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      • KCI등재

        민요 사설에 형상화된 동물에 대한 인식

        정규식 한국민요학회 2008 한국민요학 Vol.24 No.-

        The ultimate goal of this paper will be to investigate the animality which has become form in Korean folk song. From folk song the animal is divided with the breeding animal and the wild animals. The dog and cow etc, correspond to the breeding animal. And Bird and insect etc, correspond to the wild animals. On the basis of the available materials, I argue that relationship of the human being between the breeding animal is very variety. Folds but with the cow relationship of the same breeding animal and the human being with possession uses, and there is to relationship of familiarity. Leads the meat which is abundant the distance which will eat and the labor power which leads by the force which is powerful the human being occupies the cow and is a reason which is basic uses. The territory where folds is caused by with the instinct defending and possession use is encountering or in the human being. Birds and lice are the existence which eat the grain and the blood of the human being. Therefore they with the human being form the relationship of opposition. But the magpie and the pheasant with the human being with cooperation form the relationship of coexistence. The human being the small cymbal does to see the animal newly. Them only does not limit in the object of use and control instead of together to own privately, must recognize in the existence will be able to go with. But several questions merit discussion in this paper. This reading seems plausible, yet it requires further examination. The ultimate goal of this paper will be to investigate the animality which has become form in Korean folk song. From folk song the animal is divided with the breeding animal and the wild animals. The dog and cow etc, correspond to the breeding animal. And Bird and insect etc, correspond to the wild animals. On the basis of the available materials, I argue that relationship of the human being between the breeding animal is very variety. Folds but with the cow relationship of the same breeding animal and the human being with possession uses, and there is to relationship of familiarity. Leads the meat which is abundant the distance which will eat and the labor power which leads by the force which is powerful the human being occupies the cow and is a reason which is basic uses. The territory where folds is caused by with the instinct defending and possession use is encountering or in the human being. Birds and lice are the existence which eat the grain and the blood of the human being. Therefore they with the human being form the relationship of opposition. But the magpie and the pheasant with the human being with cooperation form the relationship of coexistence. The human being the small cymbal does to see the animal newly. Them only does not limit in the object of use and control instead of together to own privately, must recognize in the existence will be able to go with. But several questions merit discussion in this paper. This reading seems plausible, yet it requires further examination.

