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이준봉 사법발전재단 2013 사법 Vol.1 No.25
This paper explores whether there are possibilities of tax avoidance through investments to foreign investment trust by domestic investors and what policy options regarding the tax avoidance can be addressed. The results are as follows. Under the current tax laws, domestic investors can enjoy both tax deferrals and foreign tax credit through investments to foreign investment trust. But there are no reasonable grounds for the aforementioned tax benefits. Therefore, the aforementioned investments constitute tax avoidance. The policy options against the tax avoidance may be categorized into “substance over form option” and “special regime options”, the latter of which aim at both the tax deferrals and foreign tax credits. “Substance over form option” may well apply to the following three issues. Whether the investment vehicles are classified as business entities or contractual arrangements, whether the investment vehicles have the head or main office and the place of effective management within the foreign countries and whether the would-be foreign collective investment vehicles are domestic collective investment vehicles in substance. “Special regime options” may well establish special regimes to address the unfair tax deferrals, which should target all the business entities or contractual arrangements, such as trusts, partnerships, corporations, etc. And the special regimes may well vary among the kinds of investors and vehicles. In addition, the other qualitative considerations other than tax considerations should be taken into account. Current foreign tax credit rules have justifiable meanings in themselves. So, even though tax deferrals come together with foreign tax credit, it is enough to establish the policy option addressing the tax deferrals, not both tax deferrals and foreign tax credit. And for the purpose of foreign tax credit rules, it is appropriate to adopt the test of whether the income or deficiencies on vehicle's level are passed through to investors, not whether the vehicle in itself is liable to tax. In addition, the term “group”(“dan-che” in Korean pronunciation) needs to be determined more clearly as it is used to determine the meaning of foreign corporations which play important roles in the application of foreign tax credit rules. 본고는 현행 세법상 국외투자신탁 등 국외집합투자기구에 대한 투자를 이용한 조세회피행위가 발생할 여지가 있는지 여부를 먼저 검토한 후에 그러한 조세회피행위에 대한 대응방안 역시 모색하였다. 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 국외투자신탁을 통한 역외거래를 이용하여 국내 투자자들이 과세이연혜택 및 외국납부세액공제혜택을 누리는 행위는 조세회피행위에 해당한다. 위 조세회피행위를 방지하기 위한 대응방안은 실질과세원칙을 적용하는 방안과 국내 세법상 특별규정들을 도입하는 방안으로 구분되며, 후자는 다시 과세이연에 대한 방안 및 외국납부세액공제에 대한 방안으로 나뉜다. 실질과세원칙은 ‘해당 투자기구가 단체에 해당하는 것으로 보이나 그 실질은 단순한 계약관계에 해당하는지 여부’, ‘해당 투자기구의 본점 또는 주사무소가 외국에 있고 그 실질적 관리장소 역시 외국에 있는지 여부’ 및 ‘해당 투자기구가 법인이 아닌 경우에 있어서 그 외관은 국외집합투자기구에 해당하나 그 실질에 있어서는 국내집합투자기구에 불과한 경우인지 여부’에 대하여 적용할 수 있다. 실질과세원칙을 적용하는 방안은 해당 조세회피행위를 방지하기 위한 특별규정이 마련되지 않는 상황하에서 주로 기능할 것으로 판단한다. 역외거래인 수동적 투자를 통하여 부당한 과세이연을 얻는 것을 방지하는 특별규정을 도입함에 있어서, 법인 이외의 집합투자기구 역시 포함하여 특별규정을 도입하여야 하고, 어느 한 방안으로 통일하여 도입할 것이 아니라 투자자들 및 국외집합투자기구의 각 사정에 부합되는 각 과세이연 방지방안들을 함께 도입하는 것이 타당하다. 또한 위 특별규정의 도입에 있어서는 단순한 세법상 고려 이외의 여러 요인들 역시 함께 고려되어야 한다. 현행 세법상 외국납부세액공제규정은 그 자체로 정당한 의미를 갖는다. 따라서 외국납부세액공제혜택이 조세회피행위의 부당한 과세이연혜택과 함께 부여된다고 할지라도, 부당한 과세이연혜택 자체가 부여되지 않도록 대응하는 방법을 취하는 것이 타당한 것이지, 부당한 과세이연혜택이 부여된 경우에는 해당 거래에 대하여 단순히 외국납부세액공제가 적용되지 않는 것을 통하여 대응하는 것은 타당하지 않다. 다만 외국납부세액공제의 목적상으로는 단순하게 납세의무를 부담하지 않는다는 기준을 사용하는 것보다는 투자기구단계에서 발생한 소득의 구분 및 금액이 투자자에게 이전되고 해당 소득에 대하여 납부한 세금 역시 투자자에게 특정하여 귀속된다는 기준을 사용하는 것이 타당하고, 외국법인을 정의함에 있어서 사용되는 ‘단체’라는 개념의 의미를 분명하게 정의할 필요가 있다.
