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        한국어 듣기 교재에 대한 텍스트기호학적 분석

        백승주 중앙어문학회 2022 語文論集 Vol.91 No.-

        In contrast to other classes where learners can check their learning content when they need it, it is difficult in listening classes. The only time learners can check the ‘listening content’ is while performing listening activities. Due to these limitations, the composition of listening textbooks is more difficult than in other textbooks. The listening textbook’s text is the only clue learners can rely on for understanding listening content, whereas for instructors, it is the only tool that can provide learners with input and output opportunities. In this study, we investigated how these restrictions are overcome in Korean listening subject textbooks from the perspective of text-semiotic analysis. To this end, the two textbooks were compared and analyzed. Text-semiotic analysis was performed following two procedures. The first analysis procedure is the analysis of ‘communication participants and the acceptance pattern of text.’ This analysis includes ‘classroom situation analysis,’ ‘class situation analysis,’ and ‘teacher and learner situation analysis.’ The second analysis procedure is ‘text structure analysis,’ which includes ‘separate partial text from the full text and superficial communication function analysis,’ ‘Analysis of the usage patterns and relationships of language signs and visual signs,’ and ‘interpretation of partial text function and teaching learning intention according to the class stage.’ The analysis revealed that the two textbooks were based on the same teaching method and listening model, but there were differences in various points. In the case of textbook A, one listening content was designed to be taught and learned through 10 partial texts, whereas in the case of textbook B, two listening contents were composed of five partial texts. It was confirmed that the patterns of coherence and cohesion between the partial texts of textbook A and textbook B appeared differently. Textbook A provides learners with abundant input and output opportunities. However, in the case of textbook B, it was found that coherence and cohesion were weak, and thus the provision of opportunities for input and output is insufficient. 필요할 때 교수학습 내용을 확인할 수 있는 다른 과목과는 달리 듣기 수업은 교수학습내용을 확인하는 것이 어렵다. ‘듣기 내용’은 듣기 활동을 수행할 때만 확인할 수 있기 때문이다. 이런 제약 때문에 듣기 교재의 구성은 다른 교재에 비해 더 까다롭다. 듣기 교재텍스트는 학습자에게는 의존할 수 있는 유일한 단서이고, 교수자에게 입력과 출력 기회를제공할 수 있는 유일한 도구이다. 이 연구에서는 한국어 듣기 과목 교재에서 이런 제약을어떤 방식으로 극복하고 있는지를 텍스트기호학의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 의사소통 중심 교수법과, 하향식 듣기 모형을 기반으로 하는 두 교재를 비교 분석하였다. 텍스트기호학적 분석은 크게 두 가지 절차를 따라 수행되었다. 첫 번째 분석 절차는 ‘의사소통 참여자 및 텍스트의 수용 양상’ 분석이다. 이 분석에는 ‘교실 상황 분석’, ‘수업 상황 분석’, ‘교사 및 학습자 상황 분석’이 포함된다. 두 번째 분석 절차는 ‘텍스트 구조 분석’으로이 절차 안에는 ‘부분텍스트 판정 및 표면적 의사소통 기능 분석’, ‘언어기호 및 시각기호의 사용 양상 및 관계 파악’, ‘수업 단계에 따른 부분텍스트의 기능 및 교수 학습 의의 분석’이 포함된다. 분석 결과 두 교재가 같은 교수법과 듣기 모형에 기반하고 있지만, 여러가지 지점에서 차이가 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. A 교재의 경우 하나의 듣기 내용을부분 텍스트 10개를 통해 교수 학습하도록 설계되어 있었지만, B 교재의 경우 두 개의 듣기 내용을 5개의 부분 텍스트로 구성하고 있었다. A 교재와 B교재의 부분 텍스트들 간의응집성과 응결성의 양상이 다르게 나타난다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. A 교재는 부분 텍스트들이 형식적으로나 내용적으로 긴밀하게 결속되어 있어, 학습자에게 풍부한 입력과출력 기회를 제공할 수 있었다. 그러나 B교재의 경우는 응집성과 응결성이 약하고, 따라서입력과 출력의 기회 제공이 부족한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        王雅玄의 사회과 교과서에 대한 비판적 담론분석(CDA) 모형 연구