      • KCI등재

        반려동물의 매매계약 당사자의 자격에 관한 법정책적 연구

        김판기,홍진희 한국법정책학회 2020 법과 정책연구 Vol.20 No.1

        As the number of companion animal increases, there are various problems protecting pets such as cruelty and abandonment of pets, damage caused by companion animals, such as pet bites and noise between floors, contracts for the sale of companion animals and related issues, etc. To solve a series of problems related to pets, we are thought to need an understanding of the animal’ life-long steps such as animal farmers - animal dealers - animal shop - animal buyers – animal shelter, based on the legal speciality of companion animal life. These days, companion animal are not considered objects but creatures around the world. So there is a tendency to ban or increase regulations to produce and sell companion animals for commercial purposes because it is inappropriate to trade animals with a contract for the sale of common goods. The nation's public perception does not seem to be much different from this global trend. Based on these circumstances, there will be a need to revise animal laws in the country so that animals can be protected in the process of producing, selling and breeding pets. First, when the animal breeding industry requests permission, or when an animal dealer applies for registration, we need to require them to have a certain ‘qualification’ obtained based on knowledge of companion animals, experience and understanding of related laws to solve the problems of the animal breeding industry and the animal sales industry. And given that pets are the object of welfare and affection as creatures, it needs to improve awareness among pet owners and create a mature companion culture. To own a companion animal, it is necessary to have prior education or to have qualifications or licenses. Ultimately, everyone, including the pet industry, animal feeders and buyers, needs to change our consciousness based on understanding and consideration for pets. Accordingly, education on animals needs to be legislated. 반려동물이 늘어나면서 학대, 유기 등 반려동물의 보호문제, 개물림 사고・층간소음 등 반려동물로 인한 손해, 반려동물의 매매계약과 관련 문제 등 참으로 다양한 문제가 발생하고 있다. 반려동물과 관련된 일련의 문제들을 해결하기 위해서는 반려동물이 생명체라는 법적 특수성을 바탕으로, 반려동물이 통상 일생동안 거치게 되는 동물생산업자 – 동물경매업자 – 동물판매업자(펫숍) – 동물매수인(소비자) – 동물보호소 단계에 대한 이해가 필요하다고 생각된다. 그런데 최근에는 세계적으로 반려동물을 물건으로서의 측면보다는 생명체로서의 측면에서 보아 일반적인 물건의 매매계약과 같은 프로세스로 접근하는 것이 부적절하다고 보고 상업적 목적으로 반려동물을 생산, 판매하는 것을 법으로 금지하거나 규제를 늘려나가고 있는 추세이다. 우리나라 국민들의 인식도 이러한 세계적인 추세와 크게 다르지 않은 것으로 보인다. 이러한 상황을 바탕으로 반려동물의 생산, 매매, 사육과정에서 동물이 보호될 수 있도록 국내의 관련 법률을 개정할 필요가 있을 것이다. 우선, 동물생산업과 동물판매업에 대한 제도의 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 동물생산업이나 동물판매업의 허가나 등록시 반려동물에 대한 지식, 경험, 관련 법률의 이해 등을 바탕으로 취득한 ‘자격’을 요구할 필요가 있다. 그리고 반려동물이 생명체로서 복지와 애호의 대상인 점을 감안하면 반려동물 소유자의 인식 개선과 성숙한 반려문화 조성이 필요하므로, 반려동물을 소유하기 위해서는 사전교육을 받도록 하거나 자격 또는 면허를 갖도록 할 필요가 있다. 궁극적으로는 반려동물업계나 동물사육자, 매수인을 포함한 모든 사람들이 동물을 둘러싼 의식을 바꾸어나갈 필요가 있다. 이에 따라 동물에 관한 전국민에 대한 교육을 법제화할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        유전 및 육종 : 가축 유전체정보 활용 종축 유전능력 평가 연구 -표지인자 효과 추정 모의실험

        이득환 ( Deuk Hwan Lee ),조충일 ( Chung Il Cho ) 한국동물자원과학회(구 한국축산학회) 2011 한국축산학회지 Vol.53 No.1

