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      • KCI등재

        Weight Control Attempts in Underweight Korean Adults: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2010

        최오진애,조영규,강재헌,박현아,김경우,허양임,임현지 대한가정의학회 2013 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.34 No.6

        Background: Underweight refers to the weight range in which health risk can increase, since the weight is lower than a healthy weight. Negative attitudes towards obesity and socio-cultural preference for thinness could induce even underweight persons to attempt weight control. This study was conducted to investigate factors related to weight control attempts in underweight Korean adults.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on 690 underweight adults aged 25 to 69 years using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007–2010. Body image perception, weight control attempts during the past one year, various health behaviors, history of chronic diseases, and socioeconomic status were surveyed.Results: Underweight women had a higher rate of weight control attempts than underweight men (25.4% vs. 8.1%, P < 0.001). Among underweight men, subjects with the highest physical activity level (odds ratio [OR], 7.75), subjects with physician-diagnosed history of chronic diseases (OR, 7.70), and subjects with non-manual jobs or other jobs (OR, 6.22; 12.39 with reference to manual workers) had a higher likelihood of weight control attempts. Among underweight women, subjects who did not perceive themselves as thin (OR, 4.71), subjects with the highest household income level (OR, 2.61), and unmarried subjects (OR, 2.08) had a higher likelihood of weight control attempts.Conclusion: This study shows that numbers of underweight Korean adults have tried to control weight, especially women. Seeing that there are gender differences in factors related to weight control attempts in underweight adults, gender should be considered in helping underweight adults to maintain a healthy weight.

      • KCI등재

        일부 체급경기 선수들의 체중감량 실태 조사 : A Descriptive Study

        김철현,김찬,지준원,표재환,오효선,최용어 대한스포츠의학회 2001 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        In the past, weight-classed athletes in Korea had been known to engage in unbealthy practices with rapid weight loss. Thus, we participated in the survey of recent trends in their weight loss patterns, and then found their real problems in weight loss. The purpose of this investigation was to offer baseline data for foundation of policy, education program, and guideline of safety weigh loss. 500 weight-classed athletes in urban and some rural provinces were asked to complete a self-administerd questionnaire which was developed for this investigation. Before certification, the average weight loss was 6.5% of the initial body weight, and even more the athletes with a 7 day rapid weight loss over 5% was 16.3% out of weight-making" athletes. Their rapid weight loss was achieved by overtraining malnutrition, and dehydration. The beginning age of the recent weight loss practice is earlier than that of past. Questionnaire results indicated that coaches and the "other athletes" were the most frequently consulted on how to "make weight" whereas the professional was seldom consulted on this matter. In our opinion, weight-classed events are in urgent need of policy, education program, and guideline for safety weight loss.

      • KCI등재

        학급규모를 고려한 교육비 배분

        송기창(Song, Ki Chang),윤홍주(Yun, Hongju) 한국교육재정경제학회 2020 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 학급규모를 고려한 학급규모 경비 도입의 필요성을 제시하고, 학급규모에 따른 교육비 분석을 토대로 학급규모별 교육비를 산정하고, 나아가 교육비 배분 방안을 제시하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 학급규모에 따른 교육비 분석을 위해 학급규모별 교육비 세출액을 분석하였으며, 아울러 보통교부금 교부기준 대비 학급규모별 교육비 결산액을 분석하였다. 학급규모를 고려한 교육비 배분은 가중학급 교육비에 의한 배분과 표준학급 교육비 배분방식으로 나누어 제시하였다. 가중학급 교육비 배분은 일정 규모의 학급을 기준으로 기준에 비해 학생 수가 더 많거나 적을 경우, 교육비에 가중치를 부여하여 학급당 교육비를 산정·배분하는 방식이다. 이 방식은 학급경비에 학생 수의 규모를 포함함으로써 교부 기준으로 학생 수를 무시한다는 비판을 면할 수 있고 적정규모를 유도함으로써 재정운용의 효율성을 높일 수 있다. 표준학급 교육비에 의한 배분은 학급당 경비를 배분할 때 실제 학급수가 아닌 표준학급수를 기준으로 교육비를 배분하는 방식이다. 표준학급을 기준으로 교육비를 배분할 경우 시·도교육청별 학급규모의 편차를 줄일 수 있으며, 의도적으로 학급 수를 늘리는 행위를 방지할 수 있으며, 교육활동과 교육비 산정의 기본 단위로서 학급의 중요성을 부각시키는 효과가 있다. 또한 교육과정 운영, 교육과 학습활동, 교사와 학생의 상호작용 등을 고려한 최적의 학급규모에 대한 관심과 논의를 활성화하는 효과가 있다. The purpose of this study is to present the necessity of introducing class-size expenses considering class size, calculate the education cost according to class size based on the analysis of education cost by class size, and further present the method of allocation of education budgets. In order to analyze educational expenses according to class size, the amount of education expenditure by class size was analyzed, and the amount of education expenses settlement by class size was also analyzed compared to the standard for ordinary grants for local education. The allocation of educational expenses in consideration of class size was presented by dividing the allocation by weighted educational expenses and the allocation of standard educational expenses. The allocation of weighted education costs for classes is based on a certain size of classes, and if the number of students is higher or less than the standard, the education cost is weighted to calculate and allocate education costs per class. This method can avoid criticism for ignoring the number of students on allocation criteria by including the size of the number of students in class expenses and increase the efficiency of financial management by inducing an appropriate size. The allocation by standard class education costs is based on the number of standard classes, not on the actual number of classes, when allocating expenses per class. If education costs are allocated based on standard classes, it can reduce the deviation in the size of classes by region, prevent intentional increase in the number of classes, and highlight the importance of classes as a basic unit for calculating educational activities and education costs. It also has the effect of activating interest and discussion on optimal class size considering curriculum operation, education and learning activities, and interaction between teachers and students.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Parental Social Class in Preterm Births and Low Birth Weight in Association with Child Mortality: A National Retrospective Cohort Study in Korea