Impact of Direct Tax and Indirect Tax on Economic Growth in Vietnam
Hieu Huu NGUYEN 한국유통과학회 2019 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.6 No.4
Tax can be categorised into direct tax and indirect tax. This paper uses the ordinary least-squares regression method to study the impact of direct and indirect tax on economic growth in Vietnam in the period 2003-2017. Statistical data is collected from the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam. Theoretically, tax generates the state budget revenue and is a tool to regulate the economy. The results of statistical tests show that tax has a positive impact on Vietnam's economic growth. However, the effects of direct tax and indirect tax are different. The indirect tax has a positive influence and promote Vietnam's economic growth, while the impact of the direct tax is invisible. There has not been sufficient evidence to confirm that the indirect tax has a more positive impact than the direct tax. To promote economic growth, Vietnam needs to restructure its tax system towards: (1) Increasing the proportion of indirect tax, reducing the proportion of direct tax in the state budget revenue; (2) Expanding tax bases; (3) Reducing tax rates of corporate income tax and personal income tax; (4) Increasing tax rates of environmental protection tax, natural resources tax, value added tax and excise tax on some types of goods which harm health and environment.
회계이익과 과세소득 간 재량적 차이의 유용성에 관한 실증연구
윤성만,최원석,정형록 한국세무학회 2009 세무와 회계저널 Vol.10 No.4
Book-tax difference is the aggregate indicator in detecting manager's earnings management or tax planning. So it may have a limit to capture manager's intent or incentive to manage earnings or tax. Assuming BTD reflects not only the mechanical component due to difference between GAAP and tax law, but also the opportunistic component arising from manager's choices in book and tax reporting, This study tries to decompose BTD into the non-discretionary(mechanical) component and the discretionary(opportunistic) component in accordance with manager's discretion. And this investigates empirically the usefulness of the discretionary BTD whether it can detect manager's behavior of managing earnings or tax. Main methodologies in decomposing BTD are benchmarked by Tang(2006) model, Jones(1991) and modified Jones(1995) model. Also using logistic regression on the binary variable(dependent variable) whether manager manages earnings or tax, this study evaluates the usefulness of the discretionary BTD. And ROC analysis is used in investigating the diagnosis of discretionary BTD on earnings(tax) management. The result of binary logistic regression shows that the coefficients on earnings(tax) management and the discretionary BTD are significant statistically at the 0.01 level, indicating that the discretionary BTD is powerful measure to detect earnings(tax) management. And the discretionary BTD has incremental explanatory power regarding earnings(tax) management. Also as a result of ROC analysis, the discretionary BTD is the accuracy of measure more than discretionary accrual. Consequently, our empirical findings imply that BTD can be (sophisticated)decomposed into the discretionary and the non-discretionary BTD, and the discretionary BTD is powerful measure in detecting earnings management or tax planning. 회계이익과 과세소득의 차이(Book-Tax Difference, 이하 BTD)는 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위에 대한 발견하는데 있어서 총계적(aggregate) 성격을 지닌 지표다. 따라서 경영자의 진정한 의도(intent)와 유인(incentive)으로 행해진 이익조정이나 세무계획행위를 구분해 내기 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 BTD를 경영자의 재량(discretion)이 개입될 수 없는 즉, 회계기준과 세법의 기계적인 차이(mechanical difference)인 비재량적 BTD와 경영자의 재량이 개입될 수 있는 기회주의적 차이(opportunistic difference)인 재량적 BTD로 분해하였고, 이렇게 분해된 재량적 BTD가 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위를 발견함에 있어서 유용한지를 평가한다. 본 연구는 BTD의 분해방법으로 Tang(2006)의 분해모형과 Jones(1991) 및 수정된 Jones(1995)모형의 재량적 발생액(DA)추정방식을 이용하였으며, 재량적 BTD의 측정치가 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위를 발견함에 있어서 유용한지를 평가하기 위해 이익조정이나 세무계획을 행한 기업과 그렇지 않은 기업으로 구분하는 이분형 변수(binary variable)에 대하여 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 실증분석 한다. 또한 경영자의 이익조정(세무계획)행위에 대한 식별능력을 평가하기 위해 추가적으로 ROC분석을 수행한다. 실증분석한 결과에서 재량적 BTD 중 Jones(1991) 및 수정된 Jones(1995)모형을 이용한 JBTD와 MBTD의 값이 각각 29.9, 31.5로 BTD의 5.5나 재량적 발생액(JDA 28.7, MDA 30.5)보다 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위를 발견함에 있어서 우월하였으며, 또한 재량적 발생액(DA)에 대하여 추가적인 설명력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 ROC분석을 수행한 결과, 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위에 대한 식별능력이 BTD, 수정된 Jones(1995)모형을 이용한 MBTD, Jones(1991)모형을 이용한 JBTD, 총발생액(TA) 및 재량적 발생액(MDA, JDA) 순으로 우월하다는 결과를 얻었다. 본 연구의 결과는 BTD를 재량적인 요소(discretionary component)와 비재량적인 요소(non-discretionary component)로 분해할 수 있으며, BTD의 일부분인 재량적 BTD가 경영자의 이익조정이나 세무계획행위를 포착함에 있어서 보다 정교하고 유용한 지표가 될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다.
