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        朱福勇 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        민사 법관이 향유하는 개별안건에 대한 해석과 법률적용을 형평화 및 선택하고 법률 결핍을 보완하는 등의 권력은, 민사 심판권의 중요 구성 부분에 속한다. 우리나라는 오랜 기간 개념법학에서 선도한 법전만능주의를 존중하고, 대전제+소전제로 재판 결과를 얻는 연역 추론 방식을 신봉해오며, 법관 능동권을 배제 및 억제하였고, 이는 중국 경제사회발전의 변화, 권력구조 그리고 사법권의 논리와 불가분의 관계에 놓여있다. 국제교류의 증가와 전 세계의 글로벌화 속도 증가에 따라 각국의 민사소송 영역에서는 법관 능동권이 확대되고 있는 추세이다. 사법 정책의 인도 하에, 우리나라 법관이 법률 규정 모호, 법률 규정 충돌, 법률 규정 결핍, 그리고 적용한 법률 규정이 개별안건의 불의를 야기하는 상황에서, 법관 능동권을 운용하여 분쟁을 해결하고, 사회 현실 요구에 응답하는 것은 의심할 여지가 없는 사실이다. 그러나 법관 능동권에 대한 입법 미확정과 사법(私法)우위, 의사자치 및 ‘법관은 재판을 거절할 수 없다’ 등의 이념에 근거하고 있기 때문에, 법관은 어쩔 수 없이 능동권을 운용하여 오류를 바로잡고 보충해야 하고, 불가피하게 ‘규범 상실’의 상태를 야기한다. 법관 능동권의 규범적 행사의 전제는 입법의 확정과 규제이며, 관념 측면에서 민사 법관 능동권에 대한 일부 민중의 이해 부족과 ‘법률 원본’에서 ‘법률 실천’으로 변화되는 과정에 대한 인식 부족 문제를 해결해야 하고, 이론 측면에서 민사 법관 능동권의 작용 범위 불명확, 권력 규제 부족, 권력 운용 방법의 규범 상실과 권력 보장 조치 미비의 문제를 해결해야 한다. 상술한 문제점들을 상세히 파헤치고 분석하여 법관 능동권이 법관을 위한 ‘권력 확대’가 아니고 사법 불공평을 야기하지 않으며 사법의 본질적 특징을 잘 드러낸다는 것에 대한 확신을 더해야 한다. 민권 보장의 각도에서 내·외부 통제를 시작으로 법관 능동권이 사실 발견, 법률 해석, 법률 적용과 재판 방법 방면에서 효과적으로 운용된다는 것을 보장하고, 주심 법관의 심리 메커니즘과 책임 부담 메커니즘의 실현으로부터 시작하여, 민사 심판권과 심판 관리권 간의 경계를 명확히 하고 상·하급 법원의 지도 형식과 효력의 관계를 해결해야 하며, 당사자의 프라이버시권 보호와 법관 능동권, 사회감독 및 공정한 재판의 관계를 명확히 하여, 법정 절차에 부합하는 공공매체의 감독과 대중의 재판 방청이 자유로워 질 수 있도록 해야 한다. The civil judges' power vested in interpretation of the law, balancing and choosing the applicable law, and filling the legal loopholes are all important parts of the civil trial power. For a long time, our country upholds the concept advocated universal code of law, pursuing the premise and the small premise to obtain results of referee’s way of deduction, rejecting and suppressing the active power of civil judges. This is inseparable with our country economic social development vicissitude, the power pattern and the judicial power logic. With the increasing international interaction and the acceleration of the global integration process, the field of civil trials in various countries are all presenting a tendency of expanding judge’s active power. Under the guidance of the judicial policy, in our country (or mainland China?), it is an indisputable fact that our judge has applied their active power to solve disputes and respond to social reality needs in case that the law stipulation is vague, the law stipulates the conflict, the law stipulation omission and applicable legal provisions lead to case injustice. However, since the legislation does not confirm the judge's active power, based on the priority of private law, the autonomy of meaning and “Judge must not refuse the referee”, the judge can only use the active power to rectify and fill law’s defects, which inevitably leads to the state of “disorder”. The prerequisites for the exercise of the active power of the judge are the confirmation and regulation from legislation. On the conceptual level, the main problem needs to solve is that some people don’t understand the active power of judge and lack the understanding the transform from “text law” to “practice law”. On the theoretical level, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the judge's active power and the civil trial power and the relationship between the judge's active power and the legislative power. On the practical level, it is necessary to solve the problem of the unclear scope of judge’s active power, the insufficiency regulation of judge’s active power, the anomie of active power operation methods and the poor active power safeguard measures. With the analyzing and solving the above problems, it is more convinced that the judge's active power is not the judge’s power expansion. The judge's active power is not the reason to judicial injustice, instead, it shows the essential characteristics of justice. From the perspective of safeguarding civil rights, taking the internal and external control to ensure that the judge’s active power could operate efficiently on the aspects of fact discovery, legal interpretation, application of law and judging method. From the perspective of the implementation of the trial mechanism and responsibility mechanism of the presiding judge, the boundary between the civil trial power and the trial management right should be delineated. In addition, the relationship and guidance form between the upper and lower court should be solved. The relationship among the protection of the party's right of privacy, judge's active power, social supervision and impartial referee should be dealt with. As a result, media supervision and public hearings in compliance with statutory procedures can be liberated.

