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      • KCI등재

        이주대책대상자가 제안하는 이주자주택 가격에 관한 연구-은평 뉴타운 사례를 중심으로-

        황갑복,유선종 한국부동산연구원 2011 부동산연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Many public developers are facing lawsuits for the affordable houses since 2006. Thousands of emigrants appealed to the Supreme Court in 2007 in relation with the price of affordable housing against public sectors including Land & Housing Corporation and Seoul Housing Corporation. According to the Compulsory Purchase act, when public developers carry out the public generation projects, they must establish restoring policies over living conditions such as resettlement fund, low-cost residential land and affordable housing, besides compensation for the loss of housing properties. In addition, public developers must pay the cost of fundamental facilities such as road, electricity, gas, sewage and tap water for the low-cost residential land, but they don’t have to pay the cost of those facilities for affordable housing. On the other hand, most emigrants think that the pricing index of affordable housing should be comprised of non-profit margin; basic land cost, construction cost, building cost. This paper discusses how the compensation scheme has applied for affordable housing and focuses on calculating the cost of fundamental facilities. The paper also presents exploratory viewpoints on the housing price index through the case of the Eun-pyung Newtown apartment prices. Finally, this paper discusses how to deal with the development gains through the urban regeneration and suggests proper price model for affordable housing by three criteria; public land standard price, building cost and fundamental facilities cost based on housing price control scheme & the Compulsory Purchase act. 2006년 이후 공익사업에 따른 이주대책대상자들에게 특별 공급한 이주자주택에 대한 분양가 인하 소송이 빗발치고 있다. 이주자주택에 대한 생활기본시설 설치비용의 공제문제가 그 핵심쟁점이다. 이주자주택의 적정 분양가격은 대법원 92다35783 판결 등을 근거로 생활기본시설 설치비를 공제한 택지 소지가격, 택지조성비, 건축비 원가만으로 산정해야 한다는 관점이다. 하지만, 택지 소지가격은 보상가격을 총사업면적으로 나누어 유상공급면적을 기준으로 하는 택지조성원가의 산정원칙과 다르고, 택지조성비는 구성항목을 현행 법령과 다르게 산정하고 있다. 또한, 건축비 원가는 간접공사비 등을 배제하고 산정하고 있다. 이러한 방식으로 산정한 분양가격은 사업시행자가 공급한 가격의 20%~30% 수준에 불과하다. 본 연구는 은평뉴타운의 사례를 토대로 현행 법령에 규정된 택지조성원가, 분양원가 및 분양가격의 산정지표와 이주대책대상자들이 제시한 분양가 산정지표를 비교하여 고찰하였다. 이를 토대로 생활보상이라는 이주대책의 취지와 현행 법령 기준을 충족하는 이주자주택의 분양가격 산정기준(‘택지공급가격 기준’, ‘건축비 원가 기준’, ‘토지보상법 생활기본시설비 산정기준’)을 제시한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        가구소득대비 부담가능주택 특성분석

        이진경(Lee Jin-Kyung) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2009 國土計劃 Vol.44 No.7

        The housing stability is a key to government's health and well-being. The availability of affordable housing helps promote the economic and social sustainability of our cities and communities. Due to a growing lack of housing, the necessity to include affordable housing in governments' infrastructure policies needs to be prioritized. This paper discussed characteristics of the affordable housing based on disposable income focusing on 5 large area in Seoul, 5 housing types, and aging years. There are 4 findings. Firstly, same income level's householders have more opportunities to find affordable and more spacious housing among rentals of 5 types than among housing stock for sale, due to both amount of available housing units and their affordability. Secondly, low income affordable housing found mostly NE and SW, high income households tended to live in the SE. Thirdly, there is the polarization of housing type. Higher income households live in apartment, while lower income households live in Dagagu. Finally, reconstruction projects have largely involved the demolition of small, low-priced homes of various types, and have replaced these with only type of apartment. These conditions support continuous policy interventions, increasing both buyable stocks and rentable stocks, of local government for affordable houses of the low income householders. the central government needs to prepare the long time budget plan for the affordable housing investment as a social infrastructure.