Identification and Disposition of Newly Arising Tax Claims in Bankruptcy Proceedings
徐丽霞,罗苑 한국채무자회생법학회 2023 회생법학 Vol.26 No.-
Tax law, based on the national interest, serves as the primary source of national revenue. Bankruptcy law, on the other hand, focuses on societal interests, rooted in equitable treatment of creditors and debtors, and the enhancement of the economic order of market exit mechanisms. The former pertains to the management and regulation of taxpaying entities operating under normal conditions, while the latter encompasses specific regulatory provisions for entities operating under abnormal circumstances. Inevitably, there exist discrepancies between these two legal domains, both in terms of legislation and implementation, resulting in contentious issues surrounding the treatment of tax claims in bankruptcy proceedings. The disposition of tax claims in bankruptcy proceedings is important, impacting crucial matters such as the market economy and societal interests. Therefore, it is imperative to seek a balance in addressing the treatment of newly arising tax claims in bankruptcy proceedings. The first part of the article employs case studies to elucidate the challenges and dilemmas associated with the treatment of taxes generated after the registration of bankruptcy. On the one hand, at the substantive level, it pertains to the characterization of the newly generated taxes (that is, taxes generated after the date of bankruptcy acceptance) from the date of bankruptcy acceptance, specifically whether they should be categorized as "bankruptcy expenses and common debts." On the other hand, at the procedural level, it involves the question of whether the tax authority is allowed to forcibly withhold and collect taxes generated by the bankrupt entity during the bankruptcy process before the distribution of the bankruptcy estate. The second part of the article discusses the reasons for the above-mentioned disputes through the conflict of provisions between the tax law and the bankruptcy law. The third part discusses the identification of the nature of the new tax from the level of substantive law. This article argues that legislation should establish different provisions regarding the nature of new tax claims generated by debtor companies after entering bankruptcy proceedings, depending on the type of the newly generated taxes. First, taxes generated from the disposal of the debtor company’s assets by the administrator, such as value-added tax and stamp duty, should be classified as bankruptcy expenses.Second, taxes generated from the administrator's decision to continue performing contracts should be classified as public interest debts. Third, a distinction needs to be made regarding property tax and urban land use tax automatically generated from debtor companies' real estate holdings based on whether the bankrupt company continues its operations. If the company is still operating, these taxes should be classified as public interest debts. Fourth, for property tax and urban land use tax, in the case of companies that have ceased operations, the tax authorities should provide exemptions or non-payment options for these taxes. The fourth part discusses from the level of procedural law and puts forward legislative suggestions and optimization measures. Firstly, it proposes clarifying the exceptions to compulsory withholding in Article 40 of the "Law of the PRC on the Administration of Tax Collection" by explicitly excluding bankrupt assets from its scope. Secondly, it suggests incorporating the tax authorities' compulsory measures into the system of suspending preservation measures and enforcement procedures in the "Enterprise Bankruptcy Law." The last part summarizes the whole article and eiterates the purpose of this article which is providing some insights into addressing the challenges posed by new tax claims in bankruptcy proceedings of Chinese enterprises.
