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      • KCI등재

        건축장 개념을 적용한 설계개념모형 고찰

        이승용(Lee, Seung-Yong) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to propose the architectural field concept as an architectural design method for contemporary architectural design. That is, the concept of the architectural field is the method of understanding on the traditional architecture in korea, and also is suggested as a tool for designing the contemporary architecture. The field theory showed a new viewpoint to understand the status of world, and the architectural field is a new viewpoint of understanding the architecture and to design of it is seems to be an action to show an essence of the architecture. And so called the architecture by this viewpoint is a field of the interactive network. And as a result of this field the form is made. To design of the architectural field is to design the characteristics of the architectural field by the architectural design process. First, the area is designed of the net system which is defined by relations among the environments, around architectures and so on. Second, the relation net is designed of the interaction between building and space, building and building, space and space, according to the correspondence each other. Third, for a building and a space are no longer divided but one, this characteristics is designed of the form and volume by connecting system. And this process is repeated by feedback, if necessary. As a result, this study suggest the model for design the architectural field and to apply this model for the design. And more researches are expected to suggest of the design samples applied by this design conceptual model.

      • KCI등재

        중국 ‘의경(意境)’ 미학 기반 공간디자인 사고 방식 연구

        학춘우,이선정 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) The concept of Yijing (意境) belongs to classical Chinese aesthetics, possessing historical and aesthetic value and representing the ultimate goal in traditional Chinese art. However, in modern spatial design, it is challenging to find methods that incorporate traditional Chinese aesthetics, and research on methodologies is scarce. This study aimed to derive three types of spatial design thinking and methods based on Yijing, the traditional aesthetic. It is hoped that spatial designers will use this unique East Asian thought process to create artistically designed spaces. (Method) The paper first discusses the overall theoretical discourse on architectural space Yijing aesthetics, starting with the concept of Yisang and extending to the Yijing aesthetic. It outlines how architectural space Yijing aesthetics have become established in the field of architectural art. Secondly, it selects Yijing theories from different periods to concretely analyze and compare the design thinking and processes of Yi (意), Xiang (象), and Xing (形) and uncover their intrinsic relationships. Thirdly, the study formed a trinitarian design thought process based on Professor Hou Yubin's architectural space Yijing aesthetics, considering the Yi (Heaven), Xiang (Human), and Xing (Earth) aspects with reference to the innate properties of architectural space. This formed the basis for deriving an East Asian spatial design thought process centered on Yi, Xiang, and Xing. (Results) East Asians use image emotional expression as a cognitive space and predominantly utilize the Xingxiang thinking method (image, visual thinking). From the creation perspective, three types of creative thinking based on architectural space Yijing aesthetics were derived: (1) two types based on Xing-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the form → image → meaning approach represents perceptual thinking and has intuitive characteristics, and the other where it is subconscious and intuitive, with abstract features; (2) two types based on Xiang-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the image→ form → meaning method is subconscious and intuitive and the other where it has symbolic features; and (3) two types based on Yi-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the meaning → form → image approach is subconscious and intuitive, with abstract characteristics, and the other where it is logical and precise. (Conclusions) Applying architectural space Yijing to architectural design can integrate architecture, environment, and people. In spatial design thinking based on architectural space Yijing aesthetics, Xing and Yi are inseparably unified, connected by Xiang perceptual thinking. The intermediary communicative state of Xiang leads to the interconnectedness of Yi, Xiang, and Xing, culminating in an East Asian Xingxiang thinking method in spatial design. (연구 배경 및 목적) ‘의경(意境)’ 이론은 중국 고전 미학의 범주에 속하며 역사적 가치와 미학적 가치를 지니고 있고 중국 전통 예술에서 최고로 추구하는 목표다. 하지만, 현대 공간디자인 프로세스에서는 전통적인 중국 미학을 활용한 공간디자인 방식을 찾기 힘들고 방법론에 관한 연구도 드문 실정이다. 본 연구자는 전통 미학을 바탕으로 한 동양적인 공간디자인 방식에 대한 가치가 높다고 생각된다. 위 배경을 바탕으로 이에 본 연구는 전통 미학인‘의경’을 기반으로 한 ‘건축 공간 의경’으로 적용하여 세 가지 종류의 공간디자인 사고방식과 방법을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 공간 디자이너가 창작과정에서 특유의 동양적인 사고방식을 활용해 공간의 예술적 디자인을 할 수 있기를 바란다. (연구 방법) 본 연구에서는 우선 ‘건축 공간 의경’ 미학 사상에 대한 전반적인 논설이론을 다루고, ‘의상’ 개념에서부터 ‘의경’ 미학으로 이어지며, ‘건축 공간 의경’ 미학 사상이 건축 예술 분야에서 확립되는 과정을 정리한다. 둘째, 시기별 의경 이론을 선택하여 ‘의(意)’,‘상(象)’,‘형(形)’, 설계 사고방식과 과정을 구체적으로 분석하고, 비교를 통해 ‘의’·‘상’·‘형’ 사고방식의 내재적 관계를 찾아내 도출한다. 셋째, 허우유빈 교수의 ‘건축 공간 의경’의 미학과 건축 공간의 자체 속성에 따라 ‘의(천天)’·‘상(인人)’·‘형(지地)’세 가지 측면을 삼위일체로 한 디자인 사고방식을 형성한다. 이를 배경으로 '의', '상', '형'을 중심으로 하는 ‘건축 공간 의경’의 동양적 공간디자인 사고방식을 도출한다. (결과) 동양인은 이미지의 감정 표현을 인식의 공간으로 사용하고 지각과 잠재의식을 위주로 하는 ‘형상 사고방식(形象思维)’(이미지, 시각적 사고 방식)을 가지고 있다. 창작의 각도에서 ‘건축 공간 의경’ 미학 기반한 세 가지 종류의 창작 사고방식을 도출한다 : 1.‘형’을 기반한 공간디자인 사고방식은 두 가지가 있다. 2.‘상’을 기반한 공간디자인 사고방식은 두 가지가 있다. 3.‘의’을 기반한 공간디자인 사고방식은 두 가지가 있다. (결론) 건축 디자인 분야에서‘건축 공간 의경’'의 활용은 건축, 환경과 사람을 일체화 시킬 수 있다. ‘건축 공간 의경’ 미학 기반 공간디자인 사고에서 ‘형'과 ‘의'는 통일되어 불가분의 관계에 있으며,‘형'과 ‘의'를 연결하는 단계는 바로 지각적 사고의‘상'이다. ‘상'의 중간 단계의 의사소통 상태로 인해 ‘의’·‘상’·‘형’이 상호 연관되어 공간디자인 창작의 삼위일체를 이루는 동양적 ‘형상 사고방식’의 공간디자인 사고방식이 되는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Architectural Design Factors for Tall Office Buildings with Regional Climates based on Sustainability