      • KCI등재

        주요 EU 회원국의 부담가능주택 공급 및 자금조달 체계분석과 국내 활용방안 : 프랑스, 네덜란드, 독일의 비교 사례분석

        박원석(Park, Won Seok) 한국부동산연구원 2020 부동산연구 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 프랑스, 네덜란드, 독일 등 주요 EU 회원국을 사례로, 부담가능주택의 공급 및 자금조달 체계를 비교·분석하고, 국내 활용 방안을 도출하는 것이다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 주택체계론의 관점에서 프랑스, 네덜란드, 독일은 모두 단일적 임대체계와 선별적 일반모형/대중모형을 채택하고 있어, 부담가능주택의 확충에 주거정책의 초점을 두고 있다. 부담가능주택의 공급주체는 공공과 민간 모두이며, 입주대상은 대체적으로 중간소득층 이하이며, 소득수준에 따른 임대료의 차등화가 이루어지고 있다. 부담가능주택의 확충을 위해 이들 국가는 다양한 재정지원 체계를 가지고 있으며, 부담가능주택의 지속가능한 운영을 위한 다양한 민간자금 조달수단을 가지고 있다. 국내에서도 주거복지 사각지대를 줄이기 위해 부담가능주택의 확충이 필요한데, 부담가능주택의 체계적인 공급을 위해서는 기관투자자에 의한 공급 방안을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 이러한 방안으로 본 연구에서는 비영리 기업형 모형과 영리 기업형 모형을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the supply and financing system of affordable housing, and to derive policy implications for domestic use measures. The study results are summarized as follows. Based on the perspective of the housing system theory, France, the Netherlands, and Germany all adopt a unitary rental system and selective general model/mass model, so the focus of the housing policy is on the expansion of affordable housing. The supplier of affordable housing is both public and private, and the target class of affordable housing is mainly below the middle income class. Furthermore, the rent is differentiated according to the income level. For the expansion of affordable housing, these countries have various financial support systems and private financing means for the sustainable operation of affordable housing. In Korea, it is necessary to expand affordable housing in order to reduce the blind spot for residential welfare. It is also necessary for institutional investors to prepare a supply plan for the systematic supply of affordable housing. In this way, the study proposed a non-profit enterprise model and a for-profit enterprise model.

      • KCI등재

        프랭크 로이드 라이트의 적정 주택에 나타난 통합성 연구

        신은기 ( Eungee Cinn ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) This study aimed to examine an architect’s strategies in designing affordable houses for the middle class through Frank Lloyd Wright’s American System Built-Home and Usonian Exhibition Houses. The American System-Built Home was a response to the Mail Order Houses, a popular housing supply and market system in the early 20th century, whereas the Usonian Exhibition House was a response to the Mass Builders’ Houses and European Modernism in the post-war era of the mid-20th century. It is necessary to review these two affordable houses at the same time to identify the similarities and differences in strategies that the architect can implement when applying architectural ideas to design affordable houses that account for different social conditions. (Method) The following three categories were investigated in both the Mail Order Houses of the early 20th century and Mass Builders of the mid-20th century: construction method, including structures and materials; planning strategies; and the drawings presented to the public. These properties were compared to those of each of Wright’s affordable houses in the same era according to the categories. The analysis sought to determine Wright’s approaches to affordable house design in responding to popular housing suppliers. (Results) The American System-Built Home displayed strong similarities with Mail Order Houses in terms of the wooden framing in the construction method and limited rectangular floor plan. However, Wright’s unique architectural ideas inherent in his prairie houses could be found in the rich construction details, integration of dining rooms with living rooms, and interior spaces displayed in the axonometric drawings of the American System-Built Home. The Usonian House showed more differences from most mass builders’ houses by developing their own unit system. The L-shaped plan was also earlier than other mass builders’ houses, although it became a popular element later. However, the centered location of the kitchen appeared in Usonian House, representing that family togetherness may have been one of the factors influenced by the social conditions at the time. The American System-Built Homes adopted Wright’s architectural ideas and principles, maintaining the conventional frames of the Mail Order Houses; meanwhile, Usonian Exhibition House added mass builders’ elements or influences of European Modernism to the architectural principles. For the Usonian House, the concept of “integrity” was more aggressively applied, thereby manifesting Wright’s envisioned architectural style of combining materials, structures, spaces, and forms in considering the process of ensuring the economic scale for an affordable house. (Conclusions) Wright developed the concept of integrity as his architectural strategy to pursue both his principles and value for money. It is an example that the economic aspect of an affordable house could be an architect’s strategy, instead of a constraint, in the design process.