최기호 한국세무학회 2016 세무학 연구 Vol.33 No.3
In this paper, I analyse tax strategies of multinational corporations(MNC) and review the related empirical research. Comparing to domestic firms, MNCs allocate capital across their foreign subsidiaries by direct investment, dividends and income shifting in order to maximize their firm value. As Scholes et al.(2014) said that the objective of a firm’s effective tax strategy should be to maximize its after-tax return, so strategies of MNCs are to allocate capital to maximize their after-tax return and to consider tax effects with global perspective. The tax effects of capital allocation of MNCs are dependent upon tax system of home country, worldwide or territorial tax system. Under worldwide tax system, dividends from foreign subsidiaries are taxed at domestic tax rate and their foreign taxes are deducted to mitigate double taxation. On the other hands, under territorial tax system, dividends from foreign subsidiaries are exempted from home country taxes. Eventually, given the worldwide or territorial system, MNCs choose the optimal capital allocation vehicles to maximize after tax return. My research questions are as follows;First, Are there some tax incentives to allocate capital of MNCs under worldwide tax system? I analyse it theoretically. Second, Did the tax incentives confirmed in prior empirical research? And which non tax factors were founded in prior studies? I review the previous empirical studies. Third, What are the effects of territorial tax system on MNC’s tax strategies comparing to worldwide tax system? While many tax policy makers and practitioners have much interest in MNC’s tax strategies, but academic responses seem to be insufficient. So, I wish my paper call so much interest from academic society and many useful studies for tax policy and practice be conducted. 본 논문에서는 다국적기업의 조세전략을 이론적으로 분석하고 관련된 실증연구 동향을 살펴본다. 내국기업과는 달리 다국적기업은 기업가치 극대화를 위하여 직접투자, 배당과 소득이전과 같은 자본이전수단들을 이용해서 전세계적으로 자본을 이전시킬 수 있다. Scholes et al.(2014)에서 말한 바와 같이 기업의 세후수익률을 극대화하는 것이 조세전략의 목표라면 다국적기업의 조세전략은 전세계적으로 자본을 이전하면서 세금효과를 고려하여 세후수익률을 극대화하는 것이다. 다국적기업의 자본이전에 따른 세금효과는 다국적기업 소재국에서 전세계과세시스템과 지역과세시스템 중 어느 것을 채택하고 있는지에 따라서 달라진다. 전세계과세시스템은 해외자회사로부터의 배당에 대해서 국내세율로 과세한 후 외국납부세액을 공제한다. 반면에 지역과세시스템은 해외자회사로부터의 배당에 대해서 과세하지 않는다. 결과적으로 전세계과세시스템 혹은 지역과세시스템 하에서 다국적기업은 세후수익률 극대화를 목표로 최선의 자본이전 수단을 선택하게 된다. 본 논문에서의 초점은 첫째, 전세계과세시스템 하에서 다국적기업의 자본이전에 대해 세금유인이 있는지를 이론적으로 분석하는 것이다. 둘째는 전세계과세시스템 하에서 자본이전과 관련된 세금유인과 비조세요인에 대한 실증연구 동향을 파악하는 것이다. 셋째는 지역과세시스템 도입 효과를 분석하고 실증연구들을 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위해서 본 논문에서는 우선 전세계과세시스템 하에서 다국적기업의 조세전략을 직접투자, 배당, 소득이전과 같은 자본이전 수단 별로 구분하여 살펴본다. 그리고 그 다음으로 지역과세시스템과의 차이점에 대해서 살펴보았다. 다국적기업의 조세전략에 대해서 정책담당자나 실무자들의 관심이 높아지고 있지만 이에 대한 학문적 연구는 아직까지 활발하지 못하다. 이런 상황에서 본 논문이 학계의 관심을 불러일으켜서 향후 정책담당자나 실무자들에게 유용한 연구들이 나타나기를 기대한다.