        본 연구는 유전체분석에 대해 모의실험한 연구로써 Reference Population(RP)이 구성되었을 때, 표현형 자료가 없고 유전체자료만 있는 Juven1 또는 Juven2 세대에 대해 유전평가의 정확도에 대해 알아보고자 연구를 실시하였다. 모의실험의 가정으로 염색체는 1개이며 염색체길이는 100cM로 가정하였다. 초기의 유효집단의 수는 100두의 다형성이 없는 초기집단에서 유전자 효과가 없는 표지인자(Marker)를 0.1cM 및 0.5cM 간격으로 균등하게 단일 염기 돌연변이에 의한 다형성을 발생시켰고 유전자 효과가 있는 QTL 좌위는 Marker와 동수의 비율로 임의위치를 지정하여 돌연변이에 의한 변이성을 생성하였으며 이때 유전자 효과는 Gamma 분포함수(scale=1.66, shape=0.4)에서 생성하였다. 배우자(gamete) 형성과정에서 Haldane의 가정하에 유전자 재조합을 생성하였으며 돌연변이 발생율은 Marker 및 QTL 좌위에서 2.5×10(-3) 및 2.5×10(-5)의 확률로 발생시켜 1000세대까지 세대번식을 유지하였다. 이 후 1001세대부터 1004세대까지 세대당 2000두의 자손을 생성하였으며 이 때 유전력을 0.1 및 0.5의 가정하에 1001~1002세대에서 표현형 자료를 생성하였고, 1003~1004세대는 오직 유전체자료만 생성하였다. Bayesian 방법을 이용하여 개체별 육종가를 추정하였으며 표지인자간 거리(0.1cM, 0.5cM), 유전력(0.1, 0.5) 및 반형매 집단크기(20두, 4두)에 따라 참육종가와 추정 육종가간의 상관으로 표현되는 육종가 정확도에 대해 비교한 결과 1003세대에서 표지인자간 거리가 0.1cM 및 0.5cM일 때 육종가의 정확도는 각각 0.87, 0.81였고, 유전력이 0.1 및 0.5 일 때 각각 0.87, 0.94로 추정되었으며, 반형매 집단의 크기가 20두 일 때 0.87, 4두 일 때 0.84로 추정되었다. 위의 결과로 미루어 보아 다량의 SNP 표지정보 및 반형매 집단의 크기가 클수록 즉, 혈연계수가 높은 집단일 때 육종가의 정확도는 높게 나타났다. 유전체선발의 활용시 비교적 높은 정확도로써 조기선발이 가능하며 이로 인한 세대간격을 단축시킬 수 있어 개량의 효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 반면에 유전체선발은 분석비용이 비싸며, 지속적인 유전체 선발시 특정유전자 선호로 인한 유전적 부동(Genetic Drift) 현상이 발생될 수 있기 때문에 지속적인 SNP 발굴에 대한 노력이 필요한(Meuwissen 2003) 단점이 있으나 한우 또는 젖소와 같은 대가축과 같이 세대간격이 긴 가축에서 유전체선발 할 경우 조기선발로 인한 세대간격 단축과 유전평가의 높은 정확도(0.8이상)로 인해 개량의 효율을 극대화 할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. This simulation study was performed to investigate the accuracy of the estimated breeding value by using genomic information (GEBV) by way of Bayesian framework. Genomic information by way of single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) from a chromosome with length of 100cM were simulated with different marker distance(0.1cM, 0.5cM), heritabilities(0.1, 0.5) and half sibs families(20 heads, 4 heads). For generating the simulated population in which animals were inferred to genomic polymorphism, we assumed that the number of quantitative trait loci(QTL) were equal with the number of no effect markers. The positions of markers and QTLs were located with even and scatter distances, respectively. The accuracies of estimated breeding values by way of indicating correlations between true and estimated breeding values were compared on several cases of marker distances, heritabilities and family sizes. The accuracies of breeding values on animals only having genomic information were 0.87 and 0.81 in marker distances of 0.1cM and 0.5cM, respectively. These accuracies were shown to be influenced by heritabilities (0.87 at h2=0.10, 0.94 at h2=0.50). According to half sibs`` family size, these accuracies were 0.87 and 0.84 in family size of 20 and 4, respectively. As half sibs family size is high, accuracy of breeding appeared high. Based on the results of this study it is concluded that the amount of marker information, heritability and family size would influence the accuracy of the estimated breeding values in genomic selection methodology for animal breeding.

      • KCI등재

        Advances from Conventional to Modern Plant Breeding Methodologies

        Sashi Lamichhane,Sapana Thapa 한국육종학회 2022 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Vol.10 No.1

        First initiation of breeding started thousands of years ago when human practiced selection based in visually appealing traits. Further, domestication of wild plants eased adaptation of plant breeding. With increase in population the demand for food also increased which resulted in development of various breeding methodologies. Conventional breeding is a selective breeding methodology where crops are selected based on superior performances. Pure-line selections, mass selection, back cross breeding, recurrent selection, hybridization were most famous traditional breeding methods. It is a longer breeding method and is over-dependent on phenotype of plants. However, phenotypes of a plant are affected by various externalities. So, selection based on phenotypic expression is not accurate. As a result, breeder started integrating various branches of biology in plant breeding and developed modern breeding practices. After Mendelian theory and identification of DNA and RNA, plant breeding diverted to molecular era. People started breeding based on less environmentally susceptible parameters like genotypes, visual and genetic markers, image analysis and loci mapping. Some of the most common modern breeding practices include genomic selection, markers assisted breeding, high throughput phenotyping and CRISPR-Cas9. Despite these, plant breeding has fired up the problems of gene erosion due to loss of local landraces and wild-type plants.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 반려동물 사육경험이 과학에 대한 흥미, 과학호기심, 과학자아개념에 미치는 영향

        김지원 ( Kim Jiwon ),강지훈 ( Kang Jihoon ),유병길 ( Yoo Pyoungkil ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2021 초등과학교육 Vol.40 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of breeding experiences of companion animals on elementary school students' interest in science, science curiosity, and science self-concept in relation to companion animals that are rapidly increasing in modern society. To achieve the purpose of this study, level of four hundred and seventy-four 6th grade at elementary school students’ interest in science, science curiosity, and science self-concept according to breeding experiences of companion animals were compared and analyzed through ANOVA and independent sample t-test. As a result of the analysis, students who have experience in raising companion animals have higher interest in science, science curiosity, and science self-concept than students who have no experience in raising companion animals. It is believed that students participate in breeding activities of companion animals with interest and curiosity, and that self-concept has increased due to the process of acquiring knowledge necessary to raise companion animals and successful breeding experiences. The results of this study are meaningful in that they discussed the implications of breeding experiences of companion animals for science education, using companion animals that have not been studied much in the field of science education so far.