        이가기,김복영 한국홀리스틱융합교육학회 2019 홀리스틱융합교육연구 Vol.23 No.3

        The study of textbook research has always been a hot issue of common concern in all countries of the world. The value of textbook research lies not only in the quality of textbooks, but also more important in improving the critical ability of textbook users. At present, the widely used textbook research methods mainly include quantitative content analysis, qualitative content analysis, and description and interpretation analysis, but these lack the rationality basis of methodology and theory. Therefore, the methodology of textbook analysis has become a vacant area in curriculum research around the world. As a special analysis method of ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can reveal the implicit ideology in textbooks and provide a reasonable methodological basis for textbook analysis. Also it opens a new perspective for textbook analysis. This thesis selects the CDA model of the social studies textbooks of the Chinese Taiwan scholar Wang Yaxuan. This model combines the qualitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis with detailed steps and methodological explanations. Currently, the model has been fully recognized in mainland China and Taiwan. Both China and South Korea are deeply influenced by Confucian culture in the process of historical development. The education of the two countries also has a similar development background and development process. Therefore, it is helpful to use this model to analyze the ideology and cultural context hidden in Korean social studies textbooks. In order to provide a useful analytical model, this thesis analyzed and explained the CDA model of Wang Yaxuan's social studies textbooks in Taiwan.

      • KCI등재

        영어과 디지털 교과서 분석 준거 개발

        김정렬,정명기 미래영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학 Vol.19 No.4

        Digital textbooks are to enhance the interactivity between students and their textbook contents along with English teacher. Digital textbooks allow that teaching activities incorporate a greater variety of media and learning formats. Despite the obvious advantages of digital textbooks, there is limit to adopt digital textbooks in schools because smart education environments are required of using digital textbooks in the classroom. Also, the digital textbook analysis criteria have not developed yet incorporating the analysis results of the curriculum for 21st century core skills and the contents and functions of digital textbooks. Thus, this paper explores the digital textbook analysis criteria based on the analysis of the previous studies related English digital textbooks. Significant implications were drawn in developing English digital textbooks analysis criteria from the results of investigating previous studies about English digital textbook analysis and evaluation, and English courseware such as ebooks, electronic books and CD-ROM. The implications are developed into the digital textbook analysis criteria by groups of items in the following categories: curriculum, contents organization and design, contents accuracy and fairness, appropriacy and efficacy of digital functions, validity and reliability of technological embodiment. It is hoped that the suggested analysis creteria become stepping stones for developing English digital textbooks and their related criteria and standard via further studies.