      • KCI등재

        민사법관의 능동권에 관한 고찰

        주복용,민장현 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        민사 법관이 향유하는 개별안건에 대한 해석과 법률적용을 형평화 및 선택하고 법률 결핍을 보완하는 등의 권력은, 민사 심판권의 중요 구성 부분에 속한다. 우리나라는 오랜 기간 개념법학에서 선도한 법전만능주의를 존중하고, 대전제+소전제로 재판 결과를 얻는 연역 추론 방식을 신봉해오며, 법관 능동권을 배제 및 억제하였고, 이는 중국 경제사회발전의 변화, 권력구조 그리고 사법권의 논리와 불가분의 관계에 놓여있다. 국제교류의 증가와 전 세계의 글로벌화 속도 증가에 따라 각국의 민사소송 영역에서는 법관 능동권이 확대되고 있는 추세이다. 사법 정책의 인도 하에, 우리나라 법관이 법률 규정 모호, 법률 규정 충돌, 법률 규정 결핍, 그리고 적용한 법률 규정이 개별안건의 불의를 야기하는 상황에서, 법관 능동권을 운용하여 분쟁을 해결하고, 사회 현실 요구에 응답하는 것은 의심할 여지가 없는 사실이다. 그러나 법관 능동권에 대한 입법 미확정과 사법(私法)우위, 의사자치 및 ‘법관은 재판을 거절할 수 없다’ 등의 이념에 근거하고 있기 때문에, 법관은 어쩔 수 없이 능동권을 운용하여 오류를 바로잡고 보충해야 하고, 불가피하게 ‘규범 상실’의 상태를 야기한다. 법관 능동권의 규범적 행사의 전제는 입법의 확정과 규제이며, 관념 측면에서 민사 법관 능동권에 대한 일부 민중의 이해 부족과 ‘법률 원본’에서 ‘법률 실천’으로 변화되는 과정에 대한 인식 부족 문제를 해결해야 하고, 이론 측면에서 민사 법관 능동권의 작용 범위 불명확, 권력 규제 부족, 권력 운용 방법의 규범 상실과 권력 보장 조치 미비의 문제를 해결해야 한다. 상술한 문제점들을 상세히 파헤치고 분석하여 법관 능동권이 법관을 위한 ‘권력 확대’가 아니고 사법 불공평을 야기하지 않으며 사법의 본질적 특징을 잘 드러낸다는 것에 대한 확신을 더해야 한다. 민권 보장의 각도에서 내·외부 통제를 시작으로 법관 능동권이 사실 발견, 법률 해석, 법률 적용과 재판 방법 방면에서 효과적으로 운용된다는 것을 보장하고, 주심 법관의 심리 메커니즘과 책임 부담 메커니즘의 실현으로부터 시작하여, 민사 심판권과 심판 관리권 간의 경계를 명확히 하고 상·하급 법원의 지도 형식과 효력의 관계를 해결해야 하며, 당사자의 프라이버시권 보호와 법관 능동권, 사회감독 및 공정한 재판의 관계를 명확히 하여, 법정 절차에 부합하는 공공매체의 감독과 대중의 재판 방청이 자유로워 질 수 있도록 해야 한다. The civil judges' power vested in interpretation of the law, balancing and choosing the applicable law, and filling the legal loopholes are all important parts of the civil trial power. For a long time, our country upholds the concept advocated universal code of law, pursuing the premise and the small premise to obtain results of referee’s way of deduction, rejecting and suppressing the active power of civil judges. This is inseparable with our country economic social development vicissitude, the power pattern and the judicial power logic. With the increasing international interaction and the acceleration of the global integration process, the field of civil trials in various countries are all presenting a tendency of expanding judge’s active power. Under the guidance of the judicial policy, in our country (or mainland China?), it is an indisputable fact that our judge has applied their active power to solve disputes and respond to social reality needs in case that the law stipulation is vague, the law stipulates the conflict, the law stipulation omission and applicable legal provisions lead to case injustice. However, since the legislation does not confirm the judge's active power, based on the priority of private law, the autonomy of meaning and “Judge must not refuse the referee”, the judge can only use the active power to rectify and fill law’s defects, which inevitably leads to the state of “disorder”. The prerequisites for the exercise of the active power of the judge are the confirmation and regulation from legislation. On the conceptual level, the main problem needs to solve is that some people don’t understand the active power of judge and lack the understanding the transform from “text law” to “practice law”. On the theoretical level, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the judge's active power and the civil trial power and the relationship between the judge's active power and the legislative power. On the practical level, it is necessary to solve the problem of the unclear scope of judge’s active power, the insufficiency regulation of judge’s active power, the anomie of active power operation methods and the poor active power safeguard measures. With the analyzing and solving the above problems, it is more convinced that the judge's active power is not the judge’s power expansion. The judge's active power is not the reason to judicial injustice, instead, it shows the essential characteristics of justice. From the perspective of safeguarding civil rights, taking the internal and external control to ensure that the judge’s active power could operate efficiently on the aspects of fact discovery, legal interpretation, application of law and judging method. From the perspective of the implementation of the trial mechanism and responsibility mechanism of the presiding judge, the boundary between the civil trial power and the trial management right should be delineated. In addition, the relationship and guidance form between the upper and lower court should be solved. The relationship among the protection of the party's right of privacy, judge's active power, social supervision and impartial referee should be dealt with. As a result, media supervision and public hearings in compliance with statutory procedures can be liberated.

