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        천연림 간벌에 기인한 산림생물량 감소가 산림 내부 온도에 미치는 영향 연구

        강래열,홍석환 한국환경생태학회 2018 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the decrease of forest biomass by forest thinning and the change of temperature in the natural forest by measuring forest biomass and temperature before and after forest thinning in the Pusan National University forest where afforestation had been carried out. We intended to investigate the relationship between the forest biomass, estimated by calculating the Basal area, Crown area and Crown volume using the same formula to the same quadrat before and after forest thinning, and the forest temperature. Temperature measurement was carried out on April 20, 2016 through 28 before forest thinning, July 26, 2016 through November 4 around the time of forest thinning, and April 15, 2017 through May 8 after forest thinning. A temperature data logger was installed to point north at the height of 2.0 m above the ground in the center of the quadrat to record data every 10 minutes during the measurement periods. We used the AWS (Automatic Weather Station) data of the Dongnae-gu area located in the nearby city because it was difficult to set the control group since the whole forest was the subject to the forest thinning. The analysis of the relationship between forest biomass change and temperature showed that the change in temperature inside the forest was the greatest in the midday (12:00 - 15: 00) and was highly correlated with the Crown volume in the forest biomass. The temperature increase was much larger (average 1.91℃) 1 year after forest thinning than immediately after forest thinning (average 0.74℃). The comparison of the decrease rate of Crown volume and the increase in temperature showed that the Pitch pine community, which showed the highest decrease of Crown volume by 15.4%, recorded the highest temperature rise of 1.06℃ immediately after forest thinning and 2.49℃ 1 year after forest thinning. The Pitch pine-Korean red pine community, which showed the lowest Crown volume reduction rates with 5.0%, recorded no significant difference immediately after forest thinning but a temperature rise of 0.92℃ 1 year after forest thinning. The results confirmed that the decrease of forest biomass caused by forest thinning led to a rapid increase of the internal temperature. The fact that the temperature increase was more severe after 1 year than immediately after forest thinning confirmed that the microclimate changes due to the removed biomass cannot be recovered in a short time. 본 연구는 숲가꾸기가 시행된 부산대학교 제1학술림을 대상으로 간벌 전·후의 산림생물량 및 온도를 실측하여 천연림 에서 간벌에 따른 산림생물량 감소와 산림 내부 온도변화의 관계를 확인하고자 하였다. 산림생물량은 간벌 전·후 동일 조사구에 흉고단면적, 수관단면적, 수관체적을 각각 동일한 도출식을 적용하여 도출하였으며, 산림 온도와의 관계성을 파악하고자 하였다. 온도측정은 간벌 이전인 2016년 04월 20일∼28일, 간벌 전후인 2016년 07월 26일∼11월 04일, 간벌 이듬해인 2017년 04월 15일∼05월 08일에 각각 실시하였으며 온도데이터로거를 방형구 내 중앙에 위치한 수목의 지상 2.0m 높이에 북향으로 설치하여 동일기간동안 각 10분마다 데이터가 기록되도록 설치하였다. 간벌이 산림 전역에 진행되어 산림 내 대조구 설정이 어려워 인근 도시에 위치한 동래구 지역별상세관측자료(AWS)를 대조구로 활용하였 다. 산림생물량의 변화와 온도와의 관계성을 분석한 결과, 산림 내부 온도 변화는 한낮 시간대(PM12:00∼15:00)에 가장 큰 변화를 보였으며, 산림생물량 중 수관체적과 깊은 관계성을 가지고 있었다. 간벌 직후(평균 0.74℃)보다 간벌후 1년이 경과한 시점(평균1.91℃)에서 훨씬 높은 온도 상승을 보였다. 조사구별 수관체적 감소비율과 온도 상승정도를 비교한 결과, 수관체적 감소량이 15.4%로 가장 높았던 리기다소나무군락에서 간벌 직후와 1년 후 분석에서 각각 1.06℃, 2.49℃로 가장 높은 온도 상승을 나타냈다. 수관체적 감소비율이 5.0%로 가장 적었던 리기다소나무-소나무군 락에서 간벌 직후는 그 차이가 없었으며 1년 후 분석에서는 0.92℃가 상승하였다. 천연림에서 간벌로 인한 산림생물량 감소는 산림내부 온도를 급격히 상승시키는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며 특히, 간벌 직후보다는 이듬해에 더 극심하게 나타나고 있어 제거된 산림생물량에 의한 미기후 변화는 단기간에 회복될 수 없음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 녹지의 배치와 식재형태가 열환경저감효과에 미치는 영향