        Cho, Jong Soo Architectural Institute of Korea 2005 Architectural research Vol.7 No.2

        Throughout history, buildings have been interrelated with certain indigenous characteristics such as regional climate, culture and religions. In particular, the control of regional climate has been primarily a concern for compatibility with nature. In our modern age, technologies to control climate have been successfully developed in architecture but the consumption of large quantities of natural resources can also produce environmental problems. This study is based on the proposition that this negative trend can be minimized with architectural design that is motivated to coexist with a regional climate. This study develops these design strategies for tall office buildings by analyzing various combinations of building design configurations based on regional climates. The objective is to determine the optimum architecture of tall office buildings during the initial design process that will reduce energy consumption for regional climatic conditions. The eQUEST energy simulating program based on DOE-2.2 was used for this comparative analysis study of the energy use in tall office buildings based on architectural design variables and different regional climates. The results are statistically analyzed and presented in functional architectural design decision-making tables and charts. As a result of the comparison of architectural design consideration for tall office buildings in relation to regional climates, buildings physically need less energy consumption when the architecture is concerned with the regional climate and it produces a more reasonable design methodology. In reality, imbalanced planning which is architectural design's lack of regional characteristics requires additional natural resources to maintain desired comfortable indoor conditions. Therefore, the application of integrated architectural design with regional nature should be the first architectural design stage and this research produces the rational. This architectural design language approach must be a starting point to sustaining long-term planning.

      • KCI등재

        건축설계 실무과정에서 디자인 프로세스의 적용에 관한 연구

        강미현,김소라,신병욱 한국농촌건축학회 2022 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.3