        손미아,안수정,최승아,박미진,김영주 연세대학교의과대학 2020 Yonsei medical journal Vol.61 No.9

        Purpose: We explored the role of parental social class in preterm birth (PTB) and low birth weight (LBW) in association with child mortality in Korea. Materials and Methods: A total of 7,302,732 births in Korea between 1995 and 2007 were used for designing the national retrospective cohort study. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine the risk of child death after adjusting for covariates. Results: Parental social class was associated with adverse birth outcomes and child mortality in Korea. Parental social class increased the strength of the relationship of adverse birth outcomes with child mortality. Child mortality was higher among PTB and LBW infants from parents with a lower social class than normal births from parents with a higher social class. In particular, the disparity in child mortality according to parental social class was greater for LBW and PTB than intrauterine growth retardation births. When one of the parents had a middle-school education or lower, the disparity in child mortality due to adverse birth outcomes was large regardless of the other spouse’s educational status. Inactive economic status for the father, as well as an occupation in manual labor by the mother, increased the risk of child mortality. Conclusion: Strong relationships for social inequalities and adverse birth outcomes with inequalities in child mortality in South Korea were found in this study. Tackling social inequalities, as well as reducing adverse birth outcomes, are needed to reduce the disparities in child mortality in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        유도경기에서 체급 구분의 공정성 문제

        이승훈 ( Lee Seung-hoon ),이상태 ( Lee Sang-tea ),권태동 ( Kwon Tea-dong ) 대한무도학회 2016 대한무도학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        유도, 태권도, 씨름 등으로 대변되는 무도 종목뿐만 아니라 모든 스포츠는 공정성을 근간으로 하고 있다. 또한 각종 스포츠의 규정들도 공정성을 기반으로 이루어져 있다. 하지만 이러한 규정들이 모든 선수들에게 공정하게 적용될 수 있는지에 대해서는 의문을 제기해 볼 수 있다. 특히 유도를 포함한 투기 종목, 즉 무도종목에서는 체급을 구분함으로써 모든 선수들 간의 경기를 규제하고 있다. 이는 체급차이에서 나타나는 경기력의 차이가 있다는 것을 의미하는 맥락이다. 투기종목 이외에도 각종 신체적 차이가 나타날 수 있는 종목은 상당수 있다. 농구나 배구 종목에서는 키가 큰 선수가 유리할 수밖에 없으며, 육상 트랙종목은 흑인, 수영은 백인 선수들에게서 주로 강세를 보이고 있다. 이는 종목별 유리한 신체조건 등이 어느 정도 구분되어 있음을 의미하는 것이다. 이러한 요인에 의해 투기종목에서는 체급을 구분하여 그러한 경기력의 문제를 보완하고자 한 것이다. 하지만 체급의 구분은 오히려 그 종목의 특성을 배제하는 역기능으로 작용할 수도 있음을 간과하고 있으며, 이는 무체급제에 대한 필요성을 제기하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 유도라는 종목은 부드러운 것이 강함을 제압한다는 것을 기본 명제로 삼고 있으며, 그러한 것을 극복하고 상대를 제압하는 묘리를 담고 있다. 이는 유도의 본질이기도 하며, 나아가 무도의 본질이라고도 볼 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 문헌고찰 연구방법을 활용하여, 유도 종목에 한해서는 체급 규정에 대한 새로운 접근이 필요하다는 논리적 접근을 시도하였다. 이러한 접근은 유도의 본질에 기초한 접근이며, 유도에서의 공정성을 더욱 공고히 할 수 있는 시도라고 생각된다. All sports as well as the martial arts represented by Judo, Taekwondo, and Ssireum are based on the fairness. And all the provisions of the various sports are also based on the fairness. However, a question may be raised whether these provisions are fairly applied to all the players. In particular, all players of the combat sports, or martial arts, including Judo, are regulated by the weight class competitions, which means there being a difference in the performance caused by the difference in the weight class. In addition to the combat sports, there are so many events in which various physical differences are revealed. Tall players must have a decided advantage in basketball and volleyball and black athletes are strong in the athletic tracks while swimming remains dominated to a remarkable degree by white athletes, which implies that the physical conditions more favorable for a specific event are ,to some extent, divided. Weight classes in the combat sports are divided by these factors, which is to supplement the performance issue. However, what`s been lost sight of here is that the divided weight classes could create the dysfunctionality which eliminates the characteristics of the event. The elementary proposition of Judo is that something mild overpowers and overcomes something strong, which is the exquisite principle of Judo. This may be called the essence of Judo. And furthermore, it may be the essence of the martial arts. Thus, new approach to the provisions of the weight classes in Judo is considered to be necessary, which is based on the essence of Judo and helps to strengthen the fairness in Judo games.