        윤용한 한국잔디학회 2003 한국잔디학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        본 연구는 녹지의 배치와 식재형태가 기온저감효과에 미치는 영향을 파악한 결과 다음과 같은 점이 밝혀졌다. 1) 녹지의 기온분포도로부터 고온역은 주변시 가지에서, 저온역은 각 녹지내의 식재지주변과 소하천주변에서 확인되었다. 2) 녹지의 배치와 기온과의 관계를 보면, 저온역은 각 녹지와 거의 일치하고 녹지간 시가지 및 풍하쪽에도 저온역이 형성되었다. 3) 녹지간 시가지와 기온과의 관계를 보면 저온역은 풍하쪽 시가지뿐 아니라 녹지간 시가지에서도 나타났다. 또한, 풍상쪽에 녹지가 존재하지 않은 경우에도 녹지간 시가지는 주변 시가지 보다 낮은 기온이었다. 4) 토지피복비율과 기온에서 식재지, 초지 및 수면이 증가하면 모두 기온저감에 효과적이고, 나지의 증가는 기온상승에 효과적이다. 5) 교목, 소교목의 순으로 그 그루의 증가는 기온저감에 유효하게 관련되어 있는 것이 파악되었다. Temperature lowering effects varied by the arrangement and types of vegetation The effects of the arrangement and types of vegetation on lowering temperature have shown following results. 1) The temperature range of a vegetation shows that a higher temperature was recorded near urban towns while lower temperature was observed around the vegetation area and small streams. 2) The relationship between the arrangement of a vegetation and the temperature indicates that the lower temperature area matches with each vegetation area. Streets between vegetations and the lower end of the wind area have also lower temperature. 3) The relationship between inter-vegetationstreets and the temperature indicates that the lower temperature area has been observed not only at the streets of the lower end of the wind but at the streets in-between streets as well. Even when there's no vegetation area from which the wind blows, inter-vegetation streets showed the lower temperature. 4) With land coverage ratio and the temperature, the increase of planted areas, grass areas, and water level have positive effects on lowering the temperature while bare areas increase it. 5) From arbor to sub-arbor, the increase of trees has a significant effect on lowering the temperature of nearby area.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Hot Temperature on Impulsive Behaviors: The Role of Product Types as a Moderator

        안희경 한국마케팅학회 2012 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.14 No.3

        Temperature and weather are all around us, quite literally. Furthermore, temperature and weather not only permeate our atmosphere, constantly affecting our visceral states of warmth and coldness, but they metaphorically permeate our language. People, products, and ideas can all be “hot” or “cold.” Given this ubiquity, it is perhaps surprising that relatively little research has systematically examined the influence of temperature on choice and judgment. Temperature-related words such as “hot” and “cold” are often used to describe impulsive and calculated behaviors, respectively. These metaphoric connotations of thermal concepts raise the question as to whether temperature, psychological states and decision making are related to each other, and if so, how. The current research examines these questions and finds support for a relationship. Across one field study and one laboratory experiment, I demonstrate that both hot ambient room temperature (Spa) and hot temperature primes (words) trigger decision outcomes in line with the metaphoric association between hot temperature and impulsivity. In the field study, participants were recruited in hot (40-50 degrees Celsius) and cold (10 degrees Celsius) rooms at a spa. Participants were simply asked to indicate their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for three product categories (travel package, birthday dinner, and cell phone). The results showed that participants in the hot room in comparison to those in the cold room were willing to pay more for the same products. Next, I tested if our results would go beyond ambient temperature and would hold if I were to prime temperature concepts by using a different priming method (i.e., subliminal vs. supraliminal). In line with the previous findings in the spa, participants in the hot priming condition were more likely to choose the wrong answer for the bat and baseball question than those in the cold priming condition. In addition, product type (e.g., pleasure vs. necessity) can moderate the effect of hot temperature on impulsivity. Mood and arousal did not mediate participants’ responses. My findings seem to suggest that the effects of temperature on decision outcomes can be attributed to metaphoric associations rather than incidental mood or arousal. The current research applies a novel perspective in understanding the relationship between temperature and judgment and decision making. Also, the results have practical implications for packaging, advertising, merchandising, and pricing of goods and services, as well as for public policy and awareness. One of the most natural implications of my findings would be that retailers would be better off carrying more impulse purchase items on hot days. Furthermore, point-of-purchase promotions encouraging impulse purchase is more likely to be effective in retail environments with higher temperature than with lower temperature. In addition, advertisements and product packages evoking hot temperature associations (e.g., beach, sunshine, summer) might lead consumers to pay higher price for the advertised product than those with cold temperature associations.