      • KCI등재

        2009 개정 기술・가정 교과서 『가정생활영역』의 안전교육 내용 분석

        김남은 한국가정과교육학회 2017 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The Purpose of this study is to present the basic data for selecting and improving the safety education contents which help practically middle school students through analysis of contents of safety education in ʻfield of home lifeʼ of 2009 revised middle school textbooks. The subjects of analysis are 12 types of middle school textbooks: in total 24 books written by 12 publishers in terms of the revised curriculum in 2009. The analysis criteria is developed by the researcher referring to preceding studies regarding safety education based on the seventh safety education standard presented by the Ministry of Education (2015). With such analysis criteria, all words related to the contents of the safety education of analysis criteria were extracted from each textbook, such as words directly mentioned as ʻsafetyʼ, words mean as ʻpsychological safetyʼ and ʻhappy lifeʼ, words related to ʻattentionʼ, ʻnoteʼ, ʻstabilityʼ etc. Under the analytic frame of safety education contents according to a home economics textbook, content analysis method was used for producing the frequency and percent of those words. The textbook analysis shows that the number of pages regarding safety education is 336.3 pages, as 9.8% in total 3,412 pages of 12 types of technology and home economics textbooks. As following the analysis of each textbook volume of the proportion in the contents related to safety education, 224.9 pages are on the first volume and 111.9 pages are on the second volume. As grades increase from year one to year three, the proportion of safety education in homeeconomics textbooks is decreased. The highest number of safety education contents unit is ʻSelf-management of youthʼ which includes three parts of safety education. In the case of a unit for emphasizing practice, experience and practical exercise such as ʻLife of youthʼ and ʻPractice of eco-livingʼ, safety education content in the area of ʻlife safetyʼ are mostly contained. Safety accidents related to the most student experienced, Household accidents (1.4%) and experiment or practice accidents (0.3%) are presented in a low figure. The contents of universal housing and school violence are duplicated on first and second volume of text. The most presented safety education content in the 12 types of textbooks are proper sexual attitude, dietary problems, family conflict and food choice. The least common contents are dangerous drugs, family welfare, internet addiction and industrial accident compensation insurance. As this study is to analyze 12 textbooks developed in 2009 revision curriculum, it is necessary to compare it with the textbook written by the revised curriculum in 2015 and to clarify the contents system of safety education and to avoid duplication of contents. In addition, it is necessary to develop and distribute a safety education program that can support textbooks. 본 연구의 목적은 2009 개정 중학교 기술・가정 교과서의 ʻ가정생활 영역ʼ에서 안전교육 내용 분석을 통해 중학생에게 실질적인 도움이 되는 안전교육의 내용을 선정하고 개선하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 분석대상은 2009개정 교육과정으로 12개 출판사에서 각각 집필된 중학교 교과서 12종 총 24권이다. 분석기준은 교육부(2015)에서 제시한 안전교육 7대 표준안을 바탕으로 안전교육 관련 선행연구를 참조하여 학자들의 검토를 토대로 하여 연구자가 개발하였다. 이러한 분석기준으로 각 교과서를 읽고 ʻ안전ʼ이라고 직접 언급한 단어, ʻ심리적 안전ʼ과 ʻ행복한 삶ʼ을 의미하는 단어, ʻ주의ʼ, ʻ유의ʼ, ʻ안정ʼ과 관련된 단어 등 안전교육 분석기준의 내용과 관련이 있는 단어들을 모두 추출한 후 가정교과서 단원에 따른 안전교육 내용을 분석틀로 하여 빈도와 퍼센트를 내는 내용분석법을 사용하였다. 교과서 분석결과, 안전교육 내용 쪽수는 기술・가정 교과서 12종의 총 쪽수 3412쪽 중 336.3쪽으로 9.8%로 나타났고 권별로 안전교육 관련 내용의 비중을 분석하여 보면, 1권의 경우 안전교육 내용 비중이 총 224.9쪽, 2권의 안전교육 내용 비중이 총 111.9쪽으로 학년이 올라갈수록 가정 교과서의 안전교육 비중이 낮아졌다. 안전교육 내용 가장 많은 단원은 ʻ청소년의 자기관리ʼ 단원으로 3개의 안전교육 영역을 포함하고 있었고 ʻ청소년의 생활ʼ, ʻ녹색생활의 실천ʼ 단원 등과 같이 주로 실천과 체험, 실습이 강조되는 단원의 경우 ʻ생활안전ʼ영역의 안전교육 내용을 많이 다루고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 학생들이 가장 많이 당하는 안전사고와 관련 있는 가정 내 사고(1.4%), 실험・실습사고(0.3%)등에 대한 내용은 낮은 편으로 나타났고, 유니버설주거와 학교폭력 내용은 교과서 1권과 2권에 중복해서 제시되었다. 12종 교과서에서 가장 많이 다른 안전교육 내용은 바람직한 성태도, 식생활문제, 가족 갈등, 식품의 선택이며, 가장 적게 다룬 안전교육 내용은 유해약물, 가정 복지, 인터넷 중독, 산업재해보상보험 등이었다. 본 연구는 2009 개정 교육과정을 중심으로 개발된 교과서 12종을 분석하였기에 2015 개정 교육과정에 의해 집필된 교과서와의 비교를 통해 안전교육의 내용 체계를 분명히 하고 내용의 중복을 피할 수 있는 후속 연구가 필요하다. 또한, 교과서를 보조할 수 있는 안전교육 프로그램을 개발하여 보급할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        2011 개정 실과교과서의 ‘쾌적한 주거와 생활자원관리’ 단원 비교 분석