      • KCI등재

        제32회 올림픽 여자 태권도 경기내용 분석

        Song Yuan,이성노,손혜련 한국코칭능력개발원 2024 코칭능력개발지 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구는 여자 태권도 선수들의 경기력 향상을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 여자 태권도 겨루기 경기를 영상 분석하였다. 영상분석은 제32회 도쿄 올림픽의 태권도 여자부 총 4체급의 16강전부터 결승전까지 총 65게임을 대상으로 실시하였다. 체급별, 승패별의 기술빈도, 득점빈도와 성공률 차이를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여자 태권도 경기 중 총 4체급에서 많이 사용된 기술은 돌려차기, 밀어차기, 주먹 공격의 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 여자 태권도 경기 중 총 4체급에서 득점 인정을 많이 획득한 기술은 돌려차기, 주먹, 밀어차기 공격의 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 여자 태권도 경기 중 총 4체급에서 통계적으로 성공률이 가장 높은 기술은 49kg 체급에서 돌려차기, 밀어차기, 돌려차기(머리), 67+kg 체급에서 앞 후려차기(머리)로 나타났다. 넷째, 여자 태권도 경기 중 총 4체급의 경기에서 주먹, 돌려차기, 돌려차기(머리)의 성공률이 높으면 승리할 확률이 높은 것을 확인하였다. This study analyzed the video of the women's taekwondo competition to provide basic data for improving the performance of female taekwondo athletes. The video analysis was conducted with a total of 65 games from the round of 16 to the final of the 4th taekwondo women's division of the 32nd Tokyo Olympics. The results of analyzing the difference in skill frequency, score frequency, and success rate by weight class and win or loss are as follows. First, among the women's taekwondo games, the techniques commonly used in a total of 4 weight classes were in the order of turn kicks, push kicks, and fist attacks. Second, among the women's taekwondo games, the skills that earned the most score recognition in a total of 4 weight classes were in the order of turn kicks, fists, and push kicks. Third, among the women's taekwondo games, the technology with the highest statistically success rate in a total of 4 weight classes was found to be turn kicks, push kicks, turn kicks (head), and front and push kicks (head) in a 67+kg weight class. Fourth, it was confirmed that if the success rate of fists, turn kicks, and turn kicks (head) is high in a total of 4 weight classes during the women's taekwondo game, there is a high probability of winning.