      • KCI등재

        Single-Phase Active Impedance Based Harmonic and Reactive Compensation

        Minfu Liao,Bisrat Gezahegn Lemma,Xiongying Duan 대한전기학회 2021 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.16 No.1

        Single-phase active impedance hybrid active power fi lter is design to mitigate harmonic and reactive caused by the ever-increasing nonlinear loads. Nonlinear loads have been increased in residential and commercial as well as industrial sectors. Single-phase nonlinear loads contribute a harmonics and low power factor for the power systems. Single-phase active impedance hybrid active power fi lter was investigated to actively adjust multiple active short circuits. The dominant load current harmonics are compensated due to its multiple short eff ects over the single-tuned LC fi lter. At the same time, the conservative power theory (CPT) base reactive current extraction method was applied to actively regulate the reactive power. The amount of the fundamental fi lter reactive current obtained from CPT determines the reactive power compensation. The results were analyzed and presented in collaboration with the MATLAB/Simulink environment and TMS320F28335 board. The active impedance and CPT based control achieved a harmonic compensation (from 65.96% to 3.20%) and power factor correction from 0.85 to 0.95. Therefore, the active impedance hybrid active power fi lter can be taken as a good candidate for harmonic and reactive compensation with extending the conventional hybrid active power fi lter (HAPF) into multiple active tuned fi lters. It has potential practical benefi t to avoid regular fi eld retuning the passive fi lter in the industry. Moreover, it can also apply for PQ compensation using the existing PPF.

      • A Steady-state Analysis for an Inverter-based DG to Determine the Optimal Capacity of an Inverter and Harmonic Filters

        Kim, Young-Jin,Hwang, Pyeong-Ik,Moon, Seung-Il The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2011 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.1 No.1

        Electric power quality in power transmission/distribution systems has deteriorated considerably with the increase in the number and the capacity of inverter-based distributed generators (DGs). This is caused by inverters, connecting DGs to conventional power grids, tend to generate harmonic currents and voltages due to the switching operations of their transistors and diodes. Therefore, this paper presents new methods to adopt harmonic filters to an inverter-based DG, considering a system consisting of both an inverter-based DG and harmonic filters. In order to prove that the system proposed in this paper can be used generally, this paper describes the simulation results obtained by using PSCAD/EMTDC: the relationship between the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output current and the output power of a DG, and the harmonic mitigation ability of passive and active filters. Furthermore, the system is obliged to satisfy the regulations made by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). In the regulations, DG power factor needs to be maintained between 0.9 and 1 in a grid-connected mode. Thus, this paper suggests two methods for the system to control its power factor. First, the power factor should be controlled by the DG inverter rather than an active filter because this brings a dramatic decrease in the capacity of the active filter. Second, the DG should absorb reactive power only in the low output power range in order to prevent a useless increase in the inverter capacity. This method is expected to result in a variable power factor of the system according to its output power. With these control methods, the proposed DG system can successfully operate in a grid-connected mode with an optimally-reduced capacity of active harmonic filters and DG inverters while satisfying the regulations in terms of voltage variation, power factor, and THD.