        김형균 한국실과교육학회 2015 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to find out difference of the units on ‘A Suitable Living & Life Resource Management ’in six Practical Arts Textbooks according to 2011 Revised National Curriculum. To implement this proposal, the study employs 6 different textbooks published in 2015. An analysis criteria for textbook analysis were established through the analysis to a great deal of previous studies on textbook analysis. The analysis criteria were decided to be unit structure and page numbers. unit system, learning objectives, unit supporting materials, experience activity, contents element, arrangement and evaluation, when it comes to the study method, content analysis which is appropriate for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation was used. The conclusion and suggestions drawn from this study were as follows. The number of title was not the same as the component of contents described in 2011 Revised National Curriculum. In terms of composition of units, there were three stages: introduction, development and wrapping up. The introduction and wrapping up stages were similar in terms of composition. The textbooks are similar external-structurally, but they have distinguishing specific contents with difference in contents structure and expression method. According to the results of analysis, various kinds of appropriate and inappropriate aspects were discovered from textbooks. This researcher can prepare for the improvement plan in search of advantages and disadvantages by textbooks. More careful consideration is required in the statement and guidelines for object of curriculum so that a verity of textbooks including the differentiated, abundant materials can be written from angles. Teacher is advised to understand the existence of reflection of contents and their qualitative difference among different textbooks and precise action is needed, When selecting the textbook. Further studies are needed comparative analysis of other units on the framework suggested in this study. It can be used in the instruction by utilizing the textbook in the school field more actively. 이 연구는 2011 개정 실과 교육과정에 따라 개발된 6종 검정 실과 교과서의 ‘쾌적한 주거와 생활자원관리’ 단원을 비교 분석하였다. 선행 연구를 통하여 개발된 분석 준거는 단원의 배치와 쪽수, 단원 구성 체제, 학습목표, 학습내용요소, 단원보조 내용 및 활동, 체험활동, 평가이다. 분석을 통하여 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘쾌적한 주거와 생활자원관리’ 단원의 배치와 쪽수는 교과서간에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대단원 개관과 차례는 교과서에 따라서 순서의 차이가 있지만, 대부분의 교과서에서 제시되었다. 대단원 목표가 제시 되지 않은 교과서는 3개 교과서로 나타났다. 셋째, 단원 보조 자료의 유형 중에서는 ‘본문보충 또는 심화’가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하였다. 넷째, 교과서의 내용요소는 그 수나 진술 방식에 있어서 차이가 있었다. 다섯째, 체험활동은 대부분의 교과서가 개별 활동의 형태였고, 그 수가 가장 적은 것은 5개, 가장 많은 것은 18개가 제시되어 있었다. 여섯째, 가장 많이 제시된 평가 세부 유형은 ‘서술형’으로 실천을 중요시 하는 단원의 성격에 맞게 단순한 답을 요구하는 것을 지양해야 하는 측면에서 바람직하다고 볼 수 있다. 이 연구의 결과를 토대로 다음과 같이 제언한다. 첫째, 향후 실과 교과서 개발 시 학습자가 도착점을 확실히 인지할 수 있도록 대단원과 중단원 모두에 제시하는 것이 바람직 할 것이다. 둘째, 평가가 수렴적인 것보다는 확산형 유형이 많이 개발되어 대단원과 중단원 정리 부분에 제시되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 실과 검정 교과서의 각 단원 별로 이와 같은 분석 연구가 후속 연구로 개발 되어야 할 것이다. 넷째, 실과 검정 교과서의 분석 연구는 일선 학교에서 교과서를 채택하거나 교재 연구 시 많은 도움을 줄 수 있음으로 많은 연구가 이루어지고 그 결과가 학교 현장에서 적극 활용되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스 분석 도구를 이용한 중국어 교재 텍스트의 어휘와 정형 표현 분석

        강병규 영남중국어문학회 2020 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.83

        This study examined the linguistic features of Chinese textbooks using quantitative analysis methods used in corpus linguistics. In particular, we focused on finding out the linguistic features of textbooks compiled in Korea compared to textbooks published in China. In this paper we collected data from 35 Chinese textbooks published in Korea and 263 textbooks published in China. And this textbook was divided into three categories. They are texts compiled by Korean authors (type A), texts translated from Chinese textbooks in Korea (type B), and textbooks published in China (type C). First, we investigated the frequency of words and sentences used in Chinese textbooks. According to the analysis result, when looking at the token frequency and type frequency of a word, it has the order of ‘A type <B type <C type’. The average length of sentences varies greatly depending on the textbook type and level. Second, the STTR statistics for each Chinese textbook were examined to compare how various vocabulary words are used. As a result of analysis, the STTR value of the A-type textbook is the lowest, the B-type textbook is the next, and the C-type textbook is the highest. Third, to understand the level of vocabulary use for each textbook, we compared it with the HSK Vocabulary Rating Table. Overall, the proportion of vocabulary grades did not differ significantly by textbook type, but by level. Fourth, keyword analysis was conducted to understand what vocabulary categories are frequently used in Chinese textbooks. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that the keyness of personal pronouns and interrogations in Chinese textbooks was very high. Fifth, formulaic expressions frequently used in Chinese textbooks were extracted. As can be seen from the results of the analysis, there is a combination of words repeatedly used in Chinese textbook text. The formulaic expression needs to be studied important in that it becomes the basic data of Chinese education. Finally, in this paper, cluster analysis was performed based on the linguistic characteristics of Chinese textbooks. According to the results of statistical cluster analysis, Chinese textbooks are divided into five cluster types. The results of this analysis can be used as a reference to study texts in Chinese textbooks in the future.