      • KCI등재

        Temperature Difference between Brain and Axilla according to Body Temperature in the Patient with Brain Injury

        오종양,조광욱,주원일,유도성,박해관 대한신경손상학회 2020 Korean Journal of Neurotrauma Vol.16 No.2

        Objective: Commonly, brain temperature is estimated from measurements of bodytemperature. However, temperature difference between brain and body is still controversy. The objective of this study is to know temperature gradient between the brain and axillaaccording to body temperature in the patient with brain injury. Methods: A total of 135 patients who had undergone cranial operation and had the thermaldiffusion flow meter (TDF) insert were included in this analysis. The brain and axillatemperatures were measured simultaneously every 2 hours with TDF (2 kinds of devices:SABER 2000 and Hemedex) and a mercury thermometer. Saved data were divided into 3 groupsaccording to axillary temperature. Three groups are hypothermia group (less than 36.4°C),normothermia group (between 36.5°C and 37.5°C), and hyperthermia group (more than 37.6°C). Results: The temperature difference between brain temperature and axillary temperaturewas 0.93±0.50°C in all data pairs, whereas it was 1.28±0.56°C in hypothermia, 0.87±0.43°Cin normothermia, and 0.71±0.41°C in hyperthermia. The temperature difference wasstatistically signifcant between the hypothermia and normothermia groups (p=0.000), butnot between the normothermia and hyperthermia group (p=0.201). Conclusion: This study show that brain temperature is signifcantly higher than the axillarytemperature and hypothermia therapy is associated with large brain-axilla temperaturegradients. If you do not have a special brain temperature measuring device, the results of thisstudy will help predict brain temperature by measuring axillary temperature.

      • A Temperature Control System Design Based on 51 SCM

        Xiaoying Yang,Wanli Zhang,Qixiang Song 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.4

        Temperature control is quite extensive in their daily lives and industrial applications, and past temperature control is done by hand and not enough attention, in fact, temperature needs to be monitored in many places in order to prevent accidents. To solve this problem, a temperature control system based on 51 Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) is designed in the paper. Combining with SCM AT89C51, temperature sensor is used to collect temperature, the collected temperature values are transferred to the LED display to shows. Then cooling or heating is automatically operated by the fan or an electric wire in order to achieve a constant temperature. The experimental results show that the system can perform real-time monitoring of temperature and reach the goal of effectively controlling temperature.

      • Temperature Characteristics of Power Ternary Polymer Li-ion Batteries

        Fang Haifeng,Cai Lihua,Lu Huaimin,Wei Benjian,Zhu Hongping 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.8 No.11

        The characteristics of power ternary polymer Li-ion batteries are closely connected to ambient temperature. The capacity characteristic, resistance and state of charge-open circuit voltage (SOC-OCV) curve are important parameters to represent the performance of power batteries and to determine battery management system (BMS) design. The experiments at different ambient temperatures are carried out and the laws between temperature and capacity, resistance and OCV are studied. The capacity drops sharply under low temperature, and increases with a relatively slower rate than under low temperature when the temperature goes up. Polarization and ohmic resistances during charge and discharge process decrease when the temperature rises, and the change rate of ohmic resistance is higher than that of the polarization resistance. Moreover, the change of ohmic resistance under low temperature is more significant than under high temperature. With the decrease of temperature, the SOC-OCV curve moves down, but generally, the curve is affected only slightly by the temperature.