        This study aims to find out how architectural designers applied the design process and what content is applied in the practical process of architectural design in Korea, and to improve it if there is a problem. So the study is carried out by investigating 13 architects(Including one person who wants to keep his work private) with extensive experience in architectural design. The architects were questioned on how and what content the design process was used for their representative works that had been designed. And interviews and field surveys were conducted on other matters to be improved. The survey was conducted from November 2021 to July 2022. According to the conclusion of this study, First, Most architects were applying the design process in the architectural design practice. These are caused by an impact on education, but there was also an aspect of preparation in terms of guidelines such as the Architects Association and storage rights. Second, Although the design process differed in each name and phase, it was generally carried out in the order of the start phase, the planning work phase, the basic design phase, the intermediate design phase, the implementation quarterly, and construction. Third, The step-by-step work of the design process differed slightly depending on the architect, but counseling and contract work were mainly performed at the start-up phase, and field surveys, legal investigations, and case studys were conducted at the planning phase. In the basic design phase, some contents related to architectural programming, basic drawings, images, and models were used as main work contents. In the intermediate design phase, secondary contents such as licensed books and facility facilities were the main tasks. In the implementation design phase, detailed maps and various frost facilities were finally inspected. Since then, construction and supervision have been carried out in the order of progress. Forth, As for the contents to be improved in the future, the architect's ability, the designer's knowledge of the overall architecture, the design supervision system, and the expansion of time for the initial design process were answered.

      • KCI등재

        건축장 개념을 적용한 설계과정 연구

        이승용(Lee, Seung-Yong) 한국산학기술학회 2012 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.8

        건축설계과정은 프로그래밍 단계와 디자인 단계로 구분된다. 현대물리학 개념에 기초한 현대건축이론은 자료 를 통합하는 디자인 단계에 적용되어 설계된다. 건축장 또한 디자인 단계에서 진행된다. 건축장은 건축장 특성으로 일체성, 상호성, 영역성을 구현하여 설계가 된다. 그리고 이 특성은 설계 시 고려하는 사항 및 접근하는 관점과 사고 의 범위에 따라 영역성, 상호성, 일체성의 설계과정으로 진행이 된다. 영역성 설계는 주변 환경 및 구조물 등과 대지 의 관계조직체계를 계획한다. 상호성 설계는 건축물이나 공간 등 상호 영향을 주고받는 상호간의 관계망을 계획한다. 일체성 설계는 공간과 건축물이 만나는 방식을 설계하는 것이다. 영역성과 상호성에서 설정된 설계 방향을 구현하고 자 어떠한 방식이나 형상을 계획할 것인지에 관하여 구체적인 내용을 계획하게 된다. 결론적으로 건축장 특성을 정의 하는 일련의 설계과정에 의하여 건축장이 만들어 진다. The architectural design process is consisted of the phase of programming and the phase of the design. The contemporary architectural scheme, as a datascape, a rhizome structure and a diagram, is based on the concept of modern physics. And it is applied on the phase of design by synthesizing data. Like this, the design of the architectural field is accomplished in the phase of design. For design of the architectural field, the characteristics of the architectural field is considered as the viewpoint of design in the procedure. First, according to the area which is defined by relations of environments, around architectures and so on, the net system of relations is designed as area. Second, design the linkage between building and space, building and building, space and space, according to the correspondence each other. Third, design the method or form of connecting building and space to one as a building and a space are no longer divided but are understood by one. As a result, for the design of architectural field, it is necessary to define the criteria by the characteristics of architectural field and the architectural field is designed by process.

      • KCI등재

        중국 ‘의경(意境)’ 미학 기반 공간디자인 사고 방식 연구

        학춘우 ( Hao Chun-yu ),이선정 ( Lee Sun-jung ) 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) The concept of Yijing (意境) belongs to classical Chinese aesthetics, possessing historical and aesthetic value and representing the ultimate goal in traditional Chinese art. However, in modern spatial design, it is challenging to find methods that incorporate traditional Chinese aesthetics, and research on methodologies is scarce. This study aimed to derive three types of spatial design thinking and methods based on Yijing, the traditional aesthetic. It is hoped that spatial designers will use this unique East Asian thought process to create artistically designed spaces. (Method) The paper first discusses the overall theoretical discourse on architectural space Yijing aesthetics, starting with the concept of Yisang and extending to the Yijing aesthetic. It outlines how architectural space Yijing aesthetics have become established in the field of architectural art. Secondly, it selects Yijing theories from different periods to concretely analyze and compare the design thinking and processes of Yi (意), Xiang (象), and Xing (形) and uncover their intrinsic relationships. Thirdly, the study formed a trinitarian design thought process based on Professor Hou Yubin's architectural space Yijing aesthetics, considering the Yi (Heaven), Xiang (Human), and Xing (Earth) aspects with reference to the innate properties of architectural space. This formed the basis for deriving an East Asian spatial design thought process centered on Yi, Xiang, and Xing. (Results) East Asians use image emotional expression as a cognitive space and predominantly utilize the Xingxiang thinking method (image, visual thinking). From the creation perspective, three types of creative thinking based on architectural space Yijing aesthetics were derived: (1) two types based on Xing-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the form → image → meaning approach represents perceptual thinking and has intuitive characteristics, and the other where it is subconscious and intuitive, with abstract features; (2) two types based on Xiang-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the image→ form → meaning method is subconscious and intuitive and the other where it has symbolic features; and (3) two types based on Yi-centered spatial design thinking, that is, one where the meaning → form → image approach is subconscious and intuitive, with abstract characteristics, and the other where it is logical and precise. (Conclusions) Applying architectural space Yijing to architectural design can integrate architecture, environment, and people. In spatial design thinking based on architectural space Yijing aesthetics, Xing and Yi are inseparably unified, connected by Xiang perceptual thinking. The intermediary communicative state of Xiang leads to the interconnectedness of Yi, Xiang, and Xing, culminating in an East Asian Xingxiang thinking method in spatial design.