세무조정자료의 분석을 통해 살펴본 우리나라 기업의 재무이익과 세무이익의 차이
정운오 ( Woon Oh Jung ),고종권 ( Jong Kwon Ko ),김갑순 ( Kap Soon Kim ),노희천 ( Hee Chun Roh ) 한국회계학회 2006 회계학연구 Vol.31 No.4
This study has descriptively explored the characteristics of the book-tax difference of Korean companies (BTD henceforth) over the period of 1993 through 2002. Specifically, this study has examined some static natures and dynamic trends of BTD and reconciling tax adjustments, using the real tax reconciliation data. A Korean corporation needs to reconcile its book income (i.e., income reported in the income statement) to arrive at the taxable income. This reconciliation consists of additions and deductions that need to be made due to various timing and permanent differences. Unlike in the U.S., this reconciliation data is publicly available in Korea in the statement of corporate income tax which is contained in the Business Report filed with the Financial Fiduciary Service (equivalent to the SEC in the U.S.) and in a tax footnote of audited financial statements. As far as the authors know, there has been no prior research in Korea which has conducted in-depth studies of tax recon- ciliations per se that cause the difference between book and tax incomes. This study will thus serve as a foundation study regarding BTD, and is expected to provide useful implications for future empirical research in this area. Major results of this study are summarized in what follows. First, Tables 2, 3 and 5 present descriptive statistics of additions, deductions and BTD on an annual basis. According to Table 2, over the 10 year period the adding amount ranges from ₩18.7 to ₩130.5 billion per firm. The 10-year average is ₩69.2 billion. In each year, the average far exceeds the median implying that a few companies have inordinately large adding amounts while most firms have relatively small amounts (the distribution is skewed to the right). Table 3 shows that the 10-year average deduction amounts to ₩61.8 billion, which is lower than the average addition by ₩7.4 billion. As in the case of the additions, the distribution of the deductions is skewed to the right and the time-series pattern of deductions resembles that of the additions. According to Table 5, the average BTD amounts to -₩7.4 billion, and each year reports a negative BTD as well except in the year of 1994. Further, it is observed that as compared to the 1993-1997 period, the BTD tends to increase (in absolute amounts) in the subsequent years (1998-2002). This is due to the fact that while in the latter sample period both additions and deductions rise, the increase in the additions outweighs the increase in the deductions. That the BTD of Korean companies is negative on average is in contrast to U.S. corporations showing positive BTD overall. The negative BTD of Korean corporations has been persistently observed in most years of the entire sample period. Panel 1 of Table 7 demonstrates that the mean BTD is significantly below zero in eight out of the ten years observed, while the median BTD is negative in each of the ten years. This phenomenon is prevalent regardless of firm size and industry. In Panel 2 of Table 7, the entire sample is divided into two groups according to size; small and large firms. The mean BTD of each group turns out to be negative for more than seven of the years. Panel 4 of Table 7 breaks down the sample into seven groups based on the industry code (light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing, information technology, construction, retail and wholesale, transportation, and miscellaneous). It is shown that in each industry both the mean and the median BTD are significantly negative. However, when the sample firms are divided into profit and loss firms, loss firms are more likely to have negative BTD than profit firms. Panel 3 of Table 7 reveals that profit firms have negative mean BTD for three years and negative median BTD for five years only, whereas loss firms show negative mean and median BTD in every year. This result seems to be related to differing incentives for earnings management between the two groups. It seems to be the case that profit firms may recognize income-increasing accounting accruals, most of which are deducted in the process of determining tax income. In contrast, loss firms may wish to take a ``big bath`` to boost future book incomes, and these income-decreasing accruals may need to be added back to determine tax income. A further study needs to be conducted to examine this possibility. The third major result of this study concerns the dynamic trend of BTD. The magnitude of BTD in the earlier period(1993-1996) fluctuated in a relatively stable fashion, but had increased substantially (in absolute amounts) in the later period(1997-2002). This study has found that such a time-series pattern of BTD was due to the increased discrepancy between the Korean tax rules and GAAP, which has accommodated IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards) on a large scale since the Korean economic crisis of 1997. This finding enables us to predict the future trend of tax reconciliations and BTD. Since its inception, the KASB(Korean Accounting Standards Board) has made a great deal of effort to enhance the conformity of the Korean GAAP to IFRS. This massive effort of the KASB will extend into the foreseeable future, and will thus result in further adoption of fair value accounting, which differs considerably from the valuation rules for assets and liabilities in the Korean tax rules. Further, new GAAP such as pension accounting are waiting to be incorporated into Korean GAAP. All of these changes would further magnify the discrepancy between the Korean tax rules and GAAP, and will therefore increase the magnitude of tax reconciliations and consequently BTD in the future, as far as Korea maintains the positive system of tax law.
