적용한 중국 사천 남부 민가 스토리텔링 연구는 사천 남부 지역의 전통 주거 양식에 깊이 뿌리를 두고 있다. 이 연구는 사천 남부 민가의 건축적 특성과 역사적 맥락을 조명하며, 그들이 경험한 사건들과 이 사건들이 주체와의 관계에서 어떻게 공간의 의미를 규정하고 변화하는 삶의 방식을 반영하는지를 탐구한다. 이러한 접근은 관람객들에게 사천 남부 민가와 그들의 삶의 이야기를 더욱 풍부하고 입체적으로 전달하며, 교육적이고 감성적인 접근을 통해 더 깊은 이해와 연결을 제공한다. · 선행연구와의 차이점: 사천 남부 민가의 역사와 문화, 건축 양식을 통해 지역적 특색과 전통을 보존하고 전승하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다. 또한, 이를 통해 사천 남부 지역의 민가 건축이 어떻게 현대적 맥락에서 재해석되고 재발견될 수 있는지를 탐색하며, 이 지역의 독특한 문화 유산을 강조하고 보존하는 데 기여한다. · 연구방법: 본 연구는 사천 남부 지역의 전통 건축과 문화를 심층적으로 이해하기 위해 다각적인 연구 방법을 채택한다. 먼저, 문헌 연구를 통해 역사적 자료, 과거의 건축 기록, 관련 학술 논문 및 보고서를 분석하여 이론적 기반을 마련한다. 이를 바탕으로 자공시 염상 건축과 루저우의 전통적 주택 건축의 역사적, 문화적 배경을 탐구한다. 현장 조사는 본 연구의 핵심 요소로, 자공시의 염상 건축물과 루저우의 디아오루를 직접 방문하여 건축적 특성과 현황을 파악한다. 이 과정에서 건축물의 구조, 재료, 디자인 요소 및 그들이 반영하는 문화적 가치를 분석한다. 또한, 현지 주민들과의 인터뷰를 통해 이 건축물들이 현대 사회에서 어떻게 인식되고 사용되고 있는지에 대한 통찰을 얻는다. · 연구결과: 본 연구에서 분석을 통해 드러난 잠재적 서사는 건축물이 단순한 공간을 넘어서 역사와 문화의 증거로 기능한다는 점을 강조한다. 상이적 서사는 각 건축물이 가지는 독특한 이야기와 그것이 지역 사회와 어떻게 상호 작용하는지를 탐구하며, 동일적 서사는 이 지역의 전통 건축이 공통적으로 가족 중심의 사회 구조와 긴밀한 공동체 의식을 반영하는 방식을 보여준다. 유동적 서사는 전통 건축이 시간과 공간에 따라 어떻게 변화하고 적응해왔는지를 탐구하며, 건축물이 고정된 구조가 아닌 변화하는 요구와 역사적 사건에 반응하여 발전하는 살아 있는 유산임을 강조한다. · 공헌점 및 기대효과: 본 논문의 연구 결과는 사천 남부 지역의 건축 및 문화 연구에 기여할 뿐만 아니라, 이 지역의 건축물 보존 및 복원 작업에 실질적인 지침을 제공할 것으로 기대 ... · Research Subject: This study deeply illuminates the historical and cultural identity of the region by applying the concept of 'event' to the storytelling characteristics of traditional architecture in Namsacheon, China. The interaction between the concept of events and the architectural elements of potential, specificity, sequence, and contingency was explored through case analysis such as Hsu Shen Yi-tang, the mansion of a merchant of Jiaxuan, Diaolumin House in Luogia Town, Sichuan, and the residence of Heungkou, Jingyan County. · Research Background: The southern part of Sacheon was influenced by geographical, climatic, and resource factors and developed a private house architecture in the southern part of Sacheon with a unique charm over thousands of years of development. These structures reflect the local natural, cultural, and aesthetic views, and reveal inclusive and generous cultural characteristics and cheerful and cheerful aesthetic qualities. It is positioned as a valuable cultural heritage among Chinese private house architecture. The study of storytelling of private houses in the southern part of Sacheon, China, applying the concept of 'incident' is deeply rooted in the traditional residential style of the southern part of Sacheon. This study illuminates the architectural characteristics and historical context of private houses in southern Sacheon, and explores the events they experienced and how these events define the meaning of space and reflect a changing way of life in the relationship with the subject. This approach conveys to visitors the stories of private houses in the southern part of Sacheon and their lives in a richer and more three-dimensional manner, and provides deeper understanding and connection through an educational and emotional approach. · Differences from previous studies: It can play an important role in preserving and transmitting regional characteristics and traditions through the history, culture, and architectural styles of private houses in southern Sacheon. In addition, it explores how the architecture of private houses in southern Sacheon can be reinterpreted and rediscovered in a modern context, and contributes to the emphasis and preservation of the region's unique cultural heritage. · Research Method: This study adopts a multifaceted research method to in-depth understanding of the traditional architecture and culture of southern Sichuan. First, a theoretical basis is established by analyzing historical data, past architectural records, and related academic papers and reports through literature research. Based on this, the historical and cultural background of Jagosi's salt flat architecture and Luzhou's traditional housing architecture is explored. The field survey is a key element of this study, and the architectural characteristics and current status are identified by visiting Jagosi's salt flat architecture and Diaolu in Luzhou. In this process, the structure, materials, design elements, and cultural values they reflect are analyzed. In addition, through interviews with local residents, insights into how these structures are perceived and used in modern society are gained. · Research Results: The potential narrative revealed through analysis in this study emphasizes that buildings function as evidence of history and culture beyond simple spaces. The different narrative explores the unique story of each building and how it interacts with the community, and the same narrative shows how traditional architecture in the area reflects a family-centered social structure and a close sense of community in common. The fluid narrative explores how traditional architecture has changed and adapted over time and space, and emphasizes that buildings are living heritage that develops in response to changing demands and historical events rather than fixed structures. · Contribution Points and Expected Effects: The research results of this paper are expected to not only contribu...