      • Instance categorization by support vector machines to adjust weights in AdaBoost for imbalanced data classification

        Lee, W.,Jun, C.H.,Lee, J.S. North-Holland [etc ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2017 Information sciences Vol.381 No.-

        <P>To address class imbalance in data, we propose a new weight adjustment factor that is applied to a weighted support vector machine (SVM) as a weak learner of the AdaBoost algorithm. Different factor scores are computed by categorizing instances based on the SVM margin and are assigned to related instances. The SVM margin is used to define borderline and noisy instances, and the factor scores are assigned to only borderline instances and positive noise. The adjustment factor is then employed as a multiplier to the instance weight in the AdaBoost algorithm when learning a weighted SVM. Using 10 real class-imbalanced datasets, we compare the proposed method to a standard SVM and other SVMs combined with various sampling and boosting methods. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method outperforms existing approaches in terms of F-measure and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, which means that the proposed method is useful for relaxing the class-imbalance problem by addressing well-known degradation issues such as overlap, small disjunct, and data shift problems. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.</P>

      • KCI등재

        조정선수-지도자의 행동부합이 그릿 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향 : 체급에 따른 조절효과

        강동균,정채원 한국스포츠학회 2021 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 조정선수의 심리적 향상에 의해 경기력 수준을 도모시키기 위한 방안으로 조정선수-지도자의 행동부 합이 그릿 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향 및 체급에 따른 조절효과를 검증하였다. 이를 위해 조정선수를 위한 행동부합, 그릿, 인지된 경기력 척도로 구성된 조사도구를 통해 279명에게 자료를 수집한 다음, 연구목적에 맞게 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 조정선수-지도자 행동부합이 그릿에 미치는 영향에서는 행동부합의 시합 및 훈련 요인이 그릿 의 노력지속 요인에 정적 영향을 미쳤으나(β=.394) 체급에 따른 조절효과는 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 조정선수-지도자 행동부합이 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향에서는 행동부합의 시합 및 훈련 요인이 인지된 경기력에 정적 영향을 미쳤으나 (β=.332) 체급에 따른 조절효과는 나타나지 않았다. 셋째, 조정선수의 그릿이 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향에서는 그릿 의 노력지속 요인이 인지된 경기력에 정적 영향을 미치면서(β=.657) 체급이 조절효과 역할을 수행하는 것으로 나타났 다. 따라서 조정선수의 선수-지도자 행동부합에서 시합 및 훈련 요인을 통해 자신감을 얻을 수 있으며 이는 개인의 경기력 향상에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. This study verified the effect of the athlete-coach behavior match of rowing athletes on their grit and their perceived athletic performance as well as its modulating effect according to the weight class as a way to promote the level of athletic performance through psychological improvement of rowing athletes. To this end, data were collected from 279 people using a survey tool consisting of behavioral conformity, grit, and perceived performance scales for rowing athletes, and then analyzed according to the purpose of the study to obtain the following results. First, in the influence of the athlete-coach behavior match of rowing athletes on grit, the match and training factors of the behavioral conformity had a positive effect on the effort sustaining factor of grit(β=.394), but there was no control effect according to weight class. Second, in the influence of the athlete-coach behavior match of rowing athletes on their perceived performance, the match and training factors of the behavioral conformity had a positive effect on their perceived performance(β=.332), but there was no control effect according to weight class. Third, in the influence of the rowing athlete's grit on their perceived performance, it was found that the weight class plays a role in the moderating effect while the factor of the continuing effort of the grit has a positive effect on their perceived performance(β=.657). Therefore, in the athlete-coach behavior match of rowing athletes, confidence can be gained through competition and training factors, which will help improve individual performance.

      • KCI등재

        Schatten classes of composition operators on Dirichlet Type Spaces with Superharmonic weights

        Zuoling Liu 대한수학회 2024 대한수학회보 Vol.61 No.4

        In this paper, we completely characterize the Schatten classes of composition operators on the Dirichlet type spaces with superharmonic weights. Our investigation is basced on building a bridge between the Schatten classes of composition operators on the weighted Dirichlet type spaces and Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces.

      • Density-based Deep One-class Classificationfor Robust Anomaly Detection

        윤도식,유재홍 한국품질경영학회 2023 한국품질경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2023 No.0

        Anomaly detection (AD) is to differentiate patterns that deviate from the expected features of target class. One-class classification (OCC) methods have been widely used for anomaly detection, with recent attention being given to the deep neural network-based OCC techniques (end-toend manner). These manners have been also shown remarkable performance on unstructuredformatted data (i.e., image, video, and signal data) as well as structured data. However, they often tend to perform poorly performance in many real situation where the noisy data exist in the target class. To overcome this limitation, we propose a density-based deep OCC algorithm that calculate the relative density of the individual observations in their respective region. By doing so, our method can successfully construct decision boundary (hypersphere) because the noisy observations located in a spare region rarely influence to hypersphere construction, whereas the observations (target likely observations) located in a dense region have a strong influence to hypersphere construction. In order to demonstrate superior performance of our proposed method, we performed an experimental study both well-known benchmark datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, and STL-10) and vibration signal-formatted data collected from bearing simulator. Finally, we confirmed outstanding performance of our proposed methods from the experimental results.

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