이준봉 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2008 성균관법학 Vol.20 No.3
This paper introduces the current stipulations of tax laws, tax cases and tax commentaries relating to the cancellation of contract and re-evaluate the validity of them. The conclusions are as follows; First, the starting point of reckoning of exclusion period on Article 45-2 Paragraph 2(Ex Post Factors of Rectification) of "Framework Act On National Taxes" shall be the latest among the first dates after statutory tax return period or the assessment by National Tax Service('NTS'), on the one hand, and the first informed date relating to the occurrence of cancellation of contract, on the other hand. Second, "Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 45-2 and "Enforcement Decree" thereof Article 25-2 shall be applied to the case from the objection of the assessment not through the request for rectification above, as well. Third, in case of the occurrence of lapse of tax return period, the assessment by NTS and cancellation of contract on a sequential basis, the reference point in time of judgement about the case from the objection of the assessment shall be the point in time of not assessment, but closing argument of fact-finding proceedings. Fourth, in case of acquisition tax, "Enforcement Decree Of Local Tax Act" Article 73 has priority over "Enforcement Decree Of Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 25-2 about the tax treatment of cancellation of contract. But the restoration to the original property owner due to cancellation of contract shall not be the acquisition in the context of acquisition tax. Fifth, in case of the cancellation of contract by exercise of rescission, "Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 45-2 and "Enforcement Decree" thereof Article 25-2 shall be applied. In case of the cancellation of contract by consent, "Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act" Article 31 paragraph 4 and 5 have priority over "Enforcement Decree Of Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 25-2 about the tax treatment of cancellation of contract in the context of gift tax. But "Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act" Article 31 paragraph 4 and 5 may be against the "Constitution Of The Republic Of Korea". Sixth, "Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 45-2 and "Enforcement Decree" thereof Article 25-2 shall be applied to the cancellation of contract in the field of "Corporate Tax Act" due to the absence of explicit stipulations thereof. The term "compelling cause" on the "Enforcement Decree" above shall be interpreted as the "causes like the exercise of rescission" in the context of corporate tax. Seventh, "Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 45-2 and "Enforcement Decree" thereof Article 25-2 shall be applied to the cancellation of contract in the field of "Value-Added Tax Act" due to the absence of explicit stipulations thereof. The term "compelling cause" on the "Enforcement Decree" above shall be interpreted as the "absence of factors that may result in the impediment to the collection proceedings by NTS and the serious waste of administrative operations by NTS in the context of value-added tax. Eighth, "Framework Act On National Taxes" Article 45-2 and "Enforcement Decree" thereof Article 25-2 shall be applied to the cancellation of contract in the field of "Income Tax Act" due to the absence of explicit stipulations thereof. The term "compelling cause" on the "Enforcement Decree" above shall be interpreted as the "absence of red flags that show deficiencies by taxpayer in advance and factors that result in the serious waste of administrative operations by NTS in the context of transfer income tax.
구광회,박무현 한국세무학회 2011 세무와 회계저널 Vol.12 No.4
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the tax audit factors influence taxpayers'compliance behavior. In the research model established in this study, we defined the tax audits by four sub-factors:the fairness of tax audits, the efficiency of the tax audits, the possibility of uncovering tax evasion, and the neutrality of the tax audits. The analysis of survey data reveals followings. It is observed that the fairness of the tax audits have significant influence on the tax payers' compliance behavior. This result implies that in order to improve the degree of tax payers' compliance behavior, the tax audit should be fair, increase the possibility of uncovering the tax evasion and screen the external influences off from the neutrality of the audits. The efficiency of tax audits have significantly effects on tax payers'compliance behavior. This result implies that tax audits should be reinforced in order to induce the prudent reporting of taxpayers. And the neutrality of tax audits have significantly positive effects on the tax payers' compliance behavior. The implication of this result is that the neutrality of tax audits should be enforced by overhauling tax-related regulations and securing the tenure of NTS commissioner. In summary, this research shows that factors of tax audits have significantly positive effects on the tax payers' compliance behavior. We anticipate that the results of this research will have implications on tax policies, and, thus, improve tax audit systems to induce prudent and voluntary tax reporting. 본 연구의 목적은 세무조사의 요인(공정성, 효율성, 적발확률, 중립성)이 납세순응 행위에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 그 효과를 검증하는데 있다. 이를 위해 구조방정식에 의한 연구모형을 설정하고 세무신고 경험이 있는 납세자 등을 대상으로 설문조사 방법을 이용하여 수집된자료를 실증분석 하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 독립변수인 세무조사의 요인 중 공정성, 효율성, 중립성은 납세순응 행위에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 세무조사의 공정성, 효율성, 중립성이 높아지면 납세순응도가 높아진 다는 사실을 발견할 수 있었다. 반면 세무조사의 적발확률은 납세순응도를 높이는 경향이 있지만 통계적으로 유의하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 성실신고를 유도하기 위해 투명한 세무조사로 공정성을 확보하고, 세무조사 기능의 강화로 세무 행정의 효율성을 제고하여야 하며, 국세행정의 독립성 보장으로 세무조사의 중립성을 유지할 필요성이 있음을 시사하고 있다. 본 연구의 결론은 세무조사가 납세순응 행위에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 실증분석 결과는 자발적인 납세순응을 유도하기 위한 세무조사제도 개선방안을 마련하는데 필요한 정책적 대안을 제공할 것으로 본다.