      • KCI등재

        중국 공공건축에 필요한 공공건축 디자인 요소에 관한 연구

        엽동주,양지윤,김주연 한국공간디자인학회 2022 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.17 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) In modern China, architectural culture developed rapidly along with rapid economic growth. With the trend of the times, the level of the daily life of citizens has increased, and at the same time, the need for public space has also emerged. In particular, public architecture plays a role in improving the quality of life of the public and in enriching the mental life and material experience of the public. However, public architecture without Chinese characteristics, without reflection or consideration of Chinese culture, is also appearing in a flurry. Therefore, it is the design element that should be taken into consideration while designing Chinese-style public buildings. This study aims to find ways to apply Chinese public architecture designs by categorizing public architectural design elements necessary for Chinese public architecture. (Method) The scope of this research involves investigating the design elements required for public buildings in China and understanding the design elements of public buildings in China. The postgraduate and doctoral dissertations issued by China and South Korea—public art design, public design, and architectural design—were selected as the research objects. The design elements mentioned in the text are extracted from previous research, and a specific questionnaire on the similarity of public building design elements is administered to collect data and analyze it using the multi-dimensional scaling method in order to categorize the design elements. (Results) Based on the results of typification, the design elements of Chinese public architecture include the following: Category 1: regionalism and symbolism elements—the symbolic characteristics of regions are a unique style, representativeness, and symbolism of regions. Category 2: aesthetic, artistic, landscape, and cultural elements. Cultural artistic features include humanity and culture, social history and reality, aesthetic value, and artistic and environmental beautification. Category 3 includes five elements: sociality, publicity, interactivity, participation, and openness. The feature of public participation is the common participation and communication of social personnel. Category 4 includes accessibility, utilization, and functionality. Convenience is characterized by accessibility, multi-function use, and service provision. Category 5 refers to diversity, alertness, and sustainability. Sustainability is characterized by multi-purpose use, trend reflection, economy, economy, and sustainability. Those above five design elements are sorted out by typification. (Conclusions) This study derives five design elements of regional symbolism, culture and art, public participation, convenience, and sustainability through the investigation of prior research and using the multi-dimensional scaling method. This design element is of great significance as the effective meaning and methodology of Chinese public buildings, and it is expected to provide further reference and reflections for China’s customized public building design scheme and solve the current Chinese public building problems.

      • KCI등재

        건축설계 Studio에서의 조형교육에 관한 연구

        최동혁 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of the design education method for creative architectural design education by examining the contents and results of architectural design studio. For this purpose, the contents and results of architectural design studio are analysed from the formative thinking point of view based on observation, representation, and formation which are the basic formative education methods of the Bauhaus, and from the creative thinking point of view based on six category of CoRT for the training method of creative thinking which was developed by Cognitive Research Trust in England. For the desirable architectural design education, first, it is essential to learn the basic design theory and to practice the design procedure for the development of the formative thinking, and this is developed by the curriculum of the observation for the accurate grasp of the essence of the object, the representation for the extending the boundary of thinking, and the formation for the integrated design. Second, for the creative architectural design, it is essential to experience the various way of creative thinking, and this is developed by establishing active way of thinking, by presenting the various way of problem solving, and by evaluating all the alternatives through the logical thinking. Third, from the architectural design point of view, all the process of education should be synthetically organized course not fragmentary practice. Therefore, all the process of architectural design education should be consecutively processed based on the consistent logical sequence, and it should be developed from basic practice of design theory to detailed architectural design solution.