      • KCI등재

        저렴주택 공급의 효율화에 관한 법적 연구 -사회통합형 용도지역제(Inclusionary Zoning)의 도입을 중심으로-

        유성희 ( Yoo Seong-hee ),장교식 ( Jang Kyo-sik ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2018 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.41

        정부는 서민의 주거안정 기반 강화를 위하여 2013년부터 55.1만호의 공공임대주택 공급을 추진하고 있다. 이러한 정책을 뒷받침하기 위하여, 현행 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률 시행령 제85조 제3항을 통하여, 임대주택 공급 시 용적률 완화 및 용적률의 20퍼센트 이하의 범위에서 임대주택의 추가건설을 허용할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 또한 정비사업의 임대주택 및 주택규모별 건설비율(국토교통부 고시)에 따라, 주거환경개선사업, 재개발 사업 및 재건축사업 시 일정 비율을 임대주택으로 건설하도록 하고 있다. 그러나 저소득 임차가구에 대한 지역단위의 세부적인 조사 부재와 총량적인 공급 위주의 정책으로 인하여 결과적으로 지역별 저렴주택 수급의 불균형 현상이 발생하였다. 또한 주택의 최소 획지 규모 또는 용적률을 규정하여 이것이 해당 지역에서 거주할 여유가 없는 사람들을 실질적으로 배제하는 배타적 지역(Exclusionary Zoning) 등을 초래하는 등 국민의 주거권과 관련한 문제가 나타나게 되었다. 이에 따라 다수의 저렴주택 주거지를 포함하면서 택지 개발 비율을 위한 인센티브를 조성하거나 의무를 부여하는 토지이용 계획 조정인 사회통합형 용도지역제(Inclusionary Zoning)에 대한 도입 검토를 통하여 실질적인 주택공급정책이 마련될 필요가 있다. 특히, 호주의 사회통합형 용도지역제(Inclusionary Zoning)는 심각한 주택구매능력 하락 상황을 극복하는 데에 일조하였으며, 충분한 저렴주택을 균형적으로 공급한 것은 물론, 모든 신축주택의 최소 비율이 저소득층에게 접근가능 하도록 보장한다는 점에서 도입 모델로서 고려할 필요가 있다. 이러한 사회통합형 용도지역제(Inclusionary Zoning)를 모티브로 하여 한국형 제도의 도입이 고려되어지는 바, 재산권 및 평등권 등 헌법상의 권리 침해에 대한 사전적인 검토와 더불어, 정부의 저렴주택 공급 정책의 현황에 따른 도입 필요성 등 다양한 요소를 고려하여 ‘사회통합형 용도지역제’ 조례를 통한 의무적인 저렴주택 공급율을 설정하여야 할 것이다. 이러한 조례 제정을 통하여 해당 개발업자에게 추가적인 용적률 제한 완화 및 기타 인센티브 제도를 활용하여 사회통합형 용도지역제의 효율성을 극대화할 수 있으며, 해당 개발사업의 예측가능성을 담보할 수 있게 될 것이라고 보여 진다. 이와 더불어, 저렴주택의 공급주체의 다양화는 물론, 이에 따른 주택공급에 소요되는 정부의 복지예산의 대폭적인 절감을 통하여 궁극적으로 효율적인 주거복지 구현에 이바지 할 수 있을 것이라고 본다. Government in Korea has implemented a policy which supplies 5,510,000 units of public rental housing to reinforce residence stability. Furthermore, for zoning in relation to affordable housing, in accordance to the third clause of Article 85 of “Enforcement Ordinance of The National Territory Plan and Use Act”, the government could permit a relaxed floor area size or additional constructions of rental housing which is below 20 percent of floor area size based on the provision of rental housing. Added to this, in accordance to Notice of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, the government compels developers to build infrastructures intended for rental housing to promote Housing environment improvement project, redevelopment project and reconstruction project. However, the afore-mentioned policy resulted to the imbalance of supply and demand of rental housing due to absence of detailed study of the present characteristics of each regional area. Furthermore, this could lead to a more serious problem of Exclusionary Zoning wherein people are being excluded for they cannot afford to live in such area due to government stipulation in regards to minimum lot size or floor area size. Thus, we need to review the introduction of Inclusionary Zoning which is a planning intervention of land use which promotes incentives and moreover sufficient allotment of affordable housing dwellings that would be beneficial to the much larger group of society. Inclusionary Zoning in Australia has been developed by non-profit organizations and has made developers to include in their projects some percentages of affordable housing f or high-need groups. In other words, Australia has its strength not only guaranteeing the minimum quantity of affordable housing in order for the high-need groups to have an access of such and as well as to secure a sufficient provisions of affordable housing. Therefore, in introducing a similar system of Inclusionary Zoning based on the above-mentioned country, there is a need to set up certain proportions of compulsory affordable housing provision by stipulating such in the Inclusionary Zoning ordinance. After further deliberation and consideration of necessity of introduction of Inclusionary Zoning in accordance to present situation of affordable housing provision being implemented by the government. However, we have to be cognizant as well in regards to whether such provision could lead to violation of constitutional rights such as property rights and rights to equality and if so, further legal analysis should be made. On this occasion, it would have to maximize efficiency of Inclusionary Zoning by utilizing additional relaxed affordable housing restrictions and the other incentives to developers.