      • KCI등재

        고조파 필터 및 인버터의 용량을 고려한 분산전원 시스템의 역률 제어에 관한 연구

        김영진(Young-Jin Kim),황평익(Pyeong-Ik Hwang),문승일(Seung-Il Moon) 대한전기학회 2009 전기학회논문지 Vol.58 No.11

        Electric power quality in power transmission/distribution systems has considerably been deteriorated with the increase in the capacity of distributed generators (DGs). It is because inverters, connecting DGs to conventional power grids, tend to generate harmonic current and voltage. For harmonic mitigation, a large amount of research has been done on passive and active filters, which have been operating successfully in many countries. This paper, therefore, presents how to adopt the filters to an inverter-based DG, with considering a system consisting of both inverter-based DG and harmonic filters. In particular, this paper describes the simulation results using the PSCAD/EMTDC: firstly, the relationship between total harmonic distortion(THD) of current and output power of DG: secondly, the harmonic mitigation ability of passive and active filters. The system, furthermore, is obliged to satisfy the regulations made by Korean Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO). In the regulations, power factor should be maintained between 0.9 and 1 in a grid-connected mode. Thus, this paper suggests two methods for the system to control its power factor. First, the inverter of DG should control power factor rather than an active filter because it brings dramatic decrease in the capacity of the active filter. Second, DG should absorb reactive power only in the range of low output power in order to prevent useless capacity increase of the inverter. This method is expected to result in the variable power factor of the system according to its output power.

      • KCI등재

        조직 내 권력 형태와 조직학습활동간의 관계 탐색

        오석영 한국경영교육학회 2014 경영교육연구 Vol.29 No.2

        The purposes of this study is to identify the relationship between power and organizational learning activities in Korean companies. The forms of power this study uses are episodic and system power, that is proposed by Lawrence et al.(2005). The episodic power consist of ‘influence’ and ‘force’, while the systemic power is constituted of ‘domination’ and ‘discipline.’ Moreover, this study regards organizational learning activities as interactive learning and knowledge transfer activities. Based on literature, this study theoretically develop a conceptual model with 7 hypotheses regarding how four different forms of power impact on interactive learning and knowledge transfer activities. To examine the hypotheses, HCCP data provided by KRIVET was used, structural equation model analysis was conducted. This research found that the domination of power has strong relationship to both interactive learning and knowledge transfer activities but the force of power has negative relationship to the learning activities. In order to facilitate organizational learning activities by using the force of power, the power of force need to be conduct with the power of influence. Moreover the episodic power and systematic power need to jointly implement to organizational learning activities to achieve organizational innovation. 본 연구는 조직 내 권력 형태와 조직학습활동간의 관계를 탐색해 봄으로써 조직학습활동을 유발시키는 조직 내 권력의 종류 및 특징, 역할을 살펴보고자 한다. 조직 내 권력 형태는 Lawrence와 그의 동료들이 주장한(2005) 일화적 권력(episodic power), 즉 ‘강압(force)’과 '영향(influence)’과 체제적 권력(systemic power), 즉 ‘지배(domination)’와 ‘규율(discipline)’의 틀 속에서 조직 문화적 특성과 결부시켜 재해석 하였다. 한편 조직학습활동은 Crossan과 동료들이 주장한(1999) 상호작용 학습(지식의 축적과정)과 지식의 전이과정으로 보고 앞의 권력적 특징과의 관계를 살펴보았다. 분석 자료는 2011년에 실시된 인적자원기업패널자료를 활용하였다. 결과로는 일화적 권력 중 ‘강압’은 ‘영향’을 통해 상호학습 작용 및 지식 전이를 돕고 직접적으로 조직학습활동에는 정(+)의 영향을 주지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 체제적 권력인 ‘지배’는 ‘규율’ 및 ‘영향’에 정(+)의 관계를 보였으며, 조직학습활동에도 긍정적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 시사점으로는 첫째, ‘영향’이 배재된 ‘강압’은 학습 작용을 일으키는 데 의미가 없으며, 항상 병행되어 일어나야 할 것이며, 둘째, 절차나 규범을 의미하는 ‘지배’는 학습활동을 안정적으로 유지하는 역할을 해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Active Power Tracking Control for DC‑Link Voltage Suppression of MVDC System with Voltage‑Sourced Converter