      • KCI등재

        국제건축설계공모전 운영의 문제점과 개선방향에 관한 연구 - 2004년 낙동강 에코센터 국제건축설계공모전 사례를 통해 -

        강병준 대한건축학회지회연합회 2017 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        The economic value and socio-cultural value of specialized buildings have a great impact. The value of aesthetic architectural design led to the creation of added value such as an increase in the value of assets and an increase in the number of foreign tourists and visitors. Therefore, many countries and cities have made great efforts to make urban image making through specialized buildings. But exceptional architecture starts with designers with creative and technically superior competencies. If the designer's competence and the legal system and regulations to support it do not have the triple digits, excellent architecture will not be able to see the light of the world. If you do not have all the details such as purpose of construction design, specialization plan, space plan, and related regulations and technical review to be presented to the participants for the design competition, you should not select ‘work’, select ‘person’. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems and find alternatives through the case of Nakdong River Eco Center. In the case of the Nakdong River Eco Center, the design process based on the elected design was not able to be constructed according to the design of the wooden material according to the law. The problems at the Nakdong River Eco Center International Design Competition can be summarized as follows. First of all, it is a problem in the operation process such as making design guidelines by non-experts. If the relevant laws and regulations were thoroughly reviewed and the design guidelines for the public offering were made and presented after the technical review was completed, the design using wood would not have been submitted in the first place. Next is the unilateral process of design change. If design changes were inevitable due to the restriction of related laws, designers need to be actively involved in the design change so as not to undermine the design philosophy and concept of the designer. If public buildings built with enormous cost can not match the original philosophy and function, it can also be a social loss. In this study, the following three alternatives were proposed for a more efficient and high-level operation plan of the international architectural design contest. First, it is necessary to secure the public power by including the regulations on the drafting of the guidelines for the international architectural design competition, which is based on actual construction, in the ‘Building Service Industry Promotion Act’. Second, the level of awareness of stakeholders is enhanced through education. Third, it is necessary to build an integrated database for the international architectural design competition and to build a system that manages already completed projects, present and planned projects as a whole. In accordance with the WTO opening principle of architectural design market, the domestic architectural design market is also in need of in-depth discussion and research on the planning and operation of architectural competition in accordance with global standards and guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        BIM설계를 적용한 건축설계 NCS 개발에 관한 연구

        유용흠(You, Yong Heum),김진욱(Kim, Jin wook) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2014 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.17 No.-

        “능력중심사회 만들기”를 핵심 국정과제로 확정한 박근혜 정부는 국정과제 73번으로 국가직무능력표준(National Competency Standards) 구축을 제시하고 2014년까지 개발 완료를 목표로 하고 있다. NCS의 활용은 교육과정개발, 과정 평가형 자격제도 도입 등 기초 인력양성에 큰 영향을 주는 만큼 NCS는 미래 인력개발을 위해 더욱 중요하다 할 수 있다. 건축설계 또한 2010년 개발된 NCS를 기준으로 보완개발을 실시하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 선행연구 분석과 대, 중, 소규모 국내 건축설계 사무소 실무전문가와 교육전문가, 자격전문가가 참여하는 워크숍을 진행하여, 기존 47개의 세분화된 능력단위로 구성된 건축설계 NCS를 9개의 능력단위와 35개의 능력단위 요소로 정리하였다. 주요 능력단위로는 건축설계계약, 건축설계 조사 분석, 건축설계 기획, 건축설계 계획, 건축설계 프레젠테이션, BIM설계, 관계사 협력설계, 건축설계 설계도서작성, 건축설계 운영관리 등이다. 위 과정에서 현재 도입중인 BIM설계업무를 정의하고, 도입 초기단계의 특성을 고려한 능력단위 요소 및 수행준거를 개발하였다. Park Geun Hye government established the motto "make a society where the priority is put on the capability" as one of its core policies. and planned the construction of National Competency Standards as No. 73 national policy with targeting the completion of it by 2014. As the NCS is used for the education and training of basic human resources including the development of educational process, and introduction of qualification system, it can be said that NCS is important in developing the future human resources. The architectural design is also supplemented and developed based on NCS which was developed in 2010. So, in this study, the prior literature was reviewed and analyzed and a workshop was held for practitional designers working in the large, medium and small sized domestic architectural design offices, as well as educational experts and qualification experts. Based on the research, architectural design NCS which are made with 47 segmented capability units were divided into the 9 capability units and 35 capability unit elements. The main capability units include the contract of architectural design, research & analysis of architectural design, planning of architectural design, planning of architectural design, presentation of architectural design, BIM design, cooperating design with associate companies, preparation of architectural drawing document and operation of architectural design. In the process above, the BIM design work which has been introduced is defined and the capability unit elements and the implementation references were developed in consideration of the characteristics in the initial introduction stage.

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