      • 상승온도 처리에 의한 논과 밭 용수의 질소변화

        홍성창 ( Hong Sung-chang ),장은숙 ( Jang Eun-suk ),허승오 ( Hur Seung-oh ),최순군 ( Chio Soon-kun ),유선영 ( Yu Sun-young ),이규현 ( Lee Gyu-hyen ),김경식 ( Kim Kyeong-sik ) 한국환경농학회 2019 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2019 No.-

        Temperature increases due to climate change are affecting various sectors of agriculture. Elevated temperatures can affect the growth and yield of crops and can also affect the utilization efficiency of nutrient input materials such as soil nutrients, chemical fertilizers, and compost. The outflow of non-point pollutant sources from farmlands is strongly influenced by physical factors such as rainfall, rainfall intensity, and slope of agricultural land. In order to simulate the outflow of non-point pollutant sources due to climate change, it is necessary to find out not only the physical factors but also the changes in the biological factors induced by the elevated temperature in detail. Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors controlling the growth and yield of plants, and the rate of reaction depends on temperature in all biological processes. Elevated temperatures increase nitrogen mineralization and net nitrification rate. The degradation, absorption, utilization, and outflow of the variety of nutrient input materials for crop cultivation can differ due to temperature rise. This study was carried out to investigate the changes of nitrogen in the nutrients of the cultivated waters by cultivating rice and maize in pots after simulating climate change and by establishing an elevated temperature environment with the chemical fertilizer and livestock compost. The elevated temperature environment was established using the modified medium open-top chamber whose width is 6m and height is 3m. The medium open-top chamber has a merit of increasing only temperature while maintaining the environmental factors such as rainfall, wind, and sunlight intensity similar as those in the field. The maximum temperature in the open-top chamber measured on the 15th of May, 2018 was higher by 2.7℃ than the field, while the average temperature was higher by 0.4℃ so that the elevated temperature could be applied to the rice and maize throughout the growth period. The rice and maize were planted in Wagner pots filled with sandy loam and clay loam, and then placed in a medium open-top chamber and grown at elevated temperatures. The analysis results of nitrogen by periodically collecting the cultivation water from the Wagner pots during the cultivation period of the rice and maize showed that the NO<sub>3</sub>―N concentration in the paddy cultivation water was decreased in the no-fertilization block, chemical fertilizer treated block, and cow dung compost treated block in the paddy cultivation sandy loam under elevated temperature compared to those in the field. Meanwhile, the NH<sub>4</sub>― N concentration was increased in the rice cultivation clay loam soil in all the treated blocks compared to the field. The NO<sub>3</sub>―N concentration in the cultivated water was decreased in all the treatment blocks in the maize cultivation clay loam soil by the elevated temperature than that of field. However, NH<sub>4</sub>―N concentration in the water from the maize cultivation sandy loam soil, as well as the clay loam soil with the chemical fertilizer, was increased by elevated temperature compared to the field. The results indicate that the nitrogen changes in the water of the paddy field and upland are induced under the elevated temperature. The outflow of the non-point pollutant sources towards the water system near the cultivation fields also can be changed by rainfall.

      • KCI등재후보

        온도장 가시화를 위한 연성회로기판을 이용한 온도센서 어레이 제작 및 성능평가

        안철희,김형훈,차제명,권봉현,하만영,박상후,정지환,김귀순,조종래,손창민,이정호,고정상 한국가시화정보학회 2009 한국가시화정보학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This paper presents the fabrication and performance measurement of a temperature sensor array on a flexible substrate attachable to a curved surface using MEMS technology. Specifically, the fabrication uses the well-developed printed circuit board fabrication technology for complex electrode definition. The temperature sensor array are lifted off with a 10×10 matrix in a 50×50 mm to visualize temperature distribution. Copper is used as temperature sensing material to measure the change in resistances with temperature increase. In a thermal oven with temperature control, the temperature sensor array is characterized. The constant slope of resistance change is obtained and temperature distribution is measured from the relationship between resistance and temperature. This paper presents the fabrication and performance measurement of a temperature sensor array on a flexible substrate attachable to a curved surface using MEMS technology. Specifically, the fabrication uses the well-developed printed circuit board fabrication technology for complex electrode definition. The temperature sensor array are lifted off with a 10×10 matrix in a 50×50 mm to visualize temperature distribution. Copper is used as temperature sensing material to measure the change in resistances with temperature increase. In a thermal oven with temperature control, the temperature sensor array is characterized. The constant slope of resistance change is obtained and temperature distribution is measured from the relationship between resistance and temperature.