고종권 ( Jong Kwon Ko ) 한국회계학회 2007 회계학연구 Vol.32 No.1
The expected return on equity is known as a theoretical determinant of the earnings-return relation, and it can be expressed as a function of leverage, corporate and investor level taxes. Dhaliwal et al.(2005) derive predictions relating leverage and taxes to earnings response coefficients and find that the coefficient linking earnings to returns in a reverse regression is increasing in leverage and that the effect of leverage on the return response is decreasing in a firm`s marginal tax rate. This finding is consistent with the tax benefit of debt, i.e. higher marginal tax rates, reducing the equity risk premium associated with leverage. On the other hand, they do not find conclusive evidence that investor level taxes affect the leverage-related component of the earnings-return relation. Differing from the United States tax system, in Korea, personal dividend income tax is somewhat mitigated due to tax relief through the provision of a dividend tax imputation credit system. Nevertheless, a personal investor`s dividend income is taxed at an effectively higher rate than capital gains income because capital gains income is not taxed except for the majority shareholders of KSE and KOSDAQ firms. Consequently, dividend tax penalty exists in the Korean tax system. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether shareholder level taxes affect earnings response coefficients using KSE data. Because capital gains income and dividend income are subject to different tax rules between Korea and the United States, this paper can provide additional evidence for the prior results. For this purpose, I reexamine how financial leverage, corporate and investor level taxes affect the relation between earnings and stock returns. As an extension to the prior research, I add institutional ownership as a determinant of the earnings- return relation and examine how institutional ownership as well as leverage, corporate and investor level taxes affect the relation between earnings and stock returns. The tax disadvantage of dividends relative to the capital gains that exists for personal investors does not exist for most institutional and corporate investors. For example, dividends are taxed at the same effective rate as capital gains for tax-exempt institutional investors. Also, dividends are taxed at a lower effective rate than capital gains for corporate investors because corporations are entitled to a dividend-derive deduction. This suggests that if stock returns incorporate a dividend tax penalty, then the likelihood that low-tax shareholders alleviate this penalty rises as the level of institutional and corporate ownership increases. As a result, I expect that even though the personal tax penalty affects the firm`s earnings response coefficient, the magnitude of the effect is mitigated as the level of institutional and corporate ownership increases. In a forward regression specification, I find empirical evidence that the earnings response coefficient linking earnings to returns decreases in financial leverage, and that the effect of leverage on the earnings response coefficient decreases in a firm`s marginal tax rate, consistent with prior research. The results are consistent with the notion that the tax benefit of leverage increases in the marginal tax rate of the firm, which mitigates the effect of leverage on the earnings-return relation. In addition, I find empirical evidence that the personal tax disadvantage of debt increases the effect of leverage on the earnings-return relation. This is consistent with the interpretation that the personal tax disadvantage associated with debt increases the relative cost of debt compared to equity. Finally, I find evidence that institutional and corporate ownership which mitigates the personal tax disadvantage decreases the effect of leverage on the earnings-return relation as expected. These findings provide evidence on the leverage, taxes, and institutional ownership-related determinants of earnings response coefficients. Overall, these results are consistent with the notion that the tax penalty on dividends, relative to capital gains, reduces the earnings-return relation. Thus, the results suggest that shareholder income taxes influence equity value, and firm specific tax characteristics such as dividend policy and ownership structure affect how shareholder income taxes influence equity valuation. This study contributes to the literature by providing evidence of an additional factor, a firm`s owner structure, that may influence the earnings-return relation. It also contributes to the growing body of accounting literature that investigates whether and how taxes influence equity price.