      • KCI등재

        A fresh look at contemporary perspectives on urban housing affordability

        Marietta E. A. Haffner,Kath Hulse 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2021 도시과학국제저널 Vol.25 No.1

        The literature on housing affordability has grown rapidly since Hulchanski [1995, p. 489. The concept of housing affordability: six contemporary uses of the housing expenditure-to-income ratio. Housing Studies, 10(4), 471–491] declared that housing researchers should avoid using the term since it is not a robust concept and measurement often lacks validity. In the ensuing 24 years, however, scholars have continued to debate the definition and measurement of housing affordability as well as the prevalence and type of ‘housing affordability problems’ in various countries. This paper is a think piece which takes a fresh look at housing affordability as a concept which has persisted despite considerable contestation and scepticism about its use. It provides a critical and multi-disciplinary assessment of housing affordability starting with early conceptualization of the nexus between economic principles and social norms about housing and living standards to a reworking of housing affordability in the twenty-first century as an urban issue affecting lower and middle-income households in cities, as a consequence of the financialization of housing and urban restructuring. It argues that the housing affordability concept has been repurposed such that the focus is less on understanding housing expenditures in contributing to poverty and disadvantage within the domain of social policy and more on the urban policy challenges of growing inequities in access to urban resources. The paper highlights the challenges for urban policy in adopting and adapting rather than rejecting a multi-dimensional concept of housing affordability and consequently the importance of new ways of measuring urban housing affordability.

      • KCI등재후보

        Affordable Housing and Local Governance in South Korea: A Fair Share Approach

        최성연,박우서,최현선 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2009 도시과학국제저널 Vol.13 No.2

        This paper explores the shared governance of local, regional, and central governments to provide affordable housing in Korea. The paper asserts that Korea needs to build proper institutional arrangements with an emphasis of a more responsible role of local and regional governments to produce adequate affordable housing. The paper proposes a local housing planning approach toward developing the future local housing needs for low income households, while recognizing the vital role of local governments in the supply of affordable housing. Using the city of Yongin located in the Seoul Metropolitan Region as a case study area, the paper demonstrates how to develop a model to forecast the future housing needs of Yongin by income quintile and housing size. This paper explores the shared governance of local, regional, and central governments to provide affordable housing in Korea. The paper asserts that Korea needs to build proper institutional arrangements with an emphasis of a more responsible role of local and regional governments to produce adequate affordable housing. The paper proposes a local housing planning approach toward developing the future local housing needs for low income households, while recognizing the vital role of local governments in the supply of affordable housing. Using the city of Yongin located in the Seoul Metropolitan Region as a case study area, the paper demonstrates how to develop a model to forecast the future housing needs of Yongin by income quintile and housing size.

