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        러시아 언론과 애국문학에 나타난 알래스카– 러․일 쿠릴열도 분쟁에의 함의 -

        배규성,계용택 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2017 한국시베리아연구 Vol.21 No.1

        In 1867, Russia sold its last remaining colonial possessions, Russian America including Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million. This paper will at first examine Russian public opinion and national sentiment on the sale of Alaska in Russian media and patriotic literature through contrast with historical situation and objective facts. Next, it will be analyzed what meaning and affect the public opinion and emotion shaped by the mixture of historical realities and literary imaginations have on present Russia’s territorial disputes with other countries, especially the Kuril archipelago conflict between Russia and Japan. More specifically, in Chapter 2(Alaska in the Russian press) will be examined the historical situations and objective facts around Alaska trade in 1867 and the contemporary Russian public opinion and national sentiment about the trade. In Chapter 3(Alaska in Russian Patriotic Literature) the Soviet historical interpretation on the colonization of Russian America, and Russia’s patriotic literature on Alaska which has been transformed into indivisible part of the symbolic geography of Russian nationalism will be analysed. And then the process of spewing the anger at Alaska’s sales to the United States into the liberal reformers’ betrays and the conspiracy of the Jewish-Masonic plot will be examined. In the final conclusion, it will be examined how the trauma in Russian psychology left by Alaska sales would have an impact on various territorial disputes facing Russia today, especially the Kuril archipelago conflict between Russia and Japan. Considering the nationalism and nationalist sentiment that have gained greater momentum in Russia since its merger of Crimea in April 2014, this analysis is appropriate. 1867년 러시아는 알래스카를 포함하여 북 아메리카에 남아있던 잔여 식민지 재산을 미국에 720만 달러에 팔았다. 본 논문은 러시아 언론 및 러시아 애국문학 속에 나타난 러시아의 알래스카 판매에 대한 러시아의 국민 여론과 민족적 감정을 역사적 상황과 객관적 사실과의 대비를 통해 살펴보고, 이러한 역사적 현실과 문학적 상상의 대비를 통해 나타난 국민 여론과 감정이 러시아의 타국과의 영토분쟁, 특히 러시아와 일본 간의 쿠릴열도 분쟁에 어떤 의미가 있는지 분석해 볼 것이다. 2장(러시아 언론에 나타난 알래스카)에서는 1867년 알래스카 매매에 대한 역사적 상황과 객관적 사실을 알래스카 매매에 대한 오늘날 러시아인의 여론과 민족감정과 대비하여 살펴볼 것이다. 3장(러시아 애국문학에 나타난 알래스카)에서는 러시아-아메리카의 식민개척에 대한 소비에트의 역사적 해석으로부터 시작하여, 이제는 러시아의 애국문학에서 러시아 민족주의의 상징적 지리의 일부가 되어버린 알래스카에 대한 러시아의 국민적 감정 그리고 알래스카의 판매에 대한 분노를 자유주의 개혁 배신자들과 유대-프리메이슨의 음모로 분출하는 과정을 살펴볼 것이다. 마지막 결론부분에선, 알래스카 판매로 인해 러시아인의 심리에 남겨진 상처(트라우마)가 오늘날 러시아가 직면한 다양한 영토분쟁, 특히 러시아와 일본 간의 쿠릴열도 분쟁에 어떤 의미와 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 이러한 분석은 2014년 4월 러시아가 크림반도를 합병한 이후 러시아에서 더 큰 모멘텀을 획득한 민족주의적 여론과 감정을 고려하면 적절하고 적실한 연구주제라고 생각한다.