      • 애완견의 사육실태 및 건강증진에 미치는 효과

        정철규,옥치상 고신대학교보건과학연구소 2003 보건과학연구소보 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was to investigate the realities and effect on health promotion of pet dog breeding with 290 homes by questionnaire in Busan, Korea. Based on the results, in matter of the health promotion, sense of self satisfaction of the pet dogs breeding home showed significant (P<0.05) than non breeding home in the items of concept of family, concept of sharing the life together, prospect of pet industry, recommendation for breeding, mystery of life, conversation companion of the aged people, maintaining pleasure, consideration of other people, optimistic, regular living, satisfying with the present life, and fostering children's emotion. In children's education and fostering sociality, it was not significant on the items of increasing the number of words children speak, the chances contacting with nature, the mind to serve, and sunbath, but it was significant (P<0.05) on the items of friendly relationship with neighbors, recommendation for breeding pet animals, and repenting of breeding. In the sense of relationship with family, the time of returning home was not significant, but it was significant (P<0.05) on the items of conversation time, sense of relationship with family, and reduction of going out. In dissolving stress, the items of dissolving stress was significant, and it was significant on the item of leisure time of ole people (P<0.05). Exercise was not significant.


        Animal Breeding: What Does the Future Hold?

        Eisen, E.J. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.3

        An overview of developments important in the future of animal breeding is discussed. Examples from the application of quantitative genetic principles to selection in chickens and mice are given. Lessons to be learned from these species are that selection for production traits in livestock must also consider selection for reproduction and other fitness-related traits and inbreeding should be minimized. Short-term selection benefits of best linear unbiased predictor methodology must be weighed against long-term risks of increased rate of inbreeding. Different options have been developed to minimize inbreeding rates while maximizing selection response. Development of molecular genetic methods to search for quantitative trait loci provides the opportunity for incorporating marker-assisted selection and introgression as new tools for increasing efficiency of genetic improvement. Theoretical and computer simulation studies indicate that these methods hold great promise once genotyping costs are reduced to make the technology economically feasible. Cloning and transgenesis are not likely to contribute significantly to genetic improvement of livestock production in the near future.

      • KCI우수등재

        신라 사회에서 말의 사육과 상징에 관한 연구

        김정숙(Kim Jeong-Sook) 한국사연구회 2003 한국사연구 Vol.123 No.-

        In the Ancient Shilla society the horse was used for many purposes and was regarded as the most useful domestic animal. The horse was tightly connected with human life and was considered as a part of it. In ancient times horses had many functions that included riding, transportation of goods and people, carriers and as a sacrificial animal. Due to the multipurposes of the horse in that era, it is difficult to understand how symbolic the horse was. Discovering how the horse was used and symbolized in the ancient society is important if we are to understand the character of the people of that era. The following article aims to dig up and find the practical uses and the symbolic meaning of the horse by referring to documents and archaeological reports. The people began domesticating the horse since the Bronze Age in Korea. From that time on the horse was used more for transportation and military combat than for eating or sacrificing. The horse was used because it possessed and provided the power of speed and comfort to its wealthy owners. The way in which the people utilized the horse often had a major bearing on the final outcome. Using the horse as a means of transportation was generally known since the time when village tribes were assembled. The time when regions began riding the horse differed: the North was in general earlier than the South to begin riding the horse. According to documents and archaeological remains it was concluded that man began riding the horse from around B.C. 1C to just after and they also knew how to use a carriage. At that time, the women rode along with the men. In brief, the women went out with the men and the officers brought their family to their new post. This was a difference in the Chosun Dynasty. The provision and breeding of the horse was biologically controlled in the Shilla society. The Shilla government established a system where they gave the duties of looking after the horses to members of the public. There were also people who bred horses privately and these horses were bought and sold in the private market. These horses are exchanged as gifts from nations to nations in tribute of good deeds. There was a great market for the by-product such as leather, and meat and so the horse was used extensively in their daily life. The Shilla people treated the horse as a part of their wealth and so when people commit serious crimes they pay with the horse to be liberalized. The horse along with steel weaponry and armor was a major item that needed to be captured in order for success during war. The horse was also very important economically and can be almost thought of as being equivalently worth one slave. So the more upper class you were during the Shilla period, the more horses you owned and bred. During the United Shilla period the upper class society owned at least 3 horses and the lower class had on average 1 to 2 horses. The horse was an animal that symbolized social status. During the United Shilla period. the upper class also known as 'Golpoom(골품)' had rules that determined the decorations allowed on the horse wagon. bridle, reigns and so on. This showed their position in society. Those in the upper class who were or were above 5 dooppoom(두품) were allowed to utilize the wagon. The general public including women were however at least allowed to use the horse. In conclusion the horse was a symbolic animal in many ways. In Korean mythology, the horse has been portrayed as an animal that is owned by neither heaven nor earth and plays a role of roaming between the two. The people swore to the heavens and offered the horse as a sacrifice to the heavens as a resurrected animal. The Korean people after the religious sacrifice shared the resurrected animal during the feast. It is not known for sure however, whether the horse amongst all the other sacrificed animals was eaten during the feast.