      • KCI등재

        저금리 시기 주택금융 확장과 임차가구의 주택소유 부담가능성 - 소득과 자산의 비대칭성을 중심으로 -

        이후빈,홍다솜 한국부동산원 2023 부동산분석 Vol.9 No.3

        본 논문은 저금리 시기 동안 임차가구의 주택소유 부담가능성이 어떻게 변화했는지를 집계 지표와 가구 단위에서 분석한다. 저금리 유동성은 주택가격 상승으로 부담가능성을 악화하는 동시에 주택금융 확장을 통해 부담가능성을 개선하는 서로 다른 영향을 끼칠 수 있다. 소득, 상환, 구매 부담가능성 지표를 종합적으로 살펴보면, 2012년과 2018년 사이 소득 부담가능성 악화에 비해 상환과 구매 부담가능성은 크게 변하지 않았다. 하지만 2020년 이후에는 주택가격 상승에 따른 부담가능성 악화가 주택금융 확장에 의한 부담가능성 개선을 압도했다. 결국, 저금리는 부채확장으로 주택가격을 따라잡기보다는 주택가격 상승에 의한 부담가능성 악화를 초래했다. 그리고 이러한 과정에서 자산이 부족한 집단의 부담가능성 악화가 두드러졌다. 저소득 집단에서는 자산이 많으면 주택을 소유할 수 있지만, 저자산 집단에서는 소득이 높더라도 주택을 소유하기 쉽지 않다. 소득 부족은 자산으로 메꿀 수 있지만, 그 반대는 어려울 수 있다. 이러한 분석결과는 한국에서 주택소유 부담가능성을 결정하는 요인으로 자산이 중요하다는 것, 특히 소득과 자산이 비대칭적이라는 것을 시사한다. 또한, 주거사다리의 징검다리였던 전세에서도 자산의 중요성을나타내는 균열이 발생했다. 전세자금대출 확장은 주택가격을 높이고 자기자금을 줄여 이중으로 전세가구의 주택소유 부담가능성을 악화할 수 있다. This study explores the change in the affordability for homeownership of rental households for the last decade in the low-interest period by analyzing aggregated indices and microdata on individual households. The consequent excessive liquidity in the financial market depending on low interests can have ambivalent effects on the affordability because the increase in housing prices can lower the affordability and the expansion of housing finance can improve the possibility of the affordability. As a result of comprehensive analysis on indices of income, repayment, and purchase affordabilities in South Korea, repayment and purchase affordabilities stayed barely unchanged, whereas income affordability deteriorated from 2012 to 2018. In contrast, the deterioration of housing affordability resulting from housing price inflation has surpassed the improvement led by the expansion of housing finance since 2020. This result suggests that low interest rates in South Korea expanded debts and worsened housing affordability due to the rise in housing prices. Moreover, the housing affordability of low-asset households was more severely deteriorated. Even if a low-income with plenty of assets household can purchase a house, a low-asset household with high incomes cannot. A shortage of income can make up for wealth but the opposite case cannot. The result implies that wealth is a more significant factor than income in determining the affordability in South Korea and the two are asymmetric. In addition, Chonsei, which has conventionally played the role of a ladder between monthly rent and homeownership in South Korea, showed the importance of wealth. The 31.9% of Chonsei households hardly purchased their house. The rise in Chonsei mortgage is likely to increase housing prices. ironically decrease self-funds of tenants to purchase a house and deteriorate affordability for homeownership.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Type of Welfare Service for Strengthening Tenant's Housing Welfare in Permanent Affordable Housing

        Roh, Sang-Youn,Yoon, Young-Ho,Cho, Young-Tae,Lee, Ji-Eun,Cho, Yong-Kyung Land and Housing Institute 2012 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.3 No.1