        Anthony R. Fiorillo 한국고생물학회 2006 고생물학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        알래스카의 공룡화석은 후기 쥐라기에서 백악기까지 산출된다. 후기 쥐라기 공룡화석은 사진 기록으로 두건이 확인되는데 한 건은 일련의 수각류 공룡발자국이고 다른 것은 공룡뼈 조각이다 이들은 모두 알래스카의 남서쪽에서 산출된다. 이와 유사하게 전기 백악기 공룡화석도 잘 알려져 있지 않은데 몇 개의 공룡발자국 산지와 공룡피부흔적이 발견된 곳이 있다. 알래스카에서 더 젊은 지층의 기록은 후기 백악기 전기인 Cenomanian과 Turonian 시기다. 많은 화석지가 발견되고 있으며 이들 화석지의 대부분은 공룡발자국 산지다. 일반적으로 이들 화석지는 알래스카의 북쪽 지역에 한정된다. 발자국 산지의 예외적인 한 곳은 알래스카 남중앙의 해성층에서 발견된 오리주둥이공룡의 뼈와 함께 산출된다. 현재까지 가장 풍부한 공룡화석은 Campanian-Maastrichtian 육성층에서 산출되고 있다. 대부분의 화석지가 북알래스카이지만 새로운 화석지가 남서부 지역과 McKinley산 근처의 중앙 알래스카 산맥에서도 발견되었다. 가장 최후기의 백악기 기록은 많은 뼈화석과 발자국 화석으로 채워진다. 알래스카 백악기에서 산출된 척추동물화석은 경골어류, 거북, 크고 작은 수각류, 조류, 힙실로포돈류, 파키케팔로사우루스류, 곡룡류, 각룡류, 오리주둥이공룡류 그리고 포유류인 multituberculate, 유대류, 태반류 등이다. 이러한 표본들은 강과 강 제방에 묻힌 것으로 발굴을 통해 수집되었다. 한국의 백악기 경상누층군은 다양한 척추화석 기록을 갖고 있다. 비록 경상누층군이 전기 백악기에 더 많은 화석기록을 갖고 있지만 알래스카의 Campanian 시기에 대비되는 화석 기록도 갖고 있다. 고지자기 기록에 의하면 백악기의 알래스카와 한국의 척추동물화석은 고위도 지역의 화석군을 나타내며 이러한 점에서 논의해야 할 필요가 있다. 현재 북극권에는 동식물이 극한 환경에서 삶을 유지하기 위해 독특한 적응을 하고 있다. 백악기의 고위도 기후가 현재보다 더 온순했지만 빛의 강도와 각도 같은 물리적인 요소는 늘 일정했다. 그러므로 이러한 백악기 척추동물화석군은 옛날 고위도 환경에 적응한 생명체에 대한 가치 있는 통찰력을 제공한다. The record of dinosaurs from Alaska extends from the Late Jurassic through the Cretaceous. The record for the Late Jurassic is based on two photographed occurrences of dinosaurs, one a series of theropod tracks and the other a dinosaurian bone fragment. Both records occur in the southwestern part of the state. Similarly dinosaur records for the Early Cretaceous are represented but in very sparse numbers, consisting of a few footprint localities and a dinosaur skin impression locality that is also likely from this interval in time. Younger records of dinosaurs for Alaska also occur in the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian and Turonian). Such localities are growing in number and most are footprint localities. Generally these localities are confined to the northern part of the state. One exception to the footprint localities is that of a locality yielding a partial hadrosaur skeleton found in marine rocks in the south-central part of the state. By far the richest record of dinosaurs for the state is from the Campanian-Maastrichtian sequences of non-marine rocks. Whereas most of these localities are from northern Alaska, additional new localities have been found in the southwestern part of the state as well as in the central Alaska Range, near Mt. McKinley. This latest Cretaceous record consists of numerous fossil bone and footprint localities. The fossil vertebrate fauna recovered from Cretaceous rocks in Alaska include specimens of osteichthyan fishes, a chelonian, large and small theropods, birds, a hypsilophodontid, a pachycephalosaur, an ankylosaur, ceratopsians and hadrosaurians, as well as multituberculate, marsupial, and placental mammals. These specimens have been acquired through quarry and site excavations, and accumulated river bar and river bank float. The Cretaceous Gyeongsang Supergroup of Korea contains a comparably rich fossil vertebrate record. Whereas the Gyeongsang Supergroup is more prolific in the Early Cretaceous than the coeval Alaskan record it also contains fossil vertebrates that are correlative with the Campanian record of Alaska. Based on paleomagnetic reconstructions, both the Alaskan Cretaceous vertebrate fauna and the Korean vertebrate fauna represent ancient high-latitude faunas and should be examined in that Light. In the modern Arctic, animals and plants demonstrate suites of unique features for life in extreme environments. Even though global climate in the Cretaceous in the high latitudes was milder than today some physical parameters, such as the quantity and angle of light, likely remained constant through time. Therefore, these Cretaceous vertebrate faunas hold valuable insights into adaptations for life in an ancient high-latitude environment.