        최상재,임성훈 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.1

        The newly increased electrical energy is needed around the metropolitan area, and therefore, the transmission system is needed to be reorganized. MVDC (medium voltage direct current) system is an attractive one for constructing these new systems. This MVDC system, which is composed of two or more VSCs (voltage-sourced converters), prevents the degradation of system reliability due to renewable energy resource and is contributed to making it more stable for power supplying companies to supply the electrical power. Furthermore, to connect the increased renewable energy resource with larger capacity into the main grid through this MVDC system, the regulations such as FRT (fault ride through) for the grid have been more and more required. According to the FRT, the VSC system is required to supply the reactive current to grid when the grid voltage drops below the allowed voltage range. However, the FRT operation can cause the DC-link voltage in the MVDC system to increase. If the DC-link voltage exceeds the nominal voltage, the damage to the DC-related application may occur. In this paper, as the method to solve this problem, the application of the APTC (active power tracking control) into the MVDC system was proposed. The APTC is based on the principle that the DC-link voltage is determined by the power balance between the incoming and the outgoing active powers into the DC-link. If the outgoing active power decreases due to the short circuit in grid side, the DC-link voltage rises with the constant incoming active power. However, if the incoming active power is controlled to be reduced by the APTC performance of the MVDC system at the same time, the DC-link voltage is expected to be maintained at a constant level. The efectiveness of the suggested APTC application was verifed through the PSCAD (power system computer aided design)/EMTDC (electro magnetic transient design and control) simulation.

      • KCI등재

        Thermal Energy Harvesting용 센서회로의 저전력 구동 방법

        남현경,코아반팜,트란바오손,응웬반티엔,민경식,Nam, Hyun Kyung,Pham, Van Khoa,Tran, Bao Son,Nguyen, Van Tien,Min, Kyeong-Sik 한국전기전자학회 2018 전기전자학회논문지 Vol.22 No.3

        본 논문에서는 열전에너지 하베스팅에 의해 구동되는 센서 회로를 저전력으로 동작시킬 수 있는 방법을 제안하였다. 본 논문에서 사용되는 열전소자를 이용하면 에너지 하베스팅 회로에서 8uA의 전류를 얻을 수 있다. 그러나 구동하려고 하는 센서의 전류 소비는 이보다 훨씬 크기 때문에, 본 논문에서는 하드웨어 방법으로 power gating scheme을 이용한 저전력 구동과 소프트웨어적으로 active/sleep control scheme을 이용한 저전력 구동 방법을 센서 회로에 적용하여 센서 회로의 전류 소비를 감소시킬 수 있음을 보였다. 먼저 하드웨어 power gating scheme을 사용할 때에는 파워 게이트의 Toff/Ton의 비를 22보다 더 크게 하면, 센서 회로의 전류 소비가 8uA 이하로 줄어드는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 소프트웨어 기반의 active/sleep control scheme에 의한 저전력 구동에서는 Tslp/Tact의 비를 3 이상으로 설정해주면 전류 소비를 8uA 이하로 줄일 수 있음을 확인하였다. 본 논문에서의 결과는 열전에너지 하베스팅에 의해서 구동되는 다양한 센서 회로 설계 및 구현에 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다. In this paper, we propose low-power operational methods for thermal-energy-harvesting sensor circuits. Here, the amount of harvested current has been measured as low as 8uA. However the DC power consumption of the sensor circuit is known to consume much larger than 8uA. Thus, We propose the hardware-based power gating and software-based active/sleep timing control schemes, respectively, for controlling the power consumption of sensor circuit. In the hardware-based power gating scheme, if the ratio of Toff/Ton is larger than 22, the sensor can consume less than 8uA. For the software-based active/sleep control scheme, if the ratio of Tslp/Tact is larger than 3, we can suppress the current consumption below 8uA. The hardware-based and software-based schemes proposed in this paper would be helpful in various applications of energy-harvesting sensor circuits, where the power consumption is limited by an amount of harvested energy.