        Since the provision of Permanent Affordable Housing in the early 1990's, it is confronted with the need to strengthen its welfare service due to aging of its facilities and the declining welfare system for its tenants. In addition, the aging population of tenants is on the rise, increasing the group of tenants that are in need of care. The local social community center has entered into the community of permanent affordable housing and takes partial responsibility in the tenant's social welfare. However, social community center is mainly responsible for providing welfare service to its local residents and thus limited in its ability to satisfy welfare service to tenants of permanent affordable housing. Therefore, it is required to renew the existing welfare system to better suit social demands of tenants according to its specific social group and the characteristics of housing complex. This study aims to propose methods that can strengthen welfare service and analyze the characteristics of welfare service by investigating the existing conditions of welfare system for the tenants in permanent affordable housing complex. For this purpose, this study presents with categories of service standards, by breaking down and codifying welfare service and propose applicable mixed-use service in pre-existing permanent affordable housing.

      • KCI등재후보

        적정기술을 활용한 저렴주택 디자인 방안

        이성미 ( Sung Mi Lee ),이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ) 한국상품문화디자인학회(구 한국패키지디자인학회) 2012 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 저소득층의 과도한 주거비부담으로 인한 빈곤의 문제를 해소하기 위한 적정기술을 활용한 저렴주택디자인 방향을 제안하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 주거비를 주택의 생애주기비용의 관점에서 살표보았으며, 적정기술을 활용한 디자인 원칙에 관하여 고찰하였다. 이론적 고찰을 토대로 국내외 저렴주택 사례를 분석하여 적정기술에 의한 주택 저렴화 요인들을 도출하였다. 그 결과 소형화/이동성, 부품화 및 조립화, 디자인/건설/시공과정의 보편화, 사용자참여, 에너지지원의 분산화, 기술의 적정화 등을 통해 주택 저렴화가 가능함을 알 수 있었다, 기존의 주택 저렴화 방식에 비해 적정기술을 활용함으로서 주택의 저렴화 효과를 증대할 수 있는 부분은 사용자 참여 및 개방적 프로세스, 현지 중심의 기술 활용 등으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과가 갖는 의의는 지금까지의 저소득층을 위한 저렴주택의 문제는 주로 주택정책적인 측면에서 다루엇으나 본 연구에서는 디자인과 기술적인 측면에서 접근하고자 한 점이다. 저소득층을 위한 주거복지의 사각지대에 잇는 대상까지도 포함하고자 하였으며 저소득층을 위한 임대주택 정책이 갖고 있는 문제, 즉, 그들의 하위문화와 주거비용 부담능력을 고려하여 적정화방은을 제안하고자 하였다 본 연구를 통해 제안된 주택 점렴롸 방안른 향후 저소득층을 위한 주거모형을 개발할 수 있는 토대가 될 뿐만 아니라 미래형 주거모형의 대안으로 활용 가능할 것으로 기대된다. The purpose of this study is to suggest affordable housing design plans by utilizing appropriate technology in order to resolve poverty-related issues due to excessive housing cost of low-income families. To do this, the housing cost was reviewed from the perspective of life cycle cost and the design principles utilizing appropriate technology was studied. On the basis of theoretical considerations, the affordable housing cases both home and abroad were analyzed and affordable housing factors have been derived. As a result, it was known that it is possible to make housing affordable through compactness/mobility, modularization, prefabrication, generalization of design/construction/ construction process, user participation, decentralization of energy resources, appropriateness of technology. Is was also known that user participation, open process and the use of local technology are needed to increase the housing affordability by utilizing appropriate technology, which is more effective than housing affordability plans in the past. This study has significance in that the study has addressed the housing-related issues of low-income families from the perspective of designs and technologies, whereas the housing-related issues of low-income families had been addressed in the past form the perspective of housing pilicies. This study, including the subject in blind spots from the perspective of housing welfare and housing welfare, tried to suggest appropriate plans by considering the problems of rental housing polices for low-income families, in other words, their sub-culture and their abilities to pay housing cost. Affordable housing plans suggested in this study are expected to become the foundation for developing housing models for low-income families and be used as a example for future housing models.

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