      • KCI등재


        Mark P. Barry 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2011 평화학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This paper investigates potential avenues of encouraging the United States and Canada (federal and local governmentsas well as their business and NGO communities) to consider building in stages a Bering Strait tunnel, connecting Alaska and Russia. Given that a significant government-funded phase one feasibility study in 2007 found a supportive business case for an Alaska-Canada Rail Link(ACRL) that would connect existing Canadian rail lines in British Columbia with the Alaska Railroad, the author arguesthat, ideally, an ACRLought to be promoted as the first stage toward eventually building a Bering Strait crossing. Once anAlaska-Canada rail link werebuilt, it would possibly be easier for public or private sector consideration of extension of the North American rail link from Fairbanks, Alaska to the Nome vicinity (stage two), and ultimately, to construct a tunnel to connectto Russia (stage three). However, with the business climate in western Canada now dominated by Alberta’s increased crude oil production that seeks new markets, an eventual ACRL would have to secure funding through private investment, not public funding. Given present indifference to an ACRL in North America, although it might be problematic politically, it may be a viable option to invite Chinese private investment in an ACRL. Nonetheless, ACRL construction may have to wait until several smaller-scale transportation projects are built in Alaska that will help substantiate a business case for an ACRL. On the governmental level, the project needs to be promoted strategically as a means to strengthen U.S.-Russian relationsover the long-term, as well as to boost cultural ties between North America and Eurasia. A near-term recommendation is thata project office be established in Anchorageto educate and lobby Alaska’s executive and legislative branches, relevant state agencies,business and non-profit associations, Alaska native corporations, and local media for this project. It should build a base of awareness and support, including gathering a coalition of like-minded organizations and relevant state agencies. The author also recommends the Bering Strait project be cast in the broader framework of emergingU.S. policy for the Arctic region. Finally, another near-term recommendation is offered for portraying the BeingStrait project as a means to reconnect the indigenous peoples of Eurasia and the Americas.