박훈 ( Hun Park ) 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2008 조세와 법 Vol.1 No.1
이 글에서는 계약해제에 관한 대법원 판례중 현행 세법의 해석시 민법과 세법의 동일적 운영에 문제가 될 수 있는 판례를 찾고자 하였다. 1953년 대법원판례집 제1권에서부터 간행된 이후 2008년 5원 현재까지 관시사항 중 “계약”과 “해제”를 동시에 포함하고 조세와 관련된 39건의 판례를 검토대상으로 하였다. 그리고 위 39건의 대법원 판례는 재산취득단계의 취득세(등록세 포함), 증여세, 법인세, 재산처분단계의 양도소득세, 종합소득세, 법인세, 부가가치세 등으로 나누어 보았다. 세법에서 계약이 해제되어 민법상 소급하여 계약의 효력이 상실된 경우 과세를 하지 않는 경우와 과세를 하는 경우를 명확히 할 때가 있다. 증여세의 경우 이를 명확하지 않았던 구상속세법에서 다툼이 있었지만 현행 상속세 및 증여세법에서는 언제 증여계약을 해제하는지에 따라 최초 증여마저 증여세 과세가 되지 않는 경우와 극단적으로 최초 증여와 증여계약 해제에 따른 원상회복자체 모두 증여세 과세가 되는 경우를 분명히 밝히고 있다. 한편 법인세법상 부당행위계산부인규정은 민법상 계약해제의 효력과는 독자적으로 과세여부를 판단한다. 그 규정 자체가 민법과 세법의 괴리를 전제로 하고 있다. 그런데 세법 자체에서 법령으로 명백히 민법과의 차이를 규정한 경우가 아니라면 해석론으로는 그 세법과 민법의 간격을 좁히는 쪽으로 해석하는 것이 납세의무자가 경제활동에 대해 동일적인 법규범을 따르도록 도와줄 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 보았을 때 2000년 이후 8개의 판결중 아래의 2개의 판결은 재검토가 필요하다. 지방세법 시행령 제73조 제1항 제2호 단서의 규정 취지 및 적용 범위에 대한 대법원 2006.2.9. 선고 2005두4212 판결은 소유권이전이 없는데 취득세 과세가 되는 쪽으로 해석하였다는 점에서 재검토가 필요하다. 비업무용 부동산의 매매계약 해제의 경우 그 부동산의 취득과 관련된 지급이자는 손금불산입된다는 대법원 2002. 5. 10. 선고 2000두4989 판결도 소유권이전이 없는데 과세상 불이익이 남는 쪽으로 해석하였다는 점에서 재검토가 필요하다. 매매계약이 무효된 경우 지급이자 손금산입을 인정하는 대법원2001.1.16. 선고 99두8107 판결과도 비교된다. In this essay, the precedent cases that can become a problem in the united operation of civil law and tax law while interpreting current tax laws among the precedent cases of the supreme court related to cancellation of contract. 39 cases related to taxation including “contract” and “cancellation” at the same time among decisions until May, 2008 since being published from volume 1 of 1953 supreme court law reports have been set as subjects of investigation. And 39 supreme court cases have been classified into taxes of property acquisition stage-acquisition tax (including registration tax), gift tax, and corporate tax- and taxes of property disposal stage-capital gain tax, aggregate income tax, corporate tax and value added tax. In case the validity of contract is lost as contract is canceled in the tax law and becomes retroactive according to the civil law, there is a time when the case of imposing tax and the case of not imposing tax are clarified. In case of the gift tax, where there had been a dispute in the old Inheritance Tax Law where this had not been clear, the case of gift tax not being imposed for even the very first donation depending on v/hen the donation contract is canceled as well as the case of imposing gift tax for both the case of restoration to original state followed by very first donation and cancellation of donation contract out of extremity according to current Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Law. On the other hand, the regulation for the repudiation wrongful calculation and unreasonable action determines whether or not to imposed taxes independently from the effect of canceling the contract according to the civil law. The regulation itself sets the premise as detachment between civil law and lax law. But in case of not clearly specifying the difference with the civil law by ordinance in the tax law itself, interpreting toward the way of narrowing the gap between such tax law and Civil Law would be able to help lax payers to follow the unified legal standard on the economic activity. Seen from these perspectives, two decisions below out of eight decisions since 2000 needs reexamination. The supreme court 2006.2.9. Sentence 2005 Du 4212 decision on Local Tax Law Enforcement Decree section 73 article 1 number 2 purpose of stipulation and scope of application needs reexamination from the fact that it was interpreted as imposing acquisition tax while there has not been a transfer of ownership. In case of canceling sales contract of non-business real estate, the supreme court 2002.5.10. Sentence 2000 Du 4989 decision also needs reexamination from the fact that it was interpreted as the v/ay of leaving disadvantage while there has not been a transfer of ownership. This is also in contrast to the supreme court 2001.1.16. Sentence 99 Du 8107 decision approving calculation of paid interest loss in case the sales contract has become ineffective.