      • KCI등재

        전문계 고등학교 미술 교재 분석 연구

        이주연,유장열,장경아,김동욱 한국조형교육학회 2011 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.39

        This study has been proposed for the basic research on the development of a textbook for art-specialized school which would be run from 2011. It is the situation that the curriculum of the art-specialized school has been developed, but the textbooks for the school has not been developed. So we intended to examine the basic conditions of textbook standards for art-specialized school by analyzing art-related textbooks for vocational high school which can be used as a substitute. The concept of textbook analysis and the analysis standards for textbooks were discussed. 18 art-related ones for analysis from more than 60 varieties of textbooks for vocational school were selected. It was contents and possibilities of practical use for art-specialized school that we focused on the analysis. The outcome of this analysis was as follow: Number of textbooks were suitable in ‘impartiality’, ‘legibility’, ‘substantiality in curriculum’, ‘correctness in write’, ‘reasonability in selection of contents’, ‘systemicity in unit composition’, but insufficient for ‘novelty in materials’, ‘diversity in assessment’, ‘diversity in teaching and learning method’. It was mentioned that it was necessary to check the basic conditions of the materials for vocational high school, and to develop new textbooks in high quality. It was also necessary to study the model of textbook for art-specialized middle school. The result of this study could be used as basic data for developing textbooks for art-specialized school, by extension, establishing politic base for “basic plan for vitalization of art education in primary and secondary school”.

      • KCI등재

        정교화이론에 의한 제7차 교육과정 실과(기술) 교과서 내용분석

        이용환,최유현,이한규,한지영,방재현 한국농·산업교육학회 2004 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.36 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analysis only technology education area of practical arts subject matter in the textbook based on elaboration theory from elementary school 5, 6 grades to high school 1 grade of 7th National Curriculum. The study was carried out through literature review on text technology, technology education, and content analysis. The frame of analysis was come from conference in panel meeting, and panel consisted of textbook development, technology education experts, technology education teachers. The subject textbook of analysis were 1 national textbook for elementary school 5, 6 grade and 7 authorized textbook for middle school and high school 1 grade. 3 panels analyzed textbooks with developed frame of analysis separately, 3 panels discussed differences of analysis result and derived consensus.participated in textbook analysisThe findings of this study were as follows:1. Procedural elaboration process was usually used as elaboration process in technology education textbook.2. Elaboration strategies used in each textbook were almost same.3. The different vocabularies were used in same textbook in spite of a elaboration strategies.4. The difference between vocabularies recognized in usual and vocabularies used for elaboration strategies were existed in many cases, cased to confuse.5. More grades were higher, more complexed and various strategies were used with quantity and level of learning content.

      • 2015 개정 실과교과서의 체제 및 학습내용 요소 분석

        김형균(Kim Hyung-Gyun) 공주교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2019 敎育論叢 Vol.56 No.3