      • KCI등재

        루스까야 아메리카 매매의 자연지리적, 사회적, 정치/경제적 요소

        김정훈 한국세계문화사학회 2018 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.48

        This study aims to establish a comprehensive understanding of the Arctic region by examining the historical background and reason for the transfer of the sovereignty from the Russian Empire to the United States of America in the course of the history of the Arctic region where the interest of the international society is rising in the 21st century. First, the historical background and current status of the formation and disappearance of 'Alaska, Russian America' were analyzed, and then the historical and social causes and backgrounds of the reasons for 'trading' were investigated. The process of studying natural geography, social and political / economic factors, especially in Russia's 'Politarism', which appeared in the process of buying and selling Russian America, located at a distance from the central government was conducted under the premise of the need for more attention to the social environment. Polyturism, which is based on the Greek term 'Politea', means a social system or stage in which the state dominates the supreme ownership of the fundamental means of production and of the individual who is the direct producer. In the case of Czarist Russia, the political and economic structure and the social situation are highly likely to be determined according to the behavior patterns of the actors, and the loss of Russian America was also achieved in this trend. The conservative and backward 'polytism' of the Russian Empire eventually succumbed to the radical development of capitalism in the mid-nineteenth century, and served as a fundamental factor in Alaska. The domination of 'polytarism' in the mainland and in the colonies resulted in the tragic ending of the government of the Imperial Court, that is to say the transfer of Russian America to the United States. In other words, the precise identification and analysis of the characteristics of the 'polytism' of the Russian empire in the respect of the Russian America trade is based on various factors (natural geography, political/social/economic & international situation and geopolitical factors). This will be an appropriate research method for understanding. Therefore, this research methodology will provide an academic basis for analyzing the causes and effects of historical events in Alaska. In addition, this paper is expected to serve as an academic basis for understanding the specificity and universality of the region that may appear the development process and thereafter. Unfortunately, there is little historical and social analysis or research on Alaska in Korea. Therefore, I hope that this research will serve as a foundation for the study of humanities and social sciences in Korea, and at the same time it will play an important role in creating an atmosphere for the study on Alaska.(Paichai University) 본 연구는 21세기 국제 사회의 관심이 고조되고 있는 북극권 지역 중 역사의 흐름 속에서 러시아제국에서 미합중국으로 영유권이 양도된 알래스카에 대한 고찰로써 그 역사적 배경과 양도의 이유를 분석함으로써 연구지역에 대한 종합적 이해를 정립하고자 하는 목표를 가지고 있다. 제정 러시아 중앙정부와는 원거리에 위치하고 있었던 루스까야 아메리카의 매매과정에 나타난 자연지리적, 사회적, 정치/경제적 요소, 특히 러시아의 ‘폴리타리즘(Politarism)’에 대한 연구과정은 행위주체의 행위변수, 즉 역사 및 사회적 환경에 보다 많은 관심이 필요하다는 전제하에 이루어졌다. 보수적이며 후진적인 러시아제국의 ‘폴리타리즘’은 19세기 중엽 급진적으로 발전하고 있는 자본주의의 강습에 결국 두 손을 들 수밖에 없었으며, 알래스카의 근본적 요인으로 작용했다. 본토와 식민지에서의 ‘폴리타리즘’의 지배현상은 황실정부로 하여금 비극적 결말, 즉 루스까야 아메리카의 미국으로의 양도현상으로 귀결됐다. 즉 루스까야 아메리카 매매의 이유에 있어서 러시아제국의 ‘폴리타리즘’ 성격을 정확하게 파악하고 분석하는 작업은 매매이유의 다양한 요인을 종합적으로 이해하는데 있어 적합한 연구방법이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        『느릅나무 밑의 욕망』의 여성적 글 읽기: “알래스카 같은 곳”

        채수경 한국중앙영어영문학회 2008 영어영문학연구 Vol.50 No.1

        The physical and psychological landscape of the home portrayed in Eugene O'Neill’s Desire Under the Elms is similar to the landscape that Harold Pinter places the heroin Deborah in his play, A Kind of Alaska. Pinter’s Deborah functions as the object of the male look and desire, and her true nature is denied. Deborah lives in “a kind of Alaska” where she is more like an ice marble, a voiceless sculpture in a patriarch world. Likewise, in Desire Under the Elms, the dead wife of Cabot, whose name we never know, is also oppressed in a patriarchal home. The namelessness of the unnamed woman is a symbol of denying her identity. In life and even in death, she was/is only Cabot’s wife or Eben’s mother. She is located off stage, already dead from the beginning of the play. She too once lived in the frozen landscape of the law of father, the law of patriarchy that the icy man Cabot backed up. She is given no voice of her own, and is heard only through the false and distorted utterances of the male characters. Her absence and silence force her into a position of the insignificant Other in patriarchal space, never allowed to express any of her desires and sufferings. If the unnamed woman were to awake from her sleeping-death like Deborah, she would also cry out for her own voice and identity, denying the place of the Other in “a kind of Alaska,” and shattering the false male mirror. Therefore, the reader/audience must reread/re-see the female characters represented in male authors’ works with the attitude of the “resisting reader/audience.” If one uses the method of a feminine reading, new voice, where no voice was present before, will emerge: the voice of women oppression and awakening.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 북극정책 역사 고찰과 한국의 북극정책 방향