      • KCI등재

        김중업․김수근․김종성의 뮤지엄건축 특성 비교 연구- 특히 지역적 컨텍스트 개념을 중심으로 -

        서민우 한국문화공간건축학회 2020 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.71

        This study intends to make a comparative Study on the characteristic cases of eminent architects; Choong Up Kim,Swoo Geun Kim and Jong Soung Kimm who are designing museums in a local context. After returning from the Le Corbusier office, Choong Up Kim(1922-88) began to open his eyes to Korean traditional architectureand designed the Military Museum(1981-83), one of his master architectures with vernacular expression. For Swoo Geun Kim(1931-86), it is worth of researching his projects of cultural spaces among many of outstanding achievements, after his returningfrom Japan of studying architecture. His unique understanding on modern reinterpretation of traditional Korean architecture wereexpressed greatly in ARCO Art Center(1979), Jinju National Museum(1978-84), and Cheongju National Museum(1982-87). AndJong Soung Kimm(1935-) returned to Korea with teaching and professional practice courier and designed Seoul NationalUniversity Museum (1984-93), Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art(1987-91) and Seoul Museum of History(1987-2002). He isnow well known as an architect who are evolving his architectural modeling with consistent works. All research materials haveshown the concept of site plan in the form of reproducing traditional structures and materials of the region, the exhibitionspaces with a series of large scale courtyards, and reinterpretation of the regional architectural characteristics in order toachieve modern Korean architecture style. Therefore, this study examines the architectural philosophy and characteristics of architects to be analyzed in Chapter 2,Chapter 3 analyzes the characteristics of museum designed by them, and Chapter 4 concludes the concept of regional contextto compare the characteristics of the museum architecture by Choong up Kim, Swoo Geun Kim, and Jong Soung Kimm. and itis expected that this will be an important informational material in designing a new museum architecture.

      • KCI등재

        현대 건축의 디자인적 특징이 헤어디자인에 미친 영향 연구 - 건축가 5인을 중심으로 -

        송다나 ( Da-na Song ),진용미 ( Yong-mee Jin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2010 미용예술경영연구 Vol.4 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to establish upsteping of Hair-art Design, checking of characteristic Design and expressions used in Modern Architecture and Modern Hair-art, All shape of Design Art makes a decision Geometric space designed by point, line, surface which constituting elements. After Industrial Revolution, Life form was progressed to urbanization. The style of architecture also had been changed building forms and apartments. Especially in twentieth-century, in modern architecture, the esthetic requirements became main trend. And so many beautiful buildings turned up. In the late twentieth-century, there were many concepts, a new technical skill, application of a natural factor, a special materials, esthetic concepts and ideas in modern Architecture. Hair Art is also a formative arts, including individual and particularity factor, making esthetic technical design. Therefore, I tried to check and to compare between Modern Architecture and Modern Hair Art of charactsristic expressions of works to research of 5 important mordern Architecs, Frank O. Gehry, Tadao Ando, Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, Philip Jonson. According to this study, there was meaningful result. Constituting element and formative principle in Modern Architecture and Modern Hair Art are understood in the same context of Geometric Design. Characteristic expressions of 5 famous mordern Architects having done, could be searched for technical skill in modern Hair-style Designs. One of these days, I hope various creative Hair Art works which formative principle and technical skill are mixed, can be created in Hair art society like Architecture field.