        이 연구는 2015 개정 실과 교육과정에 따라 개발된 6종 검정 실과 교과서의 체제 및 학습내용요소를 비교 분석 하였다. 이 연구의 목적은 2015 개정 초등학교 6종 실과교과서의 체제 및 내용요소를 비교분석하고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 차기 교과서 개발의 기초 자료 제공을 목적으로 하였다. 선행 연구를 통하여 개발된 분석 준거는 단원의 배치와 쪽수, 단원 구성 체제, 학습목표의 유형, 학습내용요소이다. 교과서의 쪽수는 출판사 별로 5, 6학년이 같았다. 전체쪽수는 C, D, E교과서가 가장 많았고, A, F교과서가 가장 적었다. 5, 6학년 교과서별 단원수는 B교과서의 6학년을 제외하고 모두 6단원으로 되어있었다. 도입 부분의 구성 체제는 D 교과서를 제외하고 대단원 차례가 제시되었다. 5,6 학년 단원의 배치가 교과서 별로 차이가 있었다. 정리하기의 형태는 모든 교과서에서 중단원에서는 마무리가 없었고 대단원에만 있었다 다만 5학년의 1단원(나의 성장과 발달), 6단원(나의 진로) 배치는 모든 교과서에서 동일하게 나타났다. 중단원의 수는 모두 2개로 나타났다. 단원별 목표 제시 유형은 정의적, 인지적, 심동적영역이 단원별로 고루 되어 있지 않았고, 대부분 1개 혹은 2개 영역만 제시되었다. 연구의 결과에 따른 제언은 첫째, 실과 검정 교과서의 각 단원 별로 삽화, 평가도구 분석 연구가 조속한 시일 내에 후속 연구로 개발 되어야 할 것이다 둘째, 실과 검정 교과서의 분석 연구는 일선 학교에서 교과서를 채택하거나 교재 연구 시 많은 도움을 줄 수 있음으로 많은 연구가 이루어지고 그 결과가 학교 현장에서 적극 활용되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to find out difference of the six practical arts textbooks according to 2015 revised national curriculum. To implement this proposal, the study employs 6 different textbooks published in 2019. An analysis criteria for textbook analysis were established through the analysis to a great deal of previous studies on textbook analysis. The analysis criteria were decided to be unit structure and page numbers. unit system, learning objectives, contents element. when it comes to the study method, content analysis which is appropriate for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation was used. The conclusion and suggestions drawn from this study were as follows. The number of title was not the same as the component of contents described in 2015 Revised National Curriculum. In terms of composition of units, there were three stages: introduction, development and arrangement. The textbooks are similar external-structurally, but they have distinguishing specific contents with difference in contents structure and expression method. According to the results of analysis, various kinds of appropriate and inappropriate aspects were discovered from textbooks. Teacher is advised to understand the existence of reflection of contents and their qualitative difference among different textbooks and precise action is needed, When selecting the textbook. Further studies are needed comparative analysis of units on the framework suggested in this study. It can be used in the instruction by utilizing the textbook in the school field more actively.

      • KCI등재후보

        음악교과서의 효과적 분석을 위한 분석 준거 모델 개발

        민경훈 ( Kyung Hoon Min ) 한국예술교육학회 2014 예술교육연구 Vol.12 No.2

        교과서는 국가의 교육이념이나 목적을 구현하는 수단으로서 교육과정의 취지에 따라 편찬되어야 한다. 이점에서 음악교과서의 분석은 교과서의 문제점을 발견하여 바람직한 음악교과서로서의 모습을 갖추도록 요구하는 나침반 역할을 한다. 그러나 이러한 음악교과서의 내용 전체를 조망하면서 구체적으로 살펴볼 수 있도록 분석준거를 제시한 논문은 발견되지 않는다. 이러한 문제의식으로부터 이 논문은 교과서의 내용 전체를 총체적으로 분석하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 ‘분석준거’를 개발하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 연구는 먼저 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 음악교과서의 종류를 파악하고, 이러한 교과서들을 분석할 수 있는 분석방법을 다양한 관점에서, 즉 외형의 관점, 음악의 관점, 사회의 관점, 지도방법의 관점에서 논의하였다. 그 다음 이러한 논의들을 바탕으로 음악교과서를 분석할 수 있는 분석준거의 모델을 개발하고, 이와 동시에 분석되어진 교과서를 평가해 볼 수 있는 평가준거의 틀을 제시하였다. 음악교과서의 효과적인 분석을 위해 분석준거의 모델을 개발한 이 연구가 음악교과서의 내용 전체를 일목요연하게 통찰할 수 있는 안목을 길러주고, 교과서의 외형적 형태, 내용선정 그리고 지도방법의 효과적인 처방을 위하여 기초자료로서 유용하게 활용될 수 있기를 기대해 본다. This study intended to develop the ``analysis criteria`` for evaluating the helpful analysis criteria in analyzing overall contents of textbooks and to develop the ``evaluation conformity`` of evaluating the analyzed textbook. First, this study investigated the type of music textbooks according to the revision of curriculum of 2009, then discussed analyzing methods for such textbooks in various perspectives as the external perspective, perspective of contents, perspective of teaching method, and societal perspective. Then, this study developed the analysis criteria model for analyzing music textbooks thoroughly from various perspectives by combining and arranging these discussions and an evaluation conformity model that can assess analyzed textbooks. Such developed analysis criteria and evaluation conformity will be helpful in analyzing music textbooks effectively, and will eventually contribute to plan development of music education by upgrading the quality of music textbooks. This study, which developed the analysis criteria and evaluation conformity for music textbook analysis, is expected to be used appropriately in improving ability to comprehend entire music textbook contents clearly.

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