        서현교 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2016 한국시베리아연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The object of this study is to research the history of the Arctic Policy of US which is a current Arctic Council's chair-country and a leading country of global Arctic issues and to provide the its implications to Korea's future Arctic Policy. US became the Arctic country through purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, which had governed it for almost military and secure purpose until designated as the US 49th state in 1959. After that, US Presidents has announced the Arctic Strategies considering secure, environmental, economic and international aspects of Alaska: Richard Nixon's NSDM-144 in 1971, Ronald Reagon's NSDD-90 in 1983, Bill Clinton's PDD/NSC-26 in 1994, but these were rather declaratory type's presidential Directives (total 2-5 pages) than practical policies which includes concrete plans: (Wake-up phase of US Arctic Policies). Then, George W. Bush opened NSPD-66/HSPD-25 in 2009 that NSPD-66/HSPD-25 included implementation plans which composed of detailed projects by superceding six principal objectives of Bill Clinton's PDD/NSC-26 (Build-up phase of US Arctic policies). Current president Barack Obama revealed 'National Strategy for the Arctic Region' in 2013 including three strategic directions & four guiding principles and released consecutively 'Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for the Arctic Region' in 2014, 'National Strategy for the Arctic Region Implementation Report' on 2015, as an outcome report for the plans (Completion Phase of US Arctic policies). Though the historical analysis of US' Arctic policies, these paper extracted three common key-words derived from each Presidential Arctic policy: △National Security, △International cooperation, △Sustainable Environmental Stewardship. Obama's Adminstration, as the Arctic Council's new chair-country in April 2015, announced 'Chairmanship Program 2015~2017' that would be carried out during the incumbency. This Program consisted of 15 detailed projects by 4 themes. Cross-checking analysis between these 15 projects and detailed plans in Obama's implementation plans(2014) showed that what requires international cooperations, for example Arctic environmental protections, scientific monitoring, Search & Rescue etc, were mainly included detailed projects of US chairmanship program. This means that US hope to address various issue regarding Arctic environment and sustainablities with global societies (Arctic Countries and observer countries, etc) through Arctic Council. Korea as an observer country of Arctic Council, should fortify the bilateral collaboration between Korea and US for Korea's economic development by contributing current US's Arctic Policies and Chairmanship Program. 본 연구는 북극이사회의 현 의장국이자 국제사회에서 북극정책의 구심점 역할을 하고 있는 미국의 북극정책 역사와 현 정책의 고찰을 통해 우리나라 북극정책 방향에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 함을 목적으로 한다. 1867년 러시아로부터 알래스카를 매입해 본격적인 북극권 국가가 된 미국은 1959년 미국의 49번째 주로 지정할 때까지 이 지역을 군사 및 안보구역으로 지정 및 관할하였다. 정식 주(州)로 지정받은 후 미국 대통령은 알래스카의 안보, 환경보호, 경제개발, 국제협력 등을 포괄하는 북극전략을 대통령 강령으로 발표하였다. 리차드 닉슨(Richard Nixon) 대통령은 1971년 NSDM-144 강령, 로널드 레이건 대통령(Ronald Reagon)은 1983년 NSDD-90 강령, 빌 클린턴 대통령(Bill Clinton) 은 1994년 PDD/NSC-26 강령을 각각 발표하였다. 10여 년 주기로 발표된 강령들은 구체적인 실행 계획을 담은 정책적 강령이라기보다는 2-5페이지 분량의 선언적 강령이라 할 수 있으며, 이 시기를 미국의 북극정책 태동기로 분류한다. 조지 부시(George W. Bush) 미국 대통령은 빌 클린턴 대통령이 발표한 PDD/NSC-26의 6개 주요 목표를 기반으로 세부적으로 추진하기 위한 프로젝트를 담은 NSPD-66/HSPD-25 강령을 2009년 발표하였다. 이 강령은 구체적인 실행 프로젝트를 담고 있으며 기존 강령을 발전시키는 내용을 담아냈다는 점에서 북극정책 체계의 구축기로 분류할 수 있다. 현 미국 대통령인 버락 오바마(Barack Obama) 대통령은 2013년 ‘북극지역에 대한 국가 전략(National Strategy for the Arctic Region)’이라는 북극정책을 발표하였는데 이 전략에는 3개의 기본전략 및 4대 실행계획이 담겨 있다. 그리고 3대 기본전략을 달성하기 위한 세부 실행계획(Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for the Arctic Region)을 2014년 1월 발표하였고, 실행보고서(National Strategy for the Arctic Region-Implementation Report)를 2015년에 발표하였다. 기본정책에 따른 세부정책 및 실행계획 및 점검(피드백)까지 하나의 완성 체계를 이뤄내며 북극정책의 완성기를 이뤄냈다. 미국의 북극정책을 태동기부터 완성기까지 역사적으로 분석한 결과, 북극정책은 시대에 상관없이 ‘국가안보’, ‘국제협력’, ‘지속가능한 환경관리’라는 3개 키워드를 공통으로 범위가 점차 광범위해지고, 3개 주제를 기반으로 세부정책이나 실행계획을 추진해 왔다고 분석할 수 있다. 미국은 2015년 북극이사회 새 의장국이 되면서 의장국 기간(2015-2017) 동안 주도할 의장국 프로그램(Chairmanship program 2015-2017)을 발표하였는데 4개 분야의 15개 세부 과제가 포함되어 있다. 본 연구에서 15개 세부과제와 오바마의 북극정책 세부 실행계획(2014)을 비교 분석한 결과 세부 실행계획(2014) 중에서 국제사회와 공조가 요구되는 북극의 지속가능한 환경관리와 북극 과학연구, SAR(수색 및 구조)와 같은 국제협력 과제들을 의장국 프로그램의 세부과제에 포함시켰다. 미국이 북극에서 국익과 연계된 안보 부문을 제외하고, 미국의 독자적 대응이 불가능하고, 국제협력이 요구되는 북극 관련 이슈들을 북극이사회라는 창구를 통해 북극권 국가 및 비북극권 국가(한국 등 옵서버국가) 등 국제사회와 공동협력으로 대응하고 해결하려는 의지로 해석할 수 있다. 북극이사회 옵서버 국가인 한국은 미국의 북극정책과 의장국 프로그램에 기여함으로써 국익 확보를 위한 미국과의 북극 양자협력을 더욱 강화하는 계기를 마련해야 하겠다.