      • KCI등재

        장 누벨의 건축 디자인 특성과 헤어 디자인에 나타난 특징의 상관관계 분석

        송다나 ( Da-na Song ),김성남 ( Sung-nam Kim ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2013 미용예술경영연구 Vol.7 No.1

        Abstract abstract: The purpose of this study is to increase the value of Hair-art Design, checking of characteristic Design and expressions used in Modern Architecture and Modern Hair-art, All shape of Design Art makes a decision Geometric space designed by point, line, surface which constituting elements. After Industrial Revolution, Life form was progressed to urbanization. The style of architecture also had been changed building forms and apartments. Especially in twentieth-century, in modern architecture, the esthetic requirements became main trend. And so many beautiful buildings turned up. In the late twentieth-century, there were many concepts, a new technical skill, application of a natural factor, a special materials, esthetic concepts and ideas in modern Architecture. Hair Art is also a formative arts, including individual and particularity factor, making esthetic technical design. Therefore, I tried to check and to compare between Modern Architecture and Modern Hair Art of charactsristic expressions of works to research of Jean Nouvelle, 2008 Pritzker Architecture prize winner, France mordern Architect. According to this study, there was meaningful result. Constituting element and formative principle in Modern Architecture and Modern Hair Art are understood in the same context of Geometric Design. Characteristic expressions of Jean Nouvelle mordern Architect having done, could be searched for technical skill in modern Hair-style Designs. One of these days, I hope various creative Hair Art works which formative principle and technical skill are mixed, can be created in Hair art society like Architecture field.

      • KCI등재

        르 코르뷔지에의 베네치아 병원 계획안에 나타난 건축개념에 관한 연구

        황덕현 한국프랑스문화학회 2018 프랑스문화연구 Vol.37 No.1

        "Tout comme le logement est la maison pour les hommes, l’hôpital est la maison pour les hommes.", a déclaré Le Corbusier, se référant à son idée de l’architecture d’hôpital. En d’autres termes, l’architecture d’hôpital que Corbusier pensait était une extension d’un autre type de logement. Cette étude analyse le projet de l’hôpital de Venise qui a été créée par la combinaison de la riche inspiration architecturale et de la technique de la conception à maturité apparue dans la dernière partie de l’architecture par Corbusier et examine l’application générale de la théorie architecturale et de l’esthétique architecturale. Il vise également à examiner la mise en œuvre concrète du projet architectural. Je vais aussi considérer son intention architecturale et sa conscience dans le projet de l’hôpital de Venise. Les contenus de cette étude examinera la tendance de l ‘architecture tardive de Corbusier et l’ idée sur l ‘architecture hospitalière de l’ architecte. Sur la base de cette analyse, nous examinerons comment le contexte historique de la ville vénitienne est interprété en termes de priorité architecturale, et examinons s’il s’agit du contexte diachronique et synchronique avec le nouveau projet de l’hôpital moderne. Et les caractéristiques architecturales des bâtiments tapis-formés sont analysées. Ensuite, nous analysons la composition spatiale de l’hôpital et la structure planaire de chaque étage du projet hospitalier. Et nous analysons la méthode de connexion de la circulation. Enfin, j’examinerai l’application du système d’éclairage du haut jour latéral que Corbusier a continuellement utilisé en termes de section transversale et de sa pratique.

      • KCI등재

        건축 개념으로서 르 코르뷔지에의 녹색 공장에 대한 연구

        황덕현 한국프랑스학회 2018 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.102 No.-

        Corbusier a défini la ‘maison’ comme une machine à habiter et à ‘batiment’ comme une machine à travailler. L’architecture comme machine à travailler peut être le genre le plus représentatif de l’architecture industrielle. L’architecture moderne, en raison de la révolution industrielle, avec la naissance de l’urbanisme moderne et la naissance de la classe ouvrière, avec le changement de la structure sociale et économique depuis l’ère moderne dans divers domaines de l’architecture, l’architecture de l’usine du nouveau genre architectural. Corbusier voit divers aspects de la construction de ces usines et classe chaque cas dans les termes ‘usine verte’ et ‘usine noire’. Et la soi-disant usine noire de l’environnement de travail insalubre et sale qui est coutumier depuis le 19ème siècle est devenue une ambition architecturale pour transformer ‘usine verte’ avec le sens de l’autosuffisance qui mélange le soleil, l’espace et la nature. Théorisant et conceptualisant l’idée d’usine verte dérivée d’un projet de la cité linéaire industrielle, il mettra son intérêt architectural et ses efforts dans l’application et la pratique du concept à travers le projet pour l’usine verte, la reconstruction de l’usine Claude Duval et le projet pour Olivetti, centre de calculs électroniques. Le regard chaleureux de Corbusier sur les travailleurs qui luttent dans un environnement de travail difficile dévoile le concept d’usine verte, suggérant des alternatives architecturales et des méthodes spatiales pour l’exploitation minière, la vision et le mouvement. La proposition architecturale qu’il a proposée est laissée à la conception et à la planification de l’architecture d’usine.

      • 한국 현대건축 시대별 작품 동향에 관한 연구

        김민호(Kim Min-Ho),김승제(Kim Seung-Je) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.28 No.1(계획계)

        This is the study of modern korean architecture tendency after liberation. Most Architecture work disposition of latest or past years is told with cases of foreign country's rather than character of koreans architecture culture. The method of this study were analysis design concept and disposition of architecture of the prizes of society of architect. Targets of the research were 136 buildings which were prizes of society of architect from 1978 to 2007. The formality of analysis were disposition of architecture, design concept, and use of architecture.

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