      • KCI등재

        Temperature-dependent functional response of Scolothrips longicornis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) preying on Tetranychus urticae

        H. Pakyari,Y. Fathipour,M. Rezapanah,K. Kamali 한국응용곤충학회 2009 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.12 No.1

        Environmental variables like temperature are important factors that affect the efficiency of biological control agents in greenhouse crops. This study examined the effect of temperature on the functional response of an acarophagous thrips Scolothrips longicornis Priesner to different densities of two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch in laboratory conditions. Five constant temperatures (15, 20, 26, 30, and 35 °C) and seven prey densities (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128) were used in the experiments. At each temperature, 2 to 128 adult of T. urticaue were exposed to a female S. longicornis for a 24 h period. The results indicated that the predatory thrips exhibited type II functional response to different densities of T. urticae at all examined temperatures. Temperature had significant effect on the predation capacity of the adult thrips over the range of 15–35 °C. Instantaneous attack rate (a) of the predator increased linearly with increasing temperature from 15 to 35 °C. At 35 °C, the highest instantaneous attack rate was estimated to be 0.0579 day−1 using the Holling model and 0.1480 day−1 using Rogers model. The estimated value of handling time (Th) using both Holling and Rogers models decreased linearly with increasing temperature from 15 to 35 °C. Scolothrips longicornis achieved higher predation at higher temperature (16.1 preys/day at 35 °C). This observation suggested that S. longicornis may be more effective for biological control of two spotted spider mite in warmer conditions. Environmental variables like temperature are important factors that affect the efficiency of biological control agents in greenhouse crops. This study examined the effect of temperature on the functional response of an acarophagous thrips Scolothrips longicornis Priesner to different densities of two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch in laboratory conditions. Five constant temperatures (15, 20, 26, 30, and 35 °C) and seven prey densities (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128) were used in the experiments. At each temperature, 2 to 128 adult of T. urticaue were exposed to a female S. longicornis for a 24 h period. The results indicated that the predatory thrips exhibited type II functional response to different densities of T. urticae at all examined temperatures. Temperature had significant effect on the predation capacity of the adult thrips over the range of 15–35 °C. Instantaneous attack rate (a) of the predator increased linearly with increasing temperature from 15 to 35 °C. At 35 °C, the highest instantaneous attack rate was estimated to be 0.0579 day−1 using the Holling model and 0.1480 day−1 using Rogers model. The estimated value of handling time (Th) using both Holling and Rogers models decreased linearly with increasing temperature from 15 to 35 °C. Scolothrips longicornis achieved higher predation at higher temperature (16.1 preys/day at 35 °C). This observation suggested that S. longicornis may be more effective for biological control of two spotted spider mite in warmer conditions.

      • KCI등재

        지형자료를 이용한 월별 기온분포의 지구통계학적 분석: 지리산 일대 사례연구

        박노욱,장동호 건국대학교 기후연구소 2013 기후연구 Vol.8 No.3

        This paper generated time-series temperature maps and analyzed the characteristics of temperature distributions from monthly average temperature observations between 2010 and 2011 in Jirisan areas using topographic data and geostatistics. From variogram modeling, all months except May to August showed that the spatial variability of temperature was the greatest along the direction perpendicular to coasts. Monthly temperature has negative correlations with elevation and distances from coasts and especially the correlation between temperature and distances from coasts was very weak in summer like the variogram modeling result. For temperature distribution mapping, kriging with a trend and ordinary kriging were separately applied as a univariate kriging algorithm by considering the spatial variability structures of temperature. Simple kriging with varying local means was applied as a multivariate kriging algorithm for integrating topographic data sets. From the cross validation results, the use of topographic data in spatial prediction of temperature showed the improved predictive performance, compared with univariate kriging. This improvement in predictive performance was dependent mainly on mean and variation values of monthly temperature and the spatial auto-correlation strength of residuals, as well as the correlation between topographic data and temperature. Based on these analysis results, spatial variability analysis using variogram is effectively used to account for spatial characteristics of monthly temperature and the correlation with topographic data. Topographic data can also be a useful information source for reliable temperature mapping.

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