      • Bacterial community structure and soil properties of a subarctic tundra soil in Council, Alaska

        Kim, Hye Min,Jung, Ji Young,Yergeau, Etienne,Hwang, Chung Yeon,Hinzman, Larry,Nam, Sungjin,Hong, Soon Gyu,Kim, Ok-Sun,Chun, Jongsik,Lee, Yoo Kyung Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2014 FEMS microbiology ecology Vol.89 No.2

        <P>The subarctic region is highly responsive and vulnerable to climate change. Understanding the structure of subarctic soil microbial communities is essential for predicting the response of the subarctic soil environment to climate change. To determine the composition of the bacterial community and its relationship with soil properties, we investigated the bacterial community structure and properties of surface soil from the moist acidic tussock tundra in Council, Alaska. We collected 70 soil samples with 25-m intervals between sampling points from 0–10 cm to 10–20 cm depths. The bacterial community was analyzed by pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes, and the following soil properties were analyzed: soil moisture content (MC), pH, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), and inorganic nitrogen ([FORMULA OMISSION] and [FORMULA OMISSION]). The community compositions of the two different depths showed that <I>Alphaproteobacteria</I> decreased with soil depth. Among the soil properties measured, soil pH was the most significant factor correlating with bacterial community in both upper and lower-layer soils. Bacterial community similarity based on jackknifed unweighted <SMALL>UNIFRAC</SMALL> distance showed greater similarity across horizontal layers than through the vertical depth. This study showed that soil depth and pH were the most important soil properties determining bacterial community structure of the subarctic tundra soil in Council, Alaska.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Variations of Abundance and Hatch Timing of Dungeness Crab Larvae in Southeastern Alaska: Implications for Climate Effect

        Park, Won-Gyu,Shirley, Thomas C. The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 2008 Animal cells and systems Vol.12 No.4