      • KCI등재

        Embryo sexing methods in bovine and its application in animal breed

        Shelema Kelbessa Bora 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2022 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        The ability to determine the sex of bovine embryos before the transfer is advantageous in livestock management, especially in dairy production, where female calves are preferred in milk industry. The milk production of female and male cattle benefits both the dairy and beef industries. Pre-implantation sexing of embryos also helps with embryo transfer success. There are two approaches for sexing bovine embryos in farm animals: invasive and non-invasive. A non-invasive method of embryo sexing retains the embryo’s autonomy and, as a result, is less likely to impair the embryo’s ability to move and implant successfully. There are lists of non-invasive embryo sexing such as; Detection of H-Y antigens, X-linked enzymes, and sexing based on embryo cleavage and development. Since it protects the embryo’s autonomy, the non-invasive procedure is considered to be the safest. Invasive methods affect an embryo’s integrity and are likely to damage the embryo’s chances of successful transformation. There are different types of invasive methods such as polymerase chain reaction, detection of male chromatin Y chromosome specific DNA probes, Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), cytological karyotyping, and immunofluorescence (FISH). The PCR approach is highly sensitive, precise, and effective as compared to invasive methods of farm animal embryonic sexing. Invasive procedures, such as cytological karyotyping, have high accuracy but are impractical in the field due to embryonic effectiveness concerns. This technology can be applicable especially in the dairy and beef industry by producing female and male animals respectively. Enhancing selection accuracy and decreasing the multiple ovulation embryo transfer costs.

      • KCI등재

        Embryo sexing methods in bovine and its application in animal breed

        Shelema Kelbessa Bora 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2022 Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Vol.37 No.2

        The ability to determine the sex of bovine embryos before the transfer is advantageous in livestock management, especially in dairy production, where female calves are preferred in milk industry. The milk production of female and male cattle benefits both the dairy and beef industries. Pre-implantation sexing of embryos also helps with embryo transfer success. There are two approaches for sexing bovine embryos in farm animals: invasive and non-invasive. A non-invasive method of embryo sexing retains the embryo’s autonomy and, as a result, is less likely to impair the embryo’s ability to move and implant successfully. There are lists of non-invasive embryo sexing such as; Detection of H-Y antigens, X-linked enzymes, and sexing based on embryo cleavage and development. Since it protects the embryo’s autonomy, the non-invasive procedure is considered to be the safest. Invasive methods affect an embryo’s integrity and are likely to damage the embryo’s chances of successful transformation. There are different types of invasive methods such as polymerase chain reaction, detection of male chromatin Y chromosomespecific DNA probes, Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), cytological karyotyping, and immunofluorescence (FISH). The PCR approach is highly sensitive, precise, and effective as compared to invasive methods of farm animal embryonic sexing. Invasive procedures, such as cytological karyotyping, have high accuracy but are impractical in the field due to embryonic effectiveness concerns. This technology can be applicable especially in the dairy and beef industry by producing female and male animals respectively. Enhancing selection accuracy and decreasing the multiple ovulation embryo transfer costs.

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