        Design and Implementation of Instantaneous Power Estimation Algorithm for Unified Power Conditioner

        S., Sindhu,M.R., Sindhu,Nambiar, T.N.P. The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2019 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.19 No.3

        This paper discusses a simple control approach for a Unified Power Conditioner (UPC) system to achieve power quality compensation at the point of common coupling in distribution systems. The proposed Instantaneous Power Estimation Algorithm (IPEA) for shunt and series active power filters uses a simple mathematical concept that reduces the complexity in the design of the controller. The performance of a UPC is verified with a system subjected to voltage distortions, sags/swells and unbalanced loads using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The simulation study shows that a UPC with the proposed control algorithm can effectively compensate for voltage and current harmonics, unbalance and reactive power. The control algorithm is experimentally implemented using dSPACE DS1104 and its effectiveness has been verified.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 권력의 이해

        박창호(Chang-Ho Park) 한국사회이론학회 2014 사회이론 Vol.- No.45

        이 글은 인터넷에서의 영향력이 실제로 권력으로서 작용할 수있는지를 탐색하기 위한 목적으로 출발했다. 권력은 타인의 의지에 상관없이 자신의 의도를 실현할 수 있는 힘으로써 상호작용 속에 일어나는 관계맺음을 기초로 한다. 권력은 국가의 실체를 통해 근대성의 사회에서 행사된 것이고, 권력은 물질적 자원과 권위적 자원을 얼마나 가지고 있느냐 따라 달라진다. 권력은자원에 따라 지배력이 달라지면서, 사실 지배와 복종이라는 위계적 불평등을 만든다. 인터넷은 ‘기회의 보장’과 ‘익명성’이라는측면에서 보다 자유롭게 자신의 영향력을 행사할 수 개연성을가지고 있는 곳이다. 권력의 근거가 되는 지배의 정당성과 자원의 배분을 인터넷에서는 찾아보기 어렵기 때문에 같은 관점에서 권력을 이해하는 것은 불가능하다. 그러나 사이버 행동주의는 기존 권력에 맞서는 대항담론을 만들고 새로운 영향력을 행사하면서 저항을 통한 세력화로서 하나의 권력이 되기도 한다.때로는 사이버 행동주의가 문화로 승화할 수 있는 퍼포먼스를보이기도 하고, 행동을 이끌 수 있는 인지동원의 기능을 발휘하기도 한다. 따라서 대항세력을 키우기 위한 사이버 행동주의는일관성을 갖기 어려우며, 인터넷에서의 권력으로서 일상화되기어렵다. 블로그나 트위터를 통한 영향력의 경우에도 상호적 관계에서 나오는 것이 아니라 일방적 관계를 통해 맺어지는 것이다. 파워블로거나 파워트위터러의 경우, 실제 방문자나 팔로어를 상대로 자신의 의지를 관철시킬 수 있는 매커니즘이 없다. 방문자나 팔로어의 선택적 의지가 더 중요한 것이어서 지배나영향력을 일방적으로 행사한다고 보기 어렵다는 것이다. 오히려자기 과시적 성향이나 사회적 영향력의 획득을 위한 것이어서인터넷에서 영향력으로 간주될 수는 있으나 진정한 의미의 권력은 아닌 것이다. 따라서 인터넷상의 권력을 기존의 권력 개념으로 이해하는데 한계가 있을 수밖에 없다. This paper aims to understand internet power in the perspective ofsociology. Power is the probability that one actor within a socialrelationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despiteresistance. It is based on the social action and relationship and exercisedby the nation-state in the modern society. Power would be related to theresources that social actors employ in the course of the their activities inorder to accomplish the power of dominance. Dominance that is aspecial case of power is one of the most important element of socialaction. Owing to power and resources, social inequality could come intoexistence and accelerate the dominance and subordination in oursociety, However, the cyberspace of internet cannot apply to theprinciple of general power or dominance because there are nomaterial resources that can be alloted to the user of internet. In other words, the space of internet guarantees a lot of chances ofparticipation and anonymity of participator for the users of internetwithout liitation. So the power or the dominance based on theresources cannot be applied to internet power. In the case of cyberactivism, it is true that it m ight contribute to the emergence of newpower, but it has no consistency of resistance movement as newpower and furthermore shows the character of cultural performancefor a special event. Also power-bloger and power-twitter, a kind ofsocial media, display the appearance of self-ostentation and theinstrument of acquisition of reputation rather than the influence forpower. Accordingly, internet power cannot be assumed in the givendefinition of power or dominance and must be accepted in theinternet context.

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