        Variations of larval abundance and hatch timing of Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister Dana 1852, were investigated. Dungeness crab larvae were monthly collected at 16 stations arrayed in four transects, Upper Chatham, Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and Icy Point, in southeastern Alaska from May to September 1997-2004. Larval abundance at all transects was the highest in June except in the Icy Point transect. Larval abundance was the highest in the Icy Strait transect, moderate in the Upper Chatham and Cross Sound transects, and the lowest in the Icy Point transect. Zoeae I(ZI) was predominated in May; thereafter ZI decreased and late zoeal stages occurred. In May and June, small numbers of late stage larvae unusually co-occurred with ZI in three transects. These late stage larvae may have been transported from where hatching occurs earlier. The timing of ZI occurrence varied interannually and was related to degreedays during the egg incubation period of Dungeness crabs: later larval hatching in 1997 and 2002 when temperatures were colder, while earlier larval hatching in 1998 when temperatures were warmer. The distribution patterns of Dungeness crab larvae in southeastern Alaska were markedly different from those reported from other areas of the species distribution ranges: larvae occurring much later in the year, and late stage larvae occurring in inland waters.

      • KCI등재

        Variations of Abundance and Hatch Timing of Dungeness Crab Larvae in Southeastern Alaska: Implications for Climate Effect

        박원규,Thomas C. Shirley 한국통합생물학회 2008 Animal cells and systems Vol.12 No.4

        Variations of larval abundance and hatch timing of Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister Dana 1852, were investigated. Dungeness crab larvae were monthly collected at 16 stations arrayed in four transects, Upper Chatham, Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and Icy Point, in southeastern Alaska from May to September 1997-2004. Larval abundance at all transects was the highest in June except in the Icy Point transect. Larval abundance was the highest in the Icy Strait transect, moderate in the Upper Chatham and Cross Sound transects, and the lowest in the Icy Point transect. Zoeae I (ZI) was predominated in May; thereafter ZI decreased and late zoeal stages occurred. In May and June, small numbers of late stage larvae unusually co-occurred with ZI in three transects. These late stage larvae may have been transported from where hatching occurs earlier. The timing of ZI occurrence varied interannually and was related to degreedays during the egg incubation period of Dungeness crabs: later larval hatching in 1997 and 2002 when temperatures were colder, while earlier larval hatching in 1998 when temperatures were warmer. The distribution patterns of Dungeness crab larvae in southeastern Alaska were markedly different from those reported from other areas of the species distribution ranges: larvae occurring much later in the year, and late stage larvae occurring in inland waters. Variations of larval abundance and hatch timing of Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister Dana 1852, were investigated. Dungeness crab larvae were monthly collected at 16 stations arrayed in four transects, Upper Chatham, Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and Icy Point, in southeastern Alaska from May to September 1997-2004. Larval abundance at all transects was the highest in June except in the Icy Point transect. Larval abundance was the highest in the Icy Strait transect, moderate in the Upper Chatham and Cross Sound transects, and the lowest in the Icy Point transect. Zoeae I (ZI) was predominated in May; thereafter ZI decreased and late zoeal stages occurred. In May and June, small numbers of late stage larvae unusually co-occurred with ZI in three transects. These late stage larvae may have been transported from where hatching occurs earlier. The timing of ZI occurrence varied interannually and was related to degreedays during the egg incubation period of Dungeness crabs: later larval hatching in 1997 and 2002 when temperatures were colder, while earlier larval hatching in 1998 when temperatures were warmer. The distribution patterns of Dungeness crab larvae in southeastern Alaska were markedly different from those reported from other areas of the species distribution ranges: larvae occurring much later in the year, and late stage larvae occurring in inland waters.

      • KCI등재

        관광자원으로서의 알래스카 빙하지형

        권동희 ( Dong Hi Kwon ) 한국사진지리학회 2013 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        The glacier tour is centered on Anchorage, and typical tourist sites include Mt. McKinley, Matanuska Glacier, Exit Glacier, and Prince William Sound. These sites are all two or three-hour drive from Anchorage. In Mt. McKinley, huge valley glacier, moraine, migratory talus, and rock glacier, etc. can be observed. Piedmont glacier and erratic boulder can been seen in Matanuska Glacier; outwash plain, in Exit Glacier; and fjord and tidewater glacier, in Prince William Sound. Of these glacial landforms, however, only valley glacier, fjord, and tidewater glacier are used in the glacier tour for general tourists; the other topographies are not properly utilized even though they are academically important and worth observing. For the next several years, the development and use of specific contents (concept and viewpoint, etc.) on these glacial